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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Blue Demon
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Blue Demon

Member Seen 1 yr ago

you can clean out my wallet at this diner
That was pretty much what I was going to do. I nearly mentioned it in my last post, but I didn't. XD

At this point, I think we might want to do a collab because I saw Partisan say that he'll be pressing forwards here soon.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 4 mos ago

@Blue DemonGotcha, though I won't be able to commit to it till after I come back from school(wrote that in class because of impending end of arc) though we could still do it after that as a sort of flashback thing, or just a 'before the time-skip, this happened' type deal.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 4 mos ago

@Akai no SenshiOh god, they're multiplying!!!!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Blue Demon
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Blue Demon

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Blue DemonGotcha, though I won't be able to commit to it till after I come back from school(wrote that in class because of impending end of arc) though we could still do it after that as a sort of flashback thing, or just a 'before the time-skip, this happened' type deal.

Either would be fine by me.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 4 mos ago

@Blue DemonCool, just send your response in a PM, and I'll respond as soon as I'm able.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Partisan
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Partisan Vuurvos / Dion

Banned Seen 10 mos ago

Good boy.

Review in red.

Look at the comments, decide for yourself what to change (if anything) and answer the few questions I had in the jutsu section and I'll accept him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GrafRoy Zeppeli
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GrafRoy Zeppeli Certified Weeaboo Piece Of Shit

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Done with my post. Tell me if I screwed up somewhere or whatever.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lost in my Mind
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Lost in my Mind Lord of the N.O.N

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

So I either need to post now, soon or not until late tonight.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Akai no Senshi
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@Partisan I made all the edits I could.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Partisan
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Partisan Vuurvos / Dion

Banned Seen 10 mos ago

@Akai no Senshi one second.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Partisan
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Partisan Vuurvos / Dion

Banned Seen 10 mos ago

@Akai no Senshi you were actually complimented in the skype group chat on your writing so congratulations.

You don't suck. We'll see how you hold up.

I accept him. The history is good but I just like to scrutinize and make fun of everything.

I want to note that..

given the history of the Uchiha clan (destroying the world, blabla) they're kinda disliked by many people. That means that the general populace of any given city won't like them as much. See them as Naruto's immigrants (nobody really hates them to the point of murdering them (not more people than before) but generally they're disliked). Just wanted to note that.

Also you're welcome to join the Skype group. If you have it, you can add me under the name ''Vurige_Vos''.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Partisan
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Partisan Vuurvos / Dion

Banned Seen 10 mos ago

Congratulations on reaching arc 2. You've outlived my previous iteration of this RP.

Not entirely true as there were 2 threads for that RP and one of them was pretty large. But we've outlived the revival of that RP, so hey, good job people.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Savato
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Savato Super Peace

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Akai no Senshi I was going to do a green review.

But then I realized that'd make too many people happy.

So I'll jut say this:

You don't have any genjutsu listed, so even sharingan genjutsu is null. If you do want it for some reason, I suggest defining it as the wiki description makes it stupidly overpowered and PVP a general bore (meaning he'll die sooner).

Otherwise character is great. Got my approval.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Taka
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Taka The Last Son of Vegeta

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Savato
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Savato Super Peace

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Kal-El Go post in the bin.

@Dawnscroll Is that character coming?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lost in my Mind
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Lost in my Mind Lord of the N.O.N

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I'll post tomorrow after my class.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Partisan
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Partisan Vuurvos / Dion

Banned Seen 10 mos ago

@nero you are required my friend

@j8cob as are you
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Dawnscroll
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Well, I finally got my charrie up!

Edit: WELL, I broke it. Give me a second to figure out what just happened....
Edit: Right, the hider isn't working for me. Does anyone have any idea where I went wrong?

[hider=Haiyū Chikamatsu]

“One last performance before the curtain falls, eh?”

He wears a usually wears a a black fitted body suit that stretches from his neck down to his thighs. Over this he typically wears a tan overcoat with a black in-seam and a pocket on each side, a dark blue pants, and training bandages on his lower legs. Koinu is normally stored away in the overcoat for quick retrieval.

As a Red Sage, Haiyū dons a black kuroko uniform and a Noh mask, wholly playing into his role as the "director" of his many assignments. The outfit hides his face and body, keeping his cover secure against Hamajō Confederation agents. Hebi can be found on his arm, in the form of a tight wooden guard.

Personnel files.
Access only by security personnel with a C3 clearance.

Full Name
Haiyū Chikamatsu


Undecided - Double Agent for the Red Sages







Psych. report.
Medical secrecy applies.

Haiyū is quiet and insightful, if a bit hard around the edges when dealing with others. He lives at a distance, observing individuals and ideas without getting directly involved so that he could fully understand them. Although this approach prevented him from becoming close with many people, it enabled him to think and act without prejudice or preconceptions, instead evaluating things strictly on their own merits. It is obvious that Haiyū possesses a very sharp and attentive mind in regards to engineering and machinery, especially those pertaining to puppetry.

He cares deeply for the children in his clan, especially his younger brother, and is willing to do whatever is necessary to protect him. And, despite his rather gruff attitude, many of Haiyū's actions reveal that he is very close to his younger sister and cousins. All in all, the puppeteer remains fiercely loyal to his clan and has great pride in it.

Despite his personality quirks, Haiyū has a strong commitment to his mission, putting his own well-being well below the end goal, often choosing to face threats alone in order to buy time for his allies to escape or for backup to arrive, especially displaying a dry sense of humour in the most stressful situations


All childhoods are happy. In one way or another, every man and woman look back on their childhoods in fondness. In childhood, the audience is taking their seats. The audience does not matter. Only what happens when the curtain rises matters.

When a play is performed by two different houses, does it matter who the actors are so long as the story is the same? When his parents died on a mission for the Confederation, Haiyū Chikamatsu did not think so. He was simply apart of the same cycle that had repeated itself for the past twenty-generations. With his cousins, Hakurankai and Myūjikaru, the Chunin had suddenly become the breadwinner for his family. A family that consister of two siblings who were to young to fully know what had happened. A gaggle of younger cousins who saw him as father.
With money tight after the death of Hakurankai and Myūjikaru on what was suppose to be a routine mission, Haiyū found himself desperate, opting for more dangerous missions to make ends meet. After years of missions, barely scraping by in his duties as a shinobi, a 'father', and a 'toymaker', Haiyū was given his current mission: an routine infiltration amongst the members of the Red Sages. Unlike many of his predecessors, the puppet user suceeded in gaining the trust of the terrorist group, and partook in many of their missions, serving as an assassin and infiltrator, paying him well. But the skills of a Chunin would only protect him for so long, and eventually his cover was blown. But the Red Sages would continue to have use for the head of the Chikamatsu, with but a single ultimatum:
Spy on the Hamajō Confederation from the inside.

Family ties
The life of a shinobi is a short one, fraught with peril and danger. Many shinobi who survive their missions to their mid-twenties are already considered middle-aged, and those who make it to their thirties might as well be octogenarians. Those who are smart enough to realize they are no longer as fast or skilled retire and take to the civillian life, removing themselves from danger. Those who do not, are unable to, leave behind orphans.

This has become the norm for the once great Chikamatsu Clan. Once founders of puppetry, the last several shinobi wars have brought only harsh times to its members. Many of its members killed, it took upon the duty to raise those left behind. With the life of the shinobi the highest paying, and only viable, path for feeding so many mouths, the Chikamatsu began taking any and all sorts of work to keep their clan afloat. This did not prevent them from living. Soon they began having families younger as well, only to die in combat as they took harder missions for more income. Their children would be raised by siblings, older cousins or surviving aunts or uncles, until they too were killed and the burden placed on their descendants.. .

While some members can break the cycle and escape, most are not so willing to leave behind the family they grew up around. The life of the Chikamatsu is one of Youth: they live young, they love young, and they die young. Haiyū is simply the newest head of the 'clan', if a gaggle of children and teenagers can even be considered as such. With the deaths of his older cousins who helped support the Clan, it finally seems the puppeteer has bitten off more than he can chew.

Higeki Chikamatsu| Brother | 12, Sunakagure, Academy Student and uses his own, much more tame toy puppet, Suzume. Orphaned at the age of six.

Komedi Chikamatsu| Sister | 8, Sunakagure, Academy Student. Youngest of Haiyū's siblings, and orphaned when she was two, being nearly raised by Haiyū. Has yet to build her puppet, but is being taught by Haiyū when he can.

Gekiteki Chikamatsu| Cousin| 14, Sunakagure, Genin. Parents killed on mission when younger, helped raised by the Main Branch. Brother to Sasupensu. Puppet user. He and his brother take low ranking missions and are considered to be [/

Sasupensu Chikamatsu| Cousin | 14, Sunakagure, Genin. Parents killed on mission when younger, helped raised by the Main Branch. Brother to Gekiteki. Puppet user.

Hito Chikamatsu| Cousin Once Removed | 3, Sunakagure, Child. Parents killed while on mission for the Hamajō Confederation, youngest of the Main Branch's charges. As the baby of the family, Haiyū dotes upon her the most.

Hakurankai Chikamatsu| Cousin |DECEASED at 27, Sunakagure, Chunin killed in action during a mission for the Hamajō Confederation. Father to Hito.

Myūjikaru Chikamatsu| Cousin |DECEASED at 25 DECEASED, Sunakagure, Chunin killed in action during a mission for the Hamajō Confederation. Mother to Hito.

Gyaku Chikamatsu| Cousin | 9, Sunakagure, Academy Student

Kurikaesu Chikamatsu| Cousin| 5, Sunakagure, Child

Maebure Chikamatsu| Father| DECEASED at 34, Sunakagure, Jonin. KIA during mission.

Mada Chikamatsu| Mother| DECEASED at 31, Sunakagure, Jonin. KIA during mission.

Taishō Dokusha| Fiance | 20, Sunakagure, Waitress, currently engaged and pregnant with Haiyū's child. The two were childhood friends that blossomed into something more as he progressed through his shinobi career. Though the wedding might be a shotgun, Haiyū meant every word when he asked for her hand.

Dreams and fears
Haiyū wishes more than anything to retire peacefully from shinobi life to that of a civillian, to raise his child when Joyū gives birth, and to simply continue to make his toys. He is not a fool, however, and knows full well what his endfate will be: on the wrong end of a shinobi's kunai. As much as he tries to keep his shinobi life and the life of a Red Sage seperate, he knows full well the time is coming where he will be found out. He can walk away at any time, and everyone of the mouths who relied on him to feed would starve.

Combat reports.
Gathered from evaluation reports after missions.

Fighting style
Haiyū tends to use subterfuge, misdirection, and stealth to take down his opponents, specializing in the traditional shinobi practice of "silent but deadly". Using his puppet Mamushi to augment his own taijutsu, to silently deliver a fatal bite of poison, or to act in the background as Haundo takes the offense, Haiyū is often found at the back of combat, pulling the strings to control the story.

Ninja techniques

A rank techniques:

B rank techniques:
Mind Body Disturbance Technique
Dustless Bewildering Cover
Mechanical Light Shield Block

C rank techniques:
Puppet Technique
Manipulating Attack Blades
Prepared Needle Shot
Demonic Illusion: False Surroundings Technique

Weaponry, tools and objects.
Weapon, tool or object name:
Hebi - Mamushi.
Weapon, tool or object type:
Ninja Puppet.

Haiyū's primary puppet, Hebi resembles a small wooden snake of interlocking wooden pieces, and is controlled by Haiyū's. Initially unassuming, it resembles more of a toy than an actual ninja weapon, though it is outfitted with a few basic senbon functions. The Chikamatsu seal engraved on it's head tells a different story: the Hebi puppet is merely a container for Haiyū's true weapon, Mamushi. Resembling a metallic cobra, its body is made of overlapping iron plates, and its eyes are pinpoints of red light. Like all puppets it can be independently controlled, but it is normally found wrapped around Haiyū's arm during combat, as an elbow-length scaled metal construct whose cobra hood flares at the wrist.

Within the puppet are numerous tools such as retractable grapple lines, wires, senbon, a wrist blade, and seals for a fire release jutsu. Within the fangs of the puppet is a single dose of fatal poison that can be injected into the target's bloodstream if it is close enough to bite, though must be manually reloaded each time by Haiyū. The hood can function similarly to brass knuckles, giving Haiyū's taijutsu an extra 'oomf', and though its restricted to only part of his arm, it's iron body does wonders for shielding any damage that Haiyū can catch with it. All of this makes the Mamushi a multi-purpose utility puppet, and Haiyū's tool of choice for stealth and assasination missions for the Red Sages.

Due to its unique nature, Haiyū's Mamushi puppet is somewhat mediocre at the traditional roles of puppetry, often requiring its user to get close and personal with his intended combatant. While it can be controlled as a seperate entity, on its own the puppet is neither impressive nor powerful.

Weapon, tool or object name:
Koinu - Inu.
Weapon, tool or object type:
Ninja Puppet.

Haiyū's secondary puppet, Koinu resembles a small wooden dog that barely comes up to the shinobi's shin. This is the puppet that Haiyū uses during his more 'civillian' cover during his day to day operations for the Hamajō Confederation. Initially unassuming, it resembles more of a toy than an actual ninja weapon, though it is outfitted with a few basic senbon functions. The Chikamatsu seal engraved on it's head tells a different story: the Koinu puppet is merely a container for Haiyū's true weapon, Inu. Resembling a black mechanical hunting dog that reaches up to its masters chest, gleaming teeth fill its metal mouth.

Within the puppet are many of the numerous weapons, traps, and extraneous objects: Smoke bombs launchers in the shoulders in order to blind its opponents, hidden kunai launchers, hidden long blade in its mouth, large blades on the joints of his arms, legs and head, a maw filled with razor sharp steel fangs, and any of its body parts are detachable for separate attacks.

Acting as a traditional puppet, all of the regular benefits and drawback of ninja-puppetry apply.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Savato
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Savato Super Peace

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Dawnscroll You messed up a code in the CS.

Now started your quest in finding the error(s)!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Shit post is shit, but it gets the job done.

@Savato Are you appeased, my Dark Lord?
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