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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Xhala
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Xhala Soulforged

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Eyja looked to the woman who hadn't touched her chips and half eaten her fish. She smiled at the question and followed remark. It didn't make a lot of sense, but in a way she understood. This was a bar and alcoholic drinks were more expensive than plain old water. Therefore it could be sold at a higher price and no doubtedly that was the main income of the place. “I don't really know why he refused. But I guess it's because you're supposed to buy something else.”

A friendly smile on her lips she fondeled with a strand of her hair that fell all the way down to her hips and swayed with each of her movements. “I'm Eyja. What's your name?” The man she was waiting for was still in his conversation and while she killed the time until she could approach him she might as well get to know new people. Before the woman could answer however a voice sounded behind the witch and she turned. There was no one there. Her eyes searched the space in front of her. She should have seen who spoke to her. From the high barchairs she had a good view throughout the room. Unless someone was so small that they didn't register.

That was when she looked down. There was a gilr standing there, a pipe in her hand. Eyja recoiled at the sight. Seeing a little girl smoking a pipe was truly a disturbing sight. “Life has been good, I guess . . . ehm . . .” Who was this girl? Why was she smoking. Eyja did take a moment to think about that. She was in a place full of magical beings, she knew this, but she couldn't have said who was human and who wasn't. As no one else seemed disturbed by the girl she'd just have to presume that this wasn't actually a little girl but some creature in disguise. Therefore it would be inappropriate to scold her for smoking. The witch exhaled and then smiled. “How's life for you? Care to join us in our conversation about speculations as to why the bartender won't serve me a glass of water?” She motioned to the woman sitting beside her as she had been the one to ask her in the first place. “My name is Eyja and it is a true pleasure to meet the two of you!” Her eyes shone with joy as she first looked at the girl, then at the woman. She always got this enthusiastic when she thought things were going well. She just hoped she wouldn't blow it like she usually did and wound up alone again. She was terrible at making friends . . .
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AdamantiumWolf
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AdamantiumWolf The Starwolf

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Maru sipped at her wine enjoyed the sweet taste, her emerald eyes scanned the dimly lit room, something had her hair on end an she couldn't quite put a finger on it. Her movements to a normal person never seemed to really match what she was actually doing, if she reached up and took a ring off one of her antlers then a normal human would see her scratch her face, she flicked her long ears and once more scanned the ground for shiny discarded valuables. She felt this prick along her spine which normally meant trouble, she took her glass and moved to a corner table and sat with her back to the wall. The large deer girl stretched and then relaxed into the chair, she had to position herself almost sideways cause her antlers hit the wall.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Classpet
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Classpet A bird wearing pants

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The bartender hadn't heard him ask for water and at any rate what happened next enforced his choice to not press for it. A women, asked for some water as well and had been quite rudely turned down. At this point Greg really didn't know why he was at the bar in the first place, this was an order run place or something like that, and not that he disliked the order but he wasn't partial to their shenanigans. None the less he wa here already, maybe he could meet a freind or something.

In the opposite corner of the bar sat a faun, she looked like a reasonable person, and she was decked out with rings and other jewelry so she likely knew at least one human. You couldn't get anything in this world anymore without a human being part of the mess. Humans were great.

Greg picked himself up and made over to the lone fauns table. "Hey there, couldn't help but notice you," He said Omitting any reason for his sudden appearance and neglecting to continue, seemingly thinking the short statement enough justification on it's own.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 2b3heart

2b3heart Keyblade Master

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Saryx smiled slightly and looked over to the smoking girl, then back to Eyja. She wondered if she should get to know her better. She seemed pretty nice and approachable. Saryx decided to take that chance.
"I'm Saryx. I'm... not from around here. New to the city."
She pulled down her hood from her head and took another sip from her drink.
"Um... Do you know if there is anyone hiring around here? I kind of need work..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ANMOS

ANMOS Another Nobody Mixed in the Old Sediment

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

After a moment more of sitting and browsing, Eighty was feeling like another drink was in order. He messaged someone else on his phone before he stood up.

May be getting drunk tonight. Message you again if I don't hold up well enough.

He approached the counter once again as a couple women - and one child, evidently - were gabbing. He knocked for the bartender again, who approached him, asking "What now?"

"'Nother round, please." Eighty replied.

"I thought you said one?"

"'Or two', mate? Christ, use your 'ead."

The bartender leaned forward towards Eighty, looking rather serious now. "Okay." He said, "You don't get to come in here all these times and talk to me like that, expecting I'll just let it slide and keep serving you anything. Because frankly? I don't enjoy wasting my stock on normies."

There was a bit of a pause before Eighty quietly replied, "I'm not your average normie mate. We've established that. My money's as good as the rest o' these peoples'. Now I'm still behavin', so please, one more of my usual."

The two glared at each other for another moment before the reluctant exchange was made. Eighty turned with his second lager in hand, heading back to his claimed booth, passing by a table with one man and one woman talking to each other.

Wondered what all these people were, in their true forms.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AdamantiumWolf
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AdamantiumWolf The Starwolf

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Maru's eyes leapt up to look at the man who'd approached her, she gave him a once over with her ears ram rod straight on her head, deciding that he looked normal enough she gestured for him to sit in the chair across from her, partly so she could clearly see the rest of the bar again and she occasionally enjoyed a conversation. "Hello, name's Maru, what's yours?" her emerald eyes locked with his briefly before glancing at the bar where she thought the bartender and a man were going to fight, the altercation concluded and Maru stared at the man as he walked past them with his pitcher.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Classpet
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Classpet A bird wearing pants

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Greg took the seat she offered before proceeding with his answer. "uh, Gregory." He answered, "so uhhhm what brings you to a shabby place like this. I'm mean other than the obvious," He chattered on. He was eager to hear any stories she might have about humans but had no clue how to get there. Sadly he was terrible at having conversations, something that seemed more like a flaw of his human half than anything else. For now just talking to another non-human was okay.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Nytefall
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Nytefall The Old One

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Though he hid it well, Joshua was surprised by the skeleton's remark. Had he been that predictable? More importantly how did this skeleton know about his plan and the Distorted Skull. Narrowing his eyes at the skeleton he moved closer to him.

"You are a remarkable ma- thing Sans. As much as it pains me to say it I need the help of other mages as I have other things to attend to. How would you like to collect that skull from the Vampire's so called king for me? I will pay you quite handsomely. In fact, why the hell am I keeping this quite?!"

Standing up he turned to the bar his voice filling the room. The disguise he had placed on himself to hide his magic from the inhabits lifted people would know it was him and if they did not know him by name they could tell by the way his magical aura saturated the air that he meant business.

"Listen here and listen closely I have a job that requires a certain degree of finesse and strength. It pays well and it offers not only riches but power as well." Joshua paused for dramatic effect then continued. "You may not know who I am as the Order has done a damn good job of hiding my crimes and more importantly my escape. My name is Joshua. I am one of only a few sorcerers that wander this earth. I can manipulate almost every aspect of world that we live in. Now back to the job I offer. I want you to collect for me the Eldritch artifact called the Distorted Skull. It's currently in the possession of Vlad the Vampire king of the uh. Vampires. I want it and I will pay in knowledge and money for it's retrieval."

Joshua began to make his way towards the door, it would not be long before the Order caught on that he was here. The bar staff were already calling in his appearance. "I will leave it at that however if anyone want to know more simply raise your hand and I shall mark you with a sigil that will tell you where I am currently staying. I bid you farewell." Joshua had his hand on the door and was about to leave...
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by ANMOS

ANMOS Another Nobody Mixed in the Old Sediment

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Sorcerer. Claims to have quite the amount of power. Stands up and announces to the whole damn pub that he wants them to fetch him some skull from a vampire. Named Vlad, of course. So he can enact some ridiculous evil scheme.

He just flat out says he's a criminal, in a place belonging to his sole opposition.

"Absolute fuckin' idiot." Eighty said under his breath, taking another sip of his lager. What the hell kind of villain operates like this? A bad one. An inexperienced one. And the most prominent thought on Eighty's mind - the hell kind of name for an evil sorcerer is Joshua?

He gave it little more thought, going back to internet browsing on his phone.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rush99999
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rush99999 Professional Oddball

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

"Welp. I tried it your way, Papyrus" Sans said as he got off his chair "But it looks like talking won't cut it here". With that said touched 2 the sigils on his thumb and pinkie together, causing a blue aura to form around Joshua. Sans then raised his hand upwards pinning the sorcerer to the ceiling. "I can't let you do this, Josh" Sans said "I can't let you go knowing what will happen if you succeed". Sans then addressed the bar patrons. "Some of you might know me 'round here" Sans said "I'm Sans. Sans the Skeleton. I enjoy telling bad puns and drinking ketchup. Anyone here who know's me knows I'm good news. Josh on the other hand is far from it. What ever he offers you, don't listen to him. He's gonna get a lot of people killed and a lot more on The Order's hit list". By now, Sans knew The Order was mobilizing, all the skeleton sigilist had to do was stall for time.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Mara scooched over in her seat to better see the woman who invited her to talk about the bartenders lack of speed. "Well, the simple explaination is because he is busy." she said. She then took another great inhale of her pipe and held it in, listening to her talk. "Well, it's a pleasure to meet you, miss Eyja. "My name is Mara. You may know my shop, the one in Baker Street, the Voodoo Jade Palace. I partake in the oldest profession, exploiting the stupid. Just this morning, I was being berated by some moron that thought a Love-charm would work." she giggled, smoke escaping her mouth and nose as she did "Imagine a love-charm that actually worked." she wiped a tear away. "Every moron that read Harry Potter just laps up any old crap that I cover in glitter." She took another big inhale of the pipe.

It was at this time that the man claimed that he was with The Order, then asked for their help. she slowly let the smoke leak from her nose "Well, I need to go." she said, jumping down from her chair and walking to the door where he was. "Alright, longshanks." she began. It was then that he was lifted up to the ceiling. "Let's hear Longshanks out." she said taking another deep puff from the pipe.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 2b3heart

2b3heart Keyblade Master

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Saryx looked up at the so called sorcerer. His words made her think. She could use the money, and power wasn't bad either. But she had never dealt with vampires and he said The Order was after him. Saryx was raised not to trust The Order after what they did to the dragons. Maybe helping this Joshua wasn't such a bad idea. Saryx stood from her seat, pointing at the skeleton.
"Let him down and let him talk."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rush99999
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rush99999 Professional Oddball

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

"Are you 2 nuts?!" Sans said to the 2 girls taking Joshua's side "You're taking the side of someone planning to commit GENOCIDE for crying out loud!". Sans looked at Mara. "For someone with over 400 years of wisdom under her belt, you're a really bad judge of character, Mara" Sans said "And you...". Sans looked at Saryx. "I know you aren't a big fan of The Order, but let me tell you that this guy is no fan of your kind, Saryx".
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 2b3heart

2b3heart Keyblade Master

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Saryx scowled at the skeleton, crossing her arms. She seethed for a bit, leaning back against the bar with her head down. "Dur hi, hi hinzaal olqein..." She mumbled under her breath. Looking back up at him, she pointed her finger at him. "You don't know anything about us. Don't talk about people or say things you know nothing about."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lord Zee
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Lord Zee I lost the game

Member Seen 20 hrs ago

Arkan made his way through the lit streets at a slow pace. Those that were out looked at him with extreme suspicion but mostly horror. It wasn't every night that a shambling knight wearing armor that looked like something from a movie, came walking down the street ignoring everything. It was true, those few who were out driving honked their horns at him as he slowly passed them in the street, even coming close to get hit. None of these things did he pay attention too, much to the annoyance of the drivers.

This continued until a lone police car rounded a corner and saw him meandering on the street. He was close to his destination, perhaps a little further and he would arrive at a place where magic had seemed to gather in one location. It was insatiable, they closer he got the more he became frenzied. His slow pace turned into a brisk walk and then the police saw him.

Then The lights flashed and they pulled over, Arkan still did not pay attention. Normal humans seemed to not have any magic, or it was hidden way to the point where he could not see it. So to him, they were not only useless, but also not a threat until they were foolish enough to provoke him.

"You there, Halt!" shouted a lanky policeman with a bushy mustache. He had exited the car and was approaching Arkan but still he walked on, oblivious. Another officer, a women with long blonde hair stood at the passenger door calling it in.

The police officer approaching him commanded him to halt once more and put his hands up and Arkan did not. Then the policeman placed a hand on his shoulder and his face turned white, as Arkan turned toward him, revealing a blackened shadow under his helmet. In a flash Agony was in his hand and he brought it up, cutting the officer's arm in half.

The police officer screamed, falling onto the ground and clutching his now bleeding wound. Pain contorted his face as his screams pierced the night. After seeing this the policewomen brought out her gun and shot him, unloading the clip. The bullets did little damage but cause him to turn his attention towards her.

In a swift few steps he was at the car, grabbed her throat and broke the neck. Her corpse fell to the ground, eyes wide open. The other officer had gone unconscious, not from the pain but from blood loss. Another unfortunate side effect, once inflicted by the blade, the victim could not pass out by the pain.

Arkan made his way to the street and continued on, the bar was extremely close and he would be there soon.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AdamantiumWolf
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AdamantiumWolf The Starwolf

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Maru peered passed Gregory at the commotion, her ears tipping forward with interest "what's this all about?" she pushed to her feet with a curious glance at Greg, moving forward she shed her own disguise, letting the magical illusion fall allowing everyone to see her at her full height and appearance, she moved closer to the sorcerer before speaking "retrieve a skull for power and money? What about jewels?" Maru's eyes sparkled hungrily as she jingled the valuables on her antlers. She wouldn't mind finding a skull if it meant getting a lot of shiny things in return.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by rush99999
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rush99999 Professional Oddball

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

"Zu'u mindok kung zos do hin eylok wey hi lorot Zu'u dreh" Sans said in response to Saryx's words. He looked like he was about to say more, but then Maru chimed in. "You'd aid in the slaughter of millions of innocent people for a pile of jewels, fawn?" Sans asked the deer with a pupil free stare "Because that's what considering right now".
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Xhala
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Xhala Soulforged

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Eyja smiled at Saryxes words. „I can show you around town if you like. And I‘m sure there are a few people here who offer work.“ Then Mara spoke and the witch listened with interest. Yes, she had heard of the shop. A few of her customers frequented it as well. However her attention got drawn to a strange looking fellow drinking from a ketchup bottle. Then, all of a sudden a lot of things happened:

Though she was sitting there, witnessing the scene of a man jumping up and proclaiming a task for all to manage at their leasure, promissing something money and knowledge. This all felt surreal to Eyja and she found herself dumfundedly gaping at the man attempting to leave the bar. The next moment a . . . skeleton? . . . appeared and magic seemed to be cast. Her head started to spin. She wasn‘t used to this kind of stress and though she was capable of using her magic to defend herself she‘d rather not have to. Out of the corner of her eye she noticed Saryx tensen and Mara was suddenly gone all togetehr! No, wait, she was at the door. What was happening? Why was everyone so agiteted?

With a shaking hand she reached out for Saryx. „I‘m sorry . . . I‘m not feeling too well. Please, are we in some sort of danger?“ Her eyes were unfocused as she looked at her new found aquaintance. Eyja had never been in danger before and she now realized that her body was dealing with the stress by making her dizzy and unfocused. Was this what they called the paralysis of fear? Perhaps . . .
She clutched her amulet and forced herself to follow the scene unroling before her. She had nothing to do with this an yet she couldn‘t just leave - not only because tehy were blocking the door. If she just left . . . what ahrm might come to her in reataliation for abandoning others? No! That was not a path she was choosing to take.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ANMOS

ANMOS Another Nobody Mixed in the Old Sediment

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

These people were ridiculous. They were already breaking out their powers, and some of them were actually declaring interest in joining up with this out-of-the-blue evil sorcerer. Was everyone drunk and Eighty didn't realize it? Or were they just-

His phone buzzed. He looked down at the notifications. Something labeled as urgent popped up.


God damn it.

Eighty quickly stood up from his booth and made for the door, forgetting the rest of his lager. He passed by the sorcerer, and all the folks around him, leaving the Abandoned Bar like it was about to explode - which it may very well, considering.

As he exited onto the street, he turned his head. There was a tall figure, clad in old, prickly-looking armor @Lord Zee, lumbering towards the building. And absolute panic going on behind him, sirens sounding in the distance.

Eighty immediately turned in the other direction and bolted, heading for where he'd parked his van.

Seemed like tonight was well and ruined.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 2b3heart

2b3heart Keyblade Master

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Saryx looked over at Eyja and shook her head. "N-No.. No... We're fine." Saryx sat back down on her bar stool. She gripped her drink with both hands and stared into it, turning her back to the situation for now. The skeleton's words haunted her. Someone knows what she was now, which means she should probably move again. Saryx sighed and took a drink from her cup.
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