Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by ForKhorne


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Mylori didn't try and conceal his smile as the Warlock stormed out of the tent, out into the whirling snows as the Necromancer's usual mask of no emotion slipped for a precious moment. Narrik Deadheart hurried after the Orc, no doubt already uttering curses towards his fellow Forgemaster, but Mylori did not care. He knew that he had won this day, and though Ronaz'Thunk no doubt resented the decision, he knew that it was the right one in his black heart.

The Orc Necromancers, along with their ever-present Lichguard, would stay back in reserve, only committing to the battle if it was turning heavily against them, but Mylori doubted they would be needed at all. He had seen first-hand the majesty of New Engelica, and scouts sent to the west reported the sheer power that the Magi of their ally possessed. It was that same power that had led Mylori to ban the Necromancer's involvement in the coming battle.

It was no secret that Divine and Necromancy were two schools of magic with a long history of bloody conflict, and the very fact that this alliance between the Broken and the New existed was through a wary tolerance of each other. If the two magics were used side-by-side then it would be a force that few could hope to resist, but for now the Dwarf worried that open use of the hated Necromancy in front of the Divine allies could spark a conflict that neither nation wanted. So for now, it would be the Dwarves and Machines that fought alongside the soldiers of New Engelica, not the undead and those that commanded them.

Mylori was aching for the thrill of battle again, and his scouts told him that New Engelica had already crossed the Limgar border, obviously intending to meet with the Broken Empire's own forces before pushing against the final resistance as one. The Forgelord stopped for a moment to worry if he would meet any of the characters that Tavirin had mentioned when he told of his journey to their neighbors, and then thought of Tavirin himself, far to west. Reports were broken and scarce so far, but those that had reached Mylori told of another great victory for the Broken Empire. It would seem that their alliances to both east and west were both proving extremely bountiful.

Focusing his thoughts on the coming conflict once again, Mylori picked up his beloved Great Axe from where it rested on the low table before him, and, after bracing himself for a moment, stepped out into the bitter cold. Seeing a young, at least in terms of Dwarves, Hammerbearer standing guard just outside the entrance, Mylori prepared for the battle to come.

"We march when the sun rises, tell the generals to meet with me in the vanguard."

Tavirin lent on his war-hammer for a second to catch his breath. His master-crafted armour, forged by his much younger self centuries ago but still amongst the finest armour, was splashed with crimson blood. He had lost count of how many of the tribesmen he had cut down where they stood. The Broken Empire's small force had had the desired effect, bursting across the border and slaughtering the garrison of the Iastuf Republic before they could form any kind of retaliation. With the support of the Bripiak army, the last pockets of resistance had been quickly cornered and broken, and now Tavirin was confident that the province was truly under the fold of the Broken Empire.

Already small groups had been arriving from every corner of Empire, eager to claim their new homeland and begin to rebuild what had been destroyed in the battle. Turning his eyes west once more, Tavirin sensed the tall, proud figure of Antonius at his shoulder.

"Your machines are a wonder to behold Tavirin"

The Forgelord smiled as he turned to the leader of the Bripiak armies. A true soldier, fighting his way through the ranks to the esteemed position of Grand General, Antonius and Tavirin had formed an almost instant bond when they met months ago.

"Your own soldiers are impressive Antonius"

Wiping off his bloody sword on his already crimson cloak, Antonius' face took on a serious expression as he cast his eyes towards the hills to the west.

"They will have to be if we are to succeed in your plan Forgelord"

Turning towards the west as well, where Tavirin knew the bloodthirsty tribes that called those slopes their home were no doubt waiting for the approaching army.

"We will succeed. We must, else we will be cut off from those in the east"




Lesser Earth Magic (Turn 3)
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

The Sawlian people were not done with the Union dogs, and with Pankra nearly destroying them, the Sawlians could deal the final blow. The islands would be safe from and unified with an Alliance. However, holding the Union would be a hard one so only elite units would be stationed there when it was captured but that is going to far ahead without action actually happening.

"Alright boys, let's get moving! We are gonna hit up a potential fleet then end the Union once and for all! Bombers, I want you in the center. Interceptors I want you at the sides while the fighters form a loose cluster around us. Do I make myself clear?," Squadron leader Blanco Blaskovich informed his men and a make due air strip set up in Kebriw Territory. "Yes sir!," all the crew shouted before being dismissed to their respective air craft. The planes made a quick take off, quickly moving to patrol the seas and attack any Union ship in sight.


"Men, I hope you had a good break because we will be needed on the front line again. It will be the same strategy as before except the Heavy Calvary will only be used to deter any charge attempt made on our riflemen. We will most likely get support from conscription units so watch you fire. Pankra may have soften them up but be prepared for a fight once we make land in two seasons," the general said before dismissing the men.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Province 6
The first wave of darkness had been repelled. Next time wouldn't be so easy. From what little reports they had these were the scouts. Stronger and stronger forces would be deployed against them. Countless swarms. It was how all others had been defeated. It wasn't a question of whether they could hold, rather for how long. Strategy could only do so much against overwhelming military force. Whispers spread through the soldiers about the upcoming battle. More reinforcements were being deployed, but some wondered if that would be enough.

Province 15
Daruis glared out balefully over the lands of Dagrenas. The infighting followed by empty territories. All a trick, to convince Andinon to let down their guard. Well it hadn't worked. The attempted sneak attack by the holy empire and its new ally had failed. New weapons had been developed to give them an edge in the upcoming battles. Only Dagrenas and the Great Shadow now opposed them. Andinon would hold for however long it needed. Even if they fell, Zarkol and Tushnia would stand a better chance, have more time to gather their forces, prepare for war. Tushienia had agreed to teach them the basics of necromancy in an exchange of knowledge and Andinon mages were grasping for that knowledge, seeking for new ways to combat the hordes of darkness. Tushienia's use of earth magic in fortifications had impressed them as well and efforts were made to replicate it.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackRose
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Kingdom Of Zakol

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Romero
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Romero Prince of Darkness

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Spring of the Year 2718

The new life creeping through Alria does not stop the endless bloodshed upon the continent. War rages between nations in both the East and the West, even as the Darkness continues to push further into the land. However the war-like nations seems to be slowly fading under the force of new alliances, so perhaps soon the nations may turn their attention towards the real threat to their very survival.

New Engelica, marching shoulder to shoulder with their Dwarven allies from the Broken Empire for the first time, not only deliver the killing blow for Limgar, but also experience first-hand the great potential of Dirigibles. Already the nation is rife with stories of Magi flying high in the sky. Now that the last threat is wiped out, the proud magical nation has time to recover.

Resting from their recent string of battles against the Holy Empire, Tushienia are finally given time to rest, retreating back to their own provinces and licking their wounds as they no doubt already plan their next move, primarily how to stave off the Darkness threatening them from the East.

Winning yet more battles as the snows begin to melt, the Broken Empire find themselves gaining new lands thanks to allies; with New Engelica helping them secure land in the north, and Bripiak aiding them against the Lagosami Tribes in the West. Surrounded by allies, the Broken Empire has many options open to it.

Another nation to march to war alongside their allies, the Kingdom of Zakol aid the Republic of Andinon against Dagrenas, pushing back the aggressive Illusion nation. Meanwhile, in the south, Zakol bears the full strength of the Lagosami Tribes. While forced to retreat from one province, they show great resilience, as well as good choice in allies, as they deal the Tribes a heavy defeat, the first that bloodthirsty nation has experienced.

Marching for revenge against Dagrenas, with their Zakol allies at their sides, the Republic of Andinon gains both a new province and a deep respect for the devastating power of the Arquebus. Now, pushed by the Darkness to the north, the Republic must choose where best to use her strength.

Continuing their string of impressive battles, Pankra once again smashes any resistance put against them by the Union of Blaris. But there are hushed whispers that the heavily under garrisoned islands left behind are weak, even as the Darkness slowly drifts closer across the water from the West.

The Confederacy of Sawl, awakening from its slumber with a start. Dirigibles and ships both pushing across the seas, only for the intended target to be seized from in front of them by their island neighbors, Pankra.

New Traits

Pistols: (Requires Light Cavalry and This is my Boomstick) By sacrificing the power of the Arquebus, engineers have managed to create a smaller version, able to be fired from horseback, creating a swift, skirmishing unit. (Can replace Light Cavalry with "Pistoliers")

Against the Dark: Your men have seen and heard of the horrors that come from the shadows and have seen that it dies just like any other enemy. No more will your troops fear the Darkness, they will embrace it. (All your troops have an advantage against the Darkness)

Enchantment: (Requires four other Traits in Elemental/Divine/Necromancy)The Magi of the lands have learnt to call upon the spirits of magic itself, commanding them softly and pouring their power into the weapons and armor of their nation. This power grants greater strength and toughness, allowing the soldiers to fight harder and for longer. (Increases the combat ability of all troops when Magi/War-Magi are present)

Conjure Familiars: (Requires a Greater Magic) Creatures of the elements; these magical beasts obey their master, the magicians that summoned them, without question and will gladly throw themselves at the enemy to protect their casters (Allows each unit of War-Magi present to conjure 1 Unit of Familiars)


Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Legion02


Member Seen 7 mos ago

Province 58
Some students
New Engelica had to thank the Broken Empire for the advancements into the sky. So far, only small constructs could be lifted up into the air with magical gliders. For larger objects, that could carry more ordinance, the glider would become too big. It was only when Linda received a letter from a friend fighting in the Second Mage War that she got an idea. She strapped a balloon over the greater constructs and heated the air inside with magical flames. And indeed, the dirigible lifted off. Quickly the system was refined. The glider on the bigger objects was reduced to mere fins, to steer the dirigible. The hot air could easily lift the required heavy payloads. Thus the idea of a bomber was born. An airborne object that could rain death upon the enemies below. As Linda showed with the prototype that massive amounts of fire could literally be cast down upon the enemy, the massive construction quickly gained the name: Dragon.

Dirigible construction didn’t stop there. Silvester still built his smaller, glider version. The problem here was that New Engelica had no idea how to propel projectiles. Instead they had to entirely depend on their magic. It was Silvester who came up with the idea. Shooting jets of fire at the speed of the glider would be very dangerous. Instead he placed special channeling crystals at the end tips of the glider. The crystals could be used to channel cold temperatures, control moisture and suspend ice. The end result was magnificent. The glider itself was pretty small and not incredibly fast. But left and right from it, ice shards were suspended at the tips of the glider. Making it appear as if its wings were far larger and made of ice. Quickly the construction got the name: The Ice Bird.

Plans were spread of New Engelica by bird, and across the country large scaffolds were being raised to start the construction of the Dragons and Ice Birds.

Province 58
A certain girl
Once long ago, there was a young mage who wanted to start over in seclusion with his son. In a country where magic itself was shunned and its users abused, he could find but few friends. One of them was a lady, who lived near the ruined castle where the young mage lived. She was a lonely farmer, who preferred the solitude of the nearby fields, forests and the grand lake over the busy city. The mage and the lady became fast friends. She supplied him with food from her farm, and in return he made sure that the rain would fall and the sun would shine when it had to.

The man swiftly became an example for other mages, and they flooded towards the ruined castle. With the aid of his peers he rebuilt the place. But he never abandoned his friend. It became an honorable duty to help out on the lady’s farm. And one wizard went more and more. The two fell in love, and had a child. A girl, who’s talent was strong even at her birth. The little girl grew up in the vicinity of the country’s greatest mages, and at the young age of 11 she was already playing with wind and leaves. The water of the lake made her go as fast as she desired. In the forests she could feel the lives of the trees within her heart and at night she danced with fire. That all changed when the First Mage War broke out. The old king, having the audacity, send out his riders to the vulnerable shack near the lake. They seized the girl from the yard and ran off with her. In the city she was put on trial. A girl not even old enough to marry was condemned to death if the mages would not seize their rebellion. Her father marched with Alec Bredain. He succeeded, but the valiant action took his own life.

The daughter returned to her mother. But Al’Gruin started to turn into an epicenter of magical knowledge. With a desire to follow in the footsteps of her father, the girl went to the academy. She studied and worked hard. Alec had noticed this, and remembered the words of his friend before his final battle. The man handed Alec a flute with a piece of paper around it and said: Give her this when she deserves it. Alec never truly understood the words, but he felt a strange sliver of power within the flute. A dormant force he couldn’t quite grasp. He did what his friend asked, and handed the flute and the scrap of paper to the girl.

She was happy, yet confused. The scrap of paper had some weird symbols on it. After several sleepless nights it became evident that the symbols had to do with the flute. They were music notes. Alone at night the girl often practiced the flute. Trying to master the song, which she did. She also became the main rival of Eléane. The elven girl adopted by Alec. The two girls were almost on par in power. But the girl’s gentle compassion and carefulness was no match for the brunt force of Eléane’s harsh competitiveness. After both graduated as War-Magi, their path split but the friendship remained. The girl returned to her childhood home across the lake while Eléane joined the active military.

The girl’s mother had aged a lot with her daughter’s absence. The girl knew that her mother was old, and no amount of divine magic could save her from death. Nor did the old lady want to be spared. She said that she lived long enough to see marvels none of her ancestors could have ever see, but now wanted to be united again with her husband. Thus the girl remained at home, easing the pain of her mother as she worked the fields outside. Trying to prepare herself for the inevitable.

And then the fated night arrived. On a surprisingly warm spring evening her mother passed away with a smile on her face. As was tradition, the girl made a pyre for her mother, and watched the orange flames lit up the darkness. Alone she watched as the fired burned bright. For hours she remained, until the fires burned out. A strange sadness gripped her heart. Loneliness and sorrow slowly began to swirl inside her. Eventually the strong bastion that was the girl broke and cried for the first time in her entire life.

With nothing to do but wait sleepless till the next dawn, she grabbed her flute and walked up to the pier near the lake. Where she started her lament song. The song her father gave her had a strange combination of sorrow and pain within it. But it soon turned into a song of happy memories and hope.

Any other night, and nothing would have happened. Any other song, and nothing would have listened. Any other person, and the sliver within the flute would not have awakened. But all happened at the perfect time, place and with the perfect person. The sliver of force stirred and with it, the dormant beings within the very water of the lake. Awakening from an incredibly long slumber, the rose towards the surface. Invisible beings were gathering all around the pier, where the girl was playing as hot tears streamed from her cheeks into the water. She played and played. With body, soul and heart she played till she was exhausted. Both physically and emotionally. She collapsed upon the pier, and thus stopped playing the beautiful song. The beings of the water sensed this, and as a union began to sing the song. They sang the song as if a thousand flutes were playing unison, begging the girl to lead them. With wonder the girl watched as the entire lake seemed to play her song. The pitch dark water began to light up a soft blue hue. Energy streamed out of the spirits of the lake as they sang the song made specifically for them. The girl grabbed her flute and with new energy played her song. She kept playing it till dawn. When the sun rose, the spirits had no desire to go back to their slumber. Instead they swirled and began gather. Till massive soft blue lights swam through the water and flew above it. The mages of Al’Gruin had gathered on the far, other side of the lake at early dawn. Amazed as they heard the final parts of the beautiful song.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Province 7

The darkness was adepting at a horrific rate. The sinkhole ambushes that had been attempted to capture and subdue had been as much a hindrance as it was a help, the new, bigger and faster beasts jumping the damn things. It was clear to those present that the old tactics were quickly being worked around and new ones had to be attempted to throw the abominations off balance.

The battle wasn't a complete loss however. The bodies of the different kinds of monsters were gathered and handed over to a special forwards lab in the one properly settlement left in the province so that some of the greatest minds of Tushienia could examine and gain insight into the beasts that they had seen and come up with better ways to defend against them... And how best to kill them.


Province 11
There was a great deal of fanfare as Mr Ponders cut the ribbon to officially open the Unity Railway; spanning all of Tushienia, the rails and the stream trains that ran along them allowed for the fast and easy transportation and deployment of goods. The country itself was fit for an economic boon as trade was encouraged and jobs that would only be open to locals can be opened up to those better suited for them.

It also allowed the transportation of troops at a much faster rate then before. And plans were already made for the possibility to extend the railway beyond national boarders. Only the summit would tell just how far the railway would reach through.

Tushienia's boarders

Deals had been made for the exchange of knowledge and this showed best on allied boarders. Along the Zakol boarder, engineers and inventors were introducing to their human and ogre counterparts the ideas behind the steam engine and how it could advance their kingdom while shamans learned to master the flames of fire magic.

The goblin-lich herself had traveled into Andinon lands in order to instruct them in the use of the hollow shells left behind once the sacred soul had traveled out of this life and beyond the veil of death while Tushienia shamans and mages learned how to channel the wind in its simplest forms.

In Duringis, scholars moved to find those members of the nation that had the gift of magic in order to teach them how to master the power of the earth while Duringis engineers revealed the secret of how to achieve flight to Tushienia's own experts.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ForKhorne


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Watch this space
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

With the Union now completely destroyed, the islands were finally at peace once more but that would not last long and the Sawlian people knew it. The forces that were set to the capture the island landed there anyways, mainly to help keep the peace. Plus, if Pankra would declare war then a fight would break out and Sawl would win due to their Air Force. However, an Admiral was thinking by over some thing. "Sir, is something the matter?," an ensign asked, a concerned look coming to the man. "I want the fleet to move to the other side of the island, I have a feeling that the island may be a death sentence if the rumors are true," the admiral ordered, the ensign bowed and walked of to relay the orders.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Province 6
Cheers spread throughout the camp. The darkness had come at them again with flying monstrosities and they had been beaten back without a single loss. It would get more difficult, they all knew that. But today was a time for celebration. Tomorrow they would be prepared again, news was they were getting help from the newly formed alliance.

Province 15
The province was alive with troops from everywhere moving to the border to join the fight against the darkness. No longer was Dagrenas a threat, allowing for move focused defense against the darkness. Blacksmiths were prepared for the arrival of Dagrenas scholars to share the secrets of the Arquebus with them. Though there were some suspicions about their loyalty there were few and far inbetween.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackRose
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Mandalia Province (27)
Ozma Torth sat anxiously at the head of the council table, clearly uncomfortable with the tasks & position she was charged with while the Princess was away north to attend some conference. "uh, lady Torth? we really need your decision on this months patrol schedules-" coming to the aid of Ozma who appeared to be panicking with indecision, Lucretia Arnet cut in to take charge "i will, deal with them have the papers sent to my office and i will have the schedules sorted before the day is through". The aide bowed before carrying a stack of papers off.

Ozma turned to the others as she calmed a little "Why was i put in charge?, did i upset the princess somehow?". Grumret & loxa glimpsed at each-other before they started laughing, Grumret then turned to face Torth "Think of it as on the job experience training, the princess wouldn't of given such an important task to someone she didn't think could handle it... Ah takes me back to when i was given my first command years ago... so many mistakes one of which almost started a war if it wasn't for the late king!". Grumret drifted off chuckling to himself at his younger memories as he left the room leaving the others wanting to know the details of how a war almost broke out in the past.

Arnet brought and end to the meeting "don't worry if you're in doubt of anything just ask us, it's what advisers are for" she gave a bow before leaving, Loxa on the other hand just sat at the table helping herself to what was left of the wine as Ozma was stuck facing piles of various scrolls in front of her.

Hakurei, Capital of Zakol
Lord Rahmas stood at his desk not daring to actually sit as he was busy overseeing his work but also that of Lord Claymont as aides & messengers constantly ran to & from his office with varying issues. "Sir, the engineers from Tushienia are requesting more iron shipments to assist our engineers prototype", "Sir, the blacksmiths are looking at these new weapon plans, and are requesting to see an existing one to reverse engineer-", "Sir, one of lord Claymonts agents in the north sent in their report want me to leave it on your desk?, "Lord Rahmas, sir, a foreign diplomat is waiting for an audience", "Master Rahmas!..."

High Priestess Yotul walked past the chaos quickly glimpsing in at the loud office before she continued on her way as one of her acolytes spoke "Your holiness?, may i ask why the princess charged lady Torth with overseeing the southern province?". The priestess continued on down the hall "i fear i know whats on the princesses mind...", not elaborating she continued walking leaving the young acolyte puzzled & curious.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by ForKhorne


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The Broken Empire grew weary of war. In near every direction it had sent it's armies to kill and die in it's name, but what truly been gained? Nations in love with war had been crushed, but there would be more in time. The Empire's borders had spread, but they could fall just as quickly. That is what Tavirin saw as he stood beside the corpse of Antonius, head bowed in respect to his comrade. He felt no rage, the thirst for vengeance that had driven him into a berserk rage when first he had seen the Bripiak general fall was gone. In it's place was a strange serenity.

Armies must be moved, peace must be maintained, plans must be made. The Broken Empire grew weary of war, but it knew that war was eternal.




Enchantment (Turn 1)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Romero
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Romero Prince of Darkness

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Summer of the Year 2718

(Coming Soon)


Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mardox
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Mardox An internet Dark Lord

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Province 62, Formerly Blaris's Northern Isle to Province 63
Wildbeard and Stroblech were quite concerned as Orich (whom they both considered a soulless villain) had just expressed his fear that a terrible darkness worse than any corpse legion was about to arrive on the island. Furthermore, orders had arrived from Pareth to abandon the island to Sawl. After some disgruntled muttering about "filthy humans", they exited the island with the newly dubbed "Imperial Guard" on board Stroblech's ships. Wildbeard and Orich were left on the Southwest Island to defend it in the name of what Orich privately thought of as "The Unholy Pankran Empire". Orich went to the graveyards with his followers and led the chant to call forth the Dead Legion. "Rerast as dondonnuin annommo. Fo gotho tin detho gau con cer a Ful Aenforo. Arorgo, ARORGO EV FO KITHO OTH CHAELGOTH AS RARO AR KAN HIRWAST!" Meanwhile, Wildbeard drilled his men to fight an enemy that they had never before seen.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Legion02


Member Seen 7 mos ago

Province 55
A certain mage
In the early light of dawn, a band of young elves were swiftly moving through the forest. Armed with spears and bows. While the first was a very standard weapon within Engelican border, the bow was an odd and strange weapon. Yet still traditional weapons among the elves. Most were fashioned from a single piece of the rare silverwood tree. Even in this band, counting over 20 hunters, only 2 carried the silverwood bow. A weapon so lethal it took years of training to master it. Hunters like these were a rare sight indeed, and often were hired to join a lord’s hunting party. Or they went out to hunt on themselves. Trying to corner some animal that would supply them with highly desired hunting trophies. Not every ruler these days had time to go out into the woods for day son end.

The band’s forward scouts swiftly spotted a white deer grazing among several other normal ones. For a second they couldn’t believe what they were seeing. The strange animal looked as white as snow. Its eyes were an icy blue. Obviously they quickly returned and alerted the band of their find. The group of elves moved like the wind. With soft but fast steps they surrounded the herd. The two silverwood bow wielders readied their arrows. Pulling back the strings. But the second they took aim for the white deer, it looked up. As if it sensed the peril. Before the bowmen could release the arrow, the target dashed away. Swiftly moving in between 2 hunters. Too fast to even catch with spears. But the hunters wouldn’t give up that easily. They started to chase it. Soon the deer was nearly cornered, and the hunters gathered up.

Yet right before the arrows shot forwards, the deer jumped into a fallen tree and simply vanished. Baffled, the hunting party approached the seemingly normal log. The deer seemed to have vanished in thin air. Until the bark of the fallen tree began to crack. It started to expand and twist and crack. Soon enough it turned into a 4 legged beast. For a moment, it looked at the hunting party. As if it was confused. But soon a roar of anger echoed through the woods. The elves, realizing the foe would be beyond their power, started to run. With the monster in hot pursuit. When suddenly another, lone elf jumped out of the woods. He simply held out his arm at the beast. It stopped right before the lone elf. The hunting party had already run further. Slowly the lone elven mage approached the creature. Which began to bow down its head. The elf put his hands on the head of the creature. Through the cracked of the bark skin of the creature a soft green light emitted. When the light faded. It went back towards the heart of the wood. Leaving the mage with a small sapling in his hands.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Province 6
Once again the darkness had been fought off with minimal losses. The dark forces they raised had been of considerable aid in fighting the darkness, the expendable troops being put to good use. Andion would hold for as long as needed, how long that would be however, was of some debate. Whispers spread of a need to fight back against the darkness, take back the lands they'd stolen. How else could they hope to drive back the darkness?

Province 15
The darkness may have been held back here but below had not been so lucky. The meager garrison had been overwhelmed by monsters from the sea and air alike. Well over half their war magi had been sent to ensure the territory did not fall to the darkness, driving a chink into the defenses of Andinon. They had to hold. There was simply no other choice.

Lesser Earth Magic: Turn 3

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by ForKhorne


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Mylori tightened the last strap on his ceremonial armour and winced slightly as the metal pressed against his shoulder. He reached for his ornate helmet but stopped himself, deciding to forgo it as a sign of respect. The two nations had fought side by side now, they had spilled blood for each other and for Mylori there was no stronger bond.

As he passed by a looking glass, he paused as he glimpsed the scar that still stretched across his face. The wound itself had all but healed, the raw and bloody handprint fading into a distinctive charred scar. He still cursed that priest that had managed to get past his guard and mark him for life. He wonder for a moment whether this mark was a curse, and whether it was anything compared to the sin of working alongside Necromancy.

He didn’t worship any gods, he didn’t know if there was an afterlife, he didn’t know whether he would be condemned to eternal damnation. All the Forgelord Mylori Firehammer knew was that he didn’t want to find out anytime soon.

Tavirin allowed himself a smile as the reinforcements sent from the West continued to arrive along the shining rail tracks that snaked from the centre of the Broken Empire.

His army had been worn down after the relentless battles, but now fresh soldiers bolstered his force, and they brought with them grand tales from the west. Tavirin heard of Limgar’s defeat beneath the combined army of New Engelica and the Broken Empire. He was glad to hear of the news, proof that his agreement with the Ruin King, what seemed like a lifetime ago, had proven to be true. What pleased him even more was the news of Mylori’s great success as commander of the Broken Empire’s armies.

It had been Tavirin who had seen the great potential within the young Mylori. While the other Forgelords of the time, Dwarves centuries older than even Tavirin, had deemed the young Dwarf as reckless, Tavirin had taken Mylori under his charge. Training him, and teaching him to understand and control his anger, the proud leader and peerless warrior that now bore the title Forgelord filled Tavirin with pride.

The oldest Forgelord knew that he was not immortal, but he was confident that when his physical existence finally drew to a close, Mylori would
lead the Broken Empire into a golden age.

Pushing thoughts of his death from his head, Tavirin turned to the east and gave a wolfish grin. With the full might of the Broken Empire at his back, the hills would run red with blood.




Enchantment (Turn 2)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

[[To be added later.]]

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by BlackRose
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Hakurei, Capitol city of Zakol - Royal palace

An official from the docks ran into the palace courtyard before quickly being stopped by the interior guards who after hearing what the offical had to say escorted him into the palace & to lord Rahmas's office. The official gave a hurried bow as he spoke handing the papers he carries directly to lord Rahmas, "Sir these reports have just arrived from our fleets that are stationed east of the great bridge".

Lord Rahmas took the papers looking at the official "calm down you dont want to start a panic now... guards did you bring him down the main hallways?", two guardsmen nodded which resulted in Rahmas letting out a heavy sigh as he read the two different fleet reports. Outside his office he could already hear the gossiping politicians trying to find out why the official was in a hurry with his dispatches.

After a long silence Lord Rahmas spoke very loudly "Excellent! two great victories in our first naval engagement with this dark force coming against us that will make them think twice before trying again!". The official looked puzzled before he spoke out "My lord!, We lost-" Lord Rahmas cut him off still speaking overly loudly "Yes the few we lost in the naval engagement is still a great tragedy but through their heroics both fleets where able to win the day thank you for bringing this news so prudently!".

Lord Rahmas quickly gestured the official to hush, as the voices outside his office door grew louder followed by several cheers & the sound of footprints scurrying off down the hallways, the situation dawning on the official as he returned his attention to Rahmas who was already busy writing messages, "Right dispatch these orders i'm giving you discreetly and as quickly as possible to our naval reserves they must hurry and sail to the aid of the survivors and continue to hold those waters we cant afford the enemy to separate north Alria from the south!" Rahmas finished writing as he shoved the letters into the officials hands "Now go!". The official then ran out of the room worried at the unfolding events.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Catchphrase
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Catchphrase Pun Master General

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Province 69
The Senate, where all decisions concerning the Republic are made. And today, a decision shall be made which will either lead them to victory, or defeat. To try and form an alliance with the surrounding island nations to fight against the approaching horde, or to stand on our own and hope that they pass us by. A fat, loud mouthed Senator was currently speaking, voicing his concerns and beliefs, "that by forming an alliance, we become a target for these creatures by becoming large and strong enough to oppose them." A larger amount of Senators started booing him, while others shouted "Let him speak! Let him speak!" He cleared his throat and continued in a louder voice, "If we stand on our own, they may just pass us by. I therefore move that we ignore all outsiders and keep to ourselves." He then left the floor and took his seat.

Another man took his place, a tall, thin Orc in favour of an alliance. "The only thing these invaders will understand is strength. On our own, we are strong, but if we join together, we have a greater chance of beating back these foul creatures and defending our homes." The hall erupted in applause as he took his seat. The Chancellors looked at each other and nodded. They stood up and spoke in unison, "Silenece in the hall. We shall take a vote." The room became dead quiet. The human chancellor stepped forward, "Those in favour of an alliance, raise your right hand, those against, raise your left."

Arms went up into the air, and when the counting was done, the vote was in favour of an alliance. The word spread quickly and the military started mobilising. A letter was sent to the neighbouring islands, asking them to join an alliance against the invaders. Whether or not they will agree, only time will tell.



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