Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

Member Seen 8 days ago

Nation Name:
The Confederacy of Sawl

Chosen Colour for Nation:

People of Importance:
Dictator Alexander Scipio, Ambassador Despond Filtrich, Ambassador Atticus Lif

Humans and Gnomes


National Trait

Army Type
-The Knighthood

Conscript Military Units
-Conscript Bowmen
-Conscript Infantry

Professional Military Units
-Heavy Calvary

Navy Type
-Born Upon Seas

Navy Units

Flight Type
-We shall fight them in the skies

Flight Units

Military Traits
-Fearless {racial trait}
-Kill them from a distance
-The Smell of Sulphur {Free}

Naval Traits
-Ship Builders
-Master Sea-Farers

Flight Traits

Necromancy Traits

Divine Magic Traits

Elemental Magic Traits

Illusion Magic Traits

Technology Traits
-This is my boomstick {free}
-Alchemical Alloys
-Steam Engine
-Controlled Flight

Racial Traits
-No one lives here, honest!

Nation History:
The Sawl Confederacy was formed after an unknown man united all the tribes on the island. This led to more technological advances more than magical ones as spells were not needed to fool others any longer. They now simply wish to spread their influence across the lands, not wishing to do it in a violent manner. However, with the rise of the new Dictator that could be changing, as Sawl grows more militaristic by the day.

With the changes that Sawl was facing, there was a lot of national unrest, specifically between the Humans and the Gnomes. This was caused because the Gnome populous felt that they were not being represented enough and rebelled for three days. The rebellion was swiftly crushed, the gnome rebels being vastly outnumbered, even by their own brethren.

With that problem solved, Sawl went back to focusing on its change. They made plans to execute at a late date, feeling their own imperialistic needs having to be satisfied.


-125 units Conscripted Infantry {125,000 men}
-125 units Conscripted Bowmen {125,000 men}
-10 Units Artillery (cannons) {10 total}
-15 Arquebusiers {325 men}
-25 Heavy Calvary Units {250 men}
• Total 50 Profession units 350 Conscript Units {350,630 men}

-30 Transport units {30 Transport ships}
-30 Ship units {150 vessels}
•Total 30 ship units, 30 Transport Units {180 vessels}

-40 fighters
-10 Bombers
-10 Interceptors
-10 Fast
•Total 70 Planes

Territory Claim:
67, 66
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Nation Name:

Chosen Colour for Nation:

People of Importance:
Nuyor the Doctor, Rodrim Payne, Vaewith the Renovator, Uzereda Nightshade, Tork (The Council of Five)

Human, Goblin

National Trait:

Army Type:
For King and Country!

Conscript Military Units:

Professional Military Units:
War-Magi - 20 units
Magi - 80 units
Artillery - 10 units
Archers - 20 units
Heavy Infantry - 50 units

Navy Type:

Navy Units:

Flight Type:

Flight Units:

Military Traits:
Fearless (Free)
Superior Forging
Mithril Armour
Kill Them From a Distance
The Smell of Sulphur
Against the Darkness

Naval Traits:

Flight Traits:

Necromancy Traits:
Animate Dead (Free)
The Spirits hear my Call
Negative Energy
The Deepest Black

Elemental Magic Traits:
lesser Water Magic
Greater Water Magic (Free)
Lesser Earth Magic
Greater Earth Magic
Lesser Fire Magic
Greater Fire Magic
Lesser Wind Magic

Illusion Magic Traits:

Technology Traits:
Steam Engine
Controlled flight

Racial Traits:
Sneaky Lil Buggers

Nation History

When the Great Alliance was formed hundreds of years ago, not all wished to be bound by its laws or persecuted for their ways of life; The two rival liches Nuyor the Doctor and Rodrim Payne saw the danger that the Great Alliance poised to them and put aside their differences in order to come up with a plan to survive the greater threat that this Alliance posed. Combing their sizable groups of followers together they traveled north to wild lands that lacked recognized leadership and government, taking over or wiping out several settlements there once they arrived to establish their legitimate authority.

While the various other non-human races either migrated to different lands or faced off against the pair of liches and were wiped out, the goblin tribes of the area sent an envoy. While they had access to powerful elemental magics channeled by their shamans, the goblins themselves lacked the numbers and strength of arms to really take any land of value; The arrival of the liches gave them an opportunity to ascend from their lowly status and raise their standard of living. The liches themselves were willing to make local allies in order to futher secure their new seat of power and an alliance between the two factions was formed.

The alliance proved fruitful. Over the course of two centuries the two factions strengthened their ties and melded together to form the kingdom of Tushienia. Originally ruled by the council of four (Two liches, two goblin shamans), the system was replaced with the council of five after the ascension of the gobliness shaman Vaewith the Renovator into a lich; Due to her status as both a goblin shaman and a lich it was deemed that she would make the perfect tie breaker so that the council couldn't be deadlocked if a disagreement on a course of action arose.

While a highly magical kingdom technological innovation has long been promoted by the council; from the firearms and cannons that are fielded by the army to the inventors that even now are trying to come up with the next big innovation, Tushienia is set on becoming a world power with the all of the Great Alliance... provided that they can survive the coming onslaught.

War-Magi - 20 units (20 War-Magi)
Magi - 80 units ( 1600 Magi)
Artillery - 10 units (10 Cannons)
Archers - 20 units ( 1000 Archers)
Heavy Infantry - 50 units (1250 Heavy Infantry)



Territory Claims: 10, 11, 12, 17, 7
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Hipster
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Hipster Why did I name myself this?

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Nation Name: New Gobolia

Chosen Colour for Nation: Gold And Regal Green

People of Importance: Gaz The Boss (Ruler)
Wimpy The Weak (Former ruler since last week.)
Grazgul Gutrippah (used-to-be Evil Orc Overlord a couple years weeks ago. he is now enslaved to Gaz as a reminder to why orks suck.)
Uristah McGobbo (A Ambassador who, no matter what. never dies)
Honest Gob (A Extremely Honest Ambassador.)

Races: Goblins


National Trait: Cunning Linguistics

Army Type: Grab Yer Pitchforks and Get Marchin'!

Conscript Military Units: 400 Archer Units
300 Warrior Units

Navy Type Merchant Fleet

Navy Units: 55 Transport Units. 5 Ships

Military Traits: Superior Forging, Fearless (free), Kill them from a distance, Mithril Armor, Soldiers of the line.

Naval Traits: Ship building. Extended Holds. Ship Artillery

Flight Type: Death from the skies.

Flight Trait's: Highly Explosive

Flight Unit's: 50 Bomber's, 20 Fighters
No magic for gobbo's.

Technology Traits: Steam Engine. Trains. Al chemical Alloys. Controlled Flight

Racial Traits: Sneaky Little Buggers.

Nation History: The Land of New Gobbolia used to be a small country of Goblin Settler's from the Tushienia, that really hated the dictator who lived their for "Stealing" their land away. however one hour after they landed they were immediately taken over by a massive tribe of orks. who immediately found fit to using the Goblins as their slaves,

and forcing them into slavary, the Ork tribes then decided to use them as currency. selling them off to other Nations and tribes. to act as makeshift soldiers, garbage collectors and sometimes pet food.

Rebellion was almost impossible for the Goblins. but however they found a loophole in one of their governmental laws. that if the leader of the Tribe is killed. the Strongest Man will be crowned as the New Leader.

and also, killing something that is stronger than you will immediately make you leader. even if you aren't buff in the first place. so the goblin slaves had a idea. they got the wimpiest Goblin they could find and told him to go and challenge the Leader Grazgul to a dual.

Armed with nothing but a rock Wimpy threw said rock at Grazgul. killing him instantly and making Wimpy leader. Wimpy kicked out the rest of the orks and took control. Wimpy was a idealistic young gobbo and decided to turn the new country into a gigantic place of commerce. where money is everything and capitalism rules. unfortunately this caused a lot of Goblins to become extremely poor and start gangs. causing New Gobbolia to turn into Fantasy Las Vegas.

And then Wimpy was stabbed in the back (literally) by a goblin named Gaz, who was the leader of the Gang "Green Teef", who was declared the strongest man and put in control. Gaz then removed the Strongest man law ASAP. and then decided to take advantage of the crime situation. causing the local Gobbo Guard to be replaced by Local Gangs. and having Poor Goblins who couldn't pay the excessively high rent to be drafted into the Military, which was ruled by Gangs also.

So basically at this point New Gobbolia becomes Double Las Vegas controlled by gangs.


Army: 300 Conscript Archers (in units) (300 000 in people)
300 Conscript Warriors (U) (300 000 P)

Navy: 55 Transports. 5 Ships

Airforce: 50 Bombers, 20 Fighters

I want province's for area 41, 40 and 39
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slamurai
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Chalezian Union

Chosen Colour for Nation: Navy

People of Importance:

  • Chancellor Emik Gauld
  • Vice-Chancellor Abul Bodann
  • Interior Minister Kamid Zabrir
  • Minister of Propaganda Dell Savayid

[More to come as required]

Races: Humans, Elves (+2 military traits)

Nation History: WIP

Territory Claim: 6, 14, 15
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Legion02


Member Seen 3 mos ago


Nation name: New Engelica
Chosen Color: Light blue
People of Importance
Mage-king – Alec Bredain. Human. Is 53 but looks well over 60. He has a long white beard, rarely wears a crown and often looks like a common, if not very old Magi. But do not underestimate him. He may be kind, but they call him the “Ruin King” for a reason.

Wizard-prince – Sindar Bredain. Alec’s only son from his wife. Just like his father, Sindar has a gift for magic. But often comes over as arrogant. He is loved by the people, and sometimes acts a little too romantic near the wrong ladies. He is not a particular gifted swordfighter, but plays the harp perfectly. Most of the time he’s a charming fellow.

Sorcerer-princess – Eléane “Bredain”. She does not share blood with Alec or Sindar. Eléane is an orphaned elf due to the Mage War. When she was little, she lost her parents to the king’s army. Alec adopted her. As an elf, she had an inborn gift for magic, which was only amplified by the land they live in. With the guidance of Alec, she became a great Sorceress. Aside form that she is a formidable fighter with great charisma and status among the troops. Though sometimes a little hot headed and not suited for diplomacy.

Avatar of the Old Gods – The representative of the Druids of Old. Just like Alec, he looks very old. He is also quite old, being in his mid-60ies. He serves as link between the Old Gods and humans. Though just like most druids he may come over a little fanatic.

Head-principle of Al’Gruin – Leana Broadwalk. A gifted sorceress who watches over the mage school of Al’Gruin. She is one of Alec’s oldest friends. After Alec picked up the crown, she took his place at the school. Ensuring that it would continue to educate smart, young minds.

Human & Elves

National trait:
Magic - Your nation’s people all carry some spark inside of them, whether it is from the air or the land they call home, this spark makes them very powerful Mages. (Your nations Magi and War-Magi all have an advantage in combat)

Army type:
For King and Country: Your nation has proud citizenry who yearn for the chance to serve in the military. As such you have a small, well trained, and superiorly equipped army to call upon; however conscripts don’t mesh well with them. (Start army size: 200 professional units, no conscripts.)

Conscript Military Units:

Professional Military Units:
50 units of War-magi - War-Magi - These Magi have more than just studied the arcane lore and mastered them. They have a gift, impossible to emulate through hard work and study. The elements themselves heed every command. Every War-Magi is a Master in every Elemental School. But they are more than just mages. After they concluded their training, they go live with the Elves. Learning the sacred art of Druidism. Worshipping the Old Gods of Magic. Once they are inaugregated as War-Magi, they walk the earth like demi-gods. In battle, they are seen as Angels of Destruction. Channeling storms, summoning earthquakes, bringing forth tidal waves or scaring the earth with fire.

65 units of Magi - Magi - The middle class of magic users. These elves and humans are well versed in elemntal magic. Some may even be a master of a school or 2. Asside from that, most have had a basic course in druidism. Not from specialized Elves like War-Magi get. But they can still channel the will of the Old Gods to some extent. Most Magi, during peace time, fulfill civil duties. Like making bridges or filling wells.

55 units of heavy infantry - Shieldbearers - The Shieldbearers of Engelica are well known. They are clad in full plate armor. With underneath it, a mithril mail shirt. They wield a long pike and a massive shield. With their shields, they create walls that can hold off almost anything. When the pike breaks, they resort to their swords. From behind them, their Magi brothers and sisters cast their spells, protected from the enemy.
20 units of light infantry
10 units of light cavalry

Navy Type:
Navy Units:

Flight Type:
Flight Units:

Military Traits:
Wizardry - Centuries of delving into the schools of magic have granted your nation a deep understanding of how the winds of sorcery blow across the lands, and have adapted to channelling it. (Your Magi/War-Magi all have an advantage in combat) [free because of humans]

Mithril armor - Stronger then steel, but light as a cloth shirt, Mithril armour is the best armour an army can have, but it’s rare to come by. (Your soldiers are harder to kill)

Soldiers of the Line - Your infantry is the core of your army, and you know how to work them! Your formations are flawless and their shieldwalls are effective at warding off enemy archers. (Your Infantry all have an advantage in combat)

Superior Forging -Your weapons are forged in an extraordinary manner, whether it’s attributed to dwarven craftsmanship, magical imbuements, or technological advances in blast furnaces, your weaponry is a step above the average. (Your soldiers have an advantage in combat)

Fearless - Your soldiers don’t know the meaning of fear and will charge into overwhelming odds without flinching. (Fear has no effect on your armies and they will not run till one army is wiped out unless ordered to) [racial]

Naval Traits:
Flight Traits:
Necromancy Traits:

Divine Magic Traits:
Angels whisper in your ear - Your priesthood has the power of prayer, and receives answers. The questions they ask the higher powers receive answers, even if they don’t always make sense. (You will be given information that would otherwise be unknown to you)

Divine energy - The power of Christ compels you! No seriously, you are able to channel the power of your god(s) into healing energy, buffing the natural attributes of your followers. (Your soldiers are harder to kill when your Magi/War-Magi are present)

Holy Wrath - (Requires Divine Energy) Your priesthood can not only heal with their gods magic, they can also wreak havoc with it, doling out the energy of the gods to smite your foes. (Your Magi/War-Magi all have an advantage in combat)

Divine Charisma - The power of the gods powers not only your arm, but your tongue. Your priesthood is able to rouse the crowds to great feats through their oratory, and are able to convince people to see your point of view with ease. Your people follow you and may even worship you as a god yourself. (Any Diplomatic action with NPC nations are more likely to succeed)

Elemental Magic Traits:
Lesser Air Magic: Your people can control the winds in minor ways, creating small barriers of air to block arrows, creating fists of solidified air, creating or diverting small breezes. (Your Magi/War-Magi all have an advantage in combat) [free due to Elves]

Greater Air Magic: (Requires Lesser Air Magic) You can hurl bolts of lightning or create/redirect gale force winds. All the fury of the storm is at your beck and call. (Your Dirigibles all have an advantage in combat when your Magi/War-Magi are present and your Magi/War-Magi all have an advantage in combat)

Lesser Water Magic: You can create water from nothing, freeze it to create a shield of ice or create spears of ice to cast at your foes. (Your Magi/War-Magi all have an advantage in combat)

Greater Water Magic: (Requires Lesser Water Magic) The tides obey your call; you can raise and lower the levels of water in any area with ease. Ice storms can be conjured from thin air to pelt your foes and walls of ice can be raised upon even a desert floor, though it’s not likely to last long unless you sustain it. (Your Navy has an advantage in combat when your Magi/War-Magi are present and your Magi/War-Magi all have an advantage in combat)

Lesser Earth Magic: The ground beneath your feet lends strength to you, you can reshape rock faces to a form more pleasing to you, raise small juts of earth in front of you to form small defensive emplacements or pick up and hurl a small rock and have it grow to a boulder in the course of its flight. (Your Magi/War-Magi all have an advantage in combat)

Greater Earth Magic: (Requires Lesser Earth Magic) The forest speaks to you, the ground beneath your feet informs you when someone treads upon it. You can rip asunder stone walls like it was made of paper, and can create earthquakes that sunder the homes of your foes. (Your soldiers all have an advantage in combat when your Magi/War-Magi are present and your Magi/War-Magi all have an advantage in combat)

Lesser Fire Magic: You can start even wet wood on fire and can propel jets of flame from your hands. (Your Magi/War-Magi all have an advantage in combat)

Greater Fire Magic: (Requires Lesser Fire Magic) Great balls of fire, that’s right, you sunder the earth and fill the air with the smell of burnt flesh. You make walls of flame to cordon off your foes and make people spontaneously combust. (Your Magi/War-Magi all have a large advantage in combat)

Illusion Magic Traits:

Technology Traits:

Racial Traits:
Humans - Valour: Some basic human instinct, deep within each man and woman’s heart, the simple refusal to accept defeat. In battle, this leaves your soldiers refusing to take a step back. (You gain the “Fearless” Trait for free)

Elves - Elven High Mages: Your Magi are exceedingly powerful, having studied for hundreds of years the arcane lore they have accumulated. They can weave powerful defensive enchantments over your lands, creating defences that will dazzle foes with their intricacies. (Your Magi/War-Magi all gain an advantage in combat)

Nation History:
New Engelica spawned forth from Engelica, or Old Engelica. In Old Engelica, the king and his nobles ruled supreme. Each village had its own mage, sorcerer, witch or wizard. Though these people were often ill trained (by the previous magic user of the village). They were also little respected. Called upon to heal their children of bring forth water for the crops but after that scorned and shunned. Many died early because of exhaustion and bad use of magic which rebounded back to them. Even when the land held many gifts for mages. Alec Bredain was one such mage, but one who had the fortune of having met a beautiful witch who gave him a son, Sindar. She was called upon by another village one day. She never returned. Later, Alec learned that she was unable to heal the local noble’s son. Incidentally, several cows got sick too and died. She was branded a Dark Witch and hung without trial. In his sadness, Alec retreated to on old castle ruin he found. He dubbed it Al’Gruin and cleaned it up together with his young son. To the nobles he swore he would pay his taxes, but he’d only make money through services conducted by him inside the castle. So the nearby villagers were forced to visit him there. Soon other magic users got word of it. Starting to fear for their own lives, they too went to Al’Gruin. Where Alec greeted them as his own brothers & sisters. Together they learned more about magic then either one in a lifetime would have. But as more mages joined his little “order”, less were to be found near villages. Townspeople began to see how much they depended on their magic users, and began to beg Alec and his group to return. They refused, stating that the nobles became increasingly willing to brand magic users Dark Magic Users. So the town people began to urge their nobles to go easier on the mages. Which they refused. On orders from the king who though he lost his favorite bastard son (he loved the bastard more than his own blood) to a witch.

Eventually, a province declared itself independent. The king, in blind fury, send the royal army to deal with the insurgence. They did not count on the fact that Alec Bredain would come to the peasant’s aid. The king’s army, unexperienced in fighting magic users, was whipped out with the many spells they could cast. This caught the eye of the forest dwelling Elven, who too were oppressed by the king. They pledged their service to Alec too. Thus began a bloody 3 years named the Mage Wars. Villages aligned themselves with the mages, while more nobles tried to destroy the increasing treat. Eventually Alec and his army of veteran magi & war-magi came upon Car Uldain. The king’s retreat. The castle was built upon an island in the middle of a river with a devastating current. Taking it would take many lives. One night, he gathered all magi & war-magi and prepared a ritual. After long hours of complex chanting, Alec managed to summon a Pray-Spell. The earth began to rumble, a storm formed up above Car Uldain, the hearths burned savagely within and the river became stronger than ever. After a while large chunks of hail fell from the skies. Lightning and crushing gales began to rip on the roofs. Chimneys were spitting fire from the flames burning beneath. Walls began to collapse. Soon a full blown earthquake shattered the outer walls. The river lifted itself and smashed against the fortress. Fire began to consume everything inside the keep. Lightning and gusts of wind ripped apart stone. At dawn, everyone could see the devastation Alec and his magi had brought down upon the fortress.

After that, he picked up the crown to seal the power gap. New laws were instated, and a golden age for magic users was ushered forth. Magi returned to their lands and created schools of magic. Al’Gruin became a top university for magic study. The few nobles that remained pledged that they would protect the local mage users, while other magi joined the ranks of nobles.

The military principle these days was made by a lost Arch-Magi by the name of Allister Orelion. He stated that a mage should not encumber himself with weapons or armor. Indeed, a mage should focus only on his spells, and their devastating effects. A band of mages must always strive to annihilate the enemy before they can react. Thus sacrificing defense for pure destructive power.

These days, one could say that New Engelica is a country that lives in the past. Counting on old things like prayers and magic. Alec would laugh and tell these people that for too long, the world ignored the power of Old.

50 war-magi
1300 magi
1375 heavy infantry
2000 light infantry
500 light cavalry

Territory claims: 58, 59, 60

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by ClocktowerEchos
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ClocktowerEchos Come Fly With Me!

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Holy Novgorod Imperium

"For the Sins of all, I follow none than thy Savior Lord."


Nation Name: Holy Novgorod Imperium (HNI)

Chosen Colour for Nation: Gold

People of Importance:
Tsar Ventium Corosphyski
Tsarina Alicia Boruno-Corosphyski

  • Humans
  • Elves


National Trait:
Cunning Linguists - Your Nation has long been in the forefront of diplomacy, thus not only are your diplomats smooth in their speech, but they are also masters of customs and dialects of foreign nations, making foreign courts more apt to accept their proposals as coming from a kindred spirit. (Any diplomacy with the NPC nations will almost certainly succeed)

Army Type:
The Knighthood - Your nation has a small, professionally trained core of troops leading conscripts. While the core of your army is well trained and well equipped, they are far outnumbered by the conscript soldiers. (Start Army Size: 400 Units (50 Professional, the rest Conscripts.))

Conscript Military Units:
Militsiya (Conscript Infantry) 160 - Peasants with minimal training and limited equipment. They are divided into two type, the Stuka (spearmen) and the Vinroy (Warrior). The Stuka carry spears and square wooden shields to hold the enemy with the Vinroy are the primary offensive unit who attack with axes, swords, clubs, anything they can get a hold of really.

Arohonik (Conscript Bowmen) x 100 - Recruited from local Elven populations, Arohonik should not be looked down upon for being peasant conscripts. Many of these elves are hunters and have Elven archery running in their blood. Unlike their human Militsyia counterparts, the Arohoniks are actually provided additional training, but Elven pride prevents many of these soldiers from ever attending, not saying they aren't good shots to start with.

Cossacks (Conscript Horsemen) x 90 - Mounted young men and nobles of mostly human decent with varying shades of piss and vigor, some of which are "promoted" Militsiya. As the HNI lacks horses, these horsemen actually ride on giant wolves, partially because they work well in combat and partially since they think it shows off their bravery and shit like that as they all try to join the ranks of a knightly order.. In all honesty, these riders are never expected to do much good as wolves are hard to control even when tamed and many of the young nobles are mostly big talk, still useful however.

Professional Military Units
Mountain Guards (Archers) x 16 - Legendary Elven archers who have the fabled ability to shoot across mountain ranges. Although most of them lack his incredible ability, they still have quite the amazing range and damage potential. It is said that their skill alone is what has kept the Imperium from adopting gunpowder guns. The Mountain Guards hail from the Gorgroski Order with its monasteries high in the harsh mountains.

Stag Riders (Light Cav.) x 14 - Mounting armored war stags, the Riders are armed with deadly lances that can pierce through most armor. Of course, this is in addition to the natural antlers of the beasts they ride. The all female Vladstok Order is famous for the breeding of such animals, larger and stronger with more deadly antlers that are infamous for their charging abilities.

Bear Knights (Heavy Cav.) x 10 - Of all the knightly orders in the Imperium, it is the Kuryokastani Order which is the most famous. Riding the deadly yet cuddly polar bear into battle, what they lack in speed they make up in with surviavliy and killing power. Anyone foolish enough to think that they suffer from the normal cavalry disadvantage of being bad in prolonged combat works with the Bearmen, they are so woefully wrong. Armed with swords, axes, maces and even halberds, plus fucking polar bears, these warriors will happily let their beasts munch on your head if you get close enough.

Inquisitors (Magi) x 8 - Hailing from the Holy Church itself, Inquisitors are generally the priests and clergy who root out hearsay and heretics from the lands within the HNI. However, these "combat" Inquisitors Wearing blessed plate armor with bits of scrolls decorating it, these clergy should not be taken lightly even in close combat as they will most likely divinely kick your ass in.

Theologian (War-Magi) x 2 - High priests and veteran Inquisitors, Theologians are the direct conduits of the Savior Lord. With divine holy magic to pierce the heaven the,if Inquisitors can kick your ass in, these fine gents will give you an eviscerating proctology examination with the power of the Savior. They also act as generals and commanders if their is none present.

Navy Type:
Merchant Fleet - Your nation has no need for the ships of war, the only vessels under your flag are merchant ships that can be bedecked to transport your troops. There are however a very small number of ships that can be quickly adapted into fighting vessels. (Navy Size: 55 Transport Units and 5 Ship Units)

Navy Units:
Khorasair (Merchant Transports) x 55 - Old but sturdy ships with large holds, they are actually a design adopted from pirates who raided trade in the old times. Large, three masted ships, these can be confused and mistaken for warships until you realize they don't exactly have a lot of guns with only their top deck have any sort of weaponry in to form of a line of swivel guns. They can however, easily survive rough seas and cold weathers.

Dyrigg (Warship) x 5 - Using strong hardwoods polished to a shine, the Dyriggs are sometimes called "Amberclads" or "Copperclads" due to the appearance of their orangey-bronze hulls despite not actually being covered in either of those things. They have two decks full of dedicated guns and reinforced fronts for ice breaking and ramming.

Flight Type:
N/A - Only angels should fly, anything that flies is hearsay

Flight Units:
N/A - If bitches flyin', its hearsay

Military Traits:
Fearless (Human Racial Trait) - Your soldiers don’t know the meaning of fear and will charge into overwhelming odds without flinching. (Fear has no effect on your armies and they will not run till one army is wiped out unless ordered to)

Superior Forging - Your weapons are forged in an extraordinary manner, whether it’s attributed to dwarven craftsmanship, magical imbuements, or technological advances in blast furnaces, your weaponry is a step above the average. (Your soldiers have an advantage in combat)

Masterful Cavalry - Your cavalry units work as a cohesive unit, your soldiers ride their horses better than most can even dream of. You are skilled at using the mobility of your cavalry to catch your foes off guard. (Your Cavalry all have an advantage in combat)

Kill Them From a Distance (Elven Racial Bonus) - Your missile units are excellent shots, and have been heavily drilled to know how to fire in unison, set up barriers to protect them from other units, and at aiming for the weaknesses in the armour of their foes. (Your Archers/Crossbowmen/Artillery all have an advantage in combat)

Naval Traits:
Ship Building - This trait permits your nation to build boats that are ready for war. (Allows your nation to have a navy)

Flight Traits:
N/A - Balloons are scary and mysterious, they are hearsay

Necromancy Traits:
N/A - Necromancy is very, very black magic and there for hearsay

Divine Magic Traits:
Angels Whisper in Your Ears - Your priesthood has the power of prayer, and receives answers. The questions they ask the higher powers receive answers, even if they don’t always make sense. (You will be given information that would otherwise be unknown to you)

Divine Energy - The power of Christ compels you! No seriously, you are able to channel the power of your god(s) into healing energy, buffing the natural attributes of your followers. (Your soldiers are harder to kill when your Magi/War-Magi are present)

Holy Wrath - (Requires Divine Energy) Your priesthood can not only heal with their gods magic, they can also wreak havoc with it, doling out the energy of the gods to smite your foes. (Your Magi/War-Magi all have an advantage in combat)

Divine Charisma - The power of the gods powers not only your arm, but your tongue. Your priesthood is able to rouse the crowds to great feats through their oratory, and are able to convince people to see your point of view with ease. Your people follow you and may even worship you as a god yourself. (Any Diplomatic action with NPC nations are more likely to succeed)

Fanatics - (Requires 2 other Divine Traits) Your nations priests can spout fiery talk of hell and redemption that can stir even the most unreligious solider into a roaring frenzy (All of your soldiers have an advantage in combat when your Magi/War-Magi are present)

Divine Charisma - (Requires 3 other Divine Traits) Your gods themselves pour their power into your Magi’s, allowing them to combat even the most powerful Black Magic (Your Magi/War-Magi can effectively repel and negate any Necromancy Traits)

Elemental Magic Traits:
N/A - Elemental Magic is for shamanistic pagans and therefor hearsay.

Illusion Magic Traits:
N/A - Attempting to hide sins is hearsay.

Technology Traits:
N/A - Not exactly hearsay, but still hearsay (its complicated)

Racial Traits:
(Humans) Valour - Some basic human instinct, deep within each man and woman’s heart, the simple refusal to accept defeat. In battle, this leaves your soldiers refusing to take a step back. (You gain the “Fearless” Trait for free)

(Elves) Master Archers - Your people have practiced archery since your people have existed. They are unequalled in their accuracy with a bow. (Your Archers/Conscript Bowmen all gain an advantage in combat)

Nation History:

From the earliest of days, The Holy Novgorod Imperium can trace its roots back to tribes of humans and clans of elves who were forced into the frozen north to escape the band of marauding orcs and goblins and their shamanistic elemental heathen magics. The foul beasts gave no chase, seeing as they thought the humans and elves would simply die out in such harsh conditions and they very well almost did. Until the Savior Lord came down from the heavens.

It was there, in our darkest hour which the Savior descended from his heavenly paradise to teach us the ways of using his ethereal blessings of light to combat the monstrous heathens who drove us out of our homelands before reducing it to their pits of vile wretchedness. For he gave us strength and unity, naming the first of his chosen prophet: Boris Tyrloffski. This man would become the first Tsar of a new kingdom in the north, allying and unifying others who either had been driven out or called this new Eden their homeland.

Under the banner of the Lord Savior, Tyrloffski lead his army on a crusade against those who violated his peoples, slaughtering all in the name of the Lord Savior, ensuring not one foul beast of an orc, orge or goblin remained. After the First Holy Crusade and the Great Divine Purge of Heathens that followed, the Church of Grace was founded and from that, the basis of the Holy Novgorod Imperium.

Now, generations later, the Imperium is as religious and traditional as ever, self proclaimed bastions of the light and good under the banned of Golden Bird of their Lord Savior. Some say their ways are for a time in the past; the Imperium's might and silver tongue always proves them wrong however.
Excerpt from "The Annals of Archival of the Holy Novgorod Imperium" by High Priest Theologian Deimetri Ludavigh

Claims: 22, 23 and 24
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ForKhorne


Member Seen 9 yrs ago


Nation Name: The Broken Empire

Chosen Colour for Nation: Grey

People of Importance:
-Forgelord Tavirin Blackstone (Dwarf)
-Forgelord Mylori Firehammer (Dwarf)
-Forgelord Narrik Deadheart (Dwarf)
-Warlock Ronaz'Thunk (Orc)
-Warlock Grugar'Tar (Orc)
-Warlock Thro'Gan (Orc)

Races: Dwarves and Orcs


National Trait

Army Type
For the Fallen and the Forge!

Conscript Military Units

Professional Military Units
-Heavy Infantry
-Mechanical Walkers
-Mechanical Warriors

Navy Type

Navy Units

Flight Type
-Speed is of the Essence

Flight Units

Military Traits
-Superior Forging
-Whirring Cogs

Naval Traits

Flight Traits

Necromancy Traits
-Animate Dead
-The Spirits Hear My Call
-Negative Energy

Divine Magic Traits

Elemental Magic Traits
-Lesser Fire Magic
-Greater Fire Magic

Illusion Magic Traits

Technology Traits
-Alchemical Alloys
-Steam Engine
-Mechanical Walkers
-Mechanical Warriors
-Controlled Flight

Racial Traits
-Shamanistic Ties
-Gems in the Rough

Nation History Coming soon! I promise


-20 Heavy Infantry Units (500 Orcs)
-25 Artillery Units (25 Cannons)
-60 Mechanical Warriors Units (600 Machines)
-20 Mechanical Walkers Units (20 Machines)
-75 War-Magi Units (75 Orcs)


-100 Fast Dirigibles

Territory Claim of 51, 48 and 47
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by BlackRose
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Nation Name: Kingdom of Zakol

Chosen Colour for Nation: Dark Red

Races: Ogre & Humans

Territory Claim: 18 and 25
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mardox
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Mardox An internet Dark Lord

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Nation Name: Pankra

Chosen Colour for Nation: Pink

People of Importance: Pareth the Wrathful (leader) , Orich the Speaker of Shades (top war-mage), Stroblech (admiral)

Races: Goblins and Orcs


National Trait: Magic

Army Type: Golden Horde

Conscript Military Units:
-Conscript Infantry
-Conscript Bowmen

Professional Military Units
-Light Infantry
-Heavy Infantry
-Light Cavalry
-Heavy Cavalry

Navy Type: Armada

Navy Units:

Military Traits
-Fearless (Free from berserkers)
-Superior Forging (Free)
-Mithral Armor

Naval Traits

Necromancy Traits
-Animate Dead (Free)
-The Spirits hear my Call
-Negative Energy
-The Deepest Black

Divine Magic Traits

Elemental Magic Traits

Illusion Magic Traits

Technology Traits

Racial Traits
-Berserkers (Free)
-We’re Not Running Away, We’re Advancing To The Rear (Free)

Nation History:
Founded in 415 by an alliance of goblin and orc tribes, the Kingdom of Pankra has long been a peaceful yet strangely militaristic land with isolationist policies and a large standing military to fight the darkness. The land has traditionally been ruled by democratic elections however, with the recent aggression on the part of the Union of Blaris has led to a new leader rising to power who has allied himself with the Confederacy of Sawl and mobilized the soldiers. This new leader is named Pareth the Wrathful and he is a former general who staged a military coup.


-Conscript Infantry 75 units (75,000 soldiers)
-Conscript Bowmen 75 units (75,000 soldiers)
-Light Infantry 30 units (3,000 soldiers)
-Heavy Infantry 30 units (750 soldiers)
-Archers 20 units (1,000 soldiers)
-Light Cavalry 20 units (1,000 soldiers)
-Heavy Cavalry 20 units (200 soldiers)
-War-magi 15 units (15 warmages)
-Artillery 15 units (7 ballista and 8 catapults)

-Ships 60 units (300 war galleons)

Population: 4 million
Location: Province 65
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Catchphrase
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Catchphrase Pun Master General

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Nation Name: Republic of Outcasts

Nation Colours: Orange

Races: Orcs and Humans

People of Importance: Chancellors William Hawke and Youg Greenblade, Lord Admiral John Fitsgerald, Lord General Huhor The Red

National Trait: Sailors

Army Type: For King and Country!

Conscript Units: None

Profesional Units:
-Light Infantry
-Heavy Infantry
-Heavy Cavalry

Navy Type: Armada

Navy Units: Ships

Flight Type: Speed is of the Essence

Flight Units: Fighters

Military Traits:
-The Smell of Sulfur
-Soldiers of the Line
-Mithril Armour
-Superior Forging

Naval Traits:
-Ship Building
-Ship Artillery
-Master Sea-Fairers

Flight Traits:
-Air Artillery

Elemental Magic:
-Lesser Air Magic
-Greater Air Magic
-Air Bending

Technology Traits:
-Alchemical Alloys
-Controlled Flight

Racial Traits:
-Born on a Horse

Nation History: In a far off land, two nations, one of humans, the other of orcs, warred against each other ever since their conception. They built new weapons and ships to fight, at great costs. Finally, two generals, one human, one Orc, decided that enough was enough. That if their people were to die, they'd die for a cause they wanted, freedom. They spread the word that they were leaving, and many followed them across the seas. They finally landed and only just got settled only a few years before this all went to hell. Now they fight together, and will fight with anyone defending their homes, or against those that seek to take from others what isn't theirs.

-Light Infantry = 20 Units
-Heavy Infantry = 50 Units
-Heavy Cavalry = 40 Units
-Arquebusiers = 50 Units
-Artillery = 40 Units
Total Troops = 4900 Troops + 40 Artillery and their Crew

-Ship = 60 Units
Total Troops = 300

-Fast = 100 Units
Total Troops = 100

Territory Claim:
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by PlatinumSkink
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Member Seen 9 days ago

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