Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by ariplotter
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ariplotter Fathomer of Constellation-esque Thoughts

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Valencia Tempest
The Quick-witted Pirate with a Gentle Heart


Valencia considered Caleb’s suggestion. Was it really that important that one of them venture down into the trench to survey a bunch of shiny little baubles? Still… In a land of magic such as this, perhaps the beads were somehow the key to finding their way across. Maybe they were portals, or wishing stones, or something of the sort.

“Fine. I’ll go down there,” she announced. “Robyn, I'll climb down to get a closer look at those beads. I can even collect some of them to bring back and show you two. Once I'm ready to come back up, if Caleb will brace your feet, you can lie on your stomach far enough for me to grab your hands, and the two of you combined should have enough strength to pull me out.” Valencia squared her shoulders. “Sound like a plan?”

It would require all of them working together, but it was one of their only options at the moment. And now that there were no more hard feelings among the group, Valencia hoped that they wouldn’t decide to just leave her down there for some reason. She had a feeling that, the next time she got herself into an embarrassing situation, Cináed would find a way to pop up and make her feel even more humiliated.

@jordy0403 @LizLegend
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by c3p-0h
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c3p-0h unending foolery

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Caleb, Robyn, and Valencia

A whirlwind of fire erupted behind the three, close enough for them to feel the lick of the flames. The chaos forced them each to jump back – right over the edge and down into the trench. They landed in a mess of tangled limbs down at the bottom, sore but otherwise intact.

"Yeah, great plan," came Cináed's rasping voice from above them. "Don't really see where falling over yourselves like a bunch of tots played in there, but I'm eager to find out." He seemed annoyed – and maybe a little petty – but above all, he was soaking wet. His mess of dark hair was plastered to him, and his heavy cloak was soaked through. He leaned on his staff more heavily than he had before, and seemed out of breath. "You do know there was a bridge, right?" Cináed nodded to the left at the invisible bridge Caleb had refused to cross not too long ago. Its outline was visible in the form of water droplets and the odd river stone flung atop it.

The shining beads closest to the trio began to give off a faint glow.



Consciousness crept back to Jacob, along with the realization that he wasn't where he'd fallen asleep. He wasn't in his home, his town, his world. He was lying on a patch of uneven grass, a loose gathering of trees shading him from the sky. A female voice cut through the air.

"Mother–" the curse was cut off with a hiss. Hidden behind a few trees, there sat a girl around Jacob's age. She was small and slight, with brown skin and pale green eyes. Her hair, long and straight, was an iridescent sort of white that seemed to glint any other color it pleased. She sat with her back pressed a tree, her fists balled in the grass on either side of her. There was a dagger imbedded in her shoulder.

She hissed again through gritted teeth, and the dagger began to pull itself from her flesh. Eventually it was out, floating a few inches from her as though held up by string. Her crimson blood stained the harsh metal. The girl glared at it for a time before it darted away from her, flying straight and true until its edge imbedded itself deep into a tree directly across from her.

"Son of a bitch," she muttered, pressing her hand to her shoulder with a wince.

@Night_ Star


A stillness had overtaken the woman and for a long moment she might've been sleeping. But when Luce spoke up, her body reacted, alert as ever, though her eyes remained closed.

"Hush," came her short reply as she raised a hand. The air grew steadily heavier, static dancing off of Luce's skin and down her throat. The breath froze in her lungs as a haze overtook the small, ramshackle room. Then it flashed green, and just like that Luce's breath returned to her and the air was light again. The old woman opened her eyes again and they fell on Luce.

"Different people call the world different things, but it ain't got no official name. None that I know, at least." She pushed herself out of her chair in a halting, laborious motion. "Ward's up. You've got a few minutes to leave if you want to before it takes full effect. If not, there's a set of spare blankets in that cupboard there." She nodded towards a box nailed to the wall with a crooked blank of wood on it. It could hardly be called a cupboard. "Only got one bed, so it'll be the floor for you."



The bartender glanced over to Bishop just as he'd hoped. The portly man raised an eyebrow in interest at the thought of new trade – only to drop his glass when he saw the glowing, sopping wet bag that rested in the counter.

"All the hells below," he muttered under his breath. "You idiot…" His eyes snapped up to Bishop. "Out!" he barked. "Outta this bar, outta this town!" Other patrons were glancing up at the bartender's outburst. He wasn't particularly well liked, but he had more sense than any of them cared to admit. If something was working him up this much, it likely wasn't anything good. A woman, large, armored, and imposing sauntered up to the bar.

"Alright George, what's the trouble you're yapping about this time?" Her tone betrayed none of her unease as she approached. But then her eyes found the glowing bag. "Tell me that's not what I think it is." Her eyes shot to Bishop in an accusatory glare and she snatched the bag up. Yanking it open, she reached in a picked up a dead, dissolving creature from the river. "You really are a special kinda stupid, aren't you?" Dropping the creature back in the bag, she grabbed Bishop's arm, her grip like a vice. "Alright, out you go. We don't need Itsaso raining down her fury here again. Barely managed to unflood the town last time." She hauled Bishop towards the door, all but throwing him out.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by ariplotter
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ariplotter Fathomer of Constellation-esque Thoughts

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Valencia Tempest
The Quick-witted Pirate with a Gentle Heart


Valencia disentangled herself from Caleb and Robyn and sprang to her feet. She was fine, aside from having her pride and a few limbs bruised.

Cináed's voice floated down to them, and Valencia scowled at its all-too-familiar sound.

“It was a sound plan,” she retorted. “How were we to know that was a bridge and not just floating stones?” Valencia chastised herself inwardly for not being more observant, though. If she’d taken in her surroundings rather than focusing solely on the trench, maybe she would have noticed them.

“Perhaps instead of singeing the ends of our hair, you could help us out of here,” Valencia continued. She noticed how wet he seemed to be. “Hm. Is that where all the water in this trench went?”

Valencia was distracted by the nearest pile of beads, which were now beginning to glow. “What in…” She knelt closer to the beads; very aware of Cináed's brooding gaze. Before her very eyes, a single glowing bead began to glow brighter. It slowly levitated into the air until it reached eye level, and hung there, glowing gently.

@c3p-0h @LizLegend @jordy0403
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Alina13
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Alina13 The Intellectual

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Luce was very tired. Her entire body was sore from those damn tree branches wrapping around her legs. She was still so confused and dazed with all this; she needed to lay down. She walked over to the cupboard, or whatever that thing was, and grabbed the blankets the old woman had mentioned. The whole time she was walking, she could feel the old woman's gaze on her. It felt heavy. This old woman must hold a great deal of responsibility.
Whatever that flash of green light was, it had had a strange effect on her. It had in a way, calmed her down. She wondered what had happened to the other figure lying next to her when she first woke up. Had he been tied up by the tree branches she escape from? Was there any way out for him? Something told her that she didn't want to know. She was just glad she had escaped when she had. Maybe she should follow old people more often. . .
Luca laid out the blankets on the rotting wood floor and used her arm as a pillow. She wasn't sure how long she had to sleep, but she was grateful for every second she would get.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LizLegend
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LizLegend aka / Liz E.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

After briefly scanning the area and listening, Robyn nodded to Valencia in agreement, "Sounds g-" and that was when everyone tumbled down the trench.

Robyn let out a few annoyed mumbles under her breath while trying to untwine herself from the blob of limbs, which kind of took awhile. Once she did she sat up from the ground and finished off her mumbling as she rubbed her head, most likely bruised at least somewhere. "Gah...you guys alright?" But then that was when that familiar voice with an ironic timing sounded. Robyn slowly stood up, glancing up at Cináed to confirm her assumptions and then put her head back down to give out an exhale while pinching the bridge of her nose, "Oh geez..." Robyn honestly should have seen this coming, then again, considering the situation(s) Robyn should be expecting everything and anything in a nutshell. Yet, how can you really? Robyn took a deep breath as she looked back up to Cináed, and then took note of how soaking wet he was. Wait...the fire guy was soaked?

...Robyn actually almost wanted to laugh at that irony, or rather just chuckle really, but alas this didn't really seem like the time...or the mood.

Robyn looked to where the 'bridge' was, or rather the floating stones, and kept staring at it with half-open eyes, "And by bridge...you mean invisible bridge..." Robyn's sarcasm could be heard through her half-monotone tone. Her words slightly trailed off though as something caught the corner of her eye, which were the nearest beads now glowing. Robyn looked towards the beads that Valencia was knelt to and without thinking her right foot slid back by a smidge and she went still watching the beads itself carefully. To Robyn, usually if something lit up it meant it was about to blow up. Although, usually it would be more of a blinking light than just glowing. Either way, it wouldn't stop Robyn from looking at them. Especially the one that just started levitating...

@c3p-0h @ariplotter @jordy0403
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by jordy0403
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jordy0403 I'm the little one

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Ouch, was Caleb's first thought as he hit the ground. A bunch of tots? The little... oh, the bridge, aright. Why am I suddenly forgetful? He got himself out of the little pile they had created. "Aren't you the fire guy?" He asked. "Why do you, uh, look different?" He asked, confused. "And why did you have to call me 'Stalker?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Stanifly
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Stanifly buzz

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Jacob Instin
The Guy With an Earpiece

Waking up to tree branches swaying gently and casting thin shadows over him was not something he had expected to do in the morning. He blinked, his mind slowly registering his current predicament. Then he blinked again.

"Is this what they call a lucid dream?" he wondered aloud. Content to simply lie there for a few minutes, he raised his hands to tuck them underneath his head, cushioning it with his palms. As soon as he did so, the sound of someone cursing close by reached him and he tilted his head to the side. He sat up, just about ready to introduce himself to who seemed like a dream character but he stopped himself. What if it wasn't a dream? How many times had he read of characters in fantasy books reacting to their situation as if it were a dream and had made themselves look stupid? Shaking his head, he sat up, stretching his arms out in front of him. In which he proceeded to pinch himself in the arm. Twice. His eye twitched from the slight, sharp pain but he didn't make a sound. Jacob looked around, for real this time. He drank in the surroundings, breathed in the strong earthy scent of the forest, the fresh air, and brushed the grass with his fingers, feeling the dew from them wet his fingertips.

Jacob stilled. So he really was in a forest. He had fallen asleep late at night, without changing (or showering for that matter), exhausted after returning from the library and having to break up yet another stupid argument between Broses and Leon, and had woken up estranged into an utterly unfamiliar forest.



The teenager could feel panic rising in him so he numbly shoved it back down, getting up with his hands in his pockets. That was right, he still had his favourite maroon hoodie on. That was nice. A small smile appeared on his face, though his eyes were carefully blank. Going into a kind of autopilot, he walked towards the source of the strange voice, which sounded strangely feminine. A blank look glazed over his eyes and his footsteps crunched the dark brown fallen leaves that littered the forest floor. In a few quick moments, peering around a tree with a particularly knobbly trunk, he caught sight of a girl with glittery hair. Well, it wasn't glittery per se, but it did shine a nice white and glinted a pleasing green tint. Jacob blinked. Or was it blue? He blinked again. It was purple now. Distracted by the strange girl's iridescent hair, he jumped, brought back to reality when a knife suddenly slammed into the tree trunk that he was partially hiding behind.

Who the hell are you?" rasped the girl, her right hand clutching her bloodied shoulder. Her left hand lay limp on the damp grass. She had brown skin and was wearing a cloak with the hood down, a dark grey one with no particular eye-catching design. It was rather plain. Underneath her cloak was a dark blue vest, with a hardly noticeable swirly pattern the same colour but outlined in black. Her trousers were not of significant notice either, being a dark brown. Strangely, she was barefoot. Jacob would've thought that wearing at least slippers when in a forest would be sensible. Then again, nothing had made sense since he'd woken up here.

"Jacob. I'm Jacob Instin," replied Jacob, worry pushing forward so as to further distract himself from the panic that was threatening to break out. "Are you alright?" For all the worry that was currently pulsing through him, his voice sounded strangely distant. His question was ignored.

Don't care who the flip you are," the girl retorted through clenched teeth, her words contrary to the ones she'd said earlier. Her eyes, which were a pale green Jacob realised, were staring at him, full of vehemence and suspicion and edged with pain. "But get me my damn knapsack a-and maybe I won't kill you." There was a slight hitch in her voice as she spoke. Although she seemed to be incapacitated to carry out her threat, the grim promise of hurt in her expression told Jacob not to tempt fate. With a submissive shrug, he looked around, quickly spotting a brown cloth bag with one strap lying limply on the ground. He picked it up and proceeded to walk towards the girl, his steps a little more cautious in case she decided to try something. When he was about to pass it to her, he stopped. The girl raised an eyebrow at the action, a wary expression on her face.

"I...your shoulder. You're injured," started Jacob, feeling stupid at his words. At the girl's flat expression, he hurried to finish. "I mean, you can only work one hand." At this, the girl let out a short bark of laughter, only stopping to wince as she inadvertently jarred her shoulder. Her glare returned abruptly.

Don't be ridiculous."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Stanifly
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Stanifly buzz

Member Seen 9 mos ago

~Post deleted~
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by c3p-0h
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c3p-0h unending foolery

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Caleb, Robyn, and Valencia

Cináed's eyes widened at hearing both Valencia's and Caleb's comments about his sopping state. And by god, was that a blush warming his cheeks? Narrowing his eyes to a glare, he lifted his staff and slammed the end back into the ground. A plume of flame erupted around him, and steam billowed through the smoke. When the fire dissipated, Cináed stood before them perfectly dry – and oddly fluffy. His hair was puffed up and frizzy from the humidity.

"Bah!" He brought a hand up to his black hair and roughly tried to settle it. Then he looked back down at the group as though it was their fault. "It's your fault I had to get wet in the first place," he accused. "Idiots messing with the river sprites," came a grumble, directed towards the group who'd passed over the bridge earlier. Then he glanced at Caleb. "And you're not Stalker. You're Lurker. You were lurking." The glow of the levitating bead.

"…Huh." Without blinking, fire appeared around him again, and in the next moment he was standing oposite Valencia, on the other side of the bead. "That's… not normal." Cináed reached out a hand, slowly moving to touch it. When the pad of his middle finger met the bead, the glow turned blindingly white for a moment before dying away just as quickly. The bead blackened and turned to ash, blowing away in a breeze. Cináed just stood there for a moment, frozen. He blinked at where the bead had been before his eyes focused on Valencia standing directly across from him. Then he looked to Robyn and Caleb. "That's not supposed to happen."



"I can do more with one hand than most can," came the girl's strained reply. But even through the pain, there was something haughty and proud about it. She turned her focus to the knife she'd flung against the tree, and it yanked itself free from the bark. It zipped through the air and returned to her bloodstained palm – cutting dangerously close to Jacob's cheek as it did so. The corner of her mouth quirked up for the smallest moment, and an eyebrow twitched up. Then the pain was back and she looked down at her bag in his hands.

A small tin lifted out of it and placed itself at her feet. It opened, and her knife floated down to slice out a dollop of some minty green salve. The flat of the blade lifted and went to work, smoothing the mixture over her shoulder. She leaned her head back against the tree and squeezed her eyes shut. Then the dagger dropped to the ground and she opened her eyes.

"I need to stand," she announced, and grabbed Jacob's wrist without warning. The girl yanked with surprising force, and it was a struggle for Jacob to stay upright, let alone support her. Finally, after a grueling affair, she managed to stand. Almost as soon as she was up, she shoved Jacob away with her free hand. The force of it pushed her back against the tree, and she had to lean on it to stay upright. Panting from both the effort and the pain, she hissed through her teeth. Her hand slammed back onto her shoulder, the green salve mixing with her blood in a muddy concoction. But at least it seemed the blood had almost stopped flowing.

She was a little thing, short and slight. But then she turned her sharp eyes back on Jacob. "Give me the bandage roll in the inner pocket," she commanded.

@Night_ Star


Luce was awakened by the sound of heavy footfalls echoing through the tree house. Early dawn light filtered through the windows as a shadow passed between them. The feet stopped just next to Luce.

"She's a sprout," came the old woman's voice, after a moment from far to Luce's left. "Found 'er last night." There was another long pause.

"You sealed me out," came a man's quiet voice finally. It was said as a flat statement, without accusation.

"You know the rules, Rowan," said the woman. And apparently, he did, because nothing else was said on the matter. The man, Rowan, stepped away from Luce's side to move around the house. "She's not staying here. You'll need to take her to Nocklin."

"Too rough. A sprout won't last." The reply was quick, but said in the same flat tone. "Gengy would be better."

"Hell, you wanna add another week to your trip you can take her to Lasting City for all I care." The man gave a small huff, but was otherwise quiet. But then Luce felt the old woman's cane nudging her awake.

"C'mon sprout, up you get," came her gravelly voice.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by ariplotter
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ariplotter Fathomer of Constellation-esque Thoughts

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Valencia Tempest
The Quick-witted Pirate with a Gentle Heart


Valencia watched as the bead dissipated before her eyes and blew away in a waft of ash. Cináed's eyes met hers, and Valencia was suddenly very aware of how little space there was between them. Why did she feel so flustered all of a sudden? She folded her arms, ignoring how cold her hands were. Valencia's hands always got cold when she was nervous or uncomfortable, but she'd gotten fairly good at hiding it by folding her arms and sometimes adding a scowl.

"That's not supposed to happen."

Now that Cináed was looking at Robyn and Caleb rather than straight at her, Valencia let out the breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding and studied the fire-manipulator. This was the first time she'd seen him from such a close distance.

Valencia had to suppress a laugh. Cináed's hair was, well... fluffy. She supposed that was a valid side effect from drying yourself with magical flames. Valencia also couldn't help noticing how tall he was, and-were his ears pointy? It was hard to tell beneath that frizzy dark mane. If they were, it wouldn't particularly surprise her, after everything else that had happened here.

"What's supposed to happen, then?" Valencia questioned, referencing the bead Cináed had touched. "And, for that matter... Are you going to help get us out of this pit and to the village, or did you just fancy the idea of going and getting yourself stuck down here with us?" Valencia raised her eyebrows expectantly.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Alina13
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Alina13 The Intellectual

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Luce wondered where exactly she was going. She had heard the conversation between the old woman and the mysterious man. But she didn't know where any of those places were, if they were dangerous and who else was there, if they were even people at all. . .
She got up sluggishly and asked in a tired, raspy voice, "Where am I going? Who are you?" She had not gotten any sleep and her throat hurt from screaming when the tree roots had wrapped around her. She then wondered if she had brought any of her possessions with her when she was ripped from her world and dropped in this one. She looked around the rattled tree house for anything that belonged to her and found nothing so she assumed not. She gazed at the old woman with a questioning look, hoping for some sort of explanation but doubting she would get one.
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