“Here's the part where I say something cool...Bears!”-
|Name|Bryce Francis Sanders
|Birth Date|4th of December, 1996.
|In Depth Appearance|At first glance, one would simply assume how irresponsible Bryce can be when it comes to tidying himself up. For starters, that is somewhat the case as he's prone to any sorts of trouble that will eventually put him through a lot of situations involving literal mess. Bryce's grandmother, Lisbeth Greene, is a blacksmith and more often than not, her grandson is usually the one who helps her out with her productions. So in that point of view, one can clearly understand how he's been through dirt during the entire day. Other than that, if blacksmithing isn't the case, then his other adventurous expeditions are, which -for the most part - are frequent ventures in the woods, looking for anything spectacular or at least worthy enough to feed his audacious nature.
Bryce's height roughly measures at about 172 cm, fairly average for his current age and weighs approximately 73 kilograms on the scale. Perhaps what's chiefly noticeable of his physical distinction is his nose, which has a wide bridge running across. Other than that, he's of the common kind with no unusual features that are likely to make a person's jaw drop. His body composes and evenly proportional build with narrow shoulders and a lean set of muscles shaping his overall physique. He has a pair of dark brown eyes and a hair which is often discerned as curly in texture. As for his style of clothing, it's a variation but not going beyond what's overly exaggerated. He likes to keep things simple and with it, he puts that particular style into his clothing pattern. Normally he'd wear hooded sweatshirts, plain white t-shirts or a flannel shirt where the sleeves are cut off, coupled with either a pair of shorts or jeans.
|Scars, Tattoos, Piercings|Bryce doesn't have any.
|Likes & Dislikes|✔ Music
✔ Poetry
✔ Comic Books
✔ Fastfood
✔ Dogs
✔ Bears
✔ Alien abductions
✘ Humorless people
✘ His dad's old car
✘ Bitter / tasteless food
✘ Gaining weight (irrelevant to his love of fastfood)
✘ Songs with terrible or nonsensical lyrics
✘ Pollution
✘ North Korea
|Hobbies|- Playing different musical instruments (mostly drums, guitar and the harmonica)
- Reading
- Playing Frisbee with his dog
|Habits|- Being an outgoing and energetic individual, Bryce has an innate aptitude for stubbornness, usually merging with his desire for adventure and his bold ludicrousness. Whenever he hears a rumor about bears in the forest, best for people to just convince him that it's a freakin' rumor.
- Although not particularly a person with a low IQ, Bryce has a rather difficult time remembering different situations in a short time span. This doesn't necessarily mean that he will forget everything within a few minutes or so. He's easily distracted and that ultimately affects his memory processing, thus why he often mentions how easy it is to forget.
- Singing. Yes, Bryce does have a good singing voice but on certain occasions, his superfluous and redundant practice of it - even between awkward scenarios - can be a bit irksome at times.
|Fears|☠ Losing his loved ones
☠ Demons, ghosts, witches and all that supernatural mumbo jumbo
☠ Death
|Personality|♦ Foolish ♦ Vivacious ♦ Fearless ♦ Dimwitted ♦
It's rather refreshing to see someone of Bryce's caliber to not worry about intelligence nor humbly demonstrate a stereotyped behavior in front of people's eyes just to keep a satisfactory image. How he personifies himself is of his own volition, refusing to let others' opinions become a basis for his underlying influence. Bryce follows his own code but not to the point where he becomes a sum of his own selfishness. No, he still abides on what's right and what's wrong but carefully minimizes it as to not turn into a victim of everyone's moral compass. He simply appreciates himself, for what he is and what he grew up to be. Sure, there are regrets and disappointments at some point of his growing life but people live in an imperfect world and these flaws Bryce is holding are the very foundations of his humanity.
What's quite puzzling is that despite how Bryce is fixated with his beliefs, he still managed to fall down to the idiot and dimwitted scale. He's naive altogether and such adjectives are perfect excuses to tell others of their youthful distress. Of course they will use it as an excuse, it's because they're young! However, it's not really that applicable for Bryce's case since he is genuinely a dimwit himself. People would normally assume it's an act, to pull something hilarious and gain a small amount of attention at the very least. For the people who know Bryce well, it's not actually the circumstance. He's just that idiotic at times. But to them, there is a purpose for Bryce's idiocy and it isn't mostly just to garner the eyes of the masses. Bryce told them himself that his silliness is some sort of message, well, indirectly portrayed that is, since he's not really that capable of being the most intellectual person.
What's the message? It's simply the mediocre phrase 'be yourself'. Bryce grew up with the jolliest of childhoods until it was broken off by an unlikely event that ultimately separated his happiness from his own siblings - one of the people he mostly cherished within his heart. That aside, Bryce's point is for someone to not be concerned about how smart they should be, how enticing their clothes should look and how reputable their displayed images should become. None of these ever made sense to him, it's all a looping contradiction of how we shouldn't become. Bryce was never concerned of how dumb he ended up becoming or how he's not able to answer the simplest of questions, what he's mainly concerned about is how he should stay true to himself because no other person can be himself other than his own.
As for being idiotic and dimwitted, Bryce is often hungry for adventure as it's something he truly yearned for in his eighteen years of existence. He's bold and daring, willing to try out every shenanigan there is as long they appeal to his satisfaction. He have always dreamed for grand journeys, most being originated from his child-like imaginations. Up to this day, those are everlastingly ingrained within the aims he had set up, but growing up made him realize how he should start tackling with rational subjects. Still, he's up for it and when there's an opportunity for an adventure, he'll undoubtedly grab it.
|History|It is conceivably odd how one would observe Bryce, in such way where they'd assume he never stepped foot on a big city for once in his life. Others would've concluded that what they regarded of him were true but largely, they're not. Strange how a person who is mostly fond of venturing off in the forest can be someone who came from a big city. It's even a bit hard for something like that to believe given how Bryce often acted like a mountain-dweller rather than someone who've known the premise of a swarming metropolis.
Originating from Chicago, Bryce Francis Sanders was brought to the world by writer Elyn Sanders and businessman Emilio Sanders. Most of their peaceful living were all products of Emilio's diligence until such time where his prominence carried the family altogether towards a wealthy state of living. Not only was he a hardworking father but a devoted member of the family, committed to do whatever it would take to sustain his children's satisfaction while administering their ethical conduct. Bryce was the youngest of four siblings. His parents wouldn't say he was the most loved one as their love for all of them are equal and unbiased. However though, Bryce proved to be more different than the others. Perhaps so different that he possessed a special kind of uniqueness in him.
At a very young age, Bryce was diagnosed with ADHD due to how poor he often performed at school and how he was easily distracted by toys and other physical activities he's fond with. This was immediately brought to his teachers' concerns, making them question how the child behaved at home or if there were any problems/incidents in the household that directly affected his learning process. Much to their surprise, there weren't any. Entirely, he was looked upon as a child teeming with happiness and joy. Teachers didn't have any problems with his displayed behaviour at school, save for the times when he spilled paint all over himself. He was far from being problematic. In fact, he was somewhat a favourite due to how polite he was on a daily basis. It's just that his playful image was negated by his difficulty of learning.
How his life ended up being spent at Verona was ironically due to his father's work. Yes, he's a good man but he would do anything just to make his family happy and thus, before claiming his desired position in his company, he made several involvements with Chicago's underworld. He had transactions with information breakers, hackers and even with the black market. Yes he did have regrets to it all, but he was left without a choice and he was, at that time, at the peak of losing his job and he knew well enough that it was something he should absolutely avoid. Eventually, his illegal activities didn't get a free pass and soon as those secrets were found out, a warrant was issued by the authorities and then followed his sessions in court. If he could've endured that sheer amount of stress mounting above him, he certainly wouldn't be fearful if his children knew of what he was doing, but it was something he didn't want overall. Emilio wanted them to leave the city and prevent them from ever seeing his accusations.
Arrangements were then made. Elyn Sanders was saddened by the fact that she's somehow abandoning her husband, but it must done and it was what Emilio wanted to for the welfare of their family. Bryce's siblings were old enough to stand on their own. The eldest of them all was already working at New York City as a financial analyst. The second oldest just graduated from the University of Chicago, now undergoing internship and then proceeding to studying medicine thereafter. So they were all separated, with the third youngest being under the eldest's support while he continued college. Bryce on the other hand was with his mother, moving to his grandmother's residence at the small Washington town named Verona. It was not the most reminiscent of departures, knowing that their father was bound to spend his life behind bars. It was difficult for the most part but they altogether hoped for the best.
It was at Verona when Bryce discovered that his uniqueness wasn't entirely based on his diagnosed disorder. In actuality, it was all just the cause of a strange phenomena that unraveled throughout the town, a solar eclipse as what it had been. It gave him an unusual kind of ability, something proven to be beyond his understanding.
|Family|His mother Elyn Sanders and grandmother Lisbeth Greene.
|Theme Song|
|Power Name|Location Swapping
|Power Description|The power to switch location between the user and another object/living thing.
|Abilities|- A basic conception of switching two different bodies from their respective locations, all made possible by proper eye contact and blinking to initiate the swap. On a short delay, both will be teleported to their swapped locations once the process ends.
- One known application which Bryce frequently uses is chain swapping, where he can swap subsequent locations within different objects by maintaining rapid eye contacts and sharply reacting to the next switching phase.
- Bryce can swap locations with any objects regardless of type, mass, etc. and with anyone even if they are flying, submerged underwater, or etc. as long as they're in his ability's range and can be seen visibly.
|Drawbacks/Weaknesses|- Bryce does not have any inherent immunity/protection against any harmful scenarios he can swap into. Meaning, for example, when he switches locations with a bird, he can die from falling unless he has all the necessary diving equipment or there are other objects he can swap with to avoid a crashing death.
- Swapping is prone to unforeseeable impacts. It also doesn't excuse Bryce for disregarding the laws of physics. If he falls, he falls and swapping with the ground won't be possible by any means. He also cannot swap with the moon or any organic/inorganic element for that matter.
- While chain swapping is likely to be a common practice, it still needs extensive focus since it will require him to react swiftly with the objects he's going to swap subsequently.
- There is a range limit and the ability will not work if Bryce is too far from the object. Like when he spots a glimpse of an eagle. If he's a hundred kilometers from the ground, he can't switch locations even if he can see the eagle clearly.
- While the objects he's able to switch locations with are unvaried, his current power level is limited to objects with masses he's only able to manage. To simply put, Bryce is not able to swap locations with objects as large as a house or a ship mainly due to his aptitude, which is only proficient enough to swap locations with objects of average mass such as non-heavy vehicles, people or animals for the most part. All of these are owed to Bryce's power state as it is leveled at an awakening to development stage currently.
- Lastly, side effects usually range around severe headaches, physical fatigue and at worse situations, loss of consciousness since the ability essentially requires coordinated brain activity and an ample athletic prowess in order for it to function accordingly.