Wait. That's his actual superpersona? Angstbomb?


I'm carefully reading all the character sheets to figure out which of you my supervillain can take in a fight. Just FYI.
Angst Bomb is up!
<Snipped quote by Polyphemus>
Pretty sure Thug could beat up the calculator. :p All the others might get dicey.
Shiro of the guild Log Horizon is not someone I would like to fight, nor would I want to face a team led by any living Calculator.
In all seriousness, though, it'll probably be a while before the teams actually end up running into each other.
Do the heroes function as a group?
@Drifting Pollen
Uhh one question..
Did you get inspiration from a show called The Librarians? I see some similarities between the red head Cassandra aand your Calculator...