Notable Villains

Notable Heroes

Hellis Charachters:

Notable Heroes

Hellis Charachters:
Name: Anduyel "Andy" Kald'Uwein
Persona: Angstbomb

Standing a respectable 5'11, the young looking man is pale as snow and with eyes that are blacker then tar but for two, glowing rings where his irises are. His posture is that of a prideful twat truth to be told. He believes himself better then he is and it shows in the way he carries himself. He favors black and borderline goth looks, because old habits die hard.
Age: 57 (As a Shadow Fae, his aging is about half that of a human)
Archetype: Magic
Power set: Shadow Fae
Illusion Magic, Drifting Shadows.(I)
This trick is the bread and butter of his sort. As a shadow fae, he can seemingly make shadows deepen and spread in a room, dimming light and making it harder to see. He mainly use it to spook people and make them nervous.
Destruction Magic, Sphere of Vengeance.
Despite its ominous name and cool appearance, the Sphere of Vengeance is a low level spell taught all grunts of the Matriachs army. Its a ball of arcane energy, infused with the ill will and pain of its thrower. In his case, that is pretty much him having to angst extra hard when he throws it.
Origin Story:
Every evil sorceress need her goons to back her up. Enter Andy, born and grown in the churning pits of despair. A Dark Fae brought up specifically to serve as fodder when the Matriach Mallana invaded the mortal realm of Neuithir (Earth). Trained from the tender age of 30 (they are in the pit for ten years, and age at one half a humans rate). He was shown how the darkness was supreme, how his pain and anger was the only way to triumph and that Humanity was weak. He believed it. He believed it so damn much.
Then came the day of the invasion, and the evil fae stormed out of the portal to face the weakling humans. Only the humans had tanks, they had cold iron, they had men in strange suits, spandex and magical trinkets. They had outworlders who could toss said tanks at him! Andy did not like pain. He did not like the anger. He did not like dying like a fly. He surrendered on the spot.
Working with "Miss Noir", a A-list magician and detective, he gave her all he knew about the portal he came through. He was spared, shown mercy and let go. Due to his ever conflicted nature, he took this as being given the purpose to protect his new, shiny and sunlit home. And so he did. He tried to emulate the heroes that squashed his Mistress invasion. He took a persona, the nickname his ex-girlfriend had affectionately called him back home. He became "Angstbomb"
After the recruiter of Slight Heroics Inc had stopped snickering at his persona, he was offered a place on the team
Persona: Angstbomb

Standing a respectable 5'11, the young looking man is pale as snow and with eyes that are blacker then tar but for two, glowing rings where his irises are. His posture is that of a prideful twat truth to be told. He believes himself better then he is and it shows in the way he carries himself. He favors black and borderline goth looks, because old habits die hard.
Age: 57 (As a Shadow Fae, his aging is about half that of a human)
Archetype: Magic
Power set: Shadow Fae
Illusion Magic, Drifting Shadows.(I)
This trick is the bread and butter of his sort. As a shadow fae, he can seemingly make shadows deepen and spread in a room, dimming light and making it harder to see. He mainly use it to spook people and make them nervous.
Destruction Magic, Sphere of Vengeance.
Despite its ominous name and cool appearance, the Sphere of Vengeance is a low level spell taught all grunts of the Matriachs army. Its a ball of arcane energy, infused with the ill will and pain of its thrower. In his case, that is pretty much him having to angst extra hard when he throws it.
Origin Story:
Every evil sorceress need her goons to back her up. Enter Andy, born and grown in the churning pits of despair. A Dark Fae brought up specifically to serve as fodder when the Matriach Mallana invaded the mortal realm of Neuithir (Earth). Trained from the tender age of 30 (they are in the pit for ten years, and age at one half a humans rate). He was shown how the darkness was supreme, how his pain and anger was the only way to triumph and that Humanity was weak. He believed it. He believed it so damn much.
Then came the day of the invasion, and the evil fae stormed out of the portal to face the weakling humans. Only the humans had tanks, they had cold iron, they had men in strange suits, spandex and magical trinkets. They had outworlders who could toss said tanks at him! Andy did not like pain. He did not like the anger. He did not like dying like a fly. He surrendered on the spot.
Working with "Miss Noir", a A-list magician and detective, he gave her all he knew about the portal he came through. He was spared, shown mercy and let go. Due to his ever conflicted nature, he took this as being given the purpose to protect his new, shiny and sunlit home. And so he did. He tried to emulate the heroes that squashed his Mistress invasion. He took a persona, the nickname his ex-girlfriend had affectionately called him back home. He became "Angstbomb"
After the recruiter of Slight Heroics Inc had stopped snickering at his persona, he was offered a place on the team
Name: Brodsee'feath Brogram Breauughhh, "Broseph" for short.
Persona: Brick

Age: 26 Earth Years
Archetype: Alien
Power set: Bartonian Physiology
Super Dense Exoskeleton; Partial.(I)
Brosephs vital areas and soft spots have superdense bones working like armor. These will stop alot of damage that otherwise would be lethal, but the pain is still there, and should them break? Welp, he better have a xenology trained doctor at hand!
Super Dense Exoskeleton; Thick Headed.(I)
You could argue it is a terrible super power. You are likely right. With a head tougher then a samoans, he has been known to crack stone with headbutts.
Origin Story: Don't drink and Drive Spaceships. This was something Broseph learned first hand. Born on a planet known for its drinking; Bar-Ton, Broseph is a professional alcoholic. He spent his days drinking and getting more messed up then the grunge-scene post Curt Cobain. In fact, he was so loaded the day he sat his ass in the seat of the "Babe Magnet" aka is his starship, that he forgot to punch in jump cordinates. Another thing you learn quickly, is to not Drink and Blind Warp. Off he went, and wham, he was suddenly entering earth atmosphere
To drunk to pull of even a half assed entry, he was doing things to his poor ship that intergalactic mechanics would get PTSD from. He was plummeting hard and banked just in time to fry every electronic on board and smash into the forested area outside of Dodgeville. Of course, the only reason he was alive was his hardy body, the crashfoam that encased him upon impact and a healthy dose of luck. He wandered around after that, mooching drinks off people and trying to get a job as a bouncer.
It was around this time the Slight Heroics Inc found him.
Persona: Brick

Age: 26 Earth Years
Archetype: Alien
Power set: Bartonian Physiology
Super Dense Exoskeleton; Partial.(I)
Brosephs vital areas and soft spots have superdense bones working like armor. These will stop alot of damage that otherwise would be lethal, but the pain is still there, and should them break? Welp, he better have a xenology trained doctor at hand!
Super Dense Exoskeleton; Thick Headed.(I)
You could argue it is a terrible super power. You are likely right. With a head tougher then a samoans, he has been known to crack stone with headbutts.
Origin Story: Don't drink and Drive Spaceships. This was something Broseph learned first hand. Born on a planet known for its drinking; Bar-Ton, Broseph is a professional alcoholic. He spent his days drinking and getting more messed up then the grunge-scene post Curt Cobain. In fact, he was so loaded the day he sat his ass in the seat of the "Babe Magnet" aka is his starship, that he forgot to punch in jump cordinates. Another thing you learn quickly, is to not Drink and Blind Warp. Off he went, and wham, he was suddenly entering earth atmosphere
To drunk to pull of even a half assed entry, he was doing things to his poor ship that intergalactic mechanics would get PTSD from. He was plummeting hard and banked just in time to fry every electronic on board and smash into the forested area outside of Dodgeville. Of course, the only reason he was alive was his hardy body, the crashfoam that encased him upon impact and a healthy dose of luck. He wandered around after that, mooching drinks off people and trying to get a job as a bouncer.
It was around this time the Slight Heroics Inc found him.