Name: "Hiro"
Age: 30
Race: Human
Gender: Male
A rugged, scrappy man around the age of 30. He looks weather worn, his feet are without shoes and his clothes seem well worn to the point where it hangs from his body in rags. HIis skin is a bronze tan color, like that of a man that rarely leaves the sun. A large backpack is strapped to his back, containing most of his personal belongings.
He carry himself with poise and power, but does not flaunt it. It is moe confidence then ego, and his keen eyes belie his wisdom.

"My left fist has rent flesh, broken bones and punched out giants. And I happen to be right handed"
-Hiro, One of the Seven Fists.
Hiro is one of the seven fists. Seven disciples to one of the most notorious martial artists to ever live. Han Gao Sung was a man of ambition as well as unrivaled blood lust. He lived to fight, and even at his old age he would invite people to fight him in death matches. He knew however, that his time was limited, and sought to spread his unique and brutal fighting style to men and women of similair mindset as his own. Enter the Seven Fists. Also known as the "Saints of Violence". Under the sadistic old man, several young prospects were trained day and night for 14 years under his tutulage. He was a intelligent man, who saw the strengths and weaknesses of each pupil. While his core principles remained what bound each martial artist to his style nad teachings, he encouraged each to branch out, to use what made them unique and powerfull
Hiro was considered middle of the pack. A dangerous opponent who used a style of gauging swipes and devestating palmstrikes. He was below the top three in power, each of them besting him again and again. But the three others hardly ever won against him. He was one of the Masters favorite students however, becouse the young man was merciless. A serious fight would always end with a crippled or disabled opponent one way or another. Hiro himself was born a simple farmers child. But from early age, he had been a trouble maker. He was brawny and scrappy, picking fight with other kids from the day he learned his first insult. It was all his parents could do not to send the boy away far away. One day, Han Gao Sung decided to take the boy off their hands. He bought the boy for a incredibly amount of money, and convinced them it was for the best.
Under his tutulage, Hiro got to use his agressive side to hurt people without reprimands. He was taught that only the strong was allowed to rise to the very top. That mercy was a flaw in others to exploit. Hiro embraced this, he only ever trusted his master and the other six disciples.
There would come a day however, at Hiros 22'nd birthday, where the next step in their masters plan was realized. He led his disciples to the Monastery of Lost Souls in what was a bloody battle. The sect of the Lost Soul was a small and ancient order that safeguarded several powerfull Arcane and Eldricht Arms. The Violent Saints earned their nickname that day, rampaging, taking of the orders finest in combat and prevailing.
However, Hiro ended up facing down the very leader of the Order. Alliyah the Lost. A powerfull mystic, she beat him in short order, toying with him almost. But he kept coming, kept getting up, rage consuming him. Alliyah, seeing the twisted nature of the boys heart, did something that would change his life forever. The Lost Souls were experts at exorcising evil, in taking and rehabilitating those of the most wicked nature. She drove the evil from his very being. Struck at the very core of his soul, tore the rage out of him,quenched the blood thirst forever and expelled the the darkness. However, such depth did the boy possess, that the effort left her drained. And thats when Han Gao Sung struck. She was weakened, unable to fend him off for to long.
Hiro, now seeing the world without a veil of hatred for the first time in his life, saw the death before him and grew cold with fear. He stared as his master broke such a powerfull woman over his knee, snapping the spine. He fled, seeing his fellow Fists and their Master for the monsters they were. In his flight, he snagged up the Arms that Alliyah had dropped. With the power of a Arcane Arms, and his own training, he escaped.
Now Hiro travels, fighting not for the sake of violence, but to hone his skills for the inevitable confrontation with his peers who took offence with his sudden cowardice.
Arcane Arm: Hubris Fist
Standard Form: Vengefull Claw Style
The standard form is a pair of ordinary looking wraps around his hand. However, when he fights, his muscles in his fingers and hands become super resilient and strong, allowing him immense grip strength. He utilizes this by using his hands like claws. He can easily tear flesh, or gauge soft parts. But he can even tear into armor with his fingers or rip off metal shielding.
Alternate Form: Obliterating Palm Style
The Obliterating Palm Style is enables by two magical seals that appear on his palms. By redirecting force levied against him, he absorbs power and fire it back trough his palms. Each strike is massive, able to send a grow man flying or dent the thickest armor.
Overbreak Form: Erasing Fist Style
His overbreak forms takes the form of two spiked Cestus gloves. They are seemingly made out of some red, shining energy. In this state, his fists become lethal weapons. His speed is greatly increased and he hits like a sledghammer with every blow. While the directed force is not that of OBliterating, he makes up for it with the insane amount of speed he gains.
Unleashed Form: Hands of God style
Becoming a demi-god of brawling, Hiro becomes incredibly strong, fast and resiliant. He gains all the abilities of his other styles, only in a much more juiced up state. His Vengefull claw can tear anything, his Obliterating Palm Style can level buildings and his erasing fist style can put most things down seemingly with a singe supersonic punch.