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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Temperance
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Temperance The Guillotine

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Major Ursa
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Major Ursa Springy Ferret

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BilboTheGreat
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BilboTheGreat I don't think through things, I never have time.

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Zoey Mansfeild

Age: 29 (Looks 18)

Gender: Female


Species: Vampire

Sexual Preference: Bisexual

Likes : Parties | Drinking | Love | make up | music | acting | Blood

Dislikes: Drugs | dicks | boy bands | Being a vampire |

Bio: Zoey was born in 1987 to a normal family in England. She lived on a council estate in south London, not the most glamorous of places to live but she was fine with it. She attended school until she was sixteen and then went too acting college for two years. Near the end of her time in college in 2005, she was at a party. There was a vampire at the party who took a liking too her. Things happened, and they ended up together that night. The next morning, she awoke and was about to leave when the vampire awoke. He wouldn't let her go, he wanted her to stay with him. His soul mate had recently died and he wanted a replacement. When she tried to escape, he bit her and turned her into what he was so she could be with him forever. That was when she became a vampire.

A newly turned vampire, in a house full of hungover or sleeping Humans. It wasn't good. The vampire who turned her didn't stop her, and in her blood-lust and rage she ended up killing everyone who was still at the party in the morning. She couldn't stop herself. The police were called, and when they arrived at the scene the other vampire was arrested and not her. He got put in prison for the murders she committed. She couldn't live with herself so she left the country and moved out to America to start a new life, a Vampire life. It's been 11 years since then, and she has only just come to terms with being a Vampire and the new powers she has.

Occupation: Works as a waitress.

Country of Origin: England

Feelings about meeting their soul mate: Very scared.

Soul mate: N/A.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Vee
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

< Emerald Green Eyes | Naturally Brown Hair but dyed Green | 5'5" | 113 lbs >

Nikolette "Niko" Darling.

Twenty-Three. (23)


Otaku. (Human Nerdess)

Sexual Preference:

  • Anime/Manga.
  • Video Games.
  • Items or trinkets from video games recreated in the real world.
  • Vibrant colors.
  • Internet.

  • Lack of Internet Access.
  • Lag.
  • Waiting for new episodes/being left on a cliff hanger episode.
  • Being told Manga/Anime/Videogames are lame.
  • The world not being an Anime.
  • Crowded places.
  • Kiwi's. They creep her out. Fruit isn't supposed to be hairy!! ..Don't get her started..

Niko is a rather unspectacular young girl. She was born to lame, non anime, parents who worked constantly. She was often left on her own at home once she outgrew a babysitter. So she had heard of anime and manga from a group at her school. To be exact a group making fun of another individual for liking it. Having never heard of such a thing she went home and looked up what an "anime" was. Since that point in time she was obsessed to maybe an unhealthy degree. It wasn't long before she died her hair a different, vibrant color every few months. She used her extra money on trinkets and items from her favorite series or paying admittance into gatherings for like minded individuals.

Outside of conventions Niko never really made any friends. Spending her time out of school catching up on new episodes or researching fan theories or things of less curricular importance... But besides that point she was a nerd to a supreme level. If it weren't for her parents insistence of going to school she would have barricaded her doors shut years ago.

In more recent years Niko had developed a forum she runs and operates that has up to date information on anime and mangas and their development. She uses that platform to sustain herself in her own apartment. Now the only thing that gets her out of the house is groceries or necessities.

Forum Over Lord. (Her self appointed title)

Country of Origin:
Born in Holland but raised in the United States.

Feelings about meeting their soul mate:
She is far too enthralled in her multiple fandoms to pay much attention to something that'll probably just pass her by.

Soul mate:
Zoey Mansfeild - (Link)
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by VarionusNW
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VarionusNW Nobody In Particular

Member Seen 3 days ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

The Radshaw Brothers

While they seem complete opposites these brothers were once really close. Events in their early teens separated them and caused them to take different paths, but now for the first time in years they are within the same town.

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ViolentViolet
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ViolentViolet Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Name Diana Dante Blake
Age Unknown
Gender FemaleMale
Species Cursed
Sexual Preference Demi-sexual, PanromanticHeterosexual, Demi-romantic
Likes Reading | Romance | Flowers | Music | DanteNight time | Quiet | Cats | Diana | Listening to Diana play
Dislikes Jerks | Most Americans | High Winds | The Ocean | Church Strangers | Bitter drinks | Sunlight | Men who touch his sister
Bio Diana, a young girl born many years ago, was the daughter of a wealthy businessman and his gentle wife. He was a trader, and had become a powerful man due to his business with Kings. His wife nearly died giving birth to their twins, but they were raised in a kind family, as they never had any other children. It was tradition that the first born son would gain the wealth and title of the family, while any daughters were married to men capable of protecting them and keeping them well looked after. This was the case with the young Diana. She was fifteen when she was first married, her husband a kind young aristocrat that was heavily religious. He would bring her with him to church every Sunday, and taught her the ways of Protestantism, even if she was not the type to be excited about it. What she loved was how he had collected so many books in his home, and the way he would treat her kindly. They never consummated their marriage until she had turned seventeen. The night when they first slept together was the night that her beloved husband died in her arms, killed by a madman who had broken into the small manse to gain wealth or leverage over his family. She could tell from the look on his face that he had not meant to kill the man, and shock spread across his body before he realized he could not simply allow the wife to live. It should be an honor for her to die by her husbands side. Fortunately, or unfortunately, the murderer was not the one to die in this struggle. Diana fought back with surprising vitality, desperate to survive this encounter. She killed him in the end, and was kicked from the church she had been involved in. She went home to her twin brother, still unmarried and soon to become head of the family. Their father was very ill by then. When she told him what had happened he agreed to help her, regardless of the cost to himself.
On the other hand, Dante had rarely spent time thinking of romantic relationships before he had reached adulthood. He was young when they began to learn their letters, though their father was always harder on him when it came to his lessons. He was to be the heir to the family name, and he couldn't tarnish it. He didn't often go out of the house to see other children, and his single joy in life became listening to his sister play her music by the time they were thirteen. He knew though, that she would soon be going and he spent as much time with her as he could before they would be torn apart by fate. He met his sisters betrothed before she did, met with him as his father had to approve or deny him. He was quiet, but nice enough with a good family and background. He found the man to be capable of doing what was best for her and allowed him to marry his sister. He remembers exchanging letters with Diana in the two years they were apart, talking about the wonderful things she'd seen on the mainland. It wasn't until the two of them were seventeen that he saw her again, coming home for the first time since her departure. She was afraid, alone and seeking refuge. He wouldn't refuse her, not after she had been kicked out of her home for defending herself. This was the beginning of another part of their life.
In time the two of them would be alone in their home, Dante still unmarried, her a widow. They were content again, almost happy, but blood stained Diana's hands and she never touched her viola. She refused to taint such a pure and innocent instrument with dirty and corrupted fingers.
Occupation Poet - under various pen names | Musician CEO of three large companies
Country of Origin Italy
Feelings about meeting their soul mate Diana, a daughter of evil, is not too fond of meeting her soul mate. She would much prefer it was her twins name inked on her wrist, though she knew no being could be that kind to a girl blessed and cursed by Lucifer. She does not want to accept them, and is perfectly willing to kill him in the case that she is given the chance and a reason. Dante, like his sister, is not keen on the idea of meeting his soul mate. He is content where he is now, and believes himself too much of a monster to love or be loved by anyone but the other half of himself - his twin sister, just as much a monster as he.
Soul mate Hitomi Sora[color=#5739EE][/color]

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lunar
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Lunar The Skull

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Itsuji Reyo

Age: 17

Gender: female


Species: shadow being (shadow beings can control and bocome shadows. They can even become invisible in darkness by becoming the darkness. They can also make shadows by making the darkness disappear)

Bio: Itsuji lives a normal life doing the same boring things in her boring town on this boring planet. The words on her arm would sting every once in a while. It was coming close to "the" date and she was waiting for the day when she would meet the one person who would be her's.

Sexual Preference: lesbian

Likes: napping, When girls touch her, food, ninjas, video games, tv, being lazy, groping, and anime and manga.

Dislikes: sleeping at night, talking to people she doesn't know, being told what to do, and physical activity(except groping and such)

Occupation: artist

Country of Origin: Japanese

Feelings about meeting their soul mate: she feels it would be cool to meet her soulmate and have someone who understands her. (And other reasons *wink* *wink*)

Soul mate:
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Knight of Doom
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Knight of Doom Slowly Becoming an Alcoholic

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Karos
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Karos The Erudite Englishman

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LadyMagnanimous


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Name: Pandora Mystique deForrest

Age: 19

Gender: female


Species: human witch

Sexual Preference: straight

Likes : animals, fruit, nuts, reading, crafts, nature

Dislikes: organ meats like liver, people who stab others in the back

Bio: Pandora was dropped off at the orphanage when she was five. No one knows why or who dropped her off. She was drugged and sleeping in a blanket on the steps. The only thing that was left with her was a key and a note. The note said Pandora, go to this locker on your 18th birthday. Come alone or you will not be able to go in. You will lose what inheritance you have. Pandora was given the note and her money from the nunnery so she could go out and find a job. An apartment was given to her for 3 months. All of this came from her unknown benefactor.

Occupation:waitress at a coffee shop

Country of Origin: USA

Feelings about meeting their soul mate: She is eager to meet her soul mate. She has had many dreams about a mysterious man who has sent her flowers, chocolates, jewelry and even a kitten.

Soul mate: (Leave this blank until I assign your characters their soul mates)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dragoknighte
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Member Seen 17 days ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Name: Andorra Rosetta

Age: 27

Gender: female

I am looking for a picture at the moment
Species: human/dual personalities/shapeshifter

Sexual Preference: straight

Likes : books, craft work, tennis, swimming, cooking

Dislikes: TV, cameras, newspapers, movies, animals,

Bio: ((Taken from the notes of the releasing psychiatric hospital ))
Andorra was born to a rich family and could have anything she wanted but parents who stayed home and pay attention to her. Her father was a famous archeologist and his wife traveled with him.
Andorra was left with a young servant girl who was negligent in her duties if there was a young male around. This servant girl wore a magic pendant that repelled curses. Which was very fortunate for her but not for Andorra.
Andorra was accidently cursed after a fight between the servant girl and a young foreign man. The man was not ever seen again. The servant girl took Andorra to the local curse remover who could not remove the curse but was able to delay the effect until she was 7.
On her 7th birthday, Andorra was being dressed in dress that she did not like when she first transformed into a panther cub. The servant girl finally told Professor Rosetta and his wife what happened . They felt that could not send Andorra back to the states for family to take care of so they did what they could with the help of several Curse removers.
In three years, Andorra’s full personality was brought out and her parents knew what they were dealing with. A child with a three way personality split. They were usually able to control/convince Andorra until they finished the site exploration two years later.
At the age of twelve, Andorra was a well behaved and beautiful girl with just a few odd quirks. The most obvious was the black streak down the middle of her blonde hair which was the end result of the curse removers. The next obvious thing was that her eye color changed from time to time. When she was in a happy ‘good’ mood, her eyes were a brilliant blue. When she was in any negative moods, her eyes changed to green and if her eyes ever turned to a lethal yellow, she was getting ready to change into her panther form. But the parents did not believe that Andorra word ever change again and did not mention the other two personalities when they enrolled her in a private Academy.
Various times such as when Andorra was feeling like she was neglected or over looked, she would become vindictive. She even threaten a few teachers who gave her ‘bad’ grades. Students began to avoid Andorra and before long she was moved to another school where the whole situation grew worse until one day when a popular girl gave out invitations for her sweet sixteen party.
Andorra confronted the classmate about not getting the expected invitation to the party. To everyone surprise, Andorra took the rejection very well much to everyone’s surprise.
Later that night Andorra crashed the party and killed many classmates .
By the time police got there, a total of 7 dead, 4 were dying and most of the others were mauled including the birthday girl. After a hunt for Andorra, she was found laying unconscious on the birthday girl who was unconscious as well.
The court deemed her to be responsible for her actions and was sent to juvenile facility.
The birthday girl did survive but was mentally unstable. Her whereabouts is unknown due to the fact that the family moved away without a forwarding address.
In the juvenile facility, Andorra was caught changing into her other forms on the camera. Evidence was sent to the court who decided to send her to a special psychiatric hospital dealing with abnormal cases where she is at this moment.
At the age of 27, Andorra has not had an episode for over two years and have been declared to be allowed back into the society by the court in spite of the probabilities that the hospital have presented to them.
Her lawyer is arranging her apartment via Skype and online catalogs. She has a trust fund from her parents who are living in Egypt at this time.
Her release from the hospital is now pending on the last few tests......

Occupation: NONE....

Country of Origin: USA

Feelings about meeting their soul mate: Andorra hates the number on her wrist but has accepted it. She makes her own clothes with long sleeves to hide the number. She tried to tattoo over the number but it would not cover the number. There is a floral design around the number now and her right wrist has a tattoo with a mirror image of the left wrist. She does not want to think about her soul mate.

Soul mate: (Leave this blank until I assign your characters their soul mates)
Hidden 9 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by timelord1101
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timelord1101 It's good to be back.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Alex Hoss

Age: Looks 23, actually about 300

Gender: Female


5'9", 155 lbs, Long natural white hair usually in a bun or braid, dark blue eyes, usually wears tight skinny jeans and a leather jacket and combat boots or black stiletto heels, skinny but has curves

Species: Succubus

Sexual Preference: Bisexual (preferably male, but good with both)

sitting at home alone
her cat(Toast =(^.^)=)
a good pen

poor fighting technique
ignorant people
people that try too hard to flirt
people in general

Grew up with 6 brothers in the city
great student in class
always wanted to get out and see the world
took martial arts from ages 5-18
parents never paid much attention to her
mother left at age 8
accidentally killed her first boyfriend at age 18 when her powers manifested

Occupation: Assassin by day, Escort by night

Country of Origin: America

Feelings about meeting their soul mate: "I don't really want to find out. Oh god, what if my soul mate is one of those "I don't drink because I have morals" kinds of people? What is they hate me smoking? ...I just don't want to have to give up my lifestyle for someone."

Soul mate:
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