Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Polybius
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Polybius Rhymer

Member Seen 1 mo ago

The Expanding Universe

The universe...
...is expanding, racing towards its own inevitable heat death. What joy, what wonder to be alive at such a time! Mankind, a progenitor race from a long-dead planet has multiplied and evolved in a myriad of ways making contact with thousands of species across the galaxy. The Omkla Ygar Empire wages war, not for profit or glory, but for the lulz. Hyklian courts argue pedantically while their kingdoms burn. Tears in the very fabric of space have become a concern for all whilst Ourobos Chrononauts steal entire centuries and rule them as their very own fiefdoms...

Setting Info

The universe has grown ancient. Space, once a vast ocean of mystery has been explored, colonized, abandoned, colonized again, lost and then popularized in myth & legend. There are few places left untouched by civilizations, both extinct and intact. It is an era of uncertainty, of grey morality. A precipice approaches and many are forced to jump. Others...simply want to pull a profit and hang on until the cliff edge collapses.

Political Factions

The Hyklian Combine

The Patriarchal Hyklian's Empire has grown decadent and untenable . Centuries of glorious expansion have exhausted the will of the Noble House Scions. Boredom and cruelty have taken the place of zealous conquering. Noble families quarrel over entire planets for nothing-an insult, a perceived insult or just for the hell of it. From the ziggurat-filled planet of Hyksos I, the frail and ailing Hyklian Emperor rules in name only, his power stripped by the warlike nobility. Between the nobles, the church and the emperor loyalists, the Hyklian has descended into a vast combine of hedonism & excess.

Hyklians are humanoid, living in the Hyksos Cluster. Some scholars trace their lineage back to the middle east region of ancient Earth, specifically the Fertile Crescent, a land once known as Mesopotamia. Modern Hyklian cities are lavish pleasure-palaces, ziggurats, pyramids and stone temples devoted to gods of excess and pleasure. They hide their advanced technology in a facade of decadent empire, preferring to remember themselves as they were, not what they became.

But they are not to be fooled with. It is true centuries of political infighting has fractured the Empires foundation & robbed the elderly Emperor, Hyksos I of his true power, but the noble families are stronger than ever. The combination of militarization and loyalty to the Patriarch has created a society of cunning warrior aristocrats, some scholars compare to the mythical Empire of Rome or the Land of Nippon on ancient Earth.

The Omkla Ygar Empire

On the opposite end of space are the horrid Ygar & their space-time warping slave ships. Powerful bio-wizards, Ygar science is a mixture of dark arts and advanced technology stolen from a thousand worlds. The early history of the Omkla Ygar is legendary, some say they were once a race of man that traveled too far into the heart of the galaxy and became tainted. Few in the galaxy do not know of the Omkla Ygars cruelty, especially their endless lust for more and more thralls to experiment upon.

The true physiology of the Ygar is unknown. They wear thickly armored suits with extendable tendrils for grabbing and restraining. They are slightly larger than humans, supposedly with larger craniums, as the black helmets they wear are quite large. Among the Ygar are smaller, lesser ranked creatures that seem to fear the larger Ygar, and of course the sense-dulled slave armies that accompany them on their conquests.

Ourobos Chronospheres

The Ourobos appear to hail from another dimension, or the far future. They have corrupted time itself, creating fiefdoms of 'pocket-time', entire eras of history ruled with an iron fist. The Ourobos seem to be limited to these spheres of power, however, and cannot travel for very long outside of them. There is a relationship between the use of Dark matter technology and Ourobos. The use of technology based on dark matter seems to not only antagonize the Ourobos, but strengthen their dominion in space. Ourobos are NPC characters only (for now).

The Races

The Andrakki

Under construction by me.
The C'Lok

Little is known of the cephalopod-like race of humanoids, other than they are fearsome warriors in combat, and vicious pirates.
(created by @Lauder)
The Humans

The earliest humans evolved from primates on a small, now destroyed planet near the center of the galaxy. Eons ago, they began exploring and colonizing space. Evolution continued, and today their are near infinite sub-species of human. Some scientists claim all humanoid lifeforms are either evolved from humans or some earlier, progenitor race.


Captain Erek of Carpas
Governor Gerard Domina of Planet Mon Rex Magna II
The Armory

Here is a collection of weapons and useful tools mentioned in the narrative.

Heavy-Bolter The Heavy-bolter (shotgun) is powered by an Andrakki designed power cell 'Dynamo'. As usual with all things Andrakki, the weapon overcompensates in power, resulting in less accuracy and less frequent firing rate. The weapon blasts arc lightning in a short but wide range and may be set for lethal or incapacitating damage. Used by the Mon Rex Magna Port Authority Soldiers.

Vibro-Blade Vibro-blades are the traditional weapon used in ritual combat by Hyklian Nobility. The varying sources of power from blade to blade make judging the effectiveness/damage output of each weapon difficult.
Plasti-steel Armor
Corvette Class Ship

Creating A Character

RP Guidelines & Last Thoughts

Below are a few guidelines that you should follow when creating posts or lore for Expanding Universe. When making posts there are a few things to consider: This RP is treated like a TV show. Skip the boring stuff, move the plot along. Having said that, please tell me if I'm moving too fast for you to RP your character to their full potential. Thanks for reading!

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by OtomostheCrazy
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OtomostheCrazy The Impatient Patience of Fulfilled Nothingness

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Cool! I'll start making a character!...Unless you need someone to play the sample characters?
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Polybius
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Polybius Rhymer

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Cool! I'll start making a character!...Unless you need someone to play the sample characters?

I'd rather go all original from here on out. If you've got an idea for a character let's hear it.
First post is up. I want to get this rolling before it loses steam. I'm busy the rest of the day, however so let's try and get characters started by at least tomorrow evening everyone.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Voltus_Ventus
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Voltus_Ventus The Voltusiest Ventus

Member Seen 2 days ago

@Polybius Would a cocky, brash, cheeky pilot by an acceptable character? Maybe with Retro-Punk undertones and lever action lasers?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Polybius
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Polybius Rhymer

Member Seen 1 mo ago

@Polybius Would a cocky, brash, cheeky pilot by an acceptable character? Maybe with Retro-Punk undertones and lever action lasers?

Love it. Figure out the characters damage/flaws so I can EXPLOIT appreciate it more.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ozerath
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Ozerath U WOT M8?

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


I posted in the int check a little bit ago, guess I'll re post what I said here.

I have a character I'd be interested in using, and one of my factions would work nicely for this setting.

I'll get to work on a CS for my character as well.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Polybius
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Polybius Rhymer

Member Seen 1 mo ago


I posted in the int check a little bit ago, guess I'll re post what I said here.

I have a character I'd be interested in using, and one of my factions would work nicely for this setting.

I'll get to work on a CS for my character as well.

I'll give it a read. Going to be honest and say that I want the LORE to be built cooperatively with new ideas and round-table type worldbuilding.
That way nobody get's lost in the minutiae of epic histories and narrative. Not saying that's a bad thing-I love writing that stuff myself. But story is character and we should start with that-characters. By all means, draft a character from the ISC and we'll see how it fits into the bigger picture. Remember though, the universe is old. Sleek and new is not common. More Han Solo and Jakku, less Old Republic and Jedi Tower.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Races are going to be very fun to make, along with the stories and everything else. I should have a character up by the end of the day ^^
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by OtomostheCrazy
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OtomostheCrazy The Impatient Patience of Fulfilled Nothingness

Member Seen 6 mos ago


Just out of curiosity, where is your gif (The one of the man punching a random person running down the hall) from?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ozerath
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Ozerath U WOT M8?

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Ozerath>

I'll give it a read. Going to be honest and say that I want the LORE to be built cooperatively with new ideas and round-table type worldbuilding.
That way nobody get's lost in the minutiae of epic histories and narrative. Not saying that's a bad thing-I love writing that stuff myself. But story is character and we should start with that-characters. By all means, draft a character from the ISC and we'll see how it fits into the bigger picture. Remember though, the universe is old. Sleek and new is not common. More Han Solo and Jakku, less Old Republic and Jedi Tower.

I just posted my standby/generic NS for the Commonwealth. To work properly in this setting, it's naturally going to need some sculpting. The details are only details, subject to change.

My vision it in this setting is a little less gleaming than the vanilla NS. Sure, there's pretty shiny city worlds in the core, but even they have their criminal underbellies. There's also backwater colonial holdings so isolated and unimportant that they've regressed to pre-spaceflight technology. It's a hundred different cultures all smushed together under one roof to create a domestic situation that could go up in flames at any second. Over it all a bunch of imperialistic space cats control everything important and spend their days plotting how to either keep the masses downtrodden or how to annex their nearest neighbors.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ozerath
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Ozerath U WOT M8?

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Just out of curiosity, where is your gif (The one of the man punching a random person running down the hall) from?

Doublepost cuz editing in mentions doesn't work. It's from Todd and the Book of Pure Evil, a pretty hilarious show.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by OtomostheCrazy
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OtomostheCrazy The Impatient Patience of Fulfilled Nothingness

Member Seen 6 mos ago

I may or may not pitch a Race idea. For now, though I'm thinking of making a Human character.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jpp188
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Jpp188 The bearded, friendly, dank, meme generator

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Im wondering where this takes place, are we all going with Captain Erek or can some of us be doing something... different.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Polybius
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Polybius Rhymer

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Im wondering where this takes place, are we all going with Captain Erek or can some of us be doing something... different.

For now it's a straightforward plot so everyone in the RP will be on the ship. We can split the party up later if that's appealing. What did you have in mind?
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by OtomostheCrazy
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OtomostheCrazy The Impatient Patience of Fulfilled Nothingness

Member Seen 6 mos ago



Isabelle "Izzy the Shattergun" Osborne

Race: Human



Background: When she was young, Izzy's parents were wanted people. Though they managed to go about their lives with her for some years, a job gone bad forced them to send her to her aunt. In actuality, Izzy had been the one to sell them out, though it was by complete accident. In any case, her aunt wasn't as mean or strict as people would think, but she was a restricting person that was very serious about molding her into a smart, capable soldier.

Her aunt personally trained Izzy, forcing her to learn how to fight, and teaching her about the information of the alien races and whatnot. Apparently it was a way to atone for selling her parents out. However, when Izzy was old enough to make her own decisions, she ended up fleeing from her aunt, and changing her identity to avoid her. From then on, she became a mercenary, doing odd jobs, temp work, assassinations, and whatever paid well. Though the constant income of powerful new races and technology makes her line of work more difficult than she'd like, she gets along well. She even acquired her favorite gun from one of her special missions. One that earned her a big name among mercenaries.

She spent a good majority of her adult life in a secluded spot of a planet. The spot was filled with criminals, crooks, murderers, and overall dangerous people. It was here where her life as a gun-for-hire began, and here where she began to feel as if the lives of others meant **** all.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jpp188
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Jpp188 The bearded, friendly, dank, meme generator

Member Seen 1 yr ago

<Snipped quote by Jpp188>

For now it's a straightforward plot so everyone in the RP will be on the ship. We can split the party up later if that's appealing. What did you have in mind?

I was thinking, a character that the Omkla Ygar were testing on, he has become a distorted version of himself. And he might be on a quest to find the ship, but if we are staying straight forward that's fine. Another question, can I still get in on this RP? I posted my first question and later realized you were full, sorry about that.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Polybius
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Polybius Rhymer

Member Seen 1 mo ago

<Snipped quote by Polybius>

I was thinking, a character that the Omkla Ygar were testing on, he has become a distorted version of himself. And he might be on a quest to find the ship, but if we are staying straight forward that's fine. Another question, can I still get in on this RP? I posted my first question and later realized you were full, sorry about that.

Yes. I clicked the full tag by mistake. So a character that has been experimented on by the Ygar? That sounds like a good start. I'm interested to see what you come up with, just remember that the Ygar are literal horrors from the depths of space, so whatever weird thing happened to your character should reflect that. Just to clarify, yes all of the PCs will be mercenaries aboard the Sweet Anne commanded by Captain Erek. After this little story arc, we'll see.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Polybius
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Polybius Rhymer

Member Seen 1 mo ago

@OtomostheCrazy I'll get notes to you by tomorrow. From what I can tell your character concept is fine, but some of the background info needs to be adjusted to better fit the tone of the story.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ozerath
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Ozerath U WOT M8?

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I'm actually gonna have to drop this, I'm already behind on a few RP's as is.

Have fun though! Maybe I'll catch a future version.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Awesomoman64
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Awesomoman64 I should go

Member Seen 14 days ago

Stealth based Hacking character is in the works. Hopefully will be done tonight if not tomorrow :)
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