Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gowi
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So despite everyone’s AMAZING support, after some thinking I think I’m going to drop my bid for Superman. Don’t panic though, because you will see me write Clark Kent… someday, someday soon. I imagine the big question is: why? I feel like while I have a lot sketched out for Superman I don’t have to direction to lead the story to a solid cohesive conclusion and I feel like I want to see how Morden’s Clark interacts as a whole. That said, I will be re-applying for Wonder Woman… in a hour or two. I have to make some edits.

So I'm going to respectively step aside.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sloth
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Sloth The Potato Salad of People

Member Seen 1 day ago

That said, I will be re-applying for Wonder Woman… in a hour or two. I have to make some edits.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Morden Man
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Morden Man

Member Seen 5 days ago

You are a gentleman and a scholar, my friend. @Gowi

@Hexaflexagon Black Widow is approved.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Blue Demon
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Blue Demon

Member Seen 1 yr ago

And here I was going to vote.

*Makes an awkward about face*

And I kind of feel like making a Steve Rodgers. Have we had any interest for him?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eddie Brock
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Eddie Brock

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Someone mentioned him -- I believe it was @Vandy -- but I don't know what the level of interest was.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Grey Warden
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The Grey Warden Commander Shepard

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(Alright, I think that I am done with the sheet. If you want me to post a sample post, then say it so I can work on it tomorrow. Hope you like it. And I hope that there isn't any grammar or spelling errors anywhere. I can finally go to bed!)

"We are born weak, we need strength; helpless, we need aid; foolish, we need reason. All that we lack at birth, all that we need when we come to man's estate, is the gift of education." — Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Emile, or Education


Oliver J. Queen aka Green Arrow


Neutral Good




1980 | Born into the wealthy life, Oliver Queen was the young heir to a billion dollar corporate dynasty at Queen Industries. His father, Robert Queen, was the CEO to the corporation and one of the most influential and wealthiest people in Seattle. His mother helped with the city's crime rates and donated some of the money has gone to charitable donations.

1985 | At a young age, Oliver had a love from Robin Hood and was said to be just like him, frequently practicing with his bow and arrows. Despite his age, Robert allowed his son to play with them and even helped out with his 'training'. He also find out that they loved the wildness, from pictures of their adventures in South America's Amazon rainforest to animals from Africa's savannas.

1988 | During his ninth birthday, he killed his first animal and was mildly traumatized by the event. His mother comforted her son as Robert went out to their jeep to put the dead animal away. The smell of the animal got the lions' attention and they attacked Robert, tearing him apart. Oliver hesitated to fire his bow towards the lions, costing his life.

His mother tried to stop the lions, but she retreated to the jeep and called for help as they surrounded the jeep. They were trapped in the jeep for a thirty minutes until help arrived and the lions retreated as they took parts of Robert with them. He had been mauled by them, leaving behind his son and wife. It was a tragic safari accident.

Moira Queen took over Queen Industries and care of her son until he was own enough to run it.

1993-1996 | Oliver soon was enrolled in the prestigious Excelsior Academy by his mother, wanting her son to have the best education that money can offer. His classmates at Academy were some of the best young minds in North America and the class was filled with individuals who would go on to change the world. These individuals included the likes of Alexander Luthor, Anthony Stark and Bruce Wayne.

At his teenage years, he had become a rich, thrill-seeking, and drunken playboy with no real sense of responsibility in his life. His behavior shamed his mother so much that he was relegated to clerical work on an oil rig in the Pacific. However, he had turned the rig into a hub for his parties within two weeks since his arrival at the rig. He had used most of the party drugs and drank almost all of the common drinks, putting shame in the family's name.

1997 | During his eighteenth birthday, a helicopter that was supposed to carried a famous rock star was commandeered by oil-thieving terrorists and soon overtook the rig. Oliver among with his guests and close friend, Tommy Merlyn, were held hostage at the control room. Despite his friend's warning, he went head on against the terrorists and grabbed his father's bows, arrows, and knife. He had killed the guys in the control room and went from the office, where the other terrorists were at.

They were armed with a detonator to a battery of explosives; however, Oliver didn't know that and went into the room with a careless attitude. He managed to kill most of them and got the detonator out of one of the terrorist's hands, but it bounced and activated, blowing up half the rig, killing the remaining guests on the other side of the rig. Fortunately for Oliver, his life was saved by Tommy - but his friend had taken the brunt of the blast, and was very badly burnt. They both fell off of the rig and Oliver was washed up ashore on the remote isolated Starfish Island, with his father's gear.

1998 | He had been spending a year on the island as he developed his skills as a hunter to survive and gained mastery over his bow. During his time at the island, he had taught his self self-reliance and realized that his past self was selfish and horrible. He had become a man.

His second test of his new self was the discovery of drug smugglers, ran by the famous drug cartel, China White. She supplied heroin imports for the West Coast and the entire Pacific rim. Oliver found one of her operations in the island, though he was unaware that it was apart of a drug cartel's business. Using his new skills, he attacked and destroyed the operation.

After using one of the boats from the site, he delivered them to the authorities before returning home. He saw his mother for the first time in a year and half, now that she turned fifty. Oliver had to prove that he was a changed man before she could give the control of Queen Industries to her son. That was when he took up a job as the company's spokesman.

1999 | During his time as a spokesman, he took acrobatics hand-to-hand, and martial arts training to improve his fighting skills. Then, he took politics seriously and decided to study the US government. That was when he saw how high crime was from Seattle, despite having strict laws on guns and other things. And then, he decided to do charity work and used his job as a way to help out the underprivileged.

1999-2002 | After years of being the Queen Industries' spokesman, his mother soon retired and let her son become the CEO of his family's hard work. With the company's money near him, his first order was to invest in Seattle developing jobs for the unemployed and improving lives from the low-class.

Despite his efforts, the crime rate didn't change that much to make an impact in the city. Which made Oliver devastated and went to his dying mother for help and advice. She told him that he must be brave and do things that bring fear to the bad and hope to the good. Later on, she died peacefully in her sleep and left behind a despressed son. She was buried next to her husband and Oliver had to move on, despite losing his mother and letting his father die.

2002-2012 | Ten years had passed since his mother had died, the city of Seattle and their crime rate has increased because of the economic crisis. Oliver's hard work was from nothing as crime rose again, taking away more lives. His views on politics had changed as terrorism increased and immigrants were coming to America from around the world. Since Washington was a liberal state, Oliver had some liberal ideas; but, he also had conservative ideas as well.

Despite his obsession with politics, he haven't thought of becoming mayor of Settle and rejected the idea because the people won't like his conservative views on some points. While he was looking around his attic, he found some Robin Hood comics inside a box of childhood collections. He decided to take a look at them and similares with him, wanting to protect and avoiding orders for the poor.

With his training in archery and acrobatics, he decided to use the company's money to developed his gear and update his father's bows. He was going to become a crime-fighter, like Robin Hood.

2013 | A year since he had the idea of becoming like Robin Hood, he has learned several skills: disguise, stealth, and throwing. He was able to finish updating his father's bow and made some trick arrows to used in battle. Then, his design on his outfit was finally done and he decided to try it out. He knew from the moment that he had become The Green Arrow.

His motivation was to save the citizens caught in the middle of the criminals' terror.

2014 | There were more mutants and other superheroes than there was two years ago. This, of course, worried Oliver Queen as he views mutants with caution. He was a supporter of the The Mutant Registration Act and voted for Robert Kelly to become president. Oliver just wanted to protect the powerless from the powerful.

That was when he met his first villain, Onomatopoeia. A serial killer who targeted non-powered, vigilante superheroes. His ability was that he could imitate noises around him, such as dripping taps, gunshots etc. Green Arrow soon defeated him, but he was able to escape. The citizens of Settle had finally met Green Arrow from the first time.

A symbol of hope had come to the city for the first time.

2014-2016 | Now that Green Arrow has become well-known in the city, the city's underworld are starting to worry about him. That was when Brick, a brilliant criminal mind and metahuman, showed up and soon became the leader of half of the crime empires. Saying that he would take care of the Green Arrow before he collapses the empires and end his terror for good.

This was the start of Green Arrow's first test in protecting his city.

Supporting Cast

Andrew Lopez - A detective in the Settle police force, who has helped Green Arrow in the past. Has connections to the police force and often provides information to the Green Arrow.

Evan Gibso - A reporter for the Washington Post. Wrote a post about the Green Arrow, that got him interested enough to contact him. He offered Gibso to gather information from the press and give them to him; and in return, he would allow him to publish somethings about the Green Arrow to the public.

Felicity Smoak - A hacker that changed her life after being arrested from hacking into a government database. She got a job in the the I.T. department at Queen Industries and met Oliver Queen. Felicity became suspicious of Queen's true intentions after strange requests from him increased; yet, she trusts in Oliver despite all of his sketchy requests.

China White - A leader of a drug cartel that dominated the South Pacific. Oliver Queen stopped one of her operations at Starfish Island. He hasn't met her yet, but it's rumored that she has operations at Settle.

Brick - A metahuman super-villain and crimelord in Settle. His skin is thick and brick-like, making him almost impervious to damage. Beginning his career as a low-level enforcer, his ruthlessness allowed him to rise through the ranks.

Onomatopoeia - A super-villain who only speaks in sound effect words and his own name. His origins are mysterious, but he uses expertise in martial arts to kill super-heroes. The costumes of his victims are taken as trophies.

Billy Tockman - A ruthless crimelord in Seattle He controls the city's waterfront and operates out of the Midnight Lounge.

How (if at all) does the New Frontier version of your character differ from the original?

The New Frontier version of Green Arrow is based on Prime Earth, Arrow, New Earth, and Justice League Unlimited. I want him to be skeptical of organizations like The Justice League or mutations like Superman and Magneto. And I want him to be interested in politics, not to the point where he's running for President (#Queen2020). Also, I want for him to kill with reason if he has no other choice or the villain becomes too powerful to stop him and then put him in jail.

If I would to become a hero, I would based my hero on the Green Arrow. I like the idea that he thinks that heroes shouldn't become too powerful and that the government should have programs that would stop Superman from going crazy or stop the formation of the Justice Lords. If this roleplay would have a secret division of the United States government (similar to Project Cadmus), then Green Arrow would support it. I also like how the fact that he thinks that he wouldn't fit in with an organization like the Justice League, because he just wants to help the 'little guy' and an organization would just 'forget about him'.

And, he has some interesting things that he says.

Post References

DC Universe: Gods Among Us - Catwoman [1]

Teen Titans: Divided We Fall - Static Shock [1]
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gowi
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

He was a supporter of the The Mutant Registration Act and voted for Robert Kelly to become president. Oliver just wanted to protect the powerless from the powerful.

I don't understand this line of thought at all. The MRA is the opposite of protecting the liberties and lives of mutant citizens.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eddie Brock
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Eddie Brock

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Yeah, Ollie's as liberal as liberal comes. I can't ever see him supporting something like the MRA. Individual liberties before all else.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gowi
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“I'm no longer accepting the things I cannot change, I'm changing the thngs I cannot accept.”

Diana Prince, AKA Wonder Woman

Chaotic Good


Wonder Woman has been in a constant flux, her memories telling her so many stories of who she is and what she represents. She’s been told she’s the daughter of Zeus, a warrior princess of the Amazons, a student of the martial arts, an elite operative for the agency known as SHIELD, and a herald of justice. She isn’t one of these things— she is all of them. Born Diana Prince in Gateway City, the girl that became Wonder Woman had three lifetimes worth of trials.

From her beginnings in Team 7, a black ops unit operating under authority from the agency known as SHIELD, to her awakening as an amazon and demi-goddess Wonder Woman has found herself tested by many as injustice plagued the planet. Challenged by gods, warlords, corrupt governments, gangs, corporations, mystics, and monsters Diana has refused to back down where evil overshadows good and she refuses to let it go unpunished. Her values have had many people unite behind her as they coined her a “superheroine” alongside many others of her ilk. But few of them have shown themselves to stand with her when things looked the most bleak… at least for a time.

In 2012, Diana returned to Gateway City and to America and began fighting injustice as she had in Eastern Europe, but it was here that she became in full-view of the media and the public as she defeated a sea monster summoned by Circe to destroy the pacific seaboard. She was coined “Wonder Woman” and the rest becomes history. Following this event she would go on to fight many who aligned themselves with evil and sin such as Silver Swan and Cheetah. As time would pass she would come to side with Superman and Charles Xavier on the Mutant Rights issue, assertively opposing assertions of a law that would bring more suffering and injustice. Nobody listened. When Magneto attacked the White House Diana aided in defense, but did not do it out of sympathy for President Kelly.

Declining Luthor’s JLA initiative, Diana has fought independently, continuing to spread her ideals. However these ideals have marked Diana in a bad light as conservative media paints her a ruthless intolerant extremist; and after her most recent encounter with business savant and medical expert, Cylvia Cyber, more people are starting to be wary of Diana and her brand of justice. As things turn up… SHIELD Director Amanda Waller looks to Diana with familiarity, confusion, and dread.

2016 is going to be hell.

Superhero Associates & Wards

Other Friends & Allies
    Steven Trevor - Former lead operative of SHIELD’s Team 7 and Diana’s former comrade. Given he is a special agent directly under Amanda Waller, Diana’s relationship with Steve is often times complicated and Diana doesn’t feel like she can entirely trust him.

    Edward Indelicato - Lead Detective on Gateway City Police Department’s Special Cases Squad and oddly an ally Diana has come to trust.

Enemies & Rivals
    Circe - Diana’s nemesis. Similar to Thor’s nemesis, Loki, Circe taunts Diana with countless schemes for apparently no reason. She’s completely hard to predict and much more difficult to deal with. Diana fears the day when Circe and Loki work together.

    Amanda Waller - The current Director of SHIELD, and the former Commanding Officer of Team 7. Diana has a checkered relationship with Waller whom she believes in completely untrustworthy given her support to unjust laws and actions. Often times Diana does see her as a mirror of herself; the individual who is as ruthless and uncompromising as she is but on the opposite political plane. For years Waller believed Diana Prince to be dead until Diana’s reappearance as Wonder Woman.

    Cylvia Cyber - A genius businesswoman, politician, and medical expert that continues to elude consequence. A co-funder of the Justice League of America, Cylvia is a cunning foe for Diana much like Lex Luthor is for Superman. Diana swears one day all of her ills will catch up with her and then the people will refuse to turn a blind eye. That will be a good day.

    Cheetah - A former archaeologist that mutated into a anthropomorphic Cheetah; a mutation that darkened the once ambitious and eager woman into a monster of sorts. A monster Diana has had to put down on several occasions.

    Ares - The Greek God of War finds himself at odds with Diana due to his attempts to manipulate the citizens of Gaia like he did in ages past. Diana has put a stop to his plans on several occasions.

I did a brief shot at Diana in Henry’s “Shattered Justice” game, but it sort of teetered out before I made a second post with her (it took me awhile to figure out how to go with her). I want to properly incorporate her in this game and run a Diana without as many walls for other players who might want to play Donna or Cassie. I’m taking my love of Greek Mythology and reading back up on it to reinvigorate my focus with character and plot ideas as well am looking forward to dealing with Marvel characters such as Thor.

I’m not going to lie, this Diana is different than the one most of us grew up with in the DC Animated Universe. But there is aspects of her mainstream continuity that I am using as a central point of development. Unlike my first go at Wonder Woman this one is a lot more amazonian and olympian but without removing the “Agent Diana Prince” aspect I’ve enjoyed every since I read her run where the writers made her depowered and more focused on her wit and tenacity rather than her artifacts and superpowers. Still, Diana is here. Believe me.


So, this happened.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Morden Man
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Morden Man

Member Seen 5 days ago

I'm going to bend the rules on this one a little and approve @Gowi off the bat given he's already endured a twenty-four hour waiting period for Superman.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Natty
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So far so good, right?

Scott Lang, AKA Ant-Man

Chaotic Good

The Justice League of America

After Scott Lang realized that he couldn't support his family through his repair work, he decided to use his skills to turn towards burglary, stealing just enough to get by. It wasn't long before Scott was apprehended and sentenced to spend the next years of his life behind bars. During this time, his wife Peggy divorced him, so when Scott got out four years later on early parole, he found that he had nowhere to go.

Wanting to continue to providing for his family, especially his daughter Cassie, Scott managed to get a job at a Wayne Enterprises branch as part of their ex-offenders employment scheme. Life gradually started to get better, that was until Cassie got sick, having been diagnosed as having a serious congenital heart condition. Desperate to help his daughter, Scott sought the aid of surgeon Dr. Erica Sondheim. However Scott soon discovered that she was mysteriously being held by Cross Technological Enterprises against her will.

Breaking into the home of Dr Henry Pym, the infamous Ant-Man, Scott stole the man's old Ant-Man suit, which he used in order to break into Cross Enterprises. Here he discovered that Dr. Sondheim was being held captive by the company's founder Darren Cross, who sought to use her to heal his own heart condition. During the struggle that unfolded, the villainous Darren Cross passed away after his heart gave way, allowing Scott to escape with Sondheim whom managed to save his daughter's life.

Scott was intent on returning the suit, however before he could Hank Pym informed Scott that he had watched Scott during his confrontation with Cross. Pym felt that Scott had what it took to take on the mantle of the Ant-Man full time, an offer Scott graciously agreed.

Having moved to New York, Scott fought as Ant-Man for around a year before he was approached by the Legendary Lex Luthor into joining his Justice League. Eager to make Cassie proud, he accepted.

Supporting Cast:
Superhero Associates & Wards
    Hank Pym - Creator of the Pym Particle and the Ant-Man suit, Hank gave Scott his blessing to become the Ant-Man.

    Lex Luthor - The benefactor of the Justice League, Scott finds the guy to be quite friendly and the two have a good working relationship. Requires approval from Lex player

    Captain America - The leader of the Justice League, Scott grew up listening to stories of the war hero.
    Requires approval from Cap player

    Thor - The actually Asgardian god Thor, as well as a fellow member of the Justice League.
    Requires approval from Thor player

    Black Widow - A fellow member of the Justice League. A hot Russian redhead, what's not to like?
    Requires approval from Hexaflexagon

    Superman - Unlike many members of the Justice League, Scott actually holds an appreciation for the big man in blue, although that might have something to do with the fact that Scott know's the man could absolutely destroy him if they came to blows.
    Requires approval from Morden Man

Allies and Friends
    Cassie Lang - Scott's daughter and the most important thing in his life right now. Scott shares custody of her with his ex-wife, Peggy.

    The Ants - There are approximately over ten thousand trillion ants on the planet at any given moment, and all of them are under Scott's control. He tries to be "friends" with his employees, giving them names and treating them with care.

Enemies and Rivals
    Peggy Rae - The ex-wife. Enough said.

    The Atom - More of a friendly rivalry, Scott believes that his Ant-Man suit surpasses that of the Atom suit, leading to the two shrinkers to constantly argue.

    Darren Cross - Former CEO and founder of Cross Technological Enterprises, Darren Cross was the first villain Scott faced. Believed to be dead after his heart gave out during his confrontation with him.

    Taskmaster - Due to having fought against the guy on more than one occasion, Scott sees the man as one of his arch-nemeses. Taskmaster would disagree.

How (if at all) does the New Frontier version of your character differ from the original?:
Scott doesn't really differ much from his comic iteration. Here however he worked briefly for Wayne Enterprises (I assumed that such a company would have ex-offender employment schemes or something). I'm basing the majority of how I play Scott on his current comic run, in that he's trying to care for his daughter, despite his ex-wife's protests, as well as the fact that I'd like to portray Scott as the "funny guy" i fell in love with.

Post References:
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gowi
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I may or may not be working on a Captain Marvel/Carol Danvers thing for the JLA side of things for my secondary character.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
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Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Man the League needs some of its original members.

Quick, someone make Flash!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
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Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Supporting Cast

Felicity Smoak - A hacker that changed her life after being arrested from hacking into a government database. She got a job in the the I.T. department at Queen Industries and met Oliver Queen. Felicity became suspicious of Queen's true intentions after strange requests from him increased; yet, she trusts in Oliver despite all of his sketchy requests.

NOOOOOOO! Not Olicity! Not here! No!

Supporting Cast

Onomatopoeia - A super-villain who only speaks in sound effect words and his own name. His origins are mysterious, but he uses expertise in martial arts to kill super-heroes. The costumes of his victims are taken as trophies.

Would you be willing to share Ono at all? It's cool if you want him all to yourself, I just love him as a villain but I can definitely make due without him haha.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hillan
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Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

Member Seen 13 days ago

Man the League needs some of its original members.

Quick, someone make Flash!

Pleeeease make Flash.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by TimeMasterX
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

An application that might actually send @Morden Man into a meltdown, you don't get much more mainstream Marvel than this...

In all seriousness, I'm working on a character now, should have it up in a few hours. :)
4x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sloth
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Sloth The Potato Salad of People

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dblade26
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So I did notice the summons a bit too late and while I'd love to join, it's back to school in China time for Dblade, and I figure I shouldn't commit until I'm settled into a pattern. As I'm currently jetlagging, have no class schedule and have already missed the first week or so of classes, this might take a bit.

However if this is still accepting signups by the time I'm once again settled in and the rigors of life as a student in China don't have me down (and you lot haven't taken all the characters I tend to like to play) I'd obviously be SO into this!
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Grey Warden
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The Grey Warden Commander Shepard

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Would you be willing to share Ono at all? It's cool if you want him all to yourself, I just love him as a villain but I can definitely make due without him haha.

Don't worry we can share him. :)
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kingfisher
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Kingfisher Observing or participating?

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Zebediah Kilgrave AKA The Purple Man


Neutral Evil


Purely Self-Interest


Zebediah Kilgrave grew up in rural Surrey, as the youngest member of the esteemed Kilgrave family. His earliest years were ones of extreme privilege, but that was all swept away when his father's company went bankrupt. Zebediah spiralled from the upper echelons of society, and straight down to the bottom in the years that followed, leaving him with an unquenchable desire for life's finer commodities.

Kilgrave joined the army to get away from the life he despised, and did two tours of Afghanistan before his cruel cunning and ingenuity was noted by the British Government.

Getting bumped up to the special forces, Kilgrave was sent on an undercover mission to investigate rumours of the Russian Government's so-called "Department X".

Kilgrave was compromised, and his captors subjected him to countless twisted experiments in an attempt to implant him with the meta gene. Kilgrave's mutations did eventually manifest, in the form of pheromones which allowed him to control the minds of those within his immediate radius, for up to 12 hours without contact.

Escape was easy, when all he had to do was ask the guards to let him out, and soon Kilgrave was on the first plane to America.

He's spent several years drifting from place-to-place, taking whatever he wants from whoever he wants, and building his criminal empire.

|Supporting Cast|

This is Kilgrave at his earliest, having just gotten to grip with his powers, and had a few years of fun with them. So far he hasn’t turned any super heroes into super slaves.

|How (if at all) does the New Frontier version of your character differ from the original?|

I've made a few tweaks to his backstory, but all in all this is a fairly faithful depiction of Kilgrave, combining elements of his print origin story and the one seen in Marvel's Jessica Jones, as well as some content of my own imagining. I've also gone for him being a gentleman who likes to wear the colour purple, instead of a man with purple skin.

|Post References|

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