Kaleb "Kal" Brody

“I am the only fire that can live in the rain.”
– L i l W a y n eKaleb is a contemplative person, and it shows when he is left to himself in the way that he looks as if his head is in the clouds. Despite his tendency to zone out he has good balance and rarely stumbles or trips, walking with what could be described as agility. His skin is pale from living in the depths of the station, far from natural light, broken only by the dark coloring that is the dark tattoo of the symbol for Mercury on the back of his neck, and his hair is dark enough to appear black, but upon closer inspection is actually a dark brown. His eyes are blue and observant, when he bothers to pay attention that is. He has a mischievous smile that sets a playful light over his face and he is good at hiding his troubles behind quick grins and small laughs, but the truth can always be found in his expressive eyes.

Basic Information
N A M EKaleb Angelov Brody
N I C K N A M EMost would call him Kal, with a teasing Kali thrown in when he gets moody. Some would call him Colors, knowing him to be responsible for many works of graffiti scrawled across the station.
B I R T H D A T E8th of February
G E N D E RMale
A G E16
S E X U A L I T YBisexual

C R I M ETheft, Defamation, Systems Tampering, Use of Narcotics, Illegal Biotech Upgrades
Y E A R S S P E N TOne year imprisoned.
C E L L M A T ESolitary

Education & Skills
O C C U P A T I O NStation Technician, overseeing the machines' functions, replacements, repairs, and other mechanical related duties.
C L A S S E S- Physics
- Art
- Music
- English
- Anthropology
- Linguistics
- Earth Skills
S K I L L S- Languages
- Details
- Intuition
- Negotiation

L I K E S- People
- Painting, Drawing
- Playing Guitar, Singing
- Fire
- Parties
- Cleanliness
- Technology
D I S L I K E S- Discrimination
- Injustice
- Dirt
- Sickness
- Idiocy
- Fighting
- Humiliation
H A B I T S- Talks to himself
- Touching his hair
- Biting his lip
H O B B I E S- Painting/Drawing
- Practicing Guitar
- Studying Languages

Delving Deeper
P E R S O N A L I T YA happy child is a safe child. He'd heard his mom say that to his dad once, and ever since he'd been hiding behind smiles and laughter. He indulges himself, indulges others, because to be happy is to be safe, and it's not like being happy is a bad thing- in fact, it's fully worth every risk imaginable. Except for when it's not, then he runs. In the days leading up to his arrest he learned a lot about himself; he's a coward, most of the time, and he wont face true danger if running is an option; he's lonely, too selfish and flighty for anyone to seriously consider him a friend; and he's a dreamer, always imagining bigger, better, and grander things. Kaleb was too depressed by his flaws to notice his good traits; he was caring, even is he didn't show it he cared about everything and everyone, friends, strangers, enemies, plants, pets, worlds he would never see; he was dependable, doing whatever needed to be done, carrying more than his fair share on his shoulders without a thought; and he was intelligent, learning more, seeing more, and thinking more than his peers. It was the not being able to see the good in himself, seeing only what he thought was the bad, that gave him the courage to fight back, ultimately leading to his arrest.
H I S T O R YKaleb's parents worked as Station Technicians; his mother worked as a repair agent, and his father was a systems planner. They had two children together, Kaleb (16) and Maisie (7). When his father came under scrutiny by the higher ups for suspected sabotage of the systems around an Inquistor's quarters that led to their death, his mother admitted to the crime to save him. They were unable to do anything to save her then and never learned if it was true or not. After that his home life became more despairing and he spent more and more time away, eventually moving out altogether. He lived with a group of guys who called themselves the Expressionists, a small group of nobodies with nothing going for them except their talents. With their influence Kal committed a number of crimes; he took to graffiti, painting the walls of public areas with witty strikes against the Inquisitors and other oppressive, corrupt, or hated persons; Kal explored his sexuality, finding himself to have an illegal taste in the same sex; he stole money, equipment, papers, anything valuable or useful; he took to doing drugs, many of which were addictive; he learned to sabotage machines, things as simple as doors or as complex as cameras; and he stole and implemented biotech upgrades called 'telemicroscopic implants' which allowed him enhanced eyesight so that he could see in greater detail at farther range.
In the weeks leading up to his arrest his life was turned inside out and ripped to pieces. The Expressionists had achieved some minimal fame by shutting down a whole section of the station with false alarms and using the empty space to break into an Inquisitor's room, steal from them, and leave a huge graffiti mosaic on the walls depicting a scaled pig with hundreds of teeth being stabbed in the heart with a wooden stake. The fame they gathered led to their undoing, the place they used as a hideout and home was discovered and a number of their members were arrested and executed. Kal escaped, but he was unable to contact with any other escapees. With no place to go he went home, to his family, only to discover they were gone and didn't live there anymore. Some digging revealed his father was dead for unknown reasons and his sister was adopted by an upperclass woman on the other side of the station. With nowhere to run and his emotions drowning him, Kaleb became depressed and desperate. When he found his picture, along with two other of the Expressionists, as part of a wanted poster he knew they'd been betrayed from the inside, which only furthered his turmoil. Soon after he broke into a restricted area of the ship that belonged to the Inquisitors and attempted to raid the place. He stole papers with sensitive information he intended to sell, he sabotaged and wiped important looking computers, and then started on the same mosaic as before. It was a mission of self-destruction, he knew he'd be caught, but he also knew he had to get revenge anyway, that he had to do something and face his fears. Needless to say he was caught and arrested, they charged him for stealing their datapads and papers, destroying and scanning their computers, his hostile and insulting graffiti, the drugs they found in his system, and the biotech discovered in his eyes.
With a number of enemies in high places, Kaleb found himself sentenced to solitary confinement. He hated it, preferring the company of people and the ability to work to doing nothing and talking to no one. He began talking to himself to break the silence, and for a while he wondered if he was going mad, but eventually stopped worrying. He knew he was going to die, but at least he was clean and had a steady supply of food and water in prison, it was better than starving to death in some dark dirty corner of the station.
T H E M E S O N GHold Me Down – Halsey"My demons are begging me to open up my mouth
I need them mechanically make the words come out
They fight me, vigorous and angry, watch them pounce
Ignite me, licking at the flames they bring about" E X T R A I N F O- The wide open sky makes him uncomfortable if he thinks about it too long.
- The biotech upgrades in his eyes make them reflective to light, not unlike most nocturnal creatures, and they light up a golden color when used, making it unlikely he could use the tech discretely.