The New Frontier: DC/Marvel One Universe RP application:

Kurt Wagner a.k.a The NightCrawler
Neutral Good
Neutral Good
1993: Kurt Wagner is born outside of a small Bavarian village to the shape-shifting mutant Raven Darkhölme a.k.a Mystique and the Demon-like mutant Azazel.
1993 After Kurt's birth, the father Azazel quickly vanished from Mystique's life without a trace. Leaving her to raise the baby by herself.
1994 Kurt is found out by the village inhabitants, who believe he is a demon. Mystique has no choice but to abandon him in the middle of the forest. Kurt is soon found by a Gypsy by the name of Margali Szardos.
1994-2006 Margali takes Kurt to the Bavarian circus where she works. Kurt is raised by Margali and the circus performers. Due to Kurt's mutant powers, he is the main attraction to the circus due to his look and abilities. The circus gains recognition around the entire country of Germany.
2007 Kurt's first traces of his teleportation powers manifest.
2009 Kurt's circus is bought by a wealthy Texas businessman. As such, the entire circus is moved to America to expand on the product. The quality of the show is dramatically decreased, the American public just wasn't as interested in the Circus as the Businessman had thought.
2010 In a last ditch effort to increase sales, the Texas businessman attempts to put Kurt on a nationwide "FreakShow". After Kurt declines the offer, he is drugged into submission by the businessman. Kurt awakens with a collar tied around his neck, and any attempt to teleport is met with a sudden electric charge strong enough to knock him unconscious.
2011 The "Freakshow" is on the road, traveling from city to city. Entertaining the mass of people that show up to see the "Blue Demon" or be met with a electric shock.
2013 Two years have passed since the show started, in the two year anniversary of the show the Businessman stumbles into Kurt's wagon drunk out of his mind. Not even able to form correct words correctly, forget sentences. Kurt takes advantage of the situation and after a brief encounter with the drunk man is able to free himself from his collar. Kurt immediately teleports as far as he can from the place, landing in a back alley where he sneaks through the streets of the city. Kurt had nothing to his name, and not knowing what city he was even in wasn't helping his cause. After a few hours of wandering, Kurt finds out he is currently in the city of "Philadelphia".
2013 While aimlessly wandering the streets, he walks by one of those gimmicky "TV STORES" that has all the TV's playing the same station at the same time.... On the TV Kurt see's a man in a Red,Blue and Yellow suit walk into a actual burning building. Before Kurt could even express his shock, the man walked out of the building with two small children. One in each arm, the man walks over to a weeping lady and sets the kids down next to her. The kids instantly hug the lady, and the lady instantly hugged back. The Red,Yellow and Blue man FLEW off the camera and into the sky. The headline was "Superhero: Superman saves two children from burning house."
2013 Now.. Kurt didn't know a whole lot of English, but he knew enough to make out the headline. Kurt was instantly fascinated, and further research on the topic showed that there were a bunch of these "SuperHeroes" popping up all over the world. With no place to go, Kurt slept on the idea that was creeping in the back of his mind. The next day arrived, and Kurt awoke from his spot in the back alley. Kurt instantly felt his stomach almost cave in. He would've killed for his daily meal at the "Freakshow" right now, but he knew he would never go back. With no place to turn, Kurt delved into thievery. Not the Bank Heists ones, but the steal an entire meal from a chef in the kitchen while he isn't looking and teleport out of there type of theft.
2013 Kurt waited a week for his first opportunity to try this "Hero stuff". Kurt crept into the back alley he normally fell asleep at, when he was met with two thugs pushing a lady around.
"Yeah lady. You better be scared!" One of the thugs said, taunting the poor lady. "So.. You never answered our question lady. Whas' a pretty thing like you out in the streets at night huh'?" The other thug replied, inching closer to the lady, as he eyed her purse.
A sudden, Bamf!, was heard behind the men, but they didn't seem to hear it over their constant boasting and taunting of the lady. The lady did hear it though, and her eyes grew wide as she saw Kurt's face. His glowing yellow eyes, his small fang that came out from the top of his mouth as he grinned from behind the men. The lady gave out a terrified shriek, louder than any scream Kurt has ever heard. "Whoa! Whoa! Lady! We said NO screaming!" The thug on the right said as he ran up to her, putting his hand over her mouth.
Kurt took the opportunity to grab the other thug standing still around the neck with his tail. The thugs muffled scream was drowned out from the lady's higher pitched scream. Kurt pulled the man into the shadow, where he got him in a tight choke-hold. After a few brief seconds, the thugs muffled screams became fainter and fainter as he passed out from the lack of oxygen. Kurt laid the man on the floor as he made his way to the other man, still fighting to keep the Lady quiet.
The lady gave him a helluva fight, and that gave Kurt a great opportunity to do the same to the second thug as he did the other one. Kurt grabbed hold of the other Thugs neck with his forearm. The thug instantly let go of the lady's mouth and the Lady let out a loud shriek once more now that her mouth was free. Kurt thought he had the thug down, but the thug gave a swift elbow to the chest of Kurt. Momentarily knocking the wind out of him, Kurt stumbled back and before he could even look up the Thug was on top of him. Kurt and the Man wrestled for a bit, Kurt gaining the advantage due to his enhanced physical abilities. Kurt swung wildly at the mans face, connecting a couple good times. Sending the man off of him, Kurt got up to his feet first. While the man was on the ground, Kurt gave him a quick kick to the temple as the man was on all fours. The man crumpled under the kick, and was instantly sleeping. Kurt turned around to see the lady frozen in fear, instead of shrieking she was as silent as could be.
"Gehen Sie Startseite-Dame."1 was all Kurt could choke out, his adrenaline still pumping from the fight. He hadn't had this much excitement since his first days at the circus.
1: "Go home lady."
2013-Present Kurt had gained a reputation through the entire city. His nighttime antics had gave him several nicknames but the City decided upon the true name of Nightcrawler. Kurt finally had something to be proud about, his entire life had been a up and down rollercoaster but things seemed to be finally looking up for him.
Supporting Cast:
Margali Szardos - The foster mother of Kurt. Helped him through his circus acts, and helped form him into the man he is today.
Superman - The first superhero Kurt ever saw, instantly influencing himself into the same state of heroism that he is today. Not knowing him in any shape or form however, Kurt plans to meet him one day.
The Justice League of America - Kurt see's them all the time on the TV, Newspapers, Magazines. You name it, they are on it. An elite group of superheroes that Kurt idolizes in every way. The ultimate goal is to reach this pinnacle of "Awesomeness" as Kurt would call it.
Arnos Jardine - The Businessman that enslaved Kurt to his freakshow. Kurt has never seen the man again, but that doesn't mean Kurt hasn't been searching. The man has fell off the face of the earth.
Mystique - The TRUE mother of Kurt. Kurt doesn't know of her at all, believing Margali to be his true mother. Not even second guessing his true beginnings as Mystique's true son.
Azazel - The Father of Kurt. This demon mutant has been seen through the ages of time, being spotted from time to time. Maybe a bigger plan is being brewed as he patiently waits for the right moment.
How (if at all) does the New Frontier version of your character differ from the original?:
Kurt does not join the X-men, and isn't near as religious as he is in the comics.
Kurt wanders the streets of Philadelphia, instead of his hometown in Germany.
He idolizes the Justice League heavily (which im pretty sure he doesn't in the comics)
Sample post:
TBA !!!!!
My 9/10th finished Nightcrawler CS. Just gotta write up a dope Sample Post. I don't mean to stray too far from the character in the comics, but with no real X-Men team being formed, I don't know what else to draw Nightcrawler up as besides a Demon-Like superhero that stalks in the night.
If I need to make any changes feel free to yell at me, I'm a big boy I can take it. Sample post will be done later today though!