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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 2 days ago

Astrea Nioré

Bar and Inn ~ Sunfire ~ Vrondi

"Well Ms. Nioré, don't let his charm get the better of you. He's cute and very well end-…”

The words spoken from the dragon’s mouth seemed to fall upon deaf ears as the young angel once more turned her attention back over to where she could see Eden- it was as though someone had come along and flipped a switch in her mind… the sight of his figure moving back towards where she stood at the bar causing her lithe frame to freeze up almost completely over the spot, her soft pink lips parting ever so slightly as she allowed her eyes to follow his movements before finally, she turned herself away from him, her hands once more coming up to rest upon the bar top as the conversation held between he and Eve seemed to fall upon deaf ears, her hand once again reaching out to take a hold of the drink she had been overlooking for what now felt like a lifetime- the sound of his alluring voice directed towards her being only thing managing to pull her back out from her own little world.

”Settle up everything with the barman for me won’t you Eve? But first, why don’t you introduce me to your new friend here?”

Tightening her gentle hold over the glass she held within the palm of her hand, Astrea stooped her head down ever so slightly, taking pause for a few moments as if it were going to help her sort through the thoughts and emotions clouding her mind before finally, she took her time to face him once again, her hand slowly sliding back across the bar until it was resting upon the edge as she lifted her gaze up to meet with his own; the entrancing and extremely vibrant blue eyes staring back at her causing her heart to flutter lightly within her chest, and for her train of thought to once again derail spectacularly in the space of just a few moments- the words he spoke… the tone of his voice… the way that he looked at her… it was so strange; she couldn’t help the way that her heart seemed to flutter in both an excited, though still rather nervous fashion within her chest. “I, uh…”

”Eden… He could have seriously hurt you. Mind your manners Eden, this is Ms. Nioré. Be nice to her, she was going to patch you up if the dragon man beat you to a pulp.”

”Oh relax, Eve, he was easy. All brawn, no brain until I broke him. I’m sure he’ll be back for this sword though and a rematch. But I wouldn’t mind taking a punch or two if it means I get to be healed by her…”

His eyes… oh by the Gods above, those eyes… those impossible, bright blue eyes; so calming and just so addicting to her- she knew if she wasn’t careful enough, she could lose herself within them completely. The very thought had her quickly tearing her gaze away from his own, instead allowing her beautiful coppery irises to come to a rest upon his muscular chest, her cheeks turning a light shade of res as she allowed them to linger there for what felt like a lifetime before finally, she slowly lifted her head back up, her eyes taking their time to follow along the strong line of his neck… his chin… his lips… before finally, she once again let the eyes that she had decided some time ago that she adored, to once more capture and hold her attention completely.

Smiling wearily as the sound of their playful bickering hit her ears, she stood herself up just that little bit taller against the bar, her body shifting slightly over the spot as she pressed her back flush against it as she let her eyes flick back and forth between both Eden and Eve, her hands both coming together in front of her stomach and her fingers playing nervously with one another as her mind once more began to wander, though his next words caused her attention to snap back up to him, her eyes widening ever so slightly as searched his own; a curious though still rather embarrassed expression crossing over her features, causing her cheeks to flush a brighter shade of red- he… he was quite straight forward; abruptly so… and while the nagging thought of the ever worsening punishment to be received from her master upon her return tugged at the back of her mind, the offer of being able to spend more time within his company was just that bit more tempting.

“..it would be an honor to be able to spend but even another moment within your company, my Lord…” Closing her eyes for only a moment as she bowed her head to him out of respect, Astrea brought her hand up to lightly brush a few stray strands of hair back behind her ear, her head lifting slowly as to allow her eyes to flick over and linger upon his lips for only a fraction of a second before finally, she brought them up to meet back with his own, lightly nodding her head in response to the thoughts he had voiced aloud only seconds before- she couldn’t deny it… there was just something about him that spoke to her… she was drawn to him…
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rai
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Rai ..::Ascension::.. / All Maker

Member Seen 3 mos ago

As what little time moved onward the opportune moments to twist the fate of the entire Edafos was reaching its first stages.

Being faced before Cara now, after she pushed from his grasp, showed the size difference of the two. The guard towered over her rather intimidatingly. His Dragon shaped helmet making it hard to tell if he was similar to Garooda underneath. Though his lack of heavy heaves and snarls may have given a hint. His eyes, ethereal under the darkness of his head protection, gazed on Cara's metal. He did not waver in his attraction to her, as he showed by giving her his attention still. The Fotians were always fighting and many of the female elites have augmented limbs and are seen as proud battle scars. Even in the human world scars would be considered having a attractive lure. For hardened Fotian soldiers this was very alluring, alluding to a woman's strength. "Oooh, I'm not to sure about meeting a large group of people. I was really just hoping to get to know you, and your captain there looks way to scary for me. It looks like your leaving now anyways. Maybe I can meet you at your next destination? Where are you headed next?" "We are headed to the route of the Vrondi Kingdom. There we will be doing routine checks and scouting." He watched as the door closed on the final guardsmen and only he remained. He chuckled underneath the helmet. "What's your name?"

The Bar owner looked a bit displeased by Krutik's rejection but his politeness and angelic presence left him in admiration, even if superficially. "Well then if you ever change your mind please do come back!" He voiced with a cheery tone to Krutik's diminishing form, as he left to return to other matters. The Bar owner then eyed the jewels Eden had won. He was clearly a money loving, or hungry, kind of man. Which was odd for a Sol, who were spiritual and altruistic people on average. As he watched the scene in the bar the humans suddenly stepped in through the front doors. He couldn't take his eyes off them, as they were a curiosity.

Despite all of her reactions Rai nor Sai seemed to care for Tamara's mental well being. Not taking the situation as seriously as they should and hinting to their lack of experience. However that attitude of being aloof gave rise to Tamara's temper and soon Sai was on the receiving end of it. Sai was shocked by the sudden grapple, obviously having little combat experience compared to the Dragon before her. "If you read my mind you should know how trustworthy my 'master' is. My 'master' is also the reason I'm not gnawing on your head right now. Garaten has helped me a lot and I help him in return. Now please, explain what is going on then Gare and I will help you." Sai couldn't say much in response, as she couldn't shake the fear of being skewered by Dragon claws. But as Tamara lightened up on her she felt the ease to say an apology, despite low. "I-Im sorry.. Your situation is a lot better than what I've experienced.." She muttered the last part, then returned a gaze to Tamara's eyes. Seeming to regain a bit of fire in her she opened her mouth and showed her fangs, which were a trait of the Nayudo, before speaking in a normal tone. "I'll take you up on that offer, besides a kinky bite from me doesn't feel too great." She chuckled on that last part. When Tamara rose from her person she slid off the bed and the two would head downstairs.

Eden's victory was celebrated by all and as drinks were poured the humans entered. This grasped many if not all their attentions. Some sipped in the dark corners simply watching. While this was inside Vrondi's lands it was still a open bar for all types of individuals. Slavers, assassins and others were present in this bar. The more time and events took place here the more they wanted to stay. Plots were being made for the humans as any expert on Descendant kind knew they were a rarity. The guardsmen before Cara began to notice the inflow of humans and found it taking some of his attention. The waitresses did their duties as usual and the note Astrea wrote on was whisked away unseen. The bar owner thumbed up Eden as he gestured a drink over to the humans. As the bar owner watched on he began to feel a abrupt seizure of his ligaments. He had inhaled a faint cloudy mist unbeknownst to him and anyone else, for it moved with sentient behavior, creeping along the floors behind the bar counter. With the attention on the humans none noticed the straightening of his posture, alien to his personality, and begin to sluggishly march to the human group.

Sygma listened to Alan's thoughts and nodded. He turned his head, giving Alan view of the side of his face from below his standing position. "I admit this place intrigues me. No doubt it has some secrets that may affect everything we knew about mank-" As he was speaking he was interrupted by Rai intrusion.

The moment the hooded figure that was Rai stepped into their groups circle he was inadvertently met with Sygma's guard. Rai being of a smaller stature looked up at the eye patched fellow. He felt their tension, and confusion, so his rush to speak with them was foolish. He began to feel this now and began to take down the hood some to show his face, revealing his tender human like features. Although the horns protruding from his skull said otherwise. On his face was a expression of concern, or desperation. In truth he wanted to leave as soon as possible, even more than wanting to know where these humans were from. Never having seen a human before in his life, as was true for most Descendants.

Sygma was a cool fellow. But he began to get on edge here. A few too many were getting too close and friendly. More Descendants grew an interest in the group. This was all too obvious now and Sygma felt his body tense in the way it did when he was preparing for the worse. However as a drink was laid upon his table he felt himself refresh, the almost gold looking beverage swishing in the glass reminded him of calm waters. He had been in places surrounded by odd humans, some so odd they were barely human. Reminded of this he felt his tension whisked away. Now he turned to Rai, looking past Alan for a moment while still seated. "Yes?" He said, folding his leg and leaning back in his seat. It was obvious to him and Alan that things were going according to plan, whose it was neither did know...

Before Rai could utter a word the bar owner crept from the other side of the group. Coming before Sygma's table. Their attention turned to him immediately but instead of speaking his blank eyes gave a faint glow. Then the voice echoed in Rai, Sygma and his group, and Sai's minds.

Listen Humans. I am Makhaira! I have spoken with Tevlanook! In agreement to aid you home the humans are to trade their services to safely transfer the blood seal to the kingdom of Vrondi. This one holds this seal and must be the one who delivers it. The humans may accommodate themselves within this Inn. After this you will receive the necessary materials to return home. May the cosmos waver to your will.

After the voice silenced the bar owner collapsed. His sudden fall startled the waitresses. It was only then that Sygma felt the urge to drink what was before him. After taking a sip of it he felt the urge to drink more. It was heavenly and its potency was on caliber to what humans pay top dollar for. He did not go beyond a few sips and left the swishing liquid inside on the table. "Well then.. That was weird." He looked as a few of the waitresses began to drag the bar owner to the back in a panic. Waving their healing powers over him.

"If we're going to help you I'll need to make sure my entire team isn't at risk. Meaning I'll bring some with me, but the rest will stay here and make this a base." Sygma looked at Rai for a reaction. The urgency on Rai's face was replaced with confusion, then frustration. "I'm sure that will be fine! We should leave as soon as we can.." He lowered his voice on the last part. His eyes turning to the Fotian guard still within the bar who was growing suspicious. "What's your name then?" Asked Sygma. "It's Rai and my sister, Sai, is coming with us.. maybe some other person.." As he said this he looked up to see if Sai and Tamara were coming down.

Sai came down when Tamara was ready and approached the group, forgetting to place her hood back on to entirely cover her face. Though her dark hair covered much of her features regardless. "Well what do we have here..?" She chimed in with a pleased tone. The humans were odd but they weren't ugly, not all anyways. "Well Rai and Sai. If you're coming with me I'll be calling the shots. But you'll need to direct me, you see we are not from around here." He smirked at the last part. Knowing by now it was obvious. He then presented his team before them. Doing a bit of a roll call if you will. As he went through he gave his remarks on them. "That's Viola, She's a bit wet behind the ears but she's solid with a gun and has some resourceful tricks up her sleeve." "And now this is my sword and shield, Alan. Nothing gets past this guy." He finished on Alan. He then began discussing with his group on who would come and who would stay. He mostly chose who he wanted, but most others were allowed to take position at the Bar & Inn. The radios they had setup were still functioning just fine. The snipers back on the hill were alerted to come down to the town they resided within. It was almost just like a fairy tale how things were setup, the snipers taking their scopes to the oddities surrounding them before being summoned back to the unit.

R'lyeh's ghosts would lead him onward but not even they could speak to him about what they did not know. The creatures the were spread out across the Edafos were waiting for unsuspecting nutrients to enter their sights. When R'lyeh would push onward, through the thicket of vegetation constantly surroudning him he would find a open pasture. On this field would be herbivore beasts gnawing at the plant life below their feet. These beasts were of varrying size however they were formidable in size. R'yleh would be allowed safe passage through or by their herd. His single miniscule form being of no forseeable threat to the beasts. Soon however the situation changed. They began moving about restlessly. They had sensed the presence of predators creeping about the shadows of the bushes. Emerging from their prone beneath the green foundations were a pack of feral dragons. Their size was less formidable than their preys, but their arsenal was obviously far more deadly and made up for the gap in size. Claws teeth and blood flew across the fields and sunk into a young calf of the herd. This calf squealed out in agony as the flesh from it's neck was severed from its body. The herd made their way down the field and into the jungle, making the pursuing predators unable or unwilling to continue their assault. Having taken the life of a calf was not enough however and their sights began to zone in on R'lyeh who stood now unprotected and surrounded by the four ferals that were only about half a dozen meters away.

Time : 9:45 am
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rechonq
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rechonq Silver River Royalty

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Cara was satisfied with the information she was getting. She was also a little worried that he wasn't leaving with the others. It seemed he was still interested in her, or maybe more interested, now that he saw her cybernetics. Great, I'm going to have to entertain this guy, and now he wants to know my name. I hope Krutik is ready to leave soon. She put on another performance, drawing in closer to him again. "Jamie is my name, and what's yours? You should really take off that helmet too. I want to see you." She noticed his attention was being strained by another interest as well. She glanced to look at the odd folk that were starting to cause a scene.

Krutik noticed her doing well with the Fotian guard. He knew she was probably hating it, but she was probably getting good information at the same time. He also kept a keen eye on the new people getting a lot of attention, and the barkeep? He looked stiff and just stood there as he approached the table. After a few moments he just collapsed. Well that's certainly odd. It seemed the two hooded figures knew them as well. Krutik couldn't quite overhear the conversation, but he knew a lot was going on, and he was getting very curious about it.

Tamara was content with Sai's apology. Sai's grin and new comment excited her a bit as well. Tamara gave a toothy smile as well, but as much as she would have liked to play, she eased off of Sai and stood back up. "Maybe another time." Tamara followed Sai as she lead the way back downstairs. Sai approached the table with the humans. Tamara stayed a few steps behind and signaled for Garaten to come over. "Only she could find trouble in paradise.

Garaten got up and answered her beckon. Before he could even ask what was going on she began. "So these two are the thieves and some Makhaira guy wants them to protect these humans. Their delivering some sort of blood seal. They were worried about the Therosi so I think they are Aion." With Tamara finishing her quick knowledge dump, Garaten tried processing everything. After a moment he spoke again. "Well, I suppose we could help them. We have a few days off, so what better way than working." Even though he was being sarcastic, he knew this was the right thing to do. The Aion were a peaceful organization that he wouldn't mind helping at all. Keeping an eye on this blood seal thing would be good for the queen as well.

They both turned to face the circle made up of the humans and the Aion, waiting to see what their next move would be.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Grey Dust
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The Grey Dust The / Grey

Member Seen 37 min ago

A glint of steel and the red paint flowed upon the Palette.
A humming tune as the artist prepares herself mind enwrapt so dearly upon her subject.
Each spreading stroke, circular motions, mixing in the crimson and the green.
Two houses, both alike in dignity, joined into one by a single family.
And so too were the colours mixed into the fold, producing the deep green of grass.
Grass, that which did not grow upon these lands so freely and burned in heat.
Grass which made itself into the subject of this painting study of a garden.
Another glint of steel, and the scarlet paint flowed upon the Canvas.
But the humming now a sudden gasp.
And Then?

Lady Hanoxx lies dead, the paint brush tipped with the grassy green of her unfinished painting dropped from her hand. Her lifeless body bearing the expression of shock. Her burning amber eyes staring at the faceless face of her killer. The marks of a Neron Assassin, to bear such a sudden death. Or perhaps not? To the untrained eye, the hallmarks of a Nero kill were present, the twin slash marks cutting into the sides of the neck just near the nape of the neck and base of the skull to sever the vital nerve which dictated speaking, breathing, heart rate, and so much more. A hand pressed over the nose and mouth to suppress anything more than a gasp escaping as the blade found its way around the neck. Blood barely spilled, but rather flowed down her neck regardless as toxins began to increase her heart rate without the regulation of the nerves. Gasping for air and bleeding, voiceless and helpless, but dead in minutes. Her fading consciousness made to get a good glimpse at the attacker, dressed in the outfit of Nero though masked in anonymous wraps. And not only her, but those who would find her, for now anointed upon her head, the telltale sign of a single Ruby Droplet. A gruesome calling card.

Yet, it was not a Nero assassination. No, for certainly as elaborate as it was, there was one vital element missing from the equation for this to be the work of the Dolofon. It was clean, but not clean. It was quick, but not quick. It was unnatural as if it was deliberately staged, with perfect execution. As if someone wanted it to be made clear who it was that did it and incite enough intrigue to perhaps start a war when the accusations start flying. But this injustice could not be met with impunity, for Lord Niscent did not spare a moment to mourn the women he had began to love. There would be no funeral for this investigation. If they wished to declare war, then so let it be done as the machinations and political maneuverings begin the house of Niscent-Hanoxx.


Meanwhile, in Paradise, or at least in the Vrondi lands. At a bar where the drinks flowed like water over the falls of Tearandri, where laughter and gossip became the talk of place, and a strange bunch of the strangest strangers appeared. But Eden's focus was not on the camaraderie surrounding them, but rather at the angelic girl before him. Ripped from the plane of reality, everything else fades into distant memory. The bar disappearing piece by piece, the patrons like ghosts suddenly invisible as his attention became ensnared into Astrea. So enamored by her charms, and grace, or perhaps was it that irresistible scent of dark sweetness that intoxicated him far quicker than the draught? Deeper he drank of her, like sweet nectar dripping off the tongue of this golden angel shared in a lover's kiss with every breath he took before her. Soon enough only three of them remained, Eden, Astrea, and of course Eve who clambered up his shoulder and knew what would come next.

Their eyes met, gazes fondling each others desires far quicker than their minds could betray their wanton lust. Aversion was no defense for the gravity of mutual attraction, their gazes lingered not elsewhere but followed the lines which made their bodies. Gazes creeping, ever creeping up towards their eyes to take in the sights. Eden's electric blue scanning over Astrea with his ever-so-cocky smile as he followed her form up and down and up again. Just as she had stared into his chest, it was only fair that Eden got to take a glimpse at hers, was it not? Tracing her assets over those curves to her bare collar and from her collar to her alluring neck, and from the neck then to her beautiful face once more. Those caramel eyes were not the only things to catch his, for between those pearls were her button nose, and beneath that, her luscious lips. On either side like palace guards were her rounded cheek bones and defined but invitingly-soft jawline, and her dark chestnut locks flowing free over her otherwise bare shoulder. Yes, definitely his type of girl, even now as a flash of vermillion flushed those cheeks.

“..it would be an honor to be able to spend but even another moment within your company, my Lord…”

My Lord? Eden's smile widened, perhaps wide enough to match his stoked ego. Such formalities were greeted warmly, with a his index finger and tip of his thumb careful not to claw her supple flesh with his stoney talons. A slight nudge lifted up Astrea's chin as she nodded down and returning her eyes to his, as before her gaze cast down followed her face in recognizing Eden's nobility. A glint in his eye, a mischievous sparkle twinkling a dance across the icy turquoise of his irises, could she prepare herself for him? To have touched her so gently, and yet all the same so authoritatively, a simple tipping of her chin, but control over her wandering eyes. From this move, perhaps like how he had used such subtle motions to defeat a dragon-breed moments ago, did Eden now establish his finesse over the body for Where the chin goes, the face must follow. And now, to finish the power move.

Those lips she eyed parted. Not in speaking, but ever so slightly dividing revealing a flash of teeth. His head crane forward, tilting right, as the suggestive machinations of his hand began to move Astrea' to her right as well while drawing them closer together. It was inevitable, that their lips would meet as his curled away from his signature smile into a pucker. And there it was, the kiss to begin and end things. They graced each other upon their lips, strangers becoming all too familiar. And with it the exchange of their desires, gnawing and biting into each other as wanting becomes satiation, over-indulgence and over-eating. He had forgotten about the girl he had upstairs already. For there was one here, locked with him as his other arm wrapped around her shoulder, reaching over her heavenly wings and drawing their bodies even closer together. Eden's hand had left her chin now and brushed over her cheek, fingers running through the hair Astrea had brushed aside as they wrapt themselves around the back of her head and then down her back following the path under the wing to around her waist as their kiss broke.

It was neither a quick peck, nor a long kiss, but it would leave them both breathless enough. And more so, leave them both wanting more of each other. As Eden drew himself back and smiled so coyly at Astrea with the same spark in his crystalline pond eyes as before. A quick kiss stolen in broke the moment once more, but just as it was so rapidly given, so too was it taken away. A nibble, a sip, not enough to satisfy the craving which demanded more, much more. And this was the edge from which Eden left them, mounting the tension and riding the embers of their mutual attraction as the rising heat and warm air would cause them to ascend into the clouds high above, if not at least the second floor...

"So, M'lady care to accompany your patient today? In case anything comes up?" he works fast, very fast. Perhaps too fast for Eve's liking, as she was probably the only one to remember that there was still someone sleeping in the bed upstairs, and made her protest known by prodding Eden's back with her tail as if that would remind him. She was also probably the only one who had noticed Rai and Sai as being the ones in the Poster, although they seemed to be gathering quite a small troupe of men, well men and at least one woman, okay two women. As her attention left the kiss and was directed at the events happening in the bar and not between Eden's new interest. Catching these thieves would be the responsibility for Eden to uphold being in the Fotian army, and cousin to Lord Hanoxx, but not with these odds. Plus he would probably try it too, being so bold as to fight one person not so long ago. When his attention finally turned to her and as Eden stroked her head with a finger much to her discontent but conflicted pleasure, she could have him back from Astrea. "Eve, we are definitely going to need some souvenirs of this place, care to join us in the marketplace? Or will you just stay in the room?"


The marketplace, a wretched den of thieves behind stalls, and across them. Alive in the morning hours of sun, high in the tree-city. Into the crowd they mingled in, disappearing amongst the busy marketplace as hagglers called out over prices, shoppers browsed wares and merchants peddled goods. barrows of pottery, wine and wood, barrels filled with every fruit or vegetable imaginable, and exotic spices from around the world gathered here. Fine spun fabric, precious stones sparkling in the sunlight, gold and silver gleaming, the hammering of hot metal, the smell of baking breads, and The warbling of animals a feast for the senses all. The natural breeding ground of a empty pocket, and a heavy purse all the same.

"Eden, I think I saw those thie-" A finger was brought to her lips to end her line as Eden whispered regarding not to speak of it now or in this place, for he did too on the way out, but where they were was where the T word may be a watchword given the nature of the marketplace. Besides, it seems beside him was Astrea, who was currently being all too pampered by Eden who had made sure she would have an enjoyable time playing doctor. Anything her eyes lingered on, well anything that wasn't him, he bought, his heavy satchel of currency fattened quite well from the family coffers. Some new garments? Jewelry? Fine wines? Name it, and had she given it more than a second thought it was purchased and gifted to her, usually amassing in some poor market boy having to carry it all. Eden referred to it as some sort of healer's fee or something, but they both knew what he was doing. And after all, Eve did mention he was well endowed.

"So, M'lady, what do you think of this?" Eden slipped on a locket around Astrea's collar with a single Lassan silver scallop shell, opened to reveal a trinity of pearls in white, pink and black off the leather cord to hang just above the start of her cleavage. "Or perhaps this one to match your gorgeous eyes?" A pure copper diadem inlaid with designs of golden leaves like laurels and capped with a single deep green emerald cut to resemble a turned leaf. Word would soon spread however about Eden and his consort, like wildfire through the market, all the merchants waiting to get their cut of that heavy load Eden had.

Which may warrant some unwanted attention which Eve was keeping an eye our for as she settled herself around Eden's neck. Someone had to keep Eden out of trouble, and that was her responsibility.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by InfernoBlaze
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InfernoBlaze Whiskyholic

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"So it turns out that flappy bird we met upon our arrival had orchestrated this meeting, not to help us find some supplies for our journey, but to help these people and that he could give us the materials to get home on the spot...", was Alan's first thought when he heard the bar-owner-turned-creepy-mind-controlled-messenger speaking.

It turns out that the two people that approached Sygma's group had some kind of mission to accomplish - something about the delivery of a blood seal - and that they needed manpower, humanpower in this case, he made a pun in his head.

Sygma's approach on the matter did not surprise Alan. His decision to help these two strangers seemed correct, since, up to now, they did not have any other known way to return home. Plus, it travelling with people who knew Edafos could prove useful on what he and Sygma discussed about learning more about this world. Of course, Sygma was not dumb. Despite his casual tone, he was not the kind of man to just blindly trust strangers just because things seemed to unfold in a specific manner. He would be on guard, just like Alan. What he was not so sure about was the other soldiers.

Some of them were rightfully confused and tense, despite their training. Alan couldn't blame them. They were humans or, at least, more human than he was. He wasn't expecting them to just cope with everything that occured so suddenly, save for Sygma, who was a seasoned soldier. Well, maybe the girl of the team, Viola was apparently her name, could also be an asset, seeing as how Sygma mentioned her. From his words, she was a marksman, but also had more abilities than that.

"Imagine if she could control time...", Alan jokingly thought.

Getting back to business, Alan took the initiative and said, while playing with his beard, a habit he developed when he was thinking:

"If you need more people to carry out this mission, we can safely assume that it is not a walk in the park. Someone probably doesn't want you to deliver your blood seal or he, she or they would want to have it for themselves. So, in case you have people after you, it is not wise for us to stay here much longer. The town is a dangerous place, as you can be exposed, or attacked. Besides, conflicts inside towns, aren't going to help much in escorting you discreetly, as they tend to draw unwanted attention. Of course, it is up to Captain's judgement."

As soon as Alan finished speaking, more people joined their group.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Grey Dust
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The Grey Dust The / Grey

Member Seen 37 min ago

"Offer us your blood..."
"And Kill it..."
"And Kill all..."
"And Kill them..."
"Then use their blood..."
"And bless their bones..."

The masters were right. They always were. They could not save him, but certainly they would be his saving grace. Their voice guidance in the darkness, their whispers in the dark. He heard them speaking to him once more, his mind open to their dark suggestion. Like a puppet on strings, tugged with six strands as he clutched his book no more. A pointed tooth, sharp canines bit into flesh, R'lyeh biting into his thumb as he began to bleed across his forehead, throwing his hood back to draw the sigil that shall give him sight. He could hear them, too, the ferals, snarling tooth and claw after their attack on the calf. But the masters would not let him die, no they were wise to counsel him to kill them. Yes, to spare none of these things which he gazed upon with his mystic sight, watching them encircle him with hungry curiosity.

To use his own life, his own blood, his own water, it was a fine line between life and death for the dark magicks R'lyeh used and his own abilities over water. His blood-marked forehead turned to face his opponents, fierce creatures that they were, they would be no match for R'lyeh's watery manipulations. The mummers in the back of his mind, telling him to attack, to make these feral creatures suffer, to let them who it that they crossed. The water forced out of his suit, long and tentacular, forced into shape as a whip to lash out at the nearest creature. The waters splashed over it with force, and a R'lyeh waited as the water returned back into his robes. All they had to do was come closer to him, ever closer until he could link his own water with theirs. The fluid in their bodies, to desiccate them dry, and once one fell, raising it to become his undead servant would grant him dominion over the rest. For his army shall expand with every marching corpse.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rai
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Rai ..::Ascension::.. / All Maker

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Things were rolling toward a direct path. Instead of being lost in this surreal world like Alice the group of humans were pointed down a yellow brick road, acquiring partners, much like Dorothy. Onward they would go to be entangled by the vines of fate. The thorns of the vines would soon meet their flesh and draw blood to seal the contract of fate with one another.

Cara's persistence would hold value for a moment. The guard seemed interested still in not leaving her side but his eyes were on the mysterious group. It was obvious something was up by now since the Bar tender collapsed after meeting with them. He placed a right hand on his sheath in preparation for a confrontation. He was taken in by Cara's words however and his ego was challenged a bit. Not that he cared for his looks but he did think he was much better looking than his captain. He removed his hand from the sheath and revealed his persona. His face was that of a normal Fotian, Tyro blood running deep. This made clear through his red scales on the edges of his face. His black horns were broken however, clear sign of battle hardened history. His grin was evident now, toothy with mostly sharp tips. Perhaps a little Dragon did exist in his blood. His yellow eyes, slit like a reptiles eyed Cara up and down with the freshness of air in his nostrils unhindered by the helmet. His hair was short and brown, dehydrated and messy. Though beads of sweat laid on his forehead. "I'll be on a short campaign on the path of Vrondi's capital. But I WILL return here later for you. The Vrondi won't allow my ranks to enter their capital. Those bastards think we'll fuck shit up, which we will." He laughed, chuckling with a deep voice. "But we're told not to anger their King." He seemed to have lost his thought process, scratching his cheek with a gilded hand. But his eyes were admiring Cara's chest. He raised a hand to her chin and raised it. "Be a good girl and stay in this town for me. My name is Dirch, the one and only. I must return before my Captain notices my absence." He retracted his hand to his side and turned to depart. He placed his helmet back on before doing so and left the Inn.

10:20 AM

"Last but not least get us all a room." Sygma haggled with Rai, for the best deal. Rai's sheepish eyes quivered a bit. Unable to think of a way to afford for all these humans to be boarded within this place indefinitely. Then his eyes awakened with a bit of a snap. "There's a room upstairs we can talk about this in." Sygma turned to his people and nodded. "Ok I'll go." Sygma and Rai walked up the stairs alone.

Sai looked at the group of humans and then to Tamara's friend "Gare". The memories she saw let her know a good deal of his personality and she smiled and waved to him unabashedly. "Hiiii~" Her youthfully cheerful persona made her seem cute, and almost harmless. She then turned to Alan, the human who seemed like the man in charge besides Sygma. His silence in this situation seemed a bit odd and she wanted so badly to probe his mind. Marking it on a to do list for later. For now she grinned at him mischievously.

Rai entered the room with Sygma following behind closely. Rai then began to kneel down and crawl along the floors. Sygma crossed his arms with a curious eye brow raised. "What ar-?" Being cut off by a quick "Found it!" By Rai who then raised his head up from behind the bed. He laid out a large bag of jewels on the bed. "Your humans could use this to stay here for about a month or more." He seemed a bit happy for this accomplishment. Sygma shrugged. "Ok good. So what is our route exactly?" Rai sat on the bed and scratched his head. "You mean the way we are going? You never been to Vrondi capital before? Lots of people travel there." Sygma sighed, not feeling the need to explain his situation as it may just prove to hinder the cohesive thought process needed to get them from point A to B safely. "Lets just say we are not from around here. So think you could draw something up for me?" Sygma laid out a pen and paper on the bed for Rai. Who grabbed it and began sketching the route for them. "It's very simple, practically straight path. But there may be Fotian soldiers on this path.." Sygma questioned this for a while, getting the details of weaponry and abilities of these soldiers. Blinking once or twice to the fact that many have fire manipulation abilities.

After the discussion Sygma walked down the stairs with Rai. "Ok.. I got one hell of a grasp on things now. I need these people on my team." He went down the list of who he wanted to be with him. The team went as such. Alan, Viola & Solomon, the mysterious clown faced killer. It was this small team that would be the front line. The others he mentioned will be supporters, like snipers and medics. With that said the group began to fill up on water and food from the bar. Mostly bread and smoked dragon meat that not a single human has ever tasted, though it was similar to venison. Sygma found Garatan to be the strangest of the followers, his armor and strength given from his aura of being made him feel a bit uneasy. Good thing he's on our team The group would then leave the inn and return to the crowd of people within the town, which provided good cover from the Fotian guards that remained within. Rai and Sai led the group to a building that had stairs that led down to a small dock where a few boats sat as if awaiting their arrival. The group would enter the boats and use the rows to move across the waters to the forest. Avoiding the main path out the town of Sunfire. "It's best if we're not seen when leaving..." Sai muttered, losing her cheery tone as she clinched her cloak with fear. Being captured obviously scared her severely.

The boats would stop at the edge of the forest at the end of the water. Exiting the boats as uniformly as possible they enter into the forestation. Sygma looks at the map given to him from earlier and sees the animate arrow pointing to the capital they were headed to. "So what exactly is this blood seal thing anyway?" Sygma asked out loud as he stepped over a few thorny vines. He refrained from asking this in private because he wished for his team to hear it.

"It's something that.. It's something that's been used to hurt many innocent people." Rai looked down, his hair and hood covering his grimacing expression.

The group came to a thick group of vegetation. Sygma pulled out a machete to cut it down but Sai walked in front of him making him pause. Her hood was lowered revealing her antler like horns. With a flash from her eyes the vegetation began to recede. Behind the crawling vines was the beaten clear path down toward the capital. Sygma poked his head out and looked down the path. He whistled at the sheer wonder of how Sai managed to do this feat. "That's handy." He stepped out onto the path and the group followed. Soon they found themselves at a clear grassy field with the sight of a large heavenly kingdom not too far beyond the hill horizon.

Onward they went. The awe never leaving the souls of the humans that passed the beautiful nature before them. But as they walked past a stream of water a odd sound echoed from the sky above. Heads were raised in confusion but Rai and Sai began to move at a bolting pace. "Run!"

Theme : youtube.com/watch?v=Z6R1r6v529k

Emerging from above the tree covering was two bright red dragons being rode by armored soldiers. All the red gave the impression these riders were indeed Fotian. The winged beasts were forced toward a lower flight path above the ground once the soldiers noticed the group. A pointed finger from one made it obvious the two running wanted criminals were practically found out. One went for Rai & Sai, coming from above and behind them like a hawk soaring down to grab its prey. The other hovered before the group of humans. With a loud booming voice the soldier yelled. "Drop your weapons and submit!"

Sygma felt things go underway very quickly. Too quick to talk his way out of it. He wiped a bit of nervous sweat from his brow and lifted his gun pointed to the Dragon and lifted a radio to his mouth with his left hand. "Line the shot. On my mark. Fire!" He shot his weapon, and at the same moment a large bang was heard in the forestation far away behind the group. Two bullets hit the Dragon on the temple, one hitting the eye. The creature cried from its affliction, blood spewed from its wound. "Move!! Spread out!" The veins on his neck bulged as he shouted this, a dire expression on his face.

The control the soldier had over the dragon was negated. This caused him to roll off the beast and land on the ground below and with a expert roll to his feet he was unscathed. He pulled out a mechanism from his side holster. It resembled the engineering of a automatic rifle. As he did this the Dragon half collapsed to the ground. Twisting about and sprinkling crimson on the lime green grass around it. It then opened it's jaws and unleashed a flaming wave of fire from its jaws toward the group. It was over two meters away but the fire reached beyond this. By this time Sygma had cleared the majority of its forward trajectory however the turning of the beast's neck made the flame spread from left to right. Nicking Sygma with it's flames. "Son of a bitch!!"

10:45 AM - Time passage since departure : 25 minutes
Theme : youtube.com/watch?v=8dNdSFp36xQ

Demon and Angel together among the crowd. Though love was blind fate had a direct path, often splitting love apart at its youngest stage.

As the two Descendants walked down the busy path of the morning merchants shops. There was a quiet vibe of the people around them doing their selling and shopping. As the sunlight above through the indoor realm inside the great tree. The eyes of the Sol descended did not so much as squint at the glaring sphere of light beaming on their faces. This was nutrients to them, it was nature to them. As time went on the pace of their morning duties began to grow in vibrations. Their energy being increased the longer they were in the sunlight. The plants around them. The ones making the foundations for much of the wooden shops inner and outer workings. It sprung to life as well sprouting pollen flowers and spreading out into the bodies of the people around the market. It was a special pollen that gave therapeutic chemicals that were harmless. It calmed the majority of people into a easy haze. Those who were not affected were either in deep mental distress or with strong willpower.

A shadow moved along the ground of the two behind them. It moved along the feet of the people walking about the marketplace. The medium sized crowd grabbing the fresh foods, clothes, weapons & armor, medicine, and miscellaneous. This shadow moved with awareness. Precisely darting shadow to shadow from the shuffling crowd. It came to the shadow of Eden. A hand was seen emerging from the shadow that had a prominent shade of black compared to the natural contour. A crimson bladed dagger with a pitch black hilt was held in its grasp.

"Well what do we have here..?"

A man that was a entire foot taller than Eden yet slender, and dressed in more clothes than the majority of the civilians, walked in front of him and Astrea standing only 5 feet away. He had a blue hood over his head but obviously had a light complexion and light blue hairs over his face. At a blink of an eye he swung a hand up and back down to his side. Before one could comprehend his movement speed a transparent shard of ice flew through the air and struck the fingers of the hand rising from the dark. Three fingers flew across the marketplace floor being kicked unknowingly by people. No blood came out of the wound. The blade was dropped on the hard ground behind Eden with a clanging sound. Immediately did the hand recede into the darkness that was only a foot round. The entire dimension of the darkness reducing itself to a minuscule size until it was gone. Those who could comprehend this exchange were only the ones involved. Eden and Astrea had no clue beyond the sound of the dagger dropping. The man pointed his finger and raised his head up revealing his face. The mans finger was raised toward Eden and jutted forward three times as he spoke. "May I have that blade.." He waited for Eden to turn and look at the blade before speaking more in a playful tone. "Y'know.. It's not smart for a royal blooded person as yourself." He looked at Astrea and bowed. "Excuse me for a moment.. healer of all." he winked to her and then returned his eyes to Eden. "It's not wise to be out in the open with no guards of your own." He gave Astrea another glance. "Beauty wont save you from all dangers." He rose a cup from underneath the blue cape similar to a cloak he wore around his neck and over his back. In the wine glass was a golden liquid like that of the bar. He sipped it as it was held by only two fingers dividing between the slender glass beam. It almost glowed in the sunlight. He gave a smirk as he sipped the drink, whilst simultaneously and casually stepping toward Eden.

"I'm sorry but I'll have to cut your date short. You know how to contact him he's Eden of Fotia. Surely won't be a hassle to send him a letter." He placed a hand on Astrea's shoulder and a encasement of ice emerged from her skin. She was frozen in place and in mind. He took down his hood after doing so. Revealing his icy blue eyes and what of his face his hair allowed. The attire on this man was almost cold climate wear. White fur was lined about the ends of his clothes and the edges of his hood. He was dressed in more than anyone else. He looked at the dragon on Eden's shoulder, Eve. He raised his brows at her. "Well hello. Didn't know Eden had a friend in the world.. Well my name is Mirror. Nice to finally meet some people who know how to have fun!"

10:20 AM


They did not like the threatening display from the descendant. These creatures were out for easy prey yet his display did not threaten them. They were a young pack and though they were wary they snapped their jaws in a display of their own. Circling the soon to be meat for the eventual kill. Their size were not as formidable as most feral dragons. But their pack like instincts gave them an edge. As was displayed on their closing in on their target. Though they did not comprehend the effects of the water that whirled around their target. They had instincts. Instincts that told them to attack simultaneously. As the group of four launched at R'lyeh their attack pattern differed. The one from the front came from below and aimed to clasp the legs. The one from the right came straight in for his arm. The left one came from above after jumping 6 feet into the air and came down with a claws on its feet aiming for the head. And finally the one behind R'lyeh was approaching his back in an attempt to catch him off guard and grip onto the back of his neck.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Grey Dust
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The Grey Dust The / Grey

Member Seen 37 min ago

Well that was rather disappointing. One moment you're shopping up a marketplace hoping to get some action, and the next, well you're getting assassinated. Not that the assassination was the disappointing part, but the fact that some bloke just froze the girl you're working to bed with. Really? In truth Eden would have loved an assassination attempt, it would mean that he was still important enough to warrant dead. Of which this latest attempt was met with a disappointed sigh as the blue-haired man took care of it before he even felt the knife in his back. See the trick Eden had up his sleeve was his stone-hard scales, slightly more difficult to deal with as it was akin to wearing a layer of chainmail at all times. It was also similarly weighed, hence his agility was quite surprising for his weight-class, although a good amount of physical activity, and other physical activates kept Eden fit and nimble, for both himself and the ladies. Maybe the assassin would have gotten a hit or two in, but certainly wouldn't be enough to keep him down, not without a fight. Besides he had his latest golden girl to patch him up... And then some.

"Well you're no fun at all." Eden frowned at the stranger too late to stop him from freezing Astrea, "And why would I have guards? I can take care of myself. Now, where did you want this dagger?" A mischievous smile suggested Eden was not above sticking it in Mirror. Hopefully the ice spell was temporary, if not he was almost certain he could get someone to undo the effects. He had picked up the dagger, or rather kicked it up, sliding his left foot across the blade as he drew it closer and shifted his weight such that the blade laid over his right foot before jerking his ankle and knee up to send the knife skyward. The trick was catching it with his hand when it reached the proper level, a move not done to simply showboat, but also to check just how dangerous the edge was as he paid no mind to gripping the falling dagger by the blade, straddling the hilt with the rest of his hand.

And this was when Eve decided to pipe up, uncurling herself from around his neck to berate Eden a bit, and probably converse with Mirror who had defend Eden from this attack. "Eden, be nice, he saved you from possible harm." A smart retort from the boy about her saying that about the last dozen girls he was with, as the dragon had called them harmful to him. She replied by clawing his neck, just at the Adam's apple. Again her claws would do hardly anything against his scales, but he'd definitely feel her effort. "Look, what I mean to say is that he helped you out so you should be more thankful, and she was bad for you anyways. And I'm more than just his friend thank you. Isn't that right Eden?" Her tone was slightly annoyed at Mirror's accusation, as if she was Eden's only friend or something.

"Some help he was, now we have no idea who wants me dead because he scared them off and they got away. Nice going Blue." Eden was technically correct in his logic. Now he has to continue to watch his back, rather than knowing who it was that wanted him dead, and thus how to devote resources in to stopping this. Yet word of his Mother's most recent death had yet to happen. Thus he was blissfully unaware of trouble back home. Or rather in this case abroad. "Of course Eve, you're my loyal companion, and personal assistant, Oh and also my constant bodyguard." Said with a cheeky wink are her despite her feigned anger it certainly touched her when he didn't say pet.

"Now then, unless you planned the entire attack to get into my good graces, I think you owe me a bit of fun don't you?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by InfernoBlaze
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InfernoBlaze Whiskyholic

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

And just like that, upon Sygma's decision, the initial human squad that set out to explore the otherworldy grounds and mysteries of Edafos, changed, with its core members now including Descendants. The group also acquired a new missipn and that was to help Rai and his friend deliver a blood seal.

Sygma wisely decided that their group should be split in two teams. The main group was composed with some of its best members - Alan included, of course - and it would continue marching through Edafos to accomplish their newfound quest, while the others would stay back at the inn. Considering the kind of mission they had to see through, more people would be eye-catching, that's for sure.

Alan grabbed the opportunity to use a room to have a quick bath and a change of clothes underneath the armor. After that, he set off, along with the others, for the delivery of the seal.

Going through the vegetation was a bothersome task. The rough plants would not miss the chance to leave numerous scratches on his unprotected areas, causing a small grimace sometimes. Of course, it was nothing his regenerative abilities could not handle and they healed immediately. However, his healing factor would be put to the test sometime later.
*Rai's post events unfold*

Alan could not react in time and take Sygma away from the fire breath. It was a flesh wound, but still, he had to protect his captain. Alan ran in front of everyone else, so he would be the first to encounter the Dragon Knight, ensuring the others would gain some distance. He unsheathed his sword and gritted his teeth, preparing for a fight.

"Stop right there, Eragon! Don't take a single step further!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rai
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Rai ..::Ascension::.. / All Maker

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zenphilvian
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Viola swallowed and kept a tight grip on Julie. The old guy’s quip about Eragon was actually pretty funny. However, the dragon knight guy kept moving forward, ignoring him and the dragon prepared another fire blast.

Moving to the left side, Viola aimed Julie at the dragon and fired twice. Being a double barrelled gun, four bullets headed towards the dragon, but they might have been pinpricks for all the good they did. Aiming again, Viola waited until the dragon unleashed its fiery breath until firing again, trying to hit its eye. With three more shots, she managed to hit the corner of the dragon’s eye, which did nothing but enrage it further.

Realizing that she was putting herself in danger by just standing in one spot, Viola scanned the area, watching her surrounds and getting a better grasp of the battle. Old guy along with Sygma were focusing on the dragon knight. Viola didn’t expect that a sword would be that effective, but the old man (Viola knew she had to learn his name soon) knew how to use it well, well beyond what most people could do.

Emptying her gun, Viola dived for cover to get some time to reload. She only had two more clips on her. At that moment she had never felt more scared with only 32 bullets against a dragon. Also a guy riding that dragon, but mostly the dragon. There had to be something else she could do. Anything else.
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