Do your best to be through in the character but make sure the character has their own potential plot and room for them to grow as the story progresses. Characters are expected to be able to generate and participate in missions beyond the score of the main fight against the Stygian Blade.
Characters should also do their best to remain within a reasonable power level. If you need a guide in terms of what is and isn't reasonable please refer to my NPC list and my character list. Christian is an example of a character that is purposefully far beyond a reasonable power level. Hence his status as an NPC
Character Sheet
Monochromatic Rainbow
Dead Cruiser
Lovely Complex
Alias/Nickname: Storm Breaker
Rank: Knight Captain

Age: 68
Race: Half-Orc (Human/Orc half breed)
Personality: Disciplined and honor bound. A harsh yet fair individual with the experience of more than a hundred battles under his belt. He is well respected among his soldiers and his leadership goes without question. Despite his discipline, brute force has always been his mistress and it has never failed him in successfully completing a mission. His cybernetic augmentations have further suppressed his emotions, making him more calculative and logical than his warrior heritage would let on.
Biography/history: A veteran of more than a hundred battles, Gerund earned his place with the price of blood and bodies. Once a normal man, he fought as a foot soldier, quickly climbing the ranks as his skill in warfare increased, his knowledge in tactics learned through battle and not books. As the years went on, war only grew more deadly and as more soldiers kept dying, Gibraltar took a long hard look at life; it was hell. His warrior's spirit never faltered, but he feared that one day he would not be strong enough to protect the people he lead and served.
Gibraltar's stress had found him stumbling into a bar, ordering drink after drink as he crashed into some young woman's life. A loner by the looks of her, someone who didn't want the company, yet never turned the half-orc away from her, or at the very least tolerated his company. It didn't take long for his lips to loosen and for the man to confide in the young woman, a contemplative look on his face...After that night he was made the offer that would change his life forever. "Become a cyborg, you will be that much stronger and your life will be indefinite." How could he refuse?
When it came time for Gibraltar to sacrifice his body for the augmentations, he made no hesitation in his decision and underwent the surgery, transforming him from the already hulking 6'4"/260 lb (193 cm/104 kg) warrior into a 7'6"/410 lb (230 cm/185 kg) war machine. Training with his new body wasn't difficult, the augmentations were top notch and the genius mind behind them had calibrated them to a dime. It didn't take long for Gibraltar to return to the battlefield, a new warrior, stronger than ever before, and even though a machine masked the man, his soldiers never lost their respect for him. The young woman, Abiteth, he made his companion and aide, a friend outside the field of battle and if need be, someone he could rely on to lead in his stead.
Two years, several battles, and much extensive testing later, Gibraltar would reenter the field with a fully powered and weaponized mech suit; The Model TS-62: Time Berserker. Unlike his cybernetics, the mech suit took longer to master, the warrior literally having to get used to his new 'second skin'. With time he was able to fully adapt to his mech suit, able to achieve walking and running speeds and fighting against both normal sized units and even some of the larger more nefarious creatures used in his virtual training. When he was finally able to rejoin the battlefield, his mech suit was an armored force unlike anything seen before, the pinnacle of armored combatant technology.
Reason for recruitment: Joined to help better the world and through his years of combat experience, lead and pass on knowledge to those who would come after and perhaps even surpass him.
Strength of Will: Unnatural Will
Magic: Channeled Magic (Force Magic: Lighting Element), Channeled through enchanted runes etched into his cybernetic augmentations, channeled magic can be further enhanced by drawing from his Mech's crystal power source.
God relations: N/A
Cybernetic Augmentations: Most of Gibraltars physical body was replaced with synthetic and armored material, most notably his limbs, torso, spinal column and eyes. These augmentations have also been upgraded with a neural receiver that links directly with his mech suit, allowing him to use it as if it were his own body. The augmentations also come with a few handy features, such as a holo-tactical pad on his forearm, communication devices, a grappling hook device located in his wrist, and a last ditch 'Rocket Punch' in case a situation were to get hairy.
Model TS-62:Time Berserker Mech Suit: The suit is made out of a palladium and tungsten alloy, along with a few other trace metals. His suit's weaponry can be swapped to fit the needs of his situation, though more often than not he has equipped a rather large crystal blade and a heavy and thick plated tower shield. Other amenities to the suit include hydraulic pistons located in the back legs for support and a jet boot module more used to gain traction and achieve small jump heights rather than actual flight. Should the pilot need to leave the suit, his personal weapons are stored in canisters located in the suit's legs. If the suit is at risk of destruction, the pilot and his personal arsenal can be ejected.
Possessions/items/property: The Time Berserker is owned by Gibraltar, but Abiteth was its original creator. He is also in possession of...
An heirloom from Gibraltar's homelands and one of the few items he has insisted NOT to be upgraded. The weapon is essentially a hulking slab of metal, effective in the hands of an orc, even deadlier in the hands of a cyborg. He keeps this sword attached to his back via electro-magnetism which he can switch on and off at will.
: A larger than normal hand cannon, quite a bit heftier too, fires similar 'shredder' rounds like his Auto cannon.
It has been made aware to Gibraltar of Abiteth's...demonic tendencies. IF she can't willingly turn herself back, as a worst case scenario, Gibraltar has permission to use a special sedative provided by the young mechanic. This sedative is always on his person in the form of a dart shot in his wrist, and on his mech as a point-laser firing mechanism.
Recharging Station: Located in Abiteth's cave, the station is more or less a casket that he 'sleeps' in to recharge his power cells. Since his upgrade, he no longer requires actual sleep, but he does put himself in a low power state, this does allow him to dream.
Heart of the Warrior: The aspect of war. War is his ally and death is his brother. In the battlefield, Gibraltar is home, and the enemies he cleaves in the name of his people, his soldiers, his leaders, only strengthen his resolve. Years of combat have honed this skill and those who witness him in action have given different descriptions. Some have called him a monster, while others would call him an artist.
Strength of the Wolf: The aspect of leadership. Wolves hunt in packs, and Gibraltar understands this terminology better than anyone. Understanding the layout of the battlefield and his enemies, Gibraltar is able to direct his troops in such a way that through overwhelming numbers, firepower, and strategic placement, victory is always within reach.
Determination of the Giant: The aspect of will. In Orcish lore, the True Giants (not their spawn) were said to have bodies made of stone and a patience and will that outlived any enemy who sought to destroy them. Though his own body may not be made of stone, he has carried this ideal with him always in battle. Gibraltar has an incredibly potent determination when he sets his mind to something, he can out-wait his enemy, and strike at the perfect moment, death need not come so quickly to them, to him, or to his brothers in bloodshed.
Soul of the Mechanica: The aspect of the cyborg/mech. A new embodiment, or rather an extension of one that he has found in recent years. What kind of will does it take to make a man give up his flesh and blood? More importantly, his soul? Gibraltar's will to keep moving forward, to strip away his own humanity, to become something...else, has never left his mind. The decision to give up his flesh and blood for metal and oil, is nothing he has ever regretted, but it is something he must never forget. Because of this, he has the willpower to continue fighting for what he believes in, and the will to pilot his mech unlike anything ever seen before in battle.
Misc: Due to the nature of his suit, limbs or even the entire mech itself can be temporarily disabled by powerful enough magic users.
Characters should also do their best to remain within a reasonable power level. If you need a guide in terms of what is and isn't reasonable please refer to my NPC list and my character list. Christian is an example of a character that is purposefully far beyond a reasonable power level. Hence his status as an NPC
Character Sheet
Name: (self explanatory)
Alias/Nickname: (Self explanatory and optional)
Appearance: (Include an Image)
Age: (Dependent on race, most should be under a thousand years)
Race: (Take your pick or perhaps a neat combination)
Personality: (How does your character come off to others, a paragraph or so would be nice.)
Biography/history: (Anything relevant to how your character got where they are, if they have secrets obviously don’t include them here)
Reason for recruitment: (Why are they signing up with the Knights of Star)
Strength of Will:(This should be either: Unnatural, Potent or Greater. Usually dependent on race but there are always exceptions)
Magic: (General categorizes of magic the character is good at, specific spells, and where the magic comes from)
God relations: (Any sort of god affiliation the character may have, keep in mind Gods can have many names and faces so if your character knows a particular God by a different name or appearance include it here)
Tech: (Whatever tech your character uses. Computer, plasma pistol, nanotech, implants, hybrid tech/magic items, etc..)
Possessions/items/property: (These are for anything else your character has that is important that doesn’t seem to fit)
Skills:(tell us what you're good at)
Misc: (Anything else the character sheet doesn’t seem to include that you think is important to the character)
Alias/Nickname: (Self explanatory and optional)
Appearance: (Include an Image)
Age: (Dependent on race, most should be under a thousand years)
Race: (Take your pick or perhaps a neat combination)
Personality: (How does your character come off to others, a paragraph or so would be nice.)
Biography/history: (Anything relevant to how your character got where they are, if they have secrets obviously don’t include them here)
Reason for recruitment: (Why are they signing up with the Knights of Star)
Strength of Will:(This should be either: Unnatural, Potent or Greater. Usually dependent on race but there are always exceptions)
Magic: (General categorizes of magic the character is good at, specific spells, and where the magic comes from)
God relations: (Any sort of god affiliation the character may have, keep in mind Gods can have many names and faces so if your character knows a particular God by a different name or appearance include it here)
Tech: (Whatever tech your character uses. Computer, plasma pistol, nanotech, implants, hybrid tech/magic items, etc..)
Possessions/items/property: (These are for anything else your character has that is important that doesn’t seem to fit)
Skills:(tell us what you're good at)
Misc: (Anything else the character sheet doesn’t seem to include that you think is important to the character)
Active Characters
Name: Zachary Thetis
Alias/Nickname: The Croweater (Crow for short)

Age: 332
Race: Elder Sidhe/Shaitan
Zachary is a highly morbid individual with a sadistic streak as well as strange set of morals. For the most part Zachary is a rather social individual but the problem is that many when they find out that Zachary is the child of the Fae and one of the more questionable Djinn lineages it is often off putting. Zachary does a good job of keeping this hidden but it can be seen in his sick humor and morbid tastes.
Without knowing Zachary you can make many assumptions about what he should be like but he does have a strange set of virtues which make him a more or less agreeable individual in passing.
The Croweater was born to a Sidhe witch by the name of Gullvieg who served the Fae Lord known as The Erlking. Gullvieg took the Shairan Djinn by the name of Iblis as her mate. Their kind was born in shadow but with the beauty of the Fae he had been born to. When his father Iblis saw this he cursed the child Zachary to forever be fascinated with death.
When his mother heard Iblis do this she went immediately to take the child to the Erlking’s court but when she uncovered the cradle the child was gone and in its place a Fetch had been left. At first Gullvieg was perplexed as Fetches were left by Fae when they wished to cover their tracks in taking another races child. When she looked up from the cradle she saw a figure crouched on the hilltop outside of the house that Gullvieg had used to conceive the child with Iblis. The being had the head of a Vulture and it reached forth its beak and swallowed a murder of crows in a single gulp. At first Gullvieg feared that The Devourer had sent its avatar to steal her child but then the Vulture vomited forth a murder of crows made solely of their bones with their souls tacked to the inside of their rib cages.
It was at that moment that the Vulture creature disappear with her child Zachary that Gullvieg realized that Yishreenok the Keeper of the Dead had stolen her child.
Zachary grew up learning from Vulture. Vulture is a face of Yishreenok but Zachary never called it anything other than Vulture. Vulture taught Zachary how to use magic and how to fight, It taught Zachary to summon and bind the dead and how to deny the dead access to the other side of the veil.
When Zachary turned 100 Vulture set Zachary a test. If he could consume the hearts of a hundred crows then Zachary would be free to go and use his powers as he wished. If he failed then Zachary would agree to forever work as Vultures servant collecting the restless souls of the dead who had not crossed over.
A year and a day later Vulture came looking for Zachary whom he found feasting on the heart of a man. When Vulture asked Zachary if he had consumed the hearts of a hundred crows Zachary told him that he had just finished. Vulture inspected the body and informed Zachary that the man was infact a man and not a crow. Zachary smiled and shook his finger at Vulture before producing a skull. He told Vulture that he had trapped the souls of one hundred crows in the skull. When Vulture took the skull and released the souls he realized that Zachary had wiped out the descendents of a line of Stygian warriors known as Gorecrows. Fearsome warriors capable of withstanding incredible amounts of damage, possessing of superhuman strength and the power to transform into a murder of crows at will. Vulture returned the skull to Zachary and dubbed him “The Croweater” before he vanished leaving Zachary to find his way in the world at the tender age of 101 years old.
Reason for recruitment:
Zachary can talk to the dead, even dead that have passed into Yishreenok’s realm. A skill like this is rare even for necromancers of Yishreenok who are often granted incredible power by the God of the Dead. Zachary also has trouble fitting in with more normal guilds and groups as his fascination with death is often disturbing to others
Strength of Will: Greater
Necromancy- Zachary is a Necromancer of Yishreenok and serves the aspect of the Death god known as Vulture. Zachary’s magics focus in two areas. The first is Decay magic which is often a sinister ugly magic which allows him to destroy organic matter in very painful manners. It is also good for inorganic material but it is often much slower.
The second area is Spirit magic, Yishreenok has given Zachary over the souls of the restless dead and allows him to call and direct them at his whim. This magic also allows him to bind new souls to his skull.
Wild Magic-
Wyrdwarp- Zachary’s Fae lineage allows him to manipulate perceptions to a certain degree. Zachary can change the way others perceive him for a limited amount of time, this appearance can be project for as many individuals as Zachary wants or he can project it for just select individuals. It is not actually an illusion or an actual change of how Zachary looks, it is purely a change of how people perceive Zachary.
Faefire- Zachary can summon Faefire, which is a sinister type of force and illusion magic. The fire doesn’t actually burn like normal fire. Faefire only burns living creatures but it does not affect them physically, instead the fire burns the subject mentally. It is much easier to die to Faefire than normal fire because it appears to burn much hotter than normal fire, however if the victim can fight past the pain and appearance they will be rendered immune to the fire.
Darkbramble- Zachary can summon up whole hedges and rows of dangerous brambles and briars to hinder his foes. The thorns and spines of the Darkbrambles are razor sharp and when they cut a foe the cuts bleed profusely as the Darkbrambles thorns are coated in a contact anticoagulant. As soon as Zachary stops feeding them magic they wither and blow away as dust. If Zachary focuses on the Brambles he can direct them to attack his enemies but this requires almost total concentration.
Smoke and Shadow- Iblis only gift to Zachary was the Shaitan’s ability to turn his body into a humanoid formed cloud of smoke and ash. Zachary can only do this for a very short amount of time. When Zachary uses it, it is typically for infiltration or for running from a fight
God relations: Yishreenok is Zachary’s patron god and he is one of Yishreenok’s Necromancers. You will never find Zachary praying to Yishreenok, however you will find him talking to Vulture.
Neural implant- Zachary had a neural implant added so that he can communicate with other members of the tower of stars and receive broadcasts and all calls from the guild's leaders.
Crow Talons- A set of flexible metal strips which mirror the bones in his hands and end attached to his fingertips. When given a mental command the metal strips deploy a set of wicked talons which cover his fingers and allow him to climb and slash with them. Additionally the talons feature high density metal plates set flush to the top and bottom of Zachary’s wrist. The plates serve to black slashes to Zachary’s arms. The plates also serve as material which can be converted into hollow spines which Zachary can throw. The spines can be filled with various substances while they are being formed. Zachary simply dips the spine in one of his many vials and whatever substance is in the vial is drawn into the spine.
Cadaver lab- Zachary is the tower of Stars pathologist, he maintains their morgue, cadaver lab and autopsy room. He also performs death investigations for the Tower
Toxins- Zachary has a nasty collection of exotics venoms and toxins
Library- Zachary maintains an extensive library on the subjects of Yishreenok, the Fae, the Shaitan Djinn, anatomy, physiology, medicine and toxins outside of the Tower of Stars Library and Archive
Vulture- Zachary’s constant companion is a Vulture. Most of the time the bird prefers to stay in the Morgue or can be found circling the Tower’s grounds. Occasionally it accompanies Zachary on missions and occasionally the Vulture simply up and disappears. Some claim it is a Messenger of Yishreenok. When asked what the bird is Zachary responds with “It is Vulture”. He never elaborates further.
Poisoner- Zachary has a morbid fascination with toxins, venom and poison. Many say it comes from his witch of a mother.
Wicked throw- Zachary has a knack with thrown weapons
Talon combat- Zachary has little martial arts training but he is animalistic when he is using his crow talon’s
Djinn strength- Due to Zachary’s father, even with his slight frame Zachary possess incredible strength for his size, approximately that of triple human at their pinnacle of fitness.
Alias/Nickname: The Croweater (Crow for short)

Age: 332
Race: Elder Sidhe/Shaitan
Zachary is a highly morbid individual with a sadistic streak as well as strange set of morals. For the most part Zachary is a rather social individual but the problem is that many when they find out that Zachary is the child of the Fae and one of the more questionable Djinn lineages it is often off putting. Zachary does a good job of keeping this hidden but it can be seen in his sick humor and morbid tastes.
Without knowing Zachary you can make many assumptions about what he should be like but he does have a strange set of virtues which make him a more or less agreeable individual in passing.
The Croweater was born to a Sidhe witch by the name of Gullvieg who served the Fae Lord known as The Erlking. Gullvieg took the Shairan Djinn by the name of Iblis as her mate. Their kind was born in shadow but with the beauty of the Fae he had been born to. When his father Iblis saw this he cursed the child Zachary to forever be fascinated with death.
When his mother heard Iblis do this she went immediately to take the child to the Erlking’s court but when she uncovered the cradle the child was gone and in its place a Fetch had been left. At first Gullvieg was perplexed as Fetches were left by Fae when they wished to cover their tracks in taking another races child. When she looked up from the cradle she saw a figure crouched on the hilltop outside of the house that Gullvieg had used to conceive the child with Iblis. The being had the head of a Vulture and it reached forth its beak and swallowed a murder of crows in a single gulp. At first Gullvieg feared that The Devourer had sent its avatar to steal her child but then the Vulture vomited forth a murder of crows made solely of their bones with their souls tacked to the inside of their rib cages.
It was at that moment that the Vulture creature disappear with her child Zachary that Gullvieg realized that Yishreenok the Keeper of the Dead had stolen her child.
Zachary grew up learning from Vulture. Vulture is a face of Yishreenok but Zachary never called it anything other than Vulture. Vulture taught Zachary how to use magic and how to fight, It taught Zachary to summon and bind the dead and how to deny the dead access to the other side of the veil.
When Zachary turned 100 Vulture set Zachary a test. If he could consume the hearts of a hundred crows then Zachary would be free to go and use his powers as he wished. If he failed then Zachary would agree to forever work as Vultures servant collecting the restless souls of the dead who had not crossed over.
A year and a day later Vulture came looking for Zachary whom he found feasting on the heart of a man. When Vulture asked Zachary if he had consumed the hearts of a hundred crows Zachary told him that he had just finished. Vulture inspected the body and informed Zachary that the man was infact a man and not a crow. Zachary smiled and shook his finger at Vulture before producing a skull. He told Vulture that he had trapped the souls of one hundred crows in the skull. When Vulture took the skull and released the souls he realized that Zachary had wiped out the descendents of a line of Stygian warriors known as Gorecrows. Fearsome warriors capable of withstanding incredible amounts of damage, possessing of superhuman strength and the power to transform into a murder of crows at will. Vulture returned the skull to Zachary and dubbed him “The Croweater” before he vanished leaving Zachary to find his way in the world at the tender age of 101 years old.
Reason for recruitment:
Zachary can talk to the dead, even dead that have passed into Yishreenok’s realm. A skill like this is rare even for necromancers of Yishreenok who are often granted incredible power by the God of the Dead. Zachary also has trouble fitting in with more normal guilds and groups as his fascination with death is often disturbing to others
Strength of Will: Greater
Necromancy- Zachary is a Necromancer of Yishreenok and serves the aspect of the Death god known as Vulture. Zachary’s magics focus in two areas. The first is Decay magic which is often a sinister ugly magic which allows him to destroy organic matter in very painful manners. It is also good for inorganic material but it is often much slower.
The second area is Spirit magic, Yishreenok has given Zachary over the souls of the restless dead and allows him to call and direct them at his whim. This magic also allows him to bind new souls to his skull.
The Crow Skull- Zachary’s Gorecrow skull gives him the ability to store dead souls and convert them to magic in order to fuel his spells. It also gives him enhanced strength and the ability to transform into a murder of crows however the crows are half decayed and reak of death. Of late The crows have begun to sport cybernetic implants and disconcerting red eyes.
Wild Magic-
Wyrdwarp- Zachary’s Fae lineage allows him to manipulate perceptions to a certain degree. Zachary can change the way others perceive him for a limited amount of time, this appearance can be project for as many individuals as Zachary wants or he can project it for just select individuals. It is not actually an illusion or an actual change of how Zachary looks, it is purely a change of how people perceive Zachary.
Faefire- Zachary can summon Faefire, which is a sinister type of force and illusion magic. The fire doesn’t actually burn like normal fire. Faefire only burns living creatures but it does not affect them physically, instead the fire burns the subject mentally. It is much easier to die to Faefire than normal fire because it appears to burn much hotter than normal fire, however if the victim can fight past the pain and appearance they will be rendered immune to the fire.
Darkbramble- Zachary can summon up whole hedges and rows of dangerous brambles and briars to hinder his foes. The thorns and spines of the Darkbrambles are razor sharp and when they cut a foe the cuts bleed profusely as the Darkbrambles thorns are coated in a contact anticoagulant. As soon as Zachary stops feeding them magic they wither and blow away as dust. If Zachary focuses on the Brambles he can direct them to attack his enemies but this requires almost total concentration.
Smoke and Shadow- Iblis only gift to Zachary was the Shaitan’s ability to turn his body into a humanoid formed cloud of smoke and ash. Zachary can only do this for a very short amount of time. When Zachary uses it, it is typically for infiltration or for running from a fight
God relations: Yishreenok is Zachary’s patron god and he is one of Yishreenok’s Necromancers. You will never find Zachary praying to Yishreenok, however you will find him talking to Vulture.
Neural implant- Zachary had a neural implant added so that he can communicate with other members of the tower of stars and receive broadcasts and all calls from the guild's leaders.
Crow Talons- A set of flexible metal strips which mirror the bones in his hands and end attached to his fingertips. When given a mental command the metal strips deploy a set of wicked talons which cover his fingers and allow him to climb and slash with them. Additionally the talons feature high density metal plates set flush to the top and bottom of Zachary’s wrist. The plates serve to black slashes to Zachary’s arms. The plates also serve as material which can be converted into hollow spines which Zachary can throw. The spines can be filled with various substances while they are being formed. Zachary simply dips the spine in one of his many vials and whatever substance is in the vial is drawn into the spine.
Cadaver lab- Zachary is the tower of Stars pathologist, he maintains their morgue, cadaver lab and autopsy room. He also performs death investigations for the Tower
Toxins- Zachary has a nasty collection of exotics venoms and toxins
Library- Zachary maintains an extensive library on the subjects of Yishreenok, the Fae, the Shaitan Djinn, anatomy, physiology, medicine and toxins outside of the Tower of Stars Library and Archive
Vulture- Zachary’s constant companion is a Vulture. Most of the time the bird prefers to stay in the Morgue or can be found circling the Tower’s grounds. Occasionally it accompanies Zachary on missions and occasionally the Vulture simply up and disappears. Some claim it is a Messenger of Yishreenok. When asked what the bird is Zachary responds with “It is Vulture”. He never elaborates further.
Poisoner- Zachary has a morbid fascination with toxins, venom and poison. Many say it comes from his witch of a mother.
Wicked throw- Zachary has a knack with thrown weapons
Talon combat- Zachary has little martial arts training but he is animalistic when he is using his crow talon’s
Djinn strength- Due to Zachary’s father, even with his slight frame Zachary possess incredible strength for his size, approximately that of triple human at their pinnacle of fitness.
]Name: Megelis Altoris, The Master of Blade
Alias/Nickname: N/A

Without the mask

Age: 150
Race: Human
Megelis is a relatively easy going individual. While he is one of the guilds ranking members he is constantly respectful and kind to all of the guild's members regardless of their status. While Megelis can be strict when enforcing The Shard’s orders or guild laws, Megelis does his best to be a friend to everyone he can be.
Megelis showed up one day at the Tower of Stars at the age of 19. No one knew who he was but he claimed that he was the best swordsman in the eight provinces. Shard’s reaction was to enlist him on the spot without asking for a demonstration.
Megelis was not far from the swordsman he claimed to be. When he turned twenty-five Megelis was the youngest member to ever claim the title Master of Blade. The position made him The Shard’s right hand man in combat as well as one of the highest ranking members of the guild.
Something else extraordinary happened on Megelis 30th birthday, he stopped aging. No one has a clue what happened but Megelis is now 150 and has not aged a day since he turned thirty. Most speculate that it is the work of Faros the time bender but no one seems to know for sure.
(Less well known)
Megelis was actually a Korvan Strider before he joined the Tower of Stars. Prior to his involvement with the tower he served as a paramilitary law enforcer known as a Strider. What Megelis actually did is less clear as even Ralrisk hasn’t been able to dig up Megelis record but it appeared to include black-ops against a Korvan terrorist group known as the Son’s of the blackened throne.
Inspection of Megelis power armor also reveals that it appears to be Redhawk (a special forces branch of the Korvan Strider company) power armor that has been significantly upgraded and customized. It lacks the original insignia which has been replaced by a Tower topped by a lightning bolt with a single blade across the background. The official seal of the Master of Blade.
Ralrisk has confronted Megelis more than a few times about his past and he’s simply changed the topic every time much to her frustration. Much to many of the members surprise Christian appears to have no interest in Megelis past infact when his file is accessed by the Archive the file, unlike Ralrisk’s, is not restricted access. The file however contains little of note.
Reason for recruitment: Megelis claimed he was the best swordsman in Galendar so Christian recruited him.
Strength of Will: Potent
Wild Magic-
Antimagic blade- Megelis has very little magic of his own but he is a mage killer. Megelis can infuse his blades with the ability to cleave through magical protections and illusions causing the blades to fray protection magics and end illusions
Antimagic zone- Megelis digs one of his blades into the ground and causes an area around him to resist any form of magic being used within it. Magic can be used within the area but only channeled magic from items as the anti magic zone forces the normal ambient magic of an area out of the area preventing mages from using wild magic or from drawing on the magic of a god. Megelis can only maintain an antimagic zone by focusing on it
Antimagic armor- Megelis can cause his armor to resist incoming force magic causing the magic energy to be dispersed across the armor before being dissipated
Shatter enchantment- Megelis can channel a bolt of antimagic energy which when it contacts an enchantment it damages the enchantment.
God relations: Many speculate that Faros is Megelis’s patron and the reason why he doesn’t age however no one really knows.
Megelis wields a pair of tech blades that are composed of high strength alloys and integrate nanotechnology to help maintain the integrity of the blades. Additionally the nanobots can be deployed as a shield from the edges of the blade alloying Megelis to absorb incoming kinetic projectiles with the shield which repurposes the projectile as raw material for the nanobots.
Power Armor: While Megelis lacks the strength of a more potent race he employs a set of power armor that is resistant to a variety of projectiles and melee weapons. The Armor also helps Megelis by increasing his run speed, endurance, jump height and general strength. The armor also integrates Megelis communications device and it can be sealed against airborne toxins, water and it is hardened against EMP and Radiation.
Beyond Megelis normal combat gear he has a collection of dated swords, armor and other tools of war from past ages.
Combat instructor: Megelis is one of the Tower of Stars resident combat instructors. He specializes in sword and knife combat.
Electrician: Megelis is constantly tinkering with his armor and gear and as a result has become quite proficient with wiring, insulation and all the necessary skills to become a decent electrician.
Navigator: Megelis has a thing for maps. No one is quite sure why but Megelis can and regularly does memorize maps. Infact he has a perfect memory when it comes to them. As a result of this and a capacity to visualize two dimensional representations as three dimensional objects, Megelis is a fantastic navigator.
Alias/Nickname: N/A

Without the mask

Age: 150
Race: Human
Megelis is a relatively easy going individual. While he is one of the guilds ranking members he is constantly respectful and kind to all of the guild's members regardless of their status. While Megelis can be strict when enforcing The Shard’s orders or guild laws, Megelis does his best to be a friend to everyone he can be.
Megelis showed up one day at the Tower of Stars at the age of 19. No one knew who he was but he claimed that he was the best swordsman in the eight provinces. Shard’s reaction was to enlist him on the spot without asking for a demonstration.
Megelis was not far from the swordsman he claimed to be. When he turned twenty-five Megelis was the youngest member to ever claim the title Master of Blade. The position made him The Shard’s right hand man in combat as well as one of the highest ranking members of the guild.
Something else extraordinary happened on Megelis 30th birthday, he stopped aging. No one has a clue what happened but Megelis is now 150 and has not aged a day since he turned thirty. Most speculate that it is the work of Faros the time bender but no one seems to know for sure.
(Less well known)
Megelis was actually a Korvan Strider before he joined the Tower of Stars. Prior to his involvement with the tower he served as a paramilitary law enforcer known as a Strider. What Megelis actually did is less clear as even Ralrisk hasn’t been able to dig up Megelis record but it appeared to include black-ops against a Korvan terrorist group known as the Son’s of the blackened throne.
Inspection of Megelis power armor also reveals that it appears to be Redhawk (a special forces branch of the Korvan Strider company) power armor that has been significantly upgraded and customized. It lacks the original insignia which has been replaced by a Tower topped by a lightning bolt with a single blade across the background. The official seal of the Master of Blade.
Ralrisk has confronted Megelis more than a few times about his past and he’s simply changed the topic every time much to her frustration. Much to many of the members surprise Christian appears to have no interest in Megelis past infact when his file is accessed by the Archive the file, unlike Ralrisk’s, is not restricted access. The file however contains little of note.
Reason for recruitment: Megelis claimed he was the best swordsman in Galendar so Christian recruited him.
Strength of Will: Potent
Wild Magic-
Antimagic blade- Megelis has very little magic of his own but he is a mage killer. Megelis can infuse his blades with the ability to cleave through magical protections and illusions causing the blades to fray protection magics and end illusions
Antimagic zone- Megelis digs one of his blades into the ground and causes an area around him to resist any form of magic being used within it. Magic can be used within the area but only channeled magic from items as the anti magic zone forces the normal ambient magic of an area out of the area preventing mages from using wild magic or from drawing on the magic of a god. Megelis can only maintain an antimagic zone by focusing on it
Antimagic armor- Megelis can cause his armor to resist incoming force magic causing the magic energy to be dispersed across the armor before being dissipated
Shatter enchantment- Megelis can channel a bolt of antimagic energy which when it contacts an enchantment it damages the enchantment.
God relations: Many speculate that Faros is Megelis’s patron and the reason why he doesn’t age however no one really knows.
Megelis wields a pair of tech blades that are composed of high strength alloys and integrate nanotechnology to help maintain the integrity of the blades. Additionally the nanobots can be deployed as a shield from the edges of the blade alloying Megelis to absorb incoming kinetic projectiles with the shield which repurposes the projectile as raw material for the nanobots.
Power Armor: While Megelis lacks the strength of a more potent race he employs a set of power armor that is resistant to a variety of projectiles and melee weapons. The Armor also helps Megelis by increasing his run speed, endurance, jump height and general strength. The armor also integrates Megelis communications device and it can be sealed against airborne toxins, water and it is hardened against EMP and Radiation.
Beyond Megelis normal combat gear he has a collection of dated swords, armor and other tools of war from past ages.
Combat instructor: Megelis is one of the Tower of Stars resident combat instructors. He specializes in sword and knife combat.
Electrician: Megelis is constantly tinkering with his armor and gear and as a result has become quite proficient with wiring, insulation and all the necessary skills to become a decent electrician.
Navigator: Megelis has a thing for maps. No one is quite sure why but Megelis can and regularly does memorize maps. Infact he has a perfect memory when it comes to them. As a result of this and a capacity to visualize two dimensional representations as three dimensional objects, Megelis is a fantastic navigator.
Name: Ludelle Glowren
Alias/Nickname: Hazard, Riot
Themesongs: No more Sorrow; Break the Ice
Age: 237, slightly under half her expected lifespan.
Race: Elf and metal elemental cross.

At the moment of her finding, Ludelle has been transformed by a powerful alchemist capable of taking any conductive properties away from her skin. Her body is now covered in a black rubber-like substance that does little to hide her features but restricts her motions somewhat and completely negates her magic. Along the length of that peculiar bodysuit run numerous thick silvery lines that reflect not only light, but also any electrical charge sent her way.
On her head, Ludelle is made to wear a domino strongly resembling a bird’s head, full with a long beak and feathers that run down to her back and cover her hair. It serves to restrict her vision as well as hide her face.
Personality: Ludelle has a strong sense of morality but that doesn’t mean she’s a pacifist. Although she desires the best for all races, she is a rational thinker and realises sacrifices need to be made to achieve success. Thus she is more than willing to trample on a few flowers along the way as long as it’s justified in her eyes.
Ludelle’s petite frame houses a great deal of anger and outrage about the current state of the world. She is an idealist and humanist and has a lot of compassion for the marginalised. Having a strong sense of justice, she finds it hard to tame her anger and instead looks for any opportunity to channel it and aim it at the nearest crook. Her views sound somewhat naive, as if she doesn’t realise there is more than just black and white, but she won’t easily change them.
All this considered, there is a less intense side to this woman. In her day-to-day, when not plotting or executing the next big terrorist attack, she is fairly easy-going and enjoys a good laugh and company over dinner.
Biography: Ludelle grew up in the slums of Angel’s landing and had far from a perfect life. An orphan from birth and with no prominent talents, she was doomed to spend her life juggled between foster-homes and institutions, each seeming worse than the previous. Neglect, verbal abuse, even the occasional beating were all things she had to accept. Playing tough on the outside she made it seem like she didn’t feel the pain or humiliation but on the inside strong emotions were brewing.
And for all that was taken from her, Ludelle found that she had received a gift as well. The accessibility to technology. Finding that to be her one true passion, she spent long hours playing around with tablets, computers, holographic projectors and even vehicles. She learnt how to disassemble and reassemble them, began tweaking them and eventually even started inventing her own programs. Her foster parents failed to see the danger in her new obsession and didn’t even realise it was the magic in her that was awakening. By the time they saw their emptied bank-account the girl was already gone… together with all traces of her existence.
The woman who emerged years later to join The Stygian Blade had a carefully crafted past that was significantly different than the original. Along with a new identity and a new apartment high up in the city’s towers, she devoted her programing skills to the guild. She had started off convinced that their ideology was what the city needed but as she plunged deeper into the database she discovered more and more proof of her own naivety. Unable to keep quiet, she started leaking information to the press and rival guilds, until she was eventually found out and sent to prison. With the help of The Stygian Blade, the staff have taken every precaution to ensure she’ll stay there forever.
Reason for recruitment: Used to work for The Stygian Blade and is a very talented hacker.
Strength of Will: Unnatural
Wild Magic (deriving from her elemental blood):
Magnetism: capable of giving her body magnetic properties.
Increased mass: the ability to change or rearrange her cell and molecule structure to make her limbs heavier.
Electrical charge: the ability to store an electrical charge in her body. Additionally, electricity can’t do any damage to her body.
When dealing with computers she can combine her metallic properties and an electrical charge to enter the maze of electronically recorded information and explore it.
Channeled Magic (from Qteleneick):
Allure: capable of making herself seem more attractive with the use of magic.
Deception: makes her seem much more trustworthy in any setting than she actually is. Requires eye-contact.
Veil: can mask an item or herself, making them look like something different.
In dire situations Ludelle can decide to try and ask Qtelneick for help, without any guarantee whether he’ll answer or not. Very rarely and usually at his own whim, he allows her to say one thing but alters the perceptions of her company so they believe they’ve heard something different. Ludelle can sense if what the other person’s perceived is what she said, but can’t be certain what Qtelneick told them.
God relations: Qtelneick, The Fractured Sight. She knows him as “the blind cat”.
Tech: YES PLEASE! Currently none though.
Possessions/items/property: None at the moment.
Great at programing and hacking
Natural at driving or piloting anything
Increased sensitivity to metals
Electroperception, electrolocation and electrocommunication
Great navigation skills
Some knowledge of herbs
Good cook
Alias/Nickname: Hazard, Riot
Themesongs: No more Sorrow; Break the Ice
Age: 237, slightly under half her expected lifespan.
Race: Elf and metal elemental cross.

At the moment of her finding, Ludelle has been transformed by a powerful alchemist capable of taking any conductive properties away from her skin. Her body is now covered in a black rubber-like substance that does little to hide her features but restricts her motions somewhat and completely negates her magic. Along the length of that peculiar bodysuit run numerous thick silvery lines that reflect not only light, but also any electrical charge sent her way.
On her head, Ludelle is made to wear a domino strongly resembling a bird’s head, full with a long beak and feathers that run down to her back and cover her hair. It serves to restrict her vision as well as hide her face.
Personality: Ludelle has a strong sense of morality but that doesn’t mean she’s a pacifist. Although she desires the best for all races, she is a rational thinker and realises sacrifices need to be made to achieve success. Thus she is more than willing to trample on a few flowers along the way as long as it’s justified in her eyes.
Ludelle’s petite frame houses a great deal of anger and outrage about the current state of the world. She is an idealist and humanist and has a lot of compassion for the marginalised. Having a strong sense of justice, she finds it hard to tame her anger and instead looks for any opportunity to channel it and aim it at the nearest crook. Her views sound somewhat naive, as if she doesn’t realise there is more than just black and white, but she won’t easily change them.
All this considered, there is a less intense side to this woman. In her day-to-day, when not plotting or executing the next big terrorist attack, she is fairly easy-going and enjoys a good laugh and company over dinner.
Biography: Ludelle grew up in the slums of Angel’s landing and had far from a perfect life. An orphan from birth and with no prominent talents, she was doomed to spend her life juggled between foster-homes and institutions, each seeming worse than the previous. Neglect, verbal abuse, even the occasional beating were all things she had to accept. Playing tough on the outside she made it seem like she didn’t feel the pain or humiliation but on the inside strong emotions were brewing.
And for all that was taken from her, Ludelle found that she had received a gift as well. The accessibility to technology. Finding that to be her one true passion, she spent long hours playing around with tablets, computers, holographic projectors and even vehicles. She learnt how to disassemble and reassemble them, began tweaking them and eventually even started inventing her own programs. Her foster parents failed to see the danger in her new obsession and didn’t even realise it was the magic in her that was awakening. By the time they saw their emptied bank-account the girl was already gone… together with all traces of her existence.
The woman who emerged years later to join The Stygian Blade had a carefully crafted past that was significantly different than the original. Along with a new identity and a new apartment high up in the city’s towers, she devoted her programing skills to the guild. She had started off convinced that their ideology was what the city needed but as she plunged deeper into the database she discovered more and more proof of her own naivety. Unable to keep quiet, she started leaking information to the press and rival guilds, until she was eventually found out and sent to prison. With the help of The Stygian Blade, the staff have taken every precaution to ensure she’ll stay there forever.
Reason for recruitment: Used to work for The Stygian Blade and is a very talented hacker.
Strength of Will: Unnatural
Wild Magic (deriving from her elemental blood):
Magnetism: capable of giving her body magnetic properties.
Increased mass: the ability to change or rearrange her cell and molecule structure to make her limbs heavier.
Electrical charge: the ability to store an electrical charge in her body. Additionally, electricity can’t do any damage to her body.
When dealing with computers she can combine her metallic properties and an electrical charge to enter the maze of electronically recorded information and explore it.
Channeled Magic (from Qteleneick):
Allure: capable of making herself seem more attractive with the use of magic.
Deception: makes her seem much more trustworthy in any setting than she actually is. Requires eye-contact.
Veil: can mask an item or herself, making them look like something different.
In dire situations Ludelle can decide to try and ask Qtelneick for help, without any guarantee whether he’ll answer or not. Very rarely and usually at his own whim, he allows her to say one thing but alters the perceptions of her company so they believe they’ve heard something different. Ludelle can sense if what the other person’s perceived is what she said, but can’t be certain what Qtelneick told them.
God relations: Qtelneick, The Fractured Sight. She knows him as “the blind cat”.
Tech: YES PLEASE! Currently none though.
Possessions/items/property: None at the moment.
Great at programing and hacking
Natural at driving or piloting anything
Increased sensitivity to metals
Electroperception, electrolocation and electrocommunication
Great navigation skills
Some knowledge of herbs
Good cook
Name: Sirius Dylan
Age: 70
Race: Human and water elemental mix
Personality: Many people would be tempted to describe Sirius with a single word: creep. He’s generally quiet and loves shamelessly staring at people for no apparent reason, nobody quite sure what he’s thinking. When he speaks he’s often sarcastic and unpleasantly blunt often coming across as an asshole.
However the people who have known him for a while would see another side of him. Sirius can be quite good company for a deep conversation if his companion doesn’t mind hopping on his occasionally disturbing train of thought. Additionally, he always listens to the other party’s opinion and seems very loyal and protective of his own.
Biography/history: Sirius is Calder Dylan’s younger half-brother and to most that’s all they’ll ever know about him. He hasn’t made a name for himself, instead always lurking in his brother’s shadow, often doing what Calder’s doing at the time.
The two have a complicated relationship built on distrust rather than trust. Unlike his older brother, Sirius wasn’t born powerful and never really shared Calder’s thirst for knowledge either. That doesn’t mean he’s content being second best. It seems to most that being the troll’s bother is the only thing that defines Sirius as a person and that that one-sided rivalry is his sole purpose in life.
Whether that’s true or not, he’s never said but his actions seem to support that theory. Always appearing where Calder is at the moment, striving to be better than him or at least sabotage Calder, is a story that’s repeated itself many times in the past. Never quite besting his brother, Sirius goes through life trying to do just that.
Reason for recruitment: WIP
Strength of Will: Potent Will
Wild magic: Water and Ice-based magic due to his elemental blood.
Channelled magic: He’s got mediocre skills when it comes to divination and some knowledge of alchemy.
God relations: A long time ago Unvaris reached out for Sirius and changed his life forever. Sirius himself isn't aware of that as the god introduced himself as Mr. Sparrow and appeared in the shape of a bird wearing a monocle, cane and a top-hat. The consequences of that meeting are yet to be seen.
Tech: Sirius has two implants in his body, both artefacts linked to his channelled magic. The first one is responsible for his alchemy and takes the shape of a platinum bracelet protruding out of the skin on his left wrist. The more important one is a round amulet implanted in the right side of his abdomen and is a secret not even his brother is aware of.
Possessions/items/property: Sirius owns and currently lives in a small converted storage-space just over a slum in Angel’s Landing. The space has no windows and only one dim lightbulb, a mattress on the floor, a chamber-pot and a tub he occasionally uses for bathing. Food wraps and drying fruit-husks litter the floor but they get removed before the stench becomes too foul to arise suspicion with the neighbours. In a chest at the far end are a variety of non-letal weapons such as a vomit and LED incapacitator, a small portable PHASR, and stun-gun among others, some ropes and a few small shotguns and knives. In one corner there’s a sniper-rifle, equipped with a night visor and a few boxes of smart ammunition. Everything he owns is completely legalised, the papers neatly stashed in the only cabinet holding a few bottles of alcohol, two glasses and supporting an old scratched-up TV with no remote.
Skills: Strategy, manipulation, extortion, torture, investigation.
Themes: The little things give you away; Skin to Bone.

Age: 70
Race: Human and water elemental mix
Personality: Many people would be tempted to describe Sirius with a single word: creep. He’s generally quiet and loves shamelessly staring at people for no apparent reason, nobody quite sure what he’s thinking. When he speaks he’s often sarcastic and unpleasantly blunt often coming across as an asshole.
However the people who have known him for a while would see another side of him. Sirius can be quite good company for a deep conversation if his companion doesn’t mind hopping on his occasionally disturbing train of thought. Additionally, he always listens to the other party’s opinion and seems very loyal and protective of his own.
Biography/history: Sirius is Calder Dylan’s younger half-brother and to most that’s all they’ll ever know about him. He hasn’t made a name for himself, instead always lurking in his brother’s shadow, often doing what Calder’s doing at the time.
The two have a complicated relationship built on distrust rather than trust. Unlike his older brother, Sirius wasn’t born powerful and never really shared Calder’s thirst for knowledge either. That doesn’t mean he’s content being second best. It seems to most that being the troll’s bother is the only thing that defines Sirius as a person and that that one-sided rivalry is his sole purpose in life.
Whether that’s true or not, he’s never said but his actions seem to support that theory. Always appearing where Calder is at the moment, striving to be better than him or at least sabotage Calder, is a story that’s repeated itself many times in the past. Never quite besting his brother, Sirius goes through life trying to do just that.
Reason for recruitment: WIP
Strength of Will: Potent Will
Wild magic: Water and Ice-based magic due to his elemental blood.
Channelled magic: He’s got mediocre skills when it comes to divination and some knowledge of alchemy.
God relations: A long time ago Unvaris reached out for Sirius and changed his life forever. Sirius himself isn't aware of that as the god introduced himself as Mr. Sparrow and appeared in the shape of a bird wearing a monocle, cane and a top-hat. The consequences of that meeting are yet to be seen.
Tech: Sirius has two implants in his body, both artefacts linked to his channelled magic. The first one is responsible for his alchemy and takes the shape of a platinum bracelet protruding out of the skin on his left wrist. The more important one is a round amulet implanted in the right side of his abdomen and is a secret not even his brother is aware of.
Possessions/items/property: Sirius owns and currently lives in a small converted storage-space just over a slum in Angel’s Landing. The space has no windows and only one dim lightbulb, a mattress on the floor, a chamber-pot and a tub he occasionally uses for bathing. Food wraps and drying fruit-husks litter the floor but they get removed before the stench becomes too foul to arise suspicion with the neighbours. In a chest at the far end are a variety of non-letal weapons such as a vomit and LED incapacitator, a small portable PHASR, and stun-gun among others, some ropes and a few small shotguns and knives. In one corner there’s a sniper-rifle, equipped with a night visor and a few boxes of smart ammunition. Everything he owns is completely legalised, the papers neatly stashed in the only cabinet holding a few bottles of alcohol, two glasses and supporting an old scratched-up TV with no remote.
Skills: Strategy, manipulation, extortion, torture, investigation.
Themes: The little things give you away; Skin to Bone.
Name: Marielle Spade
Alias/Nickname: El
Appearance: Face:


Age: 23
Race: Human
Personality: Oh’ll see.
Biography/history: Darkness is a creature. All alone with nothing to do but eat the world around it. Darkness is silent, patient, like a sly handsome man. But with just the flick of a wrist, an orange, warm glow conquers; A small stick between finger and thumb. This warmth will change darkness forever, a second of spades, a lone flame in the night.
Marielle was an orphan with nothing. Nothing but a deck of fifty three cards. They were special to her, particularly the spades. Spade cards in hand she wandered the streets aimlessly, without purpose, then, the lonely darkness called for her name in a man with a suit and black cloak. There was a twinkle in his eye, for he knew of her...ability. The spade gives her light...warmth..and the tenth of spade allowed her to manipulate the heat around her, conjuring fire at the age of 13. The man gave her a home, a sanctuary, in turn she would grow in her abilities for him in his world, his passion,
the circus.
For some reason Marielle left the circus, perhaps it wasn’t suited to her tastes, and wound up doing some heavy dirty work for those who needed it. Fancying machines and other means of transportation, Marielle became a master at engineering in her own due time, while finding plenty of other time getting into trouble. Somehow, however, she still managed to get the job done, and now she found a job that was more worth the cash than the thrill.
Reason for recruitment: Marielle’s master mentioned the tower of stars in some children’s stories during her training, piqued with interest she did some digging for information on the location not only to find out it existed, but they were enlisting jobs. However, she didn’t act on it, and during one of her darker requests she was to steal cargo from a strange ship in the middle of the night. Unfortunate for the job giver, it was never completed, for the ship was blackwing, Raven’s property. Marielle was surprised to see that Captain Raven didn’t punish her when she was caught, but take her in as an apprentice. Little did the magician know that their next destination was the tower of Stars.
Strength of Will: Potent
Magic: Marielle uses some magic based on drawing it from around her (wild)
and using the magic stored inside the items she uses.
Some magic is channeled (Like with the Joker and other royal cards)
Spade: Casts fire
Hearts: Charms/control
Clover: Healing/nature/luck
Diamond: Teleportation, Telekenesis, levitation
Joker: Insanity, trickery, deception.
Jack: Charisma, Fighting wisdom
King: Power, courage, sun
Queen: Knowlege, foresight, tech understanding, moon
God relations: Xavier Locksis, (Xandrius) The Reflection that walks.
Tech: Marielle owns a motorcycle that can handle basically any type of weather. It can fly through the air, go underwater, and ride on land relatively fast, and she made it all by herself. The magician has a warehouse with a Black Corvette sports car (Flying model), a skateboard capable of turning into a shield to help withstand types of elemental magic and damage. She invented a sword that transforms into a bladed whip at the flick of a wrist. She also owns thermal gloves and a variety of other normally useless machines she has invented and uses to her own benefit.
Possessions/items/property: Chaos deck cards, thermal gloves that allow the skin to withstand extreme heat and cold, Marielle’s storage hat, (which contains the following: throwing blade cards, chakrams, throwing knives and stars, smoke grenades, and a variety of vanity clothing and outfits.) Demon cloth (refitted for Marielle’s….personal tastes, not for the average individual to see.) and an obsidian dagger. Finally, she owns her whip sword (
a weapon she normally uses if she has to go to hand to hand combat.
Alias/Nickname: El
Appearance: Face:


Age: 23
Race: Human
Personality: Oh’ll see.
Biography/history: Darkness is a creature. All alone with nothing to do but eat the world around it. Darkness is silent, patient, like a sly handsome man. But with just the flick of a wrist, an orange, warm glow conquers; A small stick between finger and thumb. This warmth will change darkness forever, a second of spades, a lone flame in the night.
Marielle was an orphan with nothing. Nothing but a deck of fifty three cards. They were special to her, particularly the spades. Spade cards in hand she wandered the streets aimlessly, without purpose, then, the lonely darkness called for her name in a man with a suit and black cloak. There was a twinkle in his eye, for he knew of her...ability. The spade gives her light...warmth..and the tenth of spade allowed her to manipulate the heat around her, conjuring fire at the age of 13. The man gave her a home, a sanctuary, in turn she would grow in her abilities for him in his world, his passion,
the circus.
For some reason Marielle left the circus, perhaps it wasn’t suited to her tastes, and wound up doing some heavy dirty work for those who needed it. Fancying machines and other means of transportation, Marielle became a master at engineering in her own due time, while finding plenty of other time getting into trouble. Somehow, however, she still managed to get the job done, and now she found a job that was more worth the cash than the thrill.
Reason for recruitment: Marielle’s master mentioned the tower of stars in some children’s stories during her training, piqued with interest she did some digging for information on the location not only to find out it existed, but they were enlisting jobs. However, she didn’t act on it, and during one of her darker requests she was to steal cargo from a strange ship in the middle of the night. Unfortunate for the job giver, it was never completed, for the ship was blackwing, Raven’s property. Marielle was surprised to see that Captain Raven didn’t punish her when she was caught, but take her in as an apprentice. Little did the magician know that their next destination was the tower of Stars.
Strength of Will: Potent
Magic: Marielle uses some magic based on drawing it from around her (wild)
and using the magic stored inside the items she uses.
Some magic is channeled (Like with the Joker and other royal cards)
Spade: Casts fire
Hearts: Charms/control
Clover: Healing/nature/luck
Diamond: Teleportation, Telekenesis, levitation
Joker: Insanity, trickery, deception.
Jack: Charisma, Fighting wisdom
King: Power, courage, sun
Queen: Knowlege, foresight, tech understanding, moon
God relations: Xavier Locksis, (Xandrius) The Reflection that walks.
Tech: Marielle owns a motorcycle that can handle basically any type of weather. It can fly through the air, go underwater, and ride on land relatively fast, and she made it all by herself. The magician has a warehouse with a Black Corvette sports car (Flying model), a skateboard capable of turning into a shield to help withstand types of elemental magic and damage. She invented a sword that transforms into a bladed whip at the flick of a wrist. She also owns thermal gloves and a variety of other normally useless machines she has invented and uses to her own benefit.
Possessions/items/property: Chaos deck cards, thermal gloves that allow the skin to withstand extreme heat and cold, Marielle’s storage hat, (which contains the following: throwing blade cards, chakrams, throwing knives and stars, smoke grenades, and a variety of vanity clothing and outfits.) Demon cloth (refitted for Marielle’s….personal tastes, not for the average individual to see.) and an obsidian dagger. Finally, she owns her whip sword (
Monochromatic Rainbow
Name: Adéla Láska
Alias/Nickname: Revenant
Adéla wears the dilatant armored base of her armor fairly often, though just as commonly she walks around fully armored or clad in simple daytime clothing without much in the way of protective value. Her eyes are a deep crimson and she wears a faint hint of similarly colored eyeliner to compliment them. Her body is well toned and muscle is evident througought and gives the impression of power, which shows through in the way she strides briskly when she walks.
Age: 76
Race: Chaos Scarred Human
Personality: Classified.
Reason for recruitment: Money mainly, perhaps a chance to get revenge on her former “Friends”.
Strength of Will: Potent
Magic: (General categorizes of magic the character is good at, specific spells, and where the magic comes from)
God relations: None. Who needs a god when technology is just as good?
Possessions/items/property: Very little. All she had acquired when she worked for the Stygian Blade was lost in the months it took for her to simply walk away from the field of battle.
Alias/Nickname: Revenant

Adéla wears the dilatant armored base of her armor fairly often, though just as commonly she walks around fully armored or clad in simple daytime clothing without much in the way of protective value. Her eyes are a deep crimson and she wears a faint hint of similarly colored eyeliner to compliment them. Her body is well toned and muscle is evident througought and gives the impression of power, which shows through in the way she strides briskly when she walks.
Age: 76
Race: Chaos Scarred Human
Personality: Classified.
Reason for recruitment: Money mainly, perhaps a chance to get revenge on her former “Friends”.
Strength of Will: Potent
Magic: (General categorizes of magic the character is good at, specific spells, and where the magic comes from)
God relations: None. Who needs a god when technology is just as good?
- Carapace Model 40 Modular Graphene Armor System - Graphene, the wonder material that never stops giving. This armor is composed of several interlocking 8mm thick plates of graphene composed of almost eight million layers of the material bound with sealing agents and other structural integrity boosting additions - shockingly strong for their size. The armor incorporates a shear-thickening dilatant base and self-repairing nanotube weave over which the nigh indestructible plates are placed. Underneath this base is a gel padding designed to negate as much energy transfer as possible from a hit on the armor, minimizing damage to the wearer. The armor is incredibly protective and augments her skill at resisting incredible damage.
- Machina Model 52 Nanoblade - A brutal weapon roughly a meter in overall length, with about 30 centimeters devoted to the handle and its components. The nanoblade operates on a principle far different from a typical vibroblade - instead of microvibrations increasing cutting power, the cutting edge of the weapon is in fact moving back and forth at the molecular level. The weapon will shear through most materials with enough force behind it. And if the power pack somehow runs out it can still be used as a good old fashioned sharp stick - albeit infinitely more complex than a regular steel sword.
- Mars IV Pattern Railgun Revolver - Savagery in the palm of your hand! The Mars IV is what some might call overkill, and others might call a broken wrist. Designed with relatively compact rugged firepower in mind, the Mars IV answers the call. Eight shots of pure carnage and a kick like a mule. The weapon operates using a standard railgun principle, using the Lorentz force to accelerate a projectile to incredible speeds. Unlike many energy based weapons in this era, the weapon does not have an internal power pack, and gains its fearsome raw power and kick from its used of self contained capacitor-projectile charges. 10mm in diameter, these charges provide one shot per projectile, and consequentially an increase in energy delivered to the target that can be at times measured in orders of magnitude. The weapon is reloaded by breaking open the action and inserting the self contained eight shot capacitor-projectile revolving “magazine”. Excess energy from the shot is also used to cycle the next round and to activate kinetic dampeners to prevent the weapon’s recoil from tearing its user’s arm off. Capable of firing several varieties of rounds from standard anti-personell tungsten slugs to fragmenting “Carnage” rounds to electromagnetically charged capacitor shots designed to damage or disable powered armor and similar systems.
- Mars XII Pattern Hybrid Plasma Rail Rifle - The Mars XII Pattern is an interesting hybrid of plasma and rail weapon merged into a rugged and heavy duty frame to form a reliable and terrifying all-purpose battle rifle. Operating on a modified version of the railgun mechanism, the weapon still uses the Lorentz force to propel a projectile along magnetically conductive rails at extreme velocities. Where the Mars XII differs from the norm is in its use of a hybrid superheated liquid metal projectile and superheated plasma to deliver a one-two kinetic/directed energy punch. The weapon operates by arcing a powerful volt of electricity through an aluminum slug and various inert gases surrounding it, melting the aluminum and actually vaporizing a small portion of it, as well as superheating the gases and converting them into electrically conductive plasmas. Things proceed relatively normally from there, as the weapon as the weapon contains the projectile via electromagnetism and then uses the Lorentz force to accelerate the plasma/molten metal projectile along a pre-ionized flight path (pre-ionized by a laser fired nanoseconds before the projectile leaves the weapon. Without it the plasma would conflict with the atmosphere and essentially turn the weapon into a suicidal flamethrower.) to its intended target. The weapon is notorious for being able to punch straight through armors designed to halt kinetic weaponry or plasma weaponry, and delivering the devastating twin effects to the squishy bits inside.
- Nanobionic Strength and Enduance Enhancements - We can make her faster, stronger, better, we have the technology. Except this technology leaves few if any traces visible to the naked eye. Muscles are enhanced by the presence of nanites which work themselves into the myofibral tissue, working with the body and boosting strength enormously as well as drastically increasing the ability of the muscles to function at high intensity for long durations of time, a vital ability in combat. The nanites are also capable of actual physical modification of the muscle itself with nanotube augmentation of the myofibrils and sacromeres themselves, and modifying the tissue to supply the augmentations with the proper energy to operate. The end result is muscle tissue capable of feats of superhuman strength for superhuman durations of time. It also enables her to easily fire the Mars IV Revolver. Unfortunately as with all augmentation, metabolism skyrockets and the user must consume far more food.
- Nanobionic Regeneration - You don’t need to be made better, faster, and stronger if your body is capable of bringing itself back from the brink of total annihilation with no outside assistance. While total reconstruction is energy intensive and lengthy, it is possible. But the nanobionic regeneration nanites’ main purpose is not to salvage someone from the brink of death, their purpose is mainly to heal more minor injuries on the battlefield, such as lacerations, gashes, and other flesh wounds. Even some gunshot wounds can be relatively quickly healed compared to recovery without, though those still take considerably longer. The regenerative nanites work by, as well as stimulating fibrin production and platelet relocation, actively aiding in the healing of various injuries. They’re even capable of independantly diagnosing internal bleeding and working quickly to repair damage to prevent situations from going critical.
- Smartphone - Because even when wading through the blood of your foes, sometimes you want to take a break and look at funny pictures when there’s no Wi-Fi around.
- Laptop - A laptop. Not as slim as the laptops others might carry around, this laptop is far bulkier, but also far tougher and packs just a bit of excessive computing power.
Possessions/items/property: Very little. All she had acquired when she worked for the Stygian Blade was lost in the months it took for her to simply walk away from the field of battle.
- Combat Marksmanship - Adéla may not be a laser precise instrument of long range death, but she can reliably hit her targets in the heat of battle with plasma and lasers whizzing overhead.
- Endurance - Where part of the “Revenant” aspect comes in, Adéla can endure incredible punishment before going down.
- Engineer - While Adéla lacks impressive hacking skills she more than makes up for it with her skill at modifying the physical world. All of her weapons have been refined and tweaked by hand and she is quite capable of learning the internal workings of something on the fly.
- Intelligence - Adéla may be a frontline armored heavy, but she also sports a razor keen mind.
- Manipulative - Adéla didn’t get to where she got in the Stygian Blade through pure merit, just as much backroom intimidation and backstabbing went on to elevate her to a lofty position within. Almost high enough to find out what she wanted.
- Heavyweight - She can drink a lot.
Name: Calder Dylan
Alias/Nickname: Maelstrom, Jug, The Cauldron
He wears a pair crude leather shorts, that look like they might have been made from a blacksmith's apron, due the numerous pockets and general quality of the cloth. Standing at just under 8 ft tall, and weighing nearly 600 lbs, of scaled hide, thick bones, and hard muscle, he's no light weight and can take quite a punch.
Age: 576
Race: Troll
Personality: Usually an agreeable fellow, he tends to give what he gets, his attitude reflecting a tooth-for-tooth pattern with those around him. If he receives kindness, he returns it; if he receives cruelty he return that instead. He doesn't seem to harbor any driving emotions himself, preferring always to flow with the tide of emotions around him. How ever his eyes bely his cunning, and he often seeks to achieve his goals as indirectly as possible, or at the least at someone else's request. This isn't laziness, but a lifetime of being manipulated into serving others often at great personal cost.
Biography/history: Born long ago, to a fae mother and a water elemental father, he was born out of contract not love, which some would say his mother couldn't feel if she were drowned in it. Calder knows better, but he also knows better than to correct the poor fools. Knowledge is power, no matter how insignificant it may seem at the time, so you never, ever give information or knowledge to someone else with out receiving something of kindred value. He has spent a lot of time, serving and giving of himself, so that he might receive knowledge and power of equal value to his services. He's been an enforcer, a guard, even a professional soldier, of sorts, for various fae lords and ladies. Few people know his heritage, few understand his beginnings, but Calder knows, and he isn't likely to share it. He is most comfortable fighting in melee, with mace and shield, bashing and pushing opponents into submission or oblivion as his orders dictated. He rarely makes a move himself, preferring to follow the lead of others. Partly so to absolve himself of blame, and partly to mask his true abilities and capabilities with arrogance and presumption of his commanding officers. Much of his pay was in the form of knowledge, knowledge of water and it's many forms and properties and knowledge of magic, mostly related to doing his job better. He has learned many things in his five and three quarters centuries of life. And his eyes show it, but if you let his manner deceive you, as many do, he's little more than a dangerous boy. Easily manipulated, and distracted, he seems to wander about from place to place, job to job, looking or nothing more than another good time of smashing beings someone is paying him to smash, for no other reason than that it pays the bills, apparently. Few pry any deeper, though one of the few who've tried is currently employed by the Stygian Blade Guild, and he's made a mistake, Calder is hunting in his own special, very patient way.
Calder seem's to be the embodiment, even the physical avatar, of the term passive-aggressive. He is well known in the fae circles for his work as a mid level enforcer for the fall court during his first three centuries of existence. He hasn't distinguished himself in any particular way, though he's never failed a job because he underestimated an opponent. The jobs he's failed were due to his having been poorly informed of the situation, or the unexpected involvement of third parties. Like all fae, his word is binding. He's never broken his word before, a mildly impressive feat at his age, and he's not about to throw that power away.
Reason for recruitment: Looking for friends again, it's been close to a century since he had any, but he remembers them and want to make new friends. At least, that's what he told the recruiter...
Strength of Will: Greater Will
Magic: Abjuration & Force.
God relations: He worships no God, instead he gives each their due, recognizing all but adhering to none.
Tech: {Boron nitride mace/Blasting rod(as per Harry's, boosts attack spells efficiency).}
{Magic shield, made of boron nitride with silver and iron embellishments. The shield itself is highly resistant to force magic, repelling it like magnets of like poles. It doesn't negate it, and strong enough blasts will still connect, but the little stuff, and a small part of the bigger stuff, will be repelled away from the shield face to hit something else. The shield is big enough that Calder won't get hit by any of the little stuff, but his allies might get hit instead. If he cares, a big if, he may try to repel the attack in a particular direction by angling the face of his shield, but that's no guarantee of the force reaction.}
{GreavesBoron nitrate plates, cold steel spikes. Enchanted to store kinetic energy as mana. Calder uses it to heal himself and allies after a fight.}
Possessions/items/property: Cargo shorts with extra dimensional pockets, delve at your own risk.
Skills: Calder Crush! A master of close quarters combat, he's learned most of what he knows on the job, not in some regulated arena, much less a peaceful dojo. His greatest skill is pattern recognition, in behavior, in thought, or in action, if a pattern exists he will find it, eventually. Natural regeneration, trolls don't die easy, never have never will, poisons are largely ineffective, wounds heal quickly, even up to full limb replacement, though that takes decades.
Alias/Nickname: Maelstrom, Jug, The Cauldron

He wears a pair crude leather shorts, that look like they might have been made from a blacksmith's apron, due the numerous pockets and general quality of the cloth. Standing at just under 8 ft tall, and weighing nearly 600 lbs, of scaled hide, thick bones, and hard muscle, he's no light weight and can take quite a punch.
Age: 576
Race: Troll
Personality: Usually an agreeable fellow, he tends to give what he gets, his attitude reflecting a tooth-for-tooth pattern with those around him. If he receives kindness, he returns it; if he receives cruelty he return that instead. He doesn't seem to harbor any driving emotions himself, preferring always to flow with the tide of emotions around him. How ever his eyes bely his cunning, and he often seeks to achieve his goals as indirectly as possible, or at the least at someone else's request. This isn't laziness, but a lifetime of being manipulated into serving others often at great personal cost.
Biography/history: Born long ago, to a fae mother and a water elemental father, he was born out of contract not love, which some would say his mother couldn't feel if she were drowned in it. Calder knows better, but he also knows better than to correct the poor fools. Knowledge is power, no matter how insignificant it may seem at the time, so you never, ever give information or knowledge to someone else with out receiving something of kindred value. He has spent a lot of time, serving and giving of himself, so that he might receive knowledge and power of equal value to his services. He's been an enforcer, a guard, even a professional soldier, of sorts, for various fae lords and ladies. Few people know his heritage, few understand his beginnings, but Calder knows, and he isn't likely to share it. He is most comfortable fighting in melee, with mace and shield, bashing and pushing opponents into submission or oblivion as his orders dictated. He rarely makes a move himself, preferring to follow the lead of others. Partly so to absolve himself of blame, and partly to mask his true abilities and capabilities with arrogance and presumption of his commanding officers. Much of his pay was in the form of knowledge, knowledge of water and it's many forms and properties and knowledge of magic, mostly related to doing his job better. He has learned many things in his five and three quarters centuries of life. And his eyes show it, but if you let his manner deceive you, as many do, he's little more than a dangerous boy. Easily manipulated, and distracted, he seems to wander about from place to place, job to job, looking or nothing more than another good time of smashing beings someone is paying him to smash, for no other reason than that it pays the bills, apparently. Few pry any deeper, though one of the few who've tried is currently employed by the Stygian Blade Guild, and he's made a mistake, Calder is hunting in his own special, very patient way.
Calder seem's to be the embodiment, even the physical avatar, of the term passive-aggressive. He is well known in the fae circles for his work as a mid level enforcer for the fall court during his first three centuries of existence. He hasn't distinguished himself in any particular way, though he's never failed a job because he underestimated an opponent. The jobs he's failed were due to his having been poorly informed of the situation, or the unexpected involvement of third parties. Like all fae, his word is binding. He's never broken his word before, a mildly impressive feat at his age, and he's not about to throw that power away.
Reason for recruitment: Looking for friends again, it's been close to a century since he had any, but he remembers them and want to make new friends. At least, that's what he told the recruiter...
Strength of Will: Greater Will
Magic: Abjuration & Force.
God relations: He worships no God, instead he gives each their due, recognizing all but adhering to none.
Tech: {Boron nitride mace/Blasting rod(as per Harry's, boosts attack spells efficiency).}
{Magic shield, made of boron nitride with silver and iron embellishments. The shield itself is highly resistant to force magic, repelling it like magnets of like poles. It doesn't negate it, and strong enough blasts will still connect, but the little stuff, and a small part of the bigger stuff, will be repelled away from the shield face to hit something else. The shield is big enough that Calder won't get hit by any of the little stuff, but his allies might get hit instead. If he cares, a big if, he may try to repel the attack in a particular direction by angling the face of his shield, but that's no guarantee of the force reaction.}
{GreavesBoron nitrate plates, cold steel spikes. Enchanted to store kinetic energy as mana. Calder uses it to heal himself and allies after a fight.}
Possessions/items/property: Cargo shorts with extra dimensional pockets, delve at your own risk.
Skills: Calder Crush! A master of close quarters combat, he's learned most of what he knows on the job, not in some regulated arena, much less a peaceful dojo. His greatest skill is pattern recognition, in behavior, in thought, or in action, if a pattern exists he will find it, eventually. Natural regeneration, trolls don't die easy, never have never will, poisons are largely ineffective, wounds heal quickly, even up to full limb replacement, though that takes decades.
name: Shiba Akabane
Alias/nickname: Silver shadow
except he has green eyes and his hair only reaches down to his shoulders
age: 113
Race: Nephilim
rank: paladin
personality: Shiba is a charmer and as a result Shiba is able to trick a broke person to giving up his last coin. While he is able to trick and charm others into his point of view he actually acts pretty indifferent most of the time not really caring about most things since their is so few things for him to dedicate himself to. since he is a second gen angel he does try to do good things for others despite how menacing he may be.
background: Shiba was born in the middle ground of the towers in Angels landing. His life was a comforting one he lived like any other child would in Angel's landing. He made a few friends and when he was preteen he found his first love everything seemed like things would go on normally for him except for one fateful day. Shiba was coming home one day to find that the door to his home was bashed open which meant that someone purposely broke in Shiba snuck in and saw the scene before him with thugs looking through his house for something his mother dead and his father clinging to life from a bad wound on his chest that was pouring blood onto the floor. The thugs then turned and saw that Shiba was their and one quickly went to grab him but his father with his last bit of strength grabbed his leg tripping him then he yelled "run son! find the 3 wings and look for the claws at the home of ancients!" Shiba didn't know what he meant at the time but he quickly ran away crying all the while as they killed his father. Shiba didn't look back he just kept running and soon found his way out of angels landing as he just kept running not knowing how long before his exhaustion finally got the better of him and he dropped like a stone to the forest floor. He was simply to tired and hungry to run anymore and the last thing he thought about was his families blood on the floor.
Shiba didn't know how long he was out for but when he woke up he was in a shack in the forest. He soon got up to see where he was and he soon saw an old man with a white beard and a bald head he was cooking stew and Shiba was about to sneak away but he soon said "well its about time you woke up, I was worried I would need to buy you a casket." Shiba then shivered not understanding how he knew he was awake but he soon sat down next to him not thinking that he should try to run since he doubt he could get far. The old man gave Shiba a bowl to eat and Shiba did his best to act polite despite how hungry he was. Once the old man got his own bowl he explained "my name is Sho, I know your parents back in the day. I didn't know they had a kid though so what brings you all this way?" He asked and at the mention of his parents Shiba started to cry explaining everything to the old man and he simply sighed. " I should have known" he simply said and Shiba just wanted to hit him when he just said that he should have known! Shiba then decided that he needed to leave however when he asked why he was leaving Shiba gave him the same cryptic message that his father gave him. Then the old man stopped Shiba and he showed him his back which he had a tattoo of two wings below his own actual wings giving him the appearance of 3 wings. Shiba then nodded and they soon started training the old man promised him to give him a chance to get back at those who killed his parents.
years went by as Shiba trained in the arts of fighting and stealth learning to strike from shadows and kill before the others realize what's happened. Shiba also learned inadvertently to keep his emotions down and as a result he gave the appearance of not caring about things. Once Shiba proved he was ready old man Sho told him what his father meant by the land of the ancients. Shiba left taking few possessions and when he took a year to get to the land where his ancestors came from and he soon found the claws his father told him about in reality they were a pair of gauntlets however these gauntlets were imbued with the energies of each of his ancestors. At least that's what the old man told him, the gauntlets themselves reached up to his shoulders and as expected had claws finger tips meant to sever body parts and rip out throats like a tiger also left behind was a white cloak meant to give off illusions. Shiba took both and left to go and kill the thugs that murdered his family he found himself back in Angels landing going through the slums till he found the killers and ripped their throats out with his new claws.
After that he went and turned himself in on the condition that he kept his equipment. They only agreed by putting Shiba in solitary and a knight found him and decided to let him join. The rest is history...
Reason for recruitment: wanted to do good by the people on a much larger scale
Strength of will: potent wills
Magic: uses alchemy for his claws to make them sharper or to tip the claw tips with a poison. He uses channeling magic on his cloak to create illusions.
God Relation: Shiba was considered blessed by Exandra the god of judgment after passing judgment one the thugs who killed his parents
Tech: need advice on that front
Claws of the silver blooded(again though imagine they were silver and reached up to the shoulders): The claws handed down through his family for generations and they sharp enough to cut through steel if need be.
Hood of Galaxy feathers (middle one)=This hood was given illusionary enchantments to give the wearer the ability to change a persons perception of themselves. For example if used properly the wearer can make himself look like a harmless rat to the one looking straight at them however this kind of perfect enchantment causes great strain on the wearer.
Stealth fighter= Shiba was trained in the art of silence and execution he is able to slip in and out of combat at will when the need arises but prefers not to look at the faces of those he kills.
Agile fighter= Shiba's main strength in a normal fight is how he is able to duck and dodge an opponents attack with his ability to strike the weak points in his opponents defense
charmer= Shiba was born with the skill to charm others and have them go into his own way of thinking. When sneaking in isn't an option and a fight is the other way he will choose to talk his way out of a situation instead
poker face= when faced to a situation to lie or be tortured he wont change his facial expression because on the inside he truly feels dead
Alias/nickname: Silver shadow

age: 113
Race: Nephilim
rank: paladin
personality: Shiba is a charmer and as a result Shiba is able to trick a broke person to giving up his last coin. While he is able to trick and charm others into his point of view he actually acts pretty indifferent most of the time not really caring about most things since their is so few things for him to dedicate himself to. since he is a second gen angel he does try to do good things for others despite how menacing he may be.
background: Shiba was born in the middle ground of the towers in Angels landing. His life was a comforting one he lived like any other child would in Angel's landing. He made a few friends and when he was preteen he found his first love everything seemed like things would go on normally for him except for one fateful day. Shiba was coming home one day to find that the door to his home was bashed open which meant that someone purposely broke in Shiba snuck in and saw the scene before him with thugs looking through his house for something his mother dead and his father clinging to life from a bad wound on his chest that was pouring blood onto the floor. The thugs then turned and saw that Shiba was their and one quickly went to grab him but his father with his last bit of strength grabbed his leg tripping him then he yelled "run son! find the 3 wings and look for the claws at the home of ancients!" Shiba didn't know what he meant at the time but he quickly ran away crying all the while as they killed his father. Shiba didn't look back he just kept running and soon found his way out of angels landing as he just kept running not knowing how long before his exhaustion finally got the better of him and he dropped like a stone to the forest floor. He was simply to tired and hungry to run anymore and the last thing he thought about was his families blood on the floor.
Shiba didn't know how long he was out for but when he woke up he was in a shack in the forest. He soon got up to see where he was and he soon saw an old man with a white beard and a bald head he was cooking stew and Shiba was about to sneak away but he soon said "well its about time you woke up, I was worried I would need to buy you a casket." Shiba then shivered not understanding how he knew he was awake but he soon sat down next to him not thinking that he should try to run since he doubt he could get far. The old man gave Shiba a bowl to eat and Shiba did his best to act polite despite how hungry he was. Once the old man got his own bowl he explained "my name is Sho, I know your parents back in the day. I didn't know they had a kid though so what brings you all this way?" He asked and at the mention of his parents Shiba started to cry explaining everything to the old man and he simply sighed. " I should have known" he simply said and Shiba just wanted to hit him when he just said that he should have known! Shiba then decided that he needed to leave however when he asked why he was leaving Shiba gave him the same cryptic message that his father gave him. Then the old man stopped Shiba and he showed him his back which he had a tattoo of two wings below his own actual wings giving him the appearance of 3 wings. Shiba then nodded and they soon started training the old man promised him to give him a chance to get back at those who killed his parents.
years went by as Shiba trained in the arts of fighting and stealth learning to strike from shadows and kill before the others realize what's happened. Shiba also learned inadvertently to keep his emotions down and as a result he gave the appearance of not caring about things. Once Shiba proved he was ready old man Sho told him what his father meant by the land of the ancients. Shiba left taking few possessions and when he took a year to get to the land where his ancestors came from and he soon found the claws his father told him about in reality they were a pair of gauntlets however these gauntlets were imbued with the energies of each of his ancestors. At least that's what the old man told him, the gauntlets themselves reached up to his shoulders and as expected had claws finger tips meant to sever body parts and rip out throats like a tiger also left behind was a white cloak meant to give off illusions. Shiba took both and left to go and kill the thugs that murdered his family he found himself back in Angels landing going through the slums till he found the killers and ripped their throats out with his new claws.
After that he went and turned himself in on the condition that he kept his equipment. They only agreed by putting Shiba in solitary and a knight found him and decided to let him join. The rest is history...
Reason for recruitment: wanted to do good by the people on a much larger scale
Strength of will: potent wills
Magic: uses alchemy for his claws to make them sharper or to tip the claw tips with a poison. He uses channeling magic on his cloak to create illusions.
God Relation: Shiba was considered blessed by Exandra the god of judgment after passing judgment one the thugs who killed his parents
Tech: need advice on that front
Claws of the silver blooded(again though imagine they were silver and reached up to the shoulders): The claws handed down through his family for generations and they sharp enough to cut through steel if need be.
Hood of Galaxy feathers (middle one)=This hood was given illusionary enchantments to give the wearer the ability to change a persons perception of themselves. For example if used properly the wearer can make himself look like a harmless rat to the one looking straight at them however this kind of perfect enchantment causes great strain on the wearer.
Stealth fighter= Shiba was trained in the art of silence and execution he is able to slip in and out of combat at will when the need arises but prefers not to look at the faces of those he kills.
Agile fighter= Shiba's main strength in a normal fight is how he is able to duck and dodge an opponents attack with his ability to strike the weak points in his opponents defense
charmer= Shiba was born with the skill to charm others and have them go into his own way of thinking. When sneaking in isn't an option and a fight is the other way he will choose to talk his way out of a situation instead
poker face= when faced to a situation to lie or be tortured he wont change his facial expression because on the inside he truly feels dead
Dead Cruiser
Name: Leviathan Nero
Alias/Nickname: Levi
Rank: Knight
Appearance: Levi is a tallish man with a strong build, sharp features and eccentric dress sense. He carries an air of aloofness and curiosity about him, though his dark, red eyes seem to always be glimmering with a multitude of unseen machinations.
Age: 29
Race: Aberrant/Human
Personality: Levi is to many the archetypal image of an eccentric genius. His thoughts are constantly flooded with plans and schematics, and human interaction seems to be a low priority to him. While he can garner up an air of professionalism when necessary, to most his demeanor is surly and foul-mouthed, distrusting of others and condescending toward their mental abilities. He treats women generally worse, as he also has a chauvinistic, lecherous streak. Regardless of his temperament, he has a strong, sort of old-fashioned sense of justice. There is evil in the world, and it must be either be punished or destroyed. Innocents must be protected, and good must prevail over all.
Biography/history: Levi was born as a scion of an ancient cabal of dark sorcerers, known as the Anticross. It was the mission of the Anticross to use ancient and otherworldly magics and technology to usurp the gods and become the new rulers of creation. As the second son of the order's mighty Grand Master, Levi was trained in the arts of the Magus as he grew up. He took exceedingly well to the skills of a war-artificer, trained to compliment his elder brother, Therion, who was concurrently being groomed to succeed their father as Grand Master.
However, as Levi grew up, he became disgusted by the organization that had raised and trained him. He saw the putrid evil of the Anticross for what it was, and hated them for their callous disregard for the suffering they wrought. Early in his manhood he defected from the order, turning to the Tower of Stars to alert them to the grave threat the Anticross presented. For years he went unheard, until the Anticross began their campaign to end the world with the use of an artificial god concocted from foul magic and the corpse of an Outsider. As the false god rose to life, the Master of Stars took notice, and himself sought out Levi for his assistance in combating the Anticross.
With Levi's knowledge of the order and skill as a Magus, the Tower of Stars quietly crushed the Anticross, killing their grand master and destroying their imitation god. The other masters of the order, including Therion, escaped however, and have been in hiding ever since. For his assistance, Levi was offered a position high in the ranks of the Tower of Stars, but declined, instead settling for a position as a lowly Knight, where his actions would be under far less scrutiny. Few in the Tower know of Levi's connection to the Anticross, and none besides himself know of his secret project to replicate their work. The Anticross' artificial god was a genius project, though ill-intentioned. Levi has been constructing in utmost secrecy a machine god of his own, with which he plans to banish evil from the world forever.
Reason for recruitment: On paper, he is signed on as a Magus, a rare breed of artisan that is soldier and scholar both. In truth, he is a member out of gratitude for his assistance in ending a threat to the world at large.
Strength of Will: Greater
Magic: While he has savant-like knowledge of magic theory and spell construction, Levi has little use for magic as most people use it. At the very most he utilizes alchemy at an extremely minuscule scale to assist in the writing of spell codes in the technology he creates.
God relations: As one might expect from someone who is trying to create their own god, Levi is not an especially pious individual, and spurns the attention of gods.
Tech: As an artificer of the highest skill, Levi is an expert in creating fusions of magic and technology. He accomplishes much of his work my integrating "spell code" at a molecular scale in the mechanics of his creations, essentially writing spells as programs into his technology. While he occasionally produces a convenience for the Tower's use, he hoards the majority of his advanced inventions to himself.
Levi's signature creation is GRIMOIRE, essentially a digital spellbook. It utilizes Levi's "theoretical transportation" technology to keep a vast array of items and energy sources (sometimes including itself) in a sort of digital hammerspace, able to be summoned as needed. The COR LEONIS theoretical energy system that powers GRIMOIRE is also in this hammerspace, and is the fuel source for Levi's spells and technology. Other features of GRIMOIRE include mental transmission (basic telepathy) and assisted analysis of spell construction. GRIMOIRE is neurally linked to allow Levi access to its features without having to physically interface with it, even when it is in self-storage.
Levi's most prized creation is NECHRONICA, Necro for short. Necro is essentially an AI written in spell code, which is the operating system for GRIMOIRE. As a fully-realized AI, Necro has a willful and haughty personality, and is generally belligerent to everyone (often including Levi). Necro's digital avatar can be projected remotely as a holographic illusion, which can even be touched and interact with the world. Her avatar usually takes the form of a teenage girl with a white dress and long, silver hair, but it can change as she feels is necessary. Necro is an exceedingly skilled hacker, capable of learning and adapting her routines, and can improvise spell code on the fly to cast spells from the Cor Leonis on her own. Necro can also assist Levi in much the same way that a familiar would, helping to focus his spell construction and correct mistakes and bugs in his spell code.
Another of Levi's better-known inventions is the MAGUS STYLE system, closely linked to GRIMOIRE. Essentially a suit of magical armor, MAGUS STYLE bonds to Levi at a molecular level infusing his very skin with extremely efficient magical barriers. The armor enhances Levi's strength, speed and senses to superhuman levels, and grants him additional appendages formed from the armor's plasmic material. These can take the form of wings to grant Levi flight, additional arms in battle, or shields to protect him.
Apart from MAGUS STYLE, Levi's means of protecting himself is the ELDER SIGN shield system. Essentially a a magical barrier, the ELDER SIGN works as a sort of magical computer virus that disrupts and encrypts spell code that contacts it, essentially confusing and dismantling magical attacks that attempt to breach it. Its effectiveness stems from subverting the normal protocols enacted by magical barriers, and "trapping" specially-designed barrier-breaking spells.
Levi possesses a veritable arsenal of other weapons and spell programs. These include NITOCRIS, an illusion-generating program that can turn Levi invisible, duplicate his appearance, and a variety of other functions. ATLACH-NACHA is a strange program inspired by a particular spider-worshiping cult; it can be used to create sticky, flexible, extremely strong webbing material, command spiders or other arthropods, or summon a digital avatar of the spider-demon herself for battle. Levi's most often-used weapons are the spell cannons CTHUGHA and ITHAQUA; CTHUGHA fires explosive shots as hot as sunfire, whereas ITHAQUA fires analyzing rounds that home in on enemy weaknesses. The cannons can be twin-linked to form the devastating Spell Helix Cannon, or can e overcharged to summon digital demons of fire and ice, respectively. Similar are the twin nano-blades LLOIGOR and ZHAR, which take the form of stiletto swords, capable of changing shape and size, or even joining together to create a four-edged throwing weapon. Levi's final weapon is BARZAI, a superheated hyper-phase sword that can be thrown to form a flaming whirlwind of death, and always returns to Levi's hand.
Experimental technologies yet unfinished include the HUNTING HORROR, a spell-engine powered motorcycle, and an advanced form of powered armor and weapons systems, code-named METATON. Levi is as always working on his machine god, for now christened STRANGE AEON. Some of its features are complete, such as its twin spell engines TIMAEUS and CRITIAS, its SHANTAK flight system and its LEMURIA directed-energy weapons system. He is still in the process of upgrading the COR LEONIS to withstand the strain of powering such an immense magical construction.
Possessions/items/property: Levi has a pet shoggoth named Dunsany, which while a shapeshifter, usually takes the form of a nonthreatening yellow blob with a single eyeball. Dunsany is immensely strong and nearly indestructible, but is generally docile. His gelatinous body makes for a favorite seat for Levi, who feeds him fresh penguin meat as a treat. Dunsany likes to repeat things he hears, much like a parrot, interspersed with cries of "Teki-li-li!"
Misc: Unnatural, otherworldly power lurks in Levi's veins. Power which he seems unwilling to tap into. The secrecy of his parentage is likely part of this, as his father was a known magical criminal, but the identity of his mother remains a mystery.
Alias/Nickname: Levi
Rank: Knight
Appearance: Levi is a tallish man with a strong build, sharp features and eccentric dress sense. He carries an air of aloofness and curiosity about him, though his dark, red eyes seem to always be glimmering with a multitude of unseen machinations.
Age: 29
Race: Aberrant/Human
Personality: Levi is to many the archetypal image of an eccentric genius. His thoughts are constantly flooded with plans and schematics, and human interaction seems to be a low priority to him. While he can garner up an air of professionalism when necessary, to most his demeanor is surly and foul-mouthed, distrusting of others and condescending toward their mental abilities. He treats women generally worse, as he also has a chauvinistic, lecherous streak. Regardless of his temperament, he has a strong, sort of old-fashioned sense of justice. There is evil in the world, and it must be either be punished or destroyed. Innocents must be protected, and good must prevail over all.
Biography/history: Levi was born as a scion of an ancient cabal of dark sorcerers, known as the Anticross. It was the mission of the Anticross to use ancient and otherworldly magics and technology to usurp the gods and become the new rulers of creation. As the second son of the order's mighty Grand Master, Levi was trained in the arts of the Magus as he grew up. He took exceedingly well to the skills of a war-artificer, trained to compliment his elder brother, Therion, who was concurrently being groomed to succeed their father as Grand Master.
However, as Levi grew up, he became disgusted by the organization that had raised and trained him. He saw the putrid evil of the Anticross for what it was, and hated them for their callous disregard for the suffering they wrought. Early in his manhood he defected from the order, turning to the Tower of Stars to alert them to the grave threat the Anticross presented. For years he went unheard, until the Anticross began their campaign to end the world with the use of an artificial god concocted from foul magic and the corpse of an Outsider. As the false god rose to life, the Master of Stars took notice, and himself sought out Levi for his assistance in combating the Anticross.
With Levi's knowledge of the order and skill as a Magus, the Tower of Stars quietly crushed the Anticross, killing their grand master and destroying their imitation god. The other masters of the order, including Therion, escaped however, and have been in hiding ever since. For his assistance, Levi was offered a position high in the ranks of the Tower of Stars, but declined, instead settling for a position as a lowly Knight, where his actions would be under far less scrutiny. Few in the Tower know of Levi's connection to the Anticross, and none besides himself know of his secret project to replicate their work. The Anticross' artificial god was a genius project, though ill-intentioned. Levi has been constructing in utmost secrecy a machine god of his own, with which he plans to banish evil from the world forever.
Reason for recruitment: On paper, he is signed on as a Magus, a rare breed of artisan that is soldier and scholar both. In truth, he is a member out of gratitude for his assistance in ending a threat to the world at large.
Strength of Will: Greater
Magic: While he has savant-like knowledge of magic theory and spell construction, Levi has little use for magic as most people use it. At the very most he utilizes alchemy at an extremely minuscule scale to assist in the writing of spell codes in the technology he creates.
God relations: As one might expect from someone who is trying to create their own god, Levi is not an especially pious individual, and spurns the attention of gods.
Tech: As an artificer of the highest skill, Levi is an expert in creating fusions of magic and technology. He accomplishes much of his work my integrating "spell code" at a molecular scale in the mechanics of his creations, essentially writing spells as programs into his technology. While he occasionally produces a convenience for the Tower's use, he hoards the majority of his advanced inventions to himself.
Levi's signature creation is GRIMOIRE, essentially a digital spellbook. It utilizes Levi's "theoretical transportation" technology to keep a vast array of items and energy sources (sometimes including itself) in a sort of digital hammerspace, able to be summoned as needed. The COR LEONIS theoretical energy system that powers GRIMOIRE is also in this hammerspace, and is the fuel source for Levi's spells and technology. Other features of GRIMOIRE include mental transmission (basic telepathy) and assisted analysis of spell construction. GRIMOIRE is neurally linked to allow Levi access to its features without having to physically interface with it, even when it is in self-storage.
Levi's most prized creation is NECHRONICA, Necro for short. Necro is essentially an AI written in spell code, which is the operating system for GRIMOIRE. As a fully-realized AI, Necro has a willful and haughty personality, and is generally belligerent to everyone (often including Levi). Necro's digital avatar can be projected remotely as a holographic illusion, which can even be touched and interact with the world. Her avatar usually takes the form of a teenage girl with a white dress and long, silver hair, but it can change as she feels is necessary. Necro is an exceedingly skilled hacker, capable of learning and adapting her routines, and can improvise spell code on the fly to cast spells from the Cor Leonis on her own. Necro can also assist Levi in much the same way that a familiar would, helping to focus his spell construction and correct mistakes and bugs in his spell code.
Another of Levi's better-known inventions is the MAGUS STYLE system, closely linked to GRIMOIRE. Essentially a suit of magical armor, MAGUS STYLE bonds to Levi at a molecular level infusing his very skin with extremely efficient magical barriers. The armor enhances Levi's strength, speed and senses to superhuman levels, and grants him additional appendages formed from the armor's plasmic material. These can take the form of wings to grant Levi flight, additional arms in battle, or shields to protect him.
Apart from MAGUS STYLE, Levi's means of protecting himself is the ELDER SIGN shield system. Essentially a a magical barrier, the ELDER SIGN works as a sort of magical computer virus that disrupts and encrypts spell code that contacts it, essentially confusing and dismantling magical attacks that attempt to breach it. Its effectiveness stems from subverting the normal protocols enacted by magical barriers, and "trapping" specially-designed barrier-breaking spells.
Levi possesses a veritable arsenal of other weapons and spell programs. These include NITOCRIS, an illusion-generating program that can turn Levi invisible, duplicate his appearance, and a variety of other functions. ATLACH-NACHA is a strange program inspired by a particular spider-worshiping cult; it can be used to create sticky, flexible, extremely strong webbing material, command spiders or other arthropods, or summon a digital avatar of the spider-demon herself for battle. Levi's most often-used weapons are the spell cannons CTHUGHA and ITHAQUA; CTHUGHA fires explosive shots as hot as sunfire, whereas ITHAQUA fires analyzing rounds that home in on enemy weaknesses. The cannons can be twin-linked to form the devastating Spell Helix Cannon, or can e overcharged to summon digital demons of fire and ice, respectively. Similar are the twin nano-blades LLOIGOR and ZHAR, which take the form of stiletto swords, capable of changing shape and size, or even joining together to create a four-edged throwing weapon. Levi's final weapon is BARZAI, a superheated hyper-phase sword that can be thrown to form a flaming whirlwind of death, and always returns to Levi's hand.
Experimental technologies yet unfinished include the HUNTING HORROR, a spell-engine powered motorcycle, and an advanced form of powered armor and weapons systems, code-named METATON. Levi is as always working on his machine god, for now christened STRANGE AEON. Some of its features are complete, such as its twin spell engines TIMAEUS and CRITIAS, its SHANTAK flight system and its LEMURIA directed-energy weapons system. He is still in the process of upgrading the COR LEONIS to withstand the strain of powering such an immense magical construction.
Possessions/items/property: Levi has a pet shoggoth named Dunsany, which while a shapeshifter, usually takes the form of a nonthreatening yellow blob with a single eyeball. Dunsany is immensely strong and nearly indestructible, but is generally docile. His gelatinous body makes for a favorite seat for Levi, who feeds him fresh penguin meat as a treat. Dunsany likes to repeat things he hears, much like a parrot, interspersed with cries of "Teki-li-li!"
Misc: Unnatural, otherworldly power lurks in Levi's veins. Power which he seems unwilling to tap into. The secrecy of his parentage is likely part of this, as his father was a known magical criminal, but the identity of his mother remains a mystery.
Name: Izual Anzhela
Alias/Nickname: the Starslayer
Rank: Knight

Age: 20
Race: Hellspawn (Devil/Nephilim).
Personality: Oblivious. Absolutely oblivious. Those who have had the pleasure of traveling with him couldn’t count the number of times the man has fallen for an obvious trap, gotten lost, or failed to recognize the affection of a woman. Combine that with his steadfast stubbornness, and you get a Hellspawn that’s very lucky to still be alive. While he’s very dense, Izual is a very benevolent being who will go out of his way to protect those in need (if they don’t run away from him first, anyway. Nobody trusts a guy with horns, apparently). Izual is known for his rather carefree lifestyle, loose mannerism, and quirky persona. He doesn’t care much for authority, but respects it as much as he can get away with.
Izual is the result of Ariadne Lagi, a well-known Nephilim warrior, losing a duel to the Devil Prince, Izuzel Anzhela. Cruel and power-hungry, Izuzel enslaved Ariadne and forced himself upon her, and soon a baby Izual came into the world. The child was strong and healthy, and while originally the Devil Prince planned to kill the newborn, he instead plotted to rear Izual as his infernal protégé.
Izuzel never did get to instill evil into his son's mind though, as Ariadne managed to escape from the Devil's lair in a twist of fate. Together, mother and son survived off the land as they hand no one else to go to. Ariadne's family had long since perished. Izual learned everything he knew from his mother: hiding, tracking, fighting, everything she could offer him.
For years, the two of them managed to avoid Izuzel and his minions until the fateful the Devil Prince finally found his prisoners in a remote village. Backed into a corner with nowhere to run, Ariadne was force to fight the man that had caused her so much pain, only to be stricken down in front of her son. In desperation, Izual took up his mother's sword, Requiem, and attempted to slay his father with fury and sorrow coursing through his veins. Against such a powerful force though, the Hellspawn could not succeed alone. Requiem was cleaved in two by Izuzel's brute strength, and, like his mother, he was surely destined to die.
However, something odd happened that day, as if a god were looking out for Izual. In the act of crawling away from the Devil Prince, his hand curled around the hilt of a strange sword. Radiating with a power to match Izuzel, the Hellspawn was able to go head to head with the Devil and defeat him. The onlooking villagers described their duel as "two bright stars, colliding with one another". Izuzel's death was so unbelievable that the villagers gave Izual the title "Starslayer" after witnessing such an event.
Tales of his feat spread far and wide, and soon Izual the Starslayer was being offered positions that he never imagined being open to him. In the end, Izual settled with joining the Tower of Stars.
Reason for recruitment: Izual's reputation for slaying a Devil Prince.
Strength of Will: Oracle
Magic: Izual can only use channeled magic while he wields his greatsword.
God relations: Unbeknownst to him, the god Xandrius has great interest in him.
Alias/Nickname: the Starslayer
Rank: Knight

Age: 20
Race: Hellspawn (Devil/Nephilim).
Personality: Oblivious. Absolutely oblivious. Those who have had the pleasure of traveling with him couldn’t count the number of times the man has fallen for an obvious trap, gotten lost, or failed to recognize the affection of a woman. Combine that with his steadfast stubbornness, and you get a Hellspawn that’s very lucky to still be alive. While he’s very dense, Izual is a very benevolent being who will go out of his way to protect those in need (if they don’t run away from him first, anyway. Nobody trusts a guy with horns, apparently). Izual is known for his rather carefree lifestyle, loose mannerism, and quirky persona. He doesn’t care much for authority, but respects it as much as he can get away with.
Izual is the result of Ariadne Lagi, a well-known Nephilim warrior, losing a duel to the Devil Prince, Izuzel Anzhela. Cruel and power-hungry, Izuzel enslaved Ariadne and forced himself upon her, and soon a baby Izual came into the world. The child was strong and healthy, and while originally the Devil Prince planned to kill the newborn, he instead plotted to rear Izual as his infernal protégé.
Izuzel never did get to instill evil into his son's mind though, as Ariadne managed to escape from the Devil's lair in a twist of fate. Together, mother and son survived off the land as they hand no one else to go to. Ariadne's family had long since perished. Izual learned everything he knew from his mother: hiding, tracking, fighting, everything she could offer him.
For years, the two of them managed to avoid Izuzel and his minions until the fateful the Devil Prince finally found his prisoners in a remote village. Backed into a corner with nowhere to run, Ariadne was force to fight the man that had caused her so much pain, only to be stricken down in front of her son. In desperation, Izual took up his mother's sword, Requiem, and attempted to slay his father with fury and sorrow coursing through his veins. Against such a powerful force though, the Hellspawn could not succeed alone. Requiem was cleaved in two by Izuzel's brute strength, and, like his mother, he was surely destined to die.
However, something odd happened that day, as if a god were looking out for Izual. In the act of crawling away from the Devil Prince, his hand curled around the hilt of a strange sword. Radiating with a power to match Izuzel, the Hellspawn was able to go head to head with the Devil and defeat him. The onlooking villagers described their duel as "two bright stars, colliding with one another". Izuzel's death was so unbelievable that the villagers gave Izual the title "Starslayer" after witnessing such an event.
Tales of his feat spread far and wide, and soon Izual the Starslayer was being offered positions that he never imagined being open to him. In the end, Izual settled with joining the Tower of Stars.
Reason for recruitment: Izual's reputation for slaying a Devil Prince.
Strength of Will: Oracle
Magic: Izual can only use channeled magic while he wields his greatsword.
- Enchantment - Thus far, Izual has only discovered how to imbue his sword or himself with elemental energies.
- Abjuration – With Novabuster’s power, Izual can create shields to protect himself or others.
- More to be discovered…
God relations: Unbeknownst to him, the god Xandrius has great interest in him.
- Izual’s signature greatsword. Of unknown craftsmanship, this surprisingly lightweight blade is practically an extension of himself and seems to be imbued with great power. Over the years, Izual has come to realize he can tap into the blade’s power to varying effect. However, he has only uncovered a few of the tricks this blade is capable of doing and much remains to be discovered.
- A stripped down suit of Power Armor.
- Preferring mobility over defense, Izual has made a lot of modifications to his suit. Rather than being hard and solid like proper armor should, it feels and looks more like a soft carapace and can only deflect minor blows. However, this renders him able to move with more finesse and speed than normal.
- Requiem was his mother’s blade. While it was once enchanted, it lost any trace of magical power when it was cleaved in half by Izual’s father. Izual wears it on his hip as a memento. It could also double as a primitive dagger if need be.
- A set of survival equipment, just in case.
- Swordsmanship – Despite a lack of formal training, Izual’s self-taught style is surprisingly effective.
- Survivalist – He’s no stranger to the harsh landscape and knows quite a bit about the land. Starving in the desert? Izual can probably find something edible out there.
- Agility – Even with his massive sword, the Hellspawn is capable of moving at great speeds and moving his body with incredible finesse. He makes a great scout.
- Adaptability – Possibly his greatest skill, Izual is comfortable in any situation. Even at a disadvantage, he’ll try to find a way to equal the odds.
Name: Experiment No. 330
Alias/Nickname: Known as Bunny in social situations, but Deadbolt is her operative code name.
Rank: Paladin

Age: 19
Race: As a genetically modified humanoid, Bunny has no “true” race. DNA tests show she has genetic material from all known races. However, she is most similar to a human with all the same weaknesses.
Personality: Despite the torture she endured most of her life, she is a kind and spunky soul who bounces at the thought of adventure. For this reason, she was given the name Bunny. She hates killing unless strictly necessary, and she is a hopeless romantic. Unfortunately, she is extremely disaster prone and a complete klutz. While Bunny makes pretty good money, it seems to fall out of her pockets as soon as she gets her pay check, considering she has a terrible gambling addiction.
Biography/history: Experiment No. 330 is the product of an underground super soldier program. 500 specimens were cultivated from embryo to infant, spliced with varying types of DNA to encourage the development of a race with no weakness. Of the 500, Bunny was the only one to survive the process. The results of her survival showed that she had no blatant extraordinary abilities by being so genetically diverse. In fact, she seemed downright human with the exception of her unnaturally green hair.
Despite the failure of the experiment, Bunny was put through a torturous training regimen to test if there were any latent powers waiting to be released. The poor girl suffered day after day, subject to the cruel scientists that probed her. While she possessed no Armageddon-scale abilities, the girl showed great promise as a marksman and hacker, inherently attuned to solving mathematical algorithms on the fly. Moreover, she possessed a latent ability to manipulate objects around her.
At the age of 15, after many years of abuse and torture, Bunny was finally rescued by operatives from the Tower of Stars. Her skill set for her age was more than impressive and it was decided that Bunny should remain with the Tower to hone herself further. As of now, she is one of the youngest members to possess the title of Paladin.
Reason for recruitment: Rescued by the Tower of Stars operatives.
Strength of Will: Greater Will
Wild Magic
Telekinesis – Bunny can manipulate objects that weigh less than 375lbs.
Gravity Manipulation - she can conjure a gravity field around her that can range from a low G zone that has friends and foes floating helplessly to a skull crushing high pressure area.
God relations: Seyardil. She often prays to her goddess to find her one true love.
None other than her essential tech.
Misc: She is currently crushing on Izual, who she tends to take advantage of. She’s given him everything in order to attract his attention although he doesn’t realize it.
Alias/Nickname: Known as Bunny in social situations, but Deadbolt is her operative code name.
Rank: Paladin

Age: 19
Race: As a genetically modified humanoid, Bunny has no “true” race. DNA tests show she has genetic material from all known races. However, she is most similar to a human with all the same weaknesses.
Personality: Despite the torture she endured most of her life, she is a kind and spunky soul who bounces at the thought of adventure. For this reason, she was given the name Bunny. She hates killing unless strictly necessary, and she is a hopeless romantic. Unfortunately, she is extremely disaster prone and a complete klutz. While Bunny makes pretty good money, it seems to fall out of her pockets as soon as she gets her pay check, considering she has a terrible gambling addiction.
Biography/history: Experiment No. 330 is the product of an underground super soldier program. 500 specimens were cultivated from embryo to infant, spliced with varying types of DNA to encourage the development of a race with no weakness. Of the 500, Bunny was the only one to survive the process. The results of her survival showed that she had no blatant extraordinary abilities by being so genetically diverse. In fact, she seemed downright human with the exception of her unnaturally green hair.
Despite the failure of the experiment, Bunny was put through a torturous training regimen to test if there were any latent powers waiting to be released. The poor girl suffered day after day, subject to the cruel scientists that probed her. While she possessed no Armageddon-scale abilities, the girl showed great promise as a marksman and hacker, inherently attuned to solving mathematical algorithms on the fly. Moreover, she possessed a latent ability to manipulate objects around her.
At the age of 15, after many years of abuse and torture, Bunny was finally rescued by operatives from the Tower of Stars. Her skill set for her age was more than impressive and it was decided that Bunny should remain with the Tower to hone herself further. As of now, she is one of the youngest members to possess the title of Paladin.
Reason for recruitment: Rescued by the Tower of Stars operatives.
Strength of Will: Greater Will
Wild Magic
Telekinesis – Bunny can manipulate objects that weigh less than 375lbs.
Gravity Manipulation - she can conjure a gravity field around her that can range from a low G zone that has friends and foes floating helplessly to a skull crushing high pressure area.
God relations: Seyardil. She often prays to her goddess to find her one true love.
- Longbow – Bunny’s trusty Pulse Cannon, a sniper rifle that fires powerful concentrated bursts of particle beams. While a burden to lug around, this Pulse Cannon is unrivaled in the sheer fire power it puts out and damage it can do. Longbow has been modified to fire on three different settings as needed: lethal, stun, and EMP. The EMP setting completely shuts down any technological devices the Pulse Cannon’s beam strikes for a varying period of time, sometimes even causing irreversible damage to the device. As an operative that specializes in long range observation, assassination, and intel collection, this an essential weapon in her arsenal.
- Greenhorn MK. III – Her sidearm of choice. It’s a plasma pistol that will quickly melt through most armor. She is known to pull off some incredible shots with this weapon.
- Lethal’s Prototype FORESIGHT Goggles – Found in a dumpster, these goggles function as a basic HUD. They monitor her vital signs, shield capacity, and place arrows over objects of interest. However, it seems to glitch out every now and then.
- Aegis LITE – Since Bunny cannot run around in bulky armor, she has incorporated a small shield generator into her outfit for protection. However, it can only take a few shots of small arms fire, shrapnel from an explosion, or a single melee attack before it collapses and must recharge.
- Machina GearFrame– The latest high-end laptop/tablet that can fold up into her pocket. This is her key into cyberspace when in the field. Also has a sick playlist to listen to when nothing is going on.
None other than her essential tech.
- Marksmanship – She has a keen eye and can make some amazing shots.
- Hacking – Incredibly proficient at shutting down security systems and turning technology to her whim. She's even capable of cracking spell code.
- Mathematical - Arithmetic, algebra, calculus... She has no problem with solving equations.
- Mercy – She knows when enough is enough and when to spare an enemy.
- Attentive – Bunny can spot when the details are off and remembers what she learns.
- Loyal – She'll never abandon or disobey the Tower of Stars for the kindness they have shown her.
Misc: She is currently crushing on Izual, who she tends to take advantage of. She’s given him everything in order to attract his attention although he doesn’t realize it.
Lovely Complex
Abiteth Hezal
Absolutely despises when people address her by her real name, especially if the person is meaningless to her (which is the majority of the universe's existence)
Strongly prefers being addressed by her nickname
Candidate for Mistress of Steel
(Knight Captain Gibraltar's Righthand)
Height: 5'7
Weight: 119 lbs
Her father's sigil is carved/cut on the majority of her back
A lesser version of Albinism (Her demon blood makes her traits less blaring and painful)
Off white hair - Left side of face is completely burnt and covered by her bangs - Visible ink tattoo on her left arm of her skin ripping and revealing a cyborg arm - More often than not covered in dirt/grime - Hardly ever smiles - Never seen without a cigarette, her repair tool kit, and her goggles.

Deceptively captivating - Skin becomes blemish free - Hair turns snow white - Medium sized horns grow on her head - Heterochromia of the eye (right is red, left is grey) - Outfit is a smoky, black feathered dress - Facial expression is emotionless - Voiceless

When Lethal's emotions heighten, which is quite rare mind you, she transforms into her demon form. Those that have witnessed her form and were not in her direct line of attack have described her to be a soundless succubus. To the keen eye, they can see a hungry, grotesque fiend. Unfortunately, no one has lived to tell the tale of the creature that lies behind the enchanting illusion.
Presents herself as 25 and refuses to reveal her actual age
Awakened Cambion
Merciless - Meticulous in her engineering - Not personable and only socializes if she has to - Goal orientated (will get the job done or die trying) - Sticks to her own moral code (which is questionable) - Apathetic most of the time unless she's testing her creations - Does not like being interrupted while she's in the lab - Always wants things bigger and better - Constantly striving to improve her work - Unusual, fearless, and insane in her fighting ethics - If she believes the most efficient way to get a job done is to explode an entire tower with pedestrians in it, she will do so without a second thought - If she has to kill many just to achieve her goal, she will do so - Unapproachable aura - Her actions speak louder than her words - Not the most honorable, nor cares if her fellow knights die
Reason for recruitment
Gibraltar (@BeastofDestiny) needs her. But it also helps she can prove her worth to her father.
Strength of Will
Only magical in demon form
Knowledge known by Common folk: Boosted strength and speed - Supernatural level of beauty - Physical changes of the body (Horns/Claws/Fangs/Etc) - Invisibility - Natural Weaponry - Sexual Inducement - Sleep Inducement - Dream Walking - Enslavement Kiss
Knowledge known by Demons: Beastly looking - Life-Force Absorption - Monstrous need to feed - Inability to feel human emotion/No conscience - Chaotic Evil - Untrustworthy - Destructive - Limited demon summoning - Hell-fire manipulation - Corrupted darkness manipulation (Using darkness/shadows) - Mental communication to others of the Demon race - Can bring out the worst/evil in people -
Easily enslaved/manipulated by Demon Lords
God relations
The only higher power she obeys is her father
Found under the tower. Take an express elevator that goes underground, leading to her junkyard lab. With an ID identification, the elevator can also go sideways to a hidden room where the Mech is stored.

Mechanical and Electrical Engineering: Her strongest types of engineering - working with soulless, unintelligent machines
Computer Engineering and Cybernatics: Computer Engineering is a subdivision of Electrical Engineering, while Cybernatics is the advancement of Computer Engineering. It is obvious she has focused more in improving the use of unintelligible items that still require a creature to use it, but she has been studying on bettering her knowledge in bringing machinary to life. Her reason being that she doesn't want to have to rely on other engineers.
Innovative: She solves problems by relying on creative and technical skills, making useful products in many forms from common as well as exotic materials. Strongly prefers making junk/scraps into something worth using.
Explosive Enthusiast: As far as common lore goes, most demon blooded tieflings specialized in Assassination and Stealth, which is why she was gifted a dagger when she was a child. It's not like Lethal can't kill quietly, she just prefers more... destructive means. Her father never expected an insane brainiac as a child. However, a 'mad' daughter who sought for knowledge and creation was never a bad thing.
Heartless: Due to her lack of interest or attachment to people, human emotion hardly ever clouds her judgment unless she is testing her contraptions and there is a high possibility someone may die from being her test dummy or she wants to hear and see a big "Ka-boom!". This influences her fighting tactics.
Enduring: Will do whatever it takes to survive - regardless of her means. This influences her fighting tactics.
Fearless: Some of her actions are downright insane. She should have died on multiple occasions. This influences her fighting tactics.
Abiteth Hezal
Absolutely despises when people address her by her real name, especially if the person is meaningless to her (which is the majority of the universe's existence)
Strongly prefers being addressed by her nickname
Candidate for Mistress of Steel
(Knight Captain Gibraltar's Righthand)
Height: 5'7
Weight: 119 lbs
Her father's sigil is carved/cut on the majority of her back
A lesser version of Albinism (Her demon blood makes her traits less blaring and painful)
Off white hair - Left side of face is completely burnt and covered by her bangs - Visible ink tattoo on her left arm of her skin ripping and revealing a cyborg arm - More often than not covered in dirt/grime - Hardly ever smiles - Never seen without a cigarette, her repair tool kit, and her goggles.

Deceptively captivating - Skin becomes blemish free - Hair turns snow white - Medium sized horns grow on her head - Heterochromia of the eye (right is red, left is grey) - Outfit is a smoky, black feathered dress - Facial expression is emotionless - Voiceless

When Lethal's emotions heighten, which is quite rare mind you, she transforms into her demon form. Those that have witnessed her form and were not in her direct line of attack have described her to be a soundless succubus. To the keen eye, they can see a hungry, grotesque fiend. Unfortunately, no one has lived to tell the tale of the creature that lies behind the enchanting illusion.
Presents herself as 25 and refuses to reveal her actual age
Awakened Cambion
Merciless - Meticulous in her engineering - Not personable and only socializes if she has to - Goal orientated (will get the job done or die trying) - Sticks to her own moral code (which is questionable) - Apathetic most of the time unless she's testing her creations - Does not like being interrupted while she's in the lab - Always wants things bigger and better - Constantly striving to improve her work - Unusual, fearless, and insane in her fighting ethics - If she believes the most efficient way to get a job done is to explode an entire tower with pedestrians in it, she will do so without a second thought - If she has to kill many just to achieve her goal, she will do so - Unapproachable aura - Her actions speak louder than her words - Not the most honorable, nor cares if her fellow knights die
Also known as Abbadon and Baphomet.
Based on religious and D&D lore
He was the Demon Lord that oversaw the activities of the locusts, a part of The Champions of the Devourer. He is the result of a man, a woman, a goat, and a crow merged into one entity. He became known as "the Destroyer" and served as one of Asmodeus' top lieutenants, one of the Seven Demon Lord Princes. Conflicted between his sympathy for humanity and his duty as a Demon Lord, Apollyon fled from his brothers and is currently hiding in exile, working with the Fruit of the Tree of Knowledge. He has recently went through a name change: Baphomet.
Based on religious and D&D lore
He was the Demon Lord that oversaw the activities of the locusts, a part of The Champions of the Devourer. He is the result of a man, a woman, a goat, and a crow merged into one entity. He became known as "the Destroyer" and served as one of Asmodeus' top lieutenants, one of the Seven Demon Lord Princes. Conflicted between his sympathy for humanity and his duty as a Demon Lord, Apollyon fled from his brothers and is currently hiding in exile, working with the Fruit of the Tree of Knowledge. He has recently went through a name change: Baphomet.
Abigail was the daughter of a deadbeat scientist, Dr. Hezel, and a mother, who abandoned her at a young age, Abigail was desired to better her circumstances even if she had years to go before she'd be respected as an adult. Unfortunately, men took a liking to her because of her albinism. The woman didn't look unapproachable, in actuality, she was a pale masterpiece. Her beauty surpassed most of the women around her even if her traits were unusual and she had to protect herself from sunlight. During Apollyon's "destroyer" phase, he noticed the pure beauty before him and could not allow anyone to claim her for themselves. Kidnapping the girl, at the age of 14, Appollyon made Abigail as one of his mistresses. Hatred and disdain built inside her as she constantly plotted for her escape or death. After all her failed attempts, she realized she was carrying a child, his child. Apollyon put her under major surveillance so that she wouldn't kill his blood. Eventually, she gave birth to Abiteth Hazel, his favored daughter. Abigail tried to play the "mother" game but every time she looked at Abiteth, she saw the beast that took her away from her normal life. When Abiteth was only three, her mother had gotten one of her demon servants to attempt murder, using Hellfire to kill her daughter in her sleep. The servant was only capable to burn half of the child's face, when suddenly the child transformed into... a monster. Within seconds, the body of the servant slipped into the mouth of the little girl and the mother fled in fear.
The Demon Lord knew he could find his mistress easily but he let her flee, finding far more interest in his daughter, who had shown great, chaotic power at such a young age. From then on, he decided to make her grow into her own.
During her childhood, Abiteth's father came to realize she had a hard time controlling the demon in her so he sealed her form, making it extremely hard to unleash unless she deliberately chose to transform. As she grew into her blossoming teenager, her father saw her desire to travel and learn about the universe. This was when he was transitioning from "the Destroyer" to "Baphomet". The human and demon in him fought on the matter of letting her travel at the age of 13 to find her own calling. After a long inner battle with himself, he let her go.
He never stops watching over her, though communication between the two is extremely scarce.
Abiteth isn't that different than her father. Right now her apathy overpowers her humanity but she still very much has the ability to feel, even if she personally can't understand it. After her father let her go, she spent the rest of the years growing as an Engineer. Finding more interest in the technology in the world than anything else, she obtained numerous mentors in different areas of the world/universe.
Along her travels, she stumbled on Gibraltar, the half orc. For once in her loner life, she decided to go to a tavern and drink. It also helped she was stressed with her damn vehicle and felt like her attempts to upgrade it were pointless. One of those damn days, you know? She would have preferred sitting alone at the pub but Gibraltar came crashing in and chose her table to sit at. Their introduction for the most part was awkward silence but that grew into him spilling his heart out to her and her staying completely silent...
The next thing she knew, she was making a Mech for him and became his loyal traveling companion. Did she understand how that escalated into a friendship? Absolutely not. But... it was nice to not be by herself all the time. Hell, he even inspired her and gave her a reason to get back to work in her garage.
Over the years, Abiteth has gained the nickname "Lethal" due to her helpful... yet destructive... reinforcement. Lets just say if you want to witness an entire city crumble, Lethal is the girl to do it.
Aye. Time passes. Time always passes. And now they serve the Tower. Though Gibraltar is more dedicated to the cause than Lethal, Lethal's services are available to those that can prove their skill to her and pay handsomely. As far as Lethal is concerned, she is only there so Gibraltar doesn't kill himself using one of her contraptions.
During her childhood, Abiteth's father came to realize she had a hard time controlling the demon in her so he sealed her form, making it extremely hard to unleash unless she deliberately chose to transform. As she grew into her blossoming teenager, her father saw her desire to travel and learn about the universe. This was when he was transitioning from "the Destroyer" to "Baphomet". The human and demon in him fought on the matter of letting her travel at the age of 13 to find her own calling. After a long inner battle with himself, he let her go.
He never stops watching over her, though communication between the two is extremely scarce.
Abiteth isn't that different than her father. Right now her apathy overpowers her humanity but she still very much has the ability to feel, even if she personally can't understand it. After her father let her go, she spent the rest of the years growing as an Engineer. Finding more interest in the technology in the world than anything else, she obtained numerous mentors in different areas of the world/universe.
Along her travels, she stumbled on Gibraltar, the half orc. For once in her loner life, she decided to go to a tavern and drink. It also helped she was stressed with her damn vehicle and felt like her attempts to upgrade it were pointless. One of those damn days, you know? She would have preferred sitting alone at the pub but Gibraltar came crashing in and chose her table to sit at. Their introduction for the most part was awkward silence but that grew into him spilling his heart out to her and her staying completely silent...
The next thing she knew, she was making a Mech for him and became his loyal traveling companion. Did she understand how that escalated into a friendship? Absolutely not. But... it was nice to not be by herself all the time. Hell, he even inspired her and gave her a reason to get back to work in her garage.
Over the years, Abiteth has gained the nickname "Lethal" due to her helpful... yet destructive... reinforcement. Lets just say if you want to witness an entire city crumble, Lethal is the girl to do it.
Aye. Time passes. Time always passes. And now they serve the Tower. Though Gibraltar is more dedicated to the cause than Lethal, Lethal's services are available to those that can prove their skill to her and pay handsomely. As far as Lethal is concerned, she is only there so Gibraltar doesn't kill himself using one of her contraptions.
Reason for recruitment
Gibraltar (@BeastofDestiny) needs her. But it also helps she can prove her worth to her father.
Strength of Will
Only magical in demon form
Knowledge known by Common folk: Boosted strength and speed - Supernatural level of beauty - Physical changes of the body (Horns/Claws/Fangs/Etc) - Invisibility - Natural Weaponry - Sexual Inducement - Sleep Inducement - Dream Walking - Enslavement Kiss
Knowledge known by Demons: Beastly looking - Life-Force Absorption - Monstrous need to feed - Inability to feel human emotion/No conscience - Chaotic Evil - Untrustworthy - Destructive - Limited demon summoning - Hell-fire manipulation - Corrupted darkness manipulation (Using darkness/shadows) - Mental communication to others of the Demon race - Can bring out the worst/evil in people -
Easily enslaved/manipulated by Demon Lords
God relations
The only higher power she obeys is her father
Main Weapon
Alloy Cannon Shotgun: Ammo is gathered from Lethal's workshop, different metals like tungsten, titanium, palladium, etc.
║ Reference ║
Secondary Weapon
"The more blood you shed, the stronger I get. Make me stronger, my soulless Abiteth."
The Ravager dagger cannot be wielded by someone who doesn't have demon blood running through their veins. It feeds off of the souls of the victims that meet its blade. The more people that die by it, the longer it becomes until it grows into a full-fledged demon sword.
A gift from your father.
1.1 FORESITE Goggles: Field ocular readers, evaluates strategic intel, technology, and energy
║ Reference ║
EMP grenades, incendiary grenades, freezing grenades, poison grenades, frag grenades, C4 explosives
║ Reference ║
Alloy Cannon Shotgun: Ammo is gathered from Lethal's workshop, different metals like tungsten, titanium, palladium, etc.
║ Reference ║
Secondary Weapon
"The more blood you shed, the stronger I get. Make me stronger, my soulless Abiteth."
The Ravager dagger cannot be wielded by someone who doesn't have demon blood running through their veins. It feeds off of the souls of the victims that meet its blade. The more people that die by it, the longer it becomes until it grows into a full-fledged demon sword.

1.1 FORESITE Goggles: Field ocular readers, evaluates strategic intel, technology, and energy
║ Reference ║
EMP grenades, incendiary grenades, freezing grenades, poison grenades, frag grenades, C4 explosives
║ Reference ║
Unnamed Grenade Launcher for herself
║ Reference ║
Unnamed Artillery cannon and Unnamed Alloy Cannon for the Model TS 62 "Time Berserker" Mecha (Belongs to Gibraltar)
║ Reference - Replaces right arm║ Reference - Shoulder rig║
Need to upgrade (and fix) her 1966 GAZ 21 Volga (which seems like an ANCIENT car, but actually has a lot of surprises to it)
║ Reference ║
2.2 FORESITE Goggles
║ Reference ║
║ Reference ║
Unnamed Artillery cannon and Unnamed Alloy Cannon for the Model TS 62 "Time Berserker" Mecha (Belongs to Gibraltar)
║ Reference - Replaces right arm║ Reference - Shoulder rig║
Need to upgrade (and fix) her 1966 GAZ 21 Volga (which seems like an ANCIENT car, but actually has a lot of surprises to it)
║ Reference ║
2.2 FORESITE Goggles
║ Reference ║
"My darling Abiteth, I am just a soundless whistle but when you are in dire need I will make a sound."
When Lethal is unable to rage/become emotionally stirred especially when the situation direly needs the power, she can use the Shadeborn whistle to make an irritable noise and awaken her demon form
A gift from your father.
When Lethal is unable to rage/become emotionally stirred especially when the situation direly needs the power, she can use the Shadeborn whistle to make an irritable noise and awaken her demon form

Artisan Toolkit (includes working goggles and Arc welder)
║ Reference ║
Traveling Repair kit: Primarily for the Time Berserker and her gun
║ Reference ║
Rob Cam: Her walking log book
An older technology traded to her from one of her loyal clients. They did apologize for not having anything better but Lethal didn't mind the exchange. Rob Cam provides her with mostly everything she needs, which is a camera to record her as she works/tests/talks. He dual roles as an archive of her endeavors. It's personality is that of a simpleton. If he does talk, nothing truly useful comes out of his vocalizer. Things Rob will say are words of it's past (his previous owners): "Get over here woman!" "I want pancakes!" "Oh, I got shit problems today." Lethal has taken the time to translate the machine's phrases, since Rob more often than not says things in a pattern and based on the situation at hand. She has saved her studies of her Rob Cam in an outdated, centuries old parchment journal. The meticulous nature of Lethal has made her back up all her information on old-age tapes and written form. Hopefully, she doesn't have to rely on the back up data, but one can never tell when a goofy robot named Rob will malfunction. It's better at showing her what she needs to see when she's uninspired or has no will to continue working on a project. To the majority of Lethal's visitors, Rob looks like an old, on the verge of death, robot. No one has even considered stealing the rundown robot-- though Rob is rare and one of the last of it's kind.
║ Reference ║
Traveling Repair kit: Primarily for the Time Berserker and her gun
║ Reference ║
Rob Cam: Her walking log book

Found under the tower. Take an express elevator that goes underground, leading to her junkyard lab. With an ID identification, the elevator can also go sideways to a hidden room where the Mech is stored.

Mechanical and Electrical Engineering: Her strongest types of engineering - working with soulless, unintelligent machines
Computer Engineering and Cybernatics: Computer Engineering is a subdivision of Electrical Engineering, while Cybernatics is the advancement of Computer Engineering. It is obvious she has focused more in improving the use of unintelligible items that still require a creature to use it, but she has been studying on bettering her knowledge in bringing machinary to life. Her reason being that she doesn't want to have to rely on other engineers.
Innovative: She solves problems by relying on creative and technical skills, making useful products in many forms from common as well as exotic materials. Strongly prefers making junk/scraps into something worth using.
Explosive Enthusiast: As far as common lore goes, most demon blooded tieflings specialized in Assassination and Stealth, which is why she was gifted a dagger when she was a child. It's not like Lethal can't kill quietly, she just prefers more... destructive means. Her father never expected an insane brainiac as a child. However, a 'mad' daughter who sought for knowledge and creation was never a bad thing.
Heartless: Due to her lack of interest or attachment to people, human emotion hardly ever clouds her judgment unless she is testing her contraptions and there is a high possibility someone may die from being her test dummy or she wants to hear and see a big "Ka-boom!". This influences her fighting tactics.
Enduring: Will do whatever it takes to survive - regardless of her means. This influences her fighting tactics.
Fearless: Some of her actions are downright insane. She should have died on multiple occasions. This influences her fighting tactics.
Reena Annabelle Romulus
Everyday: Rini
Because of Apperance: White Rose, Dove, Little Red, Red
Because of Combat and Magic: Crimson Death, The Plague
Knight Applicant
Height: 4'6
Weight: 65 lbs
Oculocutaneous Albinism
Calf length white hair with a pink tint - red eyes - Incredibly pale skin (uses a strong coat of sunscreen) - Petite - No tattoos/piercings - Rini makes people believe she's pretty well off by the way she presents herself but that's only because she stole most of the clothes that make her wardrobe.

Traveling Wear: Reference 1 ║ Reference 2
Rini has been around for at least a century, but still a lot younger than Abiteth. The beginning of her life she was experimented on and tested by her father and the rest she was on her own traveling the world. Age truly wasn't something she understood and as far as her records were concerned, she "died" when she was 14 with her mother.
Cursed Water Elemental and Human Mix
Positively optimistic and a little bit of a ditz, Rini sees the good in everything. Free-spirited, the young girl follows the wind and never second guesses her whims. Impulsive by nature and extremely ballsy, Rini will make sure the world sees her as a good person and not some walking curse. However, sometimes... that goes terribly wrong. Soon...SOON she'll master her magic~! Maybe! One day!
The young girl has a strong respect for the dead and the darker things in life, especially since she was originally destined to die (a very sick child). Some people may be perturbed by half the shit that comes out of her mouth. With little to no filter, she will talk about any topic that comes to mind regardless if it is socially acceptable. Passionate and driven, she constantly sets goals for herself and aims to achieve it.
People would describe her as 'socially awkward' because she isn't the most refined woman nor knows how to act in certain social situations. However, she is full of life and energy, which more often than not, will tire you out!
She dreams to become best friends with her half sister!
Reena Romulus:
Reason for recruitment
To build a relationship with her half sister, Abiteth, and find purpose to her existence.
Strength of Will
Wild Magic:
Blood Manipulation
Rini can control and otherwise manipulate blood of herself, others and/or from her surroundings.
This includes but is not limited to: Creating weapons or items out of her blood, making people her puppets, absorbing other people's blood for power, drown people in large quantities of blood, render organisms immobile via paralysis, blood teleportation, etc.
She's had more practice with her own blood source and blood visibly seen around her. Using the blood source inside others is not something she has done often or even wants to. Actually, she's only attempted controlling animals.
Acid Manipulation
Using her blood, she can contaminate bodies of water and use the polluted water to create a corrosive water monster under her will.
Due to her good heart, she refuses to abuse her powers unless absolutely necessary. Rini doesn't want to be viewed as a Curse. Even so, she won't let people walk all over her. The main defects to her abilities are: if she uses too much blood, she will pass out, and her magic is unstable and hard to use.
God relations
Her father's God, Orcorum
Cursed Bloodline: Rini comes from the water elemental bloodline of infamous warriors who all possessed blood-manipulation abilities. All life contains water but not many people had the mental strength and willpower to master the art of blood manipulation. To manipulate one's own blood as well as someone else's was feared and strongly frowned upon. Due to the magic being heretical among this bloodline of water elementals, Rini has become an existence that is shunned by many. On top of her destined bad reputation, her late father's past experiments on making her health better has made her blood acidic and more worth the title of "Cursed".
Nomadic: Due to her constant traveling, she has become a huntress and a survivalist.
Mount Ride and Combat: Years of practice riding on a dire wolf.
Supernatural Immune System: The torturous experiments her father did to keep her alive have given her a strong immune system. She hardly ever gets sick, though occasionally she does cough up her acidic blood.
Two-dagger fighting and close-ranged combat: Prefers to fight with two weapons.
Analytical: Takes time to study opponent before striking.
Reena Annabelle Romulus
Everyday: Rini
Because of Apperance: White Rose, Dove, Little Red, Red
Because of Combat and Magic: Crimson Death, The Plague
Knight Applicant
Height: 4'6
Weight: 65 lbs
Oculocutaneous Albinism
Calf length white hair with a pink tint - red eyes - Incredibly pale skin (uses a strong coat of sunscreen) - Petite - No tattoos/piercings - Rini makes people believe she's pretty well off by the way she presents herself but that's only because she stole most of the clothes that make her wardrobe.

Traveling Wear: Reference 1 ║ Reference 2
"I don't know... Time passes by so quickly. I look like a 14 year old but I highly doubt I'm that young."
Rini has been around for at least a century, but still a lot younger than Abiteth. The beginning of her life she was experimented on and tested by her father and the rest she was on her own traveling the world. Age truly wasn't something she understood and as far as her records were concerned, she "died" when she was 14 with her mother.
Cursed Water Elemental and Human Mix
Positively optimistic and a little bit of a ditz, Rini sees the good in everything. Free-spirited, the young girl follows the wind and never second guesses her whims. Impulsive by nature and extremely ballsy, Rini will make sure the world sees her as a good person and not some walking curse. However, sometimes... that goes terribly wrong. Soon...SOON she'll master her magic~! Maybe! One day!
The young girl has a strong respect for the dead and the darker things in life, especially since she was originally destined to die (a very sick child). Some people may be perturbed by half the shit that comes out of her mouth. With little to no filter, she will talk about any topic that comes to mind regardless if it is socially acceptable. Passionate and driven, she constantly sets goals for herself and aims to achieve it.
People would describe her as 'socially awkward' because she isn't the most refined woman nor knows how to act in certain social situations. However, she is full of life and energy, which more often than not, will tire you out!
She dreams to become best friends with her half sister!
"I've read so much about you Abby in mom's journal... One day I will find you!!"
For most of Nereus' life, he had to keep his magic hidden from the world. Both his parents were Exemplars in the medical field and tried their best to appease the masses. His mother passed the heredity cursed blood down to him and if he were to have kin of his own, they too would be damned. The man decided to dedicate his life studying his blood and following his parents' footsteps in the medical field as a doctor. One of his patients was a woman named Abigail Hezel. Her mind gave her nightmares, her body felt like a walking corpse, and occasionally her body would convulse.
The woman was afraid to share any personal information about her past life. She simply explained that she came from an area where a human should not reside in. His father was able to explain her symptoms. This patient was exposed to a powerful demon. Using his father's knowledge, Nereus was able to restore the woman's health and make her flesh look humane again. Over the time he took care of her, he grew an attachment to her. Not only was she a beautiful person, but he felt like she was someone he could take care of. He began courting the woman and before he knew it, she became his wife. The years he shared with Abigail were simple and nice, but not once did he tell her he had cursed blood.
When she got pregnant, Abigail started to have mental breakdowns. She then expressed to her husband how she doubted her capability of being a mother. This is when the man truly learned who his wife was. Nereus listened carefully and discovered that his wife hated herself for attempting to kill her first child. Comforting her, he told her to start anew with him. Be a better mother for this child. He promised her she would not have to take this challenge on alone and then joked about how they're child would be pretty normal besides the possibility of controlling water! Before she gained any comfort, Abigail asked if he had any hidden secrets. He lied and said he didn't.
The woman was afraid to share any personal information about her past life. She simply explained that she came from an area where a human should not reside in. His father was able to explain her symptoms. This patient was exposed to a powerful demon. Using his father's knowledge, Nereus was able to restore the woman's health and make her flesh look humane again. Over the time he took care of her, he grew an attachment to her. Not only was she a beautiful person, but he felt like she was someone he could take care of. He began courting the woman and before he knew it, she became his wife. The years he shared with Abigail were simple and nice, but not once did he tell her he had cursed blood.
When she got pregnant, Abigail started to have mental breakdowns. She then expressed to her husband how she doubted her capability of being a mother. This is when the man truly learned who his wife was. Nereus listened carefully and discovered that his wife hated herself for attempting to kill her first child. Comforting her, he told her to start anew with him. Be a better mother for this child. He promised her she would not have to take this challenge on alone and then joked about how they're child would be pretty normal besides the possibility of controlling water! Before she gained any comfort, Abigail asked if he had any hidden secrets. He lied and said he didn't.
Reena Romulus:
For the most part, the child looked like a normal baby. She was named Reena, after her grandmother on her father's side. Sadly, the baby was weak and had many health issues. However, Abigail found herself able to take care of the child better than she thought she could. Nereus knew his wife was sad about having a child that people considered disabled but also could see the fear in her eyes of losing another baby. With both his wife and child's permission, he studied Reena and attempted to find a cure to save her diminishing life. The doctor found that Anemone flowers did wonders for his daughter.
His practices were seen as unethical, torturous, and word went around fast in their town. On top of that, somehow, people found out about his bloodline. This caused a rift between the doctor and his wife. Abigail felt betrayal, it was Appollyon all over again.
One day, late at night, some stranger burned their house down, in hopes that the cursed people would go to hell. Nereus was able to escape with his handicapped 14 year old daughter but his wife...was trapped inside. Carrying his daughter with him, he left the town and made people believe the whole family died together in the fire. Going to an old friend's home, he continued his practices on his daughter, this time with more vigor and passion. He needed his daughter to live. She was the only person he had left that resembled his wife. His studies drove him mad and before he could see his success, he died by natural causes.
Nereus' friend did not want to be reminded of his late friend, so... he sent Reena packing (of course with some money and necessities). She was no longer disabled and sick, thanks to her dad's work! Very much capable of taking care of herself, Rini hoped reading all her father's books prepared her for the massive world. It was time for Reena to start her life!
With that, she traveled the world, observed people, and kept discovering new things about herself. She was a free spirited girl and loved the outdoors. Within time, she gained a dire wolf pup she named Chronos, who grew to be her closest companion.
Every night, she would read a bit of her mother's diary. Someone her mother talked about a lot was: Abiteth. Hope filled the girl's eyes. Maybe, one day she'd find her sister?
Along with trying to track down her sister, the girl trained everyday and decided to be a self proclaimed vigilante. Whispers have been going around towns Reena's made her mark at, talking about a girl with a red cape, who is a double edged sword: saves people and harms them. Little Red! The Crimson Curse! The Plague!
Recently, Rini has discovered her sister's whereabouts: Angel's Landing.
His practices were seen as unethical, torturous, and word went around fast in their town. On top of that, somehow, people found out about his bloodline. This caused a rift between the doctor and his wife. Abigail felt betrayal, it was Appollyon all over again.
One day, late at night, some stranger burned their house down, in hopes that the cursed people would go to hell. Nereus was able to escape with his handicapped 14 year old daughter but his wife...was trapped inside. Carrying his daughter with him, he left the town and made people believe the whole family died together in the fire. Going to an old friend's home, he continued his practices on his daughter, this time with more vigor and passion. He needed his daughter to live. She was the only person he had left that resembled his wife. His studies drove him mad and before he could see his success, he died by natural causes.
Nereus' friend did not want to be reminded of his late friend, so... he sent Reena packing (of course with some money and necessities). She was no longer disabled and sick, thanks to her dad's work! Very much capable of taking care of herself, Rini hoped reading all her father's books prepared her for the massive world. It was time for Reena to start her life!
With that, she traveled the world, observed people, and kept discovering new things about herself. She was a free spirited girl and loved the outdoors. Within time, she gained a dire wolf pup she named Chronos, who grew to be her closest companion.
Every night, she would read a bit of her mother's diary. Someone her mother talked about a lot was: Abiteth. Hope filled the girl's eyes. Maybe, one day she'd find her sister?
Along with trying to track down her sister, the girl trained everyday and decided to be a self proclaimed vigilante. Whispers have been going around towns Reena's made her mark at, talking about a girl with a red cape, who is a double edged sword: saves people and harms them. Little Red! The Crimson Curse! The Plague!
Recently, Rini has discovered her sister's whereabouts: Angel's Landing.
"I know where I'm going next~! Come Chronos, we ride."
Reason for recruitment
To build a relationship with her half sister, Abiteth, and find purpose to her existence.
Strength of Will
"Stop thinking I'm evil or 'cursed'! I'm not going to hurt you unless you truly deserve it. Blah, people suck."
Wild Magic:
Blood Manipulation
Rini can control and otherwise manipulate blood of herself, others and/or from her surroundings.
This includes but is not limited to: Creating weapons or items out of her blood, making people her puppets, absorbing other people's blood for power, drown people in large quantities of blood, render organisms immobile via paralysis, blood teleportation, etc.
She's had more practice with her own blood source and blood visibly seen around her. Using the blood source inside others is not something she has done often or even wants to. Actually, she's only attempted controlling animals.
Acid Manipulation
Using her blood, she can contaminate bodies of water and use the polluted water to create a corrosive water monster under her will.
Due to her good heart, she refuses to abuse her powers unless absolutely necessary. Rini doesn't want to be viewed as a Curse. Even so, she won't let people walk all over her. The main defects to her abilities are: if she uses too much blood, she will pass out, and her magic is unstable and hard to use.
God relations
Her father's God, Orcorum
Main Weapon
Two Sliverphial crystal daggers: Can be used for administrating poisons, sleeping potions, or other liquids into victim's blood.
Secondary Weapon
Throwing knives
SCAR Gauntlet: A gauntlet with a built-in syringe that draws blood out of Rini so that she doesn't have to manually cut herself constantly just to manipulate her own blood.
Deadly Toolkit: Wielding paralyzing toxins, fatal poisons, and magic oils.
Two Sliverphial crystal daggers: Can be used for administrating poisons, sleeping potions, or other liquids into victim's blood.
Secondary Weapon
Throwing knives
SCAR Gauntlet: A gauntlet with a built-in syringe that draws blood out of Rini so that she doesn't have to manually cut herself constantly just to manipulate her own blood.
Deadly Toolkit: Wielding paralyzing toxins, fatal poisons, and magic oils.
Cloak of Attunement: A cloak given to her by a merchant, this item binds with the user's soul and emulates some of the user's abilities. In this case, the cloak has blood infused in its fibers and gives her the ability to use blood teleportation 3 times a day, without using her actual blood.
Chronos, the dire wolf
After Rini's father died, she was on her own to take on this big world. On her travels, she saved a baby wolf from a bunch of bandits and raised the wolf as her own flesh and blood. Growing attached to her, the wolf never left her side unless she told him to "stay". He has grown to be intimidatingly large and viciously strong. Even if he comes off as scary, the dire wolf can be absolutely adorable and loves cuddle time! Chronos is her mount, protector, and friend.

After Rini's father died, she was on her own to take on this big world. On her travels, she saved a baby wolf from a bunch of bandits and raised the wolf as her own flesh and blood. Growing attached to her, the wolf never left her side unless she told him to "stay". He has grown to be intimidatingly large and viciously strong. Even if he comes off as scary, the dire wolf can be absolutely adorable and loves cuddle time! Chronos is her mount, protector, and friend.

Cursed Bloodline: Rini comes from the water elemental bloodline of infamous warriors who all possessed blood-manipulation abilities. All life contains water but not many people had the mental strength and willpower to master the art of blood manipulation. To manipulate one's own blood as well as someone else's was feared and strongly frowned upon. Due to the magic being heretical among this bloodline of water elementals, Rini has become an existence that is shunned by many. On top of her destined bad reputation, her late father's past experiments on making her health better has made her blood acidic and more worth the title of "Cursed".
Nomadic: Due to her constant traveling, she has become a huntress and a survivalist.
Mount Ride and Combat: Years of practice riding on a dire wolf.
Supernatural Immune System: The torturous experiments her father did to keep her alive have given her a strong immune system. She hardly ever gets sick, though occasionally she does cough up her acidic blood.
Two-dagger fighting and close-ranged combat: Prefers to fight with two weapons.
Analytical: Takes time to study opponent before striking.
- Thievery
- High Dexterity (Dodge, Escape Artist, Hide, etc.)
Name: Ao'drial Relvas
Alias/Nickname: Steel Shroud; Nicknames include: Deadeye, Big-Hatted-Gun-Guy, Ao, The Nutcracker.
Rank: Knight Captain
Ao has long, shoulder-length black hair, golden eyes, and fair skin. He has a slim frame which hides his strength, and stands 6'10" tall.

Age: 499 Years of Age, going on 500 this Winter (Looks to be in his late twenties despite his much older attitude.)
Race: Light Scarred Elf/Marid Djinn
Personality: Ao is a sometimes gruff, maybe even grumpy (if you aren't being generous,) Elf with a complicated lineage. He doesn't have time for your messing around, and he brings this up. Constantly. However, under the grumpiness, he is kindhearted, and will do almost anything to protect those he cares about. The only person who he shows open admiration for is Lord Christian Highfell, as there are few with more experience than him, although if someone proves themselves to him, he will accept them.
Biography/history: Ao always knew who he was born of. Mistress Xen'drial Relvas, a Nephilim-Elf diviner, and a Djinn, more specifically, a Marid. He was never told why the being chose his mother, or what his name was, but he was always reminded that he had a great heritage that he had to live up to. This led to a somewhat miserable childhood, always letting your mother down, every time you didn't meet her unreasonable expectations.
Every year, this would go on, and the rage built, until one day, Ao'drial Relvas exploded with frustration and pain. Literally. A crucible of flame erupted around him. Luckily, he was away from his town, when it happened, but it did lead to a somewhat awkward return, his clothes being burned away, nothing remaining. After that day, it was determined that his father's blood allowed him immunity to fire (up to fire produced by beings with Unnatural Will), and the ability to manipulate water, to a slight degree. He didn't know why it chose to manifest in that way, but maybe his father had decided to recognize him, after all.
The great expectations, along with the passion in his blood, led him to travel far and wide, exploring the hidden places for no reason other than to simply explore. However, it led to many losses, for he outlived many of his companions and friends, as well as ending their lives prematurely due to unseen dangers. He began to become more withdrawn, and more hesitant to accept friends along on his travels. However, they still came, they still died, and Ao became more depressed.
About 200 years ago, Ao stumbled upon a group of Tower of Stars Knights, fighting some beast to protect a village. It was then his interest was piqued. He knew that if he wished to protect those like his many friends that had died, he would become their defender, at their service. Of course, it would have to come at a small fee, for operational costs.
As he served under the Avatar of Storms, he revered the man more and more, rising through the ranks just so he could be useful to Christian as a Knight. Over the years, he has toned back the hero worship, but he still takes everything the man says as a word of wisdom.
Reason for recruitment: To atone for failing his companions, and to defend those who can't defend themselves.
Strength of Will: Greater.
-Wild Magic (Water/Inherent): Ao can manipulate water in subtle ways, such as calling in a thick fog, calling up water from hidden springs in the earth, or even calling up a thunderstorm, after hours of concentration, due to his djinn blood.
God relations: Ao knew Unvaris well, hundreds of years ago. His pain, misery, and rage had driven him to such great depths that he had almost become a Cleric of Unvaris himself. However, joining the Tower of Stars saved him, and although the echo of Unvaris lingers within him, he is free of the god for the most part.
Now, he knows the Heartshaper more and more, but both gods are still naught but echoes in his subconscious.
-The Steel Shroud: Ao's armor of choice when on missions, the Shroud is a set of coat, vest, pants, boots, and gloves, which, when all worn together, provide the wearer with significantly increased protection, as if one was wearing steel plate, at no cost to movement. The Shroud is also enchanted against the elements, keeping him warm in cold weather and cool in warm weather.
-Arsenal: A small pocket dimension in which Ao stores his guns and ammunition, retrieving them by calling their name while drawing them from the holster. It exists in two parts, the belt, which focuses Ao's will, enabling him to pull the guns out with precision, and the holster, which acts as the portal. The Arsenal is bound to the guns, and it can only store which Ao binds to the Arsenal, and places within the holster.
-Autumn Grove: A small tower, to the northwest of Angel's Landing, which surrounded by a wall, and has a garden in the courtyard, Autumn Grove is a comfortable home, filled with things Ao has gathered in his long lifetime, and mementos of his lost friends and family. At the top of the tower, a large brass telescope sits, staring ever skyward. Ao hasn't touched it, except in remembrance of his mother.

-Cartographer's Room: In Autumn Grove, below the Starmap, lies a room where maps cover every wall, maps that both Ao and his mother made. It covers an impressive amount of ground, and quite a few now-lost places are mapped there.
-Armory: In Autumn Grove, Ao has the supplies and infrastructure to repair, rebuild, clean, and even create guns.
-JKS-99 "Wheelbeast" Motor Transport Vehicle: A small, yet heavily armored motorcycle, with a wide, yet streamlined armored windshield to protect the driver. It is faster than most cars, yet not quite as maneuverable as the quickest motorcycles, but it trades off speed for protection.
- Djinn Strength: As his father was a Djinn of the warrior caste, he is stronger than some others born of Djinni, although if they are both Djinn and of a stronger race, or pure Djinn, they're about as strong as him.
- Gunslinger: Ao is an extremely skilled shot with his guns, and can hit targets precisely from short to mid-range.
- Gun Kata: Ao can, and does, use his guns in close combat effectively, not having to switch to a melee weapon.
- Armorer: Ao is a master gunsmith, and can repair even grievous harm to the weapons.
- Explorer: Ao learned how to navigate on land, create maps, and has lots of knowledge pertaining to travel/exploration.
Companions: Ao has two Knights under his command which almost always are assigned to his squads when sent out on missions.
Alias/Nickname: Steel Shroud; Nicknames include: Deadeye, Big-Hatted-Gun-Guy, Ao, The Nutcracker.
Rank: Knight Captain
Ao has long, shoulder-length black hair, golden eyes, and fair skin. He has a slim frame which hides his strength, and stands 6'10" tall.

Age: 499 Years of Age, going on 500 this Winter (Looks to be in his late twenties despite his much older attitude.)
Race: Light Scarred Elf/Marid Djinn
Personality: Ao is a sometimes gruff, maybe even grumpy (if you aren't being generous,) Elf with a complicated lineage. He doesn't have time for your messing around, and he brings this up. Constantly. However, under the grumpiness, he is kindhearted, and will do almost anything to protect those he cares about. The only person who he shows open admiration for is Lord Christian Highfell, as there are few with more experience than him, although if someone proves themselves to him, he will accept them.
Biography/history: Ao always knew who he was born of. Mistress Xen'drial Relvas, a Nephilim-Elf diviner, and a Djinn, more specifically, a Marid. He was never told why the being chose his mother, or what his name was, but he was always reminded that he had a great heritage that he had to live up to. This led to a somewhat miserable childhood, always letting your mother down, every time you didn't meet her unreasonable expectations.
Every year, this would go on, and the rage built, until one day, Ao'drial Relvas exploded with frustration and pain. Literally. A crucible of flame erupted around him. Luckily, he was away from his town, when it happened, but it did lead to a somewhat awkward return, his clothes being burned away, nothing remaining. After that day, it was determined that his father's blood allowed him immunity to fire (up to fire produced by beings with Unnatural Will), and the ability to manipulate water, to a slight degree. He didn't know why it chose to manifest in that way, but maybe his father had decided to recognize him, after all.
The great expectations, along with the passion in his blood, led him to travel far and wide, exploring the hidden places for no reason other than to simply explore. However, it led to many losses, for he outlived many of his companions and friends, as well as ending their lives prematurely due to unseen dangers. He began to become more withdrawn, and more hesitant to accept friends along on his travels. However, they still came, they still died, and Ao became more depressed.
About 200 years ago, Ao stumbled upon a group of Tower of Stars Knights, fighting some beast to protect a village. It was then his interest was piqued. He knew that if he wished to protect those like his many friends that had died, he would become their defender, at their service. Of course, it would have to come at a small fee, for operational costs.
As he served under the Avatar of Storms, he revered the man more and more, rising through the ranks just so he could be useful to Christian as a Knight. Over the years, he has toned back the hero worship, but he still takes everything the man says as a word of wisdom.
Reason for recruitment: To atone for failing his companions, and to defend those who can't defend themselves.
Strength of Will: Greater.
-Wild Magic (Water/Inherent): Ao can manipulate water in subtle ways, such as calling in a thick fog, calling up water from hidden springs in the earth, or even calling up a thunderstorm, after hours of concentration, due to his djinn blood.
God relations: Ao knew Unvaris well, hundreds of years ago. His pain, misery, and rage had driven him to such great depths that he had almost become a Cleric of Unvaris himself. However, joining the Tower of Stars saved him, and although the echo of Unvaris lingers within him, he is free of the god for the most part.
Now, he knows the Heartshaper more and more, but both gods are still naught but echoes in his subconscious.
-The Steel Shroud: Ao's armor of choice when on missions, the Shroud is a set of coat, vest, pants, boots, and gloves, which, when all worn together, provide the wearer with significantly increased protection, as if one was wearing steel plate, at no cost to movement. The Shroud is also enchanted against the elements, keeping him warm in cold weather and cool in warm weather.
-Arsenal: A small pocket dimension in which Ao stores his guns and ammunition, retrieving them by calling their name while drawing them from the holster. It exists in two parts, the belt, which focuses Ao's will, enabling him to pull the guns out with precision, and the holster, which acts as the portal. The Arsenal is bound to the guns, and it can only store which Ao binds to the Arsenal, and places within the holster.
-Willbreaker, Revolver of Broken Dreams: A large, .45 caliber ebon revolver that seems to draw eyes towards it, mesmerizing those that stare at it. It fires all of Ao's special ammo, as well as normal bullets. However, if it is empty of bullets when it fires, it shoots a burst of dark faerie fire, which causes no physical harm, but for a being of less than Unnatural Will, kills it's higher brain functions, causing the target to go into a seizure before fading away, due to the loss of its brain.
-Despair/Hope, Gun of Mourning/Relief: A small, single-shot flintlock, which does not accept conventional ammunition, Despair is similar to Willbreaker, except it can, after being twirled, change into Hope, a gun that, on landing a successful shot, restores the target's spirit, instead of destroying it.
-Divine, Defender of Lost Hope: A double-barreled, sawed-off shotgun, which is extremely capable, in the right hands. If the target has a Superior Will or less, they are forced to, if attacking, attack the wielder of Divine. It can use Ao's special shells.
-Nightfall, Voice of Redemption: Ao's most powerful gun, Nightfall is a revolver which holds twelve shots, and is a massive gun, the barrel a .60 caliber handcannon. It fires his special bullets, and any conventional ammo he loads, from sniper rounds, to shotgun shells. Nightfall is a legendary gun, once in the hands of an unstoppable villain-turned-hero, and Ao refuses to tell anyone the story of how he retrieved it. It is rumored to be powerful enough to blow chunks out of reinforced buildings with the force of the bullet alone.
-Despair/Hope, Gun of Mourning/Relief: A small, single-shot flintlock, which does not accept conventional ammunition, Despair is similar to Willbreaker, except it can, after being twirled, change into Hope, a gun that, on landing a successful shot, restores the target's spirit, instead of destroying it.
-Divine, Defender of Lost Hope: A double-barreled, sawed-off shotgun, which is extremely capable, in the right hands. If the target has a Superior Will or less, they are forced to, if attacking, attack the wielder of Divine. It can use Ao's special shells.
-Nightfall, Voice of Redemption: Ao's most powerful gun, Nightfall is a revolver which holds twelve shots, and is a massive gun, the barrel a .60 caliber handcannon. It fires his special bullets, and any conventional ammo he loads, from sniper rounds, to shotgun shells. Nightfall is a legendary gun, once in the hands of an unstoppable villain-turned-hero, and Ao refuses to tell anyone the story of how he retrieved it. It is rumored to be powerful enough to blow chunks out of reinforced buildings with the force of the bullet alone.
-HV-EI 99: High-Velocity Explosive-Impact Rounds, Mk99. These rounds are simply bullets with explosives inside, which don't do all to much more damage than normal bullets, but explode, possibly igniting a target or knocking them out with the shockwave.
-Lightning Rounds: These are rounds which have been enchanted by a magic user so they travel 3x faster than a normal bullet, and carry an electric charge. The only bad thing about these rounds is that they go right through, not damaging a target's internals very much, and have a larger scatter pattern than normal bullets.
-Cryo-Gen .24: These bullets, upon impact, do little damage, but encase the target in a thick shroud of ice.
-Void Bullets: Void bullets are... unique. They are unstable, meaning they are as liable to activate leaving the barrel of the gun as they are to on impact. However, Void bullets are fairly powerful, creating a small vacuum which damages nearby humanoids, ripping their skin off, breaking bones, and tearing muscle and tendon.
-Lightning Rounds: These are rounds which have been enchanted by a magic user so they travel 3x faster than a normal bullet, and carry an electric charge. The only bad thing about these rounds is that they go right through, not damaging a target's internals very much, and have a larger scatter pattern than normal bullets.
-Cryo-Gen .24: These bullets, upon impact, do little damage, but encase the target in a thick shroud of ice.
-Void Bullets: Void bullets are... unique. They are unstable, meaning they are as liable to activate leaving the barrel of the gun as they are to on impact. However, Void bullets are fairly powerful, creating a small vacuum which damages nearby humanoids, ripping their skin off, breaking bones, and tearing muscle and tendon.
-Autumn Grove: A small tower, to the northwest of Angel's Landing, which surrounded by a wall, and has a garden in the courtyard, Autumn Grove is a comfortable home, filled with things Ao has gathered in his long lifetime, and mementos of his lost friends and family. At the top of the tower, a large brass telescope sits, staring ever skyward. Ao hasn't touched it, except in remembrance of his mother.

-Cartographer's Room: In Autumn Grove, below the Starmap, lies a room where maps cover every wall, maps that both Ao and his mother made. It covers an impressive amount of ground, and quite a few now-lost places are mapped there.
-Armory: In Autumn Grove, Ao has the supplies and infrastructure to repair, rebuild, clean, and even create guns.
-JKS-99 "Wheelbeast" Motor Transport Vehicle: A small, yet heavily armored motorcycle, with a wide, yet streamlined armored windshield to protect the driver. It is faster than most cars, yet not quite as maneuverable as the quickest motorcycles, but it trades off speed for protection.
- Djinn Strength: As his father was a Djinn of the warrior caste, he is stronger than some others born of Djinni, although if they are both Djinn and of a stronger race, or pure Djinn, they're about as strong as him.
- Gunslinger: Ao is an extremely skilled shot with his guns, and can hit targets precisely from short to mid-range.
- Gun Kata: Ao can, and does, use his guns in close combat effectively, not having to switch to a melee weapon.
- Armorer: Ao is a master gunsmith, and can repair even grievous harm to the weapons.
- Explorer: Ao learned how to navigate on land, create maps, and has lots of knowledge pertaining to travel/exploration.
Companions: Ao has two Knights under his command which almost always are assigned to his squads when sent out on missions.
A 30-year old Orc Necromancer, Shryke provides magical support for Ao's squads. He is an unusually chipper individual, considering his magic type, but he never let social stigmas get him down.

Jerall is a 48-year old Human Hacker/Engineer, providing Technological support. However, her division of study between the two skills means she's neither the most skilled Hacker, nor Engineer, but she is still a valued member of the team. She is a friendly individual whose attitude is much like Ao's own, except she doesn't revere anyone except Ao.

"This world has only grown more deadly and dangerous, it is only fitting that I become more so myself..."
Alias/Nickname: Storm Breaker
Rank: Knight Captain

Age: 68
Race: Half-Orc (Human/Orc half breed)
Personality: Disciplined and honor bound. A harsh yet fair individual with the experience of more than a hundred battles under his belt. He is well respected among his soldiers and his leadership goes without question. Despite his discipline, brute force has always been his mistress and it has never failed him in successfully completing a mission. His cybernetic augmentations have further suppressed his emotions, making him more calculative and logical than his warrior heritage would let on.
Biography/history: A veteran of more than a hundred battles, Gerund earned his place with the price of blood and bodies. Once a normal man, he fought as a foot soldier, quickly climbing the ranks as his skill in warfare increased, his knowledge in tactics learned through battle and not books. As the years went on, war only grew more deadly and as more soldiers kept dying, Gibraltar took a long hard look at life; it was hell. His warrior's spirit never faltered, but he feared that one day he would not be strong enough to protect the people he lead and served.
Gibraltar's stress had found him stumbling into a bar, ordering drink after drink as he crashed into some young woman's life. A loner by the looks of her, someone who didn't want the company, yet never turned the half-orc away from her, or at the very least tolerated his company. It didn't take long for his lips to loosen and for the man to confide in the young woman, a contemplative look on his face...After that night he was made the offer that would change his life forever. "Become a cyborg, you will be that much stronger and your life will be indefinite." How could he refuse?
When it came time for Gibraltar to sacrifice his body for the augmentations, he made no hesitation in his decision and underwent the surgery, transforming him from the already hulking 6'4"/260 lb (193 cm/104 kg) warrior into a 7'6"/410 lb (230 cm/185 kg) war machine. Training with his new body wasn't difficult, the augmentations were top notch and the genius mind behind them had calibrated them to a dime. It didn't take long for Gibraltar to return to the battlefield, a new warrior, stronger than ever before, and even though a machine masked the man, his soldiers never lost their respect for him. The young woman, Abiteth, he made his companion and aide, a friend outside the field of battle and if need be, someone he could rely on to lead in his stead.
Two years, several battles, and much extensive testing later, Gibraltar would reenter the field with a fully powered and weaponized mech suit; The Model TS-62: Time Berserker. Unlike his cybernetics, the mech suit took longer to master, the warrior literally having to get used to his new 'second skin'. With time he was able to fully adapt to his mech suit, able to achieve walking and running speeds and fighting against both normal sized units and even some of the larger more nefarious creatures used in his virtual training. When he was finally able to rejoin the battlefield, his mech suit was an armored force unlike anything seen before, the pinnacle of armored combatant technology.
Reason for recruitment: Joined to help better the world and through his years of combat experience, lead and pass on knowledge to those who would come after and perhaps even surpass him.
Strength of Will: Unnatural Will
Magic: Channeled Magic (Force Magic: Lighting Element), Channeled through enchanted runes etched into his cybernetic augmentations, channeled magic can be further enhanced by drawing from his Mech's crystal power source.
God relations: N/A
Cybernetic Augmentations: Most of Gibraltars physical body was replaced with synthetic and armored material, most notably his limbs, torso, spinal column and eyes. These augmentations have also been upgraded with a neural receiver that links directly with his mech suit, allowing him to use it as if it were his own body. The augmentations also come with a few handy features, such as a holo-tactical pad on his forearm, communication devices, a grappling hook device located in his wrist, and a last ditch 'Rocket Punch' in case a situation were to get hairy.
Model TS-62:Time Berserker Mech Suit: The suit is made out of a palladium and tungsten alloy, along with a few other trace metals. His suit's weaponry can be swapped to fit the needs of his situation, though more often than not he has equipped a rather large crystal blade and a heavy and thick plated tower shield. Other amenities to the suit include hydraulic pistons located in the back legs for support and a jet boot module more used to gain traction and achieve small jump heights rather than actual flight. Should the pilot need to leave the suit, his personal weapons are stored in canisters located in the suit's legs. If the suit is at risk of destruction, the pilot and his personal arsenal can be ejected.
Crystal Forged BladeA crystal, provided by Abiteth, said to have come from her homelands. Cut and forged to be an incredibly sharp weapon and an extremely potent catalyst for channeling spells. The blade itself is about 8' long and beveled with a double edge. Is attached to the mech's right arm, can extend and retract, though the blade is still visible even when retracted.
A tower shield made of the same material as the mech suit, about twice as thick as the hull plating, this is normally attached to the left arm.
A powerful cannon utilizing electromagnetic coils to accelerate projectiles towards their targets with extremely high kinetic force. This weapon can be mounted on the shoulder.
A fully automatic anti-personnel weapon, designed to fire 'shredder rounds' ammunition that, when it makes contact with a target, explodes, sending high velocity shrapnel in multiple directions. Normal sized units unfortunate enough to be hit by this ammunition are completely torn to shreds. This weapon can be mounted on the arm.

Possessions/items/property: The Time Berserker is owned by Gibraltar, but Abiteth was its original creator. He is also in possession of...

Recharging Station: Located in Abiteth's cave, the station is more or less a casket that he 'sleeps' in to recharge his power cells. Since his upgrade, he no longer requires actual sleep, but he does put himself in a low power state, this does allow him to dream.
Heart of the Warrior: The aspect of war. War is his ally and death is his brother. In the battlefield, Gibraltar is home, and the enemies he cleaves in the name of his people, his soldiers, his leaders, only strengthen his resolve. Years of combat have honed this skill and those who witness him in action have given different descriptions. Some have called him a monster, while others would call him an artist.
Strength of the Wolf: The aspect of leadership. Wolves hunt in packs, and Gibraltar understands this terminology better than anyone. Understanding the layout of the battlefield and his enemies, Gibraltar is able to direct his troops in such a way that through overwhelming numbers, firepower, and strategic placement, victory is always within reach.
Determination of the Giant: The aspect of will. In Orcish lore, the True Giants (not their spawn) were said to have bodies made of stone and a patience and will that outlived any enemy who sought to destroy them. Though his own body may not be made of stone, he has carried this ideal with him always in battle. Gibraltar has an incredibly potent determination when he sets his mind to something, he can out-wait his enemy, and strike at the perfect moment, death need not come so quickly to them, to him, or to his brothers in bloodshed.
Soul of the Mechanica: The aspect of the cyborg/mech. A new embodiment, or rather an extension of one that he has found in recent years. What kind of will does it take to make a man give up his flesh and blood? More importantly, his soul? Gibraltar's will to keep moving forward, to strip away his own humanity, to become something...else, has never left his mind. The decision to give up his flesh and blood for metal and oil, is nothing he has ever regretted, but it is something he must never forget. Because of this, he has the willpower to continue fighting for what he believes in, and the will to pilot his mech unlike anything ever seen before in battle.
Misc: Due to the nature of his suit, limbs or even the entire mech itself can be temporarily disabled by powerful enough magic users.
Name: Virgil
Alias/Nickname: Harlequin [Virgil painted face of harlequin on his helmet Makeup just ignore eyelashes and eyes.:D]
Rank: Exemplar
Themesongs: Staring at The Sun
Appearance: Face
Casual clothes
Virgil was lucky enough to get most of his appearance from his human mother only thing that ties him to his Elder Sidhe blood is his pale blue eyes that he always hide behind black shades (as shown in picture). His body is muscular and well build in general. Most of his torso and hands are covered in drawings of animals, magic runes, signs or just tribal looking tattoos (they have no power). His tongue and both his ears are pierced. In tongue he has the simple ball style piercing and in his ears he wears small tunnel type earrings. Although he knows what is good hygiene and takes showers regularly he keeps his charcoal black hair unkempt and usually Virgil keeps his haircut the way his pillow made it for him.
Age: 29
Race: Bastard race [Elder Sidhe/Human]
Personality: Most of his free time he spends smoking, drinking strange boozy potions that he got from God knows what place and reading books or just day dreaming. He is laid back and sarcastic person with 'can do attitude'. Usually he tries to dodge things that can complicate his life but when he has the assignment he will finish it no matter what. Virgil will never leave job half way done and if needed he will go an extra mile to finish what he started. Virgil has a dodgy background in lowest levels of tower but he always had strong sense of justice and moral code that he followed. He would never hurt a child or steal from poor person. Besides that he took any job from stealing something valuable to killing someone in dark alley for him we all are just little pieces of sand flying through time.
Usually he speaks slowly and without frustration even when someone pisses him off. Also he has really beautiful deep baritone voice that melted hearts a lot woman and when he is in the mood he can even sing a song or two.
Reason for recruitment: Virgil decided that he had enough with his life where he constantly has to look over his shoulder. Besides that he posses certain set of skills that Knights of Stars find interesting.
Strength of Will: Greater Will
God relations: Faros
Possessions/items/property: Only real possession he has it is beautifully made pocket watch that looks like as work of masterful craftsman. It has all three arrows and they are moving but it has no numbers that would show time. But it is even more interesting when you read an inscription on the inside of its cover "Chains are broken. Be Free."
Virgil at this moment live in small apartment that Knights of Stars provided him. It is small flat that has a bed, comfortable sitting chair, writing table and a bookshelf. Half of it is filled with bottles of all kind of beverages that Virgil buys or makes himself.
Master Marksman - even before he acquired MARK V battle suit he was master when you needed to hit something with an arrow. Now with help of high tech suit his abilities increased even more.
Dirty Fighting (HandtoHand/Sword) - Virgil prefers long-range combat but when needed he can engage enemies in close combat. Years fighting in streets and dark alleys taught him how to survive even in most dangerous fight. Virgil's highly unorthodox swordplay and a fighting style is based on his experience on street and ostensibly developed by himself - taking bits and pieces from all forms of martial arts and making up the rest on-the-go as he fights his opponents.
Hacking - he had some training in hacking and over the years he learned new tricks so he is capable of hacking low-medium security terminals.
Alchemy - well it's more alcohol making. He knows a lot of ingredients that are used in traditional alchemy and what effects they can have but he prefers to brew potions that can free your mind, give you vivid dreams or just relax. Just healing potions are too boring for him.
Streetwise - he knows how the deals are made in streets and where you can get stuff that is not available in open market or is even forbidden by law. Also when faced with dodgy people Virgil knows street slang and how you need to approach them.
Alias/Nickname: Harlequin [Virgil painted face of harlequin on his helmet Makeup just ignore eyelashes and eyes.:D]
Rank: Exemplar
Themesongs: Staring at The Sun
Appearance: Face
Casual clothes
Virgil was lucky enough to get most of his appearance from his human mother only thing that ties him to his Elder Sidhe blood is his pale blue eyes that he always hide behind black shades (as shown in picture). His body is muscular and well build in general. Most of his torso and hands are covered in drawings of animals, magic runes, signs or just tribal looking tattoos (they have no power). His tongue and both his ears are pierced. In tongue he has the simple ball style piercing and in his ears he wears small tunnel type earrings. Although he knows what is good hygiene and takes showers regularly he keeps his charcoal black hair unkempt and usually Virgil keeps his haircut the way his pillow made it for him.
Age: 29
Race: Bastard race [Elder Sidhe/Human]
Personality: Most of his free time he spends smoking, drinking strange boozy potions that he got from God knows what place and reading books or just day dreaming. He is laid back and sarcastic person with 'can do attitude'. Usually he tries to dodge things that can complicate his life but when he has the assignment he will finish it no matter what. Virgil will never leave job half way done and if needed he will go an extra mile to finish what he started. Virgil has a dodgy background in lowest levels of tower but he always had strong sense of justice and moral code that he followed. He would never hurt a child or steal from poor person. Besides that he took any job from stealing something valuable to killing someone in dark alley for him we all are just little pieces of sand flying through time.
Usually he speaks slowly and without frustration even when someone pisses him off. Also he has really beautiful deep baritone voice that melted hearts a lot woman and when he is in the mood he can even sing a song or two.
Virgil wears no family name as he never had the one. His life started in dark alley in lowest part of the city. He was only few days old when mother left him there. Bastard son that only existed because wizard tricked her to have an affair with him. She hated that young creature with pale blue almost white eyes with all her body. There was not a hint of mothers loves when she looked at him. Only merciful or if you can call it loving gesture she made towards him was that she did not took Virgil life with her own hands and decided that Gods should decide his faith. Either God of faith will safe his life or this small spark that just came into this world will perish in that dark cold place without leaving a trace of his existence in this world.
Was it a coincidence or Gods had the mercy on him but cries of child that echoed all night in that dark place attracted another living creature. It was old man that came into alley to check what was that strange sound that is so uncommon in that part of the city where only drunks, hookers and other dodgy creatures lurked. Families that were unfortunate to live her knew golden rule you never let your kids to be outside when night comes. Sometimes you could hear desperate cries of parents trying to find their child that disappeared but sadly most of them never could find what was taken by those that live in shadows. So an old man was surprised when he found small creature that looked like human but had very strange eyes among bags of trash. "Oh my boy...this is one should waste that" said he picking up a small boy that stopped crying as soon as he could feel a warm touch of an old man. That day Virgil fate was decided he was saved and now he had someone who was looking after him. Now he had a home and a name that Old man gave him: Virgil.
Old man was not rich and only his possession was a small shop that also was his home in poor part of the city. He was a artisan of things that most people saw as inferior to nowadays nano technologies and far less interesting that magic artifacts. He was a watchmaker. To this day Virgil remembers that hypnotizing sound of dozen watches ticking in small shop and an old man sitting behind counter with his magnifying glass making or repairing watch that someone brought in. Virgil can still hear his constant rambling that people should slow down. They should enjoy every moment of their life and not to rush through it in constant fear that they still did not left any mark in this world. At end of their road when Yishreenok will come to take them to another side people should be happy that they were living their life at full and have no regrets that they did not accomplish anything.
Virgil from his childhood was a troublesome kid. He was constantly in trouble for things he did. In his early teen years he started to run with local small gang of pickpockets and as he was growing up his activities started to get more dangerous and dangerous. Most of his teen years he spent robbing, stealing or fighting for influence against other gangs that tried to establish themselves in slums. Because everyone knew that you could make good money there from prostitution, drug dealing or extortion. There were few places where even wealthy people were coming because you could buy information or hire a man that will not ask any questions. Especially drug and potion pushing was profitable there were few places where rich people kids were coming to spend their money on some pixie dust or try dodgy potion that could make your day more colorful.
But Virgil carrier went through the roof when he was noticed by a gang that was led by and low level orc shaman. Who noticed that Virgil has a blood of Elder Sidhe and he did realize what potential he has with "right" guidance. So he introduced Virgil to magic he gave him basic knowledge of magic and how to use it. Fascinated by power he had, Virgil started to search for more knowledge. He was stealing or occasionally spending money on books and guides that could teach him more. But it was hard to get real literature on magic because great sorcerers weren't that stupid that they would write down most powerful spells or step by step guides how to use them. Because of that Virgil still scratched only Surface of his real potential.
While running with them Virgil became recognized as a guy you do not want to mess. He joined gang when he was 17 and left it when he was 24. By that time he learned a lot from other people in it. Gang hacker gave him lessons on how to hack low-medium level terminals. Second in command introduced him to bow that in right hands could be as deadly as high tech cannons or handguns. Another taught him to wield sword and how to survive in chaotic street fights. Shaman introduced him to magic world and potion brewing. So he was climbing in gang hierarchy really fast and his name had some weight in streets at that time.
But then after seven years of work when gang was at peek of its strength something happened. One night their leader disappeared and suddenly dozen of highly trained fighters and mages burst in to their headquarters slaughtering everyone who were there. By the time sun started to rise house looked like slaughterhouse. All head executives were dead and name of gang disappeared. Virgil was sole survival of that massacre.He managed escaped using his Blink power. Virgil was wounded but alive and he went to only place he knew as a safe place. He didn't see a old man for years but now it was only place where he could go. His last memory was as he collapsed through the door and old man was looking at him. To this day Virgil is not sure was he hallucinating because of blood loose or the view he saw was real. Old man was standing above him smiling "Don't worry you still have time" and some strange warm light surrounded him. In the morning Virgil woke up with his wounds patched up and a beautifully made pocket clock in his hand. There was no sign of old man or clocks that always were filling this place with their sound. After few hours he tried to find old man but he could not find a single trace of him.
After few days he went to check what happened to his former gang headquarters and all that he found was still smoldering remains of place that he once called home. Something was strange here and he could feel with all his heart but he realized that there is possibility that guys who attacked them probably are still searching for him so he needs to get low. For a year he was dodging anything that looked suspicious to him but eventually he had to get money because his savings were going dry. So he went the path he knew very well.
And that day Harlequin was born. A guy who wears a mask with painted sad clown face. Who could rob, steal or kill as long as it did not clash with his simple code of honor and you could afford his services.
Was it a coincidence or Gods had the mercy on him but cries of child that echoed all night in that dark place attracted another living creature. It was old man that came into alley to check what was that strange sound that is so uncommon in that part of the city where only drunks, hookers and other dodgy creatures lurked. Families that were unfortunate to live her knew golden rule you never let your kids to be outside when night comes. Sometimes you could hear desperate cries of parents trying to find their child that disappeared but sadly most of them never could find what was taken by those that live in shadows. So an old man was surprised when he found small creature that looked like human but had very strange eyes among bags of trash. "Oh my boy...this is one should waste that" said he picking up a small boy that stopped crying as soon as he could feel a warm touch of an old man. That day Virgil fate was decided he was saved and now he had someone who was looking after him. Now he had a home and a name that Old man gave him: Virgil.
Old man was not rich and only his possession was a small shop that also was his home in poor part of the city. He was a artisan of things that most people saw as inferior to nowadays nano technologies and far less interesting that magic artifacts. He was a watchmaker. To this day Virgil remembers that hypnotizing sound of dozen watches ticking in small shop and an old man sitting behind counter with his magnifying glass making or repairing watch that someone brought in. Virgil can still hear his constant rambling that people should slow down. They should enjoy every moment of their life and not to rush through it in constant fear that they still did not left any mark in this world. At end of their road when Yishreenok will come to take them to another side people should be happy that they were living their life at full and have no regrets that they did not accomplish anything.
Virgil from his childhood was a troublesome kid. He was constantly in trouble for things he did. In his early teen years he started to run with local small gang of pickpockets and as he was growing up his activities started to get more dangerous and dangerous. Most of his teen years he spent robbing, stealing or fighting for influence against other gangs that tried to establish themselves in slums. Because everyone knew that you could make good money there from prostitution, drug dealing or extortion. There were few places where even wealthy people were coming because you could buy information or hire a man that will not ask any questions. Especially drug and potion pushing was profitable there were few places where rich people kids were coming to spend their money on some pixie dust or try dodgy potion that could make your day more colorful.
But Virgil carrier went through the roof when he was noticed by a gang that was led by and low level orc shaman. Who noticed that Virgil has a blood of Elder Sidhe and he did realize what potential he has with "right" guidance. So he introduced Virgil to magic he gave him basic knowledge of magic and how to use it. Fascinated by power he had, Virgil started to search for more knowledge. He was stealing or occasionally spending money on books and guides that could teach him more. But it was hard to get real literature on magic because great sorcerers weren't that stupid that they would write down most powerful spells or step by step guides how to use them. Because of that Virgil still scratched only Surface of his real potential.
While running with them Virgil became recognized as a guy you do not want to mess. He joined gang when he was 17 and left it when he was 24. By that time he learned a lot from other people in it. Gang hacker gave him lessons on how to hack low-medium level terminals. Second in command introduced him to bow that in right hands could be as deadly as high tech cannons or handguns. Another taught him to wield sword and how to survive in chaotic street fights. Shaman introduced him to magic world and potion brewing. So he was climbing in gang hierarchy really fast and his name had some weight in streets at that time.
But then after seven years of work when gang was at peek of its strength something happened. One night their leader disappeared and suddenly dozen of highly trained fighters and mages burst in to their headquarters slaughtering everyone who were there. By the time sun started to rise house looked like slaughterhouse. All head executives were dead and name of gang disappeared. Virgil was sole survival of that massacre.He managed escaped using his Blink power. Virgil was wounded but alive and he went to only place he knew as a safe place. He didn't see a old man for years but now it was only place where he could go. His last memory was as he collapsed through the door and old man was looking at him. To this day Virgil is not sure was he hallucinating because of blood loose or the view he saw was real. Old man was standing above him smiling "Don't worry you still have time" and some strange warm light surrounded him. In the morning Virgil woke up with his wounds patched up and a beautifully made pocket clock in his hand. There was no sign of old man or clocks that always were filling this place with their sound. After few hours he tried to find old man but he could not find a single trace of him.
After few days he went to check what happened to his former gang headquarters and all that he found was still smoldering remains of place that he once called home. Something was strange here and he could feel with all his heart but he realized that there is possibility that guys who attacked them probably are still searching for him so he needs to get low. For a year he was dodging anything that looked suspicious to him but eventually he had to get money because his savings were going dry. So he went the path he knew very well.
And that day Harlequin was born. A guy who wears a mask with painted sad clown face. Who could rob, steal or kill as long as it did not clash with his simple code of honor and you could afford his services.
Reason for recruitment: Virgil decided that he had enough with his life where he constantly has to look over his shoulder. Besides that he posses certain set of skills that Knights of Stars find interesting.
Strength of Will: Greater Will
Blink a.k.a. Teleport - It is as it sounds. Virgil can blink himself on the roof of building, to room next to him or even behind his target. No one trained him properly to use this ability so he was constantly experimenting and was following his gut feeling. Because of that he cannot cover huge distances and always need to have clear view of the place where he want to land or he needs to draw that place from his memory. Also because his control is not perfect every time he blinks he drains his stamina (that where his combat suit comes to help [explained in next section]).
Silence - for short time in close proximity (room) can silence all sounds. It's duration is dependable to radius at which spell is applied (larger area shorter duration). Another thing Virgil can do is to apply it directly on person that way spell can stay for quite some time or until Virgil dispels it.
Magic Lock picking - this is low level spell that Virgil picked up quite early so by now he can open low-high security locks.
Enchantment [Elder Sidhe blood]
Bow - Virgil is able to enchant his arrows with 3 elements: Fire, Lighting and Wind.
Fire - he can make 3 types of enchantment with fire.
Fire arrow - when it hits target it will cover him in flames.
Exploding arrow - after reaching target it explodes. It can be used to blow up hole in wall or to blow up some poor guy.
Melting arrow - it is similar to flame arrow but after contact it doesn't spread flames around target but concentrates in one place that way it can melt through strong metal structures or armor.
Lighting - depending how much charge Virgil put's in it can have few effects. It can kill a target, fry electronics or just stun.
Wind - after this enchantment arrow can reach very high-speed. That way it drastically increase its piercing power and damage also targets ability to dodge it.
Plasma edged short sword - with sword he uses only Wind enchantment. Increasing the speed at witch you can wielding and adding extra power to its cutting capabilities.
Elemental control [Elder Sidhe blood]
Virgil can also draw elemental powers while in close quarter battle. But he cannot control them properly so he cannot send fireballs or lighting strikes at his opponents. Virgil has to touch his opponent with palm or at least hold it few inches from his target.
Lighting hand - by touching his opponent he sends a charge of electricity in their body. It affect is directly tied to time. Longer Virgil holds his opponent more damage he will do. Also sometimes it can be useful to fry electronics locks when you do not have time to hack them.
Flames - this is useful when you want to start campfire or spray your enemies face with fire. It cannot do severe damage but can burn out eyes or leave some scars on the face of enemy.
Wind - with this spell Virgil can break doors, push someone that they would loose their balance or if he hits really precisely break few rib or a nose.
Silence - for short time in close proximity (room) can silence all sounds. It's duration is dependable to radius at which spell is applied (larger area shorter duration). Another thing Virgil can do is to apply it directly on person that way spell can stay for quite some time or until Virgil dispels it.
Magic Lock picking - this is low level spell that Virgil picked up quite early so by now he can open low-high security locks.
Enchantment [Elder Sidhe blood]
Bow - Virgil is able to enchant his arrows with 3 elements: Fire, Lighting and Wind.
Fire - he can make 3 types of enchantment with fire.
Fire arrow - when it hits target it will cover him in flames.
Exploding arrow - after reaching target it explodes. It can be used to blow up hole in wall or to blow up some poor guy.
Melting arrow - it is similar to flame arrow but after contact it doesn't spread flames around target but concentrates in one place that way it can melt through strong metal structures or armor.
Lighting - depending how much charge Virgil put's in it can have few effects. It can kill a target, fry electronics or just stun.
Wind - after this enchantment arrow can reach very high-speed. That way it drastically increase its piercing power and damage also targets ability to dodge it.
Plasma edged short sword - with sword he uses only Wind enchantment. Increasing the speed at witch you can wielding and adding extra power to its cutting capabilities.
Elemental control [Elder Sidhe blood]
Virgil can also draw elemental powers while in close quarter battle. But he cannot control them properly so he cannot send fireballs or lighting strikes at his opponents. Virgil has to touch his opponent with palm or at least hold it few inches from his target.
Lighting hand - by touching his opponent he sends a charge of electricity in their body. It affect is directly tied to time. Longer Virgil holds his opponent more damage he will do. Also sometimes it can be useful to fry electronics locks when you do not have time to hack them.
Flames - this is useful when you want to start campfire or spray your enemies face with fire. It cannot do severe damage but can burn out eyes or leave some scars on the face of enemy.
Wind - with this spell Virgil can break doors, push someone that they would loose their balance or if he hits really precisely break few rib or a nose.
God relations: Faros
Virgil has a simple implant that allows him to control his battle suit, make calls or listen to music. When on mission he also tries to keep his battle suit hidden by wearing some simple CLOTHES over it.
MARK V "Specter" Light Armor - this suit has medium level defense against slashing/piercing damage and is able to withstand medium level destruction spells but if it will be direct hit then there is always possibility that it will go through it. MARK V biggest strength is that is design to enchant wearers physical performance (endurance/speed/strength) and that helps Virgil to use his Blink very frequently with minor drawbacks.
MARK V is also famous for its build in life support module that can heal low-medium damage to wearers body and in worst case he can put wearer into hibernation until he will be delivered to hospital or healer can patch him up. But if suit will lose all its energy wearer will die.
MARK V is less durable than heavy armor. Because of that on left arm there is build in kinetic shield that can cover user in cone for 360 degree protection or can be used as simple shield to block attacks. That way it is more strong and it can hold of stronger attacks. After shields energy is used it has cool down time until user can use it again.
Helmet has built in display that can give user different information. Also it is capable to zoom in for better target acquisition. Another two features that also important: night and thermal vision that can help in dark or to find your targets behind walls.
Weapons: Elven Made "Spider" type folding bow. When out of combat Virgil can fold in and strap to his back.
Quiver[at same time its 3D printer(just don't know how to explain it properly)] that is strapped on his hip. It can produce arrows at high-speed and constantly refill quiver.
Elven Short Sword Beside being prime example of elvish craftsmanship this high tech blade that has Plasma Edge that increases it's power. Virgil carries it strapped on his back in upside down position that he could draw it fast and it is short enough to be hidden under his jacket.
MARK V "Specter" Light Armor - this suit has medium level defense against slashing/piercing damage and is able to withstand medium level destruction spells but if it will be direct hit then there is always possibility that it will go through it. MARK V biggest strength is that is design to enchant wearers physical performance (endurance/speed/strength) and that helps Virgil to use his Blink very frequently with minor drawbacks.
MARK V is also famous for its build in life support module that can heal low-medium damage to wearers body and in worst case he can put wearer into hibernation until he will be delivered to hospital or healer can patch him up. But if suit will lose all its energy wearer will die.
MARK V is less durable than heavy armor. Because of that on left arm there is build in kinetic shield that can cover user in cone for 360 degree protection or can be used as simple shield to block attacks. That way it is more strong and it can hold of stronger attacks. After shields energy is used it has cool down time until user can use it again.
Helmet has built in display that can give user different information. Also it is capable to zoom in for better target acquisition. Another two features that also important: night and thermal vision that can help in dark or to find your targets behind walls.
Weapons: Elven Made "Spider" type folding bow. When out of combat Virgil can fold in and strap to his back.
Quiver[at same time its 3D printer(just don't know how to explain it properly)] that is strapped on his hip. It can produce arrows at high-speed and constantly refill quiver.
Elven Short Sword Beside being prime example of elvish craftsmanship this high tech blade that has Plasma Edge that increases it's power. Virgil carries it strapped on his back in upside down position that he could draw it fast and it is short enough to be hidden under his jacket.
Possessions/items/property: Only real possession he has it is beautifully made pocket watch that looks like as work of masterful craftsman. It has all three arrows and they are moving but it has no numbers that would show time. But it is even more interesting when you read an inscription on the inside of its cover "Chains are broken. Be Free."
Virgil at this moment live in small apartment that Knights of Stars provided him. It is small flat that has a bed, comfortable sitting chair, writing table and a bookshelf. Half of it is filled with bottles of all kind of beverages that Virgil buys or makes himself.
Master Marksman - even before he acquired MARK V battle suit he was master when you needed to hit something with an arrow. Now with help of high tech suit his abilities increased even more.
Dirty Fighting (HandtoHand/Sword) - Virgil prefers long-range combat but when needed he can engage enemies in close combat. Years fighting in streets and dark alleys taught him how to survive even in most dangerous fight. Virgil's highly unorthodox swordplay and a fighting style is based on his experience on street and ostensibly developed by himself - taking bits and pieces from all forms of martial arts and making up the rest on-the-go as he fights his opponents.
Hacking - he had some training in hacking and over the years he learned new tricks so he is capable of hacking low-medium security terminals.
Alchemy - well it's more alcohol making. He knows a lot of ingredients that are used in traditional alchemy and what effects they can have but he prefers to brew potions that can free your mind, give you vivid dreams or just relax. Just healing potions are too boring for him.
Streetwise - he knows how the deals are made in streets and where you can get stuff that is not available in open market or is even forbidden by law. Also when faced with dodgy people Virgil knows street slang and how you need to approach them.