@Leoven here we are Khajiit sneak thief XD
Qa'va Nia
Race: Khajiit
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
She appears the color of a snow leopard, with mainly white fur and black lines and splotches across her entire body. She has bright amber eyes, which almost appear orange sometimes due to the way they catch the light. She also has a thick claw-like scar down her face which was given to her the claws of a fellow Khajiit. She stands at a rather average 5'5, and has a thin build more suited for sneaking than anything else.

Personality: A clever and crafty Khajiit with a sharp tongue and even sharper wit. She is street smart and a brilliant manipulator, as well as being able to be very charismatic if she puts her mind to it. She considers her marks to be her prey, plaything, or toy. She also refers to people using the terms as a form of endearment. She has a rather carefree nature, and will often vanish for long periods of time with no word to anyone she knows. She can be a very difficult person to understand, and seems to always be looking for an angle in every situation. She also has a blunt way of speaking to people with an occasional sassy comment. Unless it is in her best interest to lie, she does not hold back her opinions and thoughts, even if they are offensive.
Class: Thief/Mercenary
Birthsign: The Thief
Faction: Thieves Guild
Major Skills: Sneak, Speech, Lockpicking, one handed, pick pocketing
Minor Skills: light armor, archery, alchemy
History: Nia was discovered abandoned in a basket in the sewers of the thieves guild in Riften. Instead of sending her back to the surface where she might die, or turning her into the orphanage, one of the guild members convinced the others to keep her.
Nia was actually nicknamed after the small crying sound she used to make when she was a child, they used this so frequently instead of her actual name Qa'va, she now considers it to be her actual name.
By the time Nia turned six, she was already showing remarkable prowess in sneaking. She would spend time creeping around the sewers hiding in shadows and popping out to scare her older guild mates. She considered it a fun game. So, the guild started to instruct Nia on how to use this amazing ability to sneak for profit.
At an early age, she possessed an incredible ability to suppress any sort of emotion or moral hindrance that might affect her from doing what needed to be done for whatever job was needed of her. She was silent in her stride and smooth in her speech, which slowly cemented her position in the guild. She quickly became one of the guild's best operatives; better than some of the members three times her age.
By the time she was thirteen, she was a fully-fledged and respected member of the guild and had successfully managed to steal a total of ten barrels from an expensive winery in Falkreath over the span of two months without anyone noticing. At seventeen, she seduced the son of a shrewd and corrupt nobleman and gained regular access to their house; enough to steal hundreds of Septims worth of jewelry and items. However, despite her crafty hands and powerful abilities with thieving,
Nia's relationship with the Dragonborn all started with her breaking into his house in Whiterun. Hearing about a Nordic warrior with the power to create magic with his voice. She thought of him as the ultimate prize of them all, if she could get him, she could prove that she still had her luck. In his home were gems, gold, rare weapons that made her fingers itch to grab them off the shelves. However, Nia used her self control to stop herself, instead waiting for the Dragonborn to return. When the Dragonborn entered his home, she used her sharp and clever tongue to convince him she'd done this to get his attention and she just wanted to get a drink with him. After listening to him vent to her about dragons and greybeards, and a multitude of other topics, Nia convinced the Dragonborn to meet her again. Repeating this for about a month, Nia finally convinced a very drunk dragonborn to sleep with her. After he'd fallen alseep, she stole a few of the most expensive things she could grab. (including her current set of weapons). She continued this facade of a relationship with the Dragonborn for long enough that he actually gave her a key to his house so she wouldn't keep breaking in. Nia was living the good life, bringing tons of revenue in for the guild, and keeping whatever she pleased for herself. She was living the good life until Gallus was murdered by Karliah. From here, Nia was inducted into the new Nightingales as Gallus' replacement. This marked the last day of the guild's good luck. Slowly and surely their streams of revenue were cut off and their numbers started to dwindle. The worst news of all was when Nia discovered the Dragonborn was slain by Starkad.
Of course, this irritated Nia, because the Dragonborn was her mark, and she had been having a lot of fun manipulating him. Without him alive, that meant she wouldn't be able to steal the stuff he constantly brought home. Not to mention, with dragons swarming down on them AGAIN, and Nocturnal turning a blind eye to her guild, she was really starting to struggle to keep her guild floating.
She decided to take up arms against Starkad, deciding to blame him for the guild's recent bad luck streak.
- She wears Nightingale armor, but doesn't put up the hood or face mask unless she is working.
- She carries a set of daedric daggers and a daedric bow complete with matching arrows. (which she stole from the dragonborn)
- She carries the key to Breezehome around her neck. (which was willingly given to her by the Dragonborn. She will swear this has no sentimental meaning at all.)
- Her style of fighting is rather graceful and unique, and resembles dancing.