Name: Roger Rooney
Gender: M
Age: 18
Experience: 31%
Synchronization Rate: 63%
Personality: Roger is very serious basically all the time. Even when he’s happy. He lacks a sense of humor, but he’s not really a stick in the mud. Just that if you make a joke he either won’t get it or not find it funny. At times aggressive and impetuous, but hey, that’s most teenaged boys. Does well under physical and mental pressure, not so much social pressure. Does not know how to talk to women his own age. A bit thoughtless with his words.
Background: Roger is from what you’d call the Space Boonies. His homeworld is a place covered in mountains with little in the way of arable lands, and less in the way of travel between different settlements. To properly live, a complex system of plane transports had to be set up. To be a pilot, you had to be elite, able to keep a level head while navigating through dangerous mountain passes at high speeds. Quick reflexes for reacting to parts of the environment hidden in clouds and a steady hand to avoid overdoing it.
Roger had always wanted to be one of these pilots, it was a dangerous job, but it was an exciting job, and they were the heroes of the planet. Books and tv shows were written about them more than anyone else. Luckily for Roger, he was scouted as a potential candidate rather early on. However, when he turned 17, he dropped out of the training to become a pilot to join the army before he could actually be taught to pilot the planes, which in hindsight probably would give a lot of important experience for dealing with a framewerk.
Notable Deaths: Roger’s Aunt Nancy (dad’s youngest sister) was enlisted as a military medic and treated the wounded and sick for years. 2 years ago, the ship she was stationed on was destroyed in a skirmish with the Cruxi.
Other things: If there is anything else you believe needs sharing, do so here.