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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by caliban22
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caliban22 King of the badgers

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


"So for real was there something you wanted to talk about?" Dom asked Not that he was annoyed, more just Andrew just seemed to come up to him for no reason. "Cause your friend Yami? yumi? Sorry I'm terrible with names...she called you over, she wanted to talk to you." he said as he checked his phone "Unless you wanna be a goober and hang out with me to try and find a basketball court...There won't be much to really do." he said "Oh um before I you look like your in high school, Just wanted to know which one." he said awkwardly, Dom had never been good with people since he left the US


As she went farther into the Festival Hinata found her self pulled about by the amount of people. It was like a game of bumper cars, one person would bump into her that would make her bump into another. With everyone bump she apologized, most couldn't hear her soft voice over the general noise of the festival. Stupid! I shouldn't have come! I don't have any friends, so why go do something that requires friends. she thought as she quickly made her way away from festival. Quickly she found herself at an empty basketball court. After stepping onto the court she sees a lonely basketball forgotten under a bench. After getting the ball Hina made several attempts to try and make a three pointer. Her stance was terrible and flung the ball with all her strength causing her to go wide and supprisingly short. "Another thing I can't do... Why do I even Try..." she muttered to herself flatly
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Infinite Cosmos
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Infinite Cosmos XIV

Member Seen 14 days ago

@sakurasanRobert was zoning out, simply people watching. He would take small bites of his candy bar from time to time, but never fully consuming it. Suddenly, there was a voice speaking to him, causing him to snap out of whatever he was in. He looked up at the person speaking to him, remaining silent for the time being.

It was a girl, obviously. She was rather attractive. She had an air of....geekiness about her. Something he found rather intriguing. After all, seeing a girl being as into video games and technology as himself would be a dream come true. But, how likely is something like that to happen...

"Ah. Um. Yeah, I mean, I'm sixteen right now...so yeah, I think we're about the same age." He replied hastily. "Oh uh, yeah, sure. My name is Robert, I'm a new transfer so it would be good to meet more people. Haha. Nice to meet you Ayumi." At this moment, he stood up. Standing at a cool 5'10", he was considered rather tall for his age. He shifted his candy bar into his left hand. In his mind, he knew he should reach a hand out to offer a handshake. However, by some odd coincidence, he leaned forward for a hug instead...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by jaybreezy
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jaybreezy Your Local Scumbag

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Andrew smirked and shook his head. "Ayumi.", he corrected. He looked back at her and smiled at Ayumi before turning back to Dominic. "I'm down for looking for a court. And I'm from Arctane.", Andrew answered. Andrew was eager to play basketball if a ball would be present. He hadn't played any sport or been to active since last baseball season.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by rocklee
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Banned Seen 8 yrs ago

Gentree couldn't help but like the older kid. He soothed down his hair and nodded "oh great! i can take so many great pictures!". he got up and looked over to the two girls..oh of course he was a lady's man. Gentree gave a smile as he observed them.. hmm not picture worthy but they look nice in this lighting..ish.. "hey we're heading over there, wanna come?". Gentree sighed,Yuukawa was going t- "Sorry, gotta go somewhere else right now. Meeting someone." ..he felt his arm being grabbed..wow..unbelievable. "wow you down right rejected them!" he meant to say to himself but really said it out loud.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by caliban22
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caliban22 King of the badgers

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Dominic chuckled "Ayumi Alright she go to your school as well?" he said as he looked around " Ah whatever I guess I will see her around the school....um.....that way? I donno about as lost as a hussie in a church" he said bluntly as he walks off in a random direction "this way I guess?" he said as he waited for Andrew to catch up "kinda new around here, so I don't know the area


After the failed attempt to try and score a three pointer Hina tried to shoot closer to the hoop. While she could make it, her aim was terrible and more often then nought she would miss the board completely "How do basketball players make it look so easy on tv..." When her father and older brother were together they would always watch basketball and football, the two were nuts about all things american, if they could have it their way the family would be living in New York or Washington DC. Though thankfully Her mother made them come to Japan, At the very least she knew Japanese, Hina had never even met an american. "Well I guess being short is kinda sucky.." she muttered as she examined how far the rim was. "Americans must be giants... all the American's on tv are tall and good looking...well the heros anyway..." she muttered as she thought of Danny Divito "I'm sure he has his good points...unlike me." she muttered as she tossed the ball one more time. This time it went into the bushes "Great now I lost the ball...Fantastic can my night get any worse.." she said to her self. Hina was used to being alone, most people thought her to gloomy or stuck up to talk with her. She had no real friends other then her puppy Aisha, a German Shepard puppy her father got her for her 17th birthday.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by jaybreezy
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jaybreezy Your Local Scumbag

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Andrew laughed a bit at Dominic's terrible navigation. "I think the court is near the park...? Maybe?", he suggested. He really had no idea either. "And yeah. Ayumi goes to Arctane too.", he answered. Andrew looked at him as they walked. "You're from America, aren't you?", Andrew assumed, noticing Dominic's demeanor towards the festival, his mannerisms, and overall how he carries himself.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by sakurasan
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sakurasan you don't know how to wash your shoes

Member Seen 2 mos ago

"16? Ohh, I'm 17! Just turned 17 this month! Haha, but you're still going to be in my grade. Maybe in my class even." She replied, a nice smile on her face. Ayumi nodded at his comment about meeting new people. ”Yep! They're nice~ Especially Sai! Not that Alex isn't of course." with that, Ayumi backs up a bit as he stands up. Crap. He was a bit taller than her so she now had to look up some. Just as she was about to start heading their way, he went in for a hug. Most people would have freaked out. Maybe had some blush on their cheeks. Or maybe just flat out smack the dude. However, Ayumi gave him a light hug back as she smiled questionably upon letting go. "I'm guessing you're foreign?" She asked, her face now back to her grin ask she began to walk backwards and towards Said and Alex.

He walked and finally started slowing down when he was sure he was out of those girls sight. Yuukawa's face flushed a bit at his comment as he let go of the boy's arm. ”Was I... Too hard on them?" He asked the boy, before something else crossed his mind. ”Crap! Did you want to hang out with them?" Dang itttt... Did I just piss Gentree off? He continued to walk and look at him apologetically at the same time.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by rocklee
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rocklee i dont need you

Banned Seen 8 yrs ago

”Was I... Too hard on them?"..hah no way. " not at all i did'nt want to hang out with them i was just surprised..that's all". Gentree looked over to him and decided to snap a picture "you look good in this light".

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by alexfangtalon
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"Are you maybe... Looking for a certain stall?"

Alex & Kiley

Alex was definitely not expecting someone to just walk up to them. He was just to startled and blurted out something, "Oh, uhh. No. We were just coming here hoping to meet someone that would be at the same school as us. Oh I'm Alex." Kiley was thankful someone came to them rather than them having to go to someone else. She knew that she probably needed to clarify Alex's attempt to say what they were doing, "And I'm Kiley. I'll explain things better than my brother. We moved here a few days ago. We are going to be students at Arctane High. We just hoped that we might meet people from the school so that the first day isn't to awkward. We really have no idea what to do. We don't really have anything like this back home."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by sakurasan
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sakurasan you don't know how to wash your shoes

Member Seen 2 mos ago

"Oh." Meria replied to Alex's words before nearly continuing. However, the girl seemed to want to speak as well. "Is that so? I'll be attending Arctane as well. Nice to meet you Alex, Kiley." she had a kind smile on her face as she looked down at the map. "Well, i'm new here as well but it says here that fireworks are starting soon. Would you like to head over there perhaps?" politely speaking as she looked at the two siblings.

"That's good." Yuukawa sighed, relieved that he hopefully didn't hurt the girls feelings and he didn't ruin something for Gentree. His eyes widened when he heard a camera flash and turned over to the boy. "Hey! You didn't give me a heads up or anything." he said teasingly. Hm.. He looked all the people, especially the kimonos and turned to Gentree. "Could you get a photo of all this? I want to take it back home to show it to someone that couldn't make it today." he said, referring to all of the stalls and the lively people. It would be great to get a pic of all this and show it to her mom. She would especially love all of the kimonos.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by rocklee
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Banned Seen 8 yrs ago

"Hey! You didn't give me a heads up or anything.". Gentree laughed as he looked at the photo"but your face looked natural..pictures are better that way..".."Could you get a photo of all this? I want to take it back home to show it to someone that couldn't make it today.". Gentree nodded "of course you could write something on the back of the picture if you want".. Gentree raised his camera and walked around the area then found a good spot and snapped a few new pictures. Then he handed the best one to Yuukawa, "here".

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by sakurasan
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sakurasan you don't know how to wash your shoes

Member Seen 2 mos ago

He smiled, following him over to the area where the boy went. It was a nice area that could show the lights around them wonderfully. He then waited for him to take the photo and nodded once he mentioned writing on the back of it. Once Gentree was done, he took the photo and turned to him with a smile. "Thanks!" he said cheerfully, taking out a pen that he always carried around with him in his pocket. He carefully placed the photo on his lap and started writing.

"For the days that you can't make it. Here's something so that you can visualize the beauty." and he finished it off with a heart. He smiled gently at it, turning back to Gentree. "They'll love it! Your photos are beautiful." he says kindly to the boy. He'd bring it to her later. Hopefully, he can get a photo of the fireworks too.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by caliban22
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caliban22 King of the badgers

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Dominic chuckled "Yeah West coast of the US." he said with a half smile "Personally Like it there better, lot more easy going, but then again you find a hooker for five bucks... Not sure how they are a thing...since I'm 90% sure no one wants a five dollar hooker...but I guess there could be one or two who are into that...Or if you just don't give a fuck... ha..." he said as the got near the park. Suddenly a Basketball comes flying out of the bushes and lands at his feet. After a second he picked up the ball and looked at it for a sec "You lose a ball he called into the bushes. After not hearing a reply he shrugged "So um guess I got a new basketball?"


People! she thought as she peeked out from the bushes. She had gone to find the basketball after hanving flung it into the bushes. There were two Boys. One was tall and angry looking as he picked up the basketball "You lose a ball?" he said as Hina hid. She was sure he was trouble, even if the other guy looked friendly Time to go I think...The tall one looks kinda of...not nice... she thought as she slowly backed away, making sure she was careful not to attract attention to herself. After a few minutes she found herself back at the festival. Mom said I had to at least see the fireworks...All I wanted to do tonight was make some beats...no I'm here looking stupid on my own... I mean I know I have no friends...so whats the point... just makes it more clear I don't belong here... I dont even own a kimono...well I guess thats a blessing... Don't think I would look good anyway...I at least avoided that looking stupider. she thought as she took a seat on a bench. Hina was watching the people walk by. A few little kids would wave at her from time to time. Well at least kids like me I suppose. she thought warmly as she noticed a little girl looking at her from behind her mother. Hina had always loved kids, they were so innocent and didn't know how sucky middle and high school were. While she thought she noticed a empty bottle by her feet,without thinking she pulled it over with her foot and after setting it up kicked it. unfortunately she kicked it to hard and it went flying into the mass of people Aw Butts... she thought better go and get yelled at... she said as she stood up to try and find out if she hit some one.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by sakurasan
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sakurasan you don't know how to wash your shoes

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Ayumi saw a ball coming towards her and caught it, starting to spin it on her finger before looking around to see who's it was. She placed it in her hands and smiled when she saw a girl coming towards her. She started waving at her. "Yours I'm guessing?" she looked at the girl. She seemed foreign and she really looked Ayumi's age. Caught another one~ She smiled brightly at the girl.

"New around here? My name's Ayumi! Haha, looks like i'm meeting a bunch of new people to day but the more the merrier!" she handed the ball to the girl and continued to speak. "Nice to meet you! We're going to go see the fireworks. Want to come with?" she looked at Robert with a kind smile, acknowledging him so that he didn't feel like he was being left out. But this girl didn't look very happy and she was most definitely coming with her. Hopefully he wasn't the type that didn't like crowds because right now, there was going to be 5 people in her group to go see the fireworks.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by caliban22
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caliban22 King of the badgers

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Hi...I'm Hina...Pleasure to meet you, Sorry about the ball" she said softly " I'm not really um...no thank you I don't want trouble you." she said trying her best to not freak out. "Sorry I think I'm going to go, sorry." she said as she turned around to goVery out going...Kinda wish I was more like her...Jeez being me sucks...Maybe I should go with them? whats the worst that can happen? she thought quickly besides being made fun of? becoming a joke for the whole school? wait do they go to my school? people like her know everyone...even if she went to school on the other side of the world I'm sure she knows some one in my school...Maybe I should just leave...NO! you idiot! what did mom say? 'nothing will every change if you don't work to change it' Duh! she thought. After a few seconds of thinking she sighs "Ayumi? You sure you wouldn't mind if I come along?" she asked as she turned back to the new girl
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by rocklee
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rocklee i dont need you

Banned Seen 8 yrs ago

gentree watched as Yuukawa wrote something. He sighed as he sat next to him not bothering to look at what he was writing. He waited patiently as yuukawa finished writing. Yuukawa turned to him "They'll love it! Your photos are beautiful.". Gentree couldn't help but smile widly and jump in for a hug "wow thank you so much..no one has ever told me that before..". then the thought crossed his mind "may i ask you...who is the picture for?".."i-i mean if you want to tell me its ok you don't have to"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by alexfangtalon
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Alex & Kiley

Thank goodness. They came to meet someone from their school and they did. Guaranteed she was also new, but it was a start. "It's nice to meet you. I think that would be a good idea. A group of new people is always better then a smaller number. Also don't worry about my brother he's just quiet by default. Also what was your name?" Kiley was happy they met someone like they planned, but Alex was wary. He just had trouble trusting people. He'd rather their group be larger but as long as Kiley kept talking to this girl he was alright. As long as she didn't try to speak to him directly.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by sakurasan
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sakurasan you don't know how to wash your shoes

Member Seen 2 mos ago

He continued to smile but his eyes went wide when Gentree went in for a hug. I guess he's someone that hugs when he's happy? He just let it happen and smiled at the boy. How innocent. "Haha, no problem." he said sweetly, listening once he began to speak again. "may i ask you...who is the picture for?".."i-i mean if you want to tell me its ok you don't have to" Hm? He chuckled a bit and looked at the crowd again. "My mom. She can't come out to see the festival anymore but she loved to come before. Her kimono was always way more formal than the rest of the people." he said, laughing at that. Really, she would wear some of the most extravagant kimonos and all a bunch of men would stare at her. He looks at Gentree with a gentle smile on his face. "Well, shall we start heading over to the field to go see the fireworks?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rocklee
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rocklee i dont need you

Banned Seen 8 yrs ago

Gentree listened to the other's reply and smiled "wow she sounds like someone i'd want to photograph...how sweet i wish she could have some". He wished he had good stories of his mother to tell Yuukawa..nothing but negative things even if sometimes their funny. Gentree snapped out of his thoughts. "Well, shall we start heading over to the field to go see the fireworks?" Gentree nodded "I have not seen fireworks in years!..i'll take pictures of them for you mother too ok!?". He yanked the other arm with him as he rushed to the field.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Draconequis
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Mell (Mellia)

Mell casually rolled over in her bed, laying her hands behind her head as she stared blankly at her alarm clock. She was supposed to be at that dumb before school festival thing right now. She didn't really want to go though. It was going to be obnoxious.. and annoying. Still.. the one thing she liked was the fireworks. She liked to sit as close as possible and feel them as they thrummed in her chest.

She pulled at the power cord of her alarm clock, watching as it clattered to the ground, landing in a pile of socks. She smirked as the alarm clock's light went out. She was going to need a new one. After a moment of just laying there and thinking, she rolled out of bed. Mell applied as little makeup as possible, just to cover up a few zits, and some chapstick to keep her lips from cracking. She rubbed her hands against her short hair, clipping some of the bangs back behind her face. Good enough. She sprinted over to the steps and slid down the banister, vaulting off the edge and shoving an apple in her mouth. She shoved her feet into her leather boots, zipping them up to her knees.

"Where ya going?" One of her brothers asked.

Mell glanced over to her brother, raising an eyebrow as she snatched her keys from the holster, removing the apple from her mouth. "Out. There's a festival. Pretty dumb, but i'm going to go see the fireworks. Don't burn down the house or anything while i'm gone." Without another word she darted from the house. Her motorcycle was waiting for her in the garage, her KTM Duke 390. A sleek more lightweight and sporty bike, perfect for what kind of things Mell used it for. She'd received him when she'd passed her drivers test last year, as a present from her father. She shoved a sleek black biking helmet on her head and kicked up the kickstand, revving the engine and starting the motorcycle.

She was off down the street like a shot, perhaps going a bit faster than she was supposed to. She drove up the curb as she reached the festival, puttering into the nearest parking lot and cutting the engine as she parked the bike. She kicked down the kickstand again, removing her helmet as she surveyed the festival. Boys and girls alike.. the girls in their Yakuta looking immensely pretty as they were lead around by their boyfriends. She gave a rather masculine snort as she watched them, rolling her eyes. Part of her wished she'd put on a Yakuta... the other part was mentally punching her more feminine side. She had no one to admire her in a Yakuta for one thing, and for the other, wearing a Yakuta was the most feminine thing a woman could do.. almost degrading to a point. Not only that, but Yakuta were really hard to move in.. and she didn't want to feel constricted in case something happened and she got shot at again or something. As the daughter of the local Yakuza.. it never hurt to be prepared. Even now she had a knife tucked into her boot in case of emergencies.

Mell tucked her helmet under her arm, stuffing her keys in her windbreaker before removing it and tying it around her waist. She fiddled with her hair clip before heading off to the field where the fireworks were going to be shot off. She gave into her need moments after this, taking out her cigarettes and lighting one, taking a drag and blowing a burst of smoke into the air. She'd come just to see the fireworks.. then it was going out to get a drink.
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