It was a beautiful day in the small but very stable neighborhood in Japan called Awazamashi. A spring festival was going to start tonight and the entire town knew about it. The birds chirped happily as the sakura trees flowed gently, their petals falling off and into the views of passersby that were out on the street at the time. School for high school students were to open tomorrow but tonight, it was all about the pleasurable festival. Most people were just laying out their kimonos right now, viewing its beauty and trying it on. At least for the woman. Men were out about and husbands were complimenting their wives on how beautiful they looked as fathers helped their children get ready. Others were doing anything else at the time but not many people missed the festival. A whole bunch of stalls were set up with games and food and besides, It was a visual feast to set your eyes on. The parade marched through first, wonderful floats that all had their own special characteristic that made them stand out. Of course, you can’t forget about the fireworks that are shown at around 11:30 PM. Summarized, it simply wasn’t something most people missed.
Ayumi awoke from her bed, rubbing her eyes and looking over at the small clock that was hanged on the wall. “Crap…” she groaned, her body slowly going into a child pose. She shouldn’t have stayed up all night playing that game but… It was an early release FPS that she needed to test out for her job. Honestly, It was shit. No story. Nada. Who the fuck even sends someone a game like this expecting a good review? It was utter crap. Made her stay up late but that was just because she started at 12 PM and it only took 5 hours. 5 hours! Repulsive. It was already 7:25 PM right now so all she could do was groan and get back in her bed… Not. Ayumi rolled out, hoping out of her head and going over to the sink. She bent over and smacked the water on her face, followed by a loud smack on her cheeks to wake her up. “Goood morninggg!” She exclaimed loudly to herself with a smile. With that, she closed the door to her small bathroom and went over to her closet to reveal a beautiful kimono. One of the only things that she had as a memento of her mother. It was stunning.
Ayumi threw it on quickly, struggling for about 10 minutes to properly tie it but in the end, she somewhat managed to do it. Ayumi smiled at the kimono as she brushed her hair for about 3 seconds and stabbed a cute flower pin behind her right ear. She would have made her hair look a bit more neat but… she didn’t really care and right now, she just wanted to get over there to have some of the delicious snacks they always offered. Patting down her hair some, Applying some light pink lip gloss that was barely noticeable, she then went through her fridge and grabbed a long and fresh carrot out of their, washing it and taking a large bite. Breakfast was the most important meal after all. I really should have woken up earlier… Then I would have had enough time to do some other things. Most people were probably already up… Maybe some were there to help get set up too. She grabbed her kimono bag and set out to the festival.
Soon, she arrived “Hey! Kiro! Need some help over there with the lights?!” She called out to the man who was in charge of the lights section. She had been in the neighborhood for a while so most of the grown ups knew her already. She had pretty much… 0 close friends her age but who cares. She rushed over to him once he nodded and waved her over. “Shouldn’t you guys be nearly done already, sir?” She teased, grabbing the cord and plugging it into the proper place along with the others. They already knew she did her odd tech jobs here and there around the neighborhood so there was no complaints when she asked to help if it had anything to do with tech. Heck, they’re getting an extra 30 minutes to 1 hour with her helping. The most lights were used for the stage where they held dances, singing contests, shows, and the such. Most things were interactive with the audience and it was breathtaking. Can’t wait till the parade starts! She said her thanks when the man complimented her on her kimono and her looks. She smiled brightly and looked up at the sky, realizing that it was already getting dark. Fireworks!! She loved them and couldn't wait for them to begin. They light up the sky and brought people together somehow. It’s already 7:20! 8:15 and the night begins!

Meria was outside of her building already and sitting in the park bench with her notebook. She was waiting for the parade to start and was already in a beautiful kimono that cost her parents a lot to get her. She didn't ask for it but they insisted. Especially since her mother was Japanese and loved tradition. Her hair was in a messy bun with a . She sat emotionless with a pencil in her hand as she drew quietly. Her pencil had 2 sides. One of which was an ordinary art pencil and the other which was a light pink color pencil. When is the festival starting…? She wondered for a second before remembering that it was to start at around 8 o’clock. Perfect time to realize this since it was already 7:25 PM. Most people go early apparently... With that, she stood up and put her sketchpad away carefully, not wanting to bend any of the sides. It was her first time to witness this so called “spring festival” in Japan but from the hype of it, it at least sounded fun. She walked to the street where they were holding the festival and bowed at the people she saw. She was half Japanese so she didn’t grab much attention on that note. Looking down as she walked, she glanced from side to side to observe what was up so far. Meria was surprised to see how beautiful everything was. Well, not really. She expected it due to all the praise this festival had been getting. Well… It’s not like I know anyone even if I get here 35 minu- Oh.. She glances down at her small light pink watch she had on. So It’s 7:35 PM already.. She then walked over to a koi fish catching stall and waited for it all to officially begin.