Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by LordZell
Avatar of LordZell

LordZell The Zellonian

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The Saga of James Conrad Ends

James was sitting in his officer alone. He was drinking some fine wine from his jewel encrusted glass. He looked over the map once more and thought about where he had come from. When he was younger born the only child of a noble lord that was once rich and prosperous. Yet when their salt mines dried up so to did their power. Yet for selling all he had for this position. He had indeed come far, but he believed he will go much further. With his influcence,money and relationships to provide good stepping stones he couldn't help and think if they were all real. So he drank and looked over the map and his notes.

"James Conrad?" A raspy voice fluted with melodic consanants and swooping vowels creaked. The door was slightly ajar and two pale blue eyes peered in.

"James Conrad?" the stanger asked once more.

James looked around assuming it was the ghost man who he had spoke to earlier. "Yes, what do you need now?"

The door opened all the way but was quickly shut with a gust of wind. A tall standing figure stood in the office and the smell of jasmine permeated from the man. Two cynical eyes were placed on an abscure face, stained deeply with the color of ash. His hands that hung from loose sleeves were aso similarly colored.

Other than the strange skin, the figure was plain, and dressed in a loose black cloth tailored in a manner alien to this land.

"We've never spoken before," the figure said. "However, it has come to my attention that you bear... a badge."

He took a moment to think and then realized this was another from Salvation. "Ah, yes a Badge. Indeed I do. What is it to you exactly?" James pondered the thought of who this was and why he had come here.

"It's very important to me," the ashen man spoke again, his hand flashing a glint of his own badge quickly, "now tell me as quietly and quickly as you can: who knows you are here."

He thought for a moment "No body or perhaps everybody. Usually if I'm not off speaking to others on important matters they tend to assume I am here."

The ashen man's hand balled into a fist. He quickly made his way right next to Conrad, leaning in as to look into the other man's soul, "Conrad, who, and I want names this time, who have you spoken too, and who knows you're here."

He took a moment "The only ones who would truely know I'm here is my dim-witted friend Rapdori and Lae'Vesi Trielia."

The man's hand grabbed Jame's shirt and pulled him close, "holy Azueral, you simpleton, why are you talking to a Vaelie?"

"Well, she is rather young and isn't even a true inquisitor yet. Besides who would expect a heretic would get-"

A flat slap echoed off of James' face. After an angry huff, the man released Conrad, "I feared the worst, and that's what I got."

A begrudgin finger wagged at James," From now on, you follow me, Conrad."

"And you are who exactly?" James wondered while rubbing his face from the slap.

"Ivoni," the man hissed between his teeth as he walked over to a closet by one of the dusty bookshelves of Conrad's office. Immediately he went to work on the thin door, tugging on the doorknob.

"You do not have permission to be surprised when I open this door, I was here earlier, much earlier."

With no more said, Ivoni ripped the door open and the acrid stench of flesh filled the room as a loud thud sounded. A corpse fell sprawled out onto the floor, ripped clothes stolen from James adorned the uncannily similar deceased man.

"Congratulations," Ivoni said grimly, kicking the body onto its back. Clearly from repeated blunt strikes the victim's face was violently bashed into a scarlet mess of indistiguishable gore. "You just got beaten to death."

"Uh....what. Why am I going to be playing dead? exactly?"James said as he looked over the dead body

"It's play dead or be dead at this point," Ivoni answered, "and I'm kind of glad we are playing, because it would have be honestly awkward just shoving a dead stiff into a closet for no reason." Ivoni's rough voice seemed humorless despite the nature of his words.

"Besides, others don't want the inquisition anywhere near here right now, let alone focusing on us."

"Consider yourself reassigned to a higher advantage, you're now a ghost, my ghost." Ivoni smiled, revealing teeth filed to points.

"To a higher advantage, what do you mean exactly? Also, what about the old life and bussiness I started as James?" He asked wondering what was happening.

"You'll get it back when we are done, but we aren't done," Ivoni answered, "you're dead, you no longer exist, and I never existed. So now that we are both non existant, we have a task to do."

Ivoni paused, "you aren't opposed to shedding innocent's blood are you? They won't fight back don't worry about that."

"I've never been much of a fighter but that isn't to say I havn't killed people in the past. Though what do you mean "I'll get my life back" if people think I'm dead?" James was confused of the whole situation.

With deft hands Ivoni procured a knife from an unknown belt and handed it to James. "take this and don't ask too many questions, the dead hardly speak and we have a lot of work to do in preparation, Ghost."

James took the knife and nodded.

"Come, Conrad," Ivoni walked close to Conrad and wrapped a thick scarf around his face into a strange turban, "we need to fix your appearance, but first, I will bring you to the safehouse. We leave through the window."

James followed the man out the window. As their feet hit the ground softly, Ivoni quickly pushed the pair into the shadows of the building. Slowly they followed its perimeter in silence until the shadows of the outercity loomed thicker and alley ways started to web through the urban area.

The dull scent of dust and muck began to overtake the once lavish scents of the higher class buildings and before long the pair found themselves walking ankle deep through a brackish gutter than ran down a thin alleyway.

"James, have you heard about Jakinius?" Ivoni asked suddenly.

James nodded "You mean the brute that would likely have us go to war upon his accension to the throne. Yes I do."

"I mean," Ivoni continued roughly, "about how he plans on marching his army to the capital and taking his throne by force?"

"I have not, is that truely what he plans to do?" James said quietly.

"Yes," Ivoni said simply, "and you and I are fair and innocent people, so I say we should warn the idle people of the slums. In turn they will warn their family, and in turn they will warn the guards, then we will be safe from a potential siege, no?"

"No... because there isn't a true seige but he'll believe that they are casting him out correct?"

"There is a damned siege, Conrad." Ivoni hissed, "and we are going to warn the slums."

"Alright, but I still need to be changed ya know cause I'm kinda dead..."

"You'll look the part soon enough, and don't forget to enjoy the gossip of the poor folk, most of them already know about Jakinius. It doesn't hurt to join in on the growing hysteria though." Ivoni paused as they reached the end of the alley, where the light broke the darkness ofthe shadows. Herds of plain looking commoners crowded the cracked streets of downtown and loud hawking in the far distance added to the cacophony of every day life.

Ivoni took a long inhale, his face untwisting to the acrid stench of feceses and sweat that held providence in this rotting area. He looked at James, "buy yourself some rags, burn your velvet, silk, or whatever you are wearing and find me at that warehouse."

A ashen finger pointed to a boarded up mess of bricks across the street. His pale eyes turned back to James, "maybe forget to shave. Got it?"

James nodded and went to do as the man asked
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by GreivousKhan
Avatar of GreivousKhan

GreivousKhan Deus Vult

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

House Valarien, Captial Lalrial and City of the Phoenix

Odvin, 7th of Gerna | 1200 AU

The wide streets of Lalrial were as busy as always; flocks of people rushing this way or that on one errand or another. The carriage of pearl white rocked down the cobbled streets in the wake of its four horses that carried it forward. The banner of the gold phoenix on a black drop revealed the house that owned it. Prince Ralltene Valarien looked out the cabs window at the passing buildings and people. In a moment of rare self-indulgence, he imagined what it would feel like to in fact rule everything he saw as the old text said.

Seated across from him was his scribe and aid, who as it happened, was entrusted with managing much of the finances and carrying out his desires in regards to the East Empire Company. The man was a Veletian by the name of Alceste Léger with a talent for organization and keeping timetables. His dark eyes were currently glued on the most recent message from his holders in Tellaria. The East Empire Company, a moniker he had devised in its early years that had stuck, was the largest wealthiest merchant guild in the Empire. It had begun as a small network of business in the Republic of Violette before it had in a few short years exploded in size. Now owning a guild chapter house in every major city in the east. With more than a few holdings in the south and west as well.

"It seems our rivals the Redwalls are at it again," his aid began. "They're buying up land in Acitha hoping to corner the market on Acithan Steel."

Ralltene smirked. Of course, they were. No doubt they hoped this election was eating up too much of his time and focus and saw this chance to take advantage. "Not surprising, though predictable. My man Kende Ozor is still on our contacts?" It was less a question and more a confirmation. "Have him loan out the rest of the lands south of the Vrol River. Not ALL the land mind you. If they want to own any mines let it be the ones next to the Nordheimer border. They shall make a nice buffer."

Alceste nodded, "Very good milord. Now onto the estates in Dreiben regarding the breeding stables we own I'd like to go ove-"

The carriage came to a sudden stop and Ralltene could not hold back his smile realizing he had arrived at his destination. His hand went to the carriage doors latch. "I trust you with completing any other business we have yet touched."

Alceste frowned slightly, "Yes, of course, sir, but if I could get your opini-"

Ralltene silenced him with a raised hand. "I have the utmost trust you will be able to finish it to expected standard as usual Alceste. Now if you'll please excuse me I have a meeting with a valued business partner."

At that, he exited the carriage door and found himself standing before a Coaching house of no little reputation. Though the commoners drink enough collectively to make most taverns profitable, wealthy merchants and nobles of the empire typically preferred to stay at a reputable coaching house if the option existed; and Lalrial had more than its fair share of high-class drinking dens.

Owners of such establishments prided themselves on being able to service both ends of the financial spectrum, in a place where prince and pauper could sometimes meet. This visit, however, he was less interested in sampling the establishments fine wine. He walked through the large oak door and entered the cozy inner atmosphere that hid within.

He wasted little time in making his way upstairs and slid a key acquired earlier that day into the door lock of the third room down the hall. He opened the door and carefully closed it behind himself.

“Ah there you are.” A lilting, musical voice sounded from behind Ralltene's back as he shut the door and locked it once again. “I was growing dreadfully concerned and thought you might not have managed to escape from her today.” Clearly whoever the 'her' was the speaker did not think well of her.

But the next words were much sweeter again, almost as if the speaker was singing them in a truly delightful way that pulled at the body and the mind. “But you made it and that is what matters my love.”

Turning about Ralltene gave a chuckle, "Love I will always find time for you."

And he found something very appealing waiting for him as he turned. A silver skinned beauty with hair and eyes of brilliant vibrant gold. Even for a vaelie pureblood, she was gorgeous, her face was smoothly rounded with full lips and striking features, her long golden hair that gleamed even in the faint light was let loose to fall down around her face in a radiant halo. Though if one were a student of the vaelie they would know she was actually less endowed than many of her kind.

She lounged on the large bed, lying on her side with a silver hand propping up her head as she looked at him. Though his eyes might have been drawn more to the rest of her body. Where she normally wore Lalrial's latest customs at this moment she wore something she knew he liked. Strips of cloth were wound around her body in an intricate pattern of purple and gold. It contrasted wonderfully with the silver skin that showed through the holes between the strips and left almost as much revealed as it hid.

“So you always remind me, and promise.” Ori'Silien's voice took on a teasing lilt for a second. “And you have always kept your promises to me.” Her smile was radiant and her movements were delightful as she stretched and then sat up, her clothing shifting enticingly as she moved.

Ralltene closed the distance between them in four easy strides. "Of course, I do, I am a merchant of his word after all."

A hand went to her face as he tilted her chin up to meet his gaze. Gold eyes meeting his own pools of silver that seemed to shine in the reflecting light from the nearby window. He kissed her full lips, enjoying the taste of her mouth; as sweet as he remembered it. He regretfully parted as he added, "I dare say you look more beautiful each time we meet. Though that might just be we see too little of each other for my liking."

She seemed engrossed in the kiss as well and when Ralltene had pulled away her tongue licked at her lips as if she was savoring to the taste of him. The silver of her skin took on a different and exotic hue as he praised her, a faint flush rising up and staining her cheeks with a tinge of dark purple as she blushed. “Would that we did not have to spend so much time apart. I miss the old days, before all of this.” Her lilting bore tones of sadness and regret mingled with fond memories of the past.

Taking his place beside her he took Ori'Silien’s hands in his own. His darker skin a sharp contrast to hers. "Days I to share fond memories of. Days we will have again once I am Emperor. Fate has kept us apart for too long my love. House Gracieux's name and influence have already born fruit, soon you will bear the title of Empress as you deserve once Victoria Gracieux's has played her role. Yet I speak ahead of myself."

He paused for a moment before adding, "but toward that end I meet with Vialiph Nis'Silvani next in my efforts. Any insight you might offer would be a boon. He is among the few Electors I know precious little of."

Before she said anything though Ori’Silien leaned over and pressed her lips to his hungrily in a kiss that lasted for a long moment before finally she pulled back to take a deep breath with a broad smile that made her seem to positively glow. “I cannot wait for that day to come when we won’t need to hide anymore.” Her voice was joyous.

Then she paused and seemed to be deep in thought for another long moment. “We, as in my people, not me specifically, have always believed that the Kawachi are heretical and your father long favored them. The surest way to gain his support is to be clear that you will favor the Argentum over the heretics.” Her tone said that she wasn’t convinced they were heretics but also that it did not much matter.

“Lae’Vesi told me enough to know that has not changed,” she said with a smile as her hands worked free of her love’s and gently reached up to caress his face. “I just had to be a fellow vaelie and she opened up immediately.” A rich musical laugh slipped out as she finished speaking.

Ralltene simpered, looking pleased with himself. “As always you give sound advice. With the support of House Tlaerie we have all but the North Houses assured. My sister has few possible supporters and once we can convince but a few more houses my success is all but certain."

While Ori’Silien was still smiling her expression looked a bit vacant for a moment, a classic sign that her thoughts were elsewhere. “My love, I would not be so quick to say that. There are supporters of Alliana making rounds, at least one named James Conrad who has spoken to many of the high lords and their representatives.” Her brow furrowed as well. “Are you certain of the support? Which have you spoken to in person and which did she set up?” The words carried concern clearly as gentle fingers continued to caress his face.

"James Conrad? The magistrate of the Cragmore?" Ralltene eyes narrowed in thought as he looked off to one side, "what would he have to gain from supporting Alliana?" He frowned, "I had heard rumors of a Prime Magistrate making rounds. In any case, it is true there can be no guarantee of every supporter staying loyal. But my sister has no true backing to fall back on. Regardless of what you may think of Victoria, one can, at least, trust her drive for power will be our advantage. As for this James... I would not worry overly much. But I will look into it. The Cragmore's vote is one that can be easily bought. Though their current representative is not as much a fool as his father. "

“It is still worrisome. A sudden swell in support for your sister could grow under our noses. We should be alert for any foul stink.” The vaelie winked as she spoke and smiled, a sign that even if she wasn’t completely convinced she would trust what he said. “You’ve always been the better planner, but be careful, we only get this one chance, if anything were to happen to you, or if we have to keep living like this, scraping and scrounging for a little time together, I don’t know what I would do.” She leaned over against him, her warm flesh barely kept from him by the thin strands of cloth she was wrapped in.

In truth, Ralltene was more worried about Jakinius's current support, but Allianna could still surprise. He held Ori’Silien close to him as he brushed a hand through her hair. "You needn't dwell on such things. I have never let you down before and I don't plan on making it a habit now. " He did not say anything for a time. Simply enjoying this rare moment of peace with his beloved Ori’Silien. Too much rode on this for him to fail.

“I know you won’t.” The vaelie woman whispered softly. “Now let’s enjoy the time we have. We can’t waste it all on politics.” She sat up again, pulling just a bit away from Ralltene before gently taking his face in her hands and looking him square in the eyes. Silver eyes met golden pools and her eyes almost seemed to pulse as she smiled. “Will you take me, my Emperor?” Ori’Silien’s voice was sweet and lilting but carrying a weight of lust and desire heavier than anything she had said yet. And now her eyes were captivating, tugging at his mind in that way she would when it came time for this.

Ralltene smiled back at her, "far be it from me to deny a woman her needs." His hands went to her waist and he turned so that he could gently lay her down open the soft silks of the mattress. His mouth found hers as he began to shed his clothes before eventually relieving Ori'Silien of her own garments.

Act III:Of Narkak And Beast: Skirmish at Lorwood

Southern Border of The Lorwood

Ixyan, 8th of Gerna | 1200 AU

The pathway through the Tellarian woods-- known locally as the Lorwood-- south of Mephori was a rather dark if somewhat forbidding woodland. The light barely filtering through the tree line so that only the road gave a clear path to follow. Of course, Jakinius felt rather at ease, however, given his company. Flanking him on horseback was his long time friend and mentor Metinnus and beside him was another old comrade from Nordevar, a Northmen that towered over even Jakinius. Olafgvar Kjaldsson of House Blackthorn was one of the fiercest warriors he knew. Jakinius had been surprised when he had learned that the old fighter had decided to accompany him to the capital. The Valarien prince had imagined the northerner would have preferred to stay in the north killing Nordheim.

The Northmen rode on an old horse that seemed to dislike the sheer size of its passenger. Yet the beast seemed to bear him without much complaint. Aside from his trusted long-time friends there was, of course, the lovely and deadly Princess Lynette The Lioness who rode alongside him to his right. Yet more unexpected company he did not regret in the least. The rest of his retinue were a few long time members that belonged to his company. One of which was a squire and kuman in training that hailed from a southern house.

"Tis a most queer forest this, " that same young man mentioned. "The shadows always seem to be moving and...watching....just like my grandmother in her withering years."

Olafgvar gave a hearty laugh at this, "You southerners are a jumpy bunch! And this from someone who has served in the north? You obviously never seen the Webwood me'boy, now that's a forest to give ye nightmares!"

"Leave him be Olaf, he's not served long in the garrison after all," Jakinius said though a smile crept upon his lips.

Metinnus himself looked passive, his eyes ever on the treeline to either side of the road. "North or south, be a fool he who discounts the dangers of the wilds."

At that, he looked to Lynette. "Milady, I never got to ask, but would this be your first time in the south?"

“I’ve gone with my father to the Imperial capital once before” Lynette answered as she eyed their surroundings. “Yet that was when I was but a child.” She paused before continuing “I’ve never been a big fan of the woods.”

"The biggest fear we should have to deal with is getting lost," the Valarein prince assured." The riders of Dreiben and the Vael's of Tellaria keep these lands safe enough. Still Metinnus has the right of it, one should never let their guard down when traveling the wilds of the Empire."

Alailf Imberre the squire frowned, "what manner of creatures do they have to keep the woods safe from exactly?"

Metinnus hummed as he thought for a moment, "kobolds mostly, they're known to keep their nests in these types of regions. "

Alailf shivered and suddenly seemed nervous as his head seemed to fly to one shadow to the next. Olafgvar only laughed all the more. After shaking his head he fished out a waterskin from his saddle bag and drank deeply. Following a relieved sigh, he asked, "so my fearless future emperor. Where do we plan to hunker down next once we leave these woods?"

Jakinius's head looked skyward slightly, the clouds overhead seemed dark and heavy, allowing only the rare glimpse of the sun. "I hope to reach the Ostenhohe Foothills before nightfall. Failing that we can make camp north of the osternord river, then head southwest from there after we cross the streams. Thankfully Dreiben country is mostly open fields and plains, so we need not travel through any more forest."

“I’ll take open plains over this” Lynette made a sweeping motion with her arm, “any day.” The Valkyrie simply chuckled, earning her a glare from the Acithan princess.

“It’s not that bad” The Valkyrie commented as she reached for her water skin. “At least we have some shade to travel in now. You’ll be wishing we had that shade later. Trust me.” She took a long sip of water before adding “I, for one, have never fared well in the heat.”

“How hot is it liable to get,” Lynette asked.

“Too hot” the Valkyrie refrained from explaining further, instead shifting her focus on the woods around them.

Alailf suddenly gave a yelp as he reined in his horse, "did anyone see that?"

Olafgvar laughed again, "The boy really is jumping at shadows!"

Jakinius then raised his left hand calling for a halt as his eyes began to scan the woods around them. Something felt off. Save for the cool wind that caught the edges of his cloak there was little sound or movement, for even the bird calls and chirping insects had seemed to quiet down as if falling silent in preparation for something. Then came the distinct sound of a branch or twig breaking underfoot. Another sound to his left caught his attention and turned to see that Alailf had suddenly sprouted a wooden shaft from his throat. The young boys eyes grew large in pain and alarm as he gurgled blood, falling limp on his horse.

Bewildered Jakinius recovered as he pulled tight on his horse's reins as he shouted, "AMBUSH!!"

Just at that moment, the forest suddenly came alive as arrows, javelins, and even axes flew from seemingly every direction. Spears caught the flanks of horses, even as arrows cut and pierced the noble steeds of the party. The horses neighed in protest as many fell or reared back as both rider and mount collapsed hard resulting in more than a few men getting trapped beneath their own palfreys. Jakinius's own mount took a javelin in the throat causing the beast to stumble recklessly. He kicked one foot out of a stirrup and swung that leg over his horses head before jumping free with practiced ease. Men shouted in pain or surprise as loosed missiles found their mark on man or animal. Jakinius's only had time to draw his bastard sword as he recovered from his landing. His shield sadly strapped to his now dying horse.

Metinnus had already drawn his sword as he made ready to jump from his own horse. One might think the advantage of being in the saddle would be ideal, but given the situation staying on horseback would be foolish. In such a narrow road and on horses not bred for fighting the horses offered no real advantage. It only made you a target.

"Rally you fools! Protect the prince and princess!" Long years of experience took over as Metinnus shouted over the din of ensuing battle. He landed with a grimace as he left his saddle, just managing to deflect a thrown javelin aimed for him with a swing of his sword. The group of men quickly regained their wits as the more seasoned of them had already dismounted- using their shields to defend themselves and their charges. One man whose horse had only suffered a few wounds attempted a break for it.

He got twenty paces before several arrows found his back and he collapsed lifeless in his saddle-- his horse never slowing in its mad gallop. His corpse at least able to flee the ensuing bloodshed.

As the group of men tightened into a circle; then came the first wave of attackers. These were no common bandits or brigands. No, they were far worse. Covered in dark matted fur, adorned in mismatched pieces of armor and wielding weapons of dubious quality best-- resembling men crossed with wolves as it were-- they sprung from the woods like a sudden storm of bloodthirsty hatred. One man not close enough to his comrades was suddenly pounced upon by a particularly large specimen. It bore down upon him and took his head in its massive claws before it began to bash the man's head against the ground. There was sudden chaos as the vilespawn tore into the soldiers.

Jakinius's knew instantly what manner of creatures had found them. "Narkaks!" yelled one of the imperial soldiers even as he fended off the wild swings of one of the creatures.

At the start of the ambush Lynette’s horse had reared back, causing the princess to ingloriously fall to the ground. The impact knocked the wind from her lungs and she found herself gasping for air as the Narkaks came charging out of the woods.

“Up and at ‘em!” The Valkyrie said as she helped Lynette to her feet. The two women drew their Acithan steel blades and towards the Narkaks even as imperial soldiers began to fall. The Valkyrie held her hand out towards a pair of Narkaks and cried “Fall asunder!” The Narkaks’ swords shattered, allowing Lynette to step in and make quick work of both of them. The princess deftly moved her sword to parry an incoming blade as another Narkak stepped forward. She and the Narkak exchanged a few blows before she managed to slip her blade past its guard. Tainted blood splattered Lynette’s armor, as her Acithan steel blade made contact with the Narkak’s neck. The pathetic creature fell to the ground, drowning in its own blood as its hands futilely reached at the wound. And then the Valkyrie was standing in front of Lynette, her shield shuddering as first one, then two and three arrows struck it.

“Jakinius!” Lynette yelled. “Do you see their commander?”

"Not yet!" Came, the response. The Valarien prince battered the spear point of one Narkak to one side before stepping into his parry and bashing the pommel of his sword into the creature's snout. The hoots and howls of the Narkaks around them blended with the screams of the dying and the clamor of fighting. But Jakinius filtered it out as he fell into the flow of battle. Taking advantage of the Narkark's moment of disoriented backpedaling from the force of the blow, Jakinius sword swung in a tight clean arch back down cutting into the beast's head, causing the monsters eye to burst as that part of his face caved in.

Another armed with a crude axe drove forward in a mad dash, Jakinius leaned back away from its axe swing. The chest plate of his segmented armor receiving a nasty cut, the grinding sound of metal on metal creating a spark of light. Jakinius leapt forward before it could recover and thrust his sword into the creature's throat. He then tore it free with a strong and sharp pull to the side. This ripped the creature’s throat wide open, giving way to a guttural cry as tainted blood pumped free from an opened artery.

He raised his left arm at the last moment to shield himself from the spray. The acidic like liquid causing steam to waft up from where it met his vambrace.

"Don't allow their blood on you!" Jakinius reminded his comrades.

He spared a momentary glance over the rest of the battle. It did not look to good. In one corner Olafgvar was standing beside two other imperials, at his feet were the broken remains of several Narkak already. His warhammer moved with uncanny speed and grace, bashing heads with each swing or smashing aside shields or weapons. Meanwhile, Metinnus had managed to keep his shield, he and a group of other soldiers were making a circle of defense that so far was holding. Using several of the dead horses as natural obstacles to force the Narkak to come a few at a time. Still the tide of vilespawn seemed endless as they now blocked off both ends of the road. Leaving the forest as the only and rather dubious means of escape.

Fire burned in Jakinius's blood as the adrenaline fueled his movements. Four more Narkak came snarling out of the tree line to his left. He backed up to Lynette but did not take his eyes of the beasts. "We need to fight our way to Metinnus and the others!" His strong voice just barely audible over the chaos.

“I” Lynette grunted as she thrust the tip of her sword into a Narkak’s chest, “agree!” She kicked the dying creature away. She had but a moment to take in her surroundings before two more Narkek were upon her. She moved her sword with an almost impossible speed as she fended the two creatures off. They were pushing her back; she could sense Jakinius’ presence mere inches behind her.

“Fall asunder!” The Valkyrie yelled again as the weapons of the Narkak surrounding Lynette and Jakinius shattered into fragments.

“We should go” She yelled at the prince and princess. “Now!” She spun around, smashing a Narkak in the face with a shield as she began to move towards Metinnus and the relative safety he represented. With her foes’ weapons destroyed, Lynette quickly finished off the Narkak immediately threatening her and moved to follow. Despite constant pressure from the Narkak, the group was able to make it almost halfway to Metinnus before something inevitably went wrong. The Valkyrie cried out as an arrow struck her in the thigh.

“Go! Just go!” She cried as she fell to one knee.

“Not without you!” Lynette yelled as she dropped to one knee and moved to help her friend up. “We can make it!”

The shuffling in the forest became increasingly more dense, the sounds of the Narkak’s behind the group growing in volume as barks turned into perverse yelps and howls. The desperation of the human group had become apparent to the group of vilespawn; the loss of their fellow kin did not seem to affect them in the slightest.

Jakinius cursed as a fierce Narkak flanked by two more of his brethren charged toward them. He placed himself between them and the princess and her valkyrie guard. "Go! get to the shield wall! I'll hold them off!" He gave them no chance to reply as he sprinted forward. His heart hammered in his chest as he barreled toward the first Narkak. He weaved through the first one with a quick chop that dismembered an arm. He ducked a spear thrust, grabbing it with his left hand and pulling to one side as he turned his body. His sword came down and severed the shaft in one cut. The third Narkak stabbed at his midsection with a rusted sword. He pivoted to one side, narrowly avoiding a fatal blow. The sword scraped across his armor waist. he turned and used the now severed spear shaft as a pseudo dagger. Stabbing that beast in the eye with his companions former spearhead.

He fell back as more came, his body falling into the trance of battle. His mind and sword becoming one. The metaphor his Tellarian sword masters had taught him years ago when one had become in tuned to the sword song. His blade wove a pattern of steel his Narkak adversaries could not match. His movements on the battlefield a thing of beauty in and of itself. He flew from one vilespawn to the next. Opening the stomach of one creature after a quick riposte. The steaming entrails falling to the ground with a wet splattering sound. Beheading another after a deft turn and spin of his sword.

Another javelin whizzed by his head. Barely missing him by a few inches. An arrow managed to clang off his left shoulder. The arrowheads razor ends almost cutting entirely through the chainmail sleeve. Still even for all his skill, he could not hope to hold back the tide. A club struck the left side of his torso after he was too slow to block the blow. A sword cut into his forearm as he was forced back. An arrow finally found its mark as it thudded into his upper back.

Pain shot through his body as he barely remained standing. The Narkak around him hollered with glee sensing their approaching victory. Behind him, he could hear that Metinnus was pushing his men to come to their princes aid. Now, however, there were too many vilespawn between them. Too many to cut through to reach him in time. Spears came from this way and that, stabbing or prodding. A thrust brought him to one knee as it found the back of his right leg. He sensed his time was fast approaching, yet he hoped Lynette and her comrade had made it to the relative safety of Metinnus and his men.


Unlike the great stories of past glories, there was no eerie silence that played host to a rising cacophony of the charge. The sounds of battle did not cease, and the thunder of the charge was only apparent once it came upon the growing massacre of man and monster alike, signaled by a unified yell of "Swift and Sure!". To charge in a forest was a matter of careful planning, but there had been no time for that. The Bannerguard simply had to trust in fate, or better yet, the instinct inherent in their equine partners and their fellow elite.

The first lance met the mass of the Narkak war party from behind, followed by its fellows, a dozen daggers plunged into the back of a writhing mass. The few shafts of sunlight illuminated the scene, the glint of the armored cavalry and cavalrymen offering a scattering of illumination to the bloodshed and the art of the break of a formation. The horses never stopped, a master of their own destination, but the riders dismounted nonetheless, lances discarded and swords were drawn. Fighting atop horseback in the scrum was untenable. From the treeline a further glimmer, the remaining half dozen Bannerguard charging in to join their kin, swords at the ready, another wave breaking upon the ugly shore.

There were no words as the ambushed party's would-be saviors danced the deadly art of war, putting themselves between the murderous intent of the Narkak and their would be prey. The morale of the Narkak could not simply be broken, but their pressing mass had been thinned, if not significantly bloodied. The Bannerguard of Dreiben were not immune to the bite of the Narkak, but the command of their entrance into the battle had given them an advantage and relieved pressure from the embattled Imperials. Jakinius’ valiant stand had indeed bought Lynette and the Valkyrie enough time to limp over to Metinnus and the rest of the Imperials. The soldiers formed a defensive ring around the two women as they neared, the Valkyrie fell to the ground gasping and clutching her thigh. She looked up at Lynette as she said: “Pull it out.”

Lynette nodded as she grabbed the arrow, hesitating for just a second before pulling the arrow out. The Valkyrie cried out in pain, gasping as the arrow was pulled from her body. She didn’t waste any time, focusing her energy on summoning the magic that would stop the bleeding with a prayer.

With her friend safe, for now, at least, Lynette jumped to her fate and dashed towards Jakinius. The arrival of the Dreiben bannermen had almost certainly saved those who were still alive. She just hoped that Jakinius was among those. A lump formed in her throat as she caught sight of Jakinius.

“Jakinius!” She cried as she reached him. “Can you move? We need to get you back to Metinnus!”

The sudden crash of horsemen was as much a surprise as it was a boon. The Narkak had momentarily scattered from the force of the bannerguards charge. Looking over to Lynette Jakinius nodded once as he grimaced, placing his weight on his good leg. Accepting the princesses help he pulled himself to his feet. A Narkak charged toward them then, snarling as drool flew from its agape jaw. It's head suddenly vanished a moment later in an explosion of black ichor and bloody grey matter.

"Get to the line!" Yelled the hulking Northman Olafgvar, shouting at them before he turned and let loose another swing that broke the neck of yet another Narkak. His warhammer black with the blood of vilespawn.

It was slow going but soon the pair reached the remaining imperials Metinnus had managed to gather.

"Hold men! Hold formation!" Shouted the battalion captain. "By Kammeth breath, those are House Amrothan's banners!"

Jakinius looked back over the heads of his men and knew it to be true. Those were undoubtedly Dreiben bannermen. The Narkak had fallen into confusion, as they fought in pairs or alone against twice as many dismounted riders. The singing slash and rebounding clang of metal against metal was the sound to which the Bannerguard danced, dodging or deflecting blows and returning their own bite in kind. Numbers had shifted squarely against the Vilespawn that were the Narkak, and the Dreibene elite were working that advantage to isolate and eliminate. The Narkak would not break while the head of this particular pack still drew breath, if at all, and their leader still remained concealed amongst the central group.

Ulrich had busied himself with the flank, ensuring that the battle swung to more favorable terrain, letting his blade find purchase in the few Narkak that had been scattered away from the ever more frenzied main pack. His work mostly done, he weaved his way towards the Imperials, whomever they were, once more gracing an erstwhile Narkak the justice of an early grave with a measured swing of his weapon, now bloodied black.

“This won’t end until their leader lays dead, if not them all. My men and I will keep them as scattered as we can if any of your able men are up to the task of ending that particular beast, you’ve hopefully had the time to discern which of the creatures that may be.” Ulrich said, turning his attention briefly to the Imperial group before returning his gaze to the ongoing battle. “We can save the introductions until this grisly deal is done.”

Metinnus gave a grim grin, "Aye that we can." He turned to his men. "Alright, I need at least three skilled swords with me! The rest of ya cover the injured here!"

At that moment, Olafgvar came rushing toward them, covered here and there in black blood. Steam wafted from those spots that touched skin, leaving nasty burns in their place. If the Northmen cared he did not show it. "Count me apart of any vilespawn king hunting, my bet is he's hidin in the trees like the coward he is."

Metinnus gave a curt nod, "Olaf you clear the way for us, the rest of ya coming with me!" Three imperial soldiers in segmented plated mail and the iconic galea helms filed in behind Metinnus and Olaf. The why was easier going than expected. Between Olafgvar's hammer, and the distraction granted by the bannerguard the small party pierced the heart of the vilespawn warband. There they found three Narkak wielding weapons of notably better condition than their fellows.

The center Narkak was especially big, possessing a helm of steel likely looted from a battle long since passed. Two wicked curved swords were grasped in its clawed hands. He snarled at them with eyes that possessed uncanny intelligence. “Filth! You die!

"Funny, my thoughts exactly." Olafgvar grinned wickedly.

The war leader and Olafgvar launched themselves at one another then. Even as the other two Narkak followed suit. The first flanking its chief parried a sword thrust from an imperial soldier, before leaping to one side to avoid Metinnus's own sword thrust. The bastards were fast. It came back again with an angry howling cry, launching a series of swings that Metinnus barely was able to fend off with his shield.

The thing was fast, fast even for a Narkak. It sensed the swing from the imperial soldier attempting to flank it— the creature choosing then to jump through a gap between two trees. Metinnus cursed and turned back to see another of his men still fighting the other Narkak. Olafgvar was holding his own but was already sporting a few more cuts than before.

Metinnus took a step toward the duel in the hopes of helping when he heard a yelp of pain to his right. He looked back and his eyes widened when he saw that his fellow imperial was now on the ground coughing blood. The other Narkak had not run but merely dodged around the trees to come up behind his former attacker. With an inarticulate cry of rage, Metinnus charged toward the beast swinging low. As he had predicted the creature hopped back. Metinnus continued to attack, however, never letting up for a moment.

Finally, he swung down at and angle for its head, the Narkak would’ve effortlessly dodged the attack had not for a miscalculation— a miscalculation that would cost it greatly. A sudden cry of pain exited the creature’s canine jaw when it instead impaled itself on a low branching tree limb that had been behind it; the one Metinnus had been cunningly goading it toward. Before it could recover from its folly Metinnus stabbed forward right into the creature's chest, the creatures eyes widening in surprise as the blade pierced the Narkak’s flesh— the force pushing it further back, trapped and unable to avoid the blade.

"Dodge that, fucker." He spat at the thing as he pulled his sword free.

Turning about thinking to aid Olaf he bared witness to the large Northmen with his warhammer raised high above his head as he bellowed a great victory cheer. At his feet, the broken remains of the war chief of the Narkak warband attempted to struggle with the last of its life, choking on its own blood as it did so.

“H-Human.” It was dying, surely and slowly… but it wasn’t done. "This not the end, you see. N-Narkak… many… Narkak together. H-Humans will diiiiiiiiiie. Hu—"

There was one last cough of blood; splattering on a nearby bush, melting the leaves as the Narkak went limp and finally died. As it died the other Narkak wthin the warband scattered as their footsteps thundered away from the scene— as where as there had been battle there was now… silence. However, the silence was cut by one last yet distant yelp. It spoke out… as if barking an order.


The smell and sensation that became apparent was obvious to them. The Narkaks had—

—set the forest ablaze.

Ulrich let out a sharp whistle, the Bannerguard breaking from their current actions and coming together in their own groups, offering aid where it was needed and some of them seeing if any of the horses that had fallen could be saved sooner rather than later. He motioned his orders, rather than speaking them - particularly as the horses of the Bannerguard came back into view. They would have to leave, soon, and the Bannerguard had the lion’s share of usable chargers. He trusted his men to see they were used appropriately.

As Metinnus took a moment to catch his breath he felt the post battle fatigue hit him. He did not fall to his arse though as badly as he wanted to. First he had to check on Jakinius and the princess. By Kammeth’s fire had this been a bloody day. And Kammeth’s fire was right. The smell of smoke caught his attention first. Knowing there was little time to waste he shouted orders for his men to regroup. He’d make sure to return for the dead, but he had a duty to safeguard those still breathing. Ironically fire was considered a holy means of helping the dead pass on.

"Get the wounded on horseback if there's not enough, the able-bodied can walk, or run dammit!" Metinnus shouted as his men scrabbled.

As they began to leave, Ulrich drew closer to the main body of the Imperials, he still had no real idea who was in charge of them. “Ulrich Amrothan, Gebeiter of the Bannerguard, looks like we’re your escort out of a new firestorm.” Was all he said, in a manner that was simple and matter of fact, turning his attention back to ensuring they all didn’t burn to death on the way out.

Gods damn the Narkak.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Raptorman
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Banned Seen 9 yrs ago

Lalrial, The Heartlands
Odvin, 7th of Gerna 1200 AU - 07.03.1200

It had been an unpleasantly rushed trip. Varminia had been to the capital before many times over the course of her life, first as a child and then as Queen, but never for a reason like this that required such urgency. And even on the best of trips, after four days spent in the carriage, no matter how well made the cushions were made it started to get unpleasant. It wasn't helped by the fact that she had needed to leave Divorain behind in Tellaria. But Avalia wasn't ready to rule without help and with Siegfried three years gone there was no one else.

Varminia frowned, her internal thoughts straying to the loss she had suffered. It had been strange, one day her husband had been fine and then the next he was dead. There hadn't been any signs, no symptoms, no sickness, just death when she had awakened one morning nearly three years before. Potent though the healing magic of the Tallurians was, it could not bring back the dead, not that she hadn't tried, burning herself so low that she had nearly lost herself in those first moments of shock when she hoped it might not be too late.

So lost in thought was she, reliving memories better left untouched that she hardly noticed that the carriage had finally come to a stop until one of her attendants knocked upon the side gently to alert her.

“My Queen, we have reached Lalrial.”

At that she blinked, her crimson eyes refocusing on the man in red and white livery and then she nodded. “Very well. Inform Marra that I will be with her shortly. And have my horse readied, I have someone I need to see.”

“Yes my Queen.” The attendant said quickly as he bowed his head and moved away from the carriage. And several minutes later, Queen Varminia of Tellaria, accompanied by several of her guards rode off into the city.

The area that had come to be known, informally to its occupants, at least, as Amrothan Row was the area of the Imperial city that their Prime Magistrate and assortment of other staff had come to occupy largely in permanency. It was far from the typical standard of a spacious estate, though one could argue enough money had been invested to keep the assortment of buildings at least as presentable as any other manor. The presence of Dreiben's Bannerlord had seen that many more guards were present, particularly the Bannerguard, some atop their mounts in their resplendant armour and boasting their carefully earned and splendidly crafted wings, while others had become the more mundane foot soldier, though no less formidable. It was as such noticeable that the extra traffic had come to demand temporary stands for ses, the extra horses, and even such transitory structures seemed to of been created with great care, ever the Dreibene eye towards their equine charges. The ever present canine companions too were evident, seemingly wild but leashed by some unseen discipline.

Varminia rode slowly through the streets, flanked on either side by two of her guardsmen in thier distinctive white and crimson garb. The crimson haired queen of Tellaria glanced about as she did so, there was something pleasant about this part of the city, something that sparked fond memories, even if some of the things she now looked back on fondly had always irritated her in the moment.

With her guards to her sides she rode towards the center of the Dreiben "estate" within the city. There were many things that she had to do, but this would be first. She had not spoken to her late husband's family in person since before he died and some things had to be done before one could truly move on.

One of her guards moved to ride in front of her to announce her presence but she waved him back and went forward herself. "Please inform Lothar that Varminia has come to see him." She spoke to one of the Bannerguards.

The attending guards had watched impassively as the Tellarians had approached, knowing the distinctive colours of the Queen's guards for what they were and the relationship between Dreiben and Tellaria being what it was, there was no cause for anything but an attentive calm. A single Bannerguard stood at the entrance to the upper levels of the buildings that served as the primary holding of Amrothan in Lalrial. He nodded an affirmative at Varminia and bowed in a measured manner of respect, before opening the door and deftly entering in one swift movement. Only a few seconds passed, indicative of someone taking a message being passed on, before the Bannerguard returned.

"If you are so inclined, my lady, the Bannerlord would have me escort you somewhere comfortable so that you may speak." He said, inclining his head once more in deference.

"Yes, that would be wonderful." Varminia spoke quickly before dismounting a bit awkwardly, still sore from the days of sitting in the carriage, riding had not helped in that department. "Await my return here, and make yourselves comfortable, it may be a while." She spoke to her guards who nodded. Then she turned back to the bannerguard.

At Varminia's acceptance, the Bannerguard allowed her the time to dismount and its attendant duties, before beginning to lead her up the stairs and through the simple but ever cluttered cloak room that spoke of its use, and through the hall that lead to the room that Lothar had come to occupy for most of his time, filling the day with speaking and thinking.

The stalwart guard had not imposed any smalltalk on Varminia, and let his hand knock on the door politely twice, and no more. A measured pause came before he opened the door, swiftly moving inside and making room for guests to enter.

"My Lord, Queen Varminia of Tellaria." He said simply, bowing curtly before moving with purpose to exit the room behind Varminia, allowing the privacy he knew was implied by Lothar's simple nod of dismissal. Lothar turnt his green eyes upon Varminia, offering a smile to her and the lead of the conversation with his silence.

"Hello Lothar," The crimson haired Queen of Tellaria spoke at first. "I'm sorry I never came in person before but everything has been much harder since..." she trailed off as she walked across the room. Varminia was known for her control over her emotions and ability to appear unflappable. But at this moment the cold facade had cracked noticeably.

Lothar cast his eyes downward, allowing Varminia a moment, he gestured to the assorted furniture, he himself drawing closer to take a seat. "Of course, yes, yes it has, please, do sit with me." He said, there was little he could offer now, three years on, and they had yet to speak in person since even before then.

"You already know the reasons, but I will again apologise for not being there for the funeral. The triplets were so young and Reimar had been so difficult that year.. it was what it was, but I still regret that I could not attend." He offered, a sincere apology that had already been well tread in letter form. "I hope that you do not come to only speak well of the departed, I do not expect such memories added onto these.. difficult times, will do either of us much in benefit." Lothar allowed himself to relax somewhat, giving Varminia his full attention now. He expected that even the smallest similarities between himself and Siegfried would cause her pain, and no doubt even coming here had caused her to relive times that could not be regained.

Varminia had taken her seat as well and when Lothar finished speaking she nodded and then allowed herself at least a faint smile as she raised her own gaze once more. "I do not come to relive the past or open old wounds. But there is a closure in this, a catharsis. I regret that none of the children could come, perhaps you will visit Rianis again."

The Queen smiled a bit more genuinely at that moment as she thought of something else. "Did you hear Avalia is betrothed? I was worried that we would never find the right person for her with her difficulties, but now she's going to be wed in barely two months. You should bring the family, join us for it."

Lothar offered the familiar smile reserved for family at the thought, considering the prospect. "I did hear, yes, Rodan Valian, I believe. Adelheid hasn't told me much about him, other than his apparent ambition. Worse things to be known for, no doubt. I am sure Yvonne will not need much convincing, and Charlotte is always an amenable soul. I can't speak for Adelheid or my erstwhile firstborn son these days, but I'm sure I couldn't think of a better first trip for our youngest." He answered, small variations of a fatherly smile playing across his face as he spoke of all his children, even the somewhat elusive Reimar.

"I look forward to gathering for a happy occassion again, it has been too long." Varminia was pleased and her crimson eyes met Lothar's green ones. "I'm sure those of our children who haven't run off will be happy to see their cousins again, or to meet them for the youngest." And then the smile faded a bit. "Unfortunately we do still have to elect a new ruler. I have half a mind to just vote as if it was Tellaria, we haven't had an Empress regnant in too long."

"If only other Houses shared your self-awareness, Varminia, if only." Lothar said, allowing some humor before becoming serious. "Allianna has her reputation for good and for ill, but she doesn't command enough respect or attention, at least not short of some small miracle. Her greatest asset remains her neutrality in her lack of marriage, but that can only be sold once if she so desires - and would need to draw the backing of a house that would bring others, and that seems.. a distant prospect, at best. It seems this race is largely between Ralltene and Jakinius, but she could divide the vote sufficiently. Such an impasse would be.. difficult." Lothar finished, sharing some of his minor insight so far, he was still not as informed as he wished to be, but what he said was fair and true.

"I know. The temptation is there though. Jakinius is the proven choice for war, Divorain even trained him in that art, he could never best Divorain with a sword but he was even then becoming a grand commander. And Ralltene, he bleeds gold, or so they say. Still the obvious choices are not always the best." Varminia mused aloud.

Lothar shrugged, an uncharacteristic action of admitting the vast unknown that was reserved for times only found behind closed doors amongst friends. "Rumours already abound in the city concerning both, though I do my best to ignore them. No doubt Ralltene will ultimately come to..." Lothar paused for a moment. "convince through fiscal avenues, shall we say, enough electors to resolve any difficulties, providing Jakinius does not sweep the board somehow. That aside, I believe that any untoward actions by either party are unlikely for now, beyond the usual bribery. Your vote is your own, you needn't hear me say that, and I will extend the courtesy of listening to Allianna and Jakinius before I make any decision. I have already had the fortune of learning Violette's motives in the matter from their Prime Magistrate himself, and they are appropriately understandable and self-serving, as you'd expect."

Lothar looked at Varminia, giving an idle thought some merit, he continued "If you believe Allianna is a viable choice, then perhaps a discussion with her would be prudent as soon as possible. It may be.. unconventional, but I am Dreibene after all. Perhaps we could meet her together? An unusual situation may be the best way to gain a measure on the woman I know so little about." He asked, pondering if it perhaps was just a little too unconventional.

"It is only wise to speak to all the main contenders. At least see where they stand and what they plan for. And while Violette is an ally I hesitate to place them in a position where the head of their house sits beside the emperor." Varminia replied, pausing for a moment as if to consider how best to continue. "I think we should meet with Allianna as well, if we were to throw our support behind her others would likely follow, I think that under normal circumstances the child who stayed in the capital to learn the ways of ruling would be the first choice if she were not a woman."

Varminia paused again there. "I will arrange a meeting, and send word to you as well."

"Then we have two very different matters of import to keep an eye to." Lothar began, smiling. "I cannot say we will reach a firm agreement on the subject of Allianna, but I am not opposed to seeing what may come of this. I still fear there may be difficult times to come, as such it is no small burden lifted to know that you yourself remain, not simply an ally, but.. family."

"Of course we are still family, that bond does not break with one tragedy. I thank you for seeing me on such short notice, I am glad that I came here first." With those words spoken Varminia began to rise from her seat. "Though now I have to make sure Marra has kept everything in order. If she spent her whole stipend on fancy wines again..." Varminia trailed off but it was clear that her criticisms of her sister were in good spirits.

Lothar rose in unison. "No doubt my brother has had the good fortune of experiencing her parties, she may of needed extra stock to make up the shortfall he no doubt caused." Lothar responded, a half joke not intended to reflect poorly on anyone. "It has been good to see you, no doubt I shall have that honour again soon, even if it is for matters of politics. Let me see you out, I shall have to take stock of your charger, it would be poor form of me to not make sure your horse was up to my apparently lofty standard, no?"

"Of course, thank you Lothar. And it has been good to see you again as well." With that, the two made their exit from the room.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by GreivousKhan
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GreivousKhan Deus Vult

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

House Valarien, Captial Lalrial and City of the Phoenix

Odvin, 7th of Gerna | 1200 AU

Shamgar Valarien had few places of solaces these days given his new position. So now and again he would retreat to the sanctified halls of the Grand Temple of Kammeth in Lalrial's northern district. He walked down the great main chamber and ran his hands against the marble walls, taking the time to appreciate the fabulous artwork painted onto the high walls. Much of it was Kammeth and his children fighting in the Age of Strife. They were only artisan representations of course, but Shamgar always felt a sense of... something he could scarcely describe whenever he took the time to take in the murals. He stopped at one part of the depiction that revealed Kammeth returning to life once more during his battle with Azueal. Every year Kammeth would soar into the darkness that was the Great Watcher and seemingly fall. Only to rise once more from the heart of the sun to do battle anew.

It was a testament to the iron will of their holy father. To face the fear and pain of death again and again for his beloved children. It always brought him to near tears whenever came to a section that showed the Sun God fallen. Yet he would always rise again wiser with every battle. Such dedication such sacrifice... truly he understood each realm's love for their chosen patron deity. Traditions died hard after all. Yet, the cold calculating judgment of Helstar nor the bloodthirsty ways of the warrior goddess Ra did not give him reason to show affection to either. To him as the unconditional love of Kammeth seemed to suppress all others. So immersed was he in the artistry that he did not take much heed to the world around him.

Suddenly a familiar voice bounced off the hallowed walls behind Shamgar, “I knew I would find you here.”

Shamgar turned toward the source of the voice. However, he instantly recognized it before he set eyes on her. "Well I'll be, my dearest Sophsi, what a delightful surprise!" A genuine smile graced his lips. He hugged his daughter close before holding her at arm's length to get a good look at her. "May you look more like your mother every day, why did you not write you were coming to the capital?"

“Despite years of education, I forgot how to write while being plumped and pampered with the Duvards,” Sophsi joked, squeezing her father tight. She released her embrace to look up at her dad, she could recognize his aging even through the sleepy haze that was taking over her vision.

Shamgar chuckled at that, his first real laugh in...blast it felt like ages. "Then it seems I poured in all those tricrowns into your schooling to no avail. Perhaps I should have had you sent to train as a jester after all." His tone was playful and his smile revealed it. "So how fairs good Lord Edgar? I trust you have not driven him mad with your usual antics?"
“You should’ve!” Sophsi agreed, “now I’m always the odd one out at handstand contests.”

She crossed her arms, “as for Edgar, he is as good as can be. I think he just accepts my antics as never ending at this point.” A devious smile crept on her face as she finished her sentence.

Shamgar shook his head, the truth was he had always known Sophsi as a wild child. Something he had feared would scare away any potential suitors. "Well, that is, at least, good news." He paused in thought for a moment as he looked off to one side. "My old office is not far, we can talk there, the church has yet to find a new dawnbringer for the temple it seems. I predict they are merely waiting for me to step down from my duties as Lord Regent so that I can retake my post here in all honesty," the latter he added as they began to walk to his old office.

“Probably,” Sophsi agreed, following her father, “anyone who wouldn’t want you in that seat is completely insane. You were so great at that job, I remember sneaking in at night to go over your papers for fun, and never did I ever see a knick or mistake.”

Shamgar smiled at the memory of little Sophsi's antics. Not so little any more of course! But a father would forever think of his daughter as his little girl regardless of the years that passed. "Oh, you are not the only one who remembers," he said in a stern voice that was obviously for dramatic effect. "You always had a love for drawing here or there among the ledgers. I once forgot to erase them before I filed and handed them to the Arch Dawnbringer when he asked for documents on the Temples expenses and earnings that year. Imagine his surprise when he noticed little-drawn pegasuses and dragons scattered on the edges."

He came to the office doors and pushed them open, following his daughter in and shutting the door behind them. He gestured for her to take a seat before he made his way over to his desk and soon found his old tea set. As he searched for the tea bags he added, "I had imagined Roman would have come himself, he is not ill I hope? I know Kenten of House Cragmore had a similar reason for his absence. Not that I at all mind, it gives us the excuse to catch up."

“Roman entrusted Edgar and myself to figure out Duvards standing, apparently Roman remembers how I was back in the Imperial court and is trusting me to do quite a few things.” The more she spoke of the politics of her visit, the tired rings around her eyes seemed to deepen, hinting at her sleepless ride over to the capital.

Shamgar hummed in understanding, "yes a sensible decision on his part." He looked up at his daughter and frowned noticing the bags under her eyes. He did not need to ask if she was getting enough sleep. Few knew her condition as well as he did. He perked up when he saw that--untouched since his leaving for the Palace-- the tea bags were where he had placed them. Thankfully there were still some Tellarian tea leaves left. He carefully crushed them and placed them in the kettle that sat on a ring of iron. He mouthed a prayer and tapped the side of the tea kettle. The water within soon began to boil despite the lack of a fire under it.

As the tea boiled he decided to change the topic. "Well, enough of politics, I am concerned Sophsi," his gaze deadpan.

“About what?” Sophsi yawned, letting her pose collapse into a casual sprawl in her chair.

"You have been wed now for eight years Sophsi," Shamgar pointed out as he sat down and folded his hands, "Where are my grandchildren?"

Sophsi seemed to shove her hands in her lap, perking up at the question. At first she looked defensive, but her exhaustion seemed to quell it.

“That’s-” She huffed, “it doesn’t matter!”

Shamgar sighed, "I would remind you that you are 27 summers now, you'll forgive a father for his concern." The kettle at that point chose to whistle as steam hissed forth. "Speaking of which," he plucked the kettle up and filled a small cup he had placed out earlier.

"Drink this, it is no substitute for a full night but it will keep you from suddenly falling asleep in strange places." His tone now was of resigned concern. Shamgar had spent years searching for a cure for his daughter's inability to sleep. Divine magic was, of course, no use. And no remedies short of a sleeping spell proved of any use. Of course, he would forever refuse any mage casting anything on his daughter.

He had ironically acquired a taste for tea from nights singing her to sleep. Only for her to wake a candlemark later. He had always assumed it some curse or taint of Azueal. Kammeth only knew.

Sophsi loyally took the tea and cupped her hands around it sleepily. Slowly she brought it to her lips as her brows raised in thought. After a sudden gulp, she looked back at her father, “you’ll get a grandson or daughter -- or more as it is… doesn’t Ment have like four kids? I’ve just been so busy with putting to use everything I’ve learned over the years for the Duvards.”

"Working hard to better your husband's house is a commendable quality Sophsi," Shamgar began as he poured himself a cup. "Truly I am proud of how far you have gotten. You never demanded any position, you never took the easy road, you took to your lessons with real enthusiasm and excelled. Talent such as yours comes perhaps once in a generation. Yet even Kammeth must rest. You should take time for yourself now and again Sophsi."

“I’m not allowed sleep on my own terms as it is, father,” Sophsi sipped at her drink, “if I’m not working hard on one thing, I’m working hard on something else.”

She let her head fall back against her chair. She dropped the empty cup onto the desk and closed her eyes, “you know how it is.”

Shamgar took another sip of tea and sighed, "Sometimes I wish you could come to the capital more often my dear. You visit far too little for my liking."

He looked to the window, "I fear you have chosen a most...troubling time for a visit. " His gaze hinted his mind was elsewhere at that moment. He had yet to properly mourn the pass of his younger brother. Burying himself in work had been his primary means of escape. That and Kammeth granting him the strength to overcome.

He was the last of his father’s children he realized with a bitter realisation. Carles had lost his life in the north to barbarians. Taramyth had been lost in the unforgiving high seas. Kammeth's mercy it seemed they had all been taken from him one by one, all of them while they pursued their love or dream. It seemed almost like a sick joke was being played on him. He banished such thoughts from his mind but his eyes betrayed his current state of emotions all the same.

A soft hand lethargically laid its palm on Shamgar, Sophsi standing next to him. Slowly she slipped her arms around her father and squeezed him tight.

A moment of silence followed neither one speaking. A hand went to his eyes as he wiped a tear away. He held onto his daughter's hand as he collected himself. In a almost sad tone he said, "Promise Spohsi that you will stay safe. Times are changing I fear, I can feel it in the very air. And I don't not just mean the elections. The Long Night comes and it is still uncertain who will sit on the throne. The nobles bleed each other for what they can gain but remain blind to what is to come...."

He breathed in and out slowly, "Or...perhaps that is just the grief of an old fool talking. Made paranoid by circumstance." He paused again, "You, Ment, Gowa... and even Deand are all I have left... I dare not fathom what I would do if I lost any of you."

“Then don’t fathom, father,” Sophsi squeezed his hand. “I am fine, and so are my siblings, and we will remain that way. We rise, remember?”

The Lord Regent nodded, oddly finding some comfort in the houses ancient saying. "Indeed, we do." He breathed in sharply, "but forgive me, these past months have forced me to reevaluate a great deal... with that in mind have you heard much from your siblings of late? It seems now that they are gone on their own they visit so rarely. It would not hurt any of you to write now and again you know." The latter he said half-jokingly.

“Last I heard was Ment doing fatherly things, Gowa is being the warrior she is, and Deand never actually writes me.” Sophsi sighed, finding her way back to her seat.

“They seem rather unafflicted by the turmoil, other than mourning,” Sophsi continued, suppressing a yawn. “I’m glad that the tornado of politics hasn’t sucked them up to be honest.”

"Kammeth's mercy then, I hope we can rise out from this storm unscathed." He looked toward the window once more and at the rays of sunlight peaking through. "Certainly it would not be too much to ask..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Claw2k11
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Claw2k11 The Eternally Tired Reaper

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Location: Fort Wyvern, Protector's Peak, Khomeria

Odvin, 7th of Gerna | 1200 AU


The wind was howling and blowing with force, making the already frozen mountains even colder, even for the people who had lived here for long periods of their life. Armonia sighed as she looked through the window, four people were patrolling the walls of the fort. A recruit might ask what for since the only way to get here is via flying and they would be right, but wild wyverns would sometimes attempt to attack the fort, even more rare to come to these places were the occasional flock of flying vilespawn, though a short burst of flames would quickly chase them away.

She took her cup of wine and started drinking, but her lips twisted slightly as she felt the cold wine on her lips. She had left it on the table only for a minute and it was already almost frozen. She wondered why they have to stay up here of all places. As a knightly order, the lowlands would be warmer and resupplying would be so much easier for them, sure it would be harder to defend, but they had wyverns to protect themselves with.

Then the roars of a few wyverns were heard, they weren't a hostile ones, which meant that several of her men had finally come with the needed supplies to feed the people of the fort and their wyverns, though the latter could easily hunt the animals here or in the lowlands. Six wyverns had landed inside the courtyard, each carrying two crates filled with all different sorts of meat. That much food would probably last them and the wyverns about two weeks or so, then they would have to go resupply again and again.

Armonia frowned, this wasn't a good life, eating, sleeping and fighting off the occasional wild wyvern or vilespawn off, it wasn't a life at all really. It was just surviving. She lazily rose from her seat and started walking towards the door before a shiver passed through her, bus she just dismissed it as the cold weather and simply exited towards the main room of the keep. It was a drab and mostly colorless room with only one painting resting above the fireplace, it was showing Vallius Shattershield on his wyvern. Next to him were many other wyvern knights atop their mounts charging at a large black mass formed of thousands of vilespawn, a bittersweet legend, but that was it, a legend and nothing more.

The room consisted of several tables, chairs, a fireplace and several carpets that had lost their color a long time ago. A few men were in front of the fireplace attempting to warm themselves up at the small fire. These young men were still trainees, yet to accustom themselves to the cold biting wind, yet to have tamed their wyvern and partner. The more veteran members like her didn't bother to try an warm up, their bodies had already adjusted to resist the incredible cold.

They all just nodded at her as a form of salute as she passed by. They had all learned that words and breaths should be conserved only when needed, not to waste them with useless salutes or empty compliments, that would only make the body lose precious warmth. She opened the door and could instantly see that the new people started to shiver, something to which she couldn't help but smile as she exited outside, she was like that ten years ago.

About a dozen people had already started to carry the meat to the storage, after all, it was necessary for them in order to survive. But she wasn't going there in order to help them, no, she was going to the stables. These stables however didn't house horses, it housed wyverns of various colors and personalities, some shy, some daring, some were aggressive while some were defensive, one could be white, the other could be purple. As she opened the door to the stables, about twenty scaled heads perked up above the metal stalls to see who it was before lowering their heads and resting. She walked towards the last stall on the right, the stall to her wyvern, Agrios, and removed the locked and in turn opened the door and was greeted by Agrios.

The wyvern came out of the stall and lightly nudged her with his head and let a soft growl come from it's mouth. Armonia pet the wyvern on it's head, who closed it's eyes and seemed to be smiling, though a wyvern and a human were different, so it was hard to tell when it was smiling. But after a few moments Armonia said.

"Follow me boy, we're going for a flight." She said in a calm tone, smiling at it and the beast seemed to be smiling in return. After the exchange, she walked towards the door and Agrios obediently followed her, it's eyes on her, even as they exited outside towards the cold.

Their walk was, however, cut short as a large piercing screech was heard. Agrios and the other six wyverns in the courtyard raised their heads towards the sky and started to aggressively screech at the sky. Armonia looked up and saw a large black wyvern, most likely one of the few alpha's living in the mountains. The alpha released a short burst of flames towards them, though their scales easily protected them from the flames of other wyverns and they continued to screech at the alpha unaffected.

Seeing that the flames had not worked, the alpha started to descend into the courtyard and landed right in the center of it. As soon as she stared into it's eyes, Marion knew something was wrong, it's eyes were pitch black, no pupils could be seen, yet it was clear that the creature could easily see them. The wyverns clearly noticed this as well and their alertness grew on the spot and went on the defensive.

Then she realized what happened, the creature had bitten a vilespawn and it's blood and entered it's neck and while it wasn't enough to corrupt it, it enough to drive the creature to madness with the pain it caused. With a heavy heart, Armonia ordered. "Kill it, it will just suffer if we leave it like this!"

Her wyvern looked at her briefly before walking towards the invading wyvern, who only stared at Agrios as it approached. As soon as he was in it's range, the hostile wyvern wanted to launch itself at Agrios, only to find itself pinned down by one of the other wyverns present there. With a quick bite to the neck, Armonia's wyvern had out the invader out of it's misery as it's red blood started to flow from it's neck onto the white snow.

It was a real pity, but this was a first time something like this had happened, it had been theorized so many times, but it ever happened, yet before them stood their proof, the proof that even the mighty wyvern was weak to the corrupted blood.

She knew that it was most likely because Azureal's Eye started to cover the sky had caused the vilespawn to be more aggressive, it wasn't anything new that a vilespawn would fight.

But if they were getting more aggressive, what would it mean for them, how long before they would be attacked like it was shown in Vallius's painting, how long would it take for them to be overwhelmed?

"Big guy, it seems like we'll go in Meraton..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LordZell
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LordZell The Zellonian

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

But Wait, There's more

James looked out over the castle walls. The fresh air breezed past him and as he heard the birds chirp. The sun beat down over his pale skin. He thought as the box laid on the ground next to him. How he had never gotten the time to just be alone with his thoughts.

During his Tenure as the Prime Magistate he was always on the move. Making sure people were voting correctly. Starting new enterprises, having to deal with salvation,the inquisition higher lords and poor fellas,I even had Rapdori to talk to. Oh Rapdori, how he will be devastated to hear of my untimely death. I’d hate to be the person to tell him I had died.

That isn’t to say he wouldn’t miss some things that he had as Prime Magistate. Namely the nicer and more comfortable clothes. I don’t know how the poor deal with it. No style, it isn’t comfortable, and yet it’s still rather expensive. Oh how could I forget the money, he had gained a lot of wealth in those 8 years building a network of businesses and food that you could kill for, the food was from all over the empire. For the past few days I had been stuck eating gross, dried up food some which was even harder then a rock.

Knowing himself and Salvation though, he’d have to forget about it. These aren’t people you’d complain too, that’s how people die. With his thought gathered he waited. After several minutes he heard the clanking of metal and what he assumed to be an armored guard.

When he turned he smiled, he was right. A younger man with some five o’clock shadow dressed in the colors of the Empire with rather loose fitting armor, James met the mans greyish green eyes before checking to see if the man had the badge. Of course the man did and James nodded and said “The weather is lovely ain’t it?” The guarded nodded “It is indeed, though perhaps you should get off the wall. Dangerous times ahead.” The man said with a smiled and looking at the box. “Correct, young man. Though I do hope fortune favors you soon and you’ll have some luck.” James said as he began walking down the steps and towards the docks warehouse

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Slamurai
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Somewhere along the Ignis/Khomeria border

Claw/Aristo collab

Dorias, along with his cousin Vermias and the Iron Guard now exited Khomerian territory and entered the territory of the Kingdom of Ignis of House Duvard. Having never seen anything else other than the mountains of Khomeria, he was mesmerized by his surroundings: scores of rolling, emerald hills and isolated woodland, but he couldn’t help already feeling like he has been away from home for years, with that, he just sighed and rode on, admiring the surroundings and sometimes exchanging a few words with his cousin, Vermias.

“Beautiful lands, right, cousin?” Dorias asked with a wide smile admiring the surroundings.

“Yes your highness, but beauty is in the eye of the beholder, what you consider beautiful here, the Duvard’s could consider it bland having lived in this place for their entire lives.” Vermias commented, never taking his eyes away from his surroundings in case of a attack, no matter how slim the chances may be.

Hearing his cousin mention the Duvard’s , a hopeful thought came to his mind, while he had maintained contact and friendly relations with them, he had never seen any of the members of the family in person, although he knew the chances to be slim, he was keeping the hope in his heart that he would meet one of the Duvard’s, maybe even the king himself. However that thought left his mind fairly quickly as he continued his conversation with Veimar.

“Maybe so, but I imagine they would get bored of the bland mountains and the barren plains.” he says, nostalgia coming over him again, he truly wished to return, but it was duty as king to head to head to the capital and vote for a new emperor, in truth, he knew who he supported, despite having never seen any of the candidates, the young prince Ralltene sounded like the best choice for him and he didn’t try to hide it.

“Not necessarily, my liege, they would probably consider the barren plains a beautiful and expansive sea of grass and the mountains a majestic natural fortress made by The Protector himself!” Vermias answered, still rather tense and still expecting an attack, it was duty to worry so that the king should not, it was duty to protect him as Head of the Iron Guard and his cousin.

Some time had passed before the Khomerians found themselves dwarfed by an Igensian fort. The land’s black and yellow sunburst flag hung lazily from its spire, in contrast to its men, who scattered around the wall like bees. The gate was peeled open, and a contingent of pikemen filed out, barring the path.

“Halt!” huffed a captain, waving a hand. He approached the Khomerian entourage, looking up at Dorias.

“My apologies, Your Highness, but there’s a strict quarantine. We’re under orders to inspect anyone from Khomeria and bar them entry if they’re ill. I’m afraid that goes for royalty as well.” The captain gestured, indicating for the Khomerians to dismount.

“Ah, but of course, my friend, though ten years have passed since the plague passed away, none of us are infected!” Dorias answered, a large smile forming on his face at the first Ignesian he met. “Get all your men down for the good man to check, Vermias!”

Vermias looked at the man suspiciously, Dorias had sent letters through the empire assuring that the plague had passed, surely this man had been informed of it and allowed Khomerians through. He was reluctant to get down, but it was an order of the king and he had to obey it and so with a simple hand gesture from Vermias, all the 50 Iron Guards dismounted and awaited.

“Has the elector of House Duvard passed already?” Dorias asked, still smiling. “It would be an honor for me to meet my closest ally!”

“Lord Roman is still in Ignis, last I heard. I can pass news of your arrival and ask him to expect you, if that would please Your Highness.”

The Khomerians were brought aside, a couple at a time, where physicians with masks inspected their conditions. The Iron Guard grudgingly complied, though with downturned lips and fidgeting legs. After an hour had passed, the Khomerians were back in formation.

“My doctors seem satisfied,” the captain remarked, “I sent a messenger ahead of you. Lord Roman will anticipate your arrival at Brionne.” The soldier tipped his morion and bid the Shieldbearers, “Fair travels!”

“Ah, thank you, my good man!” Dorias said nodding his head at the man. “Cousin, let’s move, I do want to make a good impression to our neighbors.” he says, a child like smile forming on his face. Vermias sighed and signaled for his men to mount their horses, which they did. Vermias knew that thanks to his ignorance, many people would try to fool the young Dorias were he not there, instead, now that he was with him, nobody would be able to trick him.

“Move out!” Vermias ordered to his men and to a lesser extent to his cousin, Dorias.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Darkspleen
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Darkspleen I am Spartacus

Member Seen 8 days ago

The Magistrate Manor, Larial, Imperial Heartlands

Ixyan, the 8th of Gerna 1200 AU - 08.03.1200

“What is that stench?” Aldrick placed a hand over his nose and mouth in a vain attempt to avoid said stench as he and his companions approached James Conrad’s office. He reached towards the door with his free hand, but stopped when one of his shield sister companions placed a restraining hand on his shoulder.

“That” She said as she reached for the door instead. “Is the smell of a human body after its been out in the open for a day or two.” The other shield sister placed a hand on her sword’s hilt as the first slowly opened the door. Aldrick just barely managed to retain the contents of his stomach as the smell of death and decay hit the group like a brick wall. The two shield sisters stepped into the office and quickly looked for any signs of someone hiding inside before exiting again and informing Aldrick that they had found no danger.

“Would you be so kind as to inform the guard of this… incident?” He asked one of the shield sisters as he entered the office. The first thing he saw was the body lying on the ground. Although the man had been beaten beyond recognition, Aldrick knew it had to be James. He eyed the body for a moment before shaking his head and turning to the task at hand. “Help me look through his belongings.”

“What are you looking for?” The remaining shield sister asked.

“Who he was meeting with. Who he had business dealings with. Anything that could be a clue.” Aldrick answered as he searched through James’ desk. It didn’t take long for the two to search through all of James’ things; he didn’t receive much mail and had apparently kept his office very neat. Funny how, despite having been beaten to death here, there was no signs of a struggle.

By the time the guards had arrived Aldrick was done looking for evidence and was waiting in front of the office. The guards thanked him and the shield sisters for informing them and asked them to leave, which they did. On the way out Aldrick asked the shield sisters to inform their local chapter and see to Allianna’s safety. They resisted at first, questioning his own safety, but gave in when they realized he wouldn’t take no for an answer. It wasn’t like he wasn’t safe; he did have his sword and a very special ring after all.

Anyways… he was already beginning to form a plot, one that he certainly didn’t want his shield sister companions to have so much as an inkling of.

Tallurian Capital Estate, Lalrial, Imperial Heartlands
Ixyan, the 8th of Gerna 1200 AU - 08.03.1200

The Lady Marra Tallurian, by now quite recovered from her previous night of debauchery, but then again, when didn't her night's end in debauchery, sat in her study. It was a cheerful place, paintings, tapestries, flowers in ornate vases. And of course ample amounts of wine in various cabinents. It was just the sort of room that one would expect someone like Marra to spend her time. Though the book that she was flipping through wasn't exactly what one would have expected. One would have pictured Marra as the sort to be leafing through works on the party scene that she loved so much, not the voluminous tome on various ailments and the manner in which they could be healed.

She seemed to be rather engrossed in her search through the text and as her guest arrived early she didn't give any sign that she noticed him until he addressed her.

"I went to see James Conrad" Aldrick said as he entered the room. He had an air of nervousness about him, as if he expected someone to jump out at him at any moment. And yet a practiced eye could see that he held a measure of control over this nervousness, as if it existed only to draw a desired effect out of those around him. As he walked towards Marra this sense of control grew until his nervousness was a thing of the past. He lowered himself into a seat near Marra with a practiced grace found only in royalty. "Unfortunately" He continued, "I found our dear peer to have breathed his last."

Marra seemed to be startled as she first glanced up and then back down at her book before closing it, her crimson eyes focusing on Aldrick. "Why that is dreadful news. Even if he rarely attended my parties and was a bore whenever I met him I cannot say I wished him ill." Marra paused for a moment as a mixture of emotions ranging from surprise to sympathy appeared to play out across her features though something about her gaze didn't seem completely genuine. Then she gestured towards one of the several wine cabinets in the room.

"Shall we toast to our dearly departed comrade's memory or is there something more dire?"

"Of course. Shall I?" Aldrick rose from his seat and walked over to the wine cabinets.

"I might recommend the King Estate. Victoria gifted me several bottles after we met, it is quite exquisite." Marra suggested as her fellow magistrate walked over to the cabinets.

"An excellent choice" Aldrick commented as he pulled the before mentioned wine out. "I must admit," He said as he grabbed two glasses, "I am greatly disturbed by his passing. And not just because it was the death of a prime magistrate so soon to the election" He poured the wine into the glasses and handed one to Marra before taking his seat again, holding the glass of wine into the air. "To James Conrad, our peer."

"To James Conrad, may he bore the gods above instead of us." Marra laughed a bit as she threw back the glass of wine in a gulp that was nonetheless somewhat graceful and composed.

Aldrick took a sip of his wine before saying "Lord Conrad didn't seem to have many friends... or enemies. There comes to mind no immediate suspect...save one." He took another sip of wine before continuing. "Before his death I was in the process of making an arrangement with Lord Conrad. He was to build a road from here to Acitha in exchange for exclusive trade rights." He leaned forward slightly as he said "I doubt I need to tell you who that might piss off."

Lady Marra held her own glass out to Aldrick as she nodded. While her demeanor was still such that she seemed not to care unduly, she did sit up slightly straighter. "Of course, they would be upset if their parties were suddenly less important. They are quite vain and proud of them, even if they don't hold a candle to mine of course." Marra began to talk about her social life, her expression changing into the same whistful almost imaginative expression it often wore when she spoke about the thing she ran.

"Your parties are certainly the best" Aldrick raised his glass in a toast. "Though I'm afraid that I tend to drink a tad too much at them." He chuckled before adding "Why I'm afraid that some day I'll fall down a flight of stairs in a drunken stupor. Would you be a dear and inform my sister should that occur?"

"Of course. But let us not speak of so vile an event, surely no such tragedy will befall you at my parties" Lady Marra sounded as if she were genuinely affronted for a moment but then seemed to move on and her smile returned. "But I can't speak for the others, they have so little regard for proper hostessing." She raised her own glass again and drank before she continued. "What cruel fate befell the poor man anyway? I'd rather hear it from you than court gossip."

"I found him beaten to death in his own office" Aldrick answered grimly. "He was barely unrecognizable in fact. I doubt I would have known it was him had I found him in an alleyway." He shrugged before adding "And by Ra, the stench! My little doves thought he'd been there for some time." He raised his glass to his lips, but then thought better of it.

Lady Marra's eyes went wide again at the description of the poor man's state. "Horrible... simply horrible. Who would believe such a thing could happen here in Lalrial." She paused then shaking her head as if in a mixture of disappointment and disbelief.

"I must admit," He added after a moment of silence. "That I am a bit afraid for Lady Allianna's safety. Lord Conrad was such a staunch supporter of her's after all. I believe I'll petition the local shield sister chapter to shield her from harm."

"You couldn't think that someone means to act against a contender? That's unheard of, but I suppose I could keep an eye open at my parties, everyone who is somebody attends them after all." Marra said after a moment.

"Unheard of, but not unthinkable. I'll be sure to keep an eye out at your parties as well, assuming you'll have me. Anyways" Aldrick's tone seemed to shift as he changed topics "how is my dear aunt doing?"

"Of course you are always welcome Aldrick." Marra said simply at first before moving on. "Sybila is well, though I have not seen her since I last returned to Rianis. But Avoriel came with Varminia to the capital. I'm sure she'd love to see one of her cousins."

"Has she been informed that Lynette is on her way to the capital?" Aldrick asked. "I'm sure she'd rather speak with Lynette than me."

"She has but surely she would speak with you. And she has the first hand knowledge of her mother that you seek."

"Perhaps another time" Aldrick said as he finished his glass of wine. "Unfortunately I must inform a few others as to Lord Conrad's most unfortunate fate." He slowly rose from his seat. "Shall I return once my business is through? I'll be sure to offer you adequate tribute." He shot her a smile and wink.

"Of course. I shall await your return and your tribute." The crimson haired woman returned the wink and laughed as she raised her glass once more and drained it full this time.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Paper Angel

Paper Angel Angel of Cookies and Papercuts!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Silver-Gold Tower, Lalrial, Imperial Heartlands

Ixyan, the 8th of Gerna 1200 AU - 08.03.1200

“My lord Vialiph, the man, James Conrad, that you sent us to bring in for questioning has been found murdered.”

The Vialiph’s face turned towards the retinues man who had spoken, his golden eyes narrowing dangerously as they locked on the rare non vaelie member of the argentum’s own pair. “Where are inquisitors Sil’Vas and Rae’Vani?” His musical voice demanded, but not unkindly and without the force it often held.

“My lord, they remained behind with the others to ensure the body was not disturbed further. Sil’Vas said he would attempt a reconstruction.” The retinuesman held up well under the gaze and the voice of the Vialiph, he had been trained well.

“Why would a dead magistrate require a reconstruction?” He had already demoted these two once, if they were expending valuable magic for no good reason there would be little left of them once the holy fires had finished.

“The body was found bludgeoned to death with only the head destroyed. Sil’Vas and Rae’Vani thought it best to make sure of his identity since this was a heretic investigation my lord.”

The Vialiph hesitated for a moment and then nodded. Had Lae’Vesi actually stumbled upon something this time? He had not thought that to be the case, her calls of heretic had always been false in the past. But the fable did say that eventually the girl who called silkhavin did actually flee from one. “Gather a full retinue and then join me in the courtyard. We have work to do.”

The Magistrate Manor, Larial, Imperial Heartlands

Ixyan, the 8th of Gerna 1200 AU - 08.03.1200

Part of the Magistrate Manor had been blocked off by the intimidating retinuesmen of the inquisitors. The entire hallway leading to the room formerly occupied by James Conrad was off limits to any who did not have the authority to command the Argentum. But those men parted swiftly before the Vialiph and the additional men that he had brought with him.

One of the two inquisitors, Rae’Vani was bent over the corpse of the man, her silver hands and the sleeves of her robe marked with crimson blood as she worked. The remains of the man’s head had been cut away and a roughly head shaped block of an odd putty had been attached, merging into the flesh of the man’s neck as if the necrotizing corpse was still alive.

As the Vaeliph approached the female vaelie rose and began to recite rapidly in the strange lilting tongue that the vaelie used among themselves. Though the incantation ended in common words. “Reveal thy true form.” And she pointed a bloody silver hand at the corpse. For a long moment nothing seemed to happen and then the putty began to shudder and squirm as if it were alive.

First it took the shape of a head, and then features began to appear, a face forming from the putty into a replica of that which the corpse had worn in life. And it was not the face of James Conrad. But then the putty began to look more like flesh and started to decay like the rest of the body. It wasn’t easy to make and wasn’t long lasting but now they knew there was something fishy going on.

“My lord.” The bloody robed inquisitor curtsied before rising again as her musical voice sounded. “We have examined the body and a reconstruction has revealed that it is not the corpse of Prime Magistrate James Conrad but rather a sham.”

“Lae’Vesi reports this man as a heretic. Then a dead doppelganger turns up and he vanishes. This is now an active investigation.” The Vialiph said in reply as weighed his options. “You are to pursue the true identity of this man. Find out who he was and why he has been used by the heretics. I shall hunt this, James Conrad, myself.” And the Vialiph smiled in an all too inhuman manner.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slamurai
Avatar of Slamurai


Member Seen 2 mos ago

Hamlet of Valoderro, Ignis
Over twenty years ago...

Isa huffed as she ran, clutching her bundle, not at her chest as the gingerly way a mother would, but under her arm like an object. The thing inside made that awful noise again, a chortling bray that brought pain to Isa's face. This, she was convinced, was no offspring of hers. Kammeth, why? What happened to her real son? The darling she'd imagined with eyes as bright as his father's, and springy, brown locks like Isa's. Not this... creature.

Valoderro was disappearing fast behind her as Isa neared the treeline. She dared not venture too far in, but the further she could discard this misshapen infant, the better. How could she live, if the rest of the hamlet discovered she'd given birth to a monster? Worse yet, what if the inquisition came knocking? She had to get rid of it.

After a while, the woman sensed she was far enough, and knelt to lay the swaddled child against a tree root. She hadn't the stomach to end its life herself. At least this way, the animals would get to it and she'd be long gone. Isa risked a long look into the deep of the forest, and peeled away when she felt it was staring back.

Present day.

A proud Urgom stood tall amongst his warriors. Tall was relative; his hump would put him over six feet, if that were only where his head had been. A pair of horny growths perforated the skin on his forehead. His face was elongated, animal-like.

It had been Urgom's leadership that brought a temporary cease to the warring between the vilespawn herds south of Ignis. Possessed of a predatory cunning and a peculiar intelligence, Urgrom had convinced former foes to march on the humans.

The horde lingered in the trees, makeshift weapons and fetishes in the hands of the vilespawn. The sleepy hamlet was just fifty meters beyond. They approached in silence, save for barely-restrained grunts that puffed from their nostrils. Urgom had promised them much, and it was time for delivery.

A savage bray let loose the bovidae vilespawn, and they scrambled for civilization. Within seconds, they were upon Valoderro. Its people woke up too slow to realize they were already dead. The town guard was encircled and overwhelmed by a throng that sorely outnumbered them. Even as the vilespawn fulfilled their desire for slaughter, they descended into the farmyards and ripped into the animals with their teeth.

Isa had awoken, struggling to tear her gnarled body from her bed. She was old now, and plagued by bouts of insomnia and joint pain. As it were, she'd had a hard time sleeping, even before the vilespawn broke down the door and filled the room with their terrible screams. Urgrom pushed his way to the front, eyeing the crone with eyes that were too human. When Isa looked upon him, her eyes went wide, and then she wept. Valoderro was ravaged in minutes.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Claw2k11
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Claw2k11 The Eternally Tired Reaper

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Location: Meraton Royal Palace, Meraton, Khomeria

Ixyan, the 8th of Gerna 1200 AU - 08.03.1200

Remis' steps rang out through the quiet hallwaw, nobody there daring to speak to her or Mertenis and just stare away from the two. Remis has had a reputation in the palace and through Khomeria as she seemingly knew everything that happened around the kingdom. And she remembered, knowledge is power and at her current level of knowledge, she was more powerful than her brother herself.

Two palace guards pass by her nod to her before going past her. In return she smiled at them and went on her way into the throne room, accompanied by Mertensis. The lord who sat on the throne was Lord Maridan Steelskin and older brother to Mertensis. On the throne to his left, usually occupied by the king's wife was Lord Leimar Shattershield. Odd enough, Lord Fokas was missing, despite knowing that refusing the king would have dire consequences.

Remis smiled at Lord Leimar and Maridan and spoke in a respectful manner, yet she clearly mocking the two. "Lord Maridan, Lord Leimar, had I known you two married I would've brought gifts!" She said to the two smiling.

Lord Leimar started growling and was about to speak, but Lord Maridan stopped him and smiled politely at Remis and ignored her comment. "My lady, glad you could join us today!" He said. "I would like to have a word with you!"

"About?" She asked raising a brow. "Let me guess, now that you two have the power, you want to be rid of me, correct?" She asked, still smiling.

Lord Leimar showed genuine surprise at hear her words and wanted to speak, but was interrupted by Maridan. "Right as always, my lady." He answered. "But not because we simply wish so, no, but because y..."

"You think that I made lord Fokas disappear, correct?" She asked yet again with a wide smile, nobody would really out do her when it came to information, she knew what these two had planned all along.

Now, even Lord Maridan seemed slightly surprised, but came back too again fairly quickly. "You are quite informed, my lady, yes, we charge you with the kidnapping and possible assassination of Lord Protector of Vermilias, Fokas Stormborn!" Maridan said smiling victoriously now. "Guards, seize her at once, she will be jailed until King Dorias returns and decides what to do with her!"

However, the guards did not move at all and simply stood in their place, ignoring Lord Maridan's orders. "My lord, you must more stupid than Lord Leimar over here if you think that you could bribe the palace guards here in Meraton to arrest me."

To this, Lord Maridan opened his mouth to speak, but was interrupted by Remis again. "Though I do have to give you credit for disguising your men to look like the guards of Meraton when having ambushed Lord Fokas, isn't that correct, my lord?"

One of the guards at the gate removed their helmet, revealing to be Lord Fokas himself and approached Remis. "Yes, my lady, they had me fooled as well when they ambushed me and killed my guards!" He said, glaring at Lord Leimar and Lord Maridan.

"But in the end, you two were the fools for thinking that you could outsmart me right here in Khomeria, where I know what even the lowliest of peasants had for dinner or what their aspirations are." She said. "And now, my lords, I can have the both of you imprisoned and maybe even executed for high treason... what do you say?"

Now, the two lords seemed utterly terrified, their hands shaking. When either of the two tried to speak, their mouths opened, but yielded no words. "However, instead, I will kick the both of you out of here and will ask my brother to remove the two of you from the heads of your families... I suggest finding a cozy place to rest, maybe Wyvern Keep?" She asked the two lords. Both of the men rose from their thrones, Lord Leimar speaking in an unsteady and shaky tone.

"You'll, p-pay for t-this you vileborn!" He says storming out of the palace along with the stunned Lord Steelskin. All this time, Remis had smiled at the two lords, however, as soon as the two left, Lord Fokas began speaking. "They're going to accuse you of injustice and revolt, my lady." He spoke, now having taken a seat on the throne to the right of the king's throne.

Remis, sitting on the main throne answered with her ever present smile on her face. "Oh, they'll certainly think they will, but they'll find that trying to fight me will end up with them either disowned, or killed." She said. "And worry not, all of this was planned by me, my lord, anything they think they're gonna do on their own volition in truth be something I indirectly guided them to do."

With a heavy sigh, Lord Fokas nods and speaks. "My lady, you are a truly scary person indeed." He says. "I am truly glad that I am on your side and not theirs."

"But what are you speaking, Lord Fokas, you are with the king, not with Lady Remis, those two are just traitors seeking to usurp the king Kammeth has chosen for this land of ours." Mertenis speaks, smiling as Remis did.

"Hush the two of you, lady Armonia should be here soon with a request from us to help her rid of the vilespawn that will soon assault her precious fort."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Sovi3t

Sovi3t Obamacare

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Damien sat inside of a large hall, on top of a stone throne.Infront of him, was an debate between two noblemen of a personal issue.
“You fucked my sister without my permission staining our line with your foul blood!” Exclaimed the noblemen.
“Nonsense! Can you back those claims up you whoreson!” Shouted the other noblemen back.Damien sighed as the debate went on and on, no evidence of course was provided for these debates just racial and insults were thrown. What changed this time though was one of the noblemen withdrew his blade. As he tried to swing at the other noblemen, two palace guards intervened. The blade was withdrawn from the hand of the noblemen while the guards dragged him to the keep. The other noblemen looked at Damien.
“He tried to kill me!” Exclaimed the Nobleman
“Do you press charges?” Asked Damien.
The nobleman gave the statement some thought, and stood there for abit.
“Uh..no-.. No!” Exclaimed the Nobleman.
Damien singled one of the guards to take the nobleman away. He was escorted out of the palace. As the noblemen was escorted, Damien singled the court servant to close off the public session for the day. Damien preceded to the war/planning room to meet with a man of simlar stature. Tony Mangano, the guildmaster or the head of trade.
“My lord” Tony bowed.
“You called for me Tony?” Asked Damien
Tony nodded and tapped on the landmass map, he pointed to two provinces.
“I request your permission to send messengers to three high houses, and one of my scribes to one high house as well M’lord.” Asked Tony.
Damien placed both of his hands on the table and observed the locations. Tony set aside the Trade Guilds paperwork and plans for both. He skimmed each of the documents and also viewed the blueprints for the trading posts.
“Bring me the spymaster.” Damien commanded.
A servant quickly jogged off before coming back with a man in a blue cowl wearing formal attire. He walked into the room before bowing to both men.
“You called for me lord?” Randall asked.
Damien nodded to Randall before tapping on two regions on the map. Randall walked towards the map and looked to the regions, before nodding.
“Our neighbours are a peaceful bunch, nothing really harsh among them.. However rumors of family strife are common in that land, up north the lands of Violette there also pretty calm and peaceful folk for our knowledge so far, a post has to be constructed.. And the land south of our neighbors was recently taken over by new leaders.. Early rumors are that he is a “proud” fellow, if you catch the drift sire..” Stated Randall
Damien nodded before he skimmed over the paperwork again. He waved Randall away and Randall nodded once and returned to his tower. While Damien looked to Tony.
“I hereby authorize you to make trade decisions on behalf of our empire including sending trade requests and creating trade posts.” Stated Damien
Damien grabbed a paper from the side and quickly wrote down what he said, he signed the paper before grabbed a red seal from the drawer. He rolled up the paper and applied the red seal on top of the paper.
“See Randall for information, go.” Stated Damien.
Tony nodded with a big smile on his face, and holding the scroll, he quickly went to the trade office with the scroll to plan everything. Damien in the meantime looked to the map. Plotting his next move.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Isotope
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Isotope I am Spartacus!

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

East Empire Company Office, Lalrial, Imperial Heartlands, Ethica

The sound of feathered pen on parchment was the only sound in the small yet cozy room to break the silence. The main office of Ralltene’s guild holdings in Lalrial was a fairly impressive affair. Polished Redoak adorned the walls, giving them a dull red hue, along with tasteful works of art that had caught the young Princes eye. He dared to say he had something of an affinity for artwork. One particular work he had stumbled upon during a business trip to Starborn City several years ago. The rooms primary source of light came from a strategically positioned ceiling window that allowed the high noon sun to cast its gentle rays that brightened the room as a whole. The exotic plants residing in each corner-- straight from Kawachian lands-- casting strange shadows against the heartwood walls.

A knock came to the door distracting Ralltene from his current work. "You may enter," came the passive reply.

His assistant, Alceste Léger, opened the door shortly after. "Forgive the disturbance my lord, but a Duke Certes Seval wishes an audience with you."

Ralltene frowned for but a momentary thinking of a reason for such an out of the deep blue visit. He naturally assumed it had some bearing on the coming election though anything was possible.

"Send him in," Ralltene ordered before finishing his letter and folding it neatly.

Entering with polite bow Certes took a brief moment to acquaint himself with the lavish room before greeting his host, “Prince Ralltene, you have my sincere thanks for making the time to see me today, given the circumstances. I can only imagine how busy you must be what with the upcoming election, though I do hope this meeting might provide a welcome distraction for you there.” Gesturing to a nearby chair the Duke added, “Might I take a seat?”

Ralltene offered a smooth reassuring smile. "Why of course, have a seat and make yourself comfortable." Ralltene stored his letter away in a drawer at his desk before leaning back a bit in his chair and folded his fingers together as he rested his elbows on the smooth wood. "So Duke Certes of Ramoi. How might I help you today?"

Relived to sit down after what had been a day of navigating the meandering streets of Lalrial Certes couldn't help but return the Prince's smile, “If it’d please you your grace I would have a proposal to make, but first tell me; have you ever heard of Jeseaer?”

The merchant princes eyes squinted ever so slightly as he searched his mind for the meaning of that oh so familiar name. After a short pause, he looked back up at the duke's eyes, "I happen to recall that being some far off land across the western seas. An apparent paradise or a land full of yet more savages depending on who you listen to. A few captains who work under my employ have mentioned it offhandedly now and again. I confess some ignorance as to any real details -- but why do you ask?"

As if in unspoken reply Certes green eyes seemed to shine at the Prince's question. Leaning forward he spoke more softly, “I ask your Grace, because Jeseaer is a myth, a legend spun by the Drathii to justify their asinine superstitions. Or at least, it was.” Smile turning to a subtle grin the Duke elaborated, “I believe I’ve found it”

Ralltene visibly perked at this revelation as he leaned slightly more forward. His mind already dissecting the greater meaning of what this could lead to, containing any excitement with practiced ease of a professional the prince voiced, "Well Lord Certes that is quite the news if I may say so. Yet, many sailors and explorers before you have made similar claims. How can you be so certain you have found the island's location after all these years?"

Relaxing back into the chair Certes met Ralltene’s evaluating gaze, “How can I be certain? Well your Grace I can’t be, no more than you can be certain of any man's word. That said, I can be confident.” Pulling a pair of small ledgers from the pockets of his blue jerkin Certes explained, “Most of the accounts given by these sailors and explorers you speak of lack two things: consistency, and the vital detail of a plotted route. What I hold here is the original log of a ship that I believe has reached Jeseaer, a log that not only explains in detail how the vessel happened upon the island but what they saw there.”

Returning the log to its place at his side Certes held up the second, far older, ledger, “And what they saw, this second account seems to corroborate. Those who travel to Khemita are rarely bold or curious enough to dig deeper than they must, but what I hold here is the product of the rare individual unphased by the Drathii. A family heirloom, it is an amalgamation of everything gleaned from the savages over the centuries and perhaps the only one of its kind, given one can imagine what may have happened to it’s author. Predictably the account of Jeseaer it offers is one steeped in mythology, but the details behind the lore match those of the log I have acquired. A clear route and a consistent account, this your Grace, is the source of my confidence.”

Ralltene nodded has he tucked one arm across his chest and balanced his other arms elbow upon it as he brought a hand to his chin. Laying back he gave this news a moment for his mind to digest. "I will admit this is more concrete than what past would be explorers have had. Yet, that leaves the question I wager I already know the answer to, but shall ask all the same." Ralltene gave a smirk. "What does this new land have to do with your visit?"

Certes gave a short chuckle and replied, “I wager you do. After all your Grace it’s an open secret that the Dukes of Aeche don’t quite stand up to their title, and despite the efforts of myself and my wife I fear I’m no exception. So it is unable to fund my own expedition that I come to you. My proposal is this, have your East Empire Company provide the capital necessary to journey to Jeseaer and by doing so claim dominance over any future trade with the island, trade that would doubtless find its way to my own city of Ramoni. Certainly it is a risk for us both, but should our efforts prove fruitful the investment may well see itself returned a thousand fold.”

"There is no small risk in this venture," the prince began. "Even should your information be accurate there a multifarious number of things that could go wrong. Never mind the Drathii, Xain pirates, and other strange things that prowl the Black Sea. I have never been much of a gambling man. I've built a great deal of what I have from knowing how to read the changing tides... still I have also prided myself on knowing where to make a sound investment. Nothing in this business is always a guarantee after all."

Ralltene ran the side of his thumb through his mustache as he sat forward once more. "Lord Certes, most men would simply turn away such a proposal. Counting the risk and writing off such a venture entirely. Such man would be counted wise by many... but such men are those prone to remain where they are never to rise further due to a fear of taking certain risks... but placing faith in another is no small thing. So here is what I shall do. I shall offer you the loan for the ships, men, and equipment needed. As par the course. However, as part of our deal, I will select the ships and have a say in the selection of crew- you won't believe how often a competitor has slipped in a spy or two in my career. Beyond that, I will send forth a seasoned captain of my own I know well to..oversee this investment. I would be a fool, after all, not to have a trusted man on such a venture. So what say you?"

As offers went it was not unreasonable, in truth it verged on generous, and that was what set Certes on edge. Such expeditions had the potential to make whole houses rich beyond measure, but they could also ruin them. To offer so much Ralltene had something more to gain from this than simple money, but what? If the Merchant Prince were elected Emperor he’d doubtless gain an early political victory but in equal measure the loss of the expedition would be enough to humiliate him before he was even crowned. Whatever the Prince sought to gain Certes was acutely aware deals didn’t always benefit both parties, but there were ways to complicate the other partners ulterior motives. Interlocking his fingers Certes leaned in from his relaxed position, “I say the offer is fair your grace, though perhaps unnecessarily restrictive. Your means are great, of this there is little doubt, but I would like to search for additional trusted sponsors to better ensure the success of this venture. Why, the Tallurians are known to be prolific patrons of such endeavours, and their position would still leave us first to reap the rewards. A thought, if nothing else.”

Ralletene sat back as he thought on this request. It was true he had more to gain from this than first met the eye. But to include another house still waving in the wind on who though would support to the throne? Yes, there was an opportunity here for further gains. "The aid of House Tallurian?" Ralltene nodded at the prospect, given their position they would not be capable of pushing him out of the deal even if they had a mind to. "Very well, if you can gain their compliance to this expedition. Then we can make our agreement here official. I'll have the contract written up within the coming days."

With a smile Certes stood and extended his hand, “Then we have an agreement, you have my thanks your Grace. It was a pleasure and it is my hope our next meeting will be as fruitful as this one has proven itself.”

Standing as Certes did Ralltene returned the hand-shake with a smile. "Of course, Lord Certes. I hope this venture proves fruitful for both of us."

With a bow the Duke made his way from the room and left the prince to his letters and his thoughts. Departing the estate and shielding his eyes from the now low sun Certes couldn't help but move with a liveliness that he’d been missing for far too long. Ralltene was planning something for certain, but with the potential support of house Tallurian Certes had a buffer and beyond even that the coffers of Ramoi would be all but untouched. He knew it was foolish, unfounded even, but for the first time in years Certes felt like he was getting traction. Little steps did not make great men, and for the second time in his life Certes was preparing to take a leap.

Whether it was one of faith or foolishness, only time and the chasm below could determine.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by TheMoatedGrange
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TheMoatedGrange Tennyson's Hussy

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Caernan Castle, Harksmoor, Kingdom of Gwethydd

Caernan Castle had been the seat of power in the Green Kingdom of Gwethydd for centuries. It stood, crouching low over the city of Harksmoor, without enormous pomp or circumstance. The walls were of black stone and the entire structure seemed to face off aggressively against the wide open fields that ran up to the plateau on which the capital city sat. Despite its relatively low walls, it was possible for anyone within the castle to look out for miles across the fertile fields that surrounded the city, which season on season changed colour from brown to yellow to green, and from which a warm wind brought a constantly reassuring sweet smell.

Hawksmoor itself encompassed this pastoral tradition, and instead of starting abruptly as many cities do with a hard gate and walls, sort of trickled into life as one approached the castle, with marble houses and buildings slowly becoming more densely packed as one moved closer to the centre. It was accessible primarily from a foot bridge that led up to the plateau on which it had been built. A smaller defensive wall surrounded the original location of the smaller city, which nowadays mainly consisted of the university and the castle, as well as the offices of the chancellor and the great white cathedral, whose marble parapets rose up as if to challenge the blackened stone of the castle in a show of dominance and opulence.

The city's streets bustled with merchants and farmers coming and going along tight cobbled streets which occasionally opened up into great plazas of grass and citrus trees, with decorative fountains surrounded by beggars and musicians. Closer to the university and the castle, austere men in brown robes moved about clutching bundles of important and ancient looking scrolls, while litters carrying the noblewomen on their way between their rooms and the royal court lumbered portentously past.

Inside the castle, a council was in session. The council chamber was located on the third floor of the castle, facing out over the wide expanse that seemed to continue until the horizon, at this time of year achingly green and only pock-marked occasionally with the flashes of brown that betrayed a village or hamlet. King Aethlar VI sat, facing the window, spinning a quill idly between his fingers as his assembled council spoke. His face was twisted into a look of distaste and idle boredom, and his free hand scratched at the hem of his green satin cloak. His hair was somewhat dishevelled and his pale cheeks reddened; as with most council sessions he had been out riding and had kept his distinguished councillors waiting until he had arrived back.

"Your Majesty," spoke Lord Valdemar di Reckmansworth with a confidence that wavered on the edge of arrogance. The eldest son of the Count of Ygris thought that he had a special connection with Aethlar because they were technically cousins through the current count's marriage with Aethlar's aunt Gerberga, but Aethlar secretly detested the snivelling little scholarly Treasurer, who devoted his time equally between the chamber and the university, and not enough time at all in the field or in sport. "This is perhaps the moment that you will exercise the most influence over imperial affairs throughout your entire reign. The votes of the Electors will influence the character of the next few decades at least,"

"There are two candidates," added Eldarhar di Graeton. The chancellor of the university occupied his traditional position on the council as the Temple-Master - his responsibilities essentially comprised of ensuring that the royal family did not fall particularly behind on any new knowledge produced and disseminated throughout the Empire. Aethlar knew that his aunt Princess Alissera was particularly close to this member of her council, who she had had repatriated to his home province after many years with the Astronomers' Conclave in the Heartlands. "The choice is quite straightforward,"

Aethlar arched an eyebrow, turning to the assembled councillors. He drew a hand along his clean shaven jaw in a show of pensive thought. "Is it, my lords? Have you come to some accord without me?"

"Naturally of course not, your majesty," Valdemar tittered insipidly. "The two candidates are the Princes Jakinius and Ralltene,"

Aethlar let a small smile grace his features at the naming of the candidates. Jakinius was a warrior through and through; if he were to become Emperor it was certain that far-reaching military campaigns to the north and maybe even to the east would allow true-blooded men like the King of Gwethydd to finally have the opportunity to exercise their martial prowess. "Is the choice not obvious, my lords?" He said after a moment. "A merchant is not an emperor,"

The king stood abruptly, sweeping along the mahogany table and past his councillors. "It must be Jakinius," He nodded firmly, then made some steps towards the doors leading out to the fresh air of the outdoors and the promise of more jousting, horse-riding and general japery, when the doors burst open of their own accord. Aethlar stopped in his tracks. As the sunlight streamed through, a formidable silhouette projected itself across the room, and for a moment all the councillors shifted in their seats eagerly to see the source of the interruption, until the Queen-Mother stepped into the chamber, followed closely by the Queen.

Hiltruda was wearing the long black cloak of the dowager, with her hair worn up in a collected style and gathered with fascinators of white pearls and glittering black gemstones. She was tall but sturdy looking, but her face was placid and diplomatic. Behind her, Eadrith stood in the loose fitting dresses of a pregnant lady, with her tied back behind her ears with a silver brooch. Only sixteen years old, her unremarkable features and slight frame meant that she seemed like a pixie beside her imposing mother-in-law.

"My lords," Hiltruda said carefully. "I hope I am not interrupting,"

There was a moment of tense silence. The elderly Chamberlain of the Household Sir Rynwynd di Cantahard looked as if he was going to be roused to action by this breach of palace protocol; women were never permitted to sit in on council meetings, let alone the Queen-Mother, but was silenced by the savvy interruption of the illustrious Lord Valdemar.

"Your Majesties, we were discussing the upcoming Imperial election," He said with a small bow. "The king favours Prince Jakinius,"

"Jakinius?" The Queen-Mother said sceptically, arching an eyebrow disapprovingly at her son. The King almost seemed to shy away from her gaze, despite his physically imposing stature. "The warrior. I can see why my son might favour such a contender,"

"A king must be inspiring to his people," Aethlar argued. "The people of Gwethydd would not follow Lethlin if he were king. An emperor must be magnanimous. Not a penny-pinching spice-monger,"

"You would be well advised to speak more wisely in future," Hiltruda scolded. "If he is to become king, then such sentiments would be ill-advised. They are not the way of the Caernavir. Reconciliation,"

"From life comes light," Aethlar said with an air of resignation. "So you disagree with my choice, mother?"

"Perhaps," Hiltruda entered the room more fully, taking her seat at the spot of the absent Lord of the Wax Seals. The points were mooted at some length. The pregnant Eadrith was left to stand, forgotten by almost everyone in the proceedings, while Aethlar grew increasingly impatient with the verbosity of the discussions.

Prince Jakinius was married to a Duvard. The Ignesians, like the Gwethyn, had traditionally been linked by their historical allegiance to the Empire; they had been the first and second kingdoms to 'bend the knee' to the Empress. If supporting Jakinius led to closer relations between the two realms, then a mutual trade agreement could be beneficial; Gwethydd exported timber and wine, and imported metal, after all.

Prince Ralltene was married to the Elector of Violette. The rich and advanced Veletians had always been a source of envy for the more educated members of the upper classes in Gwethydd, and closer ties with them would allow for an influx of luxury goods and learning, and potentially beneficial access to international trade relationships.

The discussion went on for some time. The Queen-Mother was against her own son, with the council split slightly in favour of the King. The Queen, who had managed to scavenge a window seat, was idly rubbing a hand over her belly when the increasingly frustrated Treasurer once again vented. "This is a choice of two!"

Eadrith turned, her blonde hair glittering in the sunlight as she surveyed the table, and she spoke for the first time since her arrival. "There is another way," She said with a small smile, and she caught Hiltruda's eyes for a brief, conspiratorial moment.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raptorman
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Banned Seen 9 yrs ago

Tallurian Capital Estate, Lalrial, The Heartlands
Odvin, 7th of Gerna 1200 AU - 07.03.1200

The rooms of the Tallurian manor within Lalrial were nowhere near so well adorned or spacious as those back in the ancient palace in Rianis, but they were plenty comfortable and certainly serviceable for such meetings. There was no need for the most formal of rooms to see use, Varminia was not here holding court.

The room most often was used as a study, a mid sized table dominated the center of the room, surrounded by padded chairs with crimson cushions. Bookshelves and a large wine cabinet were the other prominent fixtures in the room. The Queen of Tellaria sat straight backed and regal in one of the chairs, her brother-in-law seated beside her as the two awaited the arrival of the potential heiress to the empire. Several of Lady Marra's choice wines, hand picked by the great socialite herself had been set out upon the table as well.

After a period of waiting the silence was broken as an attendant clad in the white and crimson of House Tallurian entered the chamber and lowered his gaze before speaking to the high lords within the room. “My Queen, Bannerlord, the Duchess Allianna has arrived.”

“Very well, please show her in.” Varminia spoke quickly to the servant who nodded and departed from the room.

Moments past in silence before the shuffling feet of the servant returned, along with the soft padding of another. It was not long after, that the servant was bowing out of the room while the richly dressed Allianna was standing expectantly in front of the table, wearing a pearly smile and purple velvet.

“Good-day to you Queen and Bannerlord,” Allianna courteously addressed the waiting pair, “you wished for my audience?”

Varminia extended a pale arm and gestured to one of the several chairs on the opposite side of the table from where she and Lothar sat. “Thank you for joining us here Allianna, please take a seat and help yourself to the wine, Lady Marra is as many agree as true connoisseur of such things and she assures me that these are the finest.” The Queen paused for a moment to allow the potential heiress to the imperial throne to take her seat. Allianna kept her smile as she sat, her head tilted in focus.

“We are pleased you accepted our invitation for there is much to speak about. These are difficult times and the passing of your father has left a void.”

“Indeed it has, and not just in our hearts,” Allianna agreed solemnly, “what would you like to discuss?”

“We wish to ask you what your impression of the state of the empire is and what course you see yourself taking should you become empress.” Varminia stated seductively.

“With the questions I’ve been hearing in the courts and the halls since that black day, I’m afraid to report that it would seem the Empire has no singular direction or plan of action to solve any of it’s crises,” Allianna answered simply. “Each one of us has a different idea of what the Empire needs to be significantly better, but that in itself is an issue. Without stability in our choices, the diets of the land are going to be fickle and fragile, in all things; not only economy or military, but all things. So I suppose the first thing we ought to do is compromise and agree on a course of action. What do you two think this course of action shall be?”

Varminia’s crimson eyes focused on Allianna more then and her lips quirked upwards into a bit of a smile at the younger woman’s words. “One of the first steps to ruling is to find the best people and delegate. We have people in the realm with great skill. Ralltene bleeds gold as the story goes and I can speak for Jakinius’ military achievements from experience. But you are the one who spent time learning the true secret to ruling. If it were my choice, I would place Jakinius in in the Marshall’s seat, and make Ralltene the Master of Coin. Both would be wasted as emperor for they would be forced to divert their focuses from their strengths. There is no reason that the empire cannot confront all its challenges with the proper organization and delegation.” Varminia paused there. “Your father raised his children to serve a purpose. Jakinius was sent to us, Ralltene journeyed the realm, but he kept you close, you are the one trained to rule.”

Lothar nodded in acknowledgement at Varminia’s outline of a possible direction forward, though looking slightly more reserved. He began to speak. “Variminia’s suggestion is as viable as any number that have currently floated through the Imperial Courts and the discussions of Prime Magistrates, of course. Ralltene and Jakinius, with some possible exception on the latter, are very much.. Known quantities, shall we say? I would not hesitate to say they would excel in the positions my wise Sister-in-law outlines, if they would be inclined to accept them. I would not wish to offer a solution to the current situation, but rather, measure and offer my support to the most prudent course of action, as I’m sure both of you can no doubt sympathise with.” Lothar paused, considering.

“Varminia speaks of your abilities, and while no doubt tested to a level exceeding competence here in the Heartlands, I know they are not enough to rule alone, but that is not my primary concern. You are somewhat of an unknown, an unmarried claimant, arguably, in my view, an asset, to others, a failing, which does not allow me to discern from even something so, perhaps, unrelated, what kind of person you are. Queen Varminia views you as a strong candidate for your skills and for your gender, the former wise and the latter understandable. I wish to know what kind of person my Sister-in-law, and myself, if I choose, would be supporting. If you’ll entertain a follow on question, too, what is your solution to the current possible impasse?” Lothar asked, looking at Allianna and taking stock of her as she considered her response, though not at all unkindly.

“The other contenders are my family,” Allianna answered, “and as a family we have run the heartlands and governed the leading cabinets for many years, and only when we put knives to each other’s throats did this ever start to truly fail. To put it simply, Bannerlord Lothar, the best solution is one of unity, where each person does what they do best for the whole; be it finances as the treasurer or battle as the marshal. We all have a place, and I think I agree with the wise Queen when I say I second her placement of my brothers in the cabinet.”

Allianna wagged a finger and smiled, “but of course a contender would say these words, and explain in the end that this means they are the only one capable of being the Empress, which would be untrue. What I am saying is not a defense to my own candidacy, but a mere observation of politics. Ralltene is a businessmen, Violette would prosper under him, but I dare say he is not a philanthropist willing to throw his money at the rest of the nation like people seem to assume, no, he is a businessmen, and they are good at keeping money to themselves. I think he would make an excellent treasurer, and likewise Jakinius’ ability at war. The north favors Jakinius for his desire to quell the north, but perhaps he aims too far north than is good to invest the title of Emperor and all of the land into. I am as you say, an unknown; but only to you as I was the hidden voice of my father while he was away on his adventures. This is nothing new to me, and I truly think that with no ties to favor a particular house, perhaps others might see how it is the Empress’ goal to help all of the houses, and not a singular interest.”

She folded her hands, “simply put I return to my original thesis; unity without bias, stability without confliction.”

“Those are lovely words, with pleasant associations. But they are simply words. You have offered little in the way of actual policy or plans that you would seek to undertake should you become empress.” Varminia began speaking again. “What you say is appealing but I see clearly enough to see that you promise nothing and that what while you speak of helping all the houses you do not speak of what that entails.” The queen shrugged then. “Show us that there is a solid plan behind your clever words and I will listen. My own reputation is well known and I will vote for whoever is most capable, you just have to demonstrate it.”

“Plan?” Allianna raised a brow, “but of course. I’m sure you are aware of the works the Imperial court has been striving towards the last few months. Let me explain.”

“In my father’s absence the courts have undertaken the brunt of the Empire’s current situation and likewise we collectively have formulated plans, as well as individually devised what we would consider the best course of action, let me map out the latest.”

Allianna cleared her throat as she started talking with her fingers and hands, her eyes bouncing between the two as she started to explain, “currently the Empire has seven major issues felt by all the provinces, seven issues we are working hard on mending; these issues being Emperor Taramyth’s debt, Lack of naval funds, shortage of resources and garrison in the north, heresies, vilespawn incursions, vulnerability to Eastern and Western invasion, and of course provincial crime lords. It is agreed upon that the North needs to be settled, but without further indebting the imperial treasury, the naval fleets need to be reinforced -- effectively fixing our west and east flanks, our interior needs to improve on its garrison presence and response to incursion and heresies, and our policing force needs to… well frankly be enforced. So the fix is tough and long, but it isn’t a bandage, such as throwing money at the issue or stabbing it until it goes away. First the debtors may be petitioned by the court along with the newly elected leader to cut or dissolve outstanding debt by simply providing the clause of Taramyths debt, considering his love for personal loans. We could even take the brunt of the challenge by giving his late belongings to the debtors. If this is not possible then negotiations on a reasonable debt and payment plans will be enacted. Expeditions Imperially funded will cease save for scouting missions for a select period of time to diffuse tensions on our borders and our wallet. Recruitment will be enforced in troubled crime areas of the provinces to thin the youthful population and send them to the troubled border to fill in for our missing garrison while weakening the crime lord’s potential. Returning youths will be militarized by the process, lowering criminal efficiency and making them ripe for new policing recruitments in these troubled areas, creating jobs. Of course more direct actions will be taken, and I will negotiate with my Uncle Shamgar to cooperatively use the national church and inquisition to aid in policing and routing of criminal activity. The recycling of military units, and slackening of outright invasions will provide a trickle of money to be used in giving our navy a true backbone. Should our positive status continue, than a palisade built on integers between us and the troubled north might be plausible for protection and job creation. I hope to also open negotiations to the closest tribes and their chieftains, perhaps a common ground can be met about the more violent tribes, and maybe a buffer can be created.”

Varminia nodded periodically as Allianna explained the more details plan for how exactly she wanted to work to fix the realm on the whole and it appeared that she approved of it. “Thank you for your time Duchess, we shall think on what was said here today but I for one can tell you that you have met my expectations and that I believe you would make a fine empress.” Varminia smiled then. “I have heard from Ralltene, and I have spoken to you, I wish to speak to Jakinius as well before I make my decision. But it has truly been a pleasure to speak with one so knowledgeable about what it actually takes to rule and so clear a plan to fix the problems.” Varminia rose from her seat as a sign that the meeting was now over.

“My attendants will show you out,” She said finally as she gestured magnanimously towards the doorway.

“Glad to be of service,” Allianna nodded her head as she stood up. A courteous smile flashed from her face as she gave her proper goodbyes.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Darkspleen
Avatar of Darkspleen

Darkspleen I am Spartacus

Member Seen 8 days ago

Zarand Capital Estate, Lalrial, Imperial Heartlands

Ixyan, the 8th of Gerna 1200 AU - 08.03.1200

“I have come as summoned” Miksa Artur said as he slipped into Aldrick’s private office. Aldrick seemed momentarily startled, but quickly gathered himself. He had indeed summoned Miksa and been expecting him. He just hadn’t expected to see the man so soon after sending out the summons.

“And you were…” Aldrick began.

“Unseen as always.”

“Excellent” Aldrick gestured for Miksa to take a seat. “I have a need for your services.”

“What is it you need?” The other man asked as he took a seat. Aldrick spent the next twenty minutes outlining exactly what he wanted Miska to do and how he expected the other man to do it. When Aldrick finished asking Miksa asked simply “And in who’s name shall it be done?”

“Why Lord Ralltene’s of course” Aldrick said with a smile as he grabbed a bag of gold coins from inside his desk and placed it before Miska. “Your funds and fees.”

“Very good” Miksa said as he opened the bag to check its contents. “Then in Lord Ralltene’s name your task shall be done. Is there any other need you have of me?”

“Not right now” Aldrick said.

The Imp’s Bottle, Lalrial, Imperial Heartlands

It had taken him the better part of the day, but Miksa had found a sufficient number of men who possessed the ‘qualities’ he was looking for. These individuals were the sort of rough and tumble men who would need just enough convincing they almost believed in the false cause Miksa was creating.

“The empire needs a man like Ralltene at its helm” Miksa spoke to the group of men just loudly enough to be heard by them. “We all know that should the likes of Allianna gain the throne that we are all doomed.”

“Can’t forget Jakinius!” A member of Miksa’s audience shouted. “I heard from a friend that he’s going to invade the capital!” It took no small measure of self-control for Miksa to not smile at that. That was an interesting piece of propaganda that he had yet to hear of. It always pleased him when the schemes of others made his own tasks that much easier. He would have to investigate this talk of an invasion later. Lord Aldrick would surely pay him a handsome bonus for any information he might dredge up.

“Indeed” Miksa continued. “And that is why I have come before you my friends. Lord Aldrick of House Zarand is a friend of Alliana’s and Jakinius” He spat out. “Thus he is no friend of ours.” He waited for his audience to finish insulting Aldrick before continuing “And that is why I have come before you with a task from the good lord himself. We cannot allow Lord Aldrick to continue his work against Lord Ralltene.”

“We know Lord Aldrick will visit the Tallurian estate tomorrow” He continued as he placed the bag of gold coins on the table before him. He reached inside and fished one of the coins out, holding it up so that the gathered men could see it. “I have been authorized to reward any who partake in the… action tomorrow with a share of this. How ‘bout it? Interested?”

Lalrial, Imperial Heartlands

Craggan, the 9th of Gerna 1200 AU - 09.03.1200

The men were upon Aldrick and his guards before any could react. He had doubled his guard and even then there were three times as many attacks. They lunged at Aldrick and the shield sisters guarding him with everything from swords to broken table legs.

Aldrick swore loudly as he drew his Acithan steel blade, pulling it from the sheath just in time to deflect an incoming sword. He stepped into the man’s guard and smashed him in the face with his sword’s pommel. Then, stepping back, he slashed the man’s gut open. There was no time to feel any sort of victory over the kill, however, as two other men were stepping up to assault Aldrick.

He reached out towards them with his left hand; the hand which he wore the ring shaped as a serpent biting its own tail. The serpent came to life, letting go of its tail to lung at the two men. It grew in size as it neared them, reaching the size of a large dog by the time it collided with one man. The lindwurm, for that was what it was, tore into the man’s neck before leaping for the other man. Aldrick didn’t wait around to see what that man’s fate was. He slipped into a nearby alley when none of his guards were looking his way.

There he found Miksa Artur waiting for him. Without warning Miksa lunged towards Aldrick, his sword thrusting forward. Aldrick flinched, the attack coming as a complete surprise. Miksa’s blade sailed past Aldrick’s shoulder, its tip finding a home in the chest of one of the thugs that had come to assault him. Without a word Miksa sheathed his own blade and picked up the thug’s weapon, a broken off table leg.

“Let’s get this over with” Aldrick muttered. He could hear the sounds of battle coming to an end as the shield sisters began to get the upper hand on their attackers. In the distance he could hear the city guard approaching.

“Very well Lord Aldrick” Miksa said as he hefted the table leg. He then swung the leg at Aldrick, his arm making a sickening sound as the makeshift club made contact. Aldrick cried out in pain and fell to his knees as Miksa struck him again and again, alternating between using the table leg and kicks to assault Aldrick. Suddenly Miksa’s attack stopped. In fact the sounds of battle had stopped entirely. Aldrick weakly opened one eye, finding no sign of Miksa.

“Lord Aldrick!” He heard one of his guards cry before he lost consciousness.

Tallurian Capital Estate, Lalrial, Imperial Heartlands

Craggan, the 9th of Gerna 1200 AU - 09.03.1200

"We need Lady Marra, now" One of the two shield sisters that were half dragging, half carrying Aldrick's limp form said as they entered the room. Blood, falling from a myriad of small cuts formed a thin trail in their wake. The shield sisters hefted the battered noble onto the room's table before turning towards a nearby servant. "Now!"

The servant in question seemed rather shocked at the unexpected intrusion into the manor. But it was not the place of a servant to question the commands of a shield sister, especially when the wounded party was a regular guest of Lady Marra's. The man in the red and white of House Tallurian quickly vanished from the room.

Several minutes passed before the clamour of approaching footsteps sounded again and the door opened once more. This time with the servant leading the clearly concerned noblewoman. Marra's red eyes widened in shock and surprise as she took in Aldrick's battered state. The look of shock and surprise though did not last for very long as her piercing gaze turned to one of the shield sisters. "What happened!?" She demanded, in that moment sounding far less like the carefree party queen she so often was and far more the imperious scion of high nobility that she really was.

Even as she demanded an explanation she was moving over to where Aldrick lay upon the table, her hands beginning to glow with a faint crimson light. "You were supposed to protect him. That is your job." The words were harsh and seemed genuinely emotional. Then Lady Marra pressed her hands, sheathed in the crimson light against Aldrick's torso. The red glow spread out from her hands and as it spread the cuts and bruises began to fade and scab over.

But when the light reached Aldrick's arm it stopped and Marra, looking somewhat depleted lifted the unconcious man's arm and with a sickened expression aligned the broken bones again. The crimson light flowed from her hands once again and this time the arm mended as well. But Lady Marra appeared to have been left rather worse for wear after the healing as she staggered, having to catch herself against the table with a hand.

"We had sent for a Valkyrie from the local chapter on our way here" One of the shield sisters commented when Marra appeared to be done with her work. "But it may take her some time to get here."

Aldrick moaned and opened his left eye, the right being too swollen to open, and looked up at Marra. "Avoriel? Can I see her?" He asked before blacking out again.

"Shit" The other shield sister muttered. "Bastards were all over us before we knew they were even there." Both shield sisters scowled at the thought of the earlier attack, neither seeming particularly keen on speaking about the subject further.

First Marra turned away from the table, her gaze finding the servant who had gone to fetch her earlier and then spoke. "Go, get Avoriel, tell her I need her here." As before the servant disappeared rather promptly.

And with that Marra turned back to the shield sisters and Aldrick, she seemed to have steadied herself and gotten past her moments of faintness after the initial healing. "I healed the worst of it. That's all I can do without a sacrifice or risking myself. He should be alright though, stabilized now." But it did not seem that she was going to let things go quite so easily.

"Who attacked you? Aldrick was worried when he left, he said they might be after him. I should have made him accept an additional escort." Marra fretted, seemingly at a loss for how to handle the situation.

"He mentioned his fears to the chapter's grand commander" One of the shield sisters commented. "She had his guard doubled, which should have been more than enough protection." She reached up and touched a small cut on her forehead. "Clearly it wasn't. They knew what route we would take and were lying in wait."

"There were at least twelve" The other shield sister commented.

"Probably fifteen in total" The first corrected. "Before we knew what was going on they were right on top of us. We put up a good fight... but Lord Aldrick was seperated from us and we lost sight of him. When he found him again" She gestured at his unmoving form.

"And who were they?" Marra's voice rose again in frustration. "High Lords are not just accosted in the streets of Lalrial!"

"Thugs" The second shield sister said with a wince.

"Not just mere thugs" The first said as she scowled at her comrade. "Simple thugs don't assault lords on their way to visit other lords. We don't know who is behind this attack" She continued as she turned her attention to Marra, "But I strongly suspect that it is the same person who is behind Lord Conrad's murder. Either way we will find out soon. We managed to capture a few of them alive."

Marra shuddered as if the very thought of such a thing was abhorrent to her. "This simply cannot be happening. Two prime magistrates assaulted in as many days." But then Marra pasued as if she was deep in thought for a long moment, her eyes seeming unfocused for that moment before snapping back. "Both Lord Conrad and Aldrick were supporters of Allianna, and Aldrick said he thought Ralltene might be moving against his sister. But, how can that be?" Marra's voice sounded confused and suspicious. "He couldn't really be attacking her supporters.... or could he?"

"Shit" The first shield sister muttered. "Lord Aldrick had mentioned a fear of Allianna being attacked while petitioning the Grand Commander to extend her protection to her. He never mentioned Ralltene being behind Lord Conrad's death though."

"He might have been afraid of tipping his hand to early" The second shield sister commented. "Apparently it didn't help though."

"If Lord Ralltene is behind these henious acts" The first shield sister continued, "Then the shield sisters will not be able to remain quiet. One way or the other we'll get to the bottom of this. The Grand Commander will get those thugs to talk, I promise you that much."

Lady Marra opened her mouth to reply but didn't get the chance to do so before the doors opened once more and another woman came into the room. She looked much like a Tallurian, but her hair and eyes were both a softer color, a lighter shade of red in the hair and a softer amber rather than crimson eyes, likely both signs of her mother's lineage. "Aunt Marra you call.."

The younger woman in the crimson half armor of Vaels in non combat situations now focused on the body lying on the table. "Cousin Aldrick?" She began. "What happened here?"

"Aldrick was attacked Avoriel, someone is going around attacking the magistrates." Marra said quickly in reply. "I healed him, and he is stable but he asked for you."

Both shield sisters rendered a half bow as Avoriel entered the room. "If you would like" The first shield sister said to Marra, "we could petition the Grand Commander to allow you to be present during the prisoners' interigations."

Aldrick moaned again as he neared conciousness. His good eye blinked several times before focusing on first Marra and then Avoriel. "Is that my favorite cousin?" He asked weakly.

"Yes," Marra said first to the shield sister who had spoken. "We want to be present, if people are after the magistrates I need to know."

Avoriel quickly hurried over to Aldrick as well, a relieved smile showing on her face as he stirred and she saw that Marra really had healed most of the wounds. "Yes Aldrick, It's me. You've got to be more careful."

"Don't worry. I'm too dashing and handsome to be killed that easily" He tried to smile, but ended up grimacing instead.

Avoriel smiled briefly again, her lips quirking upwards for a moment before her expression hardened somewhat. "If you truly believed there were people after you we could have helped, I have a full detachment here with me to guard the queen, we could have spared a few of our number. In fact I would have insisted on it."

"...didn't realize the full extent of the danger." Aldrick muttered. "I... told myself... that since I was better than him... I couldn't share the same fate." He eyed Marra for a moment before saying "My family's ring has never... let me down..."

Marra though didn't necessarily respond favorably as her face was set in a neutral and concerned expression. "You are better than him, but the quality of a person doesn't make them invulnerable. James Conrad was a nobody, you have people who care, you should be more careful." It was a gentle admonishment but still a bit of one. "But when you are better we need to talk again, I've gotten things rolling for a big event. One that you've been requesting and I think you'll enjoy it." She smiled then.

"I think..." Aldrick didn't quite return her smile "that I... am in desperate need of some good news." He eyed his guards and gave them a gesture that seemed to imply that they were dismissed. "Now my fair ladies..." He said as the shield sisters excused themselves, turning his attention back to Marra and Avoriel. "might you... share a bit of gossip with me to... distract me from this aweful pain in my arm?"

Sisters of the Silver Shield Chapter, Lalrial, Imperial Heartlands

Craggan, the 9th of Gerna 1200 AU - 09.03.1200

The shield sister's Lalrial chapter was certainly not the most extravagant of buildings in the capital, but it certainly left an impression. It was a large structure made of stone, its shape and design immediately causing those who viewed it to compare it to a fort. At the chapter's front entrance stood two shield sisters, their eyes ever watchful as they stood guard.

Two inquisitors in the silver and gold robes of their order approached the large building. They were accompanied by a full retinue of the seemingly unaffiliated retinuesmen. The female inquisitor stepped forward first from the group as they came to the entrance.

"I am inquisitor Meli’Vai of the Argentum." A musical lilting voice chimed out. "We come on the orders of the Vialiph to investigate the attacks on prime magistrates for possible heretic involvement."

"We've been expecting someone from the Argentum to show up eventually." One of the shield sisters stated. "You and your fellow inquisitor may enter." The two shield sisters stepped aside and held the chapter's doors open for the inquisitors. "I am sure Grand Commander Serapina will wish to speak to the two of you."

"Our retinue will wait here. We thank you for your cooperation." Rae’Vani gestured to their retinuesmen and then with her fellow inquisitor entered the chapel.

The inside of the chapter was much like what would be expected from a normal chapel. Much of the entrance hall's space was taken up by pews. Few individuals were sitting on the pews at the moment, but from their wear it was obvious they saw a decent amount of use. The walls were covered in murals depicting Ra-hun-ru and various scenes of battles. At the end the forms of several shield sisters, Lady Marra, and Lady Avoriel could be seen apparently in the midst of a conversation. Two of the shield sisters appeared to be of similar rank as those standing guard outside. The third, however, wore more ornate armor and was sporting a beautiful cloak. The hilt of the sword resting on her hip was made partially of silver, and parts of her armor were overed in silver leafing.

"I do not need to ask anything Grand Commander," Lady Marra said to the shield sister in the more ornate armor. "I am here because Aldrick confided his fears of Ralltene's agents in me and I am concerned." Marra seemed animated but composed at the same time, her face a controlled mixture of outrage and concern.

"But I do." Avoriel spoke as well. "I want to know how my cousin's guards could have been bypassed so easily. I know how well trained your warriors are and this was far too much for simple thugs to have orchestrated." The Tallurian vael finished speaking there as well.

"Those are serious accusations" Grand Commander Serapina leveled her gaze at Avoriel. "You are Sybila's daughter. Correct?" She narrowed her eyes ever so slightly. "I doubt I need tell you the fate these sisters will have should it be determined that they are guilty of dereliction of duty."

"I am her daughter and I made no accusations Grand Commander," Avoriel replied quickly. "I know what your sisters go through and how capable they are, for them to have been bypassed speaks volumes to how well planned and orchestrated this was. That worries me."

One of the shield sisters, not realizing she had been holding her breath, let out a sigh of relief. Serapina looked at her out of the corner of her eye as she said "We have not determined your innocence yet, sister. Still" She turned her attention back to Marra and Avoriel, "there are more important matters to attend to at the moment. These two" She gestured at the other two shield sisters "have told me that they believe Lord Aldrick's assault and Lord James Conrad's murder to somehow be linked. Now you tell me that he believed Lord Ralltene is somehow involved. How have you come to your conclusion?"

"Lord Aldrick told me of his fear for his safety when we spoke yesterday. He had just found our fellow Magistrate's body and wanted to warn me." Marra's voice sounded rather broken up as she spoke. "He asked that I send word back to his family if anything happened to him because he was afraid that as a supporter of Allianna the people who killed James Conrad would come for him too." Marra's voice grew more strained. "And who stood to benefit most from this? Jakinius isn't here and I've known him since childhood. Ralltene is the only one with the means to know and the reason to attack her supporters. I can't believe this is happening!" And Marra seemed to lose her grip at the end to the point of tears

Avoriel put a hand on her shoulder. "It's alright aunty, we are going to fix this and catch the bastards who did this." Then her gaze shifted to Serapina again. "Forgive her emotional outburst, Aunt Marra has always let her feelings rule her." The words were not unkind.

"You have nothing to apologize for" Serapina said with a nod of her head. "The motives and mastermind, if there is one, behind Lord Aldrick's assault will be revealed to us soon." She shifted her stance slightly so that she could look towards the entryway without looking over her own shoulder. "And it would it seem that you are not the only ones seeking answers."

"We are investigating possible heretic ties to the assassination attempt on lord Aldrick and the corpse in the Magistrate Manor." The female inquisitor spoke as the two vaelie in gold and silver peak hooded robes walked forward. "The timing cannot be coincidental and there are reports of heresy surrounding James Conrad." This time the male spoke, both voices heavy and musical, plucking at the minds of those who heard them speak.

"And how is it that I can help you with your investigation inquisitors?" Serapina asked with just the slightest hint of superiority in her tone. She didn't quite turn her body fully towards them, almost as if to imply that she was just waiting to return her full attention to the two nobles before her.

"We require the captives for interrogation. We believe there is corruption in the highest levels and that these men can be a valuable lead in tracking down the source." The female inquisitor spoke once more.

"Be that as it may" Serapina said. "These captives are guilty of assaulting a noble under our protection and may be linked to the murder of another noble. These are crimes of great evil, thus they fall under our jurisidction." She paused as if contemplating something before adding "You may aid me in my own investigation or wait until I am done with them." Once again there was just a hint of superiority in her voice, undetectable to all except those who were actively listening for it.

"Now then Lady Marra, Lady Avoriel" She turned back to the two noble ladies, "would either of you care to accompany me while I question the captives?"

Avoriel stepped forward in response to the question, the crimson half armor she wore clinking slightly as the chain rustled. "I will accompany you. I need to be able to make my own reports." Her slightly lighter than usual eyes met the high ranking shield sisters and she nodded as if in response to an unspoken question about following the other woman's lead in the interrogation.

As for Marra she shook her head when the question was put to her. "I do not think my nerves can take it. I've had quite the series of frights already today." And with that said Marra turned away, and moved to the nearest of the pews, taking a seat. "I shall pray for Alluria to speed Aldrick's recovery to health."

The two inquisitors exchanged glances with each other, maybe weighing the benefits of a confrontation against the costs before the male spoke this time. "We would witness this interrogation and judge if further investigation or more intrusive meaasures are needed."

"Suit yourselves" Serapina said and without preamble began to head into a side hallway, with the other two shield sisters gesturing for the others to following before falling into step behind her. "The shield sisters guarding Lord Aldrick" Serapina said as she led them to a stairway that headed down. "managed to capture four of his attackers alive. Unfortunately one of them died shortly thereafter. The others aren't in too bad of a condition. Yet."

The Grand Commander led the group down the stairs and through another hallway until they reached a heavy door guarded by a pair of shield sisters. They spaired the group one glance before unlocking the door and holding it open for them. The room inside was spacious and, quite obviously, intended to be used for the purposes of imprisioning and interrogating those who ran afoul of the shield sisters. On the far wall the forms of three men, each looking as if they had just been in the worst bar brawl of their lives, could be seen chained to the wall.

"Here we are" Serapina stated, sparing Avoriel a single glance. "Care to ask them anything before I begin?"

Avoriel took a step towards the men chained against the wall and spoke loudly. "I am going to ask once before she" the Tallurian pointed to Serapina, and then towards the inquisitors, "and they get to work on you. I could boil your blood inside your veins and then heal you, and then do it again." In truth that was a bluff but the Tallurian magical powers were well known and somewhat mythical among the commonfolk. "Tell me, who hired you to kill my cousin." The words were dangerous and her eyes normally amber seemed to grow darker as a faint reddish glow gathered.

"We dun no nothin'!" One of the captives yelled. He was the oldest and toughest looking of the three. He gave Avoriel one good look before spitting at her. Or at least he tried to spit at her, but his face was so swollen up that he had trouble aiming it properly and so the instead just ran down his face.

"It was just a man!" A different captive said. "He never said his name! I swear by Kammenth!"

"Shut up!" The first captive yelled. "What we dun was fer the good of the 'pire!"

Avoriel simply raised a hand towards the captive who had tried to spit at her, and the crimson light that signalled Tallurian magic began to glow and gather around that outstretched hand. "I said I would ask once. I have asked, now you will answer before I count to three or I will boil you alive and then leave you for their tender mercies." She glanced towards the inquisitors who to their credit stood there in nonchalant but intimidating positions, their iconic robes likely striking fear into the men as well.



"Thr-" Avoriel began but before she finished the first captive yelled "Go get fucked by a horse you whore!"

Avoriel didn't speak. But she did gesture, and made a pulling motion as the crimson light flared around her hand. The man gave a scream of pain and would have doubled over clutching his stomach had he not been restrained. Then his head lurched forward and as Avoriel continued her pulling motion he vomitted, a stream of bloody vomit pouring out of his mouth to stain the ground and splatter both on his body and the floor. Then Avoriel let her hand return its original position, still glowing however. She did not ask her question again. But the Tallurian did speak.



"He..." The captive gasped "never said his name."

"Its true!" The second captive said. The third remained dead quiet, his eyes locked onto the corner of the room.

"So someone put you up to this?" Serapina asked as she stepped next to Avoriel. "And yet you don't know his name?"

"That's...right..." The first captive mumbled. The Grand Commander gave Avoriel a look that seemed to say "that's cute" as she drew her sword. "What... are...?" The captive asked with his eyes wide open. The only answer he got was the tip of her sword pressing into his hand. A small trickle of blood flowed out from beneth the blade's tip.

"I suppose the question is" Serapina said as she pressed her sword into the captive's hand. He cried out in pain as the sword slowly sunk into his flesh. "on whose behalf this unnamed man was working for." The man screamed, but Serapina seemed unaware of his discomfort. "The first man to give me a name will be allowed to leave."

"It was Arthur!" The second captive yelled out.

"Now, now" Serapina said as she pushed her sword all the way though the first captive's hand. "You and I both know that isn't the correct answer."

"By the gods!" The first captive cried, "It was Lord Ralltene. He was working for Lord Ralltene!"

"Now that wasn't so hard, was it?" Serapina flashed the man a smile as she drew her blade from his hand. "Now then" She turned towards the guards "release this man." The two shield sister guards quickly undid his shackles and helped the captive to his feet. He looked at Avoriel, then Serapina, and then the inquisitors before dashing towards the door. As he passed Serapina she kicked his feet out from under him, sending him sprawling onto the ground.

"You shouldn't have called Lady Avoriel a whore." She said with not an ounce of warmth in her voice. "You two may have him."

"But you said I could leave!" The captive cried.

"And you will. With them." Serapina responded.

"Yes." A melodious voice dripping with a suffucating warmth chimed out as the female inquisitor walked over to the fallen man. "You are coming with us. We have so much to talk about." Her musical voice was beautiful and terrible all at once. "You see, we recieved reports of heresy, and as you know, heretics, well, there is no mercy in the sacred fires." And the man began to scream then, a scream that did not stop until he had been led out of the room by the inquisitors.

"Now then" Serapina ignored the man's screams as they drifed down the hall. "Why don't the two of you tell me everything else you know?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by GreivousKhan
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GreivousKhan Deus Vult

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The Heartlands

Valorin, 11th of Gerna | 1200 AU
Location: A days ride from North from Lalrial

The sun was but an orange line on the horizon when the company lead by Jakinius had made camp just a day's ride from the capital. The setting sun made long shadows of the stone hills and rocky outcroppings. The river basin known as the Ethereal Tributary flowed to the camp's north. Close enough to grant easy access to fresh water. The Velathi Mountain that housed the great Flame Keep of the Church of the Sacred flame was but three dozen leagues north across that same river. The grassy foothills that the party had made camp at the foot of acted as the defining border between the provinces Dreiben and Aglil, the latter better known as the Heartlands.

Their stay in Dreiben had been peaceful enough. A fine one in fact given the protection the bannerguard had extended. It had given Jakinius and the others time to heal their wounds and recover their strength following the desperate skirmish in the Lorewood. Olafgvar Kjaldsson was tending the camps fire. Burning a few pieces of deadwood and bushes he had managed to scavenge while having already set up the cooking pot above the meager flame. Metinnus had already ordered the men to pitch the tents while a small group went to collect water. They had chosen to build the fire in the midst of a small circle of small boulders.

Tents circled around the fire facing inwards toward the warming fire. The horses had been tied to a pair of small trees off to the west of camp. There they enjoyed a rest of their own as they fed upon the rich grass around them. Tired himself from a long day of riding Jakinius plumped down on one of the stone seats close to the fire. He cast his gaze skyward and noted the dark clouds. Knowing soon rain would follow. He was glad for the leather tents bought while they had stayed in Dreiben. The animal hide would do well in keeping out the rainfall. He pulled out his waterskin and drained the last of the liquid within. He frowned at the empty vessel and stored it back at his waist.

The sun was low but it was just dark enough to see a few stars beginning to appear in the skies above. A cool breeze wafted by him and he instinctively drew his dark grey cloak tighter about himself. He flexed his right leg while he relaxed; noting that there was less pain and cramping in the muscles where he had been stabbed by the Narkak spear. The healing had done him much good it would seem. Still the scars would remain with him for the rest of his life, all a testament to his will to survive as well as Ra-hun-ru's protection in battle so he would wear them proudly.

Lynette approached the fire and, without saying a word, sat beside Jakinius. She silently stared into the flames, watching them dance and sway in the soft breeze. Their image drew forth memories decades old, memories that she normally didn’t think about. After a few moments, she shook her head, forcing her thoughts away from those memories.

“You should have left us,” She said. There was no guilt or condemnation in her voice. Her tone was that used simply to state a fact, the same one she might use to say one plus one is two or that the sky is blue. Her face too seemed to be perfectly neutral as she stared into the fire before them.

Jakinius eyes fell on the horizon as he watched the sun slip out of view, his face unreadable but his gaze intense. Still looking ahead he said simply, "I could not. It has never been in me to run nor abandon a friend or comrade in need..." His voice was a quiet high whisper but his tone held a kind of conviction that bespoke strength.

“You need to value your own life more” Lynette said with a frown. She looked over her shoulder as she heard someone approach them from behind.

“I,” The Valkyrie said as she walked towards Lynette and Jakinius, “am quite glad you didn’t abandon me, regardless of what I might have said at the time.” Her injury seemed to have mostly healed, although she still had a slight limp. The Valkyrie rendered a deep bow towards Jakinius before taking a seat on the opposite side of the fire.

“Who would lead the Empire’s armies should you fall Jakinius?” Lynette asked.

Jakinius looked down to his hand, his fingers slowly forming into a fist. Testing the feeling in his arm since his recovery, "perhaps it was reckless. Yet I hardly had that on my mind in the heat of the moment." He offered a half-smile, "still I don't think I am so unique as to be irreplaceable."

At that moment, Metinnus came wandering over with a pack over one arm. "I'd disagree on that milord-- the north needs men such as you like never before." The Lokhagos sat down upon one of the stones and opened the pack he carried. He pulled out several objects wrapped in a sheet like material. He handed one to Jakinius and offered them to the Valkyrie as well as Lynette. "Baked bread-- the Gwethyns use them as rations. Should last us until we reach Lalrial. I don't fancy our chances in catching game out here."

Both women accepted the offered bread with a smile. Lynette immediately began to tear pieces off to eat. The Valkyrie set her’s aside for a moment as she addressed Jakinius. “My lord” She began, “I’m afraid I must apologize to you for not only failing to introduce myself, but also taking some measures to hide my identity from you.” Lynette shot her friend a are-you-sure look which the Valkyrie ignored.

“My name is Oktavia Kovacs” She said as she rose from her seat. “And I am the Arch Commander of the Sisters of the Silver Shield.” She rendered a low bow for Jakinius as she continued “I apologize for not introducing myself earlier, but I felt it necessary in order to obtain an untainted view of you as a person.”

“I am also at fault for deceiving you” Lynette set aside her own meal so she could stand and bow to Justinius as well. “I wanted Oktavia to have no doubt about who you truly were.”

Jakinius raised a hand and shook his head, "no need to explain, but I am glad to finally have a name. Referring to you as Valkyrie all the time was getting a tad awkward." He gave a light chuckle as he took a wrapped loaf of bread from Metinnus. "I am glad you trust me enough to be open with me. I hope this means your view of me is a positive one," he raised an eyebrow though his smile and tone hinted he would not hold any honest judgment against them.

“I feel inclined to speak well of you in the future” Oktavia allowed as both she and Lynette sat again. “And I can see why my predecessor had nothing but praise for you.” She looked at the fire thoughtfully as she bit into her loaf of bread. Lynette smiled back at Jakinius before changing the subject.

“So tell me” The princess began, “how fares the missus? I imagine you can’t wait to see her again.”

At the mention of his wife a genuine smile spread across Jakinius's face. "There are only two forces that could call me back from my duties in the north. Anastazie is easily the most powerful of those reasons I return to the capital. I even admit she is one thing I look forward to when I return." He looked up at the stars once more seemingly lost in thought.

Olaf mumbled a curse as he stopped stroking the fire, apparently displeased with the size. "Blasted bush makes for terrible tinder." He sighed as he got to his feet and took one of the loafs of bread which he promptly began to devour after sitting down on one of the larger boulders. Metinnus only shook his head as he turned his attention back to the conversation. "And what of you Lady Lynette? I hear you have a brother in the capital, forgive the assumption, but I assume that would be a nice reunion between family I'd hope."

“It will be” Lynette answered with a warm smile. “Though I must admit that I fear for my little brother. A lot.” She let out a long sigh. “I fear that some day he’ll earn the wrath of a powerful lord and then that’ll be the last I hear of him.” She shook her head. “At least, he seems to enjoy the capital, for what it's worth.”

“On the subject of wives,” Oktavia began as she poked at the fire with a stick. “Aren’t you past due to be married?” She just barely failed to keep a mischievous smile from her face.

“By Ra!” Lynette rolled her eyes. “I hardly have the time nor desire for that. And what about you?” Oktavia’s only response was a shrug. “I can’t imagine what sort of hell the north would turn into if I allowed by older brother free reign after father passes away.”

Metinnus hummed in concord, "I have only heard of Elek Zarand from word of mouth. I could judge the man himself without meeting him first,"

Eyes still off in the distance Jakinius offered his input, "I met him once." He turned his gaze to the others. "When I was stationed for a time in Acitha we met briefly, he was... aloof to say the least. His talents would ill fit a throne I fear."

Lynette nodded in agreement. “My brother is better suited to reading and painting, not leading. Unfortunately, my father either doesn’t care or is unwilling to see this.” She let out a long sigh. “Elek was always his favorite.”

“I will not send my sisters under battle under his command” Oktavia stated simply. Lynette frowned but nodded in understanding.

“I am hoping that, with enough time, I can convince either my father or Elek himself that it would be in the best interests of all involved that he does not rule Acitha. I hope it's not too presumptuous of me” Lynette gave Jakinius a pointed look, “to assume that any future emperor would also seek to keep Elek from the throne as well.”

Oktavia made a noise of disagreement before saying “The few times I’ve tried bringing the subject up to His Majesty’s attention I was pointedly ignored. I wouldn’t hold my breath that he’ll listen to reason.”

"Meddling in the affairs of the provinces in their choice of Arch Electors has ever been a messy issue. One that is always a fine rope to walk for any Emperor in decades past. A rope from which he might be hung if he was not careful." Jakinius dark silver eyes met with Lynette's, "Yet the realms of the north are our bulwarks against the Nordheim and it is in the interest of all that they remain strong. Title of Emperor or not, you would have my support, Lynette. Acitha not only needs but deserves a strong ruler. I can think of none better than yourself." His words were from the heart, and any could tell he wholly meant them.

Lynette averted her gaze to the ground to hide the blush forming on her face. A few golden locks of hair fell over her face as if to shield it from sight. After a moment, she replied, “I’m honored to hear you say that.”

Oktavia simply rolled her eyes as she stood up. “Yea. I say something along those lines to her and she ignores me.” She stretched and yawned before adding “Come on Metinnus. Let’s go and futily look for a deer to murder or something.”

“I ignore you” Lynette said without looking up, “because you say it so often.”

Metinnus seemed to roll that idea over for a moment before shrugging, "Aye, can't hurt, If I have to live off bread for one more night I'm liable to eat' my own arm."

Olafgvar laughed, "you have never been much of the hunter Metinnus! I suppose I can teach'ya a thing or two. If yer lucky, ye might find a rabbit to spite at least."

East Empire Company Office, Lalrial, Imperial Heartlands
Ixyan, the 8th of Gerna 1200 AU | 08.03.1200

The balcony of Ralltene's estate offered a lovely scenic view of the port side that overlooked the shining Gold Gulf. The refreshing smell of seawater wafted up from the piers bellow. Just far enough away that they were not too strong but close enough to be noticeable. Exotic plants from the Kawachian isles, as well as a few choice, plants from far away Lointaine. They gave the deck a refreshing look that any man or woman would appreciate. Resting has hands on the balconies railing Ralltene decided to enjoy the vista as he waited for his visitor. On a small round table off to his right was a single bottle of a purple vintage wine imported from Xandrian that was carefully blended with the more common Luzerne wine for a unique and flavorful kick. Two tall glasses rested beside the bottle said bottle while Ralltene waited.

As he did he reflected on what he knew of the Prime Magistrate of House Tlaerie. There's was a vote that could easily swing to any of the candidates, but it was one that was easy enough to gain the prince knew. However, he would need to walk carefully, for to side with House Tlaerie blindly would alienate House Swiftwave. Hence, he believed, none of the other contenders had yet courted with the Tlaerie. Still, if Ralltene sources were correct. It was now the perfect moment to strike a deal with the Tlaerie's as quickly as possible. In them, was the rare opportunity to swing two votes in one bold move.

Ralltene smiled. His sister might be a competent stateswoman. However, she would never match him when it came to reading the changing tides. The sound of someone clearing their throat alerted the prince to his aid's arrival. Alceste Léger stood with his arms behind his back and bowed his head as a way of apology for the interruption. "Milord, I present Lady Lae'Vesi Trielia, Prime Magistrate of House Tlaerie."

After the aid spoke a woman passed by him to enter the room. She had long golden hair and silver skin, features that might remind the imperial claimant of his lady love but otherwise she differed. Lae’Vesi was dressed in the fashion of house Tlaerie and vaelie highborn, many strips of silken cloth wrapped around her body. But this time the were not so revealing and the vaelie woman looked visibly nervous at having been summoned before someone so important.

“Prince Ralltene, you honor me with your summons.” Lae’Vesi began, her voice soft and lilting with a musical undertone but a faint one as she bowed her head and bent at the waist in respect for his position. “How may I serve you?”

Ralltene offered his most disarming smile as he raised a hand, "No need to be so formal Lady Lae’Vesi, this is an unofficial visit you might say. Though I would be misleading you to say ou discussion will not revolve around that of politics." He gestured to the small round table. "Can I interest you in a glass of Xandrian wine? You will have to forgive me, but I did not know your preferred brand so I took a leap of faith."

Such was partly true, for Ralltene had made sure to learn all he could of the Prime Magistrate before hand. Feigning ignorance, however, gave him just another tool at his disposal. It was sometimes better to not let on how informed you were about other nobles.

“If you wish.” Lae’Vesi nodded and straightened up though she looked nervous still. She moved over to the small table that Ralltene had pointed at. “I am sure anything you have chosen will be fine milord.” Her voice was soft and subservient, perhaps she was cowed by someone so important.

Ralltene looks to his aid who in turn bowed his head and left. Walking to the table Ralltene retrieved a glass and carefully poured out a measure of the wine in question. He handed it to Lae’Vesi with a practiced smile aimed to put her at ease. "Well, I do hope you enjoy it, in such uncertain times we must enjoy even the little things."

The prince then poured himself a glass, "So Lady Lae’Vesi, I admit to seeing the capital far too little during my time governing Lochbridge and managing the East Empire. Have you been a Prime Magistrate in Lalrial long?"

“Only for the last few months milord, Eril’Nisin Nirellia just retired from his post and I am his replacement. I am still learning how to fit in here.” The vaelie woman took the glass from Ralltene and took a sip from it, a smile showing as her lips curled upwards at the taste that many would have found sickeningly sweet. “I hope I have not behaved improperly.”

Ralltene waved a hand in the air, "oh no, from what I do hear you've been doing a fine job when my late father was in power." The prince looked out over the balcony at the crashing waves at the sea as if lost in thought. He looked back to Lae’Vesi for a moment, "when you look out onto this fair city what do you see?"

Lae’Vesi looked relieved for a moment though she hid it quickly and looked out at the water and the waves as well. “I see a magnificent city full of people. The heart of the empire that we have to preserve. For it is our duty to be ever vigilant, the watchful fires that burn against the dark.” She spoke words paraphrased from the creed of the Argentum and house Tlaerie despite her not being a direct member of the house.

"Quite true, but see a city- no- a realm full of potential..." Ralltene tone changed to a harder one. "But...not all that glitters is gold as the saying goes... upon those very waters far to the south lies a province that has long festered on the grapevine. Threatening to poison the whole. A rot I fear that has blinded the Emperors of the past. My father sadly among them."

Lae’Vesi visibly perked up at that statement. This was something she knew how to handle, it had been stressed how important her role in lobbying for the Immolation of Kawachia was to be during her education. “We have often advised your predecessors of the risks that the cancer there holds to the realm. Even the smallest infection can spread and doom its host. And this one is very dire.” Her voice’s musical undertones had perked up as well.

Ralltene took a sip of his wine, the set of his eyes revealing a stern resolve. "An apt description, given what I know of them now. I was never overly concerned in days of yore. Still my father learned his love of the sea from them until he wasted days away sailing the oceans leaving the realm to deteriorate over the years."

"Still, the Swiftwaves are a well-established house. Ones who no doubt have learned over the years to hide their less..savory interest from the public. Not even an emperor could move against an Arch Elector without cause... yet there are those skilled in finding out the sins of men."

“We seek only to preserve the empire and protect the faith.” Lae’Vesi replied. “But a cancer so long allowed to spread and grow could be resilient and fight against the cure.”

Ralltene nodded, "Quite true, so steps must be taken. The Argentum officially given the right resources it needs- yet even before that. Someone who sits on the gilded throne and is aware of such a cancer is required. I fear many of those who are eligible are... unconcerned with the soul of this empire."

“And you have the interests of the souls who would otherwise meet damnation in the sacred fires at heart milord?” Lae’Vesi asked, wanting to make sure she understood correctly. “You would take up the knife and cut out the cancer in our realm?”

"I would simply do as is required of me, using every tool at my disposal as any ruler should." Ralltene turned his gaze to her. “So can I count on the support of House Tlaerie in seeing an Emperor installed who is willing to do what is needed?”

“Gladly. We have waited for an emperor willing to excise the cancer from the land for so long.” Lae’Vesi could hardly contain her excitement at the prospect.

Temple of Kammeth, Lalrial, Imperial Heartlands
Ixyan, the 8th of Gerna 1200 AU - 08.03.1200

The great hallowed halls of the Temple of Kammeth within Lalrial was filled with many of the faithful. Crowds of people having gathered to lay witness to the new voice of the gods as they were officially given the title of Arch Dawnbringer. On the large podium at its center stood the great lit brazier, standing before it stood Noluretinaus and two of his fellow lords of fire; each standing to either side of him. The red robed and hooded figure to Noluretinaus's right held a red-crowned scepter fashioned from silver and gold topped with a ruby gem. The robed woman to his left carried in her arms the caped mantle of the Arched Dawnbringer. Raised in a half circle positioned on the podium was a stadium fashioned in tiers of steps- from here the choir stood as they chanted in a high whisper the songs of the holy texts in perfect unison.

Raising his powerful voice so that it echoed through the halls Noluretinaus began his speech, "Today we ordain the chosen new voice of Kammeths, we recognize Filmethi Dalfire as the Arch Dawnbringer of the Church of the Sacred Flame. May she guide the faithful in these uncertain times,"

Noluretinaus gestured to his right side signaling to Elder Reband, who in turn offered a smile to Filmethi as he handed the staff of the Arch Dawnbringer to her. The staff was a beautifully crafted piece of work that was emblazoned with holy symbols and intricate runes fashioned from gold or silver. "The rod of office of the Arch Dawnbringer," Reband said with a hint of rehearsal in his words. "May it serve as both a symbol of your position and a reminder of the protection granted by Kammeth."

The silver skinned and golden haired woman who had once been known as Tsi’Ri Tlaerie and who now carried a new name from the divine fires above stretched out a hand to take the staff from Reband. Her hand slowly closed around the firm wooden shaft of the staff and a smile that was still very much like Tsi’Ri’s old smiles bloomed on her beautifully sculpted the face. “Thank you, Brother Reband.” She spoke softly but her voice echoed in the vast temple.

“We all may doubt ourselves, for we are but mortal. But we must never doubt the one above, who saves us and preserves our souls in his holy fire.” Filmethi Dalfire raised her voice as she turned to the assembled masses. “Too often we try to delude ourselves into thinking that we are infallible, that our power and strength comes from ourselves alone instead of relying on his might and acknowledging his role.”

She raised the staff up in a silver hand as she continued. “Many have said that doubt is wrong, that to doubt you is to be weak. But I say this. Had I stood before his fires with pride, had I thought myself worthy to take this role the flames would have consumed me. It is because I saw my place, and respected his will that I stand before you now. I ask you all to look within yourselves, can you truly see your flaws? Are you honest with yourselves? The first step to true faith is to know oneself and then to embrace how the gods above can make us more than we could ever be alone, how they could find us, the weak and flawed vessels that we are, worthy of their favor and love.”

“Those who can look within and see their flaws have taken that first step to true faith. Humility opens the door where pride locks it shut, the humble who know their place are richer in faith than the proud who think themselves great. But how can we know the truth in the hearts of men? How can we truly know if someone is humble and pure in faith? How can we know they are not hiding their true pride, their true arrogance away like a cancer, seeking to uplift false gods or worse to elevate themselves to the level of our creators?” Her voice rose in volume and the old vaelie strains that twined through it though rusty still made it musical and pure even now.

Filmethi Dalfire brought down the staff, a ringing sound echoing through the temple as it struck the stone below. “Fear not, for Kammeth has given us a way. Just as I survived the holy fires and stand before you now, so shall the righteous and true in faith survive them in the times to come. We must be vigilant, we must never falter, for the evils of pride and self-deification are always present, sneaking into the hearts of the faithful to corrupt them.”

Then she fell silent for a moment as if she was gathering herself. “We do not fear the flames, for the flames are our salvation.” As she spoke her robes seemed to shimmer with a heat haze. “We do not fear the flames, for the flames are our salvation.” Now there was smoke around her. “We do not fear the flames, for the flames are our salvation!” And the fire came, blooming around her, but not burning as she stood in the center of the fiery halo. “The righteous need not fear the flames for the flames will show the truth and bring us salvation! But the wicked, the cancerous sinners who fester and seek to uplift false idols, to them the flames will bring damnation!” Then the flames that surrounded her began to fade.

The gathered assembly cheered as one at the moving words of their new Arch Dawnbringer. A few nodding their heads in agreement while others merely went along with the flow. Perhaps waiting to judge her based on her actions in the coming dark days. The simple folk could pray to their gods for guidance, but all men more easily walked in faith when another more pious than they lead the way.

Soon the mantle of her station was carefully placed upon her shoulders and the choir began to sing a song to lift the hearts of the faithful in this most sacred of moments. The Arch Dawnbringer had finally been chosen, and now the realm merely waited to see who would lead their nation as a whole....

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheMoatedGrange
Avatar of TheMoatedGrange

TheMoatedGrange Tennyson's Hussy

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The Gilded Cornucopia Public House, Harksmoor, Kingdom of Gwethydd

"Alright lad, I think you've had just about enough tonight,"

Maevina leant heavily across the bar of her establishment, jostling the drunken student roughly by the shoulder. He was young, maybe only seventeen or eighteen years, and he was dressed in the typical black accouchements that marked out the students of the academic institution from the townsfolk. Technically they were forbidden by their university authorities from engaging in any form of drinking or other debauched behaviour, but The Gilded Cornucopia, the only public house that was given license to operate within the Inner Plaza that contained the castle and the university, had for many generations been the traditional watering hole of the profligate student.

This one was no similar. He had stumbled bodily to the bar, slurred something about a flagon of sweetmead, then collapsed face first into a small pool of spilled wine.

"I think it's about time you left," Maevina repeated. She was a broad, buxom peasant type, with a harsh, loud voice and a permanently ruddy complexion. Her mousy hair was drawn back into a functional bun and she was prominently missing one of her front teeth.

The student finally began to stir into life, reanimating listlessly from his drunken stupor. "I've the money.. jus' one more.."
Maevina shook her head firmly. "No more. I'm trying to run a respectable establishment here,"

"Respectable?" The lad said, opening one eye. Maevina noticed that his face was still strewn with the canister shot of pimples that marked adolescence. "'m respectable. Don't you know who m'father is?"

"Nay, can't say I do," The landlady sighed impatiently. Most of the students had a complex about being told what to do; especially the ones who came from outside Gwethydd. Many of them had wealthy parents, after all, and probably had not been told what to do for some time.

"One more... just to set me off for the night, madam," The boy roused himself up, offering a toothy smile. Whether it was the honorific usage of the term madam or the sudden increase in composure, Maevina was stirred to pour the boy a tiny tipple of the bitter, pinkish grapefruit wine that the bread-basket kingdom was (in)famous for. He slammed down a silver coin and held it between thumb and forefinger for a minute.

Maevina had turned her back and was starting to clean an errant glass when she heard the boy clamber on top of his stool. She turned to scold him, but he was orating quite powerfully to the assembled crowd, and the landlady stopped a moment out of curiosity.

"Ladies and gentlemen," He declared. The crowd turned, individual conversations pausing to see the source of this interruption. One slattern giggled girlishly for a moment.

"I propose a toast!" The student said with a flamboyant flourish. "To our king,"

Maevina shrugged. She was turning back around when he finished his toast. "...and his nursemaids! Long live the Queens!"

The pub fell silent as the boy swigged the pinkish liquid in one gulp, grimaced momentarily, then clambered down from his perch. Eyes were wide with fear everywhere. Even the harlots seemed to have been given pause.

Maevina's ruddy face somehow reddened even further, and she swept out from behind the bar with surprising speed, hoisting the boy off of his feet by the collar of his black robes, and thrusting him powerfully out of the door of the establishment into the cool of the night. Visibly flustered, she dusted her hands down on her apron, cast a gaze around at her patrons, and slunk back behind the bar. Conversation resumed tentatively some minutes later, but the atmosphere for the rest of the evening felt stilted and uncomfortable.

Outside, as he clambered to his feet and drowsily bumped his way across the Central Plaza towards the university, the shadows bumped and stirred with anticipation.


Grounds of the Eldva University, Harksmoor, King of Gwethydd

The students and academics of the university seemed to melt away into the walls as Hiltruda strode confidently through its ancient stone cloisters. They would be visible up ahead, but would disappear into side doors or through narrow passageways as the Queen-Mother made her way down towards the central courtyard.

The morning was fresh and crisp and small beads of dew clung to the grass that was so painstakingly maintained by the university's formidable gardeners. The courtyard was fully enclosed, surrounded by stone cloisters and dotted with benches. The walls were covered in inscriptions detailing the exploits of famous alumni of the institution; imperial mages, famous battle commanders, influential religious leaders and writers. This was not what Hiltruda was interested in, though.

An enormous willow tree occupied by the centre of the courtyard, with a stone bench sheltered from the sunlight by the spindling and hanging limbs of the tree. Underneath, Hiltruda spied a black figure with their back to her, with lace gloves clasped over the glinting diamond head of an ebony cane. She approached, sitting elegantly and casually as if she were in her own home.

Her sister-in-law did not make a physical notion of greeting. Princess Alissera's voice was one of her many attributes that had been ravaged by her life-destroying illness, and when she spoke it was in a low, raspy whisper. "It is so unfortunate," were her first words, as she nodded from beneath her thick veil to the scene in front of her. On the other side of the courtyard to where Hiltruda had entered, a crowd of scholars was assembled around a black and red shape. It lay at the foot of the enormous bell tower which towered over the otherwise low lying buildings of the university. Among the crowd was the chancellor Eldarhar, who scratched his head with a surprisingly low amount of concern.

"They must enforce their rules more stringently. I worry for the future of this institution,"

"How did he fall?" Hiltruda asked with only a small amount of interest.

"Drunkenness. He had been engaging in licentiousness at the The Gilded Cornucopia. He climbed after being thrown out by the landlady and then he..."

Alissera flicked a finger over the diamond atop her cane. "...he fell. Very tragic, really,"

Hiltruda nodded slowly. Even after all this years, Alissera still had the capacity to instil fear in her. She was a dangerous woman; her loyalties were so indiscernible, and Hiltruda still dreaded to enquire as to her particular involvement (or lack thereof) in the mysterious demise of her husband Aethlar V.

"The King is going away, to the capital," Hiltruda commented in a non-committal manner. "For the election,"

"Indeed," Alissera said, tilting her head towards her sister-in-law in a way that led Hiltruda to believe that she had finally taken her eyes off of the crumpled body of the dead student. From this close it was possible to make out some of the Princess' features; the leathery, pinkish, shiny texture of her skin and the yellowed, bloodshot whites of her eyes. "Is his cortege organised?"

"Not yet," Hiltruda conceded.

"Very well. Eadrith must remain here; she is heavy with child. The time of her confinement will come soon. You must oversee this. The regency will be in the name of Lethlin, naturally, who I trust remains loyal to his dear family and will be pliable?" Alissera fired off the instructions with such rapidity that it was obvious that she had already formulated this plan before the meeting.

"I agree," The Queen said with a nod. "I will sign the temporary regency act myself. Aethlar will also," She paused for a moment. "I had the thought that he might take the bastards,"

"Eadgifu and Gaewin?" Alissera rasped with surprise. "Why?"

Hiltruda suppressed a smirk. She knew that Alissera was particularly close to the boy, Gaewin. The Queen-Mother's banishment of their mother Alysandra from the capital had been a point of contention between the realm's two most powerful women for some time. "Representatives from every major house will be present. Is it not high time they married and made lives of their own, outside of Gwethydd?"

Marriages had been mooted for Eadgifu especially among the scions of the most powerful Gwethyn houses, but Hiltruda had purposefully had them all sabotaged. Eadgifu was beautiful and sultry, with the silvery-white hair and violet eyes common to the Ygrissians. She was also intelligent. That was dangerous.

"Very well," Alissera conceded, her voice brittle with disappointment at having been rooted out by her sister-in-law. It was well known that Lord Gaewin was her creature first and foremost. "Surely then, Haldetrude should also go? She will be worth even more on the marriage market,"

Hiltruda suppressed a sigh. She had seen this coming. The table was being forcefully swept clean of pawns. "Yes, she must go as well,"

"Then it is settled. The King will ride out with Princess Haldetrude, Lord Gaewin and Lady Eadgifu at first light,"

"Indeed," Hiltruda stood and gave a small smile. "I shall go and inform him of the decisions that he has just made, then,"

Both women shared a laugh in the empty courtyard. Those assembled around the grisly remains of the dead student heard it, carried on the wind, and shuddered.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raptorman
Avatar of Raptorman


Banned Seen 9 yrs ago

Tallurian Capital Estate, Lalrial, The Heartlands

Ixyan, the 8th of Gerna 1200 AU - 08.03.1200

Marra may have had some more constraints put upon her than usual with her sister being in town and some of the estate she normally held total control over off limits, and she might actually have had to excersize restraint when she selected the wines and other accoutrements for the party, but she was not called the social queen of Lalrial for nothing and regardless of the challenges Marra had thrown her party.

Though the attendance had been rather lackluster and many of the regulars were in short supply, what with the death of the emperor now compounded by the arrival of so many of the arch-electors to the city, it had still proven rather impressive. There had been a great deal of drinking, debauchery, socialization, and Lady Marra had like she always did, seemed to be right at the center of it all.

And as the night was winding down and the guests began to trickle out she certainly appeared inebriated. She handed out the customary gifts to her guests as they trickled out past her. Several times the inebriated Tallurian seemed to stagger a bit and liberally applied that crimson glow which could coat her hands, pressing them against her head to banish what appeared to be a wicked headache in the works.

Still she was cheerful, bidding each guest farewell and wishing them the best. In the middle of the process though Marra appeared to trip after picking up one of the gift boxes from the back of the pile. And she lost her balance careening forward awkwardly to collide with the man to whom she was attempting to give the gift.

“I'm sorry” she spoke awkwardly as she was helped back to her feat, “I fear I have had a little too much tonight. I keep swearing not to touch the stuff again.” Her voice was slightly slurred. “But I always fail, too weak a person I'm afraid. Though I did turn down the oaf James Conrad when he tried to foist a bottle of swill on me. I do have class after all.”

The man seemed a bit surprised but took the box from Marra as he helped her back up. “Ah but my dear Lady Marra, isn't anything worth doing, worth doing in excess?” He smiled and seemed to be listening carefully to what came next.

Marra seemed stumped for a second as if her wine sodden mind was having trouble figure out how to answer. “Of course it is. That's what makes my parties the best. I hope you'll make haste to come back, I hadn't seen your face in far too long.”

“I make no promise but how can I resist your charms,” The man said in reply as the two laughed and Marra turned to the next guest in line, once more chattering about how happy she was that they could make it, how much she hoped they had enjoyed the party, and normal Marra things.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Paper Angel

Paper Angel Angel of Cookies and Papercuts!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Thalae, The Vialiphate of Meletis

Thalae, the holy fortress city of the Argentum and House Tlaerie. Thalae, the seat of great vaults of knowledge both arcane and divine. Thalae, the city that dominated the island of Meletis. It was a great city, if not so old as Rianis, or so populous as Violette, it was still a monument to an ancient and proud people.

Currently there was an event being prepared for. The Thalaen guard were out in force, a shining force of men and women dressed in the radiant gold armor and sporting their silver cloaks. A full fifth of the city's guard force had assembled near the waterfront. It was not every day that an armada came to Thalae. And one was arriving now. The visitors to the city would find themselves with a formidable escort on their arrival.

In the Vialiph's absence, due to the unexpected death of the Emperor, the Vialipha Sael'Lysi Tlaerie held court in his place. Only one of the twin thrones, one gold and the other silver, both carved in the shape of a raging fire was filled. Sael'Lysi Tlaerie sat on the silver throne, dressed in the full formal regalia of her office. She was wrapped modestly in strips of silver silks imported at great expense. The wrappings being overlong and spilling out onto the throne almost seeming to melt into the flames in the background to create an image of the Vialipha as a woman who was part of the fire itself.

The throne room, full of depictions of fire and murals of the twin gods Vaela and Vaelor had guards positioned tastefully where their armor almost led to them blending in with the rich decorations so as not to spoil the beauty and grandeur.

A servant who looked like he must have had some vaelie blood with his slightly silvered skin and pale golden hair entered the chamber and spoke loudly to announce the arrival of the visitors. “Your grace, the emissaries from Violette, Lord Reynold Gracieux and Lord Xavier Gracieux." The man announced before stepping aside to allow the nobles from the merchant republic to enter.

Lord Reynold entered the chambers with a degree of rapidity, his black boots and long, black hair still damp from his lengthy voyage at sea. His hair was tied behind his back, to keep out of his eyes, its untamed volume covering up much of the Veletian Admiral's old captain's jacket. Held against his side was a relatively simple leather helm, emblazoned with the sigil of House Gracieux, which had been taken off before he had entered the chamber; Reynold did not totally eschew courtesy.

Walking behind the Admiral, and entering a few seconds after him and in much less weathered atire, was his son. Xavier Gracieux did not look much like his father, red hair on his head rather than the black typical of the Gracieuxs, and a pale complexion, very much unliked his olive skinned, stern father. The blood of House Tallurian, through Reynold's wife, Velhara, flowed through Xavier. He was unlike his father not only in appearance, though, but also in temperment. Xavier was a charming, boisterous and adventurous sort, and above all, exuded confidence. He was also friendly and accomodating, though, an easy man with which to align and with a mind very open to new ideas. Xavier's father was none of these things: he was a man of iron and salt.

Reynold introduced himself, giving a short bow before stepping closer to the thrones, alongside his son. "Lord Reynold Gracieux, Admiral of the Veletian Marine. My son..." Reynold gestured to the redhead beside him, who was wearing a friendly smile, before he turned his gaze back to the Vialipha "...Xavier Gracieux. Your city's docks were large enough to accomodate the fleet. I am glad to see that this is a proper port. We had to spend a fortune upgrading Sunvale before it approached adequate."

Xavier then chimed in, trying to make up for his father's starkness, "Pleasant to meet you, Vialipha. My father and I both find Meletis a sight to behold, Thalae especially. I am sure the inhabitants—and rulers—of this fine city are no less charming than the city itself."

The Vialipha enmeshed as she was in her silvery finery nodded to each of the men in turn as they bowed to her. Her voice was musical and resonate, resplendent with warmth and almost compelling, the sort of sound that people could find themselves entranced by easily as she spoke herself. "It is a pleasure to welcome you to our fair city. I trust your journey was uneventful?"

Reynold gave a quiet grunt, as if amused at the question, but Xavier smiled and nodded, and took another step towards the throne to ensure his reaction was the one noticed before the Vialipha continued.

"In these trying times friendships are hard to come by and the threats have grown. We welcome your fleet's presence and have prepared accordingly." She gestured expansively, silver streams of cloth rippling against the flaming backdrop of her throne in a eyecatching manner.

Then her gaze turned specifically towards the younger of the men, golden eyes in the sea of silver fixing on him. "I have heard much about you, your aunt speaks most highly. Tsi'Niri has been looking forward to meeting you."

"And I her." Xavier replied insouciantly, grinning and idly resting a hand on the hilt of his sword. "Yours are a people known for their beauty, but I am sure Tsi'Niri is resplendent not only in her visage, but her character. I have heard nought but good things."

The Vialipha smiled, a beautific expression as she stretched out a silvery hand to gesture to one of the servants in the background of the ornate throne room and the servant stepped forward in turn. "If you would follow this one, he will show you to where she awaits your arrival young Gracieux, for I am sure you are eager to meet her and your father and I must discuss the details of the transfers."

Xavier gave a quick nod and followed the servant out of the room, eager to meet his bride-to-be. Reynold gave a heavy sigh as he watched his son depart, and then approached Sael'Lysi's throne, his eyes focused on the doorway he'd left through after Xavier was gone. He spoke as if he was talking to himself rather than the Vialipha, "I suppose it's a good match. Politically an excellent match, of course. Thalae's ports are perfectly situated for the Marine's needs. But I hope the two of them got along well, complement each other personally. That's more important to me than acquiring your island's fleet. Gods know this whole project was Victoria's idea anyway, not mine." Reynold paused, and then turned to Sael'Lysi with a slight grimace. "We can start sending in the missionaries immediately, as soon as they arrive in Violette. Ships there are all ready to ferry them off east. The new King of S'laaeth was suspiciously receptive to the idea of foreign monks in his lands, I heard, when a merchant brought it up to him at his coronation. Might be that we'll have even a Lointainian monarch worshipping Kammeth before the year's out. And I assure you, Meletis will be safe, safer than ever. We don't tolerate brigands in Violette, and House Gracieux doesn't tolerate threats against its charges. If any heretic fleet comes sailing this way, their burned and broken wreckages will be at the bottom of the sea before can even see Thalae appear on the horizon."

"If I did not have confidence in this union I would not have agreed. I know my daughter, and from what I have heard of your son they should do well." Sael'Lysi spoke, still smiling, her voice resonating with a faint sort of pride and happiness likely directed at her daughter. "With the fleet. The captains and sailors of the vessels have been informed. All save the ......" the Vialipha rattled off something in a long string of oddly musical syllables that flowed together before returning to common, "the large palatial vessel," she clarified. "That remains ours as discussed."

Reynold laughed. "A proper navy doesn't have much use for a ship like that. Looks like the kind of thing Taramyth would ride around in. All your fisherman's boats will be kept by the men that fish off 'em too. Everything will be exactly as you and Victoria arranged it."

Vila Tsi'Niri Tlaerie, eldest daughter of the Vialiph and Vialipha of Meletis, was nervous. The slender wisp of a young woman was dressed in her best clothing, her mother had helped her when normally servants would have done the intricate wrappings. Intricate strips of gold and silver were wound around her form over top of a simpler white dress that was nonetheless made of only the finest cloth as well. Her golden hair had been let loose to fall down around her delicate face and that delicate face showed an expression of mixed anticipation and nervousness.

She knew the Veletians had arrived, she had watched the ships pulling into the port from a window high in one of the palace's towers before descending to this alcove in the gardens to wait. The 16 year old waited impatiently, fidgeting a bit on the cushioned seat on which she sat and wishing she had brought one of her books with her as a distraction from the anticipation and nerves. At least she had heard lots of good things about him, she did wish though that she had been able to meet him sooner, this was going to be….

Tsi'Niri's attention was drawn as she heard footsteps approaching and she sat up straight and smiled her brightest smile as she waited for them to arrive.

When they did, Xavier was the second to enter, following the servant that had brought him here. He took his first glance at his wife to be, and was pleased, though he imagined she of course would not always look quite so wonderful as she did for this, their first meet. Before he spoke a word to her, he whispered into the ear of the servant who had guided him here, who then left the gardens, taking the rest of the idle gardeners and other lowborn away with him. Once he was alone with the princess, Xavier approached her, striding confidently to stand next to where she sat. His outfit—a fine shirt and trousers—was purple and black, and clung to his athletic form quite closely. The only colour feature they had in common, flesh and hair included, was gold, found on Xavier in the golden flower drawn on the chest of his shirt, a symbol of his status as a member of House Gracieux. Veletians were fond of marking things.

"Today is a day that the both of us will remember for the rest of our lives, my love. I have already caught my first glimpse of you, I am about to feel the grace of your touch for the first time, and soon I will hear your sweet voice as well." Xavier took Tsi'Niri's hand, lowering himself onto one knee and gazing into the vaelie girl's eyes. "Words cannot express my happiness at finally meeting you."

Tsi'Niri's golden eyes tracked the progress of her betrothed as he approached her, the nervous jitters that had led to her fidgeting earlier being suppressed by force of will. He had certainly lived up to what she had heard of his appearance, he was quite dashing and handsome.

The vaelie girl's first response as Xavier took her hand and praised her was to blush, her blush showing as a faint purplish coloration on the silver skin of her delicate cheeks. She kept up the smile and seemed at a loss for how to reply for a moment as her eyes locked with his, warm gold meeting the faint red of his. “I am” the first words were discordant and a mess with musical undertones that lacked the cohesion normally found in vaelie speech. Her face looked mortified for a moment as if she couldn't believe she had done that before she tried again. “I am very pleased to meet you at last too.” This time her words were proper, the undertones meshing together into a delightful and liltingly sweet sound.

The young princess' blush made Xavier smile, and fed his confidence. He took her other hand, holding them both closely and feeling the softness of her silver flesh. "Years from now, we will tell stories of this day, the first day that we met the loves of our lives. I'm not sure that you'll have much to talk about. I'm just some swarthy Veletian swordsman. But I... I will have a tale to tell of the most beautiful, and sweetest young woman I have ever seen." Xavier then placed a gentle, chaste kiss on Tsi'Niri's blushing cheek.

Tsi'Niri's blush only deepened as Xavier took her other hand gently and held them both. And then bent forward to kiss her cheek, the faint purplish color rapidly darkening. “I'm not sure of that. I'll have a lot to say about the dashing visitor who swept me off my feet.” She managed with a surprised smile on her face, she hadn't imagined this would go so wonderfully. He hadn't even batted an eye at her fumbled speech.

Hearing his bride to be speak of being swept off her feet, Xavier decided to do just that. He lifted the princess up off of her seat and into his arms, placing another kiss on her opposite cheek before he laughed, and took his eyes off of his betrothed for the first time, to scan the gardens. "You must give me a tour, teach me of all of these exotic plants. And I insist that I carry you throughout—you need to have a good vantage point if you are to describe each flower and vine in detail, after all."
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