ooooh, I think Angel is my kind of girl 

ooooh, I think Angel is my kind of girl
Just looking over everything, and I'll admit it's refreshing. We have a couple of ladies cuddling and maybe that isn't all, but it makes me think.
I got in trouble for making a joke about showing my box and there's no backlash over recent stuff
Are you guys finally loosening up a bit?
Gods, I turn my attention away from this place for like a day or so and then three pages just explode into existence. I can barely keep up with this OOC. Or even this IC for that matter.
Gods, I turn my attention away from this place for like a day or so and then three pages just explode into existence. I can barely keep up with this OOC. Or even this IC for that matter.
I've been brainstorming ideas for this current arc, and begun work on both the post for @Melonhead and @Fallenreaper, as well as a War-Pulse post so he can share his intel with everyone present.
I will make a large attempt to be more frequent this weekend.
Just looking over everything, and I'll admit it's refreshing. We have a couple of ladies cuddling and maybe that isn't all, but it makes me think.
I got in trouble for making a joke about showing my box and there's no backlash over recent stuff
Are you guys finally loosening up a bit?
<Snipped quote by Kalistar>
I have tried my best to restrain them, but they obviously lack σωφροσύνη. None at all. And until they restrain themselves, I will continue to use Lingua Latina and Ἑλληνική γλῶσσα!
<Snipped quote by NeutralNexus>
Honestly, you could probably skim through some of the OOC. Not like any of it is frivolous...
<Snipped quote by Dedonus>
Again... and Paper can officially tell you, I AM HOLDING BACK. There's several comments I could've made but I didn't. I deserve a pat on the back at least and some slack! -,- In addition, @Sep and yourself actually did will in distracting me when you talked about rp, even if it wasn't likely to happen and honestly, I enjoyed those moments. I like making suggestions, talking about ideas, etc. because it's something... fun.
<Snipped quote by Dedonus>
Some of it was, namely when I thought he should know I made a mention at him.
<Snipped quote by Kalistar>
Oh I'm sure something's loose alright.
<Snipped quote by Dedonus>
Again... and Paper can officially tell you, I AM HOLDING BACK. There's several comments I could've made but I didn't. I deserve a pat on the back at least and some slack! -,- In addition, @Sep and yourself actually did will in distracting me when you talked about rp, even if it wasn't likely to happen and honestly, I enjoyed those moments. I like making suggestions, talking about ideas, etc. because it's something... fun.
<Snipped quote by Fallenreaper>
*pats fallen on the back*
I know fallen, I know. -_^
<Snipped quote by Fallenreaper>
*pats fallen on the back*
I know fallen, I know. -_^
tacitus inimicus bonus est.
<Snipped quote by Paper Angel>
*snuggles and pouts then gets back to the pm reply to release her perverted nature in a judgement free space!*
<Snipped quote by Paper Angel>
I'll bring a pan and some batter so you can bake us more heretic cookies. I can lick the spoon right? If I help of course.
<Snipped quote by Dedonus>
<Snipped quote by Fallenreaper>
*snuggles right back and welcomes fallen back into the safe space of the pm!* ^-^
<Snipped quote by VATROU>
You sure you wanna lick the spoon? You could also watch me lick it. -_^
<Snipped quote by VATROU>
ego non cessabo!