Anastasia Psomas
| Name |Anastasia 'Alison' Psomas.
| Date of Birth |February 2nd, 1994
| Gender |Female
| Sexuality |Demisexual
| Occupation |Plays the Acoustic Guitar – has devoted much of her life to it. During the day Alison works as a Nurse.
| In-Depth Appearance |
Alison is typically in rough shape. She works night the morning shift from three A.M. to one P.M. Ten hour shifts don't treat her well. On the plus side, with the relatively permanent bags under her eyes she doesn't make huge investments in eye shadow. Small victories.
Physically she is rather small, yet fit. Most of the damage her incessant smoking and drinking does to her body has been repaired by her rather repetitive deaths. She has long dark brown hair that manages to grace the top of her back that is often rather messy, somewhat strung out and pushed out of her face with haste.
She has had a few tattoos but immolation is a dandy thing. Ink doesn’t typically survive it. As such her skin is actually rather immaculate often times, however bad habits typically catch up to her and she ends up with a black eye or a fat lip eventually.
Alison stands around 5’4 and is often found wearing an old T-shirt and her jeans or her scrubs. When it’s really cold out she can sometimes be found wearing a jumper or a green camo jacket she purchased when she first ran away. She purposefully bought it so that shew would grow into it, but she never really did. She wasn’t sure that if that was just genetics or if it was her capacity to self-immolate. It could be both.
Who Am I?

| Personality |♦ Outspoken ♦ Determined ♦ Aggressive ♦ Hopeful ♦
Alison been through a lot. It's the amount of pain she's physicaly suffered in her life that both demotivates her and pushes her to do more. On one hand, she'll always attempt to intervene in a robbery or something to that effect. She's hopeful for the future because she knows that her entire future may never end. She's aggressive because getting punched for her words doesn't hurt nearly as much as being immolated while she is recreated molecule by molecule. Her determination comes from the same source.
While those are all arguably benefits of her immortality, she also has a very difficult time processing emotions, specifically positive ones. She doesn't believe that anything can last unless it burns as bright as she does. Unfortunately this means that her love life has been incredibly lacking. In Alison's own outspoken way of saying things:
"I haven't been laid since a Bush was running North America."
She's very much no longer a Christian, devout or otherwise. She has trouble believing in much of anything lately. In an argument she is highly likely to take the side of an other over a human. General lack of trust with humans started with the mugger who killed her first and ended with her parents, who from her checking up, are incredibly anti-other. In this way she has potentially become slightly xenophobic, fearing what humanity might do should they finally learn all of this planet's secret.
Alison has considered ending her own life before, but with the inability to do such a thing she maintains a rather upbeat outtake. She's stuck there, she may as well have it her way. She used to smoke nearly a pack of cigarettes a day. However, she has managed to avoid damaging people's nostrils by recently using an electronic cigarette with nicotine. Though she has an emergency pack of smokes, should she get shot or something.
Her voice is typically inflected and rather emotive for someone as numb as she is, but she's a fine actor. She laughs rather easily, however she's also commonly bored.
| Likes & Dislikes |✔ Coming of age Films (Boyhood, Breakfast Club, etc).
✔ Singing
✔ Playing Music with others
✔ Coffee & Cigarettes
✔ Nice sunglasses
✔ Cuddling
✔ Falling asleep with someone
✘ Scared shitless of dying
✘ Emotions
✘ Being asked to give a shit
✘ Many humans
✘ Organized Religion
✘ Crime
✘ Soap-Operas
| History |
Alison, can unfortunately not speak for many Phoenix’s – or rather, any of them. She does not know who her actual birth parents are as she’s pretty sure that the parents who raised her had nothing to do with conceiving a self-immolating, fire wielding monster. Perhaps that was being a little hard, but to truly understand where Alison was coming from you’d have to know how it started.
She was raised a devout Christian. She went to a private Christian school, said grace before eating, read the bible for fun. She even had a songbook about Christ. She was devout, okay?
Alright, so one day, Alison gets asked to pick up some milk from the corner store. This is April 15th 2004 and Alison is ten years old, that’ll come up in a moment. She walked in, grabbed a carton of milk and was on her way out, that’s when he walked in. He wore a hoodie, one hand in his pocket, wanted to buy a pack of gum, you know where this is going.
He pulled the gun, but the guy across the counter looked pretty damn burly, so he pointed it at Alison. It was strange, really. She didn’t even know he had pointed it at her at first, kept impatiently clicking her tongue until he started swearing.
“Don’t say the lord’s name in vain.” She would say. In her adorable squeaky ten year old voice. Embarrassing, but it’s the truth. She was a young devout Christian girl after all.
He had the cash, dragged her out through the back – but if you’ve ever been in the back of a corner store you know that exit sets off the fire alarm. So there it went, he’s standing there like a dumbass and Alison’s just weeping, the cashier doesn’t know what to do but he knows help is on the way so he’s shouting to her.
She felt warm at first. It was kind of like a fever, only slightly duller. She was on the ground, she couldn’t move but she was staring into the wide eyes of a man who was scared. She began to regain feeling and tried to sit up, but she couldn’t move.
That was the first oddity. Suddenly, she couldn’t stop thinking about the date, which was the second oddity. See, it turns out when a Phoenix dies, that date becomes… Hard to forget. I mentioned the age would come up. Well there she laid in the back of an alley. She was there for a little while, perhaps an hour – the clerk was shot as well. She wanted to call for help, but as she felt like she may have been able to open her mouth everything faded.
But that fading only lasted an instant.
Suddenly – she was on fire. Not just where she had been shot, her entire body was the center of a white flame. The fire quickly spread, as Alison understands – no one died in that fire and the clerk was given a free cremation so to speak. That was the upside anyway.
The glass-half empty was of looking at it was Alison’s rebirth cost an entire block of families their homes and businesses. She never passed out, fire station tried to fight the fire but it seemed to have a mind of its own. Perhaps it was her will to live, maybe it was something else.
A full twenty four hours later, Allison regained control of her body. It had begun to rain. Steam rose up where every droplet touched her recently revived corpse. When she had told her parents what had happened they wanted to take her to the church. Put her in front of a minister.
“Go on, tell them what happened.” They would plead, their daughter could be the second coming, after all.
But she wasn’t.
“I don’t know what they’re talking about.” Alison said. So began Alison and her parents’ war on each other. They didn’t speak, Alison didn’t eat with them, she was made to attend weekly group therapy – it only aggravated the situation.
“Come back sweetheart.” Her ‘father’ would say one night, washed with light from a street light. He had tear stains running down his cheeks. Alison had blood running down her chin. “No.” Alison began, balling up a fist wiping her chin of the blood.
“I’m nobody’s little girl, it’s too late for that shit." She would tell him.
“What does that mean?” He asked her. “Just because you’ve been getting into fights doesn’t mean you can’t be redeemed.”
“April 15th 2004, September 7th 2008, and June 30th 2010, that’s why I can’t be redeemed.”
“Alison those fires weren’t your fault, the holy father- your father“
“Goodbye dad.”
The last words Alison spoke to her father may have been upsetting ones. But they were hers, not her fathers nor a ‘holy father’s’.
| Family |If this applies to your character. Can include important NPCs (under your control) here.
| Strengths |- About as Immortal as they come.
- Fire fingers, no chilly hands! (And she's a walking hospital with them).
- A regular virtuoso
| Weaknesses |- Emotionally stunted to an extreme
- Paralyzed at the thought of having to suffer rebirth again
- Does not pull her punches. Verbal or otherwise.
| Theme Song |After the Storm – Mumford and Sons”And I won't die alone and be left there.
Well I guess I'll just go home,
Oh God knows where.
Because death is just so full and man so small.
Well I'm scared of what's behind and what's before.” | House Number |Probably Faraday Heights lol
| Extra Information |Too hot 4 u