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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Wicked Flame


Wicked walked into the HQ and opened the door to the office with her palm print. She looked at the desk and smirked. Just like the old days. How she missed those days. Her memories flashed to Sideswipe and her and DD with Hunter and Tia. Bellare and Tommy were on the other side of the world. She shook her head and started going through faxes. After a few minutes she went into the kitchen and she saw Omega in the lounge all by himself. She grabbed her soda and went into the room. "Is your comlink broken? Because if it's not you are going to have a hell of a time explaining to me why you are here Omega, and the entire HQ team is in the field trying to save the city."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 21 hrs ago

Michael Watts a.k.a Omega

"Broken? Don't think so. I'm keeping watch over the HQ... just in case the current incident is just a distraction. It's what I would do up against an amateur team..." Michael answered before his eyes got a chance to recognize who he was talking to. His eyes widened a bit before he sighed.

"So the real leader actually showed up? Pleasure to meet you, Wicked." Michael said as he stood up and held out his hand to shake hers. It was as if nothing was wrong with what he was doing.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago



Jess pivoted in the air Hovering about 200 meters altitude. Her eyes protected by her safety glasses from the bright sunlight. She knew that these mobile statues had to have a puppet master and that master needed or at least she hoped needed a line of sight to manipulate the shambling masses now being destroyed by Brian an Naomi.

*Now if I were the choreographer of this little stage play where would I have as my position?* she thought as she applied the sniper position rules to the puzzle at hand.

Elevation, clear control arc concealment and escape; these were the standard position requirements and as this was a city of hills rich in possibilities. Which might make her task harder but who wanted it easy, not Drifter.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Wicked took his hand and turned and flung him over her shoulder and onto his back. "Woosh" She knocked the wind out of him. "You will treat Inertia as if she is the most respected person in the world. If you don't you will pay for it dearly." She had a hand over his chest ready to blast him into oblivion.

Inertia is in the med building. She nearly died tonight. And you sit here. Wicked was glowing, she was mad and her entire body was radiating heat so bad that the fireplace across the room caught fire. "When that alarm sounds it means someone on the team is in seriously grave condition. It is not your choice to go or not, it is your duty. Do you understand me?"

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Blop


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Grant Finley: AKA The Hammer

Finally a relief team. And a powerful one to match, Grant thought. Gyro came up beside him. "Hey!!! My name is Gyro, I think we are team mates, and ummmm....kinda saw you guys on the news so I thought I would fly over and help out." Spunky and helpful, a change of pace from Kain. Grant was glad to have a nice ally on the field.

"Grant," he replied sternly. This was no time for nice to meet you's. "Where's Tia? Is she ok? I left her back up at the SUV. I have to be sure she's made it back to HQ-" an exploding statue's face interrupted him as Visi-Play also approached.

Guys, sorry for the delay, do you have a set strategy on stopping that thing?

"This threat's being cleaned up it looks like but more statues are being animated. We need to rally the team, and find whatever started this." He looked up into the sky and saw Jessie flying about. "Is she one of ours?" He asked and got on the commlink,

"Hey, flyers. Where is the coming from. Can you see anything? Can you direct us on the ground?" Military command experience was kicking in and Grant was quick to make plans and take action. Like Visi-Play said, they needed a strategy. They needed to rally together and keep from being too spread out.

@RumikoOhara@Queentze@King Tai

Grant Finley: AKA The Hammer
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lunar
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Lunar The Skull

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Izy had just been traveling through the city when out of nowhere what seemed like statues attached her. They were big and made of stone and metals, nothing she couldn't handle. She stepped into the street where they were standing. Then huge in a flash her arm became a huge sword with the center being a pillar of bone an inch thick. All around it like a double sided blade were sharp metal slabs half a foot wide on each side with razor sharp edges. In all it was around five feet long and one foot wide making a deadly blade against anything.

Enhancing her leg muscles she leaped up in front of one of them and swong her sword diagonally across its body as it raised its hand to try and block it but the blade cut through its arm and through the rest of its body leaving only the legs which fell over a few seconds after. Once she killed a few more she leapt to the top of a building and began surching for any survivors or the one behind this whole ordeal.

After a few minutes of searching (and a whole lot of statue killing) she found what seemed like a group of survivors. Only moments after she touched down on the ground a statue came running around a corner and as soon as it did its body was severed down the middle in un even cuts. What happened was Izy had made her arm into a large whip sword and extended it and chopped the state in half. It didn't know what hit it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 21 hrs ago

Michael Watts a.k.a Omega

From a friendly handshake to a surprise beatdown, Michael found himself lying on the floor facing up at the well known Wicked. His face displayed a look that he hadn't shown since he had arrived here. His eyes were piercing, and there was silence that filled the room after Wicked had spoke. It was long enough to anticipate some sort of retaliation from Michael, but he wouldn't wait that long to strike back. He was just waiting for his immediate feelings to expire before smirking.

"Understood... Now I don't know if you're trying to mount me or what, but what do you suppose I do? They're pretty much done fighting those statues" Michael said from the floor as he pointed at the television that showed the local news. He wanted to eat his words as more statues seemed to turn up. With a sigh, he used his telekinesis to lift himself off the ground in one fluid movement. "I'm telling you right now, putting me out there is like putting Kobe in a JV high school basketball game."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Wicked Flame

Wicked, still serious, said. "Really? Well if you are so magnificent prove it! By the way, the statues are possessed by demons. Good luck with that. Go."
After he had gone, Wicked went back to the office and buried herself in paperwork. The reports on Tia's attack had to be filed and reported. She wondered about Omega's intentions and what he was up to. He reminded her too much of Kronos. She also wondered if he was giving Tia a hard time. She needed to appoint a second in command for Tia's sake. But which one...she pulled their files out and started looking them over. There were a lot of good candidates. She would have to meet them in person.

@Funnyguy @Dark Light@Blop
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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King Tai Your Chocolate Bro

Member Seen 2 days ago

Visi-Play AKA Miles Bronson

From what the Grant fellow was saying, there were more of these statues being animated and whoever the source was, we needed to find them quick. The flyers that were called, yeah they could be of use but thinking a moment, Miles felt that whatever could be doing this, would possibly be hidden from view.

If he needed to be on a search team, he could do that but seeing what Grant wanted to do, he was going to check with him first before acting. Others joined the fray causing a bit more damage realizing that they had enough fire power from what it looked like. Miles turned to Grant while looking around.

Uh...Grant, right? Listen, I have X-Ray vision along with invisibility and Optic energy blasts....I'm guessing that whoever is doing this is keeping themselves well hidden. I doubt they'd be out in the open like this to be caught by flyers. They could be in one of these buildings. With my ability I can spot anyone who is hiding from me in any of these buildings if you'd need me to do that. Should we make two teams, if you want to go that route? One team keep the fight here while the other goes on the search for the source of this problem. At least myself and a flyer and possible one other could search if need me to do that? He suggested. he wasn't trying to be a leader or anything, he wanted to be of some use with his abilities so to handle the situation effectively.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RaeoftheLight
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RaeoftheLight Piscean Devil

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Black Cheshire a.k.a. Naomi Williams

With the arrival of more fighters, Naomi felt they stood a chance against the stone onslaught. Feeling her energy gaining again, Naomi teleported back into the heat of battle. She flung a concentrated matter blast in an arc, slicing the head clean off a statue. She then punched dark matter in a flurry of fists right through the statues chest, leaving holes gaping everywhere. She dodged backwards and teleported down the ground, watching as the statue she had been fighting began to crack and shatter. She turned to find a new enemy when she felt herself punted through the air. She slammed into the side of a building and spit out the blood that had collected in her mouth. Wincing at the feeling of a broken rib, Naomi forced herself to stand and face the statue that targeted her. "Alright. Let's play kickball." Naomi teleported up, then created a large ball of dark matter and kicked her foot at it, sending it flying at the statues legs. The legs disintegrated with the force, and the statue fell hard to the ground, crumbling as it impacted. She teleported to the edge of the battle field, clutching her side. She could see the large blue and black mottled bruise, and felt the area. She yelped in pain at the touch, knowing there was at least two broken ribs, maybe more. Fearing internal damage Naomi sent out through her commlink "Black Cheshire could use some medical attention."
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

All of the comlinks lit up and Wicked's voice came over them. "This is Wicked Flame. I need an update on the battle. As soon as you break the statues get back here ASAP. I'll be waiting in the lounge. We are having a meeting and someone better tell Kain about it. His comlink is here and I saw him in the field earlier."

Wicked smirked to herself. They'd had no idea she had been there, even if it was only for a moment. She got back to the Medical building to check on Tia while she waited for someone to update her on the battle.

The doctor seemed happy with Tia's progress. Apparently he had found a way to strengthen her neck so it would not break so easily. He had just gotten through with her surgery. Wicked frowned when he told her. The doctor referred her to R&D, they could explain it better he said. "The metal grafts onto the bone and it stays as flexible as before but it is stronger." Wicked nodded as she looked at her niece.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

Member Seen 12 days ago

It looked liked the cavalry had finally arrived. Kain noticed super's he hadn't even met yet and wondered if they were even part of the same organisation.
The world was vastly becoming smaller while the limitations and possibilities of people's power unimaginable.
Meta's were the new weapons, it was only a matter of time before the next atom bomb was born... If he wasn't already.

It was that unavoidable uncontrollable fate that Kain feared. To be powerless and hopeless in the face of true disaster.

Pushing those thoughts aside Kain couldn't help but feel redundant in the presence of such powers. Stepping back he assessed the situation as a whole.
The menace was very loud and very public, you couldn't miss it. All law enforcement, emergency services and special forces were present. The only clear goal was destruction. Their were no ransoms, claims or gains... Unless.

A diversion.
Kain placed his hand on the floor. He familiarised himself with the pattern and vibrations of the giants near himself. He was so deep in focus he didn't notice the stone giant nearly crumble ontop of him. Narrowly missing him there was no point stopping now. And there it was.

Something not too far away was putting an unusual pressure on the ground, but it wasn't a giant statue.
Kain quickly ran over to his bike and picked it up. As soon as his flesh touch the metal it began repairing its dents and scrapes. Then Kain was off.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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POOHEAD189 The Abmin

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Red Strike

Rok'un shook his fist at the broken statue, still pissed over the lack of food he now had to endure. The next events all happened so fast though. The broken girl was whisked away by an ambulance, a curious looking guy flew down and started knocking the statues around as well, and a shy looking girl began butchering them left and right. He crossed his arms and watched them work for a few minutes, before his stomach rumbled again. He rolled his eyes and sighed. The sooner this was over, the sooner he could find something to eat.
He spun over a car, and then waded through a crowd of screaming people before he found one of the remaining statues. The handsome young man grabbed at its leg, lifting it up and overbalancing it, before leaping. It flew backwards and hit the pavement hard. Rok'un ran up to its head and began bashing it with his fists, making a fierce Kiai with every strike.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Tia was awake. The doctors had given her pain meds but her regeneration was working properly and she was healing fast again. She couldn't believe how lucky she was. She watched her bones move under her skin and it looked creepy. Her neck felt really weird.The doctors told her what had happened to her and she remembered only part of it. She nodded. "I'll have to thank R&D and go say hi to them." She hugged the doctor and thanked him. She was used to healing fast. So the fact that this time she had almost died made her stop and think.

Tia was becoming more and more concerned with the demon attacks. They were happening more frequently now and they were going to tell the team. They haven't even been a real team yet. Hell they haven't even all gotten code names yet. Tia put her arm over her eyes. "Doc? When can I get out of here? My team needs me." She looked down at her leg as the knee popped back into place and made a disgusted face.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 21 hrs ago

Michael Watts a.k.a Omega

A small crater appeared a few meters away from Black Cheshire. It had taken a bit, but as the dust settled, nine other than Omega had appeared in the flesh.

"Don't you look amazing." He said with a smile. "Get yourself to HQ. Coach just put me in the game." Michael ironically seemed excited to stretch his legs.

A statue came at him with a punch, which then countered with his own punch cracking the foe until it fell into pieces.

"Seriously, where are the metal ones." He said as he eyed several statues of mixed composition as his next targets. He leapt at the group of enemies, knocking a metal statue down with a punch to the head. It had fallen, but wasn't out. It did however have fist shaped dent in its head now. He quickly reached out his hand and used his telekinesis to compactt one of the stone statues into a sphere of stone before slamming in onto another stone statue. He pushed the rest of the statues away from himself so he could focus on the one with the pretty lousy face. If I can dent them, I can shape them Michael thought as he began to pound, twist, and contort the statue into a huge club-like weapon. Michael held it in both and before lunging forward into a group of statues as he swung the weapon. Heads and shoulders cracked, shattered and flew at the booming sound of the impact.

Damn, I knew I should have used a baseball reference to Wicked instead of a basketball.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RaeoftheLight
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RaeoftheLight Piscean Devil

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Black Cheshire a.k.a. Naomi Williams

Gritting her teeth, Naomi momentarily thought about just leaving to go to HQ for much needed medical attention, but decided if she could still stand she could still fight. No point in leaving the ragtag team over a few broken bones. And if she punctured an internal organ she was sure the doctors could figure something out to fix it. She watched for a moment as Omega ingeniously created a club from a metal statue, and then she entered the fight again. Her rate of attack was slower than before, and every time she teleported her side screamed at her, so she soon relegated herself to ground forces. Assisting in rescuing civilians who were still not evacuated the area, and shooting dark matter at any moving statue foot she saw.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

Member Seen 12 days ago


Not all the meta humans were on the same level... A nearby fuel station erupts in a gigantic tall torrent of flame, smoke and debris, scattering miles high into the sky, the air shook with the thundering aggressive billowing roar of an explosion.

Many people died, charred bodies and pieces were strewn throughout the blast radius. One demon had found an effective method of destruction.
Amongst the dead Kain was not one of them, barely.

He lay in a crumbled brick wall across the street, his clothes nearly all tattered and torn, still singed and charring. Much of his flesh was shredded by shards of glass and brick, the rest burnt or sickly melted.
Beneath large gashes and open wounds shimmers of a shiny extra skeletal system protected his organs. Just.

Bones were broken and nearly all hair was gone. His heart still beat, even if it was only pushing more blood into the pool on the floor.
Kain never would know to call his survival lucky or not. But one thing was for sure, that one life threatening incident would defiantly impact his future.
Not that he could think or consider such things as he lay there unconscious in the grasps of deaths hand with his fate resting on the mercy of a chance discovery.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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King Tai Your Chocolate Bro

Member Seen 2 days ago

Visi-Play AKA Miles Bronson

A sudden flinch was made from the explosion that just occurred maybe a few yards away from where Miles, Grant, and the other two who joined them were. Watching the flames, debris, and smoke going up into the sky, Miles used his X-Ray vision to see through the smoke to catch a few who weren't moving, more than likely dead from the view of stopped hearts. Shit...

Turning to Grant Excuse me. as he ran towards the smoke to get a closer look at who could possibly still be alive. Covering his nose and coughing from the fumes and feeling the heat while cautiously creeping through with burning eyes, Kain could be seen with the other bodies that were unfortunately no longer living. Rushing to him, he called out Hey...are you still conscious? not getting an answer, checking the injuries that were sustained, he needed medical attention and quickly. His heart was still beating...barely and doubting that the medics could get into the cloud of smoke and debris and not wanting to wait until the fumes have completely covered the inside of his and Kain's lungs, Miles took it upon himself to carefully pick the guy up.

Noticing some shininess through the wounds, Miles could only wonder what the hell that was...maybe metal plates...who knows, he didn't know what Kain was capable of. He rushed him from the smoke cloud hoping that the explosions were over and that there were no statue sneak attacks happening while running to the medics to drop Kain off and join the fray again once he saw his...well...comrade was safe.

@Dark Light@Blop@Wick
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Taytay
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Taytay Sleepy

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Gyro-AKA Brian Michelson

Brian flew up in the sky at the request of Grant. He saw Drifter looking around for the culprit and he began looking in the other direction. He kept looking for any one suspicious in the area, a masked man, a hooded vigilante, a man in a tunic (everyone knows guys in tunics are evil). But came up short, there were some kids on the roofs of the buildings looking at the battle taking place, but only like 2 or 3. "Hey G man I am not seeing-" A loud explosion cut him off, the blow back from the air pushed him back but he regained his balance in the air.

Visi-Play jumped into action first going head first into the smoke to look for survivors, and Brian waited a minute to see if he could spot any statues lurking around but none appeared so he went in too. He landed next to a body and started to look for survivors. There were a lot of dead bodies and a lot of injured people. "Gyro to team, there are a lot of dead but some injured are still laying around, I can get 4 or 5 out at a time but I could use some help getting the rest. Plus there is likely to be another explosion, because of the gas so we need some kind of game plan. Gyro out."

He started to pull some people who were still living out and off to the side. Each one had some kind of bad wound, whether it be a missing limb, burn wounds, broken bones, there was not limit to the pain caused. After the first six he found, Brian created a blue gravitation field in the shape of a sphere. and every thing caught in it became practically weight less, with him at the center. Brian flew off with the people along side him, floating inside of the sphere in a clockwise motion. The groaning and moaning of pain bothered Brian, he wished that he could do more for these people. He landed next to the ambulance and handed the people over to the paramedics. He looked back at the growing flames, and then at his team. He flew back up and glided back down next to Grant, and floated next to him. "What do we do its getting worse?"

@King Tai@FunnyGuy@POOHEAD189@Blop@RumikoOhara
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RaeoftheLight
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RaeoftheLight Piscean Devil

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Black Cheshire a.k.a. Naomi Williams

Naomi continued to help people escape the area, when she felt the ground beneath her feet tremble with the force of an explosion. Getting the last person near her to a safer location, Naomi teleported near the explosion site. The teleportation caused more pain to her broken ribs, and she could taste blood in the back of her mouth. Gritting her teeth against the pain Naomi focused on checking nearby bodies for signs of life. She noticed she wasn't the only one of her team doing this, and watched as her teammate rescued the res t of the living people. Sighing, Naomi turned to leave the area as the flames grew higher and hotter. She knew she only had one more teleportation in her before her body would shut down from prolonged exhaustion and pain. "Sorry, Black Cheshire down. Heading to HQ, immediate medical attention needed." Naomi sent through her commlink to her teammates and to headquarters. Then, taking a deep breath she teleported as close to the medical wing in HQ as she could. She screamed as she rematerialized there, and collapsed to the ground holding her side. Definitely a punctured organ now.
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