Name: Ronan Smith
Age: 17
Demon: Violence
Bio: At a younger age he used to be a sweet little boy who wouldn't hurt a fly. He was never really scared of much and he felt the sight of blood was oddly welcoming. Ronan always wanted to protect his friends, not so much his family. He hated his father for not being there for him, and his mother for ignoring him completely. At school, people picked on him, called him names, pulled nasty pranks on him. One day it was too much and he finally snapped, he couldn't deal with it any longer. After hospitalizing a bully on the bus, the beast inside had been awakened and he began to crave violence like a drug. Now Ronan is unapologetic. He missed the sight of blood like an old friend. Ronan is easily provoked since he doesn't care about his actions getting him in trouble. He would sooner break a kid's nose than apologize to him, and he rarely backs down from a fight or opportunity to feel someone's bones crunching under his blows. Ronan also has a slight fascination with guns. He loves seeing fruits explode on impact, but can't help but wonder if heads do the same thing as watermelon.