Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by GrandDM2


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I adopted this from Ontos, so my GMing may be a little scatterbrained for a while. Bear with me, please.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Xionist
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Posting my CS here, as requested.

Subject 1126 (Lucas)


Height: 5'10" --- Weight: 149lbs --- Hair Length: Medium-Long(Shoulder length)


This is the only datalog we could recover after the attack on Scyntell Facility.

Datalog: 3rd January 2011

Subject continues to stay extremely hostile and uncooperative. The other scientists fear to get anywhere near the subject's cell. We are to lose funding soon if we cannot get testing started on the subject soon. Termination cannot be an option. Despite the subject's erratic nature his human genetic code had completely adapted to the foriegn DNA. This is our best chance at unlocking the full potential of the human genome.

Below is a list of alterations done to the Sample that we collected from the Scyntell Facility. These notes may be outdated as most of the notes for this project were destroyed during the attack.

Wolf Genetics:
Subject's body took very little modification with the introduction of the wolf genetics. His nails have become claws and the subject's speed and endurance has greatly increased. More testing will be required in the future. The subject's senses have all been greatly increased over time. During past testing exercises before other genetic modifications were introduced; the subject has proved to be able to track down even the most obscure scents within the facility. His hearing has been heightened to a point to where it has become required to hold him within a cell that blocks any sound from entering as he has been listening in on any and all discussions that were being held outside of his previous cell. All future tests on his performance have been frozen due to circumstances regarding his other modifications.

Shark Genetics:
The subject's teeth over time have become replaced with sharp jagged teeth that closely resembles a shark. His jaw-strength is powerful enough to crush bone into powder in seconds. Subject's skin has become tough and resistant to attacks with blunt weapons. Never approach subject without a stun-gun. Subject is to wear a face mask at all times. No exceptions.

Snake Genetics:
Subject's body reacted the quickest with the introduction of the snake genetics. His pupils transformed from normal human circular pupils to a slitted snake-like pupil. Subject now takes in much more light in comparison to the average human, and can now see in the dark. However the subject has become much more sensitive to bright lights. His cell must always be kept in the dark to preserve his eyes for future testing. Cameras within his cell must have night-vision, and are required to be running at all times. Use stun grenades when dealing with the subject if necessary.

**WARNING** --- **WARNING** --- **WARNING**
Subject's bodily fluids contain a potent toxin. Do not under any circumstance let the subject remove his face mask. Subject has claimed the lives of three scientists with this toxin.

Lucas in every way is not a normal child. From the way he was born, to the things he has gone through. Everything about him scream abnormality. However in the Scyntell Facility that was exactly what they wanted when they created Subject 1126 A.K.A. Lucas. Subject 1126 is a test-tube baby created for the sole purpose of testing to see if it was possible to splice together Animal DNA with Human DNA to creature a superior creature. This was funded under a military contract, and if there were any successful results then the product would have been immediately shipped to the government to be used to create a whole new future of soldiers. Despite the fact that this project was buried so far underground, figuratively, to keep secrecy. A certain mysterious facility managed to catch wind of such a project and decided they wanted to take the project for themselves. With force.

Extra Notes:

Sample is to be kept restrained via the use of the following restraints:

Straight jacket
Specialized face mask retrieved from the Scyntell Facility

Sedate sample with heavy-grade tranquilizer if necessary.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Eru Iluvatar
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Eru Iluvatar The Lazy

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Dennis Wraith


Head of Security for Facility Three

Despite his name, Dennis is not one of a ghostly description, although he does provide the fear aspect his spectral counterpart is known for. Dennis is but a man, a normal being without being able to use strange and freakish powers these mutants hold dear. However, Dennis is a very... very strong man, and it shows throughout his body. Muscles bulge out of most areas, and his face looks to be chiselled out of stone. The only wound he bears is a small but distinctive scar running across his right cheek, won from an angry dog Dennis had kicked when he was thirteen years old (but that is another tale). His eyes are a dull blue, cold and calculating anyhow, and they are usually dead set in an angry, squinted position. His nose is large, and his mouth juts out along with his jaw, almost in a spitting position. Even though he is fairly young, Dennis's hair has decided to recede prematurely, so his large forehead is see able and dark black streaks cover the top of his head.

All in all, Dennis would be a fine soldier - or commander, rather - but alas, Dennis Wraith washed up as a security 'specialist', skilled in the arts of standing by doors or gates and giving a horrifying stare to anyone who walked just a little too close. His life was quickly and surely going downhill after he was thrown out of college for nearly beating someone to death. Dennis had to embrace the impressive quality about him and implement it into his daily life and his career. Dennis's strength was mainly due to his grandfather, a retired professional boxer who was a champion back in his day. Most days, his grandfather sat slumped in the Wraith's living room, waiting for a young prodigy to take over his legacy. He found that in Dennis, and every day taught him and ruthlessly trained him, against the will of the female side of the family. Dennis loved it, the expansion of his strength and agility from an early age, and the way he could not be threatened nor attacked by many in the rough neighbourhood he lived in. Education wasn't a prime point in Dennis's life, and he seldom learned anything, but naturally Dennis was still quite tactical and cunning when he was required to be. So, it wasn't a soldier's life for him, but he still had a special offer that was to change his life drastically...

This offer was found in an urgent letter from a scientist organisation located in an area simply named Facility Three. This letter came on the 7th of January, 2011, and these scientists wanted a strong sense of security present at all times - and in reward a very appealing salary topped with a position of authority and leadership in the facility. The letter did not include any specific details about the job, but the offer was too good to refuse. Dennis left his current dismal job and wasted no time being taken in a blacked out car to this mysterious facility.
There, Dennis was given the position of Head of Security, and promptly informed that the main subject of the facility was to contain and discover the secrets of a selection of mutants with the power to do things no ordinary human should be able to do. Dennis hated them at once, while he also feared them a little, for no human should be like that. Dennis shortly came to his own conclusion that they weren't human, and were simply animals that can't be let out of their cages. It helped him to reach maximum efficiency of his task, and his job came foremost while he stayed at the facility.
A couple of days later after he had taken command, a fair amount of security reinforcements arrived, to which Dennis was the leader of, and he was told to always be on alert for these mutants were dangerous... and they wanted out.

Extreme strength, decent agility, an impact of fear on many he encounters, a soldier's mind, a sense of duty, an unrivalled sense of revenge for those that wrong him.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Cryptiic
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Kimberly Alexandra Colt. Prefers to be referred to as "Kimber" however.

Age: 17
Nationality: American.
Gender: Female.


As her name might imply, Kimber's father was something of a gun aficionado, and made sure to instill her with the same kind of respect and passion he held for firearms from a very early age. Growing up, she competed in several shooting competitions, and spent much of her free time in the wilderness hunting with her father. As a result, she is particularly comfortable handling handguns, pistols, rifles and shotguns, though she has a slight penchant for handguns. She is also a capable bow hunter and survivalist, and has a moderate amount of fencing experience. Her father also made sure to train her in the art of self defence, and she participated in a few kickboxing tournaments in the past, though she never won any medals. She is known among some of her sparring partners for being a particularly dirty fighter outside of the ring, and seems to incorporate many elements from various other martial arts into her combat style. She might have never had any lessons in formal "fancy pissy Chinese martial arts", as she would put it, but she knows how to hit and where to make it hurt. Although not particularly skilled from an academic point of view, she is a very quick thinker, and has a remarkably fast reaction time.

Personality Traits:

+ Aggressive.
+ Taciturn.
+ Headstrong.
+ Confrontational.
+ Loyal.
+ Slightly Reckless.

Myers-Briggs Personality Type: ISTJ

History: Kimber was born seventeen years ago in the state of Utah, to a twenty two year old mother and a twenty one year old father. Her parents had been high school sweethearts, and had decided to get married shortly after graduating. After a small but elegant ceremony, they left for a honeymoon in Hawaii. Nine months later, she was born. She will always remember fondly the first few years of her life. Though she was of a family of modest means, they were kind and loving people, and raised her with a strong sense of ethics and respect for human life. Her father would frequently take her camping out in the woods, and she took a natural liking to the outdoors and wilderness. When she was 8, she became a part of her school's soccer team, and took part in numerous extracurricular athletic activities. Though she wasn't particularly bad at school, she never really excelled at it either, and always felt confined whenever she was put in a classroom environment. When she was 9, her father, who was a sniper in the US army, was deployed to deal with a situation in a foreign country. It was roughly at the same time that her mother began to get sick. At first it was only coughing or chest pains, although about a year later it was found that she in fact had breast cancer. Although she was a strong woman, the chemotherapy took a quick toll on her, and by the time Kimber hit the age of twelve, she passed away. It wasn't long after that before her father was honorably discharged from the army, the war and loss of his wife having left him broken in more ways than one. Without a motherly influence, Kimber grew into even more of what could most accurately be described as a "tomboy", and formed a very strong bond with her father. The two would frequently go hunting together for long periods of time, and he began training her into the art of self defence. This eventually led her to her signing up for professional marksmanship tournaments and, a few years later, kickboxing competitions. She eventually matured into a strong, independent young woman with a loud mouth and a mildly asocial behaviour. She accidentally discovered her power shortly after she turned seventeen, during a rather unpleasant encounter with a man who had had a little too much to drink. Although he had been friendly at first, he wouldn't take no for an answer, and she began to struggle with him to let her go. She eventually threw a wild haymaker at him in hope of getting him to back away, and felt a strong, concussive force come out of her palm. When the ambulance found them, he was discovered to have 13 broken ribs, a dislocated shoulder, a heavy concussion and a broken arm, in addition to a dozen other less serious wounds. The doctors weren't quite sure what to make of it. According to the injuries, if they didn't know better, they would have guessed that he had been hit by an average sized truck going at moderate speed, but the confrontation had taken place in the middle of a narrow alley. The girl he had tried assaulting wasn't talking, and there were no other witnesses to what had happened. A few weeks later, men in suit showed up to take her somewhere. Her father went missing shortly afterwards.

Abilities: Kinetic manipulation. Using her abilities, Kimber is capable of absorbing large amounts of kinetic energy into her body, then release it later on. This ability only seems to stretch a centimeter or so away from her skin, and manifests itself as a dim orange glow around the affected areas, which grows brighter according to the amount of energy being transferred. The larger the area of contact, the easier it is for her to absorb. This basically means that she is effectively immune to most forms of blunt impacts, such as punches, baseball bats or falling, but is unprotected from gunshots, arrows, knives, needles or any other form of objects with a narrow edge. Essentially, she is able to fall from large distances unharmed or shrug off being propelled into a wall by a high speed truck. Furthermore, she is able to release the previously absorbed energy in extremely short bursts, granting her vast increases in strength and momentum. For example, she could send a quick burst of kinetic energy to allow her to leap remarkably high distances or, as she found out when discovering her powers, channel much more strength into a punch than she reasonably could have been able to.

There are however several considerable drawbacks to her ability. First of all, the amount of energy she can absorb at once is limited, meaning that she would not be able to survive a fall from a skyscraper or an impact with a train going at full speed. Although she might have marginally better chances of recovery than a normal person, it doesn't really factor in much at this scale. Secondly, as mentioned earlier, her power only works for extremely short bursts, including her kinetic dampening capabilities. Meaning that although she could get hit by a stopping truck and come out of it unharmed, she wouldn't stand much of a chance if said truck kept accelerating and she had her back to a wall or wasn't knocked out of the way by the hit. She is only protected from the initial impact, not continuous strain. Her capability enhancing abilities suffer from the same drawback, meaning her power wouldn't really help her win an arm wrestling match except for a few micro-seconds at the start. Lastly and most importantly, her ability requires a
lot of energy to use, and a large part of the energy her powers dampen gets dissipated rather than absorbed. Only roughly 40 per cents of the energy from each impacts she takes actually gets stored within her body, the remainder being harmlessly redirected elsewhere. Although she will naturally generate energy on her own if given adequate supplies of food, this basically renders her unable to use the capability enhancing part of her powers for extended periods of time, unless she is being subjected to large amounts of blunt impacts. Using any aspect of her ability also puts a lot of stress on her body, leaving her sore and exhausted after extensive use. She is unable to call upon her abilities if drugged or otherwise pacified, and since her ability only work by enhancing her pre-existing momentum, sufficiently tight restraint should prevent her from moving relatively easily.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Girlie Go Boom
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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Girlie Go Boom
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Girlie Go Boom Hey~hey~!!

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Soooo...... are we waiting for more peeps to post charries or is this all of us?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by GrandDM2


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There are more characters that need to be posted, and I'm waiting for those of you who have done so already to respond IC.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Xionist
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Ahh, I was just going to wait to post into the IC until whether we knew if the gang was all here or not xD
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Girlie Go Boom
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Girlie Go Boom Hey~hey~!!

Member Seen 9 mos ago


Wulp methinks this is the whole gang then U,u! Been long nuff for peeps to notice the OOC right?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Xionist
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Posted on the IC, hope ya like it. Also if you think the style of writing is odd, it's because that while I prefer Third-Person I also like to write as though I am in my character's head. Thus the knowledge in my writing is only my character's knowledge. Which is why I use a lot of weird descriptions for things.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Girlie Go Boom
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Girlie Go Boom Hey~hey~!!

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Hi, Xist!

Sooooooooooooooo likes it^^ Awwwws... so saaads... Shubject 1126 is all whimpering-like... sads U,u! Soooo... like is muh Subject NV-317 and yer Subject 1126 friends-like? Wulp... if not...

TOO BAD XDDDD 'cuz Dani likes Lukie! Like not like likes him cuz she likes likey LURVS<3 girlies^^ But still... Dani likes Lukie like wants to be friends like. K?

But just wanna know anywho for muh post. Urms... thanks ya!

~Edz~ ~BOING!!!!!~

Urmugurd! Theres a peep who is interested still in the interest check! Urshums!!!<3
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Xionist
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Indeed, I decided to deviate from my original idea to make Lucas a sort of totally nutso and rather pissed off all the time sort of character into one that's more affected by his natural instincts influenced by his animal DNA. He's, mentally, far more child-like due to the fashion of his birth and the way he was raised.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Girlie Go Boom
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Girlie Go Boom Hey~hey~!!

Member Seen 9 mos ago

iknorite?! Soooooo much more dangerously precious^^ Good work, X.

And that's kinda' like what I wants to do with Dani. Not animal like, but memory affected. Thinking that they messed with her mind so that she dun wanna kill and get all revenge like on the lab sciency peeps. In the charrie sheet, she's all angry and devil-loving but in the lab she's sedated and happy druggie like. But there will be a moment of sobriety...

..or if cthulu from the interesst check wants to join in, their character Michaela can do a bit of a mind furk and gets muh Dani all aggro like again :3
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Xionist
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Oh, yes, the moment the bindings come off Lucas all hell is going to break loose in that room. He's gone from a confused, docile state. Into a threatened, panicked state.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by GrandDM2


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So... is anyone else going to post?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Xionist
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I dunno, and it's worrysome. I was -really- looking forward to this RP D:
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by GrandDM2


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We can always turn it into a 1x1 if nobody else is still involved.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Xionist
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Quite true. I was also planning on using my character in a different RP. Well a character similar to it, as one exactly like it wouldn't fit into the other RP, haha. 'Cause damnit! I like this character xD
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Eru Iluvatar
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Eru Iluvatar The Lazy

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Sorry to rain on your couple party, but I just unfortunately couldn't think of a complete post with a little amount happening.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Xionist
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Ah, Eru! I wish I could hug you right now! *runs off to read the new post*
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