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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Savato
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Savato Super Peace

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Chapter I: The New Journey

Ward 5, Bunkyo, Tokyo

Asoka "Mercury"

In the calmer neighborhoods of the Bunkyo special ward, in the rainy evening of just another typical day in the most populated city in the world, rested the remains of a once beautiful mansion, now just a vestige of vague memories for those who gathered here today. Three ghouls who were once bound to this place returned to the cradle that gave them a second chance in life, only to find an almost poetic parallel to themselves. Five child ghouls had adopted this mold invested mess as their home, and each of the adults, or rather eccentric ghouls who happened to have crossed the majority line, felt a form of obligation to do something about them.

Itsuki, the only boy of the gang, so happened to also be the only indiscriminately violent one, terrorized them only to quickly take matters into his own hands and find them a more appropriate place to reside in. His option however, would be criticized in a more passive manner by Hana, the goofy airhead who strategically keeps anything relevant to herself. Except of course when the idea is beyond viable, like this one.

Asoka, however, had already demonstrated hostility toward Itsuki and would have absolutely no care in the world whether or not clearing a warehouse of a group of ghouls to house the kids was a good idea or not. She just wanted Itsuki out of her face. With this 'exile', Itsuki would be departing on his quest for said warehouse, while Hana and Asoka improvised a babysitting session with the five man-eaters.

One could also call this a good cop, bad cop scenario, as Hana seemed completely delighted to feed the congregation of little beasts, while Asoka couldn't help but cringe. Not at them eating, but at just how messy they could quickly get. As a lady with a certain sense of elegance and prestige, it came as obvious that her inexperience with kids would manifest itself in rather amusing ways for those that aren't, well, Asoka. One of the little munchkins expressed a form of trust toward Hana, and wondered when they were going to leave with her in particular. Now that was quite intriguing for the baby of the 'adult' group, if only her slaves coworkers were as quick to follow her every command.

'Yeah, go to the weirdo. Just don't hug me, I just got this shirt cleaned.'

"So you got a different place that isn't some hobo hangout? May as well head there, 'cause Itsukiwi's plan sounds a bit too messy. So where did you say it was a- Oh wait, speaking of getting somewhere."

As she was about to finish her question the phone in the Burberry coat she carried on her arm rang a very eerie tune. Upon checking it and hesitantly holding her thumb over the answer button, she ended up replying after ten seconds. It almost seemed like she did it sadistically on purpose to make the caller wait. Now with the phone in her ear, she opened by rolling her eyes and employing one of the most exasperated tones one could muster without being genuinely bothered by anything.

"What? ... No fuck you, it's been fifteen minutes ... And? I don't care if I said ten minutes. You owe me, Kaien ... Oh well guess what? I got a special delivery to make, and you're helping ... No screw you ... Okay I'll ask."

With all this bickering happening and the length of the pauses being inconsistent with each other, it was clear that she had some sort of grip on the person on the other side. Asoka would lower he phone and press it against her chest as she'd peer over at Hana.

"Where did you say your place was? 3rd Ward ri- Wait, are you bullshitting me? Why the hell would you go there, let alone bring little monsters? Jesus Christ, what was I thinking surrounding myself with you people?"

Lowering the phone didn't work however as the term '3rd Ward' sparked endless shouting from the phone, though it sounded more like muffled screams, it seemed clear that the driver she was calling wasn't too keen on venturing near that place. Asoka quickly picked the phone back up and responded to the stressed out Kaien.

"Ugh, shut up, dude. Forget the ward, you're picking up the goods anyway ... I don't care, you know how favors go ... Fine I'll buy your pansy cigs, just stop bitching."

And with that she hung up, visibly upset from this altercation.


She muttered to herself before setting aside the phone for now and focusing back on the matters at hand. Namely, handling these kids she felt no moral obligation to help but did it anyway because hey, guilt tripping works. One hand on her hip, she seized herself and calmed down before announcing the facts.

"Alright, I can give you a ride. I know fuck all about your place but I really don't want to stick around here any longer. But one warning. It's an SUV, they're five, plus us, that makes seven. And I ain't walking. You handle this one, Hana. Logistics were never my thing."

With that said, she'd step back out to the front porch, realizing that it was indeed quite dark right now. If they were to go to the 3rd Ward, at least they could be a little inconspicuous. That said, this was getting a little too taxing for a bunch of random kids like any other on the street.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AtomicNut
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AtomicNut Abusive Contractor

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Ward 5, Bunkyo, Tokyo

Hana Kurosawa

Hana looked at the spuds, and then Asoka, biting her lip ever so slightly as she watched Itsuki go with his violent ramble. "And he used to be such an sweet stepbrother... Hana-chan is sad." She muttered in a sulky tone, as she reevaluted her options. Her eyes rested on Asoka, as she surprisingly, put out a cellphone and called what Hana assumed to be her driver. Hana tilted her head quizzically, at the flailing and mentioning of the third ward, before folding her arms.

"Now, now. No need to panic, Hana-chan knows that ward very well!" She then began to flail to the children. "As long as you do what Hana-chan says, there won't be problems. Lots of corpses because of the Yakuza, Mafiya and Triads there." Her eyes rested on one of the boys, who had taken a proactive chance. "Wow, you want to be the reliable older brother, don't you? How cute! But, don't be hasty, we need to sort something first before leaving. After all, we need to ensure you are good and safe!"

Her hand shot out in a strange gesture, firmly clamping Asoka's head with lightning speed. And, then the medic did the unthinkable. She ruffled Asoka's head as if she were still a kid. "So nice of you, A-chan! You're still that sweet girl that I knew of!" The medic giggled, before putting a slightly more serious, or perhaps slightly puckered up face.

"Eight people for a SUV. Okay... You can ride shotgun, A-chan, with your awesome driver. And these kids are still...well, let's just say we can possibly cram all five in the three back seats. As long as the twins don't mind sitting on someone's lap." She scratched her back. "And since this is Hana-chan's fault, I shall be in the...trunk."

Tiptoeing, she followed Asoka outside, intent of getting the show started. Pulling out a cellphone, she typed the coordinates of the place inside the ward. "Let's do this. Nice and easy. I'll invite you to a cup of my Colombian deluxe, manually-grinded coffee!" She cupped her hands as she smiled, urging people to play their part.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 4 mos ago


Itsuki soon arrived at the warehouse, but just from a casual glance he could tell something was up. From his viewpoint, he couldn't see any signs of the patrolling ghouls from the nights before. Nothing about this situation smelled right, but he didn't feel like going back and asking Asoka or Hana for a place to stay just because he got a little suspicious. With his mind now stubbornly set, he'd leap down to the street level, quickly darting across the street until he arrived in the small entry way. As he approached the door, a familiar smell permeated the air, growing stronger the closer he got to it.

Blood. . . fuck, This is going to take a while to clean. Makes it hardly worthy considering as a place to live, really, as something like this would attract a lot of attention. Still, let's see if we can figure out who did this.

Itsuki opened the door, walking in to see a good number of ghouls having been brutally torn apart, so much so that it was difficult at times to tell where one body from another at certain spots. Walking amongst the corpses, Itsuki held a handout to lean against a steel frame, the scene bringing back more unwanted memories. Images of his many victims flashed through his head, the taste of ghoul-flesh filling his mouth, making him almost want to gag. His breath caught in his throat, becoming slightly ragged as he felt his paranoia skyrocket, seeing enemies in every shadow.

Dammit, can't have an attack now. . . breathe. . . breathe

Itsuki took a second to calm himself down, feeling a bit more stable, though he couldn't help but feel a sense of paranoia crawling up his spine. Looking around, he felt that he was being watched. Whether that was true or just some latent feeling from his time in the 24th, he couldn't tell but was sure he'd find out one way or another. With nothing better to do, he walked around the interior, Kagune fanned out behind him at the ready to strike at any moment as he looked around the area, thinking of how he was going to get rid of these bodies, as he had neither the desire nor the capacity to consume ghoul flesh ever again.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ward 5, Bunkyo, Tokyo

An empty street, the only thing that was heard were small footsteps and traffic in the far distance, showing that the city life never stopped and that there would always be people wandering around even late at night.

Water splashed around her feet as she walked through the water scattered across the street from the rain piling itself up in the empty holes of the street.

Light drips of water hanging from the very ends of her hairs, illuminated by the street lighting right next to her. Rin skipped along the block knowing her destination. She felt some kind of urge to go to the spot she used to call home 8 years ago. It was like it was drawing her in for some reason. She was longing for another memory of back then, were everything was so happy and cheerful.

Rin lightly panted every few steps, her feet had a rapid pace tiring the young girl a little in fact. She had a lot of stamina do it wasn't such big deal for her to keep on the pace for a long time.

The house was in sight and if she was right she could sense some other presences by their smell and sound. It was clear there was someone else nearby and by the smell Rin could tell they were fairly familiar people.

Rin stopped for a moment and took a quick glance over the old worn out house. No sign of any others yet but she would find out soon enough. Her pace slowed as she was drawn closer and closer to what was left of the front door. Rin hesistated a moment but still decided to head in. If it was dangerous it could be killed. If it was friendly she would have to think of a plan quick enough.

Rin headed in and carefully moved around. Through the empty rooms to see if there were any more hidden presences. Short after Rin took a deep breath and walked into the room with 5 young ghouls and Asoka together with Hana.

Rin stood silently in the door way for a moment. She glanced over the young ghouls and could nothing more then pull a face of disgust by the sight. More people who suffered from the society they lived in. Rin looked up at the two older girls and simply stared. What would be the right reaction to this she thought.


Her voice crackled. Rin didn't even flinch saying that and stood there in silence for another minute. Rin then placed her back against one of the walls rose her scarf over her mouth as extra safety so the scar would 't be so obvious and folded her arms over each other leaning her entire body against the wall.

She took another glance at the two and thought to herself on how they have grown this much. She even needed a moment to see through their appearance so that she knew who they were. Well she never even came close to them anyway. She barely knew their names but still, it felt nice to see that they had at least grown to something that they could be proud of.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Savato
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Savato Super Peace

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ward 5, Bunkyo, Tokyo

Asoka "Mercury"

'You wouldn't dare.'

Asoka, leaning against a wooden pole on the porch, gave a mortified glare at Hana's upcoming hand. After the beating she had given to Itsuki, this idiot was going to do the exact same thing? This almost felt insulting, but Hana still had a chance to back down. Nope, it happened. A sudden rise in adrenaline engulfed Asoka into state where thoughts had little place in her decision making. But before she could cast any righteous judgement upon her older 'sibling', something deeply bothered the short young lady. Enough to have her cease any hostile intentions, other than the mandatory slap on Hana's hand.

"Don't do that again."

And with that, she focused on what tormented her mind. A simple sound, coupled with a foul smell. Foul, but eerily familiar. Much like all the individuals she had met once more after eight long years. Someone was nearby, and whether it was a good or a bad encounter, the fact of the matter was they were only two with some clumsy kids. If this individual were to be hostile, Asoka would be in a tough spot, for self preservation had priority over anything else.

It did prevent Asoka from giving her typical comeback on what people say, and while Hana locked in a trunk would be funny in itself, her offer was what made the prideful female snicker for a brief moment.

"Hot coffee, aye? You sure know how to talk to a lady."

Giving a little wink to the girl Asoka had already judged as slightly deficient in the intellectual area, as much as it were false. A testament to Hana's little disguise for Asoka was known for being a terrific judge of character. Then again, perhaps this whole show the doctor put up was indeed completely idiotic and unnecessary after all. In any case, it didn't prevent the megalomaniac from turning this normally innocent invitation into some flirty pickup line.

But this small moment of joy and taunting would be cut short with this same problem keeping Asoka on edge. As the smell became stronger and the footsteps louder, a silhouette was made visible in the darkness of the evening. What seemed to be a young girl stopped and appeared to be addressing the other two females with a simple salutation. Instead of putting her guard up and display any form of vulnerability, Asoka kept her cool and didn't move from her laid back position, despite having accumulated a bit of stress already. It would be the very bizarre voice and morphology that she could tell even after all these years that made her roll her eyes.

"Hey, Hana, we got a sixth one."

Right off the bat, a little jab at Rin. At least she got an immediate dosage of what to expect from Asoka. But the nervousness she felt quickly turned into confidence as she made herself confortable with her youngest 'sibling' from the getgo. Pointing her right index finger at the little female, shorter than Asoka mind you, she jerked her hand in friendly and inviting manner while clearly displaying some form of dominance in this interaction.

"Ria? Rize? Rin? That's it, Rin. Holy shit, I thought it'd just be Itsukiwi, Hana and yours truly."

Asoka slowly descended to be at arms reach to Rin before embracing her in a short but tight hug with one arm, for the other still carried the coat. Speaking of which, the not-that-short-after-all girl was getting drenched, but at this point it didn't matter, she just wanted a warm shower. May as well be cold to have it feel extra nice.

"You're just in time ... To have sucky timing. We're about to erm ... You see ..."

She peered over at Hana, then at the kids that followed her almost zealously. Asoka still wasn't too sure what to say about these little things nor what they'd do with them. The truth was that she had no desire to help that unlike Itsuki and Hana in particular.

"Hana will fill you in. Aaaaand here's our ride!"

As she exclaimed the presence of the white SUV parking itself in front of the mansion's front lawn, the driver honked the vehicle's horn a couple of times to get their attention. Asoka waved to confirm that they saw him and were heading his way. When she made her way to the car, she kept her arm around Rin in order to guide her toward the car so she could add in some details as to what was going on.

"Okay, this may still sound weird. But it's whatever. We're having some hot coffee tonight, away from the mold and the old. You in?"

Although forgetting the logistical issues they would encounter with Rin added to the mix, Asoka clearly invited the young girl to sit in the back seats as she opened the back door for her. As for the driver, he would be in for a big surprise. The man would already be giving a confused glance at Asoka with this random person being invited into his car without any permission. Wait until he sees the kids.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 4 mos ago


The silver haired ghoul gave the smaller woman a bit of a confused look as she screamed into her phone, eyes swiveling from her to the other one as he tried to figure something to say. He turned towards the others, but they all just shrugged their shoulders at him, apparently deciding to accept their fate and get some free shelter and food. Takeshi, however, was still a bit wary of these adults yet, and wasn't about to let his guard down just because he'd gotten some free food. The tone that taller woman, Hana if he recalled correctly, annoyed him just a bit. I'm not cute, dammit! He thought angrily as he looked away from her with a click of his tongue, though if one looked closely they'd notice that a light blush could be noted on his face. He noted with interest, however, as the taller woman proceeded to pet the smaller one on her head, the same thing he remembered the scary guy doing, but instead of getting kicked into a wall, she only got her hand slapped away.

Guess she doesn't mind as much if girls do it . . . still looks pretty pissed though.

He observed with more confusion, wondering what had kept Hana from feeling the wrath of the Tiny Tyrant, only for him to suddenly catch another unfamiliar scent, the sound of footsteps approaching causing him to spin around to face the possible threat, his Kakugan flaring to life as he glared in the direction of the newcomer, putting himself between them and the others, and only calmed it down once the Tiny Tyrant called out to her, and even then his guard was still up as the black and red leeched from his eyes. The newcomer, named Rin apparently, was fairly quiet and unimpressive looking. As the Tiny Tyrant took her by the arm to the SUV that pulled into the scene, Takeshi followed behind, motioning for the others to come as well. They'd come to a stop behind the two, where the silver haired kid would, after taking a peek inside the vehicle, had a question for the raven haired terror.

"How the hell are we going to fit her in with the rest of us? Doesn't it seem a bit . . . cramped to you."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AtomicNut
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AtomicNut Abusive Contractor

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Ward 5, Bunkyo, Tokyo

Hana Kurosawa

It seemed they were not alone, as another smell entered the premises. Hana didn't move nor showed any sign of noticing it, though, once more deciding that feigning ignorance and staying put was better than visiblely tensing up. Ghoul. Female. That was what the scent seemed to give away. At least it wasn't a dove. The probabilities of a worst case scenario dropped significatively. According to the rumours, Asoka was strong, and she and Hana, the kids notwithstanding, outnumbered the newcomer. It was highly unlikely that even a hostile ghoul would just attack them right off the bat. Ghouls were so fond of chicken contests, they would give at least some posing or a warning. Unless it was a Kakuja. But even in that case, their combined strenght could even put someone like Itsuki against the ropes.

"Uwa..." She let a dejected expression when she felt the stinging sensation of being slapped in her hand. "...that's not cute, A-chan" She finally thought of conceding. Apparently, Asoka was hellbent into throwing her weight around, despite being old acquaintances. She pondered. Back in the days, she always clung to the old man's leg, and now she wanted to shun her attempts at comforting contact. Judgement was thus passed. Desires to be the focus of attention. Possibly narcissistic tendencies.

Still, she did respond favorable to her quip of coffee, so maybe somewhere, she still would enjoy Hana's company. It was good, at least. If she could not play the stepsister role to keep the reunion enjoyable, she would pull her sweet hostess face. Asoka's flirtatious response seemed to support she would be favorable to the latter.

The new presence made herself known, and it was far from hostile. In fact, it was a sight for both Hana and Asoka's sorry eyes. Another lost lamb had returned to the flock. Hana looked at the newcomer, sizing her up and down, much like she had done with the others before. Her raspy, broken throat gave her immediatly away. She was still tiny...so tiny that Hana couldn't help but have her big sister-slash-mother instincts awoken a second time, and almost immediately, twisting around, a high pitched sound starting to come from her throat.

"...eeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEE!" The pitch progression made the older female talk as if she had chugged a bottle of helium. "Rinrin, totes cute as ever so tiny widdle omg, lemmehugyou!" She squeaked, and waiting for no one, she pounced on Rin like a cat on a ball of yarn, blatantly disregarding Asoka's action of embracing Rin as well, having the side effect of not only pressing Rin against her bosom, but Asoka aswell.

After a brief second, however, Hana snapped out of it, and allowed Asoka to progress towards the incoming car door, while she still kept Rin pressed against her. "Well, um...Rinrin... We found some kids. And I thought I dunno, take em with me. Just like the old man. Hana-chan is gonna be their mama! But you can be the cool aunt! Or sis!" She finally let go of the young member, before approaching the other kids.

"Language, kid. Don't make me... poke you on the nose!" Hana said, in a obviously faked stern tone. "But you're right... Seven we can manage. Eight is going to be a little too much. Ah well." Hana put her hand on her chin, trying to solve the slight problem that had appeared. She obviously was going to need a second transport. And separating the five children would actually be a problem. She pulled out her cellphone, and pressed one of the quick dial combinations.

"Hellooo... It's me, yours truly, Hana-chan! Yeah, I will be needing the big van. No, they're pretty much alive, but there's five of them. Right. Yes, I'll send you the coordinates. Bye!" The medic smiled slightly as she typed the gps coordinates in the cellphone, before sending them back.

"I just called for my scavenging van. I think I'll wait for it here. Sorry, A-chan, we're too many. And Hana-chan doubts the kids will want to separate themselves now. You can go ahead with Rinrin. Do some catchup in the meantime, like good ol' young sisters!" The medic announced, while smiling.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ward 5, Bunkyo, Tokyo

The two older females of the group didn't seem to have any grudges against Rin, well as far as she could tell. Rin wasn't dead yet at least. Asoka had spoken to her but Rin didn't reply much to the girl, she only gave a short shake of the head when Asoka let out her thoughts about thinking they would be alone. Apparently Itsuki was also somewhere around here, well not that she really minded. It was not like she really formed a bond with him either. Asoka gave her a tight hug but Rin kept standing there like a ragdoll not really knowing how to react to it. Rin tilted her head a little when Asoka stopped halfway through her sentence, she silently stared at the girl as she appeared to be busy elsewhere at the moment.

Rin tensed somewhat up as the loud sound filled her ears. What was this feeling, she felt uneasy around Hana. Was she always like that? So clingy and happy all the time. Her voice like a scratched chalk board pulled Rin's attention away from Asoka and stared right at Hana. With Asoka still clinging to her she couldn't escape the terror named Hana too. The warm hug embraced her and she could do nothing else than trying to wriggle out of it. This was starting to get annoying. The chest of Hana pressed against her face like it wanted to kill her. Her eyes widened a little feeling how soft it was. It was really trying to absorb her! Rin rebelled against the hug and struggled to get out as hard as she could. She was choking, she couldn't breath, her survival instincts were starting to kick in.

Hana let go of the two of them and Rin immediately gasped for air. She gave a few short light pants and seemed to be fine again. Asoka had started walking with her arm around Rin and Hana at their side walking lightly with them. Hana gave a short explanation on the situation at the moment, Rin gave a short nod at her as her voice crackled.

"I see..."

Asoka opened the door and helped Rin into the car. Rin didn't really understand why she had to go with them but she didn't mind. She knew these people and it might be interesting to hear about their stories. Rin kept glancing into the mirror of the driver with sharp eyes not really trusting the person. Some young kids were to be trusted but some old man was too much for her. She remained glaring at the person in the driver's seat while the conversation outside went on.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Savato
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Savato Super Peace

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ward 5, Bunkyo, Tokyo

Asoka "Mercury"

"Not the talkative type huh? I can respect that."

'And it so happens to be convenient. The less they talk, the weaker my headache will be.'

Rin wasn't resisting whatsoever, which was indeed a good thing, at least for Asoka. It'd be an obvious truth by now for Hana that such behaviors fared well with the little tyrant, individuals showing zero signs of confrontation or initiatives to take the spotlight. Not without her agreement, at least. Finally they would seem to finally be getting out of this overly humid rathole, heck she could swear she was feeling fungus grow into the warmer crevices of her body, such as her armpits. Don't get any wrong ideas.

But no, Hana had to make this last even longer by making the remark that there wouldn't be any space for the whole pack. This prompted a very defined and rude roll of Asoka's eyes accompanied with an unrestricted sigh.

'For a medic, you sure aren't practical. Here goes me considering you as a reliable scalpel for random shit. For Christ's sake.'

She would lift her hand as Hana was talking whilst gaining that upset look on her face, the same she had when she smacked that hand earlier. Everyone had to stop for a moment, because this wasn't going to work out, that's for sure. It didn't help that one of the kids, the other boy that didn't fling his Kagune around, had a not so pleasing tone either. Asoka tried to pull herself together and quickly find a solution that didn't involve some creepy van to carry kids of all people.

"Hana, a van? Seriously? Care to paint 'free candy' on it too? As if the CCG ain't bad enough, we get the pedo squad too. Just ... Okay wait I have an idea."

She walked up to the kids who were probably sick and tired of the endless machinations of the adults, her fingers brushing against her chin as she considered this idea of her's. After about three seconds, she ended up randomly pointing at the Takeshi kid for no apparent reason before opening her mouth once more.

"Eenie, meenie, miny, moe, catch a tiger by the toe, if it hollers let it go, eenie, meenie, miny, moe!"

Her finger ended up on Mii, in which a lot of irrational anxiety consumed her, as well as everyone else really for none of them knew what was going on. What did this mean? Was she going to kick one out? Kill one? Force one to drive? Well no, not really. Actually, all of this would be irrelevant as she would just grab Takeshi by the shoulder with her absurdly high strength and toss him over to Rin's thighs inside the car.

"You're sitting on Rin's knees. The twins can sit on each other, and the remaining two can do the same. Hana, you sit shotgun, I'll sit on you. We're going morning-after-house-party-with-only-one-car-available-mode. Call me Buddha."

A solution was found, everyone would be happy. They would probably break a law or two, but it would beat having a bunch of kids in a van. Even if they weren't caught, that'd just up the creepy factor. Asoka invited everyone to take their seats, glaring at Hana in particular. Asoka's impatience was something one shouldn't put to the test. Ever.

"Wait, what the hell is this, Asoka? You think you can just bring a bunch of ... Oh fuck are they ghouls too?! Awwh fucking hell, you're pushing it. And at the third ward too?!"

"Shut the fuck up. You're more of a pussy than my goddamn cat. I helped you steal this rig anyway. Consider this my fucking commission."

The male driver, clearly a ghoul by his smell, looked to be in his mid twenties, at most his early thirties. Asoka knew him from university, and being ghouls, they evidently had their double lives clash. In what ways, that would be something she wouldn't just reveal when he's around. But in any case, after he response, all he did was give a begrudging pout before shaking his head and activating the ignition of his SUV. They would leave once everyone inside, and it would be up to Hana to guide them to her current lair.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 4 mos ago


Takeshi gave Hana a cold stare as she playfully admonished him, rather unamused by her statement. Who the hell was she to tell him what he could or couldn't say, even if it was just a jest. He might be going along with situation and grateful for the food, but that didn'st mean that he would let himself become a toy for this woman, or a subordinate for the short one.

"Try it and I will bite you. That's a promise."

He turned away, looking over the others as the adults bickered some more, before the tyrant suddenly pointed at him. Before he could say anything, she proceeded to go down the line, seeming to be trying to decide which one of them would be the victim of her latest scheme. As her finger landed on, Takeshi was ready to just tell her to fuck off if she tried to kick one of them out or whatever she had planned. So he was definitely caught by surprise when she suddenly grabbed him by the shoulder(What the hell is with that gorilla-like strength?) and tossed him into the van, where he landed on the quiet girl's thighs. He was quick to get up, turning to give the older woman a piece of his mind, but she quickly explained her plan to everyone, and he couldn't help but agree that it was the best way to fit everyone in.

He closed his mouth with a grunt, going back over and sitting on the quiet girl's lap, not even looking at her as he stared out the car door window, eyes closed as a much more prominent blush spread on his face. He opened his eyes a little to look back at Rin, but shut it and turned away just as quickly, letting out a sigh of annoyance at the situation, feeling a bit uncomfortable at having to sit on the lap of a girl that he barely knew.

"I'll call you something, alright." He muttered under his breath, hoping that they'd get a move on all ready, so he could get out of this awkward position already. This was going to be a long night, he could already feel it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AtomicNut
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AtomicNut Abusive Contractor

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Ward 5, Bunkyo, Tokyo

Hana Kurosawa

Hana looked at Asoka, eyes going a bit wide. Not because the admonishing, mind. That seemed on par with Asoka, but more like how willingly she was ready to forsake her sense of personal space to fit everyone in the car. Now that one, the doctor had not seen it coming. Perhaps she had judged her too hastily? Still, it seemed pointless to point out the hazards of cramming eight people in four seats, like flat tires, the police. Even more so if said car was, as Asoka let it slip, stolen.

Ah well, I hope we don't have to kill some doves or police in the third ward.

"Buddha-chan..." Hana said in a longing manner, upon hearing Asoka's comment. Well, she had asked to be called Buddha, and Hana obligued. At least she deserved that much, unlike the rude kid who had rebuked her with a biting threat. That one was a wild uncouth beastie.

She entered with almost feline-like steps inside the car, all the while she was texting the same person who had asked to bring the van to abandon the plan, and carry on with whatever business it had. The driver seemed a male ghoul, which was possitively annoyed at the sudden ghoul child parade cramming his car. She gave him a friendly stare."Oh my, hello there, mister. You seem a reliable driver. I'm doctor Hana, eldest stepsister of your boss. But you can call me Hana-chan! Reliable guys like you are a rare sight nowadays... could always use more..." She let the words purposefully linger while beaming at him, as she waited Asoka to assume her position on top of her lap.

Typing deftly in her cellphone as she hugged Asoka on her lap, in a way that it was reminiscent of the old days, when the teenager Hana took care of the younger kids whenever the Old Man wasn't around, she then showed the GPS map to the driver."So, this is Hana-chan's place. Can you take us there, mr Kaien? I'd appreciate that." Hana said in a rather demure, polite manner, in contrast to Asoka's aggressive straightforwardness.

Her eyes then rested on the awkward piling up of the rear seats. "Are you guys fine there?" She asked, out of courtesy, before letting Kaien drive them to their destination.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ward 5, Bunkyo, Tokyo

Rin blushed a little whilst looking away from her by the comment Asoka made. Rin rose her scarf a little over her mouth.

"Well it really is... I think you can guess yourself..."

Her crackling hoarsh voice slowly died down after having become softer and softer. Rin looked a little bit pained as she bit her lip. She really didn't have any good memmories thinking back about it. Rin remained looking out of the window of the car away from Asoka with a tad sad look on her face as Asoka went back to getting everyone in the car.

The arrogant boy from outside just now was being flung into the car onto Rin her lap. Rin simply looked at him not flincing one bit. He wanted to give a good scold at Asoka for doing that to him but he desided not to instead and follow the leader her orders. As soon as he sat down onto Rin her thighs started warming up. It was a pleasant feeling. She stared at the boy for a bit and tried looking past him but he didn't seem for much conversation. She caught him looking at her and noticed his red face. He probably was still a bit shy at older mature woman! Rin looked down along her body but immediately looked away with a somewhat blank expression.

The others sat down into the car as well. She looked at them all entering and particularly foccused on the boy and girl sitting next to her. The girl looked pretty cute and the boy didn't seem as arogant as the boy on her lap either. She gave a clearly forced smile at the two of them but turned away with a red blush and a somewhat down look being quite embarrassed for her own smile. She shook her head a tad and looked back at the back of the head of Takeshi turning her attention onto him again. She knew he was embarrassed already so why not make it much worse. She widened her arms and placed them around the boy his belly. She softly hugged him and kept him like that for a while. Her voice crackled back to life again.

"I"ll be your seatbelt... I'm Rin-chan, nice to meet you."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Savato
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Savato Super Peace

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ward 3, Minato, Tokyo

Asoka "Mercury"

'No. Fucking. Way. I need her as my pet or something.'

Her ego was more than satisfied from Hana's obedience and decision to go through with this otherwise rather niche joke. But they obeyed, a delightful surprise for Asoka who thought she would have to struggle in affirming her de facto leadership. Or at least an illusion of such control. She gave a final glance at the house that essentially built her, partially at least, realizing that maybe she wasn't paying the respects to such a treasure trove of memories. Moldy sure, but maybe coming back alone could bring some good to the little lady's mind.

"Sister? That's new, Asoka. And she's not my boss."

"Focus less on me and more on the road."


Kaien seemed somewhat intrigued by Asoka's relationship with all these individuals, but a quick comeback from the little tyrant just turned him off completely. As she basically flipped off the driver, she installed her small bottom on Hana's thighs, making herself as comfortable as possible before resting her back against the medic. There seemed to be absolutely no issues with her practically lying on the older female, such intense physical contact. What changed from the previous attempt from Hana to touch Asoka would be that the latter would be the one calling the shots, the one demanding this. It was all a question of things going her way, and nothing else. Though, if we would be honest, this would most likely be the better alternative no matter who decided this.

Peering over at the back through the rear view mirror, she noticed most didn't put their seat belts, heck Rin thought she could serve as such a thing. Now, as ghouls the need of such security wouldn't be as urgent, but it was common knowledge that ghouls were highly vulnerable to strong kinetic impacts. That and these weren't party animal young adults of all sizes, they were kids, and Rin may as well count like one. Considering obese abominations could fit in such modern vehicles, there'd be no excuse.

"Yeeeaahh, noooo Rin, darling, put the seat belt on. I don't want to have infanticide as part of my resume for now."

Speaking of which, she'd pull the belt on the seat Hana was sitting and passed it around herself to strap it correctly. They were a bit tight, but it didn't prevent this hug from the apparently caring adult. Asoka did seem quite indifferent to the act of gentle kindness however, as she immediately zoned everything out with her cellphone on and herself in texting mode. With absolutely no shame, she surfed through her texts while Hana could practically see everything without any backlash. Random pictures were being sent, many folders of photos taken could be seen, some more explicit with a lot of Asoka's skin exposed, some completely irrelevant to anything ever.

By then, Kaien drove off as he nodded upon checking the GPS imagery. He didn't exactly know where it was, but reaching the ward was simple enough, even without the information given. As the SUV ventured through Bunkyo and quickly got into the peripheral highway, Asoka made herself at home with her boots now stripped off and her smelling socks exposed for everyone to smell. After stepping in such damp grounds, they were in for a treat. Kaien didn't seem to care, for he seemed focused on the sports commentary in his radio. Basketball, to be precise. She nonchalantly set them over the glove compartment. Like a princess in her kingdom, she expected no complaints from the others.

"Oh man, I need a shower. A hot one. ASAP."

She'd obnoxiously say out loud, expecting Hana to nod and confirm she'd have the best of showers, or even better, a hot tub. The reason why they were going to the clinic was practically forgotten by Asoka, the kids were just there because reasons. The trip wouldn't be too long, especially with a lot of Tokyo's residents being either asleep or out doing something that didn't involve tedious driving. One they penetrated the neon lights of the 3rd Ward, the bright colors were almost overwhelming compared to the quiet neighborhood of the ruined mansion and the dark highway. It was up to Hana to guide Kaien through the streets so they could finally get some place to chill.

"Hey, where the hell've you been, Rin? I know this girl here's been playing doctor with ghouls and Itsukiwi's aiming for public enemy number one, but you? I don't know shit, honestly."

She inquired, passing the time as Kaien drifted through the encumbered streets. He was feeling a little tense too, for he was sure he had seen at least three CCG employs in a single street. Luckily for him, the tinted glass of his SUV prevented any suspicious eyes from venturing toward them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AtomicNut
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AtomicNut Abusive Contractor

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Ward 3, Minato, Tokyo

Hana Kurosawa

Hana looked at the back, lifting an eyebrow at the lack of response. "I'll take that as a yes. You folks seem pretty tired." The medic finally chimed, before her attention was drawn to Asoka's attempts to use her as comfort ride. She gasped a bit when the younger adult leaned against her while fastening the seatbelt, and wiggle herself in her thighs. It was getting a little tight and uncomfortable, but Hana made no sound nor movement to denounce said fact. Well, maybe one comment.

"You sure love to be spoiled, Buddha-chan." Hana cheered before planting a small kiss on Asoka's head, much like a mother or an elder sister would have done. She didn't even bother to react to Asoka's spicy photos and miscellaneous texts she was sending. Two more prompts caught her attention, first the annoyed voice of Kaien which had been promptly shut up by Asoka, and then the raspy voice of Rin trying to emulate a seatbelt with the rude kid on her lap. The parallels drawn to Hana and Asoka almost made Hana chortle slightly. "She's right, you know, being ejected of a car is not fun even for a ghoul." She added.

Asoka's gesture about needing a shower, and suddenly removing her boots, exposing the smellbomb underneath made Hana crinkle her nose somewhat.
"That you will have. Hana-chan has smelled rotten animal carcasses better than this." She pondered briefly grabbing the socks and throwing them out of the car, but that would not be very polite towards her stepsister. She decided to focus on her remark about Rin, and not let the smell vex further.

"I heard she runs errands." She said out loud. The lights of the third district opened forth and right around her, and her companions. Some in awe, some in dread, but they probably provoked a reaction in most of the occupants of the car. Hana looked at the driver, Kaien. He was handling it very well, considering the circumstances.

"Yeah, turn right here, Mr Kaien. We're heading to Roppongi Hills" Hana said. "Such a hostile, bright, inhospit ward, yes? But know, mr Kaien that sometimes, in the deserts there are wonderful oasis." She then pointed to a four-store building, a little aside from the main roads and nightclubs raves. It looked worn, but well maintained. It still had bright neon lights, but the content it alluded was rather different compared to their surroundings.

"And there it is, my clinic. All four floors are mine, in fact. I still make it bear the old doc's name. Sakura Clinic. My little oasis." Hana beamed to the occupants, as she smiled thinly. "To answer your question, mr Kaien... The Mercury, Rinrin and Hana-chan are sisters who grew up under the same roof thanks to an old man. And the same building we found these kids. Thus what Hana-chan considers home, is also home for everyone who shared her roof." She added.

It was then when she put a slightly more serious tone in her voice. "Just bear in mind not many ghouls can be employed on a clinic. Most of my staff, in the first floor, are humans. And I'd appreciate if you didn't spook or try to ate them. Finding replacements is a bother."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ward 3, Minato, Tokyo

The two in the front didn't seem as pleased with Rin acting like a seatbelt for Takeshi. Rin gave a small pout and gave the seatbelt to Takeshi so he could wrap it around them and fasten them into the seat belt. Rin mindlessly stared out of the window staring at the scenery passing by them. She was only trying to fluster the boy a little but it wasn't appreciated by her two older sister in the slightest. Well whatever, Rin was pretty used to it by now.

The change of subject made Rin jolt a little, they were gonna talk about her life now? Dear god like it couldn't get worse. The rest of the old group seemed to have made it pretty far, well further than her at least. Doctor, number one enemy and own boss?! Oh hell no she was any better than that.

"Assistant of the head post officer... nothing much really... I mostly walk post though..."

She couldn't tell them about her free time... right? Would they get mad? She didn't know... Rin bit her lip a little as her expression became outright shy and sad. She decided not to pay any attention to it for now and start over when they were out of the car.

The car stopped in front of a 4 floored building that didn't seem that out of ordinary. Rin quickly glanced over the building and soon opened the door of the car and unfastened the seatbelt so Takeshi could step out of the car and give her legs some blood circulation again. With some instructions from hana they were pretty much allowed to enter the building now. The only thing they weren't allowed to do was eat any humans nor bother them and that was all. It didn't seem that hard but knowing how ghouls can go crazy about their hunger.

Rin looked at the children seeing if they looked scared and stood by their side if they didn't seem comfortable. Rin and the rest then proceeded into the building with Hana in the lead.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 4 mos ago


Takeshi responded to a grunt, not feeling at all fine with this current arrangement, but not seeing any point in actively complaining about it. However, when he suddenly found himself being hugged from behind, hearing the quiet girl's crackly voice whispering to him, his back shot up ramrod straight as he tried to protest, his red rather flushed as words tried to from, but all that came out was inane gibbering. A few giggles and chuckles could be heard from the other kids at seeing there siblings discomfort, which only increased when Takeshi turned his eyes to them, trying to look as intimidating as possible, but failing miserably due to the fact that his fact was still rather red.

"I'm sure Takeshi is doing more than fine right now, right Mii?" Kazuya chuckled, only to quickly dodge out of the way to avoid a swing sent his way by Takeshi, who was trying to break out of Rin's grip(which probably tightened at this point) in an attempt to smack his brother in the head.

"I'm going to fucking kick your ass, Kazuya, just you wait."

"Sure you are, Takeshi, sure you are." The slightly older boy's tone drove Takeshi into more of a frenzy, but he was quickly shut up by Asoka's demand for seat belts and the sinister stench of her feet. He reluctantly obeyed, muttering something under his breath about how something must've had died in those shoes. Soon after, they had arrived at the clinic. No sooner had the door opened that the horde of kids stormed out, Mii and the twins taking a step back to keep out of the way of the inevitable scuffle. Kazuya was already out of the car, and had to avoid a tackling charge from Takeshi, who had basically leaped at him. Kazuya then proceeded to try and get Takeshi in a head lock, but Takeshi was able to get out of it and then took his brother to the ground. Thus the fight continued until someone decided to stop it, with Kazuya always try to catch the raging Takeshi instead of returning a punch, obviously used to dealing with these kinds of things before.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Savato
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Savato Super Peace

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ward 3, Minato, Tokyo

Asoka "Mercury"

"Huh? Whatcha said now?"

Carried away by the various distractions provided by her little communication tool, she didn't grasp the minuscule jab inflicted to her by Hana. What she did grasp however was this out of place kiss on her head that just left her more cringed than actually charmed. Her eyelid twitched, trying to figure out what was up with this girl.


Was the word that lingered in her mind upon realizing just how strange Hana was after just an hour of meeting her. While Itsuki was at the level of having Vietnam war flashbacks air to him, this one just got all touchy and goofy for no reason. She then made some metaphor about how her place was an oasis in a desert of shit that is the third ward. All that prompted would be Asoka rolling her eyes at the overly whimsical description of her otherwise normal looking clinic. The plus side would be that if one were to get bored, the many clubs and pubs nearby would serve as great distractions.

"Oh my, have you found the Lost city of Atlantis in the shitty slums of Mumbai too?!"

She put on a fake expression of surprise and enthusiasm when replying with maximum level of sarcasm. But it didn't end there, to reply adequately to Hana's compulsive desire to share her's and mostly Asoka's life to Kaien of all people like some sadistic grandma talking about all the embarrassing times of the kids to strangers, Asoka slid her body downwards so she would lift her feet in the air and push the against Hana's face. Now she was getting the full force of foul smell she so liked to point out.

"Hey Hana, put a sock in it already. Get it?"

With that joke out of the way, the car finally stopped on a nearby parking spot. Rin also exposed her own career path, which only caused Asoka to lift an eyebrow. Not because of the prestige of the position, but rather because it was the Post Office of all places. Before replying, she'd slide her boots back on so she could step out of the now overheated car since there were that many people in it. Quickly grabbing the umbrella she left in the vehicle's trunk, because walking around with it in Bunkyo was making herself a little too conspicuous, especially in the evening. She'd then address Rin directly.

"Post office? Really now? 'Cause I have a few complaints. First and foremost being that "No Spam Mail" means what it frickin means. Are the employees there retarded or something? Every week I get shitty ads for shitty restaurants that serve shitty meals I can't even eat. Shit."

She ranted without any shame or desire to cover up that last part, especially in Minato of all places. Then again, she could just use the human excuse of being allergic to peanut sauce or something stupid like that. She stretched her back a bit before peering over at the flock of children they had brought over. Now she remembered why they were here, and she didn't feel anymore enthusiastic about it. With a condescending look, she'd smack Takeshi's bottom with the end of her umbrella in order to stop their little slapping fight. Kazuya was going to get his dose too, just wait.

"Alright little hamsters, shut the fuck up and kill each other when I'm not around, welcome to your new squat! Be careful of the crazy scientists trying to grab you for their crazy zombie experiments!"

Purposely trying to spook them a bit, she even adopted a ghastly voice to add some effect to it. While most were generally unfazed considering what they've lived, one of the twins hid behind the other out of fear. The other stood adamant, but Asoka still felt pleased to have at least been relevant. And now, she marched in, expecting a quality tour from the owner as well as those promised showers.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Grey
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Member Seen 7 mos ago

Takumi Minamoto - Stranger in a Familiar Land
5th Ward, Ruins of the Hayasori Mansion

As he neared his destination, Takumi became increasingly aware of the sound of his own damp footfalls on the rain-soaked sidewalk. Every step forward made him grow more and more ambivalent, and every rumpling swing of the convenience store bag at his side was a tick of the clock counting down the seconds. As he advanced, his eyes traced the familiar-yet-unfamiliar sidewalk by the light of the streetlamps, the flash of passing cars, and the congregate glow of neon signs off in the distance. He was almost there. Whether that was good or bad, he didn't quite know just yet. "It can't be helped," the brown-haired youth sighed as he anxiously scratched at the back of his head.

At any rate, Takumi had been putting this off for far too long. Ever since he'd arrived in Tokyo, he'd been making a conscious effort of staying away from here. Unfortunately, there was a nagging voice at the back of his mind that kept urging him to continue homeward. Worse, the voice sounded like the old man's. Although Takumi Minamoto did not consider himself a sentimental person, it seemed that even he had to acknowledge that any visit to Tokyo would be incomplete without a pligrimage here. Despite his reluctance, he would be disappointed, but admittedly not surprised, if all this trouble was for naught, and the mansion had been torn down and replaced by some enterprising company. Although that did bring up the troubling question of what exactly he would find if it was still standing.

'Whatever's waiting for me, I'm here now,' he shrugged, turning the corner and coming face to face with the dilapidated form of his former home. It seems that though the years were many and the hand civilization moved ever closer, the old thing was still as indelible as ever. The smell was a bit different though, and by that, he meant that it smelled like shit. The dank stench of rot and decay overpowered the petrichor-scented air. 'Looks like someone's been here recently,' he noted, eyes falling on the faint vestiges of wet prints leading out of and in to the house. For a few more moments, he regarded the signs of life with his trained eyes. He noticed the vastly different print sizes. It appeared that there were more than one "someone"s that had been here.

Tucking that information into the back of his mind, he moved closer to the house and sat himself down on the front step. Now the butt of his pants were wet, but it was no skin off his back. He hadn't packed - or even owned - an umbrella anyway, so there really wasn't much of a difference from the rest of his clothes. He set the small plastic bag down beside himself, placed his hands on his knees, and just stared outwards like an old dog. While he was confident he could handle himself against a few ghouls, he wasn't much in the mood to fight right now, and if it was CCG... 'Best make this quick,' he decided, reaching into the bag and removing a can of coffee. Wordlessly and with a somewhat amused expression playing at his lips, he cracked open the can and raised it into the air, as if he were giving some kind of toast. "Here's to you, old man." And he poured it out on the walkway, like some kind of low-budget, ghoulish libation. He set the emptied can back into the bag, pulled out a new one, popped open the tab, and took a swig.

As he sat there drinking, Takumi watched the rain wash away his liquid offering. He took the can from his lips and swished it around in front of himself. "...Yeah, that's enough I'd say," he mumbled, despite the can still having quite a lot more than half of its contents left. Truthfully, he'd never been one for coffee, and even after being rendered unable to eat anything but that and flesh he could never stomach the taste. He sat up from his seat, did his best effort at wiping his pants off (to no avail, of course; at least he had extras in his backpack), and began heading away from the mansion. After making distance, he stopped and looked back at the house one last time. "..." He shook his head and continued on his way, deeper into the city.

To be frank, he had no particular plan in mind (which wasn't all that surprising if one knew who he was). Shelter was a good place start as any, given the time and the weather. Unfortunately Tokyo was a lot less spacious in that regard. It seemed that every abandoned building or warehouse already had tenants, and unless he wanted to stay overnight at a love hotel, the prices would bleed him dry long before he could do anything productive. Of course, he'd also heard rumors of places that harbored ghouls and handed out free food, just like the mansion had. Shame none of them were supposedly in this ward, though. That was no problem; as late as it was, there still should've been a train or two left doing their rounds. 'No harm in checking,' he thought as he stepped down into a nearby metro station.

3rd Ward, Sakura Clinic

After arriving at and exiting the station in Roppongi, it took a moment for Takumi's eyes to adjust to the contrast between the sudden neon radiance of Minato special ward and the dark of night. While he had come here pursuing a rumored ghoul sanctuary in the middle of the CCG territory, unfortunately this district was as precise as the rumors got. For good reason, he suspected: the 3rd Ward was a veritable suicide ground for ghouls, after all. If this place did exist, the person running this gig was either a mastermind or the biggest fool in Tokyo. He hoped for the latter, but acknowledged that he couldn't afford to be picky if he wanted a roof over his head.

'What was this place called again?' Takumi thought, walking along the streets and looking at neon signs as he passed, 'Lily Clinic? Garden Clinic? Sakura Clinic? Was it even a clinic, or was it a love hotel like that other guy said?' Speaking of which, he'd passed by a few of those earlier, but none with a name that rang any bells. 'I'll just keep a look out for flowers, then.' After a few more blocks, he arrived in front of a four storey building with a floral-themed name. "Oh. I get it now," he mumbled as realization dawned on him upon closer examination of the external appearance of the building. It looked like a love hotel (and may have been one), but it was definitely a clinic. Or maybe just an elaborate, nurse-themed love hotel. But whatever it was, this was as good a time as any to finally get out of the rain.

So that he did.

"...!" If he had to compare what he was currently experiencing to something, it would be mental static. Takumi's expression of disbelief slowly contorted into a wide, sincere grin. The sterile smell disconcerted him, but not enough to make him care. A fateful encounter such as this was far beyond what he'd been expecting from a jaunt to some random's safehouse. Inwardly, he was screaming. But in a good way. "Shit, I didn't expect to see you guys here!" he exclaimed, pulling down the wet hood of his jacket. Before saying anything else, he crinkled his nose and direct his eyes to the children. He took the opportunity to give a friendly wave to the kids as he thought, 'Definitely ghouls, but the resemblance isn't close enough to be biological... Does that mean adoption, kidnapping, or rescue?' This was supposedly a safehouse, so he figured it was the latter. Besides, he couldn't imagine anyone of the group having kids this old unless they'd been up to some very shady things under the old man's watch. Though speaking of the old man...

Takumi regarded the scent again. 'I see,' he thought, mentally connecting the dots. "So, uh, why'd you bring the kids from the house?" he asked worriedly, his grin faltering a bit, "Is everything alright?"

...Fortunately it was a clinic, or that might've seemed suspicious.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 4 mos ago


Asoka's intervention was met with Takeshi turning to give her a glare, only for this to lead to him getting pinned by Kazuya, the older boy tackling him and holding him down in a headlock. Takeshi would continue to struggle for a bit, before finally giving in, causing Kazuya to rise up with a somewhat smug look on his face, his hand reaching down to pull his brother up. Takeshi clicked his tongue at first, but soon accept Kazuya's help, grabbing his hand and allowing himself to be pulled up.

No sooner had he done so did the group gain the attention of another ghoul, who apparently knew the adults who had picked them up. Another Sibling? He thought, giving the man a suspicious glare as he once again but himself between the newcomer and the rest of his family, only to get smacked up the head by Kazuya, who gave him a 'Stop that'. Takeshi returned the look with one of his own, his saying 'screw off', but he did calm down a bit . . . though he did flip his brother the bird in his frustration, who just ignored him with a sigh, shaking his head at his little brother's antics.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AtomicNut
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AtomicNut Abusive Contractor

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Ward 3, Minato, Tokyo

Hana Kurosawa

Hana let out a dejected look at first, finding herself victim of Asoka's vitriol once more. You know, you impertinent little brat, I was trying to be nice. No need to shove me your bacteriological weapon albeit lovely foot on my face. Rin's younger than you and she's more mature.. However, she quickly recomposed her face, obviously weathering the blow with grace and dignity. "Waah, A-chan, that's mean ~!". Hana squeaked so slightly upon the gesture. It did warrant a reaction. Just simply staring stoically at the foot would not do it.

Allowing herself to stretch slightly still in her jogging sweatsuit, she contemplated how Asoka had decided to make japes about Rin's job. Any work is good, considering we, as a whole are not likely to find many jobs..

Her sight immediatly rested on the boy's scuffle, and resisted the urge to facepalm. It didn't look serious, and even bystanders would just turn their heads away, as long as they kept it to the fists and not their Kagunes. Fortunately, the fight died as soon as it had started, although she wasn't sure if Asoka's attempt at being creepy had something to do with it. It just needed a good finisher.

Hana knelt beside Mii and the twins, resting her arms in the children's shoulders. "Boys...my sweeties. They never learn. Getting into fights is not a sign of strenght or bravery, it's a sign of being dummies. And we don't like dummy boys, don't we? What girls appreciate is reliability. Besides, Take-kun... I might be mistaken, but...if you want Rinrin to be your oneechan you must know that she likes peace and being quiet." She stood upwards, raising an index finger. "Alright, let's go in straight to my house in the fourth floor, being abandoned is an ordeal...huh" Hana stood there frozen, as a new person entered the premises.

That smell...between ghoul and human. A CCG investigator and the quinq- no, wait... I remember this one. It's...

"Takkun!?" Hana let out a soft gasp. Now that was a curve ball she wasn't expecting. Takumi was probably one of the most fascinating protegees' of the old man. She didn't know the specifics, but he had a human upbringing, and Hana always stuck to him whenever the old man wasn't around to pester him with questions, and he was always willing to follow his big sis antics, once he had been brought out of his shell. Hana forsake her previous intention, as she opened her arms wide, and ran towards Takumi, beaming a smile under the hood she was wearing.

"IMMA EAT YOU!" She yelled, as she tackled Takumi, all overexcited. Her legs firmly clamped around his waist in a deadlock as her mouth went for his tender neck...

...Only to produce farty sounds with her lips on Takumi's neck.

All the tension, and all the worries of a masquerade breaching quickly dissipated in one of the silliest ways imaginable. Hana giggled as she then faced Takumi, face to face."Where have you been? No, scratch that, you're alive!".

It was then when she leaned towards Takumi's ear, her voice soft, but with a solemn tone in her whisper." Fifth ward is going to be a battlefield and they lost their guardian. Have you tracked us down? Depending on your answer...I might have to...take action." She commented, as she let Takumi go of her grasp, her semblance serious for a moment before quickly reassembling in a smile.
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