Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ViolentViolet
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ViolentViolet Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ten Thousand

The red haired girl had been about to lower her bow when she heard footsteps behind her, a yell threatening her. Most people would have lowered their weapon, often to find a bullet in their skull regardless. Unfortunately, Krystal was not most people; she held her ground, the arrow tip aimed at the mans throat as she yelled. The woman behind her had to have realized that if she heard the hammer, Ethan would be dead long before she was. The first sign of walkers was enough for her to flee. Too many bodies, too many Walkers. If there had been less of the living here then she would have had no issue with dealing death to the walkers who began to surround the group. Apparently not all of the horde had been gone, or some had followed them back.

She ducked off the truck without thinking, slipped her bow over her back as she pulled her Bowie Knife from it's sheath, the edge freshly sharpened and the blade polished. The leader seemed a good fighter, a possible ally, and someone who needed safety. She might not trust people so much, but she wasn't exactly the most heartless of people. Keeping out of the line of sight she slipped around a younger child, crying and afraid as a walker stalked toward her. [color]MediumSlateBlue]"White car. Get inside. It's safe,"[/color] she told the child, the walker falling dead at her feet before she moved on. Hurting children wasn't something she was fond of. She could hear a baby in the far background, from up the street where the foreign man had walked toward, right passed her without noticing she had been hiding behind the car.

10K slipped passed someone who'd fallen to the zombies, sliding passed without being noticed to slip her blade into the base of a walkers skull just behind Ethan. "If you want out, get in my truck." She whispered in his ear, just loud enough for him to hear before she slipped away again, not wanting to be seen. Blood soaked her jeans again, nothing new in this world, and spattered her already freckled face. She might have to go back to that lake to wash off again soon. It was chaos on the road as the nearly exhausted group of survivors struggled to stay alive and escape the group. There couldn't be more than twenty walkers laying dead on the group already, and still there was more coming from both sides of the road. With a glance ahead she ran full force into the back of a walker, using her momentum to throw it to the ground while she ran over it's body. She'd broken it's spine, so it wouldn't be getting up any time soon.

She didn't waste any time getting in the drivers seat of her truck, her knife on her lap as the engine rumbled to life. With a full tank of gas, and modified just right, there was no way these things would be able to stop her once she got rolling. Hitting the gas she slammed into a walker, crushing it as she turned the truck, listening for anything hitting her truck in a too human like manner.

"Two-thousand, one-hundred and fifty-four."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aintitfun1997
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Aintitfun1997 Hiatus

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Camyllia had finally had the courage to go outside her uncle's room after the banging on the door stopped. Looking down the hallway she crept towards the kitchen knows/ hoping that the food that was left behind was still there. Getting to the kitchen she quickly started grabbing some green bean cans that were on the counter, well, at least the last two that were not open. After stuffing them into the backpack she shrugged it on and took a deep breath. She has to find her group she can't be on her own at least not for long. Camyllia had a killer swing yes but it will only get her so far with walkers. So exhaling she heads for the door opening it a jar a peeked out not too many walkers but enough to make some noise if they notice her.

"Dang," She whispers getting out her bat from her back where she had it strapped. Just in case things have to get a little messy. Creeping open the door she goes towards another house close by where she thought she saw something red. Kinda hoping it was either a car or a bicycle either one worked to Camyllia. If it was a car, though...well she's seen her uncle drive plenty of times it can't be that hard right? Well,that changes as she came to a stop at the driveway of the neighbor's fenced in yard. There's a car, a bike and they're both red.

"Luck hates me right now doesn't it?" She whispers scowling and looking around her. There were walkers a good hundred or so feet away.

no noise cammy Camyllia thinks to herself no noise she reaches up to the latch of the gates doors and slowly lifts it up before standing from her creeping position and opening the gate quickly then slowing down when it came to a stop the doing the same with the other ones.

Okay work quick while makin' no noise Camyllia said rushing to the gurage door easier said than done

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
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Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Jason walked through the wooded area his rifle in his hands held lazily as it was strapped around his neck. He was close, maybe a day and a half and he will make it back to base. Six months, six months it took him to get back this far. Pathetic really. But he has had a major run of bad luck with vehicles.....and walkers.

He stopped when he heard yelling. Crouching down be lifted his weapon into a ready position, he froze as he listened. About 75 meters to his left. It sounded like a girl yelling. Idiot.

He quickly moved over, his body continuing to spin back and forth 360 degrees to make sure he was not walking into a trap house or bump into some walkers. As he moved to the yelling he kept to the trees, not revealing his position. He came upon a group of... Kids. Fuck

There was a Mexican standoff between a blonde girl, a redheaded girl and a blond boy. The blond girl was yelling her head off among the others for the redhead to drop the bow. Were they idiots? Yelling so the walkers could hear them. He shook his head and quickly climb the nearest tree that would give him a clear view of the scene without revealing his position. Suddenly As he settled down on a thick branch he heard a scream.

Lifting his rifle he peered down the scope quickly scanning till he saw a boy holding his neck. The three in the stand off scattered and while the two blondes started hacking away while the others ran, and the redhead got into her truck and started driving. His attention turned to the blonde girl, who had not seen a walker coming up behind her.

A soft "PAT" could be heard as he squeezed the trigger. The walker behind the blond girl grunted as it was shot through the head, collapsing to the ground. His attention we then turned to the other closest walker to the group and with each "PAT" another walker dropped. Within five seconds four walkers were dead. Each with a single shot.

He then whispered under his breath. "Move move MOVE." He hoped the kids would take the hint and run for cover.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by josephb
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Member Seen 26 days ago

Ethan Blackledge

All of the group had started taking action and started killing the small horde of walkers that had appeared through the wood. Ethan had grabbed Lauren by the hand, who was still clearly in shock over her brother. “Come on Lauren! We need to go!” He shouted at her trying to get her attention. She slowly turned around to look at Ethan in the eyes but you could tell the look on her face she wasn’t taking anything in. He started to move her down the road pushing her towards where Alex had walked off and she slowly wondered off in that direction not noticing anything around her.

At that moment Ethan realised that all of his gear was still on the bonnet. His rucksack, map, compass and drink were all scattered over it. He began to run over to the car as another walker appeared in front of him. The walkers were always predictable so a one on one situation was always simple enough. The walker had grabbed him by the shoulders but Ethan quickly kicked it in the stomach. The walker went flying back and crashed into the side of a car that had been long abandoned on the road, a second later Ethan's hatchet went flying into the head of it. He put his foot on the dead walkers shoulder and yanked out the hatchet that was lodged into the head.

Ethan continued to move towards the car getting there a few moments later, he started to chuck everything in his ruck sack quickly. Behind him he heard the voice of the girl who’d just been in the stand off with him say, “If you want out, get in my truck.”

He turned around to see the girl running off and a dead walker right behind him. “Thanks for the offer.” Ethan said to her as she wondered off even further. Another walker came up at the side of him and all he did this time was grab it's head and forced it down smashing the decaying head on the corner of the bonnet. “I can’t leave everyone though.” He said mainly to himself, not thinking the girl could hear him anymore. Ethan started to move up the Highway, there weren’t too many Walkers left that could be seen now but he had no clue how many could be in the woods. With his hatchet in hand he started to slowly jog down the highway looking around. He was about to kill a Walker but has he approached it, a bullet flew through it’s head. The Walker fell to the ground in front of him and Ethan found it very strange, he didn’t hear anyone shoot. He looked around but couldn’t see anybody firing their weapon. Ethan didn’t have time to think about it though. He shouted to everyone, “Keep moving down the road, head towards Alex.” It wasn’t the best idea shouting Ethan knew but he didn’t have time going round to everyone individually telling them to move up the street. He looked behind him to see the red head mowing down the remaining Walkers.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by tex
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tex Villainous

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Alex Teixeira

Alex slowly pulled the door open with his weapon pointed towards the ground. Standing lower than Kat, Alex felt her presence to be rather intimidating, not so much because of her bold tone. It was the cynicism that put him on alert. Cynics were dangerous, especially if they were pushed to their limits. Then again, anyone desperate to save themselves or their children would be desperate, wouldn't they? Alex bobbed his head up and down assuredly, the corners of his mouth tensing into a brittle smile. "Ah, ehm, I would go get my friends, then. I am not the leader of our group, but I'm sure Ethan would be willing to hear you out," he said quietly, struggling not to stutter his words. He turned back briefly, lowering his guard. "They not too far behind."

The truth was, Alex didn't care so much about the house anymore. He could easily find somewhere else for the crew to sleep, but to leave this woman alone with her baby would practically be on the same level as murder in his mind. If it weren't for that child though, Kat might've seen a side of Alex he wasn't particularly comfortable with showing. He turned back to Kat and nodded again, looking at her feet for a moment as a sign of respect.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Belle
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Belle searching for my Beast

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Kat nodded. "Good. Fine. Then there shouldn't be any problems. My name is Katherine. Kat for short. And this is Grace."
She had turned her head to look at Grace, trying to comfort her. The baby wasn't crying anymore but she was still uneasy, not liking the tension in the air and a little scared of the stranger. Kat planned on ignoring the man until a certain name came up. She froze at the familiar name.

No, she shook her head. It wasn't possible. A lot of people had similar names and Ethan was a popular one.
"Go and get them," she told him, bouncing Grace lightly. "I'll be here when you get back."

Going to the kitchen area of the house, she opened the cupboard and pulled out the last can of chicken noodle soup she had. God bless Campbell's soup and their high sodium content that made them last forever. She kept a fire burning on the stove, adding sticks to keep it going. Kat opened the can and dumped the contents into a pot. She winced at the pain in her stomach but ignored it. The entire can had to go to Grace. Hopefully the people squatting in her self-proclaimed house tonight would have extra food with them. And with more people around to lead the walkers away she would be able to actually go out and scavenge more.
She purposefully ignored the fact that sooner or later the supplies in the houses around her would run out and she would be forced to move on.

Once the soup was warm but not too hot, Kat sat the pot on the table and started feeding Grace who gobbled up to soup hungrily. Kat felt a pang of guilt. A good mother would never allow her children to get this hungry...
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Nikki heard the walker coming up behind her but she had her sword in motion another way at the moment and while she swung around to get it but the corpse fell to the ground. She glanced around quickly for more walkers and pulled out her gun just n case. She ushered the last of the others down the road. Ethan was just ahead of her and Walter and the others were ahead of them. Nikki was usually the first in and the last man out of any situation because of all of her training.

Jason waited for a moment to look for more walkers as the group started to move down the road. Nothing too close for now, and he should really conserve his ammo just in case. Lowering his weapon he gripped the branch below him and slowly swung down, his movements slow and calculated as it wouldn't shake the branches and alert any walkers. He looked below him and around incase he missed a walker and let go, landing softly with a forward roll. With one hand on his weapon to keep it from moving he crouched and made his way around the group and from behind, closing up on the girl with dirty blonde or brunette hair. His real reason though was to make it to the kid who had been bitten and was left behind.

Feeling his stomach drop at seeing how young he was he pulled his K-bar knife out and quickly emplanted it into his ear and brain. Making sure the kid would not come back as a walker. He quickly moved away. The redhead was still driving her truck around creating a distraction on her own, and he didn't want to get caught up in that.

So he moved forward quickly and eerily silently to the girl with the sword and gun in her hand. A walker suddenly moved within a car, just as she was moving past it. On reflex he stood and threw his combat knife at the walker, the long black blade made a sickening crunch as the blade passed through the skull and into the brain.

Nikki heard something and she turned around and pointed her gun at him. "Who are you and what do you want?" Nikki glanced at the others and knew she was alone. This guy looked like he was military. She glanced behind him looking for others like him that might endanger them. Seeing none of them she still knew he was probably the only person she had met in two years who could match her skills in fighting and she was sure that he had more skills in shooting a gun than she did.

Jason quickly ducked behind a truck as she glanced around to look for anyone...sadly no one was there... not that she would find them anyway, Seals were meant to work in the shaddows, he didn't fear her so that is why he allowed her to see him. But with a gun aimed at him it would be foolish to stand there. "What a way to thank the man who saved your life.. twice." He said with his head peaking around the corner of the box truck, "We were only trying to help, you guys are free to go, just trying to provide cover." He fingered his rifle's trigger just in case, not that she saw that as most of his body was behind the truck. "What's a bunch of kids doing on their own? Where did you come from?" He asked, He always said kids though they were probably five years younger than him....but when you've been in the military and situations like he has, kids were what they were to him.

Nikki smirked at him, "once. You saved me once and I heard him I was in full swing when you shot him. Didn't you noticed that was when I pulled my gun out. I hadn't hit him yet. I knew someone else was here. I think you are alone. If there were more of you then there would have been less walkers for me to take out." Nikki looked him up and down. "I'm guessing ..." She tilted her head, "not navy or airforce so you are most likely a marine. We are young but that's because we are young enough and healthy enough to run and fight. Most of the older people opted to stay or didn't make it out fast enough." This part caught in her throat a bit. "If you want shelter and good people you can come with us. I have to catch up." She started to walk and she said, "By the way, I'm Nikki Hyatt."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Solace
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Solace 𝑠𝑐𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛

Member Seen 4 days ago

Walter Pierce

It was strange what a rush of adrenaline did to the human body, and how it affected someone's mind state. One moment, Walter had been staring down a potential threat to their group, looking between Nikki and Ethan, and the next moment, his dirty hands clasped tightly around his knife stained with crimson.

Leaving the task of keeping the walkers at bay to Nikki, Walter remained alongside Ethan, so as to back him up in the time of need. He trusted the man to make it back safely after running back to grab his gear, watching for any stray walkers if they drew too close to the unarmed members of their group.

While Walter dealt with the few that strayed away from the incident, Ethan returned shortly after, following the loud gunshot from before. "We need to move," he called to Ethan, shoving a walker off of the blade of his knife. "Shot's gonna draw more of 'em here!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aintitfun1997
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Aintitfun1997 Hiatus

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Camyllia looks at the car and tries to open it," Dang it's locked," She says ducking when she heard growling. Taking a shaky scared breath the girl makes her way to the bike. It had a chain around it but no lock quickly and as quietly as possible she takes it off and holds it in her hand. I've seen people use chains as weapons before in movie..maybe I can use this? She shrugs before taking off her backpack and sticking it in there and hoping that when or if she finds her group that they will have someone to help her find out how to use it. Until then she's going to either have to wing it.

Taking the bike by the handle after putting her backpack she rolled the bike out of the guard looking at out for any walkers. A growl from behind her makes her jump back and look. A walker was heading towards Camyllia letting out loud growls.

"Time ta go!" Camyllia says hopping onto the bike and peddling out of the driveway as more walkers started to appear. She flew down the street and onto the highway and towards the opposite direction of the crowding walkers.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by ViolentViolet
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ViolentViolet Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ten Thousand

The truck stopped moving as the last zombie turned away from her, the group gone already. They were hiking down the road, away from their former home again. It might have struck a cord with her, a low sung song that would leave a lasting impression. With the horde to the North of them there wasn't much chance of her going back that way, not with that many Stalkers crowded about. Sitting in the cab she rolled her window down, watching them go until they weren't looking back at her anymore. A man had joined them from the forest too, military from the looks of it. She'd do best to avoid a man like that. Pale eyes blinked, red strands of hair catching in her lashes, sticking to the blood on her face. She pushed back her bangs with her free hand, turning the truck so it was facing forward, shutting it down and climbing out the window on top of the truck.

10K pulled out her sniper from the cab, laying flat on her stomach on the metal topper on the truck, the machine well oiled and cleaned with meticulous detail and fixacious care. Resting it against the roof of the cab, Krystal peered through the scope to watch the group again. They were tucked together, spread out just enough with the fighters on the outside. This wasn't the first time they had had to do this she realized. It reminded her a lot of her brother, though she'd never been part of a group bigger than six. The eleven who had fought remained smaller than their original number now. They would all die in time, no doubt about that. Turning slightly to the side she scanned the trees on either side of the road ahead of them, listening for anything near her. She caught sight of Ethan for a moment, guiding his group, her gaze lingering on him before the female passed into her vision. Just one little tug on the trigger and that beast of a woman would be dead. Mercy or not.

Krystal pushed the thought from her mind, deciding not to cause herself more trouble, and went back to scanning the trees around them. There wasn't much activity that she could see, nothing they wouldn't be able to handle if they made it. But if the Stalkers had managed to make it this close to them without them ever noticing it, then they could easily have made it passed them too. The horde had been massive, no one could know what was still dragging along. Sure enough, as they were starting to slow she saw one such Stalker near the edge of the road, half hidden by a sign that still stood. Wile none of them drew a weapon she slowed her heart, aiming carefully, and pulled the trigger. If she had calculated that properly it should have taken the bullet on the bridge of it's nose.

The Stalker fell a moment later, dead in it's tracks. "Two-thousand, one-hundred, fifty-five." If only there were more of them nearby. She would need something to entertain her for a while. She had just woken after all. There was no tension in her shoulders today, and plenty to take out her anger on. Kyle hadn't deserved to die like that. She shouldn't have had to give him Mercy. Spotting another one slightly further up the road she aimed at that one as well, taking the risk of an imperfect calculation in favour of the rush watching the bodies fall to the ground gave her. The corner of her mouth curled up, twisting her lips into an ecstatic smirk. She really needed this. "Two-thousand, one-hundred, fifty-six." She counted them, waiting for the next to appear before it. Krystal didn't care much about the groups reaction to the zombies ahead of them falling out of apparent nowhere. Their killer too far to clearly see with the naked eye.

"Two-thousand, one-hundred, fifty-seven." A long pause, a glance to the sky and a narrowed gaze. "I'll get there. I swear."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by josephb
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Member Seen 26 days ago

Ethan Blackledge

The remaining group was all together except for Nikki who was behind and Alex who was in front. Only two people had died which Ethan didn't know how to take it. So many people from their group had already died today and he thought the two people was so unlucky to get out of Dana point to only to be bitten a few hours later. The adrenaline that was pumping through Ethan had started to wear off now as most of the walkers had been dealt with, there was only a few stray walkers but someone else who he couldn't see was dealing with them. It didn't bother Ethan though, it was saving his group in more ways than one. As they continued to slowly move down the highway, Walter came over to him and urged them to keep moving.

"I know what you mean Walt. Run to Alex as quickly as you can, see if he's found anywhere to hide down the road for the night." He tapped him on the shoulder and smiled then turned around to see how far Nikki was behind him.

She was quite far behind them now. He couldn't really make her features out. There was somebody else with her, but he couldn't make them out in the slightest. At first he thought it could only be the girl who they had the confrontation with but the body type was completely different. "How many people are on this road?" Ethan said to himself in confusion thinking it was a massive coincidence that they were bumping into so many people. He shook his head and then waved at her to tell her to catch up. He didn't want to shout and make even more noise.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Solace
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Solace 𝑠𝑐𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛

Member Seen 4 days ago

Walter Pierce

Walter nodded. "Got it," he replied to Ethan, though a look of concern washed over the young man as he looked over his friend's shoulder to look for Nikki. Though more than enough of their own group had been consumed by the walkers already, including the ones from only moments before, he was not keen on losing any more of their people.

"Make sure she gets out, too," Walter told Ethan, wheeling around and starting down the road. He thought back to when Alex had split off on his own-- just where exactly did he run off to? He blinked, his feet eventually taking him to the opposite side and starting at a set of decayed houses and buildings.

Placing his knife back into its holder and grabbing his crowbar, Walter took a deep breath, citing the impending situation and time of day as a means to work fast. He kept a close eye on each corner, darting along the many complexes. The sights of the perpetually deteriorating civilization had been commonplace for Walter; he'd been along these streets and buildings many times, and so, he trusted his pathfinding was without flaw.

As much as Walter would have loved to call out Alex's name, so as to find the stray cat faster, it was obviously unwise to do so. "Which one..." he mumbled to himself, eyeing down each building as a boarded one stood out. "Maybe?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by tex
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tex Villainous

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Alex Teixeira

Alex nodded again, and again, promptly pulling himself away from the door and leaving it shut behind him as he took off in a hurry. Through the overgrown yard, and across the broken stone walkway, he pushed past the front gate and noticed Walter eyeing the house curiously just as Alex had emerged. "Walter!" He hissed underneath his breath before jogging over to his friend, "Where are the others?" Alex looked Walter over, forgetting that he was still holding his pistol. Thankfully the safety was still on, he had no reason to take it off in the first place, to be fair. "I found a place, see?" he said, with a hint of joy in his voice. Walter had always been a kind soul to him, and the others in their group, it was always a pleasure to speak with him or Ethan over most others. Very few were comfortable with his accent prior to the break-out, which was perfectly understandable. The language barrier was never easy for him to overcome despite his excellent performance in the education system. Truth was, Alex never really wanted to overcome it. "There's a woman inside, with her baby.."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Solace
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Solace 𝑠𝑐𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛

Member Seen 4 days ago

Walter Pierce

Reuniting with Alex came to Walter as an immediate relief, letting out a sigh as his eyes continued to study the boarded structure before him. He listened to his fellow survivor, pointing back towards the road. "Bits of the horde is moving, it looks like. Some got us back there, and Darren's gone," he told Alex when asked where the others were. "Now some kid's shooting a storm, you hear that?"

Walter knew that all of the gunshots meant trouble for their remote location. The horde that overran their former sanctuary would turn to them, attracted by the noise. When Alex told him of the boarded house being a place to stay, he bit his lower lip at the mention of a woman and a baby being its residents. "You said a baby?"

The man wondered just how those with younger children had survived the apocalyptic nightmare for this long, much less, an infant that relied so much on its parents and could put them in instant danger with one cry. "We'll see later," Walter began to turn back. "Let's go help the others."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
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Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Jason groaned slightly to himself as the girl named Nikki invited him to join their group. Just what he needed a detour from his plan. But he couldn't just leave these kids out here by themselves. He will have to convince them to turn around and head for San Diego.

He moved forward and retrieved his combat knife from the dead walker's head. whiping the blood and brain matter on the dirty clothes before moving on. And speaking to Nikki, " lucky guess, if my team were out there you would have never known where, I only made contact because I wanted to. also, Technically Marines were apart of the navy.... Why must I be a Marine? Why not Army? Or national guard? "

Suddenly he heard a shot from a 50. Cal Barrett. "Jesus...." He said to himself. He wasn't expecting it. He knew the shot from anywhere as his buddy was the sniper of the team and that was his weapon of choice. He looked around to see a walker dropping far ahead and from how the walker's head snapped back he could tell the shot came from behind him. He looked back from where they came from and spotted the bif truck the redhead was driving, he would guess she was on the top as he would do the same but it was hard to see the small body on top from this angle.

"What the hell is she thinking?!" He said to himself, sure she was helping but in the long run it would only attract more walkers. He jumped onto a car and looked behind him to see if there was any walkers directly behind him before standing up, waving his arms back and forth to gain the girls attention, after a few seconds he motioned her to stop by flattening his hand and giving the 'cut it out' motion by quickly moving it in front of his neck a few times.

Hopefully she would listen, or if she did continue whe would have to double back and stop her. Looking to Nikki he said, " better find shelter quick, every walker In mile or so radius heard those shots. "
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Nikki listened to Jason and chuckled. "Yeah, most can't tell the difference. My brother was a marine. He was six years older than me and we lived close enough that we got to see him a lot." She grinned. She jumped when she heard the shot ring out. "What the..."

She saw Jason looking into the distance at the truck and the girl from earlier. "That girl must be crazy to be shooting that gun." Nikki started looking for the walkers she knew would be coming after that shot. "We have to catch up to the others and get out of sight." She watched him signal to the girl and when he was done she said, "come on." Nikki started jogging towards the others further down the road and kept her eyes open for walkers.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by tex
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tex Villainous

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Alex Teixeira

Alex perked his head over as gunshots began to echo across the highway, furrowing his brow irritably. "What are they thinking? That idiot will attract the horde!" Alex hissed, turning back to Kat's house momentarily. Alex shook his head and pulled Walter back, closer to the house's fence. "They will make their way towards us, away from the gunshots. We should wait here, in case any of the Morto attack this woman, yes? Is easier," He insisted, tugging at Walter's shirt even harder. There really was no reason to waste energy or risk running into a group of walkers meeting up with Ethan if they were already on their way here.

Sure enough, Ethan and the rest of the group were already in view within the minute. Alex waved quietly, gesturing towards the house near him and Walter, still holding his gun harmlessly. "Who the hell is firing something that loud? Is going to start a riot!" He asked, leading the group towards Kat's house at a steady pace. "We might not even be able to hide if that horde is feeling, how you say- too adventurous?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Acromantula
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Acromantula praise all the white sands of time

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The second-last can of beef and vegetable soup was tossed into whatever currently remained in the sewer system, the plastic spoon sailing in after it, joining it in its sad fate. Elbow resting on her knee, Rowena stared at the can before reaching around and scratching her dog behind the ear. Themistocles hadn't seemed interested in the can nor the plastic spoon but just whined, painfully bored. It was understandable. They'd been living here in the sewers for quite some time, scavenging the above ground area for whatever they needed to survive then slipping back down. The stench and filth stopped bothering her after the first few weeks, but her dog deserved some clean air, or so she personally thought anyway. Plus, if she ate another cold can of soup she just might lose her mind. Whatever was left of it.

"Into the woods with a pack and a blade. A cigar box medkit, retractable spade. Flint and steel. Pine needle bed. There ain't nothing like the woods. To clear your head," Rowena sang, watching the Malamute walk a few paces in front of her, sniffing at whatever was left of the outside world. They'd already gotten everything they needed from this area, so it was time to move on and look further along the road. Rowena played with the broken pipe she'd brought with her, swinging it to the tune as she sang quietly. She had the luxury of taking her time, walking in the center of the highway with a watchful eye on Themistocles. There weren't any walkers as of yet so she thought she'd take advantage of this, heading out further than usual in hopes of finding something or someone new.

It was after about forty-five minutes of walking that Rowena came about the first signs of intelligent life. About six silhouettes, from what she could tell. With a click of her tongue and a pat to her thigh, Themistocles was back at her side, leather collar pressed to her hip. She hadn't seen people in almost an entire year and was more than cautious. If they had guns and decided they didn't like her, she'd be royally screwed. However, she wasn't keen on being alone in this place for another year or for however long she had left to live. So she gathered her courage, keeping her dog close and her weapon closer, and slowly made her way toward the group.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Aintitfun1997
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Aintitfun1997 Hiatus

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Coming to the road leading to the costal highway Camyllia came to a stop spotting about five walkers blocking her way. She swallows and looks around no walkers anywhere else she turns her attention to the five walkers that were stumbling around. An old lady that she could probably take out but then there are two big guys that look like they just turned that can kill her by just laying on her then two teen girls. Camyllia looked back and forth at all of the walkers. Loud groans could be heard she looks behind her and there were ten more walkers she closes her eyes sends a silent prayer before opening them and charging at a openin between the two teens. Getting past them was easy Camyllia fist pumps the air.

I was worried for nothing! I got this Camyllia says to herself. She rode on without much trouble before finally getting to the clogged up a part of the highway.

"COME ON!" She exclaimed getting off her bike and throwing it down. She looked for a way around the cars. No other way if you're not walking,"GOSH DARN IT FER GODS FREAKIN' SAKES!! GIVE ME A FREAKIN' BREAK!" Camyllia yells kicking one of the cars. She knew she shouldn't be yelling but she can't help but be peeved. Camyllia grabbed her bat and started smashing the closest car to her not really caring about the walkers that could hear her. Each swing for each person that died because of the horde, for her missing parents,for her uncle and for the sake of her own anger. After about 3 minutes of her tantrum, Camyllia sat on the ground tears going down her face she was dry heaving and shaking. The cars windows are all broken, the hoods had some dents on them bearly noticeable though the deepest one though was the one on the back hood, the paint job was scratched bad and Camyllia didn't feel any better. She hears a groan and turns her head a marine that had turned she sighs not wanting to fight. Camyllia stands up and moves away from the cars letting the walker follow her she brings her hand to the side pocket of her string jacket a brings out her knife dropping her softball bat.

"Thanks fer tryin'," She says letting the monster get closer her heart started pumping really fast and she felt something running through her veins the kind of thing that happens when you are on a roller coaster ," but ya gotta die," She stops side stepping sticking her leg out for the walker to fall over. Quickly, she gets on his back and stabbed the man before struggling to pull it out of his head. Camyllia sighs giving up. She saw something shine by the mans bloody head. It's a dog tag of course, but does Camyllia want to know the name of the man she just killed? Yeah. Just so that if she meets his family or a friend of his she can give it to them. Camyllia would want that if her uncle was serving and didn't come home. Breaking the chain she reads it.

"Sargent Mark "Red" Ford," Camyllia said standing up and looking down at the walker soldier before saluting him,"Rest in peace sir," She says before putting the dog tag away. She grips her knife and pulled again it was another minute before she finally pulled the thing out falling back on her butt. Camyllia sighed and stood up wobbling before finally getting her balance. She turns on her heel grabbing her softball bat makes her way to the cars and hopped over the hood where there was a sea of remaining cars.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by josephb
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Member Seen 26 days ago

Ethan Blackledge

The group kept on moving down the road at a slower pace now, waiting for Nikki to catch up. Ethan was still keeping an eye out for Alex and Walter, he couldn't hear them, but they slowly started coming into view. They must have found someone to stay for the night. He didn't want to stay for any longer though, he wanted to try and put as much distance between the group and the horde that attacked Dana Point. Alex had started to wave to them to get their attention, they were both stood out of a house. Everyone was completely drained physically and mentally and needed some rest, these next few days were going to be hard.

They were only a few yards away from Walter and asked now. It was good to see that nothing had gone wrong up ahead with them both. "Are you both okay?" Ethan asked curiously and then asked straight after, "Have you found anywhere then?"
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