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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SaintArey


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In light of recent events in Britain, an Imperial Conference originally planned for 1919, organised by Wilfrid Laurier himself will instead be brought forward, to be held this year in Ottawa. It will be attended by Representatives of the Empire over, from Westminster to Kabul. Not only will the Empire’s possible participation in the War be discussed but the current state of the World and Empire as a whole as well as trade, economics and law.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by flylittlecat


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

[Goddamnit how do you delete shit?
Since I can't delete have a picture
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MagnificentOne


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The Welsh Wizard’s recent address to the Houses of Parliament had sharply divided the government, with a fearsome debate raging. It could not be denied that German economic power was immense and was likely to remain overshadowing Britain unless something was done – but was war the right answer? Many disagreed, with a great number of the Liberal Party’s MPs fixated upon idea that peace was the right way forward, and that economic co-operation could lead to a brighter future rather than joining a foray which had only caused misery and millions of deaths for an entire continent. On the other hand of the spectrum laid the Conservative Party, who had taken to supporting David Lloyd George’s position upon Germany. They argued that not only was Britain’s immense empire and economic independence at risk, but the victory of what they blatantly termed ‘militaristic huns’ spelled doomed for the traditional British values of democracy and the balance of power. Holding a similar amount of seats within Parliament, the issue was deadlocked. It would come down to the minor parties.

A relative newcomer to the world of British politics, the Labour Party was the third largest party representing Britain within the House of Commons. They were a working class party, and spoke for the ordinary people of Britain. This often meant they were more or less in agreement with the reformist MPs of the Liberal Party, but the issue of war proved to be a difficult case. Although initially the Labour party seemed to be split, the leadership of Ramsay MacDonald – a man with a keen interest in foreign affairs and decidedly affected by the Boer war – was a prominent anti-war spokesman within Parliament. Although he was viciously attacked by many Conservative MPs, he held his ground and it wasn’t long before the majority of the Labour Party turned joining forces with the great majority of the Liberal Party in opposing war.

The anti-war feeling seemed dominant within Parliament, but the Conservative Party refused go down without a fight. Despite Lloyd George being a Liberal Prime Minister, he enjoyed their full support – and it was support he desperately needed to make this bill go through. The Conservative Party did not possess enough seats to pass the bill, and the combined forces of the good portion of the Liberal Party and the Labour Party was enough to override any suggested bill. But there was a hope. The Irish Parliamentary Party possessed a fine number of seats despite the chaos within Ulster, and they were known as reasonable politicians who desired an end to all hostilities within Ireland too. Conservative politicians began to approach the Irish MPs, with Party Leader Bonar Law announcing a support for the IPP’s Home Rule – so long as Ulster was excluded. Negotiations between the two parties began, where in return for joining the cause of the Conservative Party during the fearsome debate on the European war; the issue of Home Rule would be settled and applied to those regions of Ireland unopposed to it. Although the talks were tense, the IPP and Conservatives eventually found common ground. With an unholy alliance struck, a ceasefire was ordered by both parties to their friends within Ireland, respectively the Irish Volunteers and Ulster Volunteer Force. Despite the protests from the Sinn Féin party over the plans for a partition of Ireland, both the Conservatives and IPP defended their decision – with members of the Liberal party themselves coming forward to support the partition.

The debate had raged on for too long, but headway had finally been made. A vote was called over the proposal, known informally as simply “War the Centrals”. Almost the entirety of the Conservative Party and Irish Parliamentary Party voted for, with their deal standing strong. Support was lukewarm from the Liberal Party, where although many votes against, there was a considerable number for. The Labour party themselves were split, but not between for and against, but rather against or abstaining. Sinn Féin themselves had followed the path of the Labour Party, resolutely opposing the war. The tally was counted, with a majority of 391 for; 173 against; and 76 abstained votes. The sphere was tense in Commons after this vote, and the Prime Minister shortly adressed the Members of Parliament. He thanked them for "Saving the country", "Leaving the past behind", and "Fighting the good fight". The remaining process consisted of formalities: The House of Lords approved it and King George V assented it and later that day declared that the British Empire was in a state of war with Germany, the Habsburg Empire, the Ottoman Empire and Scandinavia, joining a Russia that was on the verge of crumbling and a France that was now showing troubles holding their positions in what was certainly a turning point in the history of Great Britain and the world.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SaintArey


Member Offline since relaunch

We have chosen our path. After one week of deliberation the Dominion of Canada has decided to follow the will of Britain and declare a state of war towards The Empire of Germany, the Kingdom of Austria-Hungary, The Ottoman Empire and the Kingdom of Scandinavia.

Though we have questioned our new found allies we hope we may put that aside for the time being and begin working together towards the greater victory. Further, we ask our fellow Dominion states to fully commit to this conflict, our very existence and the continuation of the Empire may depend on it.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Pepschep
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Russian losses during 1917 had been immense, but the Republic was confident that the front was indeed salvageable. Once again a plan had been formulated to expel the German army camping within the Baltics and restore Russian domination to the states, and once again the Russians rode onwards. Pinning down Hindenburg to the north of Latvia, Evert’s men forcefully drove in from the east with the Germans having no options but to fight on both sides. Pressured by hordes of Russians in the cold of winter, and with supplies barely trickling through, it was of no surprise whom the victor was. With the chances of a successful resistance decreasing by the day, Hindenburg signalled for a retreat and took to defending the German lines behind the Daugava River and the forts of Riga and Daugavpils. It may have taken two years, but the Russians had finally began to dislodge the Germans and struck a victory when they most needed it.
[-12,015 Regulars and -75,692 Conscripts to Germany, -1,915 Regulars and -134,056 Conscripts to Russia]

On the bright side, the Central Powers had gained a new ally upon the Eastern Front; Scandinavia. In response to the death of several Scandinavian citizens, the young Kingdom of the north had began to call for war against the oppressive Russians in order to free their Finnish brothers. Unfortunately for them, the Russians thought very differently. Determined to hold onto their territory at all costs and, indeed, win an astounding victory to further bolster the morale of their faltering army, the Russians sent over a comparatively large task force in order to deal with the Nordic menace. The Scandinavian army was small, but worse than that it was unprofessional. Sorely lacking in modern weaponry they were about to come face-to-face with the battle hardened and technologically superior Russians. The results were not pretty. Despite the valiant bravery of the Scandinavian solders, to which even the opposing Russian general applauded their effort, it was not enough to prevent an ultimate defeat against the Cossacks. The Scandinavian line was crippled as they retreated further into the sparsely populated north of Sweden, where they could only watch with horror as the Cossacks set about occupying their proud kingdom.
[-7,233 Regulars to Scandinavia, -38 Regulars and -4,148 Conscripts to Russia]

Russian cavalry lead the charge in the frozen north.

The impotence of the provisional government was a source of anger for everybody in Russia. The government, especially in times of crisis, needed to have decisive executive power, and not be bogged down by the Petrograd Soviet with Dual Power. And as such General Kornilov set out to change that. When the news of his advance reached Petrograd, Chairman Kerensky of the Provisional Government nearly panicked. He saw only one way of defending the city: Arming the Soviet. As General Kornilov came closer, the arsenal of the city opened up and the workers of the city were armed as Kerensky attempted to negotiate a peace with the rogue general at the last minute - Which worked, to everyone's surprise. Kornilov decided to lay down his arms, unlike the Petrograd Soviet who launched a coup against the provisional government. News of Lenin's coup and promises of wide-ranging land reforms and policies against the elites encouraged common people around the country to do the same. In a matter of weeks, major cities in territory still controlled by Petrograd were subject to Soviet coups, and popular support ran high. Lenin's secret police quickly got to work, however, in crushing all dissent as the former elites scattered into the wind, fearing the wrath of Lenin. It meant, however, that all Russian offensive operations ceased and the Central Powers quickly assaulted Russian positions in the harsh conditions the Russian Winter and Rasputitsa brought as the enemy, now known as the "Red Army of Workers and Peasants", was decapitated.

The Central Powers had struck gold earlier in the year when the Austro-Hungarian forces brought an end to the stalemate in the east, battling from the Carpathians against General Brusilov only to pour into the Ukraine. It was obvious this was an untenable position, prone to assault from Russian forces in an attempt to defend the motherland. But with the co-ordination of plans of Austria and Germany, the forces within the Ukraine were not only bolstered but given a direct order – continue the offensive. Gunboats, initially taking a break for repairs upon the rivers of Ukraine, were the first to set sail before the Germans and Austrians marched onwards. Blasting infantrymen from the rivers, they were vital in softening the Russian defenders before the onslaught began. Brusilov was not surprised to see the allies working in tandem, but he never expected such a swift advance. The strategic bombardment of the German logistical system may have wrought devastation upon the Germans – but the Austrian’s logistics churned away, with supplies via both land and river. Artillery was soon to be found on the borders of Keiv, where a brutal bombardment brought Russians rallying around the flag of their Republic, it was destined to be nothing but the bloodiest of battles. And it was precisely that. Early on during the battle, the Austrian’s famed airship had been hit by a lucky Russian shot leading many to believe victory was theirs. But despite the martial prowess that General Brusilov possessed, officers under his command unfortunately did not – and with the streets running red with blood it was a common sight to see Russian men simply disobey orders. Regardless of these routed troops, the majority of the Russian army fought on – but it simply wasn’t enough to repulse the Central Powers. Bodies mounted across the battlefields but the assault raged on, and soon the Russians fell back over the Dnieper. Brusilov’s men regrouped, vowing to let not another inch of Russia fall to the Central Powers.
[-6,091 Regulars and -38,371 Conscripts to Germany, -8,075 Regulars and -50,870 Conscripts to Austria, -1,202 Regulars and -142,139 Conscripts to Russia]

In the Baltics, however, the tale was different. Unlike the working supply system of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the Germans had been utterly blasted to pieces. Luckily for the Empire, they had a solution. The Russian prisoners of wars, gathered during the early years of the war, were mobilised under strict supervision to begin repairing the damage done by their brethren. ‘The Russians destroyed it, and the Russians will fix it’ soon emerged as a popular slogan amongst the officers in charge of overseeing the restoration. Although the renovation of the logistic systems were far from complete, it at least allowed for German troops stationed within the Baltics to stay in contact with the rest of the Empire and receive their much-needed supplies as the winter approached.

Russian prisoner of wars repairing the bridges to the east.

A barely functioning logistics system was better than none, but the Germans weren’t about to let themselves be defeated so easily. While many cautious officers within the German military weren’t warm to the idea of further advances, many of the top-commanding generals were ecstatic at the possibility a thrust of sorts was possible after all. General Mackensen was at the forefront of these generals, and insisted upon a great drive towards Belarus. He reasoned that it was only natural to push not only the Ukrainian front but the entire Eastern front closer to Moscow. Despite the failure of the spring’s assault, Mackensen had faith that his soldiers could easily topple the unwieldy structure to the east. Unfortunately for Mackensen, Belarus may have been a common byword for ‘marshes’ – for that’s exactly what he confronted. Difficult terrain, heavily forested, and with one road – these nightmarish conditions paved the way to Minsk. But worse than that was the Russian army camped within the region, ready to fend off any further German assaults. Despite their natural toughness to the desolate cold of the Russian Empire, the marshes of Belarus were a challenge for them too; especially given the deteriorating morale under the Republic. A fearsome battle erupted, and although many of the men died not by bullet but by drowning within the bogs of Belarus, ultimately the Russians were unable to hold their line and forced to retreat further into Belarus. Although they had lost the battle, it was certain that the struggling German logistics would falter should they attempt another push within the winter.
[-9,011 Regulars and -56,769 Conscripts to Germany, -1,582 Regulars and -110,742 Conscripts to Russia]

Despite the harsh conditions and brutal German assaults, the Kaiser's response to an earlier peace offer and Lenin's words did much to raise morale in the ranks of the RKKA. Desertion rates began to fall and communist officers and political agitators quickly filled the voids left by their former colleagues

The new Minister of War: Leon Trotsky addresses the 'Red Army'.

The German general staff debated with what to do with the French. Should they simply reinforce their position in Alsace-Lorraine and watch the time go by? Or should they attempt a quick strike – a knockout blow? But with the war about to enter its fourth year, Germany knew that under a two-front war it would only struggle. The French could attack again at any moment, many opined. Their Revanchism was a strong as ever, four decades onwards. It was therefore decided that a thrust into the French position could be enough to devastate the army and bring around peace in the west. The German armies were ready to slaughter some more Frenchmen. They advanced onwards, and it wasn’t long that the French armies were found awaiting them, riddled with their own debate over what to do. The answer came in the form of a German artillery barrage. It almost shattered the French line – but luckily for them they were able to hastily organised an efficient defence. Rushing in the Germans seemed almost unstoppable, but the French valiantly fought on. Casualties were horrendous on both sides but before long the French position was unsustainable, and they were forced to retreat.
[-32,928 Regulars and -60,885 Conscripts to Germany, -38,594 Regulars and -89,309 Conscripts to France]

Riding off the wave of victory at Nancy, the Germans advanced onwards. Their target was simple – the industrial heartlands of France. The soldiers laughed off at the mere idea of the French resisting: ‘look how quick they run from us!’ they joked. They were about to confidently reach the outskirts of Reims – but that’s where a terrible surprise lay: The Commonwealth army. Fresh British and Canadian regiments with a jingoistic attitude and shiny weaponry stood alongside the battered French. The weathered German army was not about to stop in the face of new enemies, however, and the clash began. Artillery wrought destruction upon the French countryside and cavalry charges mowed down fleeing soldiers. But the seasoned forces of the Germans were too much for the beaten French and the Commonwealth newcomers to handle. The British army in particular found itself shocked by the intensity of the warfare, and their line almost shattered – but the Canadians led by Arthur Currie came to the rescue with the fiercest resistance the Germans had yet to encounter. Although Reims was lost, the armies of the Entente survived to fight another day.
[-68,769 Regulars and -125,615 Conscripts to Germany, -54,412 Regulars and -116,507 Conscripts to France, -63,806 Regulars and -17,326 Conscripts to Britain, and -7,456 and -835 Conscripts to Canada]

The Germans may have won victory after victory upon the Western Front, but the ordeal was by no means finished. With Field Marshal Haig and Foch in agreement that France is to be held at all costs, it wasn’t long before trenches were dug in order to halt future German advances. Soldiers got to work creating a vast line of networks to defend their position. With as little as a skirmish a week erupting from the trenches, the German army began to lower their guard as their officers each took turns to insulting the Entente’s generals. But it was all a ruse. The Entente unleashed their potential once more upon the German lines, using a highly co-ordinated strategy of creeping barrages and bombardment from the air in order to rain terror upon the Germans. The advance began, with Entente soldiers clambering out of the trenches and assaulting German positions all across the front. It seemed a perfect strategy, and for a few brief moments many believed the Germans were about to collapse – but that was too optimistic. Instead they held on, fuelled by an intense determination to hold their gains at all cost. They successfully fought the Entente to a stalemate, but it was at a horrendous cost to both sides.
[-63,758 Regulars and -117,905 Conscripts to Germany, -58,579 Regulars and -124,035 Conscripts to France, -36,943 Regulars and -12,975 Conscripts to Britain, -7,827 Regulars and -1,112 Conscripts to Canada]

Entente soldiers pouring over the trenches.

Throughout the rest of Europe, all was quiet. In the Alps, the Austrians had simply fortified their current positions within the hostile mountains and treacherous rivers to great effect. In Greece, the remainder of the military had taken to addressing the issue of Greece’s long coast, and had taken to barricading the beaches in preparation for any Entente assault.

In Africa, the British Empire mustered its forces for an offensive upon the Ottoman Empire. The Ottomans were known to possess a military lacking in modern weaponry – but what it lacked, it made up for with admirable morale. Pouring in from the Sinai, British soldiers took to battling in the desert against Ottoman forces. Their courage however was not enough to stem the tide, and against the riflemen of the British they were forced to retreat where they held their ground safely in Jerusalem.
[-2,900 Regulars to Britain, -1,115 Regulars and -4,251 Conscripts to the Ottoman Empire]

The British had taken to attacking the Ottomans in multiple areas. Indian soldiers, safely passing through the British sphere of influence within Persia were soon found to be occupying Basrah, and from there they devised their next target –the lucrative port of Kuwait. 40,000 soldiers were soon assaulting the Turkish positions, and as the port had been far from the front in Russia it was underequipped. It was here that however the fearsome bravery of the Turks shone through, as an army largely consisting of conscripts managed to inflict a great loss upon the trained soldiers of India. Nonetheless it was a situation much like Palestine, and although it was a stunning show of Turkish prowess, the battle was over with the Union Jack soon flying over Kuwait.
[-4,051 Regulars to India, -117 Regulars and -3,473 Conscripts to the Ottoman Empire]

Soldiers of a machine gun corps take a rest in Kuwait.

Elsewhere, yet another one of the Central Powers found themselves under attack, as the Ottoman Empire within Libya found itself under siege once again. The never-ending bombardment of Benghazi had wrecked the town’s defences, and so the Spanish fleet set sail once more as they yearned to assist their Italian ally in taking down Libya. The combined fleet began the assault early in the morning, and despite the reinforcements the Ottomans found it difficult to counteract the beachhead. Wary of their previous losses within the heartland of Palestine, the Spaniards operated not only more cautiously but with experience –and it certainly paid off. Together the Italians and Spanish swaggered into Benghazi. The Ottomans had been denied their two most important ports within Libya, making any further attempts to relieve the resistance there all the more difficult.
[-891 Regulars to Spain, -421 Regulars to Italy, -297 Regulars and -208 Conscripts to the Ottoman Empire]

The last of Germany’s African colonies, Namibia, was seen as nothing but a vast expanse uselessness by the British. Nonetheless it constituted a threat to the Empire, and so the task fell to South Africa to destroy the remnant of Germany’s African Empire. Over 20,000 soldiers march onwards, expecting to easily clean up whatever remained within Namibia much like the French had done in their African adventures. Destiny, however, disagreed. Commanding a force half the size of the South Africans, Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck was ready to resist. Tying down Commonwealth troops, raiding their supply lines through a series of guerrilla ambushes and even crossing into South Africa itself during a daring raid, he became a famous icon amongst both his Askari soldiers and the frustrated Commonwealth officers as he brought a swift end to their attempted assault.
[-3,842 Regulars to South Africa, -1,380 Reservists to Germany]

German Askari soldiers march onwards, prepared to fight another day

The Germans had more tricks up their sleeves when it came to the African front. Submarines which had taken to blocking Russia redirected their efforts towards the Mediterranean, where an almost desperate tactic was formulated in the fight against the British Empire. Hordes of the primitive submarines amassed as they devised the attack on the Suez Canal. Narrowly avoiding British ships which had taken to bombarding the ports of the Ottomans and Habsburgs, they sailed towards Egypt where they unleashed their torpedoes. The British, surprised at the German’s daring assault, were caught off-guard. British ships stationed in the naval base began to sink, blocking the damaged remnants of the canal. Those that survived the initial wave set sail as they hunted for the submarines – but the Germans had other ideas. Brave sailors, imbued with tremendous patriotism, were willing to sacrifice themselves for the fatherland – and they did. A few of the submarines took to suicidal missions, where they managed to cripple the surviving British fleet but also block the Suez. Regardless of the German success at the now devastated Suez canal, the fleet of the Entente fought on. Ports all across the Central Powers were shelled seemingly non-stop, and a blockade of each power was easily enforced due to the Entente’s sheer naval advantage. The remaining U-boats were hunted after the immense British fleet, and in one famous incident HMS Dreadnought even sunk a U-boat by simply ramming it. This noteworthy event was widely acknowledged, with one telegram reading "BUNGA BUNGA".
[-42 Submarines to Germany, -4 Pre-Dreadnoughts, -14 Light Cruisers and -19 Destroyers to Britain]

Elsewhere in Germany’s colonial empire, New Zealanders managed to occupy New Guinea without an ounce of resistance – although this may have simply been due to the complete lack of German soldiers.

It wasn’t the only undefended territory to be snatched during the course of the winter. Dismayed at the Russian's refusing any negotiations regarding the Kuril Islands, officers within the Empire of Daito had taken the initiative. There they sailed from Hokkaido towards the island chain, which left without a single garrison due to the Russians war in Europe, was easily occupied by the soldiers of Daito.

Events of the World: 1917

The situation in Russia was bleak, but bad news came to the provisional government about the state of the trains of government ordered an increase in production of train engines and railcars and maintenance of existing ones, to be achieved by converting the machinery in existing factories to do so. Against all expectations, there were very little troubles with this conversion.

After threats by the Afghan government to Petrograd that it would unite the tribes of Central Asia and assault Southern Russia, the Russian government made a deal with the Afghan government to hand over administration of Central Asia to Afghanistan, the southern parts of it to be ceded to Afghanistan in 1940. What Afghanistan saw as a good beginning to friendly relations between the two countries, the Russians saw as averting a threat in return for close to nothing. With Afghan government authority already barely extending beyond central Kabul, the situation on the ground did not change as the lack of any authority in the region continued.

Spain's policy of mobilisation and conscription ended in face of massive riots by men who were in no case inclined to fight on the other side of the mediterranean. A massive propaganda campaign denouncing the Turks for atrocities in Armenia and Bulgaria worked to lift the spirits of regular soldiers as the general staff of the army was forced to undertake these excursions instead of aiding the Western Front. One general's explanation was simple: "It makes too much sense."

In light of the failures against Palestinian defences, the Spanish Marine Corps' studied the assaults and came to the conclusion that all their tactics were massively outdated. Soon enough the Marine Corps introduced a new doctrine and trained their men and officers in this.
[+2 army levels in 3 turns, -816,486,714]

France was driven out of Alsace-Lorraine and back to the Argonnes by the German onslaught. Studying their defeats carefully and reporting on it to the general staff, the government was asked to allow an enormous program of producing new weapons for the army. With Russia's future uncertain, King Philippe VIII appointed Georges Clemenceau as his Prime Minister who promptly approved the package. As the industry converted to producing everything from steel helmets, wire cutters and bayonets to mortars, tanks and aircraft it became clear that Clemenceau's appointment was a shift away from his predecessors' policy of tending to the home front as well. As the new Prime Minister himself described it: My home policy: I wage war; my foreign policy: I wage war.
[+3 army level in 2 turns and 1 air level in 1 turn, - 9,305,621,738]

The German army, inspired by Russian success of all things, studied the tactics of General Brusilov and attempted to replicate him. With a new doctrine based off this, a new soldier was created: The stormtrooper. Their job was trench raiding after short artillery bursts, much as the Russians had been doing for a long while.
[+1 army level in 2 turns, -1,804,731,870]

The German Air Force was given a whole load of new fighters to face Russia, France, and Britain alike in the air. A conversion from arms production to aircraft production was necessary to do this, but once it started the air force quickly received enormous reinforcements.
[+50 fighters immediately, +50 fighters in 1 turn, -3,750,000]

War weariness was high in Russia, but on the German side of the trenches the morale situation wasn't that to be expected of a victorious army. War in Russia was half a step away from hell: The Russian soldier was a beast, the weather was dreadful, supplies were running low and no matter how many Russians were shot, there seemed to be no end of them. The injuries suffered by their comrades were horrifying and soldiers on leave came back traumatised. Another recruitment drive by the German army was left unanswered as the opposite was achieved when the Kaiser demanded a new series of advances in the most inhospitable territories of Europe. When news of the Russian peace offer came in, most were hopeful. When the Kaiser demanded that Ukraine and the Kuban be taken first, and the Russians saying they will not give up that much, even the regulars were disheartened. With the prospect of a march to the Kuban, many deserted their positions as they denounced their leadership as "Out of touch with the world".
[45,983 regulars desert]

The Greek king ordered a unit of volunteers and motivated conscripts to be created, aiding the Austrian army on the Italian front. With the overwhelming majority of the populace having closer feelings for Russia and France than for Germany and Austria, only nine volunteers signed up over the 26 which signed up earlier, and mass refusal to sign up for the draft ensued.

Scandinavia prepared for war as light fortifications were made around Stockholm, which despite no longer being the capital was still the nerve center of the Kingdom, to protect it from Russian naval invasion. Knowing it would never come, the project was intended to reassure the Scandinavian people that the army was watchful. A large propaganda campaign was also launched against the Russians, stressing Germanic brotherhood and the need to free Finland.
[Light sea fortifications defend Stockholm, people are more committed to the war, -139,004,599]

Austria's army had fought better than anyone had expected, but there was still a large problem with the language barrier. Despite every soldier getting a crash course in German, it did not reach far enough and a signal language was devised by Austrian generals and psychologists to enhance communication. It was difficult to understand and it would take a while before every officer would understand it.
[+2 army level in 2 turns, -1,346,450,964]

On the sea, Austria was not that impressive. The navy was a brown-water one that needed to become capable of operating on sea for a long while. Studying the naval doctrines of Britain, a new doctrine was invented for the Imperial Austrian navy and pressed into service so that the outdated Austrian navy took a big step forward.
[+3 navy level in 2 turns, -98,059,156]

The United Kingdom sought to increase the quality of its entire military as it entered the war. Knowing the Germans had masses of submarines, the Royal Navy devised a number of naval howitzers to counter them. They passed trials with good prospects, but mounting them on most ships would take time and money.
[+2 navy level in 3 turns, -374,664,565]

The British Army was also given a boost, as industry was converted to produce weapons and the like more modern weapons poured in to the British and Canadian forces in Europe, and were being standardised troughout the Empire.
[+3 army level in 2 turns, -664,742,644]

Of course, the Royal Flying Corps could not stay behind as it was obvious air power was an important aspect of this war. Efficiently studying the German-Russian war, the road towards a fighting aviation was paved.
[+2 air level in 1 turns, -286,052,917]

But not all was given to the armed forces. The government also modernised roads troughout the country after numerous complaints by automobile pioneers that the roads were not suitable for motorised traffic.
[+3 infrastructure in 2 turns, -159,995,206]

Afghanistan aimed to improve the general level of education of the young people by schooling them more. Since there were no real schools in Afghanistan, educating the young took place in mosques at the hands of imams, who laid nearly all the focus on study of the Qur'an but also educated the young ones in basic mathematics and the Pashto and Arab languages.
[Education level set to poor in 3 turns, -21,207,001]

To modernise the economy, a new drive for textile industry was made to use the raw cotton Afghanistan produced in a more effective way. While there was nothing wrong with this, the notion that all factory workers should be women was one that infuriated many Afghans, as they agreed women should stay within the house and men should work. The government relented and men filled the small factories made.
[+1 industry in 3 turns, -86,101 and -2 public opinion]

In Daito efforts were made to stop agricultural produce from falling. Machinery and pesticides were spread to those who still did not have it. Combined with a good year's weather in general a rise in agricultural production was registered, much to the delight of the nation.
[+0,06 agricultural growth rate, -80,285,737]

Cut off from Britain, Daito now needed to design and build its ships by itself. In order to achieve this capability a large amount of drydocks were made mainly in Japan, but also smaller ones in Korea. On top of that, new classes of ships were designed and a new naval doctrine implemented, which did not assume British help.
[+2 navy level in 3 turns, -246,172,161]

Working to increase feelings of pan-Asianism and unity in the empire, the government built more roads in Korea, making life a lot easier for a load of peasants living in the rough countryside.
[+1 infrastructure in 4 tuns, -21,254,176]

In the modernising nation of Siam, illiteracy was still epidemic. The King and his minister of education agreed that this could not stand. Educators were sent throughout the countryside and soldiers who could read were exempted from conscription. The programme was a huge success and village schools opened up throughout the country where peasants learned to read.
[+15% literacy in 1 turn, -15,983,173]

Using the heightened production of arms in the world due to the war, the army ordered new weapons from France. With war production at full capacity the French could not afford to send any weapons over immediately, but sent reserve stocks from Indochina to their neighbour.
[+1 army level in 4 turns, -137,778,364]

Furthering the efforts to crush corruption, Sun Yat-Sen ordered the formation of the Independent Commission Against Corruption. Possessing an seperate judiciary and extensive powers to investigate and stamp out corruption, they answered only to the presidency. Hefty sentences were delivered all around as the ICAC's head, Lin Sen, became a living legend in the hearts and minds of China's People.

There are no brakes on the modernisation train, and the government aimed to make it known. The telegraph system was modernised and a telephone system introduced in most cities, and made commercially availible to the elites.
[+2 infrastructure in 4 turns, -69,140,448]

Boosting their economy, New Zealand encouraged companies to prospect the countryside leading to the discovery of a gold vein. It was quickly exploited and attracted goldsmiths from across the country.
[+644 resource base and 4 industry in 2 turns, -8,140,863]

Far away from major countries, New Zealand's economy could benefit from a large merchant fleet. To facilitate this, the government constructed two major shipyards: In Christchurch and Auckland, ready to produce merchant vessels as well as small warships.
[+2 infrastructure in 3 turns, -84,277,209]

The Canadian government successfully petitioned to Westminster to gain their own central bank to deal in their own currency. The Bank of Canada's creation was an immense success, doing much to revive Canada's economy.
[+2 economic stability, -376,465,806]

Conquering the Amazonian hinterland, Brazil started a project of constructing more railroads troughout the jungles to make the rubber production of the country, centered in Acre, more profitable. The terrain was difficult to conquer and completion of the railways in Acre, as well as in other parts of the Amazonian provinces, would take a long time.
[+10% infrastructure in 3 turns, -130,000,000]

In South Africa, the Children of South Africa project was started as to have the white population grow faster than the non-white population. Limits on children by black women were unenforced but tax breaks and maternal aid saw increased white population growth,
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Pepschep
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

National Statistics: 1918

The Emirate of Afganistan

Player: Kho

The Republic of Argentina

Player: NPC

The Austro-Hungarian Empire

Player: Giant

The Kingdom of Belgium

Player: Just a Belgian

The Empire of Brazil

Player: PousoAlegre

The Dominion of Canada

Player: SaintArey

The Republic of China

Player: MagnificentOne

The Kingdom of France

Player: ArchadianEmpire

The German Empire

Player: Pirate

The Kingdom of Greece

Player: Tyriet

The Kingdom of Italy

Player: ppllzz

The Empire of Japan

Player: Flylittlecat

The Kingdom of the Netherlnds

Player: Jeeshadow

The Ottoman Empire

Player: Outcast


Player: Ab Ovo

The Kingdom of Romania

Player: Fingon888

The Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic

Player: Dutchbag

The Kingdom of Scandinavia

Player: Noco

The Kingdom of Serbia

Player: Vaexa

The Kingdom of Siam

Player: Heyitsjiwon

The Kingdom of Spain

Player: myfy

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland

Player: KeldoniaSkylar

The United States of America

Player: tfk

The Dominion of Australia

Player: Grim327

The Dominion of New Zealand

Player: PyroDash888

The Union of South Africa

Player: Nex

The Union of Mexico

Player: Maxwell500
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Pirate
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Member Seen 12 mos ago

I say to the British, the French, the Italians, look east. The monstrosity has awoken. Will you help it fester and grow, to consume Europe and perhaps the world, or will you enter negotiations and help us end this war for the good of Europe and mankind?

His Imperial and Royal Majesty The German Emperor, King of Prussia, Wilhelm II
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Myfy


Member Offline since relaunch

People of Spain, your king hears your cries for peace!
I hereby announce that Spain will end its involvement within this conflict. Our soldiers sent to distant lands are being returned home. I hope the central powers will be prepared to discuss peace terms.
With this declaration, I also wish to commend our army and navy for their skill, morale and sacrifice.

- King Alfonso XIII of Spain
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Giant


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Imperial Council, Vienna

''Gentlemen, it has been a long battle fought against an enemy that has morphed into a ferocious and dangerous shape. But every man in this building knows that, what we've come to adress here are the accusations made by the various international powers; yes, we have been accused of oppressing the people under our reign, of being against the very men we vowed to protect due to unbridled thirst of power. This is a complete lie. Our Staatsgrundgezets contemplates, and I quote, ''All races of the empire have equal rights, and every race has an inviolable right to the preservation and use of its own nationality and language''. This was only contemplated for Cislethania, but let it be known that as a law is proclaimed, its essence can't be lost for the judicial and legislative systems all over the empire.

The brave and courageous Franz Ferdinand also advocated for the treatment of each culture equally, he advocated for a better life for the Slavic peoples. Let it be known. It is for this reason I cannot comprehend how, how someone like the perpetrators of the crimes that started this terrible war have fallen puppets to an influence so perjudicial to the whole of humanity. What influence is that, you may ask yourselves? The Russian influence. As I have demostrated and will further demostrate, the Russian leaders have taken it upon themselves to accuse us of acts that they themselves have taken part of. They claim to fight for the liberation, to the realease of the opression of the Slavic peoples. They made a few innocent men into brainwashed machines full of hate, of passionate and fiery hate that was directed towards a single man, the hate condensed in a bullet and the millions that have died because of that single bullet.

What can the Russians say about opression, when they themselves have had a mission of opressing the Polish peoples, the Ukranian peoples and almost every subject to the east? What can they respond? The Serbians are kind, understanding. The leaders that had been manipulated into allowing the griveous acts, were not. We have treated the occupied territories as any respectable power should, for the civilians and families should not suffer. No man should suffer what they have done to the Galician countryside, to the inhabitants of it, whose lands they have razed with fire and steel, with sharpnel and gunpowder. This, is a proof of the peaceful process we have undertaken in the occupation of the Serbian territories.

*A screen behind the Emperor shows images of factories and the Serbian countryside, of soldiers in K.u.k. uniforms watching over a break in a factory, of a Serbian man recieving a salary and going home at dawn*

And this, of the towns in Galicia.

What is the Russian leadership doing, what have the switching leaderships done to stop the efforts of abuses realized in towns, of the destroying of countless lives. The new Russian leadership preaches progress for the people of the world, for the ''oppressed of the world''. What they seek is expanding their violent power to the rest of Europe, their opression over whoever disagrees with them! See our effort to liberate Ukraine and Poland and see them represented, see them be able to decide for themselves, not under the yoke of Petrograd! They preach of the protection of the Slavic peoples, but what have they done aside from throwing the very same peoples into a senseless war through cunning manouvers. We respect the integrity of the Slavic peoples. I've gone to Zagreb and seen prosperity. I've seen pictures of Belgrade under our reign and there is nothing but productivity, but people in better conditions. This is a mutlinational state that respects the men under its reign. And that is how this nation should be seen.

Not as a nation under the yoke of a few, like Russia, but a nation under a leadership that gives opportunities to all.

We have taken measures to let the multicultural peoples under our reign decide for themselves, under a sphere of prosperity. That is what we do here, and have done all the time. And what about Britain, France, Italy and Spain? It has been a tangled web of treaties, of agressions and rivalries rekindled. We will not address most of these. What needs to be known by Britain and France is that they are the same as us. The Raj and Indochina, the great African heartland. We all have everything to make those fertile lands and their inhabitants reach progress, the development of the human essence. Happiness. We are not oppressors. We are collaborators for humanity to reach its peak potential.

Let us act as such. Let us put an end to this war.

Thank you.''
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Heyitsjiwon


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

In recent years, there has been horrors occurring in Europe. Millions of lives have died in the most gruesome ways possible. Yet, the hostilities continue as young men march to their deaths, homes are destroyed, and children starve. No one nation is clean from taking part in this war. However, the most egregious offender in this bloodbath seems to be the war hawkish nation of Germany. Although the war started due to the responsibility of promises and alliances, the German government has forgotten that they bear an even greater responsibility. We all have a responsibility to each other as humans, and no nation can justify causing greater suffering than needed. But, the German government has done just that. Not only has the German government used chemical gas in combat to indiscriminately suffocate thousands to death, but they have also refused to end the hostilities even though they were given favorable terms by the Provisional Russian government.

It is for these reasons that I, Rama VI the King of Siam, will declare war on Germany and its allies. Some may claim that this move is political and say that I am an Anglicized gentleman who has ties to the British Empire. I do not deny that I did spend many years in Britain and received a British education. However, it was there that I learned of humanism and the importance of empathy and how humans are implicitly interconnected. Thus, I feel great sadness that Siam must take part in this evil called war, but it is the lesser evil compared to allowing such atrocities to continue. May this war come to a shift conclusion so that the suffering will not grow.

-King Rama VI, King of Siam
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kho
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

Rejoice! Rejoice my people, for these days which are upon us are indeed glorious days. We have taken a mighty, mighty step forward. The world knows it not, but we have, on this day, sealed our fate as a future power to be reckoned with. They know it not, but soon shall they know, and soon shall they see the might of the mighty and the strength of the strong! From the free, untainted Caspian Sea to the borders of China, up from the clear, eternal Aral Sea and the border with the Rus down to the Hindu Kush, our mighty nation is more united than it has been in centuries! The descendants of Cyrus and old Persia, of Saman and the Samanids, of our Great Father Timur and the Timurids, we stand today, defying all who doubted our might, prepared to regain the reigns of power and lead our people, all the peoples of Central Asia, back to glory and power and progress, we shall no longer be Afghanistan, for we were never Afghans. Each of us should be Timur! We are all Timurs! And this is Timuristan!

I tell you, we have had enough stagnation, enough worthless wars and infighting, enough crimes against God and His prophet and His people here in Muslim Asia. Indeed, our greatest defeat was never at the hands of other people, but at the hands of the hypocrites and liars and thieves and criminals amongst us. Remember the words of the Most High when he did say in His holy book, of those hypocrites: "They are the enemy, so beware of them." (Qur'an, 63:4)

So listen well and heed my words and beware the hypocrites who spread strife and mischief among us. Their ways are indeed most subtle and most deceptive, making it so that what is good appears evil and what is evil appears good. Even today as our great Emirate attempts to shake off the shackles of pagan cultures and traditions, we find them lashing at all which is good and holding onto the evil. Look at how our men have become women! These Timurs who should be wielding picks and uncovering the riches of our bountiful lands or plowing the earth, look at how readily they become women in textile factories! Sewing and folding dresses and cloth. Indeed, the ways of the hypocrites are most stunning, to make women of good, faithful Timurs. I tell you this, so be not deceived by those who whisper lies and stir up corruption; the textile industry is only Halal for women! And only those men who would like to be women and be flung into the hell-fire for acting as such will continue such unmanly work.

Women of Timuristan! If your husband has been deceived by those who create corruption, then warn them and be their guide and religious compass, do as a friend and lover would. Did not the mother of the believers, the wife of our holy prophet, command men and work in politics and give in charity? Was she not the equal of any man!? And woe! Woe! Woe to him who denies this! Woe to those who have sold their true faith for paganism! Timuristan, as a true Muslim nation, shall not stand for its men and women to be ignorant of their faith, listen to the wise, enlightened scholars who know the truth, and listen not to the hypocrites, study the words of God and of the prophet and of the great scholars of our past. May enlightenment reach all who wish for it, and damnation fall on all who corrupt it!

The Emirate of Afghanistan is no more, today we are Timurs, and this the Emirate of Timuristan!

Habibullah Khan, By the Will and Might of the Most High, Amir of the Emirate of Timuristan, Repossessor of the Two Seas, Khan of the Tribes

Sisters! Women of Timuristan! How can you bear to be slighted and scorned as you have been? Your God-given rights have been torn from your arms by those heinous fiends and devils who do not wish to see you stand tall once more. They fear you! They know your power and your strength, they fear your abilities and your God-given gifts! Has not the One true God given you many examples of the might of women in his Holy Scriptures? Look within and you will see the wonders which have been hidden beneath centuries of pagan traditions, hidden away by those same hypocrites and criminals your blessed Amir Habibullah warned you of. See you not the Queen of Sheba, who ruled over a land where none would accept a sovereign but her? Every man came to her a slave, and she his master! In her is an example for you, if you but understood!

Just as every man of us must be as our Great Father Timur was, so must every woman among us be as the Queen of Sheba. Soraya, the wife of our good nephew, Amanullah Khan, the son of your Amir, is an example of a woman who has looked upon the Queen of Sheba and known her place. Not as a slave to the hypocrites and liars, but as a true educated Muslim woman, a graduate of Oxford University and nothing less - perhaps the greatest educational institute in the world! So when they force you from your rightful place in the workplace, when they force you back into the house as if you were a slave, know that you are in the the right and that the Mighty One is with you when you fight back! Do not fear the hypocrites, for they fear you, let them not break your free and dignified spirit. Be as tigresses! You are all our Queens, and it is not seemly for our Queens to be crushed beneath the heels of those who do evil!

Deception is their weapon! Remember that well, and when you think what I speak is blasphemous, it is then that you know the greatness of their deception, and may you then be enlightened. The blessings of the most high upon you, and peace and prosperity.

Shahzada Nasrullah Khan of the Emirate of Timuristan, Commander-in-Chief of the Army, President of the State Council, Overseer of Beyt al Mal
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Pepschep
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Comrades! I know very well that, like me, you are all tired of this war. For long enough have the workers and peasants of all nations fought in despicable conditions, leading to mass slaughter on both sides. This war originated as a clash of empires, as clear imperialism. However, it has evolved into a danger to you all. The Workers and Peasants of Russia have just thrown their shackles off as the provisional government fell, and the biggest traitors awaiting their justice. But look west, comrades, and see your new landlords! The provisional government had offered peace, but the scum of the earth, the German Emperor, has declared his intent to enslave Russia up to the Kuban! To him we say that there shall be no peace on his ridiculous terms! Their armies are here to return the Romanov shackles to you, but before them stands the strongest army in the World: The Red Army shall not falter as it does not fight for the destruction of its enemy, but for freedom of its own. It is a fight we can not give up, so we continue the war, the Second Patriotic War, alongside our allies, principally France and Great Britain. It is a war we do not fight for the defense of Serbia, not to defeat Germany, but one to survive. We have sown the seeds of revolution, but before we can reap the harvest we must defend it from the locusts that plague it. Victory shall be ours.

To the Empire of Daito: This is your second violation of international law and another state’s sovereign territory in a short time. In order to create a healthy basis for future relations between the RSFSR and Daito, and make yourself a trustworthy force in international politics, we request that you abide the treaty of Portsmouth signed in 1907 and abandon your occupation of the Northern Kuril islands.

To the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and the Kingdom of France: We understand there is distrust between our nations, but there is no need to. We trust that Britain and France alike do not seek the destruction of the Soviet system but understand they do not want to see expansion of the Soviet system. The objective of our war is to secure our future and not dictate that of any other nation. The Tsar and the provisional government are gone, but our relationship remains. Of our allies I request that they recognise the RSFSR as the sole legitimate government over Russia. To them I also say that we shall not aim to expand our territory or spread our ideology. Russia is willing to grant independence to Finland, Poland, and the Baltic states, but while we remain at war it would not be wise to take such actions, as stability for these countries is not guaranteed.
-Leon Trotsky, People's Commissar of Foreign Affairs of the RSFSR.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kho
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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Myfy


Member Offline since relaunch

After negotiations with the Kingdom of Portugal, Spain wishes to announce a great leap forward in our friendship and the unified prosperity of our great nations.

- Spain will continue to keep the 15,000 troops in Portugal, to ensure peace in Portugal.

- Free travel for citizens between both the Kingdom of Spain and Portugal.

- Spanish and Portuguese currencies will be usable in both countries, to further progress trade and business between our kingdoms.

- Production of more railroads and roads between various cities across our nations

- If declared war upon, Spain will defend Portugal's sovereignty.

[x] - King Alfonso XIII of Spain
[ ] - King Manuel II of Portgual
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Pepschep
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

[X] Portugal
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Pepschep
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Only Afghanistan, Japan and Spain sent me orders. How many times do I need to make clear that your orders are due every Wednesday?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MagnificentOne


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The Great War: Early 1918

With British assaults coming in from both Persia and Egypt, and Armenia almost under total Russian occupation, the situation for the Ottoman Empire in 1918 seemed dire. Rather than collapse, however, the Empire carried on. It seemed as though such a struggle would not tear the Empire apart but instead reinvigorate it as it planned a series of grand offensives. The first was to liberate the people of Armenia from the Bolshevik menace by striking northwards and cutting them off from the rest of Russia. Although the new commander within Armenia, Stalin, could boast of an immense army so too could the Ottomans. Numbers alone would not prove to be the decisive factor in the battle, however, as it was a daring assault during the night which caught the Russians unprepared. Shocked at the suddenness of the Ottoman assault, the Russians scrambled to put on a defence. Although ultimately they would be unable to prevent the Ottoman thrust towards the Black Sea, they managed to ensure it was not a bloodless victory.
[-389 Regulars and -75,564 Conscripts to the Ottoman Empire, -41,957 Conscripts to the RSFSR]

The next incursion for the Ottomans to deal with would be the British in Palestine. A holy city of three religions lay within their grasp, and its downfall would be a devastating loss of prestige to the faltering Empire. Soldiers amassed at once in order to prevent the city’s seizure however, alongside soldiers gathering upon the path to Acre. Much like the northwards assault, the danger lay in the swiftness of the Ottoman assault – camel cavalry, well versed in the devastating heat of the Middle East, had a field day as they rushed behind British lines and brought a reign of chaos. Despite the Ottomans managing to push the British back, the trained veterans managed to mow down waves of conscripts during the battle.
[-14 Regulars and -15,160 Conscripts to the Ottoman Empire, -5,683 Regulars to Britain]

The Ottoman army takes a rest after their victories.

The recent string of Ottoman victories proved to be unsustainable during their next assault upon British lines at Kuwait. Possessing not only a larger amount of trained soldiers than the Ottomans, but also a largely defensible port, the planned quick assault upon Kuwait soon turned into a lengthy battle for the Turks. Indian riflemen mowed down the rampaging conscripts with ease, whose fearsome bravery quickly turned to a desire to survive as the battle soon simply became a massacre. With the attack repulsed, the Indians gathered up their finest weaponry and chased after the routing army. There they managed to not only break through the reserves guarding the path to the rest of Iraq, but reach as far as to the immense city of Baghdad itself. Tired from the lengthy march and wary of the garrison within, the Indians were forced to gather outside the city limits as they prepared for a siege.
[-62 Regulars and -20,111 Conscripts to the Ottoman Empire, -6,116 Regulars to India]

The Anglo-Ottoman war was fought not only with men and weaponry, but also through a propaganda war. On the one side was the Arab Bureau of Britain's Foreign Office, who pioneered an asymmetric type of warfare. They predicted that through an Arab revolt, revolutionary fervour would spread like wildfire across the centralised Ottoman Empire, which would quickly overwhelm the state and bring down its collapse. Alliances with states in the Arabian Peninsula were sought for this very effort, with British and French officers journeying towards the Saudi and Hashemite tribes in an attempt to gather their support. As much as they attempted to sway the Arabs to their sides, it was largely an unsuccessful effort with only a few hundred tribesmen willing to join their cause. At the same time, the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire aimed to inspire revolt across the Muslim population of the British Empire. A speech calling for a Jihad against the forces of British imperialism and Russian communism found itself as far as Bengal. Although reaction throughout British India was muted - if at all present - anti-British and anti-Russian feeling began to become apparent within Persia.

British officers attempting to recruit the Arabs.

Meanwhile on the Eastern Front, efforts to succeed where the Tsarist government had failed were undertaken. Commanded by the founder of the Red Army itself, masses of conscripts were directed towards an assault of the occupied Baltic States where a fresh attack upon the German line began. The Germans were of course unsurprised by neither the timing nor existence of such a battle – but what they were surprised by was the ferocity of the attack. Trotsky and his grandiose speeches of revolution had unleashed a great enemy upon the Germans. Despite the Germans’ best efforts in holding off the attack; it became an untenable situation with a retreat increasingly becoming the only solution by the moment. Eventually Hindenburg gave the order, and his army marched back towards southern Lithuania where they recuperated. What they did manage to show was that despite the lost land, it was at the cost of many lives to what he referred to as a ‘disorganised rabble.’
[7,222 Regulars and -45,501 Conscripts to Germany, -1,244 Regulars and -154,823 Conscripts to RSFSR]

The second assault by the Red Army was enacted almost as soon as the Baltic offensive had begun. This time it was a crossing of the River Dnieper, in an attempt to evict the Austrians from the Ukraine. To assist his soldiers in such a campaign, another air bombing campaign was called upon not only the German supply lines but also the Austrian. Despite its notable successes in delaying German reconstruction, in all it wasn’t as successful as the initial bombing in the years before. Nevertheless, the mastermind behind the battle, Mikhail Frunze, decided to push onwards. Due to his careful timing his forces narrowly avoided the patrolling Austrian gunboats during the crossing where they met the resting K.u.k. army. Owing to a fearless mentality, he led the Russians onwards despite being outnumbered by the Austrians. The Habsburg army, having expected safety in numbers to pay off, were soon overwhelmed by the bold attack despite their determined defence. The Russian advance soon came to a stop having pushed the Austrians away from the Dnieper, and they took time to recuperate in time for future assaults.
[-1,154 Regulars and -99,751 Conscripts to RSFSR, -4,259 Regulars and -116,445 Conscripts to Austria]

Punch Magazine's view of the recent Russian successes.

At the same time, a joint assault was planned by the Central Powers not upon Belarus but also upon the Dnieper. The difference was that whereas the Russians aimed to liberate the south, the Central Powers aimed to cross at the north. Although a few officers initially protested that under the threat of Russian sky power the logistics would not allow for it, a plan had been put into action to allow the logistical system to operate. Utilising the vast river of the Danube, the Austrian navy took to forming a supply chain by taking advantage of Bulgaria’s transport rights to sail through the Djneper. From there on they would link up with the already operating supply lines in the Vistula, allowing for supplies to reach the Eastern Front once again. This adaptation of the Anaconda Plan proved to be useful, as the crossing of the river was easier than expected – no thanks to Austrian gunboats quickly dissipating any initial Russian resistance via coastal bombardment. With the army upon the other side, both the Austrians and Germans were free to march onwards – but first; the Russian army had to be taken care of. The conscripted forces of Tukhachevsky were numerous and dwarfed the Central Powers in comparison – but invader’s advantage came down to both soldiers who actually knew how to operate a gun and canny strategy. Under such circumstances the battle soon turned into a slaughter, with the Russians fleeing no matter how hard their commanders yearned for them to resist.
[-1,185 Regulars and -291,515 Conscripts to Austria, -4,063 Regulars and -25,599 Conscripts to Germany, -349,900 Conscripts to RSFSR]

In the occupied Ukraine, Austro-Hungarian commanders would ensure that there were veterans to staff the most notable cities - namely Kiev - as reserves, and also to ensure local order. Much like in Serbia, wages and bearable conditions were on offer to the Ukrainians willing to work for the Austrian industrial effort - however as a result of being so close to the frontlines, the Austrians were naturally wary.

Back on the Western Front, a plan was concocted by Joffre in order to annihilate the German forces by placing an enormous strain upon their logistics – namely cutting them off. Gathering some of France’s finest veterans and most patriotic men, Joffre proceeded to give the grand order to rush out of the trenches immediately after a creeping barrage near the town of Nancy, en route to Luxembourg. The countryside was wrecked by bombardment and whatever defences the Germans had begun to show cracks, and this was enough for the French to take advantage of. Although the Germans managed to resist the French at first, the pressure brought on became too much. With the defences beginning to splinter and the patriotic fervour not about to die out any time soon, the Germans took to a strategic withdrawal. Despite this small victory, Joffre was unable to reach the borders of Luxembourg. At the very least, it was a grave threat to the German supply lines.
[-6,726 Regulars and -209,266 Conscripts to France, -10,567 Regulars and -106,815 Conscripts to Germany]

French soldiers rushing towards the German lines.

Field Marshal Haig of the British Expeditionary Force sought to not only alleviate French forces stationed within Paris from any assault, but to also push back the German lines from the Belgian border. Despite Joffre’s failure to entirely cut off the German supply lines, it was a known fact that German logistics had began to strain as a result of the Russian bombing campaigns. It was under this conception that Haig believed he could overwhelm said logistics and bring about a grand victory. To realise his plans, he ordered the grandest artillery bombardment in history. Over eight million artillery shells rained down upon the German lines, and to those on the front it seemed as though the Germans had been annihilated by the artillery alone. The self-assured British believed the German line to have been entirely shattered through this ruthless bombardment, and with this they thought it would be as simple as strolling across no man’s land and occupying the enemy’s ground. With “Kitchener’s Mob” being composed of mostly conscripts, however, Haig worried that his men may only become panicked in a rush attack. Therefore the decision to walk in straight lines across the frontlines was made. Surely, it would be harmless enough given the brutal artillery bombardment? The German machine gunners disagreed. The artillery never was enough to entirely devastate the line, and the Germans simply lay in wait. The massacre of innocents that followed was said to be so bloody that Germans cried over the sheer amount of killing. Haig’s only reaction was not to call off the attack, but to wonder if anything could boost what he saw as faltering morale – the answer he received was “Your resignation and suicide is the obvious suggestion.” Needless to say, it failed to gain any ground.
[-7,668 Regulars and -69,999 Conscripts to Germany, -10,250 Regulars and -179,382 Conscripts to Britain]

The third of the Entente’s offence was planned to assault the German forces bordering Paris, in an attempt to not only draw their men towards them to wear them out in a war of attrition but also if lucky to dislodge their entrenched position. With a force larger than either Joffre or Haig, the French began their advance, co-ordinating their attack through the entire line. It succeeded in bringing Germans towards the front – but perhaps it succeeded a little too well. The German Empire, in an attempt to boost their forces against the French in preparation for a quick knock-out had amassed over 60% of their forces in France, with only 40% serving in the Eastern Front. Despite this weakness in the east it ensured that there were more than enough men to repel the Entente’s attack, no matter how determined. It was with the last wave that the Germans decided enough was enough, and to turn their own defence into an offensive. Their artillery bombarded the retreating French before the Germans rushed onwards, with a target in mind – Paris itself. As Foch manned the fortifications of Paris, he proclaimed to his men "I will fight in front of Paris, I will fight in Paris, I will fight behind Paris”. The finest artwork of not only France but the world was hastily evacuated from the Louvre alongside the city's industry and a flood of refugees – but many Parisians choose to take up arms. Prime Minister Clemenceau himself famously refused to retreat in advance, and rallied Frenchman at the front. With the Thiers Wall and 198 fortifications, it was to be a tough battle for the Germans. It all began with a grand bombardment of the capital, but the French remained strong. The first skirmish to the outside of the city walls with successfully repulsed, but it was only one of many – and not all of which were so easy to defeat. A bloodbath soon took place along the wide streets of Paris, with gunfire exchanged from as many buildings as the French could fortify. It seemed as though every street was a siege of its own, with horrifying casualties piling up for both sides. One of the strongest fortifications the French soon found was not their blockades, but rather a sea of bodies of Germans and French alike. Under such ruthless circumstances would close quarter combat arise, with bitter fighting raging on for every inch of Paris. Whether boulevards, monuments, houses, or even staircases and sewers – bloody fights were present. The Germans however managed to make slow but steady progress during the violent onslaught, marching over the bodies of fallen comrades. They met one last stand of defiance by the French - Victor, Prince Napoléon, and a battalion of patriotic soldiers held off a German assault by the River Seine, allowing for the successful escape of thousands of refugees. The battle was ultimately won by the Germans, but with the torturous battle having brought extreme losses to their army, a few officers questioned if it was ever worth it.
[-13,725 Regulars and -426,993 Conscripts to France, -26,618 Regulars and -695,688 Conscripts to Germany]

A German postal stamp commemorates the victory in Paris.

Elsewhere in Africa, the forces of Paul Von Lettow-Vorbeck were up for a second fight as the South Africans enacted a second campaign to end his free reign in Namibia. Despite the initial effectiveness of his guerrilla campaigns in devastating South African lines, officers began to take note and develop counter-insurgency tactics which would prove useful in driving back von Lettow-Vorbeck’s assaults. Now under safer circumstances, the South Africans were able to freely occupy the remaining towns of Namibia bringing a final end to the last African colony of Germany.
[-1,540 Regulars to South Africa, -1,561 Reservists to Germany]
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kho
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Member Seen 8 mos ago


Nearly seventeen years ago, you declared me your legitimate Amir, the guardian of this nation and the protector of the true religion of Islam, and I pledged that I will unite our mighty nation, resist all forms of foreign aggression - military or otherwise - and that I will reform this blessed country and set it on the path of progress and prosperity. Since then, much has been done and I can say, with confidence, that I have not failed in these promises I made you all these years ago, and will not fail to continue as I have in these past two decades.

The Tribes, an integral part of our nation and culture, have been included into our society more than they ever were before. Military recruitment from their ranks has been relaxed and they now have more recognition through both the State Council, run by my own brother, your ever-loyal Shazada Nasrullah Khan, and in their local areas where tribal representatives can now participate in provincial activities.

To create a clean slate for us all and to unite us as a nation more than ever before, our brothers in what was once known as Kufristan, the land of the unbelievers, are today enlightened Muslims who have the full rights to their ancestral lands, in Nuristan, the land of the enlightened. Further, those who had been exiled by our wise Amir Abdur Rahman - God have mercy on his soul - were pardoned and called back to their home to once more resume their service of this nation, and the repressive secret police who caused great trauma and pain upon all our people was dismantled, and we shall never again return to such organisations which spread chaos and destruction wherever they land.

Not only have we had the support of the Tribes in our crusade to lift this great Emirate from the darkness of ignorance and onto the path of enlightenment, but all our Imaams and Mullahs have been of the best mindset and have also given their blessings and strongest support for the actions we have taken to improve this great Emirate. With all Mullahs and Imaams now officially recognised by the government once in government service, having passed the state exams and earned the robes of honour, our programme to bring education to our children through the mosques of God rather than through separate schools have thus far been a great success, and while so far it is mainly the teaching of the noble Qur'an, theology, calligraphy, mathematics, literature and languages which occurs, we shall expand on the subjects studied and on this most noble venture as a whole in future years, with the support and progressive thinking of our blessed Mullahs and Imaams, so as to produce a generation of educated Timurs who would do our noble prophet and our glorious religion proud.

Our industry has slowly, but surely, been expanding over the years, the most recent leap forward being the many textile factories which have been built and to be soon operated solely by those whom the law and God allows. We have also built a great many workshops, with nearly a hundred different types of machines, and only in 1910 we built the very first hydroelectric plant in our nation, the first of many, many more. We also connected Kabul to Paghman via a pipeline which now brings in water to the capital, a sign that our capital is slowly becoming a modern city to take pride in. Though still under-staffed and poorly equipped, our very first state hospital now stands proudly here in Kabul; never will epidemics strike us to find us helpless again! And we shall be building many more hospitals in this nation of ours in the near future.

Our basic infrastructure has also been improved, and many routes have been built. Our people, mainly in Kabul, have taken more and more to cars, and we are learning the value of good roads - and that, amazing though they are, they are not places to stop and hold meetings, as a few of our good-intentioned Tribal brothers did. To increase the use of cars, we have founded the Timur Motor Transport Company and ever since its founding in the early years of my reign, it has gone from strength to strength. We also now have a telephone line between Kabul and Jalalabad and a few other minor lines, and they shall be expanded so that the entire nation shall soon be connected by both telephone lines and railways. We hope that our so-far primitive postal service will also begin improving once the railway project comes out of the planning stage and we see it on the ground.

The first public orphanage was built under us, and those orphans - like our noble prophet who grew without his parents - are now in the care of the state and growing into fine Timurs the likes of which shall lead this nation to the greatness we all envisage. In a show of solidarity with the poorest of my people, I freed all my slaves and divorced all my wives but four, selling all the gold and jewelry and luxuries which have been passed down from one generation of Amirs to the next, and I hope that the austere life, like that of our prophet and his enlightened successors, will become the model which all Amirs of this Islamic Emirate take from now on, that we do not fall for the temptations of this world and forget that we shall meet our creator one day as surely as we shall meet death. The pagan and wholly un-Islamic pagan ways of torturing prisoners have been abolished and shall never again be allowed in our fine nation. Instead, our prisoners have become productive to our nation, learning handicrafts and giving back to society for the offences they have commit. Punishments which our just religion allows only under the most severe and horrific circumstances have also been terminated after a great many scholars assured me that these punishments only exist to dissuade crimes and not to truly be implemented, as many mistaken Muslims have been led to believe.

The old methods of telling the time in Kabul have been surpassed, and we can now boast a clock-tower which shows us the time when the sun is out, and when it is not. I have personally taught various citizens the use of the camera, a truly magnificent invention, and journalism has finally taken off with the foundation of our first official newspaper, Siraj Al-Akhbar, copies of which are sent to all mosques across the nation on a weekly basis, to keep our people informed of the happenings in and out of the Emirate.

The Emirate has taken steps to increase the production of food and the livelihood of those who live by the land. Over the last few years the state has bought land from many of our most impoverished peasants and have created a number of nationally owned farms, on which former-owners and the poor of our nation now work, with the help of new recruits to the army. This has proven a huge success and we can say with confidence that less and less Timurs are experiencing hunger as the years pass. We shall continue creating these farms in our most fertile regions, and very soon, hunger and food shortages shall be a thing of the past. Endorsing our Muslim religion and heritage, more mosques have been built all over the land, even in the most tribal areas, and none can now complain about not having access to at least two mosques. To further strengthen our unity as a people, the Kabul Games have been initiated and teams from all over Timuristan now come to Kabul annually to take part in this noble buzkashi competition.

Our youth, long fragmented and unaware of their potential, has been mobilised under the Muslim Youth programme, and despite members initially being concentrated in Kabul, over the past few years, and with the help of the many Imaams and Mullahs, more and more of our young Timus have joined this powerful group and have come to learn and understand their religion and fellow Timurs of similar age more than ever before.

Despite initial hesitation, and with careful consulting and planning with the ever supportive scholars of our nation, we converted the treasury - where the money of all Timurs lay unused - into Beyt al Mal, from which any Timur can take and deposit money, under the supervision of none other than our eagle-eyed Shazada Nasrullah Khan, making for a period of unexpected growth and prosperity, to which we have now returned with more wariness and experience.

And today, I come bearing the greatest of all news, a declaration which has been awaited by every Timur since our great defeat and subjugation by the British in the Second Anglo-Afghan War. Today I come bearing victory and freedom to all Timurs. It is hereby declared that the Emirate of Timuristan is a free, autonomous, independent nation, with self-determination and sovereignty over both its domestic and foreign affairs.

As an expression of our new found freedom and sovereignty, we hereby offer to mediate between our faithful allies and friends, the British Empire, and our brothers in the Ottoman Empire, so as to end a war which we believe is wholly unproductive and damaging to the unity of Muslim lands. We are certain that a peaceful end to the conflict can be achieved should both parties be willing to come to the negotiating table here in the completely neutral city of Kabul, in the equally neutral Emirate of Timuristan.

We also offer all other warring nations the opportunity to meet and discuss the issues between them in a civilised and brotherly manner here in Kabul.

Habibullah Khan, By the Will and Might of the Most High, Amir of the Emirate of Timuristan, Repossessor of the Two Seas, Khan of the Tribes
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Pepschep
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

With the Soviet government being securely in place in Russia, we hereby ask all the nations of the world, and the United Kingdom and France in particular, to recognise the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic as the only legitimate government in Russia.

-Georgy Chicherin, People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs of the RSFSR.

Comrades! I speak to you from far-away Riga, which has after our latest offensive been secured as free, with the Red Army marching into Lithuania. Since the Soviet government started ruling, it has overseen a great series of victories by its people against the imperialist armies. But the time for celebration is still far away, as they are still trampling the lands of Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine, Poland and Bessarabia. Comrades in the occupied lands, as your liberation by the Red Army, which Field Marshal Von Hindenburg referred to as a 'disorganised rabble', is at hand! This nickname should not discourage you, for this man, who is the military dictator of Germany, is simply launching propaganda in the hopes that you will embrace him, his emperor, and his army as your liberators and saviours while painting the Red Army as savages and beasts. The truth, however, is very different. The Red army liberates the workers and peasants that the Germans and Austrians are trying to subject. In their conquest of a world empire, the German designs on Eastern Europe call for Ukraine to become the granary of Germany. Ukrainian comrades, do you wish modernisation and freedom, or being forced into serfdom? And this question I extend to my comrades in all occupied lands. Comrade Lenin and I both understand that the interests of many nations differ from that of the RSFSR, even if they live in it, and many would rather see an independent state. To this we say: We understand, we can work towards this and rearrange Russia's borders later. But not while German jackboots trample our lands, or on their terms.

Comrades of the Red Army! Your hard work and sacrifice has come to fruition in the last spring and summer, as breakthroughs have been achieved in Ukraine and the Baltic! The Germans and Austrians flee in the face of your might! You, not an army, but the Russian people under arms, taking the fight to your enemy, and not just your leaders'! And that, comrades, is what differs the Red Army of Workers and Peasants from the armies we fight. The German and Austrian armies fight the war of their rulers, to enforce their ambitions for power. They oppose the Red Army which is not the army of the Council of People's Commisars, but the army of the Russian people that oppose imperialism and serfdom! It is this difference that will see our victory and their defeat! Our allies in France and Britain stand by us completel in this effort. The fall of Paris is a blow to our effort, but our armies are still in a fighting condition, and the fight for Paris have shown me that the fighting spirit is still present. With Germany's economy under blockade their armies shall be strained further. Comrades, together with our allies on the other side of Europe we shall see to it that the terror of Europe shall be vanquished from this earth!

-Leon Trotsky, People's Commisar for Defense of the RSFSR
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MagnificentOne


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

With the recent revolutions afflicting Russia since February and October last having come to an end, on behalf of the Chinese people I would like to take the opportunity to offer recognition of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic as the sole legal government of the Russian people. Ever since the foundation of the Republic of China, the Russian people have shown kindness to us Chinese in offering renegotiations to the unequal treaties that have scarred our nation. It is our wish to keep the friendship alive between our revolutionary states. I have the utmost faith in comrade Lenin in bringing grand sweeping changes for the good of all Russian people.

This revolution comes amidst the Great War, a war in which the Chinese Republic has proclaimed unwavering neutrality. The Chinese people wish not to contribute to the bloodshed, but instead we hope for an everlasting peace amongst all of Europe. Having lasted for four years now and taken millions of lives, it is impossible to deny that it is humanity's greatest wish to see the horrors of warfare come to an end. A review of human history teaches that with sincerity and concrete action, any conflict can be resolved, and any hatred can be resolved. As a Chinese poem reads, “After all vicissitudes the brotherhood remains; a smile at meeting and enmity is banished.” This is the spirit that the peaceful culture of China lives by, and it is in this very same spirit that I am willing to mediate over any peace talks so that an atmosphere of tranquillity and goodwill may once again befall Europe.

Sun Yat-sen
Extraordinary President of China
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