When The Dark Gods call, who will answer?

The Forces of Chaos are an extensive and dangerous force, filled with heretics and traitors, mutants and monster and Daemons. The Eye of Terror is their home, a great rift in the galaxy, a terrible ragged hole to the immaterium, the home of Daemons and the Gods. Within this rift are many thousands of different factions, all devoted to the myriad Gods of Chaos. However, the most dangerous factions are the Warbands of the Chaos Space Marines.
Alone these Warbands are dangerous, ranging in size from a Dozen blood-thirsty maniacs to great Legions of many tens of thousands of cruel and murderous Power armoured super humans. Most often these warbands are unable to cause much damage to the wider galaxy, far to busy warring amongst eachother. However, occasionally a powerful and Charismatic Champion of Chaos will tie several Warbands together through strength and power alone, even bringing those of opposed deities together in temporary harmony. This done, he drives a bloody path through the eye of terror, binding more marines and Daemons and cultists to his cause, his Warband growing to prodigous sizes, until their momentum has built to a point that the Eye can no longer hold them. The new Warband will burst forth like the deformed childen of some nightmarish entity, intent on bringing death and destruction to all in its path. The army will spill blood on whole new levels, planets will burn and Sectors will crumble before their might.
This, is a Black Crusade, the ultimate offering to the Dark gods of Chaos. Now, a new Champion has risen, and has begun his own Crusade. Within the eye he binds several Warbands to his own, and looks to stars, smiling as he imagines the magnificent carnage soon to come.
Greeting RP guild, yes this is my second WH40K RP to GM. This one is quite different however. For those who do not know, a Black Crusade is when a truly massive Chaos force emrges from the warp to wreak as much havoc and destruction as it can, often leaving multiple sectors bare of life, in the thrall of the chaos gods or even pulled into the Immaterium itself. This RP will be one such Black Crusade, the Champion will be played by me obviously.
Now unlike other RP's in this we are meant to be extremely powerful, Chaos Champions or Daemons and possessed monstrosities. Powerful characters(not invincible or mary sueish) are encouraged. Who is interested in setting the Galaxy ablaze? Please, direct any questions yo have to me, or my CO-GM @Yennefer