I plan on claiming a good chunk of the archipelago to the east. I'll bounce a couple of ideas off of you guys:We have nearly 30 potential players. I'd rather not have one player getting a large chunk of land at the expense of others.
•Tribes of barabaric beastmen/werebeasts with an environmental kick. Captain Planet meets RULES OF NATURE. Shamanistic, a lot of fantasy monsters, more magical than most. Lots of FIRE and BLOOD in their motifs.
•Far-east styled bugpeople. Different islands are home to a different vaguely-racist ripoff castes of bugperson, that live in a sort of federation of mutual convenience. Expect "FLITHY MAMMAL GAIJIN, CHITIN SWORD FOLDED THOUSAND TIMES FAR SUPERIOR."
Besides wouldn't it be more fun if 5-6 player are competing on those islands?
At best we can say that players wishing to play as bug people are far more welcome to claim territory there.