Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by DarthSeverus394
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DarthSeverus394 The Rogue Ranger

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Sam Fisher

Description: Tall and lean. No body markings. Handsome with brown hair and grey eyes.

Age: 21

Personality: Sam is a natural born leader. Had the country not gone to hell, he would have been a military man like the rest of his male family members. He often speaks before thinking. He is stubborn. He loves a good arguement and admittedly is bad about thinking hes always right, lucky for him he usually is. He has guts, courage, and a moral calling to defend all those who are innocent and defenseless. He may come on strong but there is not a cruel bone in his body. He would risk his life for a total stranger if the opportunity arose. He has just the right amount of confidence, he is not arrogant. For a reason obvious to all others but him, he is a leader wherever he goes. People just listen to him for some reason, and he cherishes that responsibility. He enjoys being around people but also needs alone time with just his pokemon. Its his time to recharge. Anyone intending to harm a friend of Sam will only do so over his dead body.

Background: Sam is a Rebel to the core. He will die before The Regime take him or his friends. He grew up in the midwest of America in a rural area. He has made his way to New York City after hearing rumors of Rebel activity there. His family has long since been captured by the Regime, most likely dead. He has been on his own since he left home after school at the age of 18. His mission is to end The Regime.

Pokemon Name and Nickname if applicable: Growlithe, nicknamed Bo.

Pokemon Background: Sam met Growlithe at a young age while on a camping trip with his father. They were best friends from the moment they met. Sam had no pokeball but didnt need one. After meeting, Bo would not let Sam leave the forest without him. They have been inseparable ever since.

Other: N/A
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Whimsley
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Whimsley Duke of Whims

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Indigo Samson

Description: Indigo stands tall at 6' 4", with square, black lenses and hair so dark it almost has a blue tinge to it.

Age: 22

Personality: Indigo is a tactician above all else, mentally plotting out conversation, battles, and everyday life tasks alike. His observational way of thinking has kept him and his pokémon safe from the Regime, though it has cost him some of his humanity at times. Up to this point, he has not risked his own skin for the life of strangers. He fears capture or worse if he were to attempt to save another's life from the Regime. More importantly, he may lose Maximilian if he isn't careful. He regrets the decisions to remain unseen when strangers were being held captive by the Regime, but remains vigilant to his code in order to continue fighting. He is often kinder to pokémon than he is to people, feeding rations to estranged or wild pokémon from the palm of his hand. Given he had the supplies and time, he would like to establish a pokémon ranch far into the country, away from the struggle of the times. But he regretfully realizes this is a dream that will likely never be in his lifetime. Perhaps he can make that future possible, though, through his actions. Indigo stands stalwart in the face of the oppressive Regime, and would never bow to them under any circumstance.

Background: Indigo knew little of the ways of pokémon by the time he set out on his adventure, only one pokéball in his possession and a belief that if he weren't to stand, the Regime would march over not only every revel but every person in the land. The town he grew up in was forced to bow down; Indigo was only able to steal a pokéball through sheer luck and inattentiveness of a rookie guard. Now he strides onward driven, a single pokémon in his possession, a more powerful ally than any he could hope for. Indigo insists on keeping Maximilian within his only pokéball to protect him from surprise attacks by the Regime.

Pokemon Name and Nickname if applicable: Nidoran♂, nicknamed Maximilian

Pokemon Background: Maximilian was in the back of a Regime convoy when he was discovered: caged, malnourished, but still friendly to the young, approaching Indigo. He was the product of a ruthless yet inattentive officer squadron. Indigo quietly undid the hinges of the cage as the guards had made a stop, and the Nidoran♂ willfully leapt into Indigo's arms. Upon their escape, their bond was eternal, and the two have usurped the Regime's tactics to this day. Where Indigo is the brains, Maximilian is the brawn.

Other: N/A
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Overlord24
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Overlord24 The Aspiring Author

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Bigg Slamm
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Bigg Slamm The Biggest Fish in the Sea

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Forrest "Woods" Willows
Gender: Male
Age: 25

Appearance: Adverage height, about 5ft 10in, slightly overweight, about 200lbs, and broad shouldered with a barrel chest. Deep chestnut hair cut short and usually messy. A short wiry beard with a copper tone and a tint of auburn covers a square jaw. Set behind a thick brow is bright blue eyes. He has his mother's thin nose and his father's full lips. Surprisingly fit save for the spare tire around his middle, but non the less handsome. Both ears are pierced with small gauged plugs. A few tattoos cover his sunkissed skin. A Charizard across his chest, a Gyarados wraps around his left arm, and a Bellosom on his inner right forearm. Usually wears outdoorsy functunal garb like plain teeshirts, cargo pants, and hiking boots.

Personality: Rough and tough take no bullshit attitude, but underneath his coarse exterior is a real sweetheart. He still don't take no shit though. A rough past conditioned him to put on this mask to cover up his true self. When met with new people and new challenges he tends to revert back until he trusts again. When that happens he is a whole other man. Calm, cool, and collected. For the most part. Still has a bit of a temper and tends to wear it on his sleeves. Some things you just can't shake free of. One thing you'll learn real quick though is he is protective, overbearing, and cautious. Borderline paranoid really. In this day and age who wouldn't be?

Background: A street punk for most of his life Forrest thought himself a Rebel until one day he saw a skermish between a local Rebel cell and a Regime raiding party. Seeing the heroics of the true Rebels made him see how silly his feeble attempts at "resisting" was. Vandalism and petty theft was nothing compared to what he had seen. So the next day he asked around and found the true Rebellion and joined the ranks. Surprisingly he was recruited and assigned to a pokemon rescue force. They would go out and track Regime sanctioned poaching and rescue the pokemon from capture and/or death.

Pokemon: A Female Makuhita named Mika.

Pokemon Background: Mika was a rescue while on assignment in the Appalations of Tennesee. Forrest's group had heard rumor of the Regime being on the lookout for a Tyranitar Nest. The group tracked down the Regime agents and destroyed all their equipment and chased them off. In the aftermath they found cages of some pokemon they had recently captured. One of them was a severely injured Makuhita. She was weak and on death's door, but Forrest could tell she was a fighter and took her under his personal care. Two and a half weeks of sleepless nights later he had name her Mika and they have been inseperable since. Still yet to find her a Pokeball to make it official, but there is still hope.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Natsucooldude


Banned Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Doctor Jethro Lowe
Affiliation: Neutral with rebel-leaning sympathies.
Appearance: Jethro is a middle-aged caucasian man usually dressed in casual wear. He is forced to carry a badge of identification visibly on him at all times and usually pins it to his chest. He is of a rather fragile lanky build, standing at 1 meter 74 and weighing in at 73 Kilograms.

Bio: Jethro has always been a rather empathic individual, so studying medicine came natural to him. He passed his tests to become a pokemon veterinarian with flying colors and joined into the vast bureaucracy of the country's pokemon healthcare system... He didn't last long.

His work there didn't feel like a doctor helping living creatures. Never could he properly follow up on his patients, working on them just long enough to patch them up from overexertion or mistreatment. He didn't feel like a doctor... He felt like a mechanic keeping expendable machinery in working order.

Still though, what options did he have? If not for him, then the regime's pokemon would only suffer more... The option of covert resistance remained. Association with underground resistance-figthers and radicals. Helping to spread the hope of a better day as best he could. Once already, he came dangerously close to being found out. A routine inspection turned up a single errant flyer... It got him a stay in the correctional facility and a revocation of his pokeball license.

Pokemon: A porygon he named A.C. (Assistant-Companion)

Pokemon bio: An early prototype of artificial pokemon creation. Jethro was assigned as handler of the porygon for his continued hard work. The pokemon's mechanical demeanour disturbed the veterinarian at first, but before long, the pokemon had become indispensible to Jethro. Both as a companion and as a helper. Now though, Jethro worries the pokemon wil be taken away when he so much as sneezes the wrong way.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Grey Dust
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The Grey Dust The / Grey

Member Seen 39 min ago

Name: Conrad Grimm.
Gender: Male
Age: 27

Background: The Regime was all Conrad knew, and all he had ever cared for. Reciting the mantras of the regime was easy when the totalitarian world he lived in offered them comfort, safety, and security. Of course, the Grimm family had been relatively well off in the entire swing of the corruption taking over. There was always money to be made in the military-industrial-political complex, and three generations ago, Conrad Grimm Senior, the great grandfather, had made a name for the Grimm family by serving on the mercenary forces the Regime used to enforce their visions of the future. As such the Grimm family, of German descent, was traditionally interred into the military and law enforcement part of the Regime. Conrad was no different and was under the shadow of is great grandfather to succeed.

But after the pressure and stress, Conrad had decided to desert after the blood on his hands fed the conscience he had. He was part of the Shadow Division, a part of the regime which specialized in tracking down Rebel operatives and terminating them under the orders of the Regime's higher commands. The first execution he had covered his eyes before pulling the metaphorical trigger, because his assigned weapon was no firearm but rather a pokemon, a tool for his office. But the second execution he had witnessed the effects of taking his squad's signature move to eradicate the rebel scum: Shadowball. The third hunt he could not bring himself to kill again, and stood down, reporting in the kill to his team but letting the rebel go, changed in his view of that which had provided for them at the expense of freedom and their lives. Though his houdour was the tool they provided him, he was the tool he provided them.

He had now deserted, wandering from place to place in his old uniform getting shabby and using the very skills he learned to avoid capture from his former team members. That being said, it would only be a matter of time to be captured if he continued this way, as an internal affair he was fortunate enough not to have his face plastered everywhere and wanted on known channels for on the record, he was still within the Regime's ranks despite having access and clearances stripped away. Perhaps it was not to embarrass the family name. Or to outcast him from joining the rebels.

Pokemon: Houndour, currently un-nicknamed

Pokemon Background: An issued pokemon for the Regime, Houndour was presented to Conrad shortly after graduating from the training academy. Once a pokemon captured and contained within the confines of a black premier ball reserved for the Regime's shadow division. It's relationship has been one of master and servant with Conrad, although he has recently begun to see his tool as more of a partner. Sometimes confusing the trained pokemon as to why it was let out of its pokeball when there was clearly no other pokemon the hunt down or trainer to bring to justice. That being said, Houndour is well trained to obey Conrad, despite the lack of bond or connection between them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheIrishJJ
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TheIrishJJ Isn't showing anyone his cucu.

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Christopher Hawkins

Chris is six foot seven. This means that the average fully grown American man (5'7") only comes up to his shoulders. He has pale skin, and black hair. His body is slightly slim and muscular.


Just like his father, Chris has a short temper. However, he tries hard not to let this get the best of him. Chris is a very kind soul, but this is hidden behind a face that rarely shows his true emotions. He'll show happiness and sadness, etc, but it won't be as out-there as with other people. If he likes you, you'll definitely know it, and if he doesn't, you'll know that, too.

Chris is from a family of Regime sympathisers, living on a farm in Arkansas. His father trained him and his brothers to be strong, both mentally and physically. Due to this, he has a strong body, and is smart, too. Thankfully, he wasn't as misogynistic as his father and brothers, and he also doesn't believe that the Regime are the right rulers of America. When Chris was 15, he found a shiny Duskull, which was close to death, hiding in a cellar of a building that his family owned on the other side of the farm, and immediately bonded with it. He took it food and nursed it back to health. During this, he started to learn about looking after, and also breeding, pokemon, which he continued doing even after Duskull was healthy again. When he was 18, he ran away from home with his Duskull in order to help other pokemon, and he now wants to be a pokemon healer and breeder. He is now in New York to try and find rebels that he can help. He is also fascinated with dark and ghost type pokemon.

Pokemon name and nickname:
A male shiny Duskull, with no nickname.

Pokemon background:
Duskull was owned by a group of shiny pokemon collectors travelling through Arkansas. When the Regime saw that they had so many shiny pokemon, they captured the people and their pokemon. However, Duskull managed to escape by turning invisible, albeit with injuries, and got to Chris's family's farm. He then hid there until Chris found him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheUnknowable
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TheUnknowable Like Pineapple on Pizza

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Name: Kale Fields


Age: 18

Personality: Reckless and full of anger, he loves to fight. He used to get in fights at school, and has a minor police record for destruction of property and assault.

Background: He was growing up as a normal child, his mother a nurse and his father a professional pokemon trainer, when the growing regime came to the gym where his father trained to claim his father's pokemon. His father fought back and, in the end, the regime's pokemon killed him.
Without a father, and angry about his father's death, he began to act out. His mother was unable to get him to behave, partly because she was unable to spend enough time with him due to her now having spend extra time at work to support herself and her son, and he started committing crimes to get her attention.
On his eighteenth birthday, days after he was released from jail after slitting the tires of a neighbor's car, his mom told him that she had a gift for him, from his father. She took him into the basement and moved some boxes, eventually pulling out a pokeball. His father had hatched the egg from his Jolteon and caught the baby, an Eevee. He had planned on giving it to him for his tenth birthday, as his father had got his first pokemon at 10, but the regime killed him first. His mother had kept it stored there since that day out of fear that the regime would attack her if they found out about it. She knew Kale wouldn't care about the danger, though, and thought that maybe having a pokemon would teach him responsibility.
He set out shortly after that to live on his own, only taking out the young eevee to train it in secret, using a training manual his father also left him.

Pokemon: Eevee female

Pokemon Name/Nickname: Eve

Pokemon background: Hatched from an egg more than eight years earlier, it was intended as a birthday present for Kale, though out of fear of the regime it was left in the ball for eight years. It grew to resent humans, though, through its work with Kale it has learned to trust him. It hopes to one day live up to it's father's legacy as a prize fighter.

Other: Kale is an adapt street fighter and knows how to break into buildings if he needs to. He also carries a knife for when he needs to fight, often fighting dirty. Avery/Eve doesn't trust humans accept for Kale, who it's friends with.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Pathei Mathos
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Pathei Mathos Πάθει μάθος

Member Seen 10 days ago

"My name is Bronwyn Wild, but I just go by Brynn. No need for the full name. I hate it, anyway."
"Is it that hard to tell? I'm a female, you uncultured swine."
"21-years of age."
"I've got combat skills. Grimm, Vi and I train, it's not just on them when it comes to protection between us. I can fight."
"I guess you could say I'm your typical loner. Kind of a rebel, as well, honestly. Not the hard-core types, but one all the same. I care deeply, and love purely. Throughout the years of hardships I've faced, I manage to keep a soft spirit and a kind heart. I'm a fighter. I stand up for what's right in the world. Not much that's right about it, now, but.. I don't give up. Nor am I easily intimidated by the Regime, or anyone else. Stubborn, hard-headed, strong-willed.. whatever you may call it. All of the above, I guess. I don't give up easy, that's for sure. I doubt you'll find another girl quite like me."
"I lost my mother when I was young, and my father. Well, he was never around back in the day, but out of the blue decided to pop back into my life. Come to find out, my father is a high ranking Regime Officer. Makes me hate him even more. I've pretty much been on my own since I was 12-years-old. Luckily when I was 14, nearly 15, I found Grimm. Since then, he and I have thrived pretty well.. for a couple of orphans, anyway. We've stayed out of the Regime's eye for the most part, up until my father mysteriously found us. We only take what we need but we always give back - except for Grimm's pokeball. I'm not giving that back, obviously. I found it on the road, where it must have fallen out of a Regime transport truck."
"On Regime books, I've got my female Vulpix, named 'V'. What they don't know, is I've also got a second Pokemon. A male Cubone I've named Grimm."
Pokemon Background
"My Cubone, Grimm has been with me 6, almost 7 years. Grimm and I were truly meant for one another. I lost my mother when I was just 11-years-old, on the brink of turning 12, to liver failure. Come to find out later, she was a heavy alcoholic. Anyway, I was out in the woods moping around while attempting to gather some firewood before dark when I, quite literally, stumbled upon a small Pokemon. I picked up the logs I'd dropped in the process to turn back to the Pokemon to find it was crying, sitting up against a bush. Leaves, branches and scuff marks covered the ground, ugly scars left on tree trunks that now oozed it's lifeblood sap.... The poor Pokemon had tear stains running through the dirt layer on his face mask. His crying grew louder from the moment I gazed his way. I felt sorry for him. I'd heard stories of the Cubone Pokemon, and thinking back on them now, I could relate to it. I got down on one knee, setting aside my scrawny logs to free my hands so I could pull out the bandanna from my back pocket. With it, I held up my hand to show him I had no weapon and I meant no harm. The Cubone's crying stopped almost instantly and he watched me with weary eyes, probably not sure what to do in the moment. Let me in, or run. I'd have chosen the latter if I was him, I wouldn't have blamed him. With a cautious hand, I wiped his mask clean of both tears and dirt. I picked up his club and held it out to him as I murmured, "My mother's gone, too. You'll see yours again, one day." I got up once he took his club back, gathering my things and leaving. To my surprise, a few minutes up the road the very same Cubone was in my path, staring me down with a kind smile. He had to have cut through the forest to beat me there, but there he stood. The Cubone followed me all the way home, and ever has followed me every step of the way since. I am his, and Grimm is mine.
How I came across Vee is, well. It's a different story, I'll tell you that. When my father, Rhaeger Cross the Regime Officer reappeared in my life, he taught me quite a bit about how to avoid the Regime and how to properly train my pokemon. Honestly, that's the only thing I'm grateful about him giving me, besides V. Before parting ways, my father handed me a deep red Cherish Ball and told me it was a gift from my mother. I released the pokemon to find a small Vulpix with five tails, hence the name V. Roman numeral for five. Had it not been sent by my mother, I'd have given it back. V remains the only pokemon in my possession on Regime records, thanks to my father.
The relationship I have with V isn't as strong as the one I have with Grimm, but each shares mutual respect between trainer and pokemon. I've run into trainers who treat their pokemon much like the Regime do to their 'service pokemon'. Master and Servant. It's disgusting. Pokemon deserve to be treated better. They're much like us. On the run, afraid and alone. Why shouldn't they be treated the same as we'd treat another human being?"

"I have dark brown eyes and the hair to match them. My hair length extends down to my chest and remains straight until it gets humid, then it gets a bit of a wavy curl going on. Standing straight, I peak at about 5'10" and weight approximately 145lbs. Slim, athletic build."
Outfit & Pack
"Plain black snapback hat. White v-neck, short-sleeve t-shirt. Black, sleeveless vest. Black boots. Black pants. Dark brown bomber jacket. Black sling backpack with included camelbak and side-pouch bottle."

(Face Claim: Hailee Steinfeld)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SnowLeopard
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SnowLeopard Ubiquitous

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Name: Odette Westfall

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Odette has purple hair, usually pinned up into a bun, and brown eyes. Usually wears a white lab coat, t-shirt, and capris.(new pic in the works!)

Personality: Initially shy, Odette opens up to show an outgoing and personable attitude once you get to know her. She is extremely independent and sometimes a little hard headed, but generally means well.

History: Odette was born into a glamorous life. Everything she desired was hers, especially pokemon. Her family was one of the few that, while secretly, opposed the way The Regime treated the creatures. She was to be taught to raise them with the respect they deserved.
It wasn't to be.
On her fifth birthday, her family home was burned to the ground along with her parents and siblings. The one thing she kept was a single pokeball clutched to her chest. Inside, an eevee named Lys, after her mother.

Although now an orphan living with a family friend, it didn't take long for the young girl to realize everything she knew about pokemon was wrong. Whatever happened, Lys was there to share Odette's joy, pain, and sadness.
On a rather upsetting day, Odette decided to run away from home the city. She couldn't stand the way Pokemon were treated by her family and friends. While out in the middle if who knows where, she was attacked by a wild Pokemon and Lys came to her rescue. After the battle, Lys turned toward her trainer and mewed before being engulfed in a brilliant light. Once the light faded, Lys and Odette went home, both understanding their friendship.

Over the years, Odette became infatuated by science and pledged her life to the study of ways to make the life of pokemon easier. Her work was often ridiculed or turned to nasty purpose, causing her to dislike the government even more. Unable to take it any longer, she fled the city with the aid of her pokemon finding solace with the rebels as nothing more than a mysterious tinkerer, afraid of what they would do should they find out what kind of pain her inventions had inadvertently caused pokemon.

Pokemon: Espeon

pokemon nickname: Lys

Pokemon history: Lys comes from a long line of pampered pokemon. She was specifically bred to be given to Odette on her fifth birthday and has a superb pedigree. Since that tragic evening, she has not left her lady's side.

Other: N/A
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ganelon


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Dr. Nicholas Jenner

Appearance: Wiry and somewhat gaunt for such a well-off citizen, Dr. Jenner rarely takes as much care of himself as he honestly should. It is not uncommon for him to sport rings under his eyes from many a sleepless night of work, and his thin frame speaks of a habit of skipping meals in favor of other time-consuming pursuits. While not overly burdened by stress, the lack of attention he pays his body has nonetheless caused his age to start showing, and it is obvious at a glance that he is too weak to put up much of a fight should the need arise. He wears simple dress shirts and ties even when off duty, but as this is a rare enough occasion in its own right, few people have ever seen him in any outfit without a long, white, and frequently unbuttoned labcoat draped over his shoulders, which he often neglects to take off even when leaving the workplace.

(He's older than this and doesn't smoke, but believe me, finding a mostly appropriate image of someone in a labcoat was already nigh impossible)

Age: 37

Personality: Dr. Jenner is a sly, opportunistic man with few loyalties to anyone or anything other than himself. Often coming across as manipulative and condescending in his interactions with others, he tends to believe that he is the most intelligent person in the room and is eager to offer his opinions on most subjects even if they are neither requested nor appreciated. As he values efficiency over ethical conduct, these opinions are rarely popular outside of the Regime's most devoted circles, but he makes little effort to hold his tongue even in the company of people who find his ideology disagreeable; to him, hurt feelings are an insignificant price to pay for the sake of progress, and he expects to be judged for the results of his work rather than the methods used to achieve them. Pride is a great weakness of his, and he is easily agitated by anyone who expresses doubt in his abilities or finds his accomplishments less than impressive.

Background: From as early as his youth, Nicholas Jenner was recognized by the academic world as a talented and brilliant mind. After graduating MIT with a doctorate of science and a very promising thesis on the evolutionary processes of Pokemon, he was quickly snatched up by the Regime and put to work in one of its many research divisions, developing seemingly innocuous new technologies as a means of determining just where he belonged in the organization's vast power structure. Far from naive, the young Dr. Jenner understood that he was being tested almost immediately and rose to the challenge by drawing his peers into intense competitions over the recognition of their superiors. He quickly advanced through the ranks in this way, gaining a reputation for his diligence and willingness to exploit others - human and Pokemon alike - to achieve his goals.

The Regime was delighted by Jenner's initiative, and wasted no time in opening its gates to a number of secret projects deemed too disturbing for the public eye. For over a decade and a half, he worked as part of a team responsible for developing new methods of exerting control over Pokemon, streamlining the process of breeding and mass-manufacturing ideal servants, and as the head of one project which earned him a great deal of his present fame within the Regime's inner circles, creating a safe treatment to force evolutionary changes in otherwise immature Pokemon with only minimal risk of them developing complications further down the line. Throughout it all, Dr. Jenner was lauded as a model citizen and a flawless example of the qualities that the Regime sought in its most loyal supporters. He became the head of his own research division, and was given access to staff and resources that would have made his former peers seethe with envy. He had everything he could have possibly wanted from atop the pedestal they had placed him upon.

Time crept on, however, and while Jenner continued to make good use of his resources, his employers within the Regime began to grow complacent. Their brilliant scientist's value had been quantified at last, and believing that his loyalty to their cause was beyond questioning, their attention slowly drifted elsewhere. His work was put to use without its creator being recognized, with news circulating through the Regime's academic culture trending ever more strongly towards young talent and the promising changes that it could bring to their society as a whole. Dr. Jenner began to grow disgruntled as his own accomplishments went ignored, and as his budgets grew stricter and his staff grew smaller, his opinion of the Regime swiftly diminished alongside them.

Things came to a head when the details of his reassignment came down from above. A young man of nearly half his years was sent to assume control of his facilities, and with them, ownership of his staff and all ongoing projects that they were responsible for. Dr. Jenner himself was given the choice of being involved in a number of other projects throughout the country as an assistant director, but opted instead to take a long and much-needed vacation touring the country - in no small part to avoid violently losing his temper in front of his new superiors.

In truth, Jenner's tour throughout America was a cover for him to begin seeking members of the rebellion. Through bribery, anonymous inquiries, and the abuse of his access to Regime databases, he has spent the last four months chasing rumors of rebel activity outside of the attention of his employers and his would-be allies alike. Despite a great many close calls and frustrating setbacks, this search has ultimately brought him to New York city in the hopes of making direct contact with a rebel cell that the Regime has yet to discover, so that his revenge might begin in earnest.

Pokemon Name and Species: Sabi, Seviper

Pokemon Background: Sabi is a rejected member of a breeding program intended to supply Regime VIPs with Pokemon fit to protect them from unexpected attack by rebel forces and other civilian threats. As part of one of the program's later generations, her performance during the initial combat trials fell comfortably within acceptable limits, but she responded unexpectedly poorly to attempts at psychological conditioning and was eventually retired from active training due to the perceived risk of her acting out against her owner or failing to respond to commands during a crucial situation. When she was later discovered to be infertile, she was forced out of the program completely and entered the "open market" of Regime officials who lacked the status to be assigned high-grade, fully obedient Pokemon, but who still had enough pull within the system to lay claim to capable defects for their own personal use. At the time, Dr. Jenner was just such an official.

While Dr. Jenner originally intended to use Sabi as a tool purely for his own protection, he soon became intrigued by her independent tendencies and took her on as a subject of study as well. He would leave her outside of her Pokeball for extended periods of time without instruction purely to observe how she reacted, even going so far as to have her oversee his discussions with fellow researchers throughout the day. Later, he began to experiment with providing positive and negative reinforcement to shape her behavior in more subtle ways than the traumatic conditioning processes she had undergone in the past, and found that they were far more effective on her than even he could have anticipated; given enough agency to make decisions on her own, the seviper began to take an active role in protecting her owner, taking advantage of instincts and a reaction time that far exceeded his own in the process.

Having become undeniably invested in Sabi's development, and knowing there was only one thing left to do, Dr. Jenner took to exploring the limits of her intelligence in his spare time. At present, this remains a personal project that has been kept indefinitely on hold due to the already heavy scrutiny he has attracted from his colleagues for thinking to foster independence in what they consider a dangerous living weapon. Were it not for the proven success of his efforts so far and the lenience afforded by his status, it is likely that Sabi would have been confiscated and executed long ago - but in defiance of the Regime's close-minded prejudice, Jenner still insists upon calling her by name and continues to treat her like a pet, if unaffectionately, in private.
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