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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jhett314
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Jhett314 Windspeaker

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Graeme smiled grimly at Drake - only to remember he was wearing a mask and so he wouldn't see it anyway. He elected for a quick downwards nod.

The cold chill disappeared now. Strange, on a hot day such as this Graeme was usually covered in a light film of sweat - metal bracers and under-armour weren't very breathable under a heavy cloak. Graeme was growing impatient with the hooded man a short distance away - where he came from, not accepting a greeting, even in a time of conflict, was a disrespect higher than betrayal. "If you have nothing to hide, take it...stranger."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by KaijuBaragon
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KaijuBaragon Victoria Concordia Crescit

Member Seen 29 days ago

@Rallou @Jhett314 Damien shook the hand and said "My name's Edgar, pleased to meet you". Damien felt a very cold breeze, effectively out of nowhere. That was odd. The sun was still shining. He whispered a very quiet "hello".

[Edit: Dammit, I got ninja'd]
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rallou
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Rallou The fluffy one

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Maxine smiled as Damien whispered 'Hello', thinking it was meant for her. She responded also with a simple 'Hello' not knowing if he could hear her or not. She came closer, wanted to touch his face, that he could feel she was there, but then she saw his eyes and cringed. They were red like the dragon one's but without any warmth and sympathy.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BayRat
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BayRat Oh No

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I didn't know what to do now, I watched the three of them in silent and I'd lean against the tree. Remaining vigilant over them with sand and dirt on my bare feet.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jhett314
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Jhett314 Windspeaker

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Graeme looked around. He was usually good at feeling others' presences, almost on instinct, but something felt...off. "Well it looks like we have a little standoff here. Sit, let's talk and be merry. I'll tell you of my travels."

Graeme crossed his legs again and sat in the bare sand. The two Hands sunk back down to floor level, and absent-mindedly started picking at rocks in the dirt. More joined them. He looked at both the men. "Sit! Just because I can kill you, doesn't mean I choose to now."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KaijuBaragon
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KaijuBaragon Victoria Concordia Crescit

Member Seen 29 days ago

@Rallou Damien heard a female whisper hello, then the chill got closer. But then it suddenly lurched back. "Did you see my eyes? Don't worry, they're just a scar." Damien whispered, hoping the girl spectre wouldn't scream. Damien then nodded at Graeme.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BayRat
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BayRat Oh No

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My Red eyes would turn reptile-like at the moment he said kill, as if I took that as a challenge, the presence of some primeval nature would become briefly present in the atmosphere, heat and an aroma of ancient power briefly interacting the the instincts and senses of the other sentient beings around me would only be momentarily, fading just as my eyes revered to its more mammalian quality. However, not wanting such power to come fourth, I hesitantly complied and sat down, and besides, I didn't have a full understanding of this masked stranger's capability.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jhett314
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Jhett314 Windspeaker

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Graeme saw Drake sit. A few baby Hands started tugging at Drakes shoes and trousers playfully. They built small sand mounds as if to honour the dragon. It was a shame they had no bread to break, otherwise it could have been a lovely gathering. It's not like he could have eaten any bread with his mask on anyway. He could always save it for later, like his sweet. By this point it was nothing but a lump of sugar. He looked and indicated to Edgar. "Sit, down. It's disrespectful to decline an offer of hospitality."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BayRat
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BayRat Oh No

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I watched the hands touch me and build structures in the sand, for a moment, I smiled, again the partial presence of a primeval energy flowed from me, though less noticeable and not as hostile. I felt like a god, appeased by these hands as if they were worshippers, though this sort of flattery only held sway over me for a few moments before I regained my calm demeanor, looking back to the masked man, the spirit, and the hooded stranger.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KaijuBaragon
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KaijuBaragon Victoria Concordia Crescit

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@Jhett314 Damien sat down. He quickly apologised before going silent. That was close. He was distracted by the female presence.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jhett314
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Jhett314 Windspeaker

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"Now that we're all calm..." Graeme started. "I came down to the beach for a walk, but it seems my afternoon got much more interesting that just that. I was glad I was able to intervene." He shot a quick look at Drake. "It must be a strange sight to see all these hands moving at once. For that, I apologise. They move around on their own when I'm occupied. Don't worry, they won't cause you any harm. If they do, then I'll just step on them."
At that, the hands turned, palms facing Graeme. Some of them almost looked as if they were shaking with fear. They rubbed the sand nervously.
"I came here from a land to the east, a vast desert, actually. I'm one of the few of my tribe members left alive - we were a nomadic people, but a giant creature of the desert consumed our caravan almost whole. I was guided by Rylai, my saviour, to civilisation and company once again. It was she that imbued me with these gifts."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BayRat
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BayRat Oh No

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I listened to his story with some interest, though I didn't express anything too grand. Every now and then I'd look to the phantom and the hooded stranger.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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Matt smiles and laughs a bit. "Its probably cause you're a big dude. Of course they'd be intimidated by your appearance!" The waitress returned with our order and gives us our food quickly walking away go avoid eye contact with Matt. "Yes!! " Matt starts eating his meal as if it was his last before he got the chair. "I don't want to be a nosey person..." He said in between downing French toast. "...but I noticed you've been eyeing the gas station across the street is there something in there you want?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Letmehaveone2
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In the city
Viktor was still walking down the sidewalk, wandering what his next task would be. So far, stopping those thugs when he first came into the city was all he had done. He guessed he could maybe visit a few stores and browse around until something came up.

Kendra thought about venturing outside the forest for once and the beach was the first thing that came to mind. She looked at herself. I should probably get out of wolf form first. And so she shifted to human form and went in the direction of the beach.

At the beach, a hole seemed to form itself on a palm tree and a man came out of it. He closed it afterward and looked at his surroundings, hoping there was either someone to torture or a good place to start a little chaos.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KaijuBaragon
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KaijuBaragon Victoria Concordia Crescit

Member Seen 29 days ago

@Jhett314 @Letmehaveone2 Damien was feeling pretty restless. When Graeme turned around facing the other way, he quickly slipped away from the group before anyone noticed. Damien chuckled quietly to himself, and entered into a clearing. He stopped, puzzled. A man had just appeared out of what looked like a hole in a palm tree. Damien readied a little knife rag-doll in his pocket, then moved a little closer.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by GubGar
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GubGar Manager of the Jerk Store

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Bartholomew frowns for a second, as if trying to process something, before speaking. "Oh, the gas station? they sell lotto tickets there, and seeing as how I've been really lucky lately, I thought i'd blow all my cash on them." He grins at Matt as if this wasn't a horrid idea.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jhett314
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Jhett314 Windspeaker

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Graeme pick up a handful of sand, watching it drain through his fingers slowly, his recount finished. He looked down at the little Hands scuffling with each-other in the sand. He used his magic to reach out and settle them down a bit. The waves crashed a few feet away. Graeme faced the right, and the full city was in few. The skyscrapers blazed with mauve light, as the sun ended its sail across the sky. Finally, he faced Drake, sitting opposite. His scales, too, glittered in the evening. Graeme could not help but admit that it was a beautiful sight. Not wanting to enter another daydreaming state, he called, "So, Drake, tell me your story."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BayRat
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BayRat Oh No

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I watched him play with the sand. My eyes shifted a bit as he mentioned my name. "I'd rather not share my story." I muttered, looking to the ocean
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jhett314
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Jhett314 Windspeaker

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Graeme observed Drake's face as he glanced away. Many stories are written in pain and blood. It would be best not to pry into his.

"That is fine. We all have things we don't share." He got up. "It was good to meet you, Drake. Perhaps we shall meet eachother again someday. I look forward to fighting alongside you, next time."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BayRat
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BayRat Oh No

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I tried to smile back at Graeme. "Likewise, watch out for that doll guy by the way." I'd stand and stretch, my tail slithering back and fourth again as the late afternoon sun shined down on my wings.
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