Question! Is the MEU a publicly known entity? If they are, are they viewed as the good guys? I ask because Kana was raised with a morally gray perspective and she doesn't have a problem with being a bit dark. :P
Nope, like the "Organization" they are secretive. I'm sure that will change.
How would you describe yourself and don't hold back, we don't judge here: I can be well, quite cocky at times. I know, I know, but it's a bad habit of mine. I find myself quite funny, but not everyone shares that opinion. I can be serious when needed, but I try to be comical, though sometimes I keep that to myself. I'm a pretty hard worker when it comes to things that interest me, such as training and learning how to better use my powers.
Describe your abilities as best as you can: Well, I guess that I absorb and redirect kinetic energy. Let’s say I was being beat up by a group of punks, or I got hit by a car, I could absorb that kinetic energy to heal myself and then redirect it into a ball of energy or into an explosion aimed at the enemy. This does not at all mean I am invincible though, as not everything has enough kinetic energy for me to be able to absorb, meaning that I would be vulnerable. Also, If I were hit with enough force I could still be hurt, or even killed. And just because I absorb the energy doesn’t mean I don’t feel pain, I just get over it quickly as when I absorb energy I am usually healed slightly and pain alleviates.
Describe some of your weaknesses: My power levels correspond to how much kinetic energy I absorb. I have to have kinetic energy to absorb for me to be able to do anything at all. I can absorb energy and use it for later, but it will run out. I also must be aware of incoming energy so that I can absorb it, or else I will simply be hit
Did you know about your...abilities before we found you: Yes
If yes how'd you find out: Well, It really wasn’t anything too spectacular, I saw a couple of the bigger guys from my school pick on a less popular kid, I walked over, tried to break it apart. Good news, they let the kid go, bad news, they decided to hit me instead. I was on the floor being kicked around by three jocks and next thing I knew, a wave of energy was released from my body, the bullies were on the floor, and the pain was gone.
What's your story again don't hold back: Well, I’ve lived a pretty normal life, nothing special. I took some Judo when I was younger but then moved on to kickboxing, which I partake in regularly. I’ve always been a pretty athletic guy, with a love for apples, I get half decent grades, got my learners permit. Just the usual stuff up until I discovered my powers around a year and a half ago, now I’ve dedicated most of my free time into learning how to use them, because, like, superpowers are awesome, duh.
"How would you describe yourself and don't hold back, we don't judge here?"
Shit, I don't know. I guess people kinda like me around. Not really "popular", but I do my best to entertain whoever's around me. Keep their attention, you know? I guess it can get a bit annoying for some people. Either way, I try not to piss too many people off. Also, I fucking love bananas.
"You brought the picture of yourself right just in case we lose you"
"Describe your abilities as best as you can?"
Uhh, I pick up on stuff pretty easy. Not really "smarts" stuff, but movements. Ever since I was a kid, I could mimic other people's movements exactly on the first try. Some cool-ass stunt I saw on TV? You bet your ass I could do it as soon as I saw it. (Adoptive Muscle Memory)
"Describe some of your weaknesses"
The fuck kind of question is that. I don't really talk too good, you feel? Never really paid any attention in class. You know how I can copy movements? Same goes for pencil movements. I just copied whatever smartass was in my class that year. Not too good a listener either. My mom used to bitch at me hella because of that.
"Did you know about your...abilities before we found you?"
I mean I kinda figured what I could do was a little special. Didn't realize it was kidnap-you-and-interrogate-you special.
"What's your story again don't hold back"
I mean I guess I can start with my family. I'm an only child, and hella spoiled - something I never minded too much. My mom and dad were both kind of bigshots and worked hella. It brought home a lot of money, but I didn't get to see them as much. Don't think that affected me too badly though; I got on pretty well without them. They'd put me in a shit ton of sports throughout my childhood instead of a babysitter. I guess that's kind of how I found out I was a bit "special": through sports. Coach would show us a thing and then I'd do it, pretty much as good if not better than the coach. Basketball, Soccer, hell, even golf, I'd kill it regardless of what we were doing.
I think it became way more apparent to me when I got put in karate. Everything else bored me, and I'd never tried martial arts before all this. That's when everything changed. I fell in love with that shit. Karate, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Boxing, Muay Thai, everything, man. I was hooked. All that shit came to me just as easily as all the other sports, but it never got boring to me. Before all this heavy shit you started dropping on me, I swear I could've gone pro. I was a fucking weapon. That being said, nobody really fucked with me outside of the gym, you know? Never really had any "enemies", never got jumped. If I did, I swear I would've fucked that guy up, but I didn't. It was a nice rich kid suburb. I would've started training full time if my parents didn't always bitch at me to go to school. Apparently I have to do things exactly how they did it so I can make the same money.
Speaking of school - I fucking hate school. I told you already, right? How I made it through that shit? My methods did come a little late though; I had to retake freshman year. But that second year was a wake up call to me. I knew that I had to get my shit together, if only to keep up appearance, but I sure as hell knew I didn't want to do the work. I thought athletics could get me by for a bit, you know? Have my coaches fight for their star athlete. Unfortunately, that doesn't really work if I never even show up to class. Barely passed the first semester for that year. After that though, I kinda figured things out. After watching something, I can copy their movements almost exactly, I told you that already. So, one day, during some boring ass test, it occurred to me I could try that same thing with my classmates. I already told you about that too. Then all it took was for me to pay off whoever it was I needed to to get my homework done. All that shit combined with my coaches bitching at my teachers, I got by.
That's pretty much my life so far. Fighting and bullshitting through school.
"How would you describe yourself and don't hold back, we don't judge here?"
Shit, I don't know. I guess people kinda like me around. Not really "popular", but I do my best to entertain whoever's around me. Keep their attention, you know? I guess it can get a bit annoying for some people. Either way, I try not to piss too many people off. Also, I fucking love bananas.
"You brought the picture of yourself right just in case we lose you"
"Describe your abilities as best as you can?"
Uhh, I pick up on stuff pretty easy. Not really "smarts" stuff, but movements. Ever since I was a kid, I could mimic other people's movements exactly on the first try. Some cool-ass stunt I saw on TV? You bet your ass I could do it as soon as I saw it. (Adoptive Muscle Memory)
"Describe some of your weaknesses"
The fuck kind of question is that. I don't really talk too good, you feel? Never really paid any attention in class. You know how I can copy movements? Same goes for pencil movements. I just copied whatever smartass was in my class that year. Not too good a listener either. My mom used to bitch at me hella because of that.
"Did you know about your...abilities before we found you?"
I mean I kinda figured what I could do was a little special. Didn't realize it was kidnap-you-and-interrogate-you special.
"What's your story again don't hold back"
I mean I guess I can start with my family. I'm an only child, and hella spoiled - something I never minded too much. My mom and dad were both kind of bigshots and worked hella. It brought home a lot of money, but I didn't get to see them as much. Don't think that affected me too badly though; I got on pretty well without them. They'd put me in a shit ton of sports throughout my childhood instead of a babysitter. I guess that's kind of how I found out I was a bit "special": through sports. Coach would show us a thing and then I'd do it, pretty much as good if not better than the coach. Basketball, Soccer, hell, even golf, I'd kill it regardless of what we were doing.
I think it became way more apparent to me when I got put in karate. Everything else bored me, and I'd never tried martial arts before all this. That's when everything changed. I fell in love with that shit. Karate, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Boxing, Muay Thai, everything, man. I was hooked. All that shit came to me just as easily as all the other sports, but it never got boring to me. Before all this heavy shit you started dropping on me, I swear I could've gone pro. I was a fucking weapon. That being said, nobody really fucked with me outside of the gym, you know? Never really had any "enemies", never got jumped. If I did, I swear I would've fucked that guy up, but I didn't. It was a nice rich kid suburb. I would've started training full time if my parents didn't always bitch at me to go to school. Apparently I have to do things exactly how they did it so I can make the same money.
Speaking of school - I fucking hate school. I told you already, right? How I made it through that shit? My methods did come a little late though; I had to retake freshman year. But that second year was a wake up call to me. I knew that I had to get my shit together, if only to keep up appearance, but I sure as hell knew I didn't want to do the work. I thought athletics could get me by for a bit, you know? Have my coaches fight for their star athlete. Unfortunately, that doesn't really work if I never even show up to class. Barely passed the first semester for that year. After that though, I kinda figured things out. After watching something, I can copy their movements almost exactly, I told you that already. So, one day, during some boring ass test, it occurred to me I could try that same thing with my classmates. I already told you about that too. Then all it took was for me to pay off whoever it was I needed to to get my homework done. All that shit combined with my coaches bitching at my teachers, I got by.
That's pretty much my life so far. Fighting and bullshitting through school.
As long as he can't "copy' any powers of others he's good to go (Love Heroes btw).
How would you describe yourself and don't hold back, we don't judge here: I can be well, quite cocky at times. I know, I know, but it's a bad habit of mine. I find myself quite funny, but not everyone shares that opinion. I can be serious when needed, but I try to be comical, though sometimes I keep that to myself. I'm a pretty hard worker when it comes to things that interest me, such as training and learning how to better use my powers.
Describe your abilities as best as you can: Well, I guess that I absorb and redirect kinetic energy. Let’s say I was being beat up by a group of punks, or I got hit by a car, I could absorb that kinetic energy to heal myself and then redirect it into a ball of energy or into an explosion aimed at the enemy. This does not at all mean I am invincible though, as not everything has enough kinetic energy for me to be able to absorb, meaning that I would be vulnerable. Also, If I were hit with enough force I could still be hurt, or even killed. And just because I absorb the energy doesn’t mean I don’t feel pain, I just get over it quickly as when I absorb energy I am usually healed slightly and pain alleviates.
Describe some of your weaknesses: My power levels correspond to how much kinetic energy I absorb. I have to have kinetic energy to absorb for me to be able to do anything at all. I can absorb energy and use it for later, but it will run out. I also must be aware of incoming energy so that I can absorb it, or else I will simply be hit
Did you know about your...abilities before we found you: Yes
If yes how'd you find out: Well, It really wasn’t anything too spectacular, I saw a couple of the bigger guys from my school pick on a less popular kid, I walked over, tried to break it apart. Good news, they let the kid go, bad news, they decided to hit me instead. I was on the floor being kicked around by three jocks and next thing I knew, a wave of energy was released from my body, the bullies were on the floor, and the pain was gone.
What's your story again don't hold back: Well, I’ve lived a pretty normal life, nothing special. I took some Judo when I was younger but then moved on to kickboxing, which I partake in regularly. I’ve always been a pretty athletic guy, with a love for apples, I get half decent grades, got my learners permit. Just the usual stuff up until I discovered my powers around a year and a half ago, now I’ve dedicated most of my free time into learning how to use them, because, like, superpowers are awesome, duh.
I edited my CS, I did read the rules the first time around I'm just awful at remembering to put in whatever random thing the GM says even if I just read it haha
What's your full name: Moontree Blue. (M.T. Blue/Meat & Tatters/ Blue plate special) How old are you(15-18): 19 What Grade are you in (9th-12th): 11th How would you describe yourself (Personality) and don't hold back, we don't judge here: I'm a jock. You brought the picture of yourself right (Appearance. A Real picture would be nice) just in case we lose you: Describe your abilities as best as you can (Power. Be descriptive): I throw things real good and it knocks anything else it hits over. Kinetic energy multiplication with inelastic collision properties: M.t. weighs around 400lbs, when he throws a 1 lbs object, it hits with the force of 400 lbs, when he throws a 2 lbs object, it hits with the force of 800 lbs. It LOOKS like super strength, but it isn't related to his muscles, just his mass and the mass of the object he is throwing. Describe some of your weaknesses (Weaknesses): I'm in the special ed classes... I cant drive... and I cant tell some colors apart.
Did you know about your...abilities before we found you (Yes/No): Kinda...but i'm not sposed to talk about it If yes how'd you find out (This can go in your bio): The bull kinda made it happen What's your story (Bio) again don't hold back: Born and raised in a Texas cattle ranch, all in all I'm lucky to be alive. When I was a baby I got a nasty sting that left me with a fever on the hottest day of summer with the well pump broke and living too far for a hospital to be of any help. If it wasn't for my medicine man grandfather and his feverfew, my story would end there. I survived but the fever baked my brain a little leaving me a kick simpler than most.
I lived a good life, growing up good and strong like a farm boy will with Scottish on one side and Cherokee on the other. I went to school on the reservation from preschool to junior-high until high-school where I ended up going to Sam Houston High School. A kid as big as me got snatched up for Football faster than a rattlesnake snapping a rat and I was good for it. Too good for it.
I was most improved in the freshman year, Most valuable for sophmore, and I was the first ever of my school to get college offers before some seniors. With lots of people knocking on my door, I had to make a decision based on what was good for my family as well as me. I managed to land a deal with University of Texas with a signing bonus: A big ass truck and free gasoline until I graduate.
It wasn't until the Final game of this last year that my powers came up, I was tight end and doing fine when the person I was blocking slipped and fell into the ground, suddenly I was handed the ball and taking off down the field faster than he ever had before. The QB was wide open to catch the ball but when I went to throw it before they tackled me, something strange happened: When I threw the ball, the QB caught it and got sent flying down the field another hundred feet.
He made the touchdown and won the game, but the tackle of so many people broke my femur in two places. I was never going to play college or pro ball ever.