Our "Japan" is actually somewhere around the center of the map and involves bugs. Lots of bugs. They are sharpening their chitinous swords now in preparation repel baka mammalian gaijins.
No, but we have the biggest hands and the longest arms. We also have the best caves that foster the best agriculture. We have the best stone faces and statues of the fist god.
Giant, iron fists of our warriors will crush your skulls in. And you will be forced to give us all your gold and wine.
Almost done with my nation. I just need to add a few details, organize the info, and get my flag from Shorticus (thanks again for making it btw!) Would I be allowed to submit it in the CS section without the flag initially?
Almost done with my nation. I just need to add a few details, organize the info, and get my flag from Shorticus (thanks again for making it btw!) Would I be allowed to submit it in the CS section without the flag initially?
Flags are optional, not mandatory, so that's a yes.
Ok so, my guys have recently begun exploring, and would have at an earlier time if not for a costly war. So, who would like for me to have made contact with them in recent years? And who would like me to make contact with them after we begin? This is what I have so far.
(your crest, symbol or flag can go here - optional)
#15 Thangoradrim is a heavily wooded and hilly region, with rocks and creeks aplenty along the landscape to the east. To the west, isolated mountains that contain iron, copper, and nickle are highly prized and settled by the local clans. Highlands and foothills around them are rich in clay and tin. The mountains and sacred Glades hold 2 other valuable metals found nowhere else in the world, Baldr and Valdium. They also contain the great Musk Ox for clan mounts, predators like the Mountain bears of incredible size, and the venerable Drabarians. The mountains lead to watchtower clad foothills, that further lead into small farm lands and field that connect to the dangerous forest of Thangorad. The forest teems with huge beasts and perilous hills, such as Drumlins and Tors. Perilous because men unused to the forest often find it so thick that they fall off cliff edges or into deep creeks without them even knowing until they plunge. Storm Wolves, canines the size of ponies, are held in esteem and semi domesticated (Thanes use them for mounts) by the forest clans. They have also domesticated the average wolf packs, using them for hounds. To see a wild Storm Wolf heralds doom, though doom to the Thangoradrim or to their enemies, remains to be seen. The Eald Cabhaig River is vast and stretches across Thangorad forest, effectively splitting it in two. Eald Cabhaig is the source of most wetlands and creeks that slither over the landscape. There is a vast network of caverns beneath Thangor forest. Stone Trolls inhabit both these caves, and make homes in the mountains. Trollslayers are held in high esteem. The southern most portion of Thangoradrim is lowlands that are patrolled by clans with the small amount of horsemen they have.
General Introduction
Thangoradrim is a collection of Hunter/Warrior clans, ruled over by Thanes, who are in turn beholden to a High Thane. They are a proud and strong people, taking their fatalistic view of the world at large with admirable stoicism. They regard tales of War and Heroism highly, often asking young boys if they will grow to be "Fell men of good deeds." The people respect hard work greatly, especially work done by craftsmen. The Thangors are deeply traditional, yet give fair respect to all who give it in return. Despite their belief in hands on work being the most important kind, story tellers, poets, and song writers are in high demand and greatly enjoyed. The men of Thangoradrim pride themselves on being free men and warriors born, for who else could brave the woods of Thangorad but they? Who else were blessed by the Dragon, Forgenhalst when the world was young? Who else was shown how to shape Valdium and Baldr? They will guard their land, await Forgenhalst's return, and remain steadfast, even before the gates of hell and the unmaking of the world.
While every Clan has an honored scribe (or 3), most of the nation tells their history through oral stories. Some scholars believe that Thangoradrim was founded by refugees that had a shared history with the kingdom of Baile, but the Thangors have a different story. They tell of their people hailing from the Isles of Nal'thaggrasil. The men there were thralls to to Thaggs, giant beings of untold power who used the men for their labor and entertainment. It wasn't until the Dragonflights, lead by Broxxigar/Felgenhalst the Fiery, unchained them and sunk the island into the sea. Wherever they came from, what is known is that great ships of wood clad with shields landed on the southern portion of modern day Zhodul. Their ships were in disrepair, with claw and teeth marks upon their hulls. The men would only mutter about great sea creatures and storms, not bothering to explain. They clove their way into the southern forest that bordered the mountains and desert. This led to the meeting of the Eloians, and the war Thangoradrim would call the "Blooded" conflict (for it being their first good scrap since landing on the mainland) or "War of the Glades." Thangor scouts commented on how odd looking the Eloians looked to them, meaning no offense. They were attacked, noted here. Without raising voices or arms against them, these horse men charged and fired upon us. A welcome fight to break in this new and harsh wilderness! It was not until a year later and many bodies of our foes staining the forested ground did we realize what they protected from us so vigorously. The Sacred Glades. If they had merely told us, we would have given fair and respectful distance. But this attack upon our persons and honor could not be ignored, and we drove the horsemen out of these lands and claimed it for our own. With iron and strong arms, we cast them into the southern waste. Step by bloody step, with stern faces and strong arms, the Thangors gained ground, throwing their new enemies into the desert to die. As they settled into their new home of peril, the first Druids were formed when they discovered the Fey spirits that surrounded the Glades. They made pacts with the spirits of the forest, pledging to always respect this sacred ground, and to protect the forest from outsiders. In return, the spirits gave each Thane a Storm Wolf companion, solidifying their pact. The Fey allowed the Thangors to make homes, small roads, and even gifted them with Valdium or "Moon Metal." The new conquerors ventured west, making their way into the mountains and coming into contact with the venerable Drabarians. They too awaited for the end of all things, and for Forgenhalst return (known as Broxxigar to them). The two warrior cultures became fast allies, and the Drabarians helped the Thangors shape and wield weapons of Baldr. When they had reached the western sea once more, and it awakened a long forgotten feeling in their hearts. The Exploration Guild was formed within a decade, and with the vast resources of timber and metal, ships were quickly created. Fyrd Ships were wrought. Huge war vessels built for speed, recrafted for use in exploration. While passion was in their hearts, they weren't spurred into action again until they met the emissaries of Hamleton. These new peoples and their tales of exploration were enough to make Thangoradrim their steadfast friends, and the Tnagors gifted them vessels made from their best shipwrights. They were just about to explore before they were attacked... From the depths of the caverns beneath Thangor forest they had just begun to traverse, spewed forth a new and savage enemy. With moss green and dirt stained brown skin, akin to burnt leather, they would forever be known as the Gundarogs. These fierce creatures stood little over 5 feet tall, with wiry muscle and rat like teeth. Wielding black iron scimitars and spears, they surged into the above ground and tore apart all in their way. The creatures used monstrous Trolls as their shock troops. They would have been too sudden and ferocious for most anyone. But the warriors of Thangoradrim simply unsheathed their weapons, and fought undeterred and unshaken. With a grim determination, shields and axes in hand, they clove through the vanguard of the Gundarogs and went into a 20 year campaign of systematically exterminating the infectious race. Many brave warriors and wolf companions fell, but heroes were born, and through the adversity, the city of Thangoradrim was formed at the moment of their victory. Songs were written, feasts were held, and tunnel fights were formed from the hearty men. They now began to map the underground system of caverns for their own use, and to this day the sighting of a Gundarog is a once-in-a-decade affair. Licking their wounds, regaining control of their forest from the beasts, making settlements there and in the mountains, creating watch towers along the plains and foothills, planting farms and establishing their kingdom, Thangoradrim is now a Soveriegn nation recognized by all. It was at this time the Thangors decided to try and figure out a new Phenomena. During special cases in battle, a slain warrior would rise up and simply begin walking away, traveling north. A small Fyrd was formed to follow one of these honored 'dead', eventually sailing northward until they bumped into an impenetrable wall of fog. A mysterious being sailed out of the fog, and only allowed the 'dead' to enter, threatening to kill anyone else who tried to follow. Normally the Thangors were unafraid, but this apparition of the dead unnerved them. It was only the past few years that they heard of a Kingdom up north. A Kingdom bordering where their dead had traveled... In recent years, they have sailed to distant lands, making an alliance and everlasting friendship with the clans of Kashar. They have begun to search for new places to make settlements, and trade has been/will soon become established with other nations. Roads that helps travelers moving from north to south are now in the planning process, under the protection of Thangoradrim and their warrior might.
Foreign Relations
The Thangors have a cold war-esque relationship with the Orc nation to the North, and frequently are raided/raid the Eloians to the south. Zhodul and they have just begun trade. They enjoy the people and culture of Baile they sometimes see. Myrstrost is a legend to them that they intend to visit and find the truth of. They know very little of Ardonia, but enjoy their beer. They must be fine folk! The people of Thangorad have an ever lasting friendship with the clans of Kashar. The Emissaries of Hamleton weave fine tales, and their meeting sparked the Thangor's ancient interest in sea faring and exploration.
Humanoids with the faces of Dragons, Dratarians or "Dragon men" live in small holdfasts in the western mountains. Standing fully 7 feet tall, with muscled builds and covered in red, green, or brown scales, they are an imposing people with a similar honor based culture. Their leaders are blessed with tails, and only one Drabarian in 500 years can grow wings. The Drabar claim they await the end of the world, and the herald of the Dragon's return. They send their offspring into the Thangor forest, and cannot come back until they have proof of a heroic kill, such as the tusks of a Demari Boar. They taught the Thangors how to work Baldr and Valdium.
Economy & Industry
Precious metals, stone, and timber, and exotic monster/beast meats are the most abundant and used exports. Between the foothills and forest, and in some rare places of cleared land further east, wheat, potatoes, and various other farming items are grown. This would allow Thangor to survive on its own in war, though it is easier to get their farming foods and horses from more northern nations, and are their most prominent imports. That and Ale, of course. Thangoradrim Ale is a malty, strong ale amber-to-dark red in color. The few brewmasters within the Kingdom are highly regarded and skilled, but are in short supply. Thangoradrim craftsmen and hunters are often hired by other nations for their skills. Their warriors would be as well, but they tend to see serving other nations with arms as dishonorable (unless allied), when Thangoradrim itself could be attacked at any time by foreign foes or domestic monsters. There is an avid fishing and exploration market with the Clans Bryne and Brimrad (as well as the forest clans along the riverlands, meaning fisherman). The 2 clans in question either transport emissaries of other clans, or do the diplomacy with nations across the Sea. They often bring back hidden treasures from foreign lands, and sometimes a sea monster carcass or two. The High Thane, Beofric Dormgrad has just began to become interested in trade routes and foreign relations, prompting more ships to be made and more exploration and settlement making beyond the previous mild curiosity.
Special resources
Valdium: A silver steel found beneath the sacred glades, Valdium is as strong as well forged iron, half as light, and gives off a faint glow. It cleaves through monster flesh and the flesh of magical beings easier than other metals. Wyrdwood: A sturdy timber that regenerates into the form that it is carved in, even after it is broken. Baldr: The more durable substance known to Thangoradrim, and possibly the world. Twice as strong as Valdium, as heavy as Iron, and known to be extremely hard to fall to corrosion or rust. It takes a Drabarian or an extremely strong Thangor blacksmith to shape, and to the uninitiated, forging a sword of Baldr could take a decade.
Military Overview
Being a warlike people, young Thangors practiced with the family weapon as soon as they could walk steadily. By age 10, they were practiced hunters, and by age 14, they could form an effective unit in both the forest/mountain, or southern plain. Their tactics would change with the terrain. For forest combat, the archers would hide in special tree plateaus and fire upon the enemy, and the melee fighters would close in to hack their enemies down. Sometimes they would use clan warriors as distractions, traveling with shields upon their backs and weapons in their hands, acting as if they attempted to remain sneaky. Their archers would then fire on the unsuspecting raiders from above. Thangors are unrelenting and determined when in battle, holding shield walls and firing upon their enemies when fighting among hills or on flat ground with little forest around them. They tend to maintain a staggered formation when fighting upon their mountains, outmaneuvering opponents less used to such terrain. The Axe was the most common weapon for clan warriors, though often times it was not the primary armament. Axes are customarily not allowed within the sacred glades, to honor their pact with the forest spirits. Due to their rigid tradition, customarily left behind generally means forbidden or banishment. They have shields customarily, with one handed axes or swords. But they tend to wield two handed weapons such as great swords, or long handled axes with spikes atop them. Or a recurve bow, for a trained archer. Armor is often sturdy and well made chainmail of iron and bronze, with wealthier families using Valdium or Baldr. They cover that with well boiled leather and cloth. Thangor warriors are renowned for their fierce charges, war drums and shouts, and battle paint they adorn themselves with. While respectful, they are ruthless with their enemies and will pillage freely. Men and women often adorn their hair or beards with the jewelry of those conquered, or will get wargold given to them after performing some great deed. Thangoradrim has a moderately sized but very efficient and dangerous navy, for their ancestors were shipwrights and seafarers. Their weakness is their lack of Cavalry. They have a modest one, and those who are enlisted aren't unskilled horseman. They also use Great Musk Oxen and Storm Wolves for mounts, but these exotic beasts are rare and more useful over certain terrain.
Super Units
Drabarian Warriors: Wielding enormous Halberds and Great weapons, the Drabarians are clad in Baldr platemail. This, coupled with their firebreath, and hardened scales, effectively make them walking tanks.
Warwicks: Men who have undergone rituals performed in their Sacred Glades, being infused with the blood of Wolves. They grow a bit taller, a bit stronger, hair covers their bodies, and their heads become far more canine. They can run and leap at great speeds, though they need special training to relearn how to wield weapons and only wear light armor. Their claws and teeth are as deadly as Iron, however.
Dómbeorns: Professional Warriors who both protect and enforce the will of their Thanes. They wear only the finest armor and wield only the best weapons. Often times their scale mail/plate mail armor is made of Valdium or high class Iron, as is their armaments. Even so, martial prowess is not the only factor one needs in order to become a Dómbeorn. The man must have achieve a particular feat of bravery and honor and voted in by a moot before they are given the right to be one of these legendary warriors.
It exists of s a singular island named Fenea. The lower, western half of the land is mostly plains dotted with small villages. While the warm, sandy coast offers excellent opportunity for ships. In the eastern half of the island is Ramoari Forest. The borders are often chopped and replanted. Especially in recent years. But the core of the forest is rarely visited by sentient beings. Higher up north you have the Agroa Mountains. The mountains are exceptionally high and make for a very isolated area. Just like the forest, the mountains house a myriad of mythical monsters. While in the forest those are mostly ground-bound creatures, up in the mountains one could find the winged monsters.
General Introduction
Fenea is a mystical land ruled by the high and might. One half other island is hostile to human life and forms the home to many exotic and mysterious creatures. Whom are quite often hunted by the powerful nobility that rules the other half. The nobility is in a constant fight to appear greater than their fellow noblemen. Which often leads to dangerous extravagance, mixed with magic. As war between houses is forbidden, most look outside the kingdom to prove themselves if hunting is no longer an option.
Below all that are the common people. Ruled with a mailed fist, the less well off people of Fenea remain forever poor and disgruntled. Maybe the only thing they can praise themselves lucky over is that they are still, to an extend, free. Unlike the mass amounts of slaves below them. Heralding from many different places on the world, these poor souls are the lowest in class. They are abused, starved and even killed without anyone ever beating an eye.
Fenea is a cauldron that constantly boils.
Government & Society
The king rules supreme. His word, by the gods, are law. Defying him, be it at the banquet table or on the marketplace is punishable by death if the king chooses so. This power is not limited to him alone. If his children come of age they too wield such power. He is advised by the Scholar, the Warmaster, the Shipmaster, the Coinmaster, the Head-Inquisitor and the Grand Meister.
The Scholar is the head wizard. He is involved in all magical research, education and development. Often very old, but also incredibly powerful. The Scholar is also the head of the Order Arcanicus. He is not often seen outside the walls of his tower.
The current Scholar is Lord Adreminus. Or so he calls himself. The man is old and very fragile. He does nothing. If this is for the better or worse of his order is yet to be seen.
The Warmaster rules the small standing army. It is considered the lowest (yes still a very grand) position among those who rule. Warmasters often lead the main body of troops, raise levies when needed and make sure to suppress all unrest within the realm. The Warmaster is also in charge of the Guardians. An order compromised of the 10 greatest knights in the realm. Destined to protect the royal family. The Head-Inquisitor and the Grand Meister both often vey to destroy the order and place their own people around the king.
The current Warmaster is young prince Chardon. It’s not traditional that the second in line becomes Warmaster. Though it has happened before. Prince Chardon seems adamant to support his older brother Suran.
The Shipmaster does what you may expect of him. He governs the ports and rules the Royal Fleet. In times of peace he often fights pirates near the kingdom. Though exceptionally ambitious Shipmasters have send expedition forces around the world before. A lesser known fact is that the Shipmaster is also the head priest of the order of the Depths, which worships the Unknown One. He does not worship the death aspect of this god, but rather the sea aspect. The full capabilities of the order are still unknown. But they know what can lurk in the deep and speak of it not with a healthy dose of fear but pure and utter curiosity.
The current shipmaster is Jachason of House Urtlem. His grandfather was also shipmaster thus the young boy has a great desire to level if not become greater than him.
The coinmaster is either the weakest, or the strongest person in Fenea, depending on his colleagues. He governs trade and coin and often sends out ambassadors to neighboring countries. Weak coinmasters do just about that. Strong ones go further. They can create new economical laws, engage in foreign affairs that would boost (or dampen) trade and may even support certain rebels in foreign countries. Exceptionally good ones maintain a tight web of spies reporting all matter of events.
The current coinmaster is Salvator of House Pugan. House Pugan had never before placed a member so high. A lost rests of Salvator. So far he is not doing bad, but he lacks ambition and acts far too cautious.
The Head-Inquisitor is feared by both peasants, slaves and nobility. His power is near absolute. The Inquisition descends when the Warmaster feels that inhibition is becoming a bigger problem than it should. Though often the Head-Inquisitor acts without warning. While the Warmaster may just kill e few people, the Inquisition’s punishements start at killing and burning half a village (and all the slaves). Even if that half is not guilty at rebellion. However, what sets them apart is that they can also investigate nobility. Though those of noble blood often get a trial before they are hung. The Inquisitions more primal tasks were to root out mages who did not adhere to the Scholar. While the common people see themselves more killed, mages still fear the Inquisitors. They are often stationed at mages’ towers, academies and to the most powerful they act as bodyguards. Which is rather to make sure that the mage does nothing against the wishes of the king.
The current Head-Inquisitor is Alexandros. Like all Inquisitors he cast off his last name and house. He is an aging man, and starts to lash out erratic. Some outside the order start to think it is time he has to be replaced.
The Grand Meister is the one that deals in foreign magical affairs. In other words, during a war the Order Achenus which he commands will step in. They are witch-blades, Templars, paladins and Arcane Swords who use both cold steel and strong spells. The Grand Meister often works in close relationship with the Scholar. A breach between the two (and their orders) often mean that they are both severally weakened. There are many other suborders within the Order Achenus. But I’ll discuss those under Military.
Current Grand Meister is the middle-aged Higan of House Nimor. The fact is that Nimor often delivered strong Shipmasters, so Higan becoming Grand Meister was not only unexpected, is was unpraised. Higan vowed he would make sure to change that.
There is a wide, very wide, wealth gap between the poor and the rich. Middle-class does not exist. At all. The Fenea kingdom is one ruled by magic. The King or Queen must be from Fenir line. The blood is incredibly rich in magic. Both the comprehensible and the mythical forms. Many other noble houses share the same aptitude for magic. To keep the powers strong within the families’ nobles are prohibited to ever have a child from someone who is not from a noble house. To make matters even stricter: it’s common that ungifted children, who do not possess a talent for magic, go unwed entirely. They cast an incredible shame upon their family.
Those below the nobility are virtually all peasants or workshop keepers under the command of a noble. They are by far the most numerous of the population. But have no real voice in any matter. When taxes go up, fighting such decision leads to a swift and public death. A constant itch for rebellion is common among the base people. Sometimes a village may rebel. But the nobility makes sure that they are quickly made an example of. However, the poorest do not live in such horrible conditions yet. They have a house (or what can pass for one) and most have 2 meals a day.
The lowest of the pyramid are the slaves. Fenea is not only known for its strong magic, but also for its near uncountable slaves. Slaves have nothing. They aren’t even allowed to marry by Fenea’s religion. Though most don’t care as they marry in their own culture. Slaves are the most restless of Fenea’s people. But they rebel less often than the peasants, as slave rebellion does not only hit them, but all nearby slaves. Laws are ridiculously strict against slaves too. For example, should a single slave hit his master, ever, then the master can kill the slave without trial. Fact is that some peasant masters often just kill a slave for disobedience or less. Should a slave ever dare to kill his master, then the penalty is death for every slave in the household.
The peasants share these 5 gods. Though in silent prayers they’d often add the 6th god: the god of freedom. Which will one day unshackle them from the nobility. Stories about the 6th god often vary from town to town but there is a single constant: a prophecy claimed that a foreigner would come to the lands. He will lead a single village against their rulers and die. But in his death, he will unite the people.
Slaves, as many kind there are, have many religions. Some have lived so long that they mixed their original religion with that of their brethren. Making pseudo-religions. Officially practice is forbidden. Thus the slaves keep their worship small and often in the dark.
Demographics, minorities & population
Fenea exists primary out of humans. Though due to the slavery a myriad of other species can often be found everywhere.
((Exact percentages to be added later))
Economy & Industry
Cities & ports
The cities of Fenea are rather well developed. Even though that inside them most people are still relatively poor. All the wealth inevitably flows towards the nobility. Never the less the average population has little shortcoming within the city. Maybe some high food prices but that’s about it. As cities often lack harsh manual labor, the usual brutish slaves are far less present here. Never the less a great amount of slaves are still employed for other tasks like housekeeping and others. Pleasure houses are always to be found and always filled with the right kind of slave you desire. Most of the harder kind of work within the workshops and stores are also done by slaves. Even literate slaves can be employed here to use their gifts. The more detailed and trained ways of craftsmanship are done by free men here. All in all the economy of the cities is in good health. Though left and right some cities may have trouble with lords raising taxes a little too high.
Ports cities are far more thriving than their few inland cousins. With access to the massive sea a lot of trade is done within the harbor. And while some merchants may condemn the use of slaves, they cannot deny that their ships get unloaded exceptionally fast. However, due to some xenophobia, most sailors not native from Fenea may be advised to remain within the harbor districts. There is certainly enough to do there. All in all a lot of trade is done within the ports and harbors of Fenea. But not exceptionally much.
Cities & ports
Out in the fields Fenea paint a very different picture compared to the cities. The villages are poor, wall-less and ill maintained. A few stone roads work their way through the plains. But all by all you will mostly just see dirt ways. The fields are rather large and filled with animals and wheat. But the children of the villages look malnourished and sickly. This is due to the massive food taxes raised in a village.
Closer to the forest, the villages change from agricultural to lumber. The villages against Ramoari forest make their money by supplying the wood for the cities. They do slightly better than their agricultural cousins, but still poverity is everywhere. With the slight higher wealth most are able to have bought at least 1 strong slave. So again, here slavery is more common. Sadly, so far away from the slave markets of the cities, sometimes people in the fields have to sell themselves as slaves to come by. So even still, you see very few foreigners in these villages.
So far, the only thing that has set aside Fenea from many others was probably slavery. However, Fenea has some more. A proud obsession with hunting mythical monsters. The Ramoari forest and the Agroa Mountains are brooding spots for dragons, gryphons, pegasusses, unicorns, manticores, basilisks, chimaeras and dire wolves. Obviously these monsters have some very interesting loots. If you search mythical monster objects, then Fenea is the place to be.
Furthermore, for a rather steep price, nobility can offer you their magical services. Be it for education or simply to learn a new spell. The arts of magic are well understood by the nobles. A true Fenean mage knows his craft very well. Mythical artists, like Seers, are also a little less rare than anywhere else in the world. They are still aren’t that many walking in Fenea, but more than average do live there.
Imports & Exports
Imports - Most standard metals - Slaves - Exotic fruits - Exotic vegetables - Gems - Expert craftsmanship
Unlike the army, the naval force is far more organized. Under the singular Shipmaster. The most common naval units are galleys, though larger ‘Kingsize Galley’ can be used as a flagship for the various fleets. No fleet is under command of a single noble house. Though some houses do own several private owned ships which they may ‘loan’ to the King during times of intense naval combat. Some mages might be stationed on Kingsize Galleys. They mostly aid the navigators, though it’s been whispered among the sailors that they can summon monsters from the depths in times of great need.
As said, some ships might be in the personal possession of noble houses. These ships are never large nor in high numbers. Mostly they are used when a nobleman wants to go out and capture slaves.
Order Achanus The Order Achanus is the single largest order of Fenea. There are several kinds of suborders within the Achanus order.
The Paladins are knights who first did their initation within the Inquisition. They are often heavily armored with thick plate armor and large kite shields. Their massive hammers often appear to be glowing or even burning with pure faith. Paladins are highly immume to any kind of shamanic or dark magic. However, they are the fewest in number as they come from the Inquisition.
Witch-blades are often dressed in leather and wield a single bastard sword, aside from several elemental spells. Their skill in both swordmanship and spellcasting is average, but the combination makes for lethally fast warriors. Often used against heavy sorcerers who require a long time to cast their spells. But their expertise lay in the ability to track magical users. They are more numerous than the Paladins, but far less skilled too.
Arcane swords are Witch-blades who forsaken their duties to track down magic users in favor of fighting in the front line. Much like the Paladins they are heavily armored. But they wield a myriad of weaponry and defenses. From large square shields to two-handed swords. Arcane swords are the most common magical knight units. Though they use magic mostly to increase their already formidable melee combat skills.
Templars are the most elusive of orders. The Templars are the smallest group, whom recruit their acolytes seemingly at random from the ranks of nobility. Not much is known about them except that they pour vast amounts of money into specialized armor, and most notibily that they often ride savage winged creatures like the gryphon or the manticor. Great Templars, the only other title known from the order, ride dragons into the battlefield.
Warmaster's army The Warmaster maintains not too small army of mostly knights and professional soldiers. They are more often tasked at maintaining the peace within the realm. By no means do these knights stand well against any of the Order Achanus. In times of great need the Warmaster may raise levies from all villages and cities. Forcing free men and their male slaves into service. The ragged band that comes from this is never a sight that will make one awe. They are untrained with low morale. Most of them are used as fodder until the Order Achanus steps in.
Noblemen warbands Every now and then a nobleman can bring around his friends and subordinates to go on a raid. It’s common courtesy not to stop one from doing so. As they often return with foreign loot and slaves. Warbands are small and never stay in one place for too long. Often they remain near the coast. It’s also common courtesy that no nobleman shall raid lands of an ally. These warbands are sometimes used for harassment.
@Willy Vereb What do you think? Last time I posted you didn't seem to have reacted (or I missed it). Anywho, I added the introduction.
@Legion02I don't think Willy really does GM-reviews of NSs. Its generally something that other players talk over in chat with Willy only stepping in if there's a major conflict or something glaring; you can actually put your NS right into Chars as long as you're willing to keep altering and editing it as time goes on.
@Legion02I don't think Willy really does GM-reviews of NSs. Its generally something that other players talk over in chat with Willy only stepping in if there's a major conflict or something glaring; you can actually put your NS right into Chars as long as you're willing to keep altering and editing it as time goes on.
Actually I would like to comment on everybody's NS once I get the time but all things considered it shouldn't be necessary. I am here to help things to be more in synch as well as arbitrate when things are escalated to that level.
The northern mountains are not the tallest mountains in the world, but the range they form is crucial to the series of rivers which flow from their peaks through the limestone, creating massive underground caverns throughout the northern island. Further details will come at a later date. The densely forested areas of the island are interspersed with wide plains out to the Caloro sea which feed the empire and allow for trade from the other major civilizations around the Caloro sea.
General Introduction
The empire of hands is a empire that has expanded to new lands around the Caloro sea in the past century. The finefolk, finally unified after centuries of disunity under one imperium has caused them to start expanding downwards seeking new wealth to get their massive hands on. The Great Alpha wants to make the Caloro sea into a handy lake, but to do so there will need to be a great push into the South and overcome primal fears to do so.
History will be elaborated on in light of the nature of adjacent cultures. However, for now what must be known is that a folk religion became the main religion of a major empire that dominated the northern hills a thousand years earlier. Said empire collapsed due to a centuries long drought and only in the past four centuries has agricultural civilization and ancient technologies been rediscovered by the tinkering guilds. The finefolk have made slaves out of the other races in the area, making a caste society where finefolk can focus on higher pursuits such as war, philosophy and tinkering. The Empire of Hands has a culture of tinkerers and a pathological obsession with elaborate siege machines that goes back centuries which has allowed them to conquer the southern lands.
More recently the Empire of hands has sought to monopolize trade in and out of the Caloro bay so they can get all the best spices from the west, and for that reason has expanded across the straits of their large island into the southern territories putting them at conflict with former trade partners.
(further history will require Alt's civ)
Government & Society
Will be elaborated on by friday. The Empire of hands is a empire that uses a tributary system and slave classes to maintain power. The Great Alpha is essentially akin to a king or emperor; what the great Alpha says goes. For they are handpicked from the palm of the gods to lead and are completely unquestionable. If the Great Alpha is overtaken by another Alpha, than it is clear that the hand of god has cast itself upon a superior ruler.
There is three major classes in their empire.
The farmers, the tinkerers/engineers and the soldiers. The tinkerers and clergy and one-in-the-same and are the great alpha's fingers that deal with a range of tasks ranging from managing the farms to tinkering with new machines. The soldiers are combined with the merchants, the merchant-soldier being of great importance to the Empire of Hand's economy as having a unarmed merchant without military experience comes off to the Handyfolk as simply suicidal. These merchants unintentionally also happen to be a source of piracy due to corruption and very little oversight outside of the Empire. The farmers do farm work and can be conscripted into building elaborate communal temples for everyone to live in, each terrace holding successfully higher level members of society. The lowest social class, the slaves do not get to live in the temples. Instead they live in mud huts and do their work out in the open, without any protection beyond the merchant-soldiers.
The empire of hands values dominance, ingenuity, dexterity and versatility. A versatile individual is the best kind of individual in the minds of the Tinkerers and in the minds of the great Alpha himself (females tend to be their own social class of child rearers, with higher ranking males having more women while low ranking males die virgins unless they can get a women from outside the empire... While they can't have kids with other species and propagate their family name it is better than nothing)
Economy & Industry
Details later.
(What are your primary exports and imports? How much you trade? How are your craftsmen organized? How developed is your technology? What kind of unique creations you have? etc. If you haven't described your involvement with magic in the society/government section, you can do it here.)
Military Overview
Details later.
(Yeah, of course you also need to tell us some about your military. Try to avoid number games and unhealthy arms races. We play this game for fun and that needs balance and sensible approach. One of the main guidelines is that your nation's military shouldn't be much better than a historical 15th century medieval army. Don't worry, I don't ask you historical accuracy. So-called "super units" can be okay if they are rare enough for their worth and don't make your army unbeatable. The point is to let you do cool things and explore your creativity but at the same time do