Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by alexfangtalon
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The building itself was crumbling inside. Alex went up the stairs which were barely in okay shape. He quickly looked through the doorway which had lost the actual door. He picked up a bottle by his feet and tossed it in. *No reaction. No noise.* Hopefully that meant no Walkers but right now Alex had to focus on Clara and Camyllia.

Crouching down and looking through the scope he found Clara nearing the building. That's when two more exited the building and woke their friend. Each of them had a gun in one hand and a bottle of beer in the other. He listened to Clara give her instructions on the Walkie and waited for his shot. *Three guys five shots.* He could do this. One guy had a sawed off and the others had pistols. When Clara walked out Alex aimed right at the body of the shotgun holder. The rifle may have been loud but if the guy pulled his trigger the sound would be even worse.

As soon as Clara dove the pistols shot at her and Alex shot at the shotgun holder right in his beer belly. The guy didn't even have a chance to raise his gun. The other two quickly went for cover. Alex shot at one of the ones trying to take cover but missed by an inch. The other yelled to the building, and another guy showed up looking as if he had just woken up. *Easy shot.* Aiming at the knee Alex shot and the guy instantly fell clutching his leg. One more bolted out of the house and used his 'friend' as a meat shield. *Two more shots.* Alex aimed at the guy closest to Clara and fired at the foot jutting out.

Before he could tell if he hit the guy though Alex heard a low growling behind him. He quickly turned pulling out his Drop Point but was to late. He barely got his hands up to stop the grappling Walker. He pushed against the walker as best he could and it pushed into him against a railing. He was about to inject the knife in the skull of the Walker before the railing gave way.

Alex used the momentum of falling to flip in the air and land on the walker. The decaying mess' skull splattered on the cracked cement. Alex stood up and saw Walkers were already getting roused by the gunfire. They needed to get this done quick. He ran to the van and got on top for a straight shot. He saw the one he had shot at the foot of pop up to shoot at Clara. Alex aimed for the center of his chest and fired. Ruthless yes, but one gets use to killing when you have to do it. The two he had killed today were number eight and nine. Depending on how the battle went it might not be all. Maybe this mentality wasn't healthy, but he didn't care. As long as he kept those near him safe. He smacked the top of the van to let Haru know to drive forward. Hopefully the guy could drive while also ducking. Either way it was time to reload.

@Demonic Angel@Aintitfun1997
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
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Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Jason looked to Nikki as she asked him what his plan was. "I am going to draw their attention from you, and try to slow them down by running back and forth. While YOU move on with the rest of the group. I work faster alone. He didn't give her time to answer as he turned and ran towards the walkers.

As he did he saw the Scottish woman with the dog had cut her arm and started to sing. Doing something Similar that he had in mind. But he wasn't stupid enough to cut his own arm to gain their attention. That would only hurt her in the end with the eventual blood loss. "Son of a Bitch..." he said as he made his way closer to her, just as the walkers were getting too close to her he started to slam the breaker bar against the hood of a car, making as much noise as he could to draw their attention. Slowly walking backwards and towards the beach as he did to draw their attention and to make them walk sideways instead of south. He maneuvered around cars until he came to a house. quickly running down the side of it and banging on anything as he did, smashing windows hitting the power boxes, as he did while calling out to them. As they made their way, molding around the house he simply ran further south and back out into the highway, making sure he wasn't cut off and started doing the same thing, but this time towards the tree line.

He looked back to see if they were still there and screamed. "GET GOING!" He pointed to the woman who cut her arm, "YOU TOO GET OUT OF HERE! I'VE GOT THIS!" He yelled while turning back to a walker who managed to get close and slammed his rusty breaker bar into the skull and running a little faster to put some distance between them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Belle
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Belle searching for my Beast

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Kat looked after Jason as he ran off. Heroes often died in this new world. She hoped he wouldn't be one of them.
She took Ethan's hand and climbed into the back of the truck, getting low and pressing Grace's head to her chest, covering her other ear with her hand to try and muffle the shouting. Grace always cried when there was shouting. When she sensed people were upset she herself got upset. She was a very sensitive child.
"Hush baby girl. Eth... Daddy will make it better," Kat told the crying baby. Referring to Ethan as 'daddy' to Grace was going to take some getting used to, at least until he bailed on them. If he bailed on them.

Grace was crying but not screaming. Yet. But that would change quickly if things did not simmer down.
Kat raised her head to make sure people were getting in the truck. They really needed to get going. "We have find Jason and pick him up," she told Ethan.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Demonic Angel
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Demonic Angel I'm 1% Angel and 99% Devil. Woohoo!

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Clara Jekyll Moon Alex's Group

The barrel clattered as a second bullet hit the side. Luckily the darker half was towards the middle making things a bit better. As all the attention was on her a figure moved back towards the truck. She didn't need proof to know it was Haru, which made killing these guys easier on her. Somewhere debris was moved along with more barrels clattering. It wasn't hard for the girl to guess they had figure out there was a sniper somewhere. Now all they had to do was see it they were smart enough to figure out where Alex was. Another bang and a clattering, which sounded like a miss, made Clara shift her position while keeping in cover.

" Y'all need ta get your asses out here. We got people shooting at us. Most likely they may be here for the girl." One man screamed out loud. That was what the girl was afraid of. If they had the kid that would mean they wanted her for something. Which meant nothing she wanted to experience in the first place. Bang went another shot along with screaming. Considering so far they seemed to be getting off easy. At least in her opinion. A door opening, feet running towards something, then sudden stopping meant nothing good.

Bang plus more pained screaming near Clara's position. If Alex hadn't been here most likely she would have been kill then and there. Very soon there would be walkers swarming the place, attracted by the gunshots, and promise of fresh meat. An engine starting grabbed the remaining men's attention, along with a chance to dive for better cover or in this case a gun. The newly deceased had dropped his gun between the barrels and the open. Just as the truck pulled out was when the girl had grabbed it.

The one wounded in the leg lined up his shot just to miss his mark completely due to Haru's sudden lead footing. This was a trick he had learned for the young woman herself. That and how much the irish loved their alcohol. There was shifting of something, which made perfect timing for a few shots. The bad part was the gun seemed to have about three bullets left and the darker half would tend to miss a lot. She popped up and shot him in the arm just to duck down once more.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Acromantula
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Acromantula praise all the white sands of time

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Rowena had been running for about ten to fifteen minutes now but she knew she wasn't going to last. The surge of adrenaline was drying up and her entire body was starting to ache. She tried desperately to think of Themistocles, her boy, her happiness. She needed to get back to him and make sure he was okay. But her body wasn't listening, it just wouldn't cooperate, her legs slipping and sliding out from under her as she fell once, twice. The walkers were gaining and she swallowed, twisting the baseball cap backward out of her view. Good lord, she was a goner. Something in her head just told her that this was it. Hopefully the people in the group she'd met would take good care of her boy. Rowena licked her lips and gave it a final try, gave her body a final push though she swore she tasted blood on her tongue. Maybe she'd bitten her cheek or tongue when she felt. She kept running through it though, for as long as she could before her lungs screamed for her to stop. The walkers were painfully close behind her and she wasn't close enough to the sewers yet. Rowena cracked a bitter smile. Somehow this sense of emotional fatigue and physical fatigue was just too much, her body giving up from over a day of no water and a slim amount of food. Blackness clouded her vision and she felt the back of her skull crack against the asphalt. She gasped when a few moment later she felt something bite into her jugular. The woman wasn't upset with dying, but rather just leaving her dog in the hands of people she barely knew. Hopefully they'd take good care of him, was the last thing she thought before everything faded away.

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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Aintitfun1997
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Aintitfun1997 Hiatus

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The fighting started and it distracted the man cursing and leaving the stairs. Camyllia sighs but froze when hungry growling came into the house she takes the tatical machete and let's out a shaky breath when Lane lets out a wheezed breath that sound like her saying 'please'. Camyllia walks over to the woman and dries her tears.

"Give my uncle a hug fer me okay?" Camyllia said wiping more tears. Lane smiles and nods before turning her head slightly up to the ceiling. Camyllia raised the machete over her head and after hearing Lane say goodbye while also struggling a bit she brings it down and cuts through Lane's forehead. Blood went everywhere on herself making Camyllia feel sick her. Feeling numb Camyllia's hand slides off the handle and drop to her side she just stared at Lane. She felt a bump on her leg making her look down. Blitz stared at her like she was expecting food Camyllia's stomach decided it wanted to be a monster and let's put a huge growl. Blitz lets out a huff and leaves the room and Camyllia didn't even bother to stop her. She goes over to a corner and sits there waiting for one of those group to come and get her or one of the men to come and most likely kill her not without a fight though. Her uncle would roll in his grave angry if she did that.

Camyllia laughs a bit, her uncle. Would he be proud of her right now? She survived a horde and a whole day by herself, but she also killed what two people? Yeah they were bitten but still.

Ripping of a plastic bag caught her attention and made her head snap up. Blitz got ahold of her jerky. But she sat at the door way.

"Really?" Camyllia said earning a growl from the dog," Yeah well," She flips the dog the bird, well that's what her uncle and dad called it," ya ta dog," Camyllia said. She leans back against the wall," Jus' try not ta scare off anyone?"

The dog growled again.

"Well excuse me princess," Camyllia scowls from then it was just the battle that could be heard besides Blitz wolfing down the jerky.

@Demonic Angel
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Nikki was going to yell to Jason to stop when she heard a scream. She turned just in time to see Whitney being mauled by walkers. They had come out of the bushes at her. Walter was fighting with them but there were too many. "WALTER!" She watched as her friend fell, tears now streaming down her face. She banged on the truck and yelled "GO! GO! GO! GO!".

Nikki couldn't take her eyes off of the horde of walkers. There were too many. As far as Jason was concerned she looked at the mass of walking death and she saw him running. She was worried, part of her hoped he would make it back to them and part of her already assumed he would die. As the truck got further away from the walkers she sat down next to the dog whose owner was so bizarre. "Don't worry fella, if she doesn't come back I'll take care of you." Nikki buried her face in it's fur and cried for the first time in months.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Acromantula
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Acromantula praise all the white sands of time

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Themistocles was absolutely unprepared for the face that buried itself in his neck. The command to protect meant to protect himself and to stay away from people. As a general rule, when Rowena left Themistocles was to stay away from people unless they were immediate family. So the young woman at his neck was seen as a threat. The dog's body reeled with shock and the need to attack. His entire body tensed, lips pulling back over his teeth, immense teeth flashing as he twisted free of the woman's grasp and moved to violently snap his jaws at her throat, a growl erupting from low in his belly. Themistocles backed away, his stance threatening and then jumped out the truck, running back into the horde of walkers. Just barreling straight past them. Perhaps he was searching for Rowena. Perhaps he couldn't stand the people in that truck even if he'd been around them for less than twenty four hours. Either way, he was never seen again, a gash a walker created deep on his muzzle slowly infecting him until he turned.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by josephb
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Member Seen 23 days ago

Ethan Blackledge

In the space of five minutes, five people from the group from Dana Point had been wiped out by the horde and the two woman who they’d only just met had already been taken down. Ethan was only a few yards away from Walter as a stray Walker, had come out of nowhere and surprised Walter, biting into his neck. A cry of pain came out of his mouth. Ethan could hear Nikki in the background crying out to Walter. “No, no, no, no, no.” Ethan said to himself, shock covering his face as he watched one of his friends dying right in front of him. Ethan sprinted and crashed his hatchet into the Walkers head and then grabbed ahold of Walter as he fell to the ground. Tears had started to form in Ethan’s eyes as he looked down at his friend. Blood had already started pouring out of Walter's mouth and he was choking on it. The pain was clear to see in Walters eyes as Ethan looked down at him quickly saying, “It’s okay mate, it’s okay, I’m here!” Walter grabbed onto Ethan’s coat like he was trying to cling to life, but within seconds he was gone. Ethan shut Walt’s eyes and got up again wiping the tears away from his eyes, knowing he couldn’t stay there a second longer.

He gave the order to Alex, as soon as everyone was in the car to leave and that’s exactly what he’d done. Jason was around fifty metres in front of him and the car was going out of sight behind them. “Jason! Let’s go! The groups left, Let’s go!” He shouted to Jason and signalled for him to catch up. With one final look at Walter, Ethan peacefully said, "I'll see you in the next life bud." Then started jogging at a fast speed, not at a full run so Jason could catch up to him, in the direction of where the group went.

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Belle
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Belle searching for my Beast

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

A girl and a dog joined them in the truck bed. Grace was full of crying now and working her way up to screaming. Distraction needed and fast.
"Look Gracie, puppy," Kat said, turning the baby towards the dog. Thankfully large furry things seemed to work just as well as small furry stuffed animals. The crying dialed back to whimpering as Grace stared at the dog, her little hands reaching out to grasp at it's ears. The dog was well behaved it seemed, allowing the baby to touch it's ears gently and the fur on it's neck. It even sniffed at the small human experimentally.

The girl was crying. Kat's newly found motherly instincts kicked it, even though the girl was not much younger than her if she wasn't the same age.
"Hey, you wanna hold Grace?" Kat asked, relenting enough in her overprotective tendencies to allow the presence of her child to calm the woman. For some reason holding a baby soothed some people. Probably their cuteness. "I'm Kathryn, but everyone calls... or did call me Kat. This is Grace. I don't think I got your name."

By that point they were heading down the road away from the yelling and fighting. Distraction was the name of the game now and not just for Grace.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Nikki looked up and smiled at Kat a little. "Miss Grace and I met. I'm the one who rocked her to sleep last night. She gave me the up signal and so she wouldn't cry I picked her up. I hoped you wouldn't come down the stairs and kill me but I figured you and Ethan were talking and so ..." Nikki looked around. "Where is Ethan?" She handed Grace back. "Tex! Stop the truck! We can't leave without Ethan!" Nikki was panicking. Since she lost her family, Ethan and Walter had been her closest friends. She had just watched Walter fall, she couldn't lose Ethan too.

Nikki's tears dried up and something kicked in and she took inventory of her gear as the truck stopped. "Stay with Tex, if I am not back in just a few minutes keep going." Nikki hopped over the side of the truck and took off running back the way they came desperately hoping she would find Ethan safe and sound.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
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Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

“Jason! Let’s go! The groups left, Let’s go!”

Jason paused to look down the road to see Ethan Signaling him. Didn't he say to leave with out him? He grunted, as a walker grew too close again, He smashed it's skull with an upward swing with his breaker bar to the side of the head.

He chucked the breaker bar and started to run. He saw that some of the people did not make it. "Shit..." He whispered to himself. He swung the FN SCAR Back around into his hands and started to run fairly fast to catch up to Ethan. His years in bootcamp and BUD"S gave him much cardio with 30 pounds of equipment. This was a breeze, he could run for hours at this pace.

He quickly had caught up with Ethan, not before coming up to the Scottish girl who had slit her own arm to try to distract the walkers. Idiot. "Hold on." He quickly said to Ethan as he skidded to a stop and checked for a pulse, perhaps he was still... no. She was dead. He glanced at her bag and noticed two Desert Eagles. She wont need them anymore. Grabbing her sack off of her body he stood up, shaking his head at Ethan, telling him she was gone. He then pulled his knife out and quickly and with out any hesitation stuck it through her ear and into her brain. At least giving her the courtesy of not becoming a walker herself.

He stood up and started to run again, pulling Ethan with him at first till he matched his speed. As they ran, he asked, "Did you set a rendezvous with your group? His breathing normal, as if he was taking a stroll.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Demonic Angel
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Demonic Angel I'm 1% Angel and 99% Devil. Woohoo!

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Clara Jekyll Moon Alex's Group

Clara slowly shifted her body only to hear two more shots towards her way. They seemed determined to keep their enemy where she was. By now the walkers were inching towards her way from the look of it. There seemed to be about two or three at the moment, most likely more were on their way. Unlucky for the darker half there was only two bullets left in the gun. The young woman sighed. They probably expect the young girl to go down without much of a fight. Which wasn't in an Irish descendants genes. Go figure.

" I don't think you guys have noticed that we're in a very tight situation right now. Did you guys ever think that walkers wouldn't hear the gunshots?"

" There ain't walkers around here for miles. We already checked for them before staying here. Ya think we're stupid or something? Just give up for your friends get hurt little girl."

" Mac soith! Cad is féidir liom chuma a thabhairt duit? A kid helpless bhfuil áit le dul? Cad a tharlóidh le bheith ina fhear uasal? Oh! Rinne mé dearmad! Níl ach Haru mar sin anois agus laethanta. Níl mé ag luí faoin Siúlóirí. Ba mhaith liom ach an kid agus beidh mé ar mo bhealach... Ar a laghad go raibh an plean bunaidh. Anois tá mé ag dul chun tú a mharú assholes!" The girl said loudly towards the shooters in her native tongue.

" Son of a bitch! What do I look like to you? A helpless kid with nowhere to go? What happen to being a gentleman? Oh! I forgot! Only Haru is like that now and days. I'm not lying about the Walkers. I just want the kid and I'll be on my way... At least that was the original plan. Now I'm going to kill you assholes!" Haru translated for Alex as he stayed ducked down." leanbh sé Cool. Má bhí ag am ar bith a ligean do temper amach nach bhfuil sé anois. Tuigim lámhaigh siad tú, agus go bhfuil tú in áit mheabhair. Ach ba mhaith liom dul abhaile i píosa amháin. Agus ní mar zombie ar mian leo a ithe mo chairde."

" Cool it baby. If there was anytime to let your temper out it's not now. I understand they shot you and you're rather mad. But I would like to go home in one piece. And not as a zombie wanting to eat my friends. That's all you have to say right now? Really?" Clara said as she shot at the strangers then ducked once more." Cibé rud a deir tú daidí. Just a insint mam beidh mé abhaile ag 9 géar. Oh fan. Stoptar suas agus a choinneáil Alex beo Haru. Tá tú mo bhuachaill mo thuismitheoir. Idiot."

" Whatever you say dad. Just tell mom I'll be home at 9 sharp. Oh wait. Shut up and keep Alex alive Haru. You're my boyfriend not my parent. Idiot. I hate Irish woman at times. Hold on Alex." The young man said as the car dodged some of a crumbled building." A leithéid de leanbh."

" What do you mean such a child? Balbh Haru." Another shot bounced off the street near her.

" Cover me I need to reload. Keep her right there cause it looks like the girl wasn't lying. We get the walkers to eat her then we can get away."

" What do you mean dumb Haru? We're so going to have a long chat after this."

2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by LPFan
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LPFan Linkin Park Soldier

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Lisa took a seat somewhere and closed her eyes as Chris put the revolver away and started snooping around hoping to find something useful. The place was a real mess. Whoever was here sure left in a hurry. As he went behind the counter, Chris found something behind a couple of boxes that was apparently overlooked. It wasn't a big deal, just an unopened bottle of beer. But after so many months of craving over something else other then water that beer looked real friendly right now. Chris grabbed the bottle, opened it and took a big sip from it. "Aaaaahhh! Thank you God!" He said satisfied as he put the bottle on the counter, turned backwards, opened door and went inside the store room. Once again, nothing but an empty space. "Shit! Talk about bad luck!" He said as he scratched his head, with a dissatisfied look on his face.

After opening the diner's back door Chris was outside again but he stumbled upon a horiffic scene. Four walkers were biting on a dead guy, eating him up. If his sister was with him she would probably freak out, totally exposing them. The walkers were so busy with their "meal" that they didn't even notice somebody opening the door behind them. As Chris was slowly trying to get back in the diner and close the door one of the walkers raised his head and noticed him. After he got up so did the other three. Chris got back in, closed the door and blocked it with some boxes. Knowing the boxes won't last, Chris ran to his sister. "COME ON WAKE UP! WE GOTTA GET OUT OF HERE!" Shouted Chris to his sister, shaking her real good. "What the hell?" What are you so uptight about?" Said Lisa as she pulled Chris's hands away from her shoulders and struggled to get up all sleepy as she was. "We gotta leave, there are walkers behind that door and they're struggling to get in." Said Chris pointing to the diner's back door.

After hearing the word walkers, Lisa freaked out like Chris knew she would. "Walkers?! Oh my God. You're right, let's get out of here." She said as she ran to the car, followed by her brother. Once Chris got inside the car he started the engine and left in a hurry, taking a look behind him then back at the road and breathing deeply afterwards. But his sense of relief lasted only about a half a mile of driving because in the distance he saw hell itself. A huge hoard of walkers, probably hundreds. He abruptly stopped the car before they could notice them. The hoard seemed busy with something or somebody. "Oh crap, what are we gonna do Chris? If that hoard notices us we're as good as dead." Asked Lisa concerned while looking at Chris who was just standing still with his hands tightly gripping the steering wheel. "Chris? CHRIS!" She shouted grabbing Chris's right shoulder and shaking him. "Shut up, i'm thinking!" He responded with a serious and concentrated tone. Then he started revving the engine as smoke started coming from the car's back tires.

After letting go of the brakes and stepping on the clutch the car bursted forward as Chris directed it out of the road and into the field. As Chris drove further and further away from the road he saw a couple of people struggling to leave in a Chevrolet Silverado truck. One of them in particular, a girl, attracted his attention. "What the hell is she doing?" Chris asked without expecting an answer. "Lisa get in the back!" He told his sister. "What? Why?" She asked while looking at him puzzled. "Just do it." Chris said as his sister eventually complied. Then he turned the car around, driving fast back to the road and stopping in front of the girl, hitting the brakes and lowering the window. "Come on, you wanna stay here and die? Get in." Said Chris while reaching out with his right hand and opening the door for her as the walkers were getting dangerously close.

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurai Assassin
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Kurai Assassin Edgelord

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Rey had been tailing Ethan's group since they left Dana point. She wanted to make sure that they were a suitable group that she could maybe join. Up until this point she had thought very little of them, seeing them as nothing more than just your run of the mill survivors. That was until she saw how Ethan reacted to the death of Walter. She was close enough to hear the hurt in Ethan's voice when he called out to his friend. She heard them begin to run and she pursued them, keeping an ample distance away so that she wasnt caught.

She decided now was probably a better time than later to stop. "Stop, please I need help" She lied, limping from the bushes, using her rifle as a cane. "I think I sprained my ankle trying to get away from some walkers" she tried to act pained. "Please, please help me" she yelled a final time.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Nikki hopped out of the truck ignoring the fear in Kat's voice. "I can't leave him. He is all I have left and Grace needs her daddy." She said as she took off running back towards the horde.

Out of the field burst a 1967 Impala. It landed right in front of her with no time to stop. Nikki literally jumped onto the hood and slid across it to keep from running into it. The door popped open and this guy leaned over. Nikki picked herself up off of the ground and she pulled her gun just in case.

"Come on, you wanna stay here and die? Get in." Chris said.

Nikki looked up and the walkers that had split off and followed the truck was almost here. She looked at the car and saw a girl in the backseat that was telling her to hurry. Nikki looked at the man in the front seat and her stomach did flip flops. Still untrusting, she climbed into the car and shut the door. "Follow the truck please."

At this point she could hardly see the point of driving through the horde when she had no idea where Ethan was or if he was even alive. Tex had started driving again and the car followed. Nikki looked at Chris and his sister. "You almost ran me over." She made sure that he saw her gun on her lap. She had on her trenchcoat so he had no idea he was sitting next to a small arsenal. "I was going to go look for my... my brother. We left as the horde reached us. I thought he was in the front of the truck but he wasn't. I had just watched our friend die. I can't help but worry I won't see him alive again."

Nikki caught a few glances at the man driving the car. Damn He is a hunk! The irony of it all, physical attraction still did it's part to complicate things she thought. He was older than she was by quite a bit but age was never a problem for Nikki. She liked older men. His sister was chattering in the backseat but Nikki wasn't paying attention to what she was saying.

Nikki adjusted her coat and her sword became visible. It was laying on the seat under her coat and thusly it was laying painfully against her thigh and poking her in the calf. "I'm Nikki...Nikki Hyatt of Dana Point. Who are you guys?"

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by josephb
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Member Seen 23 days ago

Ethan Blackledge

Ethan and Jason been running down the road for around ten or fifteen minutes now going at a quick speed as they wanted to meet up with the rest of the group. They’d started to make a big gap between themselves and the Horde now as well. They were out of sight and only another twenty minutes away from the exit, fifteen if they could keep up this pace. The Highway had started to bend away from the coast now, heading inland. Jason broke the silence and said, “Did you set a rendezvous with your group?” Sounding like he hadn’t even started jogging yet.

“No, but they’re heading to San Clemente, it’s the next exit off the Highway and Alex will stay on the outskirts of the town.” Ethan replied a bit more fatigued than the Navy Seal.

Before Jason could reply though a shout came out behind them, “Stop, please I need help.”

Nikki! Was Ethans first thought, until he took in the accent. It wasn’t one he’d heard for years. It was thick with a scouse twang, Ethan didn’t expect someone from Liverpool to be in California. Ethan stopped and turned around to see a girl coming out of the woods with a limp. Ethan put his hands on his head taking in deep breaths, slightly annoyed, he wanted to make sure his group and his daughter was fine and this was only going to set them back. “Fuck.” Ethan said under his breath, only Jason would have been able to hear. “Come on Jason.” He quickly ran over to the girl and put her arm around his shoulder and continued to move down the road, “We don’t have time for introductions." His northern accent clear.

@Kurai Assassin@Aerandir
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Belle
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Belle searching for my Beast

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Kat's head snapped up when Nikki jumped out of the truck. "Ethan... He was supposed to be following us!"
Damn men and their hero complexes! "Ethan I swear to God if you get killed..."
Kat had no choice but to trust Nikki to go after Ethan and Jason since she couldn't leave Grace. The dog, whatever his name was, growled under his breath at the horde behind them. The undead had no reason to come after them unless they gave them a reason...

The dog started barking viciously as a car nearly flattened Nikki. Grace had wrapped her arms around the dog's leg and screamed in panic. Kat swore loudly. This was called 'a reason'. Ding, Ding, Ding! Dinner time for all undead! Right this way!
Predictably several of the horde, about twelve or so that Kat could count, turned their way. Kat banged on the back window before opening it. "We can't get too far ahead of Ethan and Jason! And Nikki is back there now!"
The truck swerved back and went in a large circle, running over walkers and smashing their heads under the tires. At least they could take out a few. One or two managed to grab onto the side of the truck and tried to climb on, but Kat using her bag and the dog using it's teeth knocked them down again.

Grace hated the noise and shouting and the rough movements of the truck. Taking a deep breath she screamed the loudest scream her little lungs could muster, large tears rolling from her eyes. She reached here arms up for someone, anyone, to hold her and make all of the bad things stop.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
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Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Jason Hunter

Jason stopped as he heard calling for help, lifting his rifle he turned to the source of the sound, only to find a girl in his sight's with a limp. He took a few steps as he looked around to see more walkers coming in from the sides....as if the walkers were surrounding them from the beginning...or it was just horrible luck. Ethan cursed under his breath. He would agree, this could get them killed. When they moved over to her, Ethan mentioned no time for intro's, and took her arm over his shoulder.

They made their way again, MUCH slower than before. His rifle raised as he scanned the trees and buildings for the ones getting close. Five were in front of him all very close to each other. Deciding against using his FN SCAR And decided to us his SIG. Dropping his rifle and pushing it to hang behind him he pulled his silenced pistol from his holster and stood up more straight and aimed. As the walkers came close enough, about twenty yards, He squeezed the trigger, and two more times with in 3 seconds, and three of the five in the center dropped, giving him enough room to move forward and take the two on. He holstered his SIG again and pulled his knife out, moving forward quickly He kicked the closer one and quickly followed through with a stab to the skull. Standing up and grabbing the walkers hand with his left, he jerked it forward, raising his knife and using the force from his tug to stab the other as well. He turned back to the two and then to where they were heading. It will take too long, as he saw more walkers appearing. They will be easily surround at this pace. Wiping the blade on his pants he sheathed it and moved quickly towards the girl. Glancing at Ethan he said with a sense of urgency Let go of her! He then tossed the dead Scottish girl's bag at his feet.

Not giving the girl time to think, he grabbed her free arm that held the rifle and bent over slipping his other arm inbetween her legs and lifted quickly and effortlessly, her onto his shoulders in a fireman carry.

"Excuse me," He said said as an after thought before turning back to Ethan. "We need to Move NOW." He then started into a run again.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by alexfangtalon
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When Alex finished reloading he lifted his rifle for the next shot. However, his new position was a very bad angle to shoot from. He mostly spent this time keeping Walkers away from Clara while waiting for a shot to present itself. Fortunately that time came soon. When the one man called for cover the other hopped up from hiding behind his injured friend and ran up. Alex shot right at the guy's foot causing him to fall in pain and drop his gun right in the open. Two more men exited the building and while they were distracted getting to cover Alex hopped of the van and ran to go around the drunkards and get them from behind.

It was no easy task though, and Alex had to get through a few Walkers until he got around the house. He saw the prone guy from before and went up behind him putting him in a sleeper hold causing him to pass out. Alex quickly looked through the front door to see if anyone else was coming then when he saw nobody he grabbed the sleeping guys gun and shot another in the kneecap. When the last two turned around Alex was inside the doorway using it for cover and said, "Alright clowns. We have you surrounded. So give up before we get rid of you permanently."

The final two had no idea what to do, but one said, "How do we know you won't kill us anyway?"

"Oh, you don't. I won't kill you though. Can't promise I won't break your knees though. You are a danger to everyone else in this world. I can't have that anywhere near my family. So either get lost and never show your faces around here again, or have fun with the last few moments of your life. At this moment your options are limited. Have me kill you quickly and with little pain, get eaten by Walkers, leave, or have my friend behind the barrels kill you. Oh, and I can promise you it won't be nice."

A few seconds after Alex finished his speech the two started running. One just ran off to the side of the house while the other threw something at Clara and started running at her. Alex aimed his shot at the one running away and didn't fire because the guy ran straight into Walkers like an idiot. Alex turned to see what happened with the other and saw only the end result. He called out to Clara and Haru, "Finish off these guys if you like Clara. Haru, pull the van up here quick we need to move."

Alex turned to the stairs and slowly went up them and called out, "Camyllia, it's me Alex. We dealt with the guys but need to move fast this place is gonna be swarmed with Walkers really fast. So wherever you are hurry up cause we are going now."

@Demonic Angel@Aintitfun1997
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