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Approved Characters Only Please.

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The One
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The One The Only One!

Member Seen 2 days ago

Name: Sky
Gender: Male
Age: 100
Species: Skydren
Sexuality: Bisexual
Class: Mage

Personality: Sky is very kind to others and worries for their safety as he knows he can lose control of his powers and do some major damage to them. He will follow the rules without question and never break them no matter what and tries to encourage others to do the same as him. He will help anyone who he see's is in trouble when he can.

Sentimental Attachment: The Ring.
Weapon: None.

Name: Pozuzy
Gender: Male
Age: 450
Species: Sin Demon
Sexuality: Unknown
Class: Mage

Personality: For being a sin demon, Pozuzy isn't exactly evil. He loves to trick and scare others as much as he can. He will purposely anger others just because he finds it fun to. Pozuzy will make prank after prank. Jokes and pranks is all he talks about and what he finds enjoyment in most. He doesn't care about killing others, however sometimes his pranks can go a little too far and it can easily lead to that.

Sentimental Attachment: None
Weapon: None

Name: Titan
Gender: Male
Age: 200
Species: Ogre
Sexuality: Unknown
Class: Warrior

Personality: Titan isn't exactly the brightest bulb in the closet. In fact, he can be very stupid and sometimes doesn't even realize he is being insulted. However he has a very short temper and when he becomes angry he can go into a fit of rage. In this rage he will attack and kill anyone in his way. However normally he tolerates everyone, not attempting to make friends but not making enemies either.

Weapon: Two large clubs.

Name: Prince Ali Sekhemi
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Species: Human
Sexuality: Straight
Class: Monk

Personality: Sekhemi cannot feel pain or emotions, thanks to this, he is considered to be very selfish, and very mean. He doesn't care about life at all, he doesn't find any worth in it. He cares for nothing, so much so, he doesn't even care about himself. He has suffered many battles thanks to this, taking a very high risk and going up on the front. He does what he wants, not what others want him to do. If somebody tells him to do something, he will just refuse to do it, and will probably do the opposite, though, reverse psychology doesn't work on him either. He is very stubborn, once he decides on something, there is a little chance of him changing his mind.

Sentimental Attachment: His Egyptian Items
Weapon: Golden Spiked Knuckles.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by SmileyJaws
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Member Seen 9 mos ago

Balian and Ruehar



- A short, strong wooden bow-stave mounted on a wooden stock. This is a simple crossbow.
- Daggers and knives are extremely common and in many parts of the world, men and women are allowed to wear them in enclaves where otherwise weapons are banned.

Light armor (see appearance)
-Light armor encompasses a wide variety of materials from hardened leather tunics to chain shirts and all manner in between
Elven Cloak
- Made from the hair of Elven maidens and interwoven with living tree leaves, an Elven cloak is a wonder to behold. Elven cloaks rarely come up for sale but are sometimes recovered from dead warriors and scouts of Wood Elf forest-towns or offered by Elves as a reward to men who have served them in some way.

Personal Trinkets:
Lucky Charm
- These take many shapes, but the most common are symbolic religious symbols that a pious priest has touched or carved heads of ancient Dwarf Gods
Healing Herbs
- Certain plants that grow in the world, particularly by the banks of rivers have curative properties. The roots and leaves can be collected and used to treat the sick and wounded.

Short History:
The first ten years of Balian's life were uneventful. Born to a barmaid, Balian never met his father. He was conceived in the port city of Rhorria when his mother was hired out by the barkeep to an explorer who had just returned from a successful voyage to a far-away unnamed and mostly uncharted continent, sure to be made a rich man off the profit of his spoils. However, all the Gold Crowns in the world could not bring him to settle and it is likely the explorer never learnt of his bastard child.

It was when Balian was nine years old, his mother heavily pregnant with a new child that the somewhat normality of his life was turned upside down. Rhorria's name had preceeded itself all around the Kingdom and was a vital city for trade and commerce. The rich lived well off the backs of the poor and it was a way of life most had come accustomed to. The cities tactical importance was no secret to anyone and word was going around the city of a rebellion. The poorest of the city were talking of a rising, overthrowing those allowing the rich to get richer while they were left suffering in the slums. The idea spread to other cities and many flocked to Rhorria for the uprising. Shoddily armed but making up for it with spirit, rabbles of rebels started looting around the city as they made their way from all angles to the upper section. The city was in turmoil as entire quadrants were set ablaze, city guard and rebels clashed in a bloody skirmish all over Rhorria and it was chaos.

After a week or so Balian and his mother were about to leave Rhorria, hoping to head to another of the border towns, further North and close to the outskirts of the Drakenwald. Thankfully they didn't have to make the journey alone and found refuge and passage among a caravan troupe heading in that direction anyway. Their leader, a mercenary who had originally come to Rhorria to fight who now sought fortune elsewhere.

The Journey was not easy, attacks lay around every corner. At first it was city guard or rebels, trying to maintain order or cause chaos. After the caravan had fought its way out of the city it was mostly bandits, wolves and the occasional slaver en route to Rhorria looking to make a few crowns. It was a two-day ride from the town-stead of Burr Oak Barrow (their destination) when Balian's mother brought a baby girl into the world.

Burr Oak Barrow became their new home, and it became obvious from a young age that Ruehar, Balian's sister, had an ability for Magick. The ability was never evident in his mother or him, leading one to believe that only the father could have passed on the gift. With two bastard children, rumors were always bound to travel around the town about the family, as well as vicious tall tales and stories. For the most part, Balian never really paid any attention and grew up learning many practical skills, fletching, herb identification, archery to name a few. By age sixteen he had trained to be quite a proficient hunter with a bow although he always favored the feel of a crossbow.

Shortly after his seventeenth birthday, their mother passed away when she slipped from an outcrop overlooking Burr Oak Barrow. Balian's plans leave the town and start a life of his own were cut short by the fact his sister, Ruehar, only nine would need looking after and Balian took this duty upon himself. He took to his new responsibilities like a duck to water, hunting game for sustenance and trade occasionally Balian's bolts would find a different kind of prey when raiders or Beastmen would come and the town fought together. Life was relatively simple and over the years Balian travelled, and in his travels accomplished a couple of notable acts. The Elven Cloak he wears was a reward from a Elven highborn, hailing from the forest village of Ath'rai after Balian helped the village drive away a small band of torch wielding Dwarves, threatening to raise the village and half the forest in the name of industry.

Fletching some arrows one evening, Balian noticed a band of men and women approaching their home. He'd heard the troubling rumors of a flock of Witch-Hunters searching out all magic wielders with a fanatical belief that all magic users were 'witches' and that magic was abhorrent. Taking his crossbow and some provisions, he and his sister fled the border town into the Drakenwald, knowing there were too many to fight now and when they moved on the siblings planned to return to Burr Oak Barrow.

True aim
- Balian's time spent in the Drakenwald has made him a more expert shot, often having to calculate shots in tight spaces or where there is a lot going on around them.

Spell Weaver


- Perhaps among the simplest types of weapon, these brutal bludgeoning instruments range from branches to elaborately forged Dwarven or Elven staffs. Can also be used to aid in casting spells.
- See previous

- Doesn’t offer much protection from anything other than the elements.

Personal Trinkets:
Mad Cap Mushrooms
- One of the many hallucinogenic mushrooms, side effects can send people into a frenzied state until the effect wears off.
Rabbit’s Foot
- The rabbit’s foot is a symbol of good luck in many places of the world and is often threaded with a thin cord of leather or string by superstitious warriors.

Short History:
Ruehar's first memory of her abilities in Magick is of her mother jumping back in fright with a shrill scream as a pot flew past her with great speed. The young Ruehar giggled with delight, although she had no real knowledge of what she was doing or that it even was her doing.

Growing up, Ruehar's one passion has been Magick, an art not much talked about or appreciated in their Kingdom. She spent much of her adolescent years finding things in nature that responded well to her natural abilities as well as trying to get her hands on as many spells as possible. It wasn't until around her fifteenth birthday, long after the passing of her mother that she began to dabble in the art of spell weaving, where those with inherent magickal ability could create their own spells or bend magick to their will more profoundly. One day while walking through the outskirts of the Drakenwald, Ruehar came across some mushrooms, Mad Caps. Knowing of their hallucinogenic properties and also the risk of going into a frenzy after taking them she collected as many as she could find and planned on seeing their effect on Magick.

As a young woman, Ruehar had built up a repertoire of uses for Magick as well as some of her own personal, interesting studies into it. Naturally this drew attention which probably in turn led to the fanatical Witch-Hunters coming to Burr Oak Barrow in search of the Spell Weaver.

The original plan that Balian and herself would return home once the band had moved on was foiled when they began to search the outskirts of the woods, leading the siblings to get lost. Whether it's been weeks or years since they wound up delving further into the Drakenwald, knowing the local legends surrounding the place, neither know but they wander with the aim of getting home, still occasionally looking over their shoulders for the band hunting them. The pairs time in the Drakenwald has hardened them, accustomed now to what seems to be their new life and home.

- During the time spent in the Drakenwald, Ruehar has learnt that once past the outskirts, the forest is seemingly ever-changing. A journey spanning a mile could take a one-hundred years while a hundred mile journey could take an hour.

- Inner Fear: Ruehar's spell causes an overwhelming sense of fear in her enemies, a strong mind can resist. The spell projects primordial horrors in its target.

- Hunting Spear: Ruehar hurls a mystical spear at her desired target

- Thorn Call: Thick vines sprout out of the ground, useful as a defensive spell, also great at tearing and ensnaring enemies

- Scry: Involves the use of divining crystals, allows small foretelling of the future.

These are a few examples of Ruehar's Magick

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ambrosia
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

NAME : Kita, "Kiki"
AGE : 10? 11? Who knows? (See: HISTORY)
GENDER : Female
SEXUALITY : Heterosexual
CLASS : Witch

⌲ hypnosis magic
After maintaining eye contact with a target for 5 seconds, Kita is able to control the target. However, because she doesn't have much experience with this ability, she usually opts to stay on the safe side and simply put her target to sleep.
⌲ carries around a baseball bat
Her go-to weapon, which she uses to whack enemies' heads. It's surprisingly effective.

No one really knows anything about Kita, despite her being a frequent visitor of the Hallows Inn. The first few times she skipped through the front door, teddy bear in hand, many people tried to get to know her. She, however, always managed to befriend all of them without even telling them her age. Eventually, everyone just accepted the fact that the Inn would now always have to be prepared for the little girl showing up and devouring hundreds of bowls of spaghetti in the few weeks that she stayed.
[Will be developed.]

⌲ Ponpon, the teddy bear!
Ponpon is a fluffy white teddy bear that always seems to stay immaculate. Kita is extremely protective of him, and will literally attempt to bite off the hands of anyone who tries to touch him.
⌲ the silver ring
Kita always brings a delicate, silver ring with her whenever she visits the Inn. She usually does not wear it for the duration of her stay, but will always remember to put it on before she leaves.

Kita really likes nicknames. Like, she really likes nicknames.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Irisity
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Eslea Acartha


Half demon, half night elf




Eslea stands at a towering 6’2” compared to the small night elves and has a large build and frame, with shoulders rippling with power and strength. Her lineage of elf would be obvious if it weren't for her round ears; she is still unsure of why her ears aren't pointed.

is her main weapon with
strapped to her back

while this armor may seem too big on a girl, it perfectly fits her wide and large frame.

Personal Trinkets
She has none. An orphan soldier cares for nothing but their own life.

Short History
Dumped at an orphanage as a small baby, Eslea grew up among dryads and healers. While they did not know of her lineage at the time, they tried their best to instate their ideology of the world into her, that all life was sacred and pure. They attempted to train Eslea in the art of healing, but her tendencies to hurt others rather than save them started to make them grow weary. As war dawned on her people against the night elves, they searched the orphanages for able bodies and found her. Put her into training and crafted a slaughter machine. Only on her first battle did she realize what a mistake this was. She soon discovered that the night elves were her real people, and she quickly deserted in shock, running so far until she finally ran into the inn and the Drakenwald.

Even when she tried to become a healer, healing just never seemed to work for her. While she's not as much of a sadist as she was before, she still finds guilty pleasure in maiming others.


Katerina Meadows

Nymphs are known to retain their beauty for quite a long time, but a half nymph half human will only last a fraction of a full blood. She's 43, but looks 20.

Half nymph, half human


Though she was not raised in nymph culture, where all forms of love were accepted with open arms, Katerina can fall into bed with almost anyone, as long as they have a pretty face.


Katerina stands at 5’6” with a slender frame and small build. She uses her littleness to her advantage to escape tight situations.

She also uses the weapons in the first picture

As shown in the first picture, it is mostly made of leather and cloth in order to make sure her movements are fluid

Personal Trinkets
Her father’s pocket watch, the item she stole before the night she fled. Katerina only stole it to fuck over her half siblings.

Short History
Katerina was the bastard of her all human village. Her father, a married and respected man, still raised her among his other children, though she was never quite as loved as they were. Nymphs were allies to her people, but breeding with them was more than disgusting and sinful. When it was discovered she was a filthy half breed, she fled town before they could kill her in her own bed. Katerina traveled from large city to large city, working to feed herself, when she finally got a job proposition that suited her. She trained as a rogue and got very good at it. She caught wind of treasure in the Drakenwald, and sought after it like a fool.

Her last name is a bastard name of her region; her father’s last name was Willa. Her mother was a tree nymph and a forest guardian. Katerina feels safest in the forests and can navigate around them easier than large cities.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Happy Go Lucky
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Happy Go Lucky Thank god for Jim!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by shagranoz


Member Seen 4 mos ago

Name: Rebecca Vazant.
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Sexuality: Asexual
Species: Undead human
Class: Necromancer


Her flesh is in the earliest stages of decay, but nothing extreme. A massive scar covers the center of her chest, right over her heart.

Weapons and Armor: None

Personal Items: A short wand made of hazelwood.

Short History: Rebecca is from the small desert town of Kalas. She lived there as an apprentice witch, gaining her full title at the age of eighteen. Rebecca was gifted in many aspects of the magical arts, but her true talent was in raising zombies and specters of the dead. She made her living as a sort of medium, letting the dead deliver messages to their loved ones still alive. Then, the Black Fever struck Kalas.

Several weeks into the outbreak, Rebecca developed black blisters on her skin, and she knew what it meant. She also knew that she was unlikely to survive the dreaded disease without drastic measures. She delved into her spellbooks, finally finding an ancient ritual that would allow her to become a lich. Late one night, magical sigils to keep her life force intact decorating her walls, she sliced out her own heart and replaced it with an enchanted stone.

Yet the people of Kalas didn't see her actions as those of someone trying to save her own life. All they saw was a witch diving headfirst into black magic. Rebecca managed to keep herself just ahead of the mob with torches and pitchforks, but she knew she could never go back. Now, she finds herself at the Hallows Inn, hoping to find someplace to stay.

@Mention Quote
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Whimsley
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Whimsley Duke of Whims

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ambrosia
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

NAME : Leo Visosky
AGE : 19
SEXUALITY : Heterosexual
CLASS : Trickster/Rogue

⌲ knives + daggers
Having wandered around alone for so long, Leo has amassed an impressive collection of these small but practical weapons. He seems to have an endless supply of these things, with which he arms himself in fights. Who knows where he keeps all of them hidden?
⌲ sleight of hand
Leo developed this skill through years of having to provide for himself through stealing and pickpocketing. It's become a hobby of sorts for him - he likes to challenge himself to steal from all sorts of targets.

Leo had always been a prideful, arrogant little boy. He was the oldest of 6 children, and he quickly realized that if he couldn't stand out, his parents would - well - forget about him. He found a knack of getting in trouble, and became known throughout the town for causing mischief. Contrary to his intentions, his parents sent him off to boarding school, and that was that.

After a few years had passed without any message from his family, he returned to the town... and discovered that they had moved away the year before. They had forgotten about him.

Too proud to try to go after them, he decided to travel the world on his own.

⌲ a locket
Leo is never seen without a locket around his neck. It contains a picture of a pretty-looking girl - a sister, or a girlfriend perhaps? Either way, she seems to be very important to him.

⌲ pretty face
Leo's a pretty cute guy, and he definitely knows it. A hobby of his is using that pretty face of his to "get" as many women as he can, with each one inflating his ego a little bit more. It doesn't help that he usually succeeds.
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