Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by SmileyJaws
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Member Seen 9 mos ago


The Hallows Inn

You find yourself sprinting, as fast as you can, pushing every muscle in your body to the limit. The dirt track in front of you, so bogged down by rain water has become nothing more than a sludge path of sodden muck. With every step you feel as if your boots are about to be pulled from your feet. Thin, black gnarled branches of long dead trees pinch and tear at your clothes and skin, but you ignore the pain other than a wince after each painful lash. The rain is pouring and your soaked clothing weighs you down, you feel as if at any minute, your fatigue will overcome you and you will succumb to being yet another victim of the Drakenwald, in common tongue, the Dragon's Wood. For the longest time now, your only light source has been that of the moon where it manages to penetrate through the crowded tree-tops, whose dead branches are like crippled arms clawing at the sky, begging for freedom.

Suddenly, thunder rumbles and now consistent flashes of lightning offer you glimpses of what lies ahead, allowing you to maneuver around thorns and branches as sharp as a good sword. However, with each flash of lightning paranoia grows on you, fingering at the deepest parts of your brain. What was at first a hunch that you were being watched is now visuals, whether or not they are hallucinations, deep red eyes watching you through the trees, waiting for you to fall, or make a mistake before the pounce. Thunk you hit the ground hard as you trip over something, struggling to turn onto your back you see it was a rope, tied between the bases of two trees. Your hunch proved to be right, someone or something is hunting and you are their prey. About to give in, you lie back and feel the muck molding to your shape, opening your eyes you see something that almost beings your heart to a stop. Hung from a thick branch, is a skeleton, a long dead victim of whatever it is that resides in this place. Strangely enough this gives you the power to keep going. Bringing yourself to your feet you turn on your heels and once again begin to make haste. You don't know where you are going but anywhere is better than this place. Seconds turn into minutes, which in turn feel like hours as you find you are hopelessly lost. But, something catches your eye, a light coming from between two trees, this is not like any light you have seen in a long time, this is natural daylight. You make one final dart for the light, you can feel your hunter is right behind you. You run and you run and you run.

Thunk. Once again you hit the ground, but this time the fall is not as bad, you open your eyes to see that you came crashing through a final line of trees and landed in a clearing of lush, green grass. Strangely enough, as you look up at the sky, you can see the sun hovering directly overhead, a small ball in the sky. You squint as it hurts your eyes, but you cannot look away knowing that only moments ago you'd seen the moon, it was as if, you'd stumbled into a different time. Bringing yourself around, you see that there is a building ahead of you, it appears to be some sort of resting place, an inn. Beside it lies the forge of a blacksmith. Coming to your feet, you walk towards the building and upon reaching the door, push it open and stumble inside, dragging in muck and dripping water all over the oak floor. Eyes from all over the large open room fall you, you catch a pretty maiden standing on the stairs. Time seems to freeze for a moment, only to be started again by a voice.

"Another wanderer? This is the third this week, at this rate, we're soon going to run out of rooms... Welcome to the Hallows Inn! Lazarus, at your service."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Bourgeoisie
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Frederick hobbled down the stairs, wincing at the stabs of pain that seemed to sprout from his entire body. His entire upper body was tightly bound in wraps He had barely escaped his pursuer, the inn somehow repelling the demon. Currently, the half-rlf was shirtless, clad in only his bandages, pants and belt. Fredrick stopped on the threshold of the stairs as he felt a lance of pain sear into his head, and brought his hand up to his head. Shaking his head, the half-elf continued his slow approach to the bar, stumbling slightly as he reached his destination. Leaning on the bar, he gazed listlessly at the wall in front of him, unaware of the world around him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by shagranoz


Member Seen 4 mos ago

Rebecca had made her way to this strange building in the middle of nowhere. A quick check of the inn's wards showed that there was a very strong anti-magical field, but it wouldn't disrupt the enchantments keeping her undead. Somebody here obviously had a soft spot for liches.

Intrigued, Rebecca entered, feeling a strange tingling sensation as virtually all of her magic was stripped away. She stopped at a table, looking around at her fellow patrons. For now, though, she was silent, waiting to see if someone would join her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Happy Go Lucky
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Happy Go Lucky Thank god for Jim!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Hallows Inn - Denzel Harrowing

Sitting himself on one of the tables dotting the inns main room, Denzel's head laid comfortably against the wood of the table he sat on, half dreaming to himself, but comfortable in knowing he wasn't going to be easily pursued here, atleast, that's what he had hoped. The reality could be much less hopeful, though he didn't dwell on it, a healthy mind made a healthy body, and he was determined to keep his optimistic side in high spirits, that would have to wait however, as Denzel heard the violent sound of a man hobbling down a set of stairs.

Raising his head almost immediately, the healer noticed a half naked, shirtless man, wrapped his bandages.@bourgeoisie A worried look spread across Denzel's face, the man must have been in a lot of pain, and by studying the half elf's his facial expressions and movements, it wasn't hard to tell he was in a lot of agony. Denzel wasn't going to let such pain envelope him any further.

Standing up from his seat, Denzel stood beside the man, his tone expressing worry for the injured half elf, bowing politely, with his hands to either side, to show his selfless serving nature to the witch hunter.

"Excuse me... sir? I- i'm sorry for disturbing you but... You look like your in a lot of pain... I... I know you probably don't like people getting in your face and disturbing you but... Maybe I can help? I don't want coin, or trinkets or payment, I just can't bare looking at someone in pain... I can only fathom how hurt you must be feeling right now, so please... May I heal you? I... I'm a healing mage, a white mage... If you don't trust me, please give me the benefit of the doubt... I don't want to see you hurt more..."

Denzel was incredibly apologetic and sympathetic for the man, true in every word he meant, he didn't wait for an answer, before holding both hands close to the witch hunter but not touching him, as a soothing white light slowly began to show, hoping the witch hunter would accept his healing.

"Please don't move, this could take a while..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Bourgeoisie
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Two things drew Frederick from his reverie, two strange, yet familiar forces acting on his senses. The first sensation was the the man next to him mumbling something that the half-elf didn't quite catch. A moment afterwards, a bright light entered his periphery, and a warm sensation spread through his body, mending the lacerations on his back, arms, chest and legs. Letting out a small sigh of relief, he turned his head to his healer while still leaning on the bar. Noting the healer's commands to stay still, Frederick puzzled as to how the man was using his magic, when the magus himself could barely conjure a flame.

Turning his thoughts inwards, he mulled over the second sensation. His training as a Witch Hunter and Magus of the Order had imparted him the ability to sense the identity of unnatural beings. Demons gave off a terrifying aura, one that seemed to be created from a miasma of tortured screams and blasphemous chants, the undead gave off a cold aura, as if they were missing something, a spark of light and warmth. And it was that feeling of wrongness that Frederick felt, but at the same time it was... different. Like the healing magic being performed on him, it subtly different, like smelling a mother's soup, only prepared by another. Tantalizingly familiar, yet maddeningly different.

He felt the wrongness coming from behind him, at one of the tables situated around the inn's dining floor. Due to his position, he couldn't see the undead being, placing himself at a disadvantage. Deciding to take a risk, the half-elf pulsed the room with his magical aura, a mixture of magical and holy energies. The pulse was little more than a faint ring of distortion, a slight mirage emanating from his body. It was colorless and soundless, though it would be felt by all beings it came into contact with.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by SmileyJaws
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Member Seen 9 mos ago

"Sometimes I wonder if we're ever going to get out of these woods, Brother." Ruehar spoke softly to Balian, looking up from the forest floor to the stump he was seated on, whittling away at twigs. They were accompanied by the usual stillness of the woods, the only noise being that of the forest and Ruehar's voice. Neither of the pair kept track of how long exactly they had been stuck, eventually time just loses all meaning and concept in the Drakenwald. The largest expanse of forest in the known world and these two, like many other souls had found themselves lost in it. That it was so big, the pair weren't surprised that they hadn't seen or heard any other beings like themselves, yet there was always a lingering fear of what lay waiting behind the blackened, thick trunks of the trees all around. Balian stopped running his dagger along one of the many sticks and looked down at his sister who sat cross-legged among the undergrowth.

"We will..." Balian examined the fabric laid out in front of Ruehar, her scarce belongings from when they abandoned Burr Oak Barrows. His attention particularly drawn to the mushrooms that were piled in the middle, Mad Caps, appropriately named he thought. "I mean if we keep walking in one direction we're bound to reach somewhere." He quipped, a thin smile catching the corner of his lips before he put the dagger away and threw the thin twig between a couple of trees. He sighed, placing open palms on his knees and brought himself to stand, his right hand reaching down for leather strap of his crossbow, slinging it over his shoulder he noticed his sister had already started packing away her things, tying a string around the fabric knotting it up like a satchel she hung it from her waist.

"It feels like we're walking in circles, I don't know how we're ever supposed to get anywhere when we can't even get a sense of direction..." Ruehar supported her tired legs leaning into the staff Balian had whittled for her during their time in the Drakenwald from a particularly sturdy branch. For such a simple weapon and walking aid, he had put a lot of detail into it in the form of runes and depictions of old legend and myth from their home, showing off both his skill and boredom.

Balian didn't reply and instead began looking around, Ruehar's gaze followed his after a moment before she piped up again, "So which way then?" She teased, trying to make light of the situation.

The ranger had left a marking indicating the way they came from, he'd been doing it for a while now in an effort to not back track through the forest. Whether or not it was helping had not yet made itself evident. "This way." He nodded in the opposite direction of the marker and without any further hesitation took off.

"Yeah okay, I mean it's as good as any other, right?" Ruehar asked rhetorically, glancing at the marker left behind them as they traversed deeper in the woods.

Although they couldn't say for certain, it felt as if hours had passed. The sibling duo were all but ready to call it quits for the day and settle down for the night, taking turns at watch when something in the distance caught their eyes. Balian squinted and then rubbed his eyes, his initial thought that his mind was beginning to play tricks on him, pointing ahead he began, "Do you see it?" he asked Ruehar who was also transfixed on the dim light ahead of them.

"It's a lantern!" Her tone quiet but hopeful, "Come on, we should take a look." Ruehar slipped past her brother, taking the lead. Balian followed closely, ready to bring his crossbow to action, eyes jumping between his sister and the lantern that was now obviously hanging from a branch of a tree and what seemed to be a clearing up ahead. The pair pushed their way through the trees and undergrowth and stumbled across what was indeed a clearing and a building. Neither Ruehar or Balian spoke for a moment, instead both gazed upon the building in the middle of the woods with awe. It appeared to be occupied, the flicker of candle light could be seen in many of the windows and a faint noise that sounded like... voices talking? "Shall we then?" Ruehar asked, tilting her head to look up at her brother. Balian was still a little cautious and kept his crossbow by his side but agreed with his sister that it was probably wise to investigate.

"Don't you think it's a bit strange? This building in the middle of the woods, what is it? Some kind of home?" As they approached the door they noticed it was open a crack, by now they could make out more of the noises inside, it was a strange contrast from what they had been experiencing only minutes before. Balian and Ruehar's gazes met and locked as they smiled at each other and nodded in the affirmative. Whatever was about to happen it was bound to be better than the Witch-Hunters or spending more time hopelessly lost in the Drakenwald. Both Bailian and Ruehar had taken note of the fact that the forest completely surrounded this building and the clearing surrounding it and that it probably expanded for miles and miles all around. They were thankful at least for a sky not blocked by foliage.

"Welcome, weary travellers to the Hallows Inn" A male voice caught the attention of the siblings as they took in their surroundings upon pushing past the door. The place seemed surprisingly busy (considering location). Humans, Elves, a Dwarf and all manner and sorts lounged around or were up to something. Balian couldn't believe it and was taking everything in.

"An inn? Here?" He asked, Ruehar was drawn away from her surroundings and to her brothers words, then she locked eyes with the other male.

"My name is Lazarus, bed and board will be ten crowns a room, covers the duration of your stay." Gobsmacked and amazed, the pair looked at each other and decided between them twenty crowns was more than reasonable to part with for what appeared to be a bit of solace. Paying they agreed with Lazarus to be shown their rooms later, for now they would sit, observe and eat. Finding an empty booth in the tavern they slid in, Balian's crossbow and Ruehar's staff rested against the wooden table while the two sat and chat about their shock and disbelief over some ale.

A flash of light drew their attention over to a half-elf and another male, Ruehar looked on in awe at the pair, jealousy stewing in the pit of her stomach at curing Magick. @Bourgeoisie @Happy Go Lucky
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by shagranoz


Member Seen 4 mos ago

Rebecca watched as an elf made his way over to the bar and started healing the half-elven warrior. So, he's another mage. Interesting. She then sat bolt upright as the half-elf began to give off a strange energy. A Pulsing! That was a trick of many holy warriors and monster slayers to find various forms of undead and other often unsavory beings. She wouldn't be able to avoid discovery, and with her magic blocked by the inn's enchantments, she'd be at his mercy. There was nothing else for it but to try and disarm him with talking.

She sauntered up to the bar casually, blithely disregarding the obvious danger she was in. "Good afternoon, sir. I hope we can complete our stay here without any undue violence."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Irisity
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Eslea stumbled into the little Inn, her spear Scika hanging limply in her hand. She expected people to stare at her disheveled state, but they only passed her a small glance before returning to their own business. She scanned the room wearily, searching for night elves. Last time she had a run in with night elves and they saw her armor, well, it didn't end well.

Thankfully, there are no identifiable night elves, though she spots a man (@Bourgeoisie) nearby with pointed ears.

Must be the common race, or maybe a half breed, she reassures herself.

She also takes note of the man (@Happy Go Lucky) standing next to him, and his healing abilities. A bad taste immediately floods her mouth and she scowls.

Eslea attempts to ignore the healer and the elfish one, instead turning to examine one of the only almost-empty tables. A girl (@shagranoz) sat at it, her eyes wandering around. Eslea shoved down her discontent and approached the girl.

"Hope you don't mind," she mumbled out, making sure she made direct eye contact. She took a seat across from the girl, trying to suppress the need to introduce herself. No, better if nobody knew her name. She'd be gone by the morning, or so she hoped.


Katerina almost slammed the door to the little in open, anger and rage controlling her impulses. She was mad. Very mad.

"False fucking tip, fucking bastard," she grumbled angrily to herself as she walked through the inn, ignoring the other patrons. She sat down at the bar near an elvish looking boy (@Bourgeoisie) and a man that reminded her of the dryads (@Happy Go Lucky) with the way he was dressed in green and had no weapons, unlike everybody else.

She spared them a small glance before ordering a pint. God, she would be getting fucking trashed right now, if only she had enough gold to get that many pints. "Knew I shouodn't've trusted Dexter, slimly little rat," she growled to herself as she began chugging her beer.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SmileyJaws
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Member Seen 9 mos ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Whimsley
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Whimsley Duke of Whims

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Dr. Thomas Arthur Rudhale

It had come back for him. The burning flowers in his censer were no match for it. The rotting smell was too pungent, he was sure it was here. The thurible in his hands jingled wildly as Thomas sprinted, leather boots sloshing against mud. The rain was so thick it made navigation impossible. Thomas took a left around a white oak, a sign of purity. Each direction had no path, just more mud, more rain. The earthy tones of his garb matched the mud caking it. Muffled breathing, Po's wings flapping wildly, they continued blindly forward. Skeletons and red eyes. Rotten smells and fallen ash. A clearing.

Green grass unknown to him. Dr. Rudhale's soaking body laid dormant in the grass for a moment, the beak of his mask turning about. A bright sun began to slowly evaporating the liquid so condensed in his garb. He rose a gloved hand to cast a shadow over his mask, so as to see better. Clear skies, fluffy, white clouds, and birds singing caught the doctor off guard. Po bounced towards Thomas and flapped his wings, making a nodding motion with his head. Powerful, blue eyes interlocked with his own. Thomas agreed: this was powerful, likely ancient sorcery at work. Whether it was affiliated with malefic demons, Dr. Rudhale would need to investigate. He rose to his feet, a muffled inhalation being heard from the inside of his mask. No rotting smell. This place seemed to repel malefic entities, though it could very well be veiling them as well.

Clanging metal, hammer against anvil entered the perception of the plague doctor. He swiveled once more, witnessing a forge for the first time. And beside it, a wooden building with a lantern on the outside, perhaps a refuge of sorts. He might require the services of the forge in the future, but in the meantime there were investigations to perform. Po batted his wings and landed tenderly on the shoulder of the plague doctor. Thomas collected the ashes from his disheveled thurible and placed them back into the container. Dr. Rudhale swiped the rest from the blades of grass, sending them to and fro. He checked a suitcase that matched the tone of his garb to see if anything had been misplaced or disheveled. His uniform sopping, Thomas dragged his feet against tall grass as droplets fell from the base of a woolen shawl that dragged behind him.

The door creaked open as Dr. Rudhale entered the room. A shower of water dripped onto the hardwood floors as his window eyes scanned the room. His thurible could immediately be smelled by the patrons of the room: like the inside of a honeysuckle, but with a more earthen tone to it, as if dirt had been rubbed underneath one's nose. The burning incense of amaranth was enough to detect demons or malefic spirits, who would become roused by the scent of nature's supernatural repellant. Most lesser demons or spirits were unable to breathe in the aroma without entering a coughing fit. Even greater demons, shades, and the like found the smell repugnant and might attempt to avoid it, relocate, or extinguish the source. Though, it is said holy beings or those of ultimately good intent are immune to the properties of the incense. Essentially, beings who are against the flow of nature and who exist unnaturally with the assistance of occult magic will be repelled.

Several things happened at once:


Your aura-detecting abilities failed you with the individual that had just entered the inn. His aura was hardly a whisper, silent even, and you could garner no feelings or emotion from the energy field he produced. The smoke from a strange, metal artifact he carried swirled around him effortlessly. He carried an ominous, brown suitcase in another, clenched glove. Did he lack an aura, or were you being shut out? The ambience of the room almost seemed more... calm as he stepped further inside. You suddenly smelled honeysuckles and large amounts of dirt as a tendril of smoke wicked beneath your nose. The leather form stepped towards where you were standing at the bar. @Happy Go Lucky

@Irisity (Eslea)

Your demon blood momentarily riled as your nostrils flared. What was that scent? It smelled of overpowering ash that had been collecting in the fire too long, but much stronger. Who was burning such an irritant? You could see a strange individual who had just come through the door, covered head to toe in leather garb and a large, woolen shawl draped over his shoulders. He was damp, the shawl he wore dragging as a mop might, leaving a sweaty trail on the inn's floor. He had a beaked, leather mask and a wide-brim hat attached to it. Whatever he, or it, was, the smoke coming from that metal urn caused your eyes to water and your throat to dry. A raven with powerful, blue eyes stretched its neck toward you and cocked its head, making strange clicking noises. The masked individual turned, the eyeholes of his mask engaging yours.

(Errata: If Eslea was naturally born and not summoned from some plane or another, the negative effects will not apply. Instead, she will simply smell honeysuckle with an earthy tone to it. Though, the raven on Thomas' shoulder would still detect you.)

@Irisity (Katerina)

A pleasant, perhaps familiar smell entered your nostrils as you heard the inn door creaking. Your time in the forest gave you knowledge of most if not all herbs and spices that grew about. What was that? Basil? No, amaranth! It overwhelmed the senses in euphoria, like placing one's nose into the center of a honeysuckle and drawing in air deeply. The smell likely belonged to smoke erupting in waves from a metal urn attached to a chain. Holding the chain was a strange individual, covered head to toe in wool and leather, with a protruding mask that reminded you of the curved-beak birds that might gather at the edge of a stream or within the reeds of a lake. His form was soaking, as if he'd just been standing beneath a waterfall. He walked inside after pausing briefly, approaching the bar where you sat.


The leather-clad plague doctor and his censer caused the scar over your stone heart to itch. Despite your moral character, the nature of the smoke likely dried your throat and caused your eyes to water. Burning amaranth was an irritant to those of unnatural origin, and/or those affiliated with the occult. Though, it was unlikely you knew which herb burned within his thurible, as the smoke held a burning, pungent odor as if someone left logs on the fire for too long, days, weeks, months. His bird mask and the raven upon his shoulder turned not to you but another individual, one you were previously sitting with. Though he stood near to you at the bar, he did not seem perturbed by your presence, and did not acknowledge your symptoms to the urn. He was, rather, engaged in a staring contest with the half-demon. Was he distracted?


The plague doctor approached Lazerus silently as he addressed him, the slits where his eyes should be remaining dark and unseen. "O! Hallows Inn." An appropriate name, Thomas supposed this was some sort of holy ground. Though, the name could still be a ruse. "What sorcery is at work here; I suppose you are the artificer?" The innkeeper requested payment, and a gloved hand came to rub the beak portion of Dr. Rudhale's mask. The flowers inside had wilted, and began to grow a tinge of rotten smell to them. He couldn't leave this place, not while it lurked. "Place it on a tab, and I will happily pay once my stay has exhausted," Dr. Rudhale requested. The raven on Dr. Rudhale's shoulder began to strut in place, and pointed its neck toward one of the patrons. Dr. Rudhale's neck swiveled, slowly, carefully. "Forward, There, Her," Po chimed. Though, it would sound more akin to clicking noises to Lazerus.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The One
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The One The Only One!

Member Seen 2 days ago


Sky flew slowly in the forest, he looked left and right, as shadows appeared Sky would shoot them with a beam of light. The ring around his neck dangled softly. Sky was making sure he got through this forest safely. He soon came to a clearing then looked behind him. He stared at the forest for a moment before looking at the clearing once more. Slowly, Sky flee in the clearing in which he spotted a wooden building. He stared at it for some time before slowly approaching. He flew in and the moment he did a sense of evil will fill the room as well as a sense of pure intention. Sky was half Demon and half Angel. He had both light and dark magic. He flew closer before letting out a sigh.

"Is it safe here? Thank God!"

With that Sky collapsed from exhaustion. His wings ceased to function as he lay as still as a log. He had been flying all night and all day trying to find some place safe where he could hopefully rest. It seemed that he finally found that place.


Titan was different however, he smashed down trees in his path as he roared with anger. He bashed, smashed and crashed his clubs into everything. He soon came to the clearing and when he saw the wooden building he ran up with a roar. He smashed the door open and the first thing he did was smash his clubs on the first table he saw, destroying it. He roared he anger once more then looked around.

"Where am I? Tell Titan where he is before he continues to smash shit!"

He panted heavily as he looked around waiting for his answer. He was not a happy ogre right now, and as all Ogres did, he reeked of sweat. He continued to look around clenching the two large clubs in his hand.

Prince Ali Sekhemi

Sekhemi was meant to be traveling in this damn forest but something killed them all which honestly, he didn't give two shits about his guards. What he did care about was the fact that he had to walk on his own now instead of being carried. When he did reach the clearing he topped when he saw the wooden building. It didn't look fancy at all, not the kind of place for an Egyptian Prince. He huffed and slowly walked in, ignoring the ugly troll that was making all the ruckus. He stepped on the unconscious dragon thing before kicking him to the side like garbage.

"Make way for Prince Sekhemi you foul, pathetic and stupid peasants."

He walked on through with a slow and judging look around. No matter who he looked at all he saw was garbage. He huffed a little, what was this place? Was it some sort of trash can where you throw all the garbage people together?

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Irisity
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago


The pleasant scent of honeysuckle filled Eslea's lungs, sending a tingling sensation down her spine. She was reminded of her old time at the orphanage with Sister Akilah and Brother Markus. She grimaced to herself and pushed away the memory, the sweet moment turning to ash as the bird perched on the...thing's (@Whimsley) shoulder cawed and creaked at her. It set an uneasy feeling in her stomach, as if it knew something about her.

Everybody else in the room seemed affected by it as well, except they all received it differently. Eslea rose from her seat, clutching the hilt of her sword Ryder. Her boots clinked across the floor as she approached the thing as it stood near the bar.

Eslea stretched out her unoccupied hand, gauntlet still on. She gave no smile, and no kindness on her face.

"Welcome to the bunch of weary travelers," she stated in monotone. She would have to keep an eye on this creature; it's nature was unknown and possibly harmful.


The aroma of spices brought Katerina back home in a flashback. She can see her father's face and her little brother, Myca, dancing around in the garden while she forges for the last bits of herbs for the season.

Katerina pushed the image down, trying to shake off the smell of her childhood. The creature approached, its eyes squinting from behind the mask. The bird on its shoulder hawked at a warrior woman nearby. She watched with curiosity as the warrior offered a hand to the thing, her brow sweating. Her lips were pursed and eyebrows knit. She had nothing less of a frown on her lips.

Katerina was startled from the odd sight as more travelers arrived, especially the orc (@The One) busting through the door.

She didn't know much about orc culture, but she sure found his boldness hilarious.

She laughed softly to herself and called out to the orc. "Come, dine by me! You seem like a fine fellow to be in company with. I am Katerina."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Happy Go Lucky
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Happy Go Lucky Thank god for Jim!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Hallows Inn - Denzel Harrowing


Denzel let out a sigh of relief as the Witch Hunter accepted his aid to heal him, doubly so, when he didn't move, allowing him to speed up the curative process, helping to mend the mans wounds and bones, slowly but surely helping him reach a more healthy state. Eventually, he had finished, and that's when the Witch Hunter expelled a peculiar aura from himself. Taking a step back in worry, he soon reclined back to a more relaxed posture when he realized it wasn't a threat, and smiled meekly at the man.

"Look, I know it's not polite for me to say this but... Could you maybe not fight so often? Those wounds on you looked awful, my friend...! And sure, maybe I could patch up your injuries every single time but, even you know that wounds such as those don't just hurt your body, they'll bubble away your mind! Sometimes injuries can become so severe they break our minds, which are unfortunately incredibly fragile... and very hard to piece back together..."

He stared downward, a sorrowful expression painted itself on his visage, before he looked back up to the witch hunter with a small smile.

"Just promise me you'll try to be more careful, okay? Not for my sake, but for your own! And your family I bet! I'm sure some people out there in the world worry for your safety...! So do try to keep those people in mind! Do you remember what attacked you? Judging from your injuries, I doubt it was some random wolf or bandit... And the way you were staring into space... I'm guessing it wasn't something you expected, was it?"

Realizing he was being too nosy, Denzel bowed.

"I- i'm sorry sir! I shouldn't be asking something so personal, forgive me."

Denzel almost jumped in shock when he felt Katerina@Irisity burst into the inn and sit down beside them. When she gave him and the Witch Hunter a glance, Denzel gulped nervously and stood back to give her some space. She didn't seem like someone you would want invading their personal space. Plus, it didn't seem like she needed healing, so interrupting her would be futile! With his better judgement intact, Denzel scooted close to the Witch Hunter, muttering a small apology to the woman.

The door to the Inn once again opened eventually after, revealing the bird mask wearing plague doctor himself. @Whimsley Upon smelling the fragrance coming from his strange thurible, Denzel was quite use to the smell of dirt, but was only afraid of his appearance. The man gave him the creeps! What kind of mask was he wearing? Denzel of course, wouldn't allow his fear to show on his face, and simply smiled.

"Good day, sir!" He spoke to the bird masked man.

@The One

The door then opened AGAIN, to real three very different looking characters coming into the Inn. Oh great, if it's one thing Denzel wasn't experienced with. It was big crowds of people. The little draconian creature wasn't what worried him however, it was the massive hulking sweat fest of an ogre which bashed its way inside, and the narcissistic bastard of a prince who kicked and sent the little dragon flying. It was hard to process all these scenes at once, trying to wreck his head on how to approach the situation. First thing was first however, stay as far away from the big ogre as possible, and the second task, was to make sure the little draconian looking creature was okay!

Denzel gave the Witch Hunter a look, after he did, or did not reply (depending on what you do).

"One moment..."

Denzel then hurried towards Sky, pushing past the snobbish prince with no love for him, giving him a upset gaze before Denzel picked sky up off the ground, using his healing magicks on the little creature, hoping to restore his vigor and stamina. To help the healing process, Denzel sat down against the wall, cross legged, with the creature neatly sat atop his thighs, like a small makeshift bed.

"Can't believe someone would hurt you like that, you poor thing..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DragonKingUk
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Drumdawn flew over the dark forest slowly, both heads looks to the left and right at the same time. However he soon came to a clearing where a lone building stood. He decided to take a look around and so landed in front of the building. Surprisingly the door was large enough to fit him in. He entered and key out a fearsome roar with both heads before speaking. As he spoke the heads took it in turns to speak.

Sorry about that, my tail got caught in the door."

He looked about slowly as he walked inside. The building was quite large with quite a few interesting characters around.


Winter landed in the clearing soon after. She slowly entered the inn and as she did ice began to form around the floors and walls. Only because of her natural coldness. It would feel as if it were the North Pole. Winter was freezing, literally. She walked further in and as she did more ice formed around her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Bourgeoisie
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Frederick let out another sigh of relief as the healer left his side, heading towards the door. Despite the racket behind him, the half-elf turned to face the undead being on his other side. His right arm twitched slightly to draw his sword, only for the Witch Hunter to remamber that he had left his sword and buckler at the door, on the behest of the innkeeper. Growling slightly, Frederick glared down at the girl in front on him.

"What manner of being are you?" Asked Frederick as his left hand rose to finger his three necklaces, a worn gold off- center cross, a sapphire butterfly and an iron medallion the size of his thumb, "Your presence feels like that of an undead, yet the sensation is... off. The coldness that radiates from you is familiar, but there is another force there as well."

The half-elf paused and pursed his lips before continuing, "Nowhere in the archives of the Order has there been a report of the aura you give off. You are too coordinated and aware to be a Risen, lack the iron tang that permeates the vampires, nor do you have the screaming hell pit Liches call an aura." Frederick paused again, before growling "So. What. Are. You?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by shagranoz


Member Seen 4 mos ago

"Hmph." Rebecca gave a the half-elf a derisive snort. "Obviously, your Order training is awful, because I am a lich, 'screaming hell pit' or no. Rest assured, though, I mean neither you nor any other living being harm. I simply turned to dark magic to save my own life. Perhaps that other force is compassion, or something similar. Gods know that it's far too rare in this world, among the livng and the dead alike."

She calmly extended a hand in a gesture of trust. "I'm Rebecca of Kalas. It seems you have me at a disadvantage, Master-"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Bourgeoisie
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Frederick looked at the,,, "Lich" in front of him, before scowling at her. He could see bits of decay on her face, but she looked nothing like the Liches he had seen on the battlefield. They neither looked nor felt like the being in front of him. Furrowing his brow further, the young half-elf shuddered at the memory of the fallen wizards. There had been a group of five, summoning storms of ice and lightning, decimating the Order's forces before they had been put down. They had been skeletal figures, withered skin spread taut over their frames, and wispy strands of bone white hair wreathed their crowns. Their eyes varied, but were all cool, icy blue to deep plu, their teeth gnarled and sharp peeking through condescending seers. Their auras were maddening, gaping maws of chaotic energy, pools of eldritch power that screeched and wailed in discordant melody.

"You look like no Lich I have seen," the half-elf replied, "Liches are beings who willingly gave their names to Demons, trading their deaths and souls for the longevity and power of fiends. They erase their names from Sheanos' records, leaving the cycle of death and rebirth. They are powerful magic users, capable of conjuring storms of eldritch elements large enough to cover battlefields. When I said that you were missing something, I don't mean compassion. It is the flame, the warmth that differentiates life and death, the flame that joins Boelai's Braziers as he fashions new lives in his workshop."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Whimsley
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Whimsley Duke of Whims

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Dr. Thomas Arthur Rudhale

@Happy Go Lucky

The "bird man" acknowledged your greeting with his own. Disengaging eye contact with the woman across the inn for a moment and engaging with you, the beak of his mask lowered. It drooped, descending, ricocheting at a certain depth back upward. It continued to ascend before his beak was forward once again, and his dark eye holes returned to the figure he was watching before. The entire process was slow, or had it just taken longer than the white mage wished? It wasn't normal, that you were sure of.

A host of characters wandered in. Despite the extremity of their personality and character, Thomas procrastinated interaction for the time being. They were powerful, abnormals, unnaturals, all sorts of mythical and legendary creatures. The rarity of such a flock was just beyond probability; had they been summoned here? By an artificer? The face of Lazerus floated in Dr. Rudhale's mind. His thurible waned, but held on, continuing a voluminous outpour of smoke from its hollow. If any creatures that wandered in were affiliated to the occult and/or were of unnatural birth, they would smell burning ash of the smoke. Additionally, they would likely water at the eyes and have their throats dried. Otherwise, the grace of honeysuckle and earth graced their sensual ambience, and nothing more.
@Irisity (Eslea)

But no, she was the one Dr. Rudhale focused upon of all characters. Po hopped about on the plague doctor's shoulders, flapping his wings and strutting his neck forward, forward toward Eslea even as she approached. It made strange clicking noises, but Eslea could not discern their meaning. The half-demon far surpassed Dr. Rudhale's stature, nearly half a foot his superior. Her eyes didn't water. They were upon hallowed ground. Perhaps she would be the one to finally know. The doctor hunched sideways to release his grip upon a brown suitcase. It hit the floor with a jostle. Thomas' free leather hand came to meet Eslea's own. His grip was firm, not overbearing, but practiced. His face was completely ambiguous, as the only feature of his face was his mask and hollow, dark eyes. "Cambion, you may be the one I seek. Come, chat awhile, order what you desire," Dr. Rudhale said. He spoke matter-of-factly, as if he were reading off a grocery list. Thomas had mentioned you as a cambion, but this was no insult. Or else, it didn't feel like one. A cambion was the child of a demon and another race, one naturally born into the world. It was a tell of information for why his raven squabbled so, but its interpretation was left for Eslea to decide.

The doctor pulled back a stool in front of you and tapped it lightly, twice, with his leather hand. Next to it he pulled back another, and slid onto the wood, swiveling towards the bar. He set down his thurible with a clanking of chain and metal. Thomas clasped his hands together. He swiveled his neck, looking towards you. Smoke continued to pour from the thurible, rising from behind the mask of the plague doctor. Did you accept his invitation?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The One
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The One The Only One!

Member Seen 2 days ago

@Whimsley Pozuzy

Pozuzy finally awoke from his sleep. He giggled softly before flying out of his room and downstairs to the inn. He giggled softly once again as he saw so many different people around. He wondered who he should prank first, he then noticed the strange honeycomb smell. He giggled before waving his hand, suddenly the smell would change, and it would now smell of rotting corpses. He flew down and attempted to sit upon the bird mask.

"Pozuzy is here! I say hello!"

He gave a giggle before sticking a tongue out at the girl in front of him. @Irisity The crow on the plague doctor's shoulder would most likely look at him and crow, that was understandable considering he was a full demon, naturally born too. He would look to the crow and crow back at it playfully. He then gave another soft giggle.

@Happy Go Lucky

Sky, with the help of the healer was Starting to wake up. He opened his eyes for a moment before closing them again. Suddenly his eyes shot open and he shot up like a rocket. His hand went to feel the ring around him and he let out a sigh as he felt it was there. He then looked to the one who healed him.

"Thank you but who are you?"

He stared for a moment before looking at the ring, he held it tightly as he waited an answer from him.



Titan looked around before looking to Kat, he stared at her for a while before looking around once more. She was the only one who answered him, but from his guess this was some sort of bar.

"You are lucky somebody answered Titan! Now he doesn't have to smash shit!"

He walked up to Kat before placing his two late clubs on the table which broke all the legs and made the table smash to the ground.

"Tables are weak here. I am Titan!"

He looked to his clubs before nodding his head, they were good there.


Sekhemi looked around before heading to the bar. He placed a shiny golden coin down before shouting out loud.

"Bar tender! You pathetic waste of time, get me your finest and if it is not good enough I shall have your head!"

He then looked about and started to watch some of the creatures in this god forsaken bar.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Irisity
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Eslea gripped the creature's (@Whimsley) hand firmly, but not too hard. She didn't know how strong this thing could be, and she did not intend to hurt it. Right now at least.

The word cambion struck a cord in her, and she wasn't quiet sure why. She had heard the term before in the orphanage, when she would sneak out late at night and roam the halls as a small child, looking for Mother J'ikairah. Eslea would cross over near the entrance to her office and hear her whisper strange words of betrayal and dishonesty to Sister Akilah, and of the cambion serpant.

Eslea accepts the seat offered to her, her curiosity peaking. "My name is Eslea. I do not come from this place, but from Incarta. The Great War between the humans and dryads against the night elves still reigns. I left to avoid conflict."

Eslea stares briefly at the thing (@The One) called Pozuzy before realizing that it's a sin demon. She tries to suppress the urge to slay it; the dryads always taught her not to immediately kill without reason, the only exception being demons.

But she is no longer with the dryads, and she is in another's home. The dryads also taught her manners as well.


Katerina grinned wildly at the orc (@The One), her amusement pushing a laugh up her throat, but she knew better than to disrespect him in such a way. "I am Katerina. I come from a far away place called the Grove. Ever been there? It's a beautiful place filled with stinking and malicious rats." She orders herself another drink, but is cautious of how much she sips at a time. As was said before, she knows almost nothing of orc culture, except for the fact that they love war and gore.
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