Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Zahrale
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Zahrale Seven Hungry Maws

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

This is Just a Check to see if there's a decent amount of people interested in a Long RP based around a Knight Order

The Order in question is a fictional order of my own creation, The Demmetis Order (Also known as "The Moonlit Order")

The Idea of this Roleplay is that you are a Commoner or Noble who's recently been recruited to become part of the Order. As a recruit you will go through classes, training sessions, mock battles, and even tests as your character lives day to day. Your training and lessons can be done in a Group, or as an Individual with your own speed. Tests can also be a Group event, or individual based on the RP'ers needs or desires.

In short, If many of you think you can all stay active, you'll be placed in a training Group, and often the training will be based on your interactions with the setting and each other, where as people who fear they may become less active may have a more personal training, so they can still RP and not hold anyone back or end up killing the RP inadvertently.

EVERYONE will be starting as a Recruit, No one will be getting any Special Treatment unless they earn it or it's otherwise plotted by myself for that char to be part of a Plot.

Here's some Basic details;

You'll be recruits of a Faction within the Order known as "The Sword", The Sword is known for its skilled Foot Knights, normally armed with swords and shields or polearms, and in heavy armor, however they do not shy from alternate armor types or weapons, their banner is a flaming Sword on a white flag. They are led by Lord Commander Ryun. The Sword gets it's banner from Ryun's coat of arms, and its name from his preferred weapon- a Great sword by the name of Hate
As a recruit you are trying to train and earn enough respect and renown for Knight to take you on as a Squire. Your goal from there is to survive and eventually become a Knight of The Sword, The lowest rank of Knighthood within the Order. There will be times where you are sent out as a group or Alone on missions to take on some task, and there will be numerous plots that you can dive into optionally, but primarily this rp is driven by You guys. How your char desires to be trained, Their individual ambitions, the reason that have for taking up arms and armor.

Typically Knights of the Sword are not Engineers for siege weapons, and are rarely leaders of large groups of men, so they do not receive much in the ways of Tactical training other than how to receive rely and give basic orders.

If you make it to Knight of the Sword you can take a Recruit as a Squire, or move on in your next promotion to start more advanced training as a recruit for the next faction, The Dragon, which ranks Higher than most Sword faction members.

Oh and as a side note, there are indeed Lady Knights, so both you Guys and Girls are equally welcome!
Main Setting: Island Fortified Nation.
Time Zone: Dark Ages-Standard Medieval/Fantasy
Genre: Fiction/Low-Fantasy
Technology Standard: Mixxed, Mainly Medieval
I get that even this is a Decent chunk of information but this doesn't even scratch a fourth of what will be given in the OOC post, if enough people are interested in knowing more I'll start up the OOC page, but I'll add more information here based on questions asked, other wise most of the details will be revealed in the RP's first OOC and first IC posts.

Check in here for answers to questions! No need to ask the same question twice!

New Stuff in here!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AcerRo

AcerRo Struggling with Sobriety

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

What about duel wielder or Rogue type characters?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zahrale
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Zahrale Seven Hungry Maws

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Be sure to check the Answered Questions Hider so see if i have a response there too.

What about duel wielder or Rogue type characters?

Some of the Highest ranks would be unreachable for you, as your not a standard knight, but you will still be considered a type of knight,

though your brand of fighting is still accepted and taught in the order, though you will be treated with some disrespect by other knights for being shadier and not valiant enough to stand among the Vanguard.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AcerRo

AcerRo Struggling with Sobriety

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


I was thinking of making a Ranger or Rouge type character. I'm cool with them being looked down on by the higher ups and the average Knight.

I just got excited about this rp.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Zahrale
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Zahrale Seven Hungry Maws

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Well you will be looked Down on, but also be looked up to, As Dual Wielders are prime candidates for the faction The Rose, which is the leading faction of the Order. This is because the only three styles of weaponry The Rose is allowed to use is Swords and Shields, Rapiers and Dual Wielded weapons, as these guys are typically trained to be more of a Survivor than a Fighter due to the fact they are the prime targets in a battle.

Meaning your part in the RP will be harder on you, as dual wielding is harder to master than a single weapon or a Sword and Shield, but also people will aspire to keep you in the lower ranks, so your not recruited by The Rose. this will be even MORE true if you come from a common birth.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Spoo
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Spoo Bad Pun Connoisseur

Member Seen 4 mos ago

I'm interested. This is giving me some Game of Thrones sans overwhelming gloom vibes, and I am completely down for that. A quick question, though: Despite the Order's specialty being footsoldiers, would there be a place in the hierarchy for cavalrymen? I'm no expert on medieval warfare, so a "Foot Knight" could vary well fight on horseback and still be considered such, but I'm interested in a specialist of sorts.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hakyoku
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Hakyoku 9th Seal

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Couple of questions. One, what kind of weapons will be available to recruits or are they forced to learn a specific type of weapon/sword?. Also, is there a limit on how many characters can be created and will there be a certain number of recruits to a class?
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Zahrale
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Zahrale Seven Hungry Maws

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I'm interested. This is giving me some Game of Thrones sans overwhelming gloom vibes, and I am completely down for that. A quick question, though: Despite the Order's specialty being footsoldiers, would there be a place in the hierarchy for cavalrymen? I'm no expert on medieval warfare, so a "Foot Knight" could vary well fight on horseback and still be considered such, but I'm interested in a specialist of sorts.

Foot Knights were trained specifically to excel in dismounted combat, acting as the most vicious and terrifying of Shock Troops or Vanguard. You can pick up horse training as well but that would take away from weapons training, and limit your options on weapons as many of the Orders favored weapons cannot be used from the back of horse due to the Size or type of weapon. ( The iconic weapons of the Order are: The Halberd, the Great sword, The Maul, The Long Sword, and The Kite Shield. The second most common weapons are Spears, Axes, Swords, and many forms of War Picks. An example of a few custom weapons used are: weaponized Gauntlets, Great Mauls, Swords-Of-War(Think swords of the Flamberge persuasion). )

Couple of questions. One, what kind of weapons will be available to recruits or are they forced to learn a specific type of weapon/sword?. Also, is there a limit on how many characters can be created and will there be a certain number of recruits to a class?

Recruits of the Sword are offered a free range of weapons, from the simple Mace, to the noble Sword-of-War, even Rapiers, daggers, bows crossbows, the far rarer Hand cannon, Lances, and more Exotic weapons like the Scimitar. just bare in mind that each weapon has its strengths and weaknesses and each one has its own difficulty. You'll likely master the use of a Long Sword long before someone masters a Halberd or Flail.

As for chars I'm going to have to say due to the nature of the rp the max amount of chars I can let you guys have is 2 each, class sizes will depend on that specific knight, for instance on the first knights you all will meet is Mich, he is a Knight specialized in Mid-Combat first aid, and is considered to be a bit of a "Mother Hen" for recruits, he would likely take up to 20 recruits to a class, where as an even more dedicated knight, the son of Lord Commander Ryun, Xanatos, is a Foot Knght specialized in Exotic and unarmed combat. as he's master two types of combat and acts as the factions Quartermaster AND master smith, he would only be able to take four or Five students, and not very likely Recruits.

And i know someones going to ask this, but, Most of the Order is Human, Humans are the most Common, and about 40% of the Entire order was recruited from criminals, prisoners, Slaves or the homeless. The guild actively works to try to improve the quality of life for all members and those less fortunate and are fabled for generosity AND ferocity. There are a healthy mix of elves in the order, Sylvann Elves primarily, (those are your standard Wood Elves- Think Legolas from LotR) however there are a few Dark Elves, and One singular High Elf (That's the Grand master himself, Raynold) This is to say, there will be Dwarves, Elves, Humans and Half-giants)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zahrale
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Zahrale Seven Hungry Maws

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Oh and for reference, think of the Order something like this:

The Knights of the Sword are gentle and Kind, but almost ALL of them are past criminals homeless or slaves that were freed. Basically a nicer version of the Knights Watch- that's waaaaaaaaaay better equipped and far more disciplined. (they also have the nickname of the "Peoples Knights" as they value innocent civilians welfare above their own, and are often seen defending villages or small towns for Free.)

The Knights of the Dragon are hardier, comprised of nobles and veteran knights, Lovers of ale, war and bloodshed.

The Knights of the Rose are stuck up, masters of warfare, leaders of their kind, and will out class and out man you six ways to sunday, then spit on your corpse as they walk off mildly inconvenienced because now they have to lean their armor and weapons again.

Due to the nature of this Order, they are incredibly Wealthy and Large. They support an entire nation which generates the food drinks and animals they use, but most of the money come from the sale of Mercenary Reinforcements. Knights of the Sword (often accompanied by a Knight of the Dragon or Two) will be sold by the Battalion to bolster a nations army- they do NOT double-deal, they also do not ever support invaders who have no claim to the land or people. If the situations are grave enough they will even send The Knights of the Rose, and even Lord Commander Ryun has been sent to battle before (Not that he minds, he loves splitting people in two)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fetzen
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Member Seen 3 days ago

I'm definitely interested.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Javier
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Definitely interested
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zahrale
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Zahrale Seven Hungry Maws

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Including that's at least 5 people interested, maybe 6. Think that's enough to go ahead and set up the OOC page? Any other questions first?

As a side note this RP will be open so anyone can join whenever!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Spoo
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Spoo Bad Pun Connoisseur

Member Seen 4 mos ago

It's gonna take me a bit to get into the right groove, but I think I'm good to go.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zahrale
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Zahrale Seven Hungry Maws

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

No rush, it will take me a while to get everything written and up anyway.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

Member Seen 10 days ago

@Zahrale YOU!

You moved the forum on me! You jerk! Someone hand me a warhammer!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 1 day ago

Have my interest.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zahrale
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Zahrale Seven Hungry Maws

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Kay, the RP is up, roleplayerguild.com/topics/125565-the-.. You can find it there
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