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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by twave
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

The Martian Desert

Collab between @bluetommy2 and @t2wave

Yoshihiro drove the rover over multiple dunes and rocks, throwing the thing up and down. Bouncing in his seat, Yoshihiro decided to break the horrible tension. "So... you know any of the other inmates in that place? Any with... abilities like yours or mine?" He questioned meekly.

Shaking her head Edith bounced in her seat from the rough ride. "No. I haven't really seen anyone other than a few guards and the bots that watch the place for a while. Figure they were told to avoid me though because once they realized I had some ability they practically vanished." Yoshihiro had no idea how close to him his comment of psychopaths landed with her. Given the whole reason she was in prison to begin with. It actually surprised her that the question of why she was there hadn't come up.

Taking a moment to think she turned to the driver. "So you're with a resistance group. What are you resisting exactly?" This kind of thing she would have to tred lightly on. Edith was not particularly keen on throwing herself into another controversy. If things played out well it cold mean a second chance at life. More careful decisions. Though if she knew any better having an ability already made her a misfit on top of her nasty criminal background.

Yoshihiro smiled while still looking at the route he was taking, the sun forcing him to crunch his brow into a small glare making it very hard for him to see. He turned towards Edith for a second, frowning horribly as a result of the sunlight. "I resist the UN, I mean, what else?" He tapped his hand lightly on his thigh after a small shrug.
"I mean, we haven't really done much, we really have done nothing but sit around and steal stuff, civil disobedience and all that nonsense."

He scratched through his bearded chin, sending blonde hairs down through the sunlight. He hadn't asked about this woman's past, though he bet she didn't want to simply give it up. Instead, he decided to ask why she had wondered about his resistance group. "Why do you care about the resistance? You interested in joining?" He glanced at her as he spoke, still avoiding the rocks and sheer cliff faces ahead.

"Well it is about the only thing you've mentioned that tells me anything about you. But I can't expect you'd spill your guts to a teenager that you just helped break out of prison." Grinning slightly Edith took her long hair and did her best to tie it up. She was probably going to have to cut it at some point. Why in the world did she ever let it grow out so much? "I haven't really been able to keep up on the news. What has the UN been doing? Oppressing the residents of Mars?" To some extent she was playing dumb, but also she really didn't know the details. This kind of dispute had been going on for decades. It was only ever going to boil over at some point.

Yoshihiro scoffed. "Really? You don't know? How long have you been in there? They've been doing this for years, I spent time in the army, the things they made me do..." He shook his head.
"I don't want to talk about it, so don't ask. But it's really bad at this point, they have a monopoly on the planet, meaning nobody can jump ship anywhere else, so they don't give a shit about anything they do, just as long as the government turns a big enough profit to build more cities that are just the same as every other one." He stopped the rover as he noticed a large rock in his path, turning the rover away from it and continuing. "I've got some kind of PTSD shit going on, kinda comes from having your neck broke and waking up to kill some innocents with your own bones, though I think my issues come from my military career more than anything else. You ever looked a rioter in the face? They'll spit at you, they'll yell..." He stopped the rover to look fully at Edith.
"Then you shoot them, and they're dead as any other guy, they'll whimper, they'll cry, they'll gargle their own blood, then they'll die, what happens to their families? Their children? I kill people and I can't watch them die. I can't, because if I do, I'll break, like a goddamn twig."

He stared for a moment too long, before turning back to the wheel and continuing to drive.
"So, what do you think? I'm a real piece of work aren't I?" He chuckled.

Thus far Edith really hadn't had the chance to see what anyone would think of her story. This guy wasn't even born when she was locked up, which was quite a strange thing to think about. It made her feel old yet at the same time she was younger than him. The cat was out of the bag when it came to her ability though so might as well confide it someone else that actually understood. "Uh huh. I know they have. I've been in prison for fourty-seven years and that hasn't changed at all. What makes you think a little rabble will change things?"

By now there were only a few options in response to what the white haired girl just said. She was either lying, crazy, or some kind of immortal because she barely looked 17. Medical science had advanced but there was no stretch of the imagination that would allow her to be as young as she was. The slowdown ability she showed must be more than just that. Being locked in a cell Edith hadn't had the chance to fully deturmine what exactly her ability was doing. So far as she knew it slowed things down and sped things up. But without something as basic as a clock she couldn't be sure.

Yoshihiro was confused by her statement, his eyebrows falling over his eyes. He looked at Edith and then the desert ahead repeatedly. Forty-Seven years? She barely looked twenty, nevermind forty-seven! He thought about what to say, but he just couldn't shake the thought, so he decided just to ask. "Forty-seven? You look damn good for forty-seven, I mean, over forty-seven, but... forty-seven years in a goddamn prison..." He blew through his lips.
"I couldn't handle it... but how old are you? Really?" He frowned quizzically.

This was kind of fun. Edith wasn't sure if she was reverting to a teenage mind set or just liked watching people writh from havin their mind blown. Her amusement was visable on her face in the form of a grin. Looking out the front windshield she let the question hang for a few minutes. Anyone could probably look up records for who was incarcerated fourthy-sever years ago. Her capture was huge news at the time, especially for Mars as it was somewhat of a victory for the law inforcement there. Earth couldn't catch the most wanted woman on the planet, but Mars could. It wasn't much for Edith to brag about. Her past was likely to haunt her one way or another.

Setting the thought aside t'was only a matter of time before her identity would be known. Hopefully this guy wouldn't spread it like an idiot but the odds were stacked against her. "Eighty-seven. I've spent over half my life locked away..." She trailed off and was clearly thinking. Saying it out loud was not something she'd had the chance to do. It was rather crushing. "...You're not the only one with blood on your hands." The youthful look on her face died with the reflection of what she'd done.

Thankfully, Yoshihiro seemed unaware as to Edith's identity. Instead he was simply concerned. "Eighty-seven? Good lord, you've been in prison longer than I've been alive. You look really good for over eighty, is it something to do with your abilities? I'd assume so..." He cringed, shaking his right hand as it continued to bleed profusely.

Yoshihiro was never a talker, he understood the basics, but when put into practice he just froze and swallowed nothing, and that continued to be the case. His eyes darted back and forth now that he was forced to speak on something he was not passionate about. His eyes returned to the road, his adam's apple shaking as he swallowed again. "Uhh... so, how are you... I mean..." He tried to speak, but he couldn't do anything other than focus his eyes on the desert and chastize himself in his mind.

Since it seemed that her partner had run out of words, Edith didn't try and press to get more. "I guess that's what happened. A month ago I started feeling really bad. Thought I might finally be kicking the bucket and fell asleep to get it to go away. Then the next thing I know I wake up to yelling guards and I was like this." She toyed with her hair a bit. "Though aparently my hair stayed in the past... or the future." The rest of this ride was going to be awkward until on of them come up with something to talk about. Not that it should bather her. But she really hasn't had the chance to talk to anyone about anything to far too long.

"So we can't be the only ones that have had abilities manifest. Does the public know about these things happening? Suely the government knows. What are they doing?" Some rather broad questions but it was a good place to start to get up to speed. It did matter as well. Because her fate was tied into what others knew and were doing about powered beings.

"I wouldn't know." Yoshihiro made a noise and sat back in his chair. He rubbed his fingers along the steering wheel a few times.
"I've been in the desert for the last few weeks, so if the government has said anything I don't know about it, there's at least one more of us in the resistance, though that may be me misinterpreting things, hey, at least we know that we're special, for all the good that brings."

Edith rolled her eyes a bit. Not a whole lot of useful information there. Bringing up the resistance again she wondered what kind of structure they had. Coming from that kind of background she knew how chaotic it could be. Not that she was eager to jump back into that. It really depended on the ultimate goal. Should things get out of hand the girl would rather not have another life sentence on her head. "Guess I'll just have to wait until we get somewhere to find out the news."

A panel in the middle of the dash lit up with a warning. Leaning closer Edith pulled up the message window. "Dust storm incoming. Huh, didn't know these things had meteorological updates on them. A dust storm is good for us though. It'll keep air vehicals on the ground and cover our tracks."

Yoshihiro leaned over to take a look at the panel, he sighed and lifted up from his chair a bit. From under the seat he pulled an oxygen mask, showing it off to Edith. "You've got one too, just in case we lose power." He pushed the mask back under the chair and rested his hand on the wheel.
"Yeah, these things have all kinds of nifty shit, this is a new model, but it's got nothing that I haven't seen before. It has GPS, but on Mars that's not that useful considering the difference in atmosphere, they're working on it, but until they get a few more satellites up it'll be useless. Still doesn't have telly yet, I hear they have rovers with it on the moon, we just get all the back-woods stuff because we're really far away, they're supposed to be shipping stuff over, but I haven't heard anything recently, maybe some kind of breach in the hull or something, they didn't make it at least as far as I know." He coughed, his mouth speaking faster than his brain was able to think of words, causing him to confusedly groan before returning to his speech.
"I was an engineer after I retired from the military, I worked for a company that made military vehicles and rovers, I know this shit better than most guys know their popcorn-makers, though I'm still a bit out of practice."

While Yoshihiro was going on about the rover they chose and the various features it did and didn't have, Edith busied herself with exploring the other features on the panel. Most of it she recognized at least on a basic level. Things were moved around but for the most part not overly complicated. "You're out of practice? Guess how I feel. You should try operating some of the first rovers after the domes came down. They were a pain in the ass. Huh, the GPS might not work but we still have a map. Know where we are?" She thought about commenting on some of the other things but they would probably have plenty of time to talk once they were safe from both the USF and the dust storm.

Yoshihiro shook his head as Edith reminded him of her age. It was still unbelievable to him that she could be so old yet appear so young, he didn't dwell on it, but it still lurked in the back of his mind whenever he looked at her. "I've got a vague idea where we are, I've been following tire tracks and footprints where I can find them, the same route that brought me here, or so I assume, you can try to use the map if you want, I'd rather not tinker with those things, I hate 'em, and with Mars being Mars, I doubt I'd find any of the stuff the map says is there. If you wanna try to find us, we're north of New London, I'm sure of that." He bit into something and spat it out, some kinda insect or something that had flown through a window when they had started the rover.

Chuckling a bit Edith went ahead and tried to find where they were. If only this guy knew what put her in that prison. Dumb tech like this wasn't an issue for her though. It was the thinking stuff that unnerved her. Anyway she knew the prison's name and what it looked like but never where it was. It took her a good ten minutes to locate the prison and trace the direction they were going. "There's a lot of old abandoned facilities out here. You'd be surprised what you can find when you learn how to locate them." Sadly they were not near one of her old hiding spots. Otherwise they'd have a good place hide and some more equipment. "We're not going to outrun the dust rolling in. Turn off the trail forty degrees to the left. Looks like an old plant there." She tapped on the screen to point out the structure. It was hardly visible on the map that was probably a couple decades old from now. No one needed updated scans of wasteland.

Yoshihiro looked at her with confusion and then nodded after a moment of thought. "Yeah, we'll stop off there, though I doubt I'll fit the rover in there, I passed by and it doesn't look to have a garage, it should be fine if we leave it out for the storm, if not it'll just take a little cleaning or some oil, there's probably some of the latter in there." He placed hand over hand as he turned the rover in the direction of the facility, he had passed by it, but it had been the middle of the day and there was no reason to stop there, he had never gotten a good look at what the facility was or had done in the past, though it was a manufacturer of some sort, though with the cities and infrastructure, the ones further away had been relocated into the city to cut costs on transport, hopefully it had something, or just a few closed windows.

Abandoned facility


The building came into view as the rover passed by a rock. "There she is... ahh god, it's not looking good, I don't see an intact window in the place, hopefully the masks don't run out by the time the storm passes, they aren't that heavy so we should be good." The facility rolled over the horizon, a grey mess of old machinery and dust.

"There's bound to be an inner room we can hide in or something. After being in a cell so long I don't really care." She hadn't really taken the chance to think about the fact that she was free. Falling silent for a while she got lost in thought. Now wasn't the time though. Upon approaching the facility it looked like what Yoshihiro said was true. There wasn't really a good place to cover the rover. But there was a decent place by a building that would shield it from most of the wind. Speaking of the cloud of dust could be seen making its way over.

Taking the oxygen mask she hopped out of the rover and headed toward one of the larger buildings. As she neared the door she noticed that the red rust d been disturbed recently. It didn't look like any tracks that she recognized but something had been here recently. Pointing it out Edith carefully opened the door. "Keep an eye out. Someone else may be here." Stepping in carefully this section looked like what Yoshihiro pointed out with red dust everywhere. More importantly though light could be seen coming from a room up ahead. There was a scattered trail of dust illuminated from the door though. Following carefully it finally lead to a woman who was sitting by herself in a closed off room. Edith peeked in but drew back almost immediately. The uniform looked like that of a USF pilot. "Shit, they beat us here. You've got to be kidding me."

Glancing again to confirm it looked like the woman wasn't paying attention. Something didn't seem right. What was a pilot doing out here by herself? USF wouldn't just put a single person to find them, much less a pilot. More so she looked distraught rather than on guard. Maybe this was an unscheduled stop because of the storm? The facility around them groaned as the wind began to buffet the structure. This was not good, there wasn't enough time to find another place to hide. The dust already started swirling around the room they were in. Turning back to Yoshihire she spoke quietly enough so only he could hear.. "We got one pilot to deal with. She doesn't have her helmet on so if we can grab her before she gets to it then she can't call for backup. If I slow her down you think you can grab her? And try not to lose it and tear her apart, she could have useful information."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 4 mos ago

"Course I can" Tobais said and blinked them down, back into Evie's room. She let go of hhis hands, after which Tobias proceeded to wipe them in his shirt. Not because he was picky or disgusted, but it seems that in her excitement, Evie left left hand covered with invisible fingerprints. After a few tries he gave up, because it didn't seem like the wipe affected the ability, but sure made him look awkward. But at least now he knows that if she stops touching a person, the effects linger. He gave a smug smile to Evie and then walked out the window. Before jumping down he stopped in the window frame and looked back at Evie. "You know my number. If you need any help or protection, call it. We live in troubled times." With his face now covered by a sad look he jumped out the window.

It wasn't a big fall, and it took only seconds to blink. Still it was anough to make it hellova crazy ride. The air whizzed around him as he blinked a few blocks away in mere seconds. He decided not to go back to his motorbike. It is likely the police are still looking for it, and he didn't want to risk losing it. And not like any petty theif can remove the shock lock he put on it. If they try, they'll get zapped with a few million volts, enough to konck them out cold. It wasn't EXACTLY legal, but oh well, who's gonna tell him he is not allowed to do it? He is the son of one of the most important Martian people, and he did live with the perks. Not the negatives.

After an hour of running along the rooftops, it still seemed like the skyscrapers in the distance were as far away as before. He sighed and proceeded with jumping down into an alley, so that no one would notice him. He put his hoodie on his head and walked out to the main street. The sun was already up, but a sandstorm was expected for the day, so there weren't mayn people on the streets. He looke around and noticed a pizzeria across the street. Tobias blinked across, skipping the journey to the next crossing, and confusing a few drivers. Before anyone could realize what happened, he entered the pizzeria. It was a quiet palce, not many customers, greasy tables and pieces of paint missing from the walls. With all that it still had a nice vibe going on. Smooth Jazz going in the background that soothened the spirits, Tobias ordered a simple Pepperoni Pizza. As he was browsing through the drinks, he got a call. He looked at his wristband that suddenly lit up, revealing a touch screen in the rubber. Unknown Number. Tobias frowned and then picked up. "I haven't much time, so state your name and business."

"Boss it's me. I got a hint on a Super held by Lorne in a research lab not so far away from your location. I can't tell much about it, but its definetly a female, around age 20. They are not planning on moving her. Yet." With that the call ended, and the wrist popped up a notifictaion "Files received, Record call?" Tobias cancelled the note and called his secretary. His subvocalizer kicked in and the call started. He didn't need to open his mouth to speak, and it was really handy with all the survelliance going on. Nothing he wants Lorne to know about. "Liz? Honey, can you make me an appointement with the director of the, umm.." Tobias pressed a few icons on his band and the device sent all the details. "This place. Love you." The secretary probably nod on the other side, and then put down the call. Tobias couldn't tell as the Pizza arrived, hot from the oven. He turned the band off and picked up a slice "It's gonna be a long day."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 32 min ago


Variables were moving along the board with increased ferocity, there were some assets he needed to move as soon as possible such as Lana. He couldn't let her sit in reserve for long, the sooner he got in touch with her the better. To that end he sent a grid of co-ordinates to her cellphone, she was rather inquisitive so with any luck she'd follow the co-ordinates and end up where she needed to be. The issue was bringing them all together, too much at once would be troubling but with the U.S.F now recruiting powered individuals there was considerable pressure to beat them to the 'punch' as it were. Such powers within the hands of the UN and their allies would just throw Mars into an ever descending spiral of oppression, historical archives were enough to prove that. After all George Santayana once said that those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. This was repetition, all of this had happened before and unless they were successful it would all happen again.

His job was to not let that happen, humanity had ruined their own world. Paved it with buildings and 'wonders', now Mars was a second chance and they sought to bleed it, and the people, dry. When if they wanted they could make it into a bountiful garden a new Eden. Which was exactly where he was sending Lana, another old failed facility the likes of which he had reason to believe Cassandra was now sitting in. Though this one was considerably larger. He sighed, he didn't want to rush people into this. They had to make the choice, they had to see... understand. He was already unhappy at how the U.S.F forced his hand with Cassie but he couldn't wait any long, he had to stack his deck.

His only worry was Lydia. No way he could let the U.S.F get their hands on her, in this age of technology such an ability was essentially world changing. Everything was connected in the modern era, everything. Only reason he was safe from being found was because he had such a vast understanding that he could hide every little action he did. Reaching out to her would be complicated, potentially dangerous or ruining if the Lorne Corporation had complete control of her and her actions. Though there were other actions, rooting some intel around the web he smiled as the information reached where it needed to, middle man contact was the only one that was likely to work. At least for now, it was the least dangerous.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by twave
Avatar of twave


Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

The building came into view as the rover passed by a rock. "There she is... ahh god, it's not looking good, I don't see an intact window in the place, hopefully the masks don't run out by the time the storm passes, they aren't that heavy so we should be good." The facility rolled over the horizon, a grey mess of old machinery and dust.

"There's bound to be an inner room we can hide in or something. After being in a cell so long I don't really care." She hadn't really taken the chance to think about the fact that she was free. Falling silent for a while she got lost in thought. Now wasn't the time though. Upon approaching the facility it looked like what Yoshihiro said was true. There wasn't really a good place to cover the rover. But there was a decent place by a building that would shield it from most of the wind. Speaking of the cloud of dust could be seen making its way over.

Taking the oxygen mask she hopped out of the rover and headed toward one of the larger buildings. As she neared the door she noticed that the red rust d been disturbed recently. It didn't look like any tracks that she recognized but something had been here recently. Pointing it out Edith carefully opened the door. "Keep an eye out. Someone else may be here." Stepping in carefully this section looked like what Yoshihiro pointed out with red dust everywhere. More importantly though light could be seen coming from a room up ahead. There was a scattered trail of dust illuminated from the door though. Following carefully it finally lead to a woman who was sitting by herself in a closed off room. Edith peeked in but drew back almost immediately. The uniform looked like that of a USF pilot. "Shit, they beat us here. You've got to be kidding me."

Glancing again to confirm it looked like the woman wasn't paying attention. Something didn't seem right. What was a pilot doing out here by herself? USF wouldn't just put a single person to find them, much less a pilot. More so she looked distraught rather than on guard. Maybe this was an unscheduled stop because of the storm? The facility around them groaned as the wind began to buffet the structure. This was not good, there wasn't enough time to find another place to hide. The dust already started swirling around the room they were in. Turning back to Yoshihire she spoke quietly enough so only he could hear.. "We got one pilot to deal with. She doesn't have her helmet on so if we can grab her before she gets to it then she can't call for backup. If I slow her down you think you can grab her? And try not to lose it and tear her apart, she could have useful information."

The Martian Desert

Yoshihiro glanced at the pilot, then back at Edith, he went back and forth a few times before nodding. "Okay, I should be good as long as there's no blood or anything, you do your thing." He hopped in place quietly, landing silently on the balls of his feet and lowering his core, crouching into a posture to start his run from, just in case, he hardened his skeletal structure, his body contorting for a second before returning to normal.
"Ready when you are."

Stepping back so she could just see Cassandra through the gap in the doorway, Edith raised a hand and slowed down the time around their target. "FYI, once you get close enough you'll be affected too. So if it looks like she's moving normally again that's why." Pushing the door open she motioned for him to go. With the slowdown and element of surprise this should be an easy task. One would think anyway.

Yoshihiro started running before the door even fully opened, he pushed through the opening door, running with all he could in the pilot's direction. There were a multitude of things that could go wrong, she could have a gun, she could be a mech! Whatever, he would be alright, he took out that mech in the prison right?

She didn't even notice the time slowing down, though then again, why would she? She was inside the bubble of effect. For her everything went normally, she only really noticed a change when someone came into the room first seemingly moving at speeds reminiscent of her own before slowing down. The man in some kind of overalls, covered in blood and far taller than her wasn't the most welcome sight she had ever seen. She even took the discerpancy in time down to the fact that addrenaline kicked in, and with her bodies new tricks she expected her brain to still be trying to get used to the speed.

She wasn't exactly sure what kind of indivudal this man was, but she knew she didn't want to stick around and find out. Moving to her speed with as much speed as she could muster she ran towards the man at breakneck speeds likely becoming naught but a blur, aiming for a incapacitating blow to the head in the attempt to knock him out cold.

From the outside Edith could see Yoshihiro slow down once he entered the bubble. That was to be expected as she had stated earlier What gave her pause though was witnessing the woman move. It was an astounding speed when taking into account how slow they were going. There was no way a normal human could move that fast. Only having a few seconds she stepped into the room and shut the door behind her. There wasn't much she could do about stopping what was already in motion. Especially after the two left the time bubble she'd made. From her position leaning against the door she felt a rush of wind as everyone was going at the same rate again. "Whoa whoa, stop don't hurt him!" Probably a little late for that but she could at least try.

As Yoshihiro entered the bubble, he began to slow down exponentially, even he could notice it due to the much slower crawl of the walls beside him, whatever the case, the pilot in front of him turned in his direction, and before Yoshihiro could even get into spitting distance, she had taken off. She had disappeared before his eyes, transforming into a blue blur that approached him at speeds unbelievable. Yoshihiro yelped. She was like them, she had to be, no being on Mars could run this fast, even his thinking came out too slow, and the only visible part of her was a large cone forming in front of the blur, the ground behind had begun to dent under her feet, going just as fast as the rest of her. Yoshihiro jumped back, but he had the feeling that wouldn't be enough to escape the field, so he wrapped his arms around his face, palms outward, and with a small yell, spikes of bone had exited bloodily from his body.

Her ability saved her from a rather deadly situation. As the woman on the outside went from slow to fast, she looked back at the giant of a man and bones cut out from his body. Caught in the shock, and unable to properly move out of the way. She tried to stop, her footing slipped and she went crashing into the far wall. She slammed into it and winced as she collided with it. "What the hell are you people?"

Yoshihiro slid to a stop, now crouching and gripping at his neck with both hands, bones preventing him from taking a more comfortable pose, to his own chagrin. I need to work on that. Hearing the pilot slam into the wall, Yoshihiro stood himself back up and allowed his bones to re-enter his body. When she spoke, Yoshihiro had taken up a position that made it so that he would be able to run from the bubble, he turned back upon hearing the pilot's first words to him. "Hello pot, I'm the kettle." He twitched continuously, remaining uncomfortable and ready to run at any moment. If she was speaking, perhaps he could diffuse this situation without violence, as this person's abilities were well above his own.
"You can talk too, great, listen, I believe that we may have gotten off on the wrong foot, perhaps maybe we could talk about this, not hurt eachother, I was just kidding when I went to hit you, honest." He lied through his teeth, flashing a goofy smile in an attempt to seem dumber than he actually was.

His head turned repeatedly to Edith, cringing, knowing that as he was in the bubble, she would be able to read his facial expressions, even if they were only there for a moment, while the pilot would be unable to. He returned to looking at the pilot, still unsettled, his arms lightly cracking as he freed up the bones for future use.

Since things seemed to have stopped for the moment, Edith dropped the bubble so they were all moving at the same pace for sure. "Good question. maybe you could answer that for us." There wasn't a whole lot to say, at least not that Edith could think of. Taking a moment to gather her thoughts the structure around them creaked loudly. It was a pretty good indication that the storm was upon them and none of them were going anywhere for a while. "You're obviously a USF pilot from your uniform. What are you doing all the way out here?" Despite all that was going on the girl semed to have composure. Sure she could be worried that there was a powered soldier in the room but the circumstances didn't lead her to believe that she was there for them.

She ignored the giant as the woman entered the room, after all, they had gotten off on the wrong foot and it was easier to face someone who looked more human and wasn't covered in blood in her current state of mind. "Sight seeing, it's a nice place." Downside of the shoddy vision matrix she had been given, she didn't get the fancy gizmos like infrared, x-ray or access to the internet. If she had she'd be running those systems like crazy right now, seeing if anyone else was here, who these people were, and what they were. Though that was the case of pot kettle, when she didn't even know what she was.

Though she wasn't covered in blood and didn't go to use her powers on some unsuspecting victim.

"As for the rest of it, pilot. You can say that in terms of the USF that I am retired. Now it's your turn, what are you doing out here? There's make out points far closer to town-" She looked up at the blooded giant as she precariously stood up, testing her feet. No damage. "-I mean, nobody will judge. Everybody has their own kink."

Since cooler heads seemed to prevail Edith stepped away from the door and leaned against the wall. The woman in front of her had a sense of humor. "Well if you're like us then the only reason to be here is to hide from people wanting to lock us up. This guy helped me get away and this was the closest place we could find to when the storm came through." Crossing her arms she looked at the floor. What were the chances that they'd all three end up here? Though maybe it was by design. That was a stretch but someone definitely helped her out for sure. Looking back up she opted to be presumptuous. "Odd to see a pilot out here without a ride. Seeing your speed I'm guessing you ran here to escape as well. Not sure what exactly is going on but knowing how people work they're probably scared of us."

Yoshihiro remained crouched, his feet one behind the other in the case he was forced to run, hopefully if it came to that Edith would be able to slow the pilot enough for them to escape. He chuckled nervously and pretended to straighten his posture, but he remained on his toes.
"Heh, yeah, you lose your plane? Dust storm bring you down? If there is a plane, I could fix it maybe, hopefully it's similar enough to a rover, it would be nice to have a ride, especially considering we may have brought the full strength of the USF down upon us with my little prison-break." He shrugged.
"Oops, I guess, I mean, PTSD, military training, and bone manipulation is not a good combo for whoever I'm facing." He crossed his arms and chuckled.

If looks could kill, the one Cassie shot at the tall man could have. "If I had a plane don't you think I'd be in it? Don't believe that B-S the terrorist propoganda spews out, they can fly in dust storms without a problem. No, I ran because some stupid voice in my helmet-" She pointed her finger accusingly at the helmet "-told me too when a squad of mechs turned up requesting me to go with them. I should have stayed, sure this would have all been cleared up but now I am not just a freak, but a fugitive."

She looked at the giant of a man and pointed to her survival vest sitting in a corner. "You can get my first aid kit out of that, I don't need it. Just leave the wipes-" she tapped the visual interface built into her face "-I can't really see when my windshield gets covered in dust."

So Edith wasn't the only one getting help from someone outside. Whoever it was had a pretty wide reach it seemed. He was able to get into both a prison system and military comms. "Someone helped me out too. Controlled an old M-1 unit to warn me. Somebody is keeping track of us. Not exactly sure how I feel about that but he helped me escape the prison I was stuck in." The girl was counting on her apparent age and circumstances to get a point across. Sure she had already been sentenced to be locked up forever but Cass wouldn't know that.

Thus far she hadn't really been able to get much information about the world around her. And given that she was a known factor there wasn' much chance that she could just walk around like normal any time soon. "Well that makes three people that have had something happen to them. Starting to wonder how many there are and who all knows." Edith took a seat and glanced up at the woman. So her eyes had been replaced had they? Somewhat interesting that it was a visor though.
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Sep Lord of All Creation

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The man walked over to the first aid kit and began to work while Cassie continued to look at the woman, she seemed to be the one in charge anyway. Or at least the one that understood what was going on and knew what she was doing, the guy was being a bit... odd. That wasn't including his size or anything like that.

"The U.S.F seems to have a rudimentary understanding of what is going on at the very least, I was being arrested when the bloody voice came in over the comm system, encrypted squad comms I might add, and told me to run. I was freaked out enough that I went for it. I had no-where else to go so I came here, I see it on my patrol every day. So here I am." She lifted her arms as if to indicate the room, taking in her surroundings as she did so. She'd come so far, from a career U.S.F pilot to a medical nightmare and then a milk run pilot. She had hoped one day that her job would take her to Earth but she knew now that that'd never happen, it was rare for a martian born to ever make it onto the blue planet. U.S.F would likely have gotten her close before she was injured, after her injury there was no hope in hell.

Now she was a fugitive likely the only way she'd ever end up back at Earth would be as a medical experiment, and she didn't exactly fancy that.

"So, you were in prison? Did they do this to you there? Do you think this was done to us?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by twave
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"I see. Guess that means they're still reacting to whatever is going on." So the USf was willing to go after one of their own. That was a big deal. It meant that no one was safe. They could be gathering them for any number of reasons too. To lock them up, experiment on them, recruit or use them, kill them, ect... The girl seemed to visibly be thinking as she stood with her hand resting on her chin. For a teen she acted a little odd, but having only met her it could just be how she was.

Being asked a question, Edith looked up and shook her head slightly whilst shrugging. Sadly she had no insight into what had happened even to herself. The result was still baffling and almost impossible to believe. "I have no idea. If they did do this to me then the people there seemed just as surprised as I was. Actually now that I think about it I don't think they did, or at least no one that worked at the prison. Honestly they had no idea who I was until they ran some tests. That's not typical for that kind of operation. They should know their inmates." She was getting a little close for comfort. Sure she'd told Yoshihiro who she was but this woman was still an officer. It might take a little more convincing that she wasn't going to rat them out.

So that was it then. Still no good information and they were still holed up here. They were still too close to the prison to relax. So far the resistance group still sounded the best option. However she wasn't just going to outright say such. "So now what? The three of us are targets and we're sitting our a storm. What should our next move be?"
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