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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Jay Kane

Location: Unknown Sector, Quadrant Alpha (Calibration in Progress) II Status: Sleeper II Time: +04:20:19

Mission Status: Target Unidentified. Continuing Search.

"A rabbit plays the fox, and the fox plays the rabbit."

As Jay landed, the girl in front of him swung the black sword at him, barely missing his head, and taking a piece out of his hat. She gave him a cold look and hastly shaked his hands. The sword then turned back into the skeleton and said hi, before disappearing under the bridge, leaving a smaller sword with the girl. All that under 5 seconds. Jay was shocked. It was certain that some bullshit was going on around here, but this girl was BY far the most annoying little ******* brat he has met in a long time. He toom a deep breath and swiped away the idea of shooting the girl in the back, and decided to go with the "innocent bystander" look. It seemed no one knew him here. At least this made hunting easier. With a shot grazing his shield, Jay's attention quickly turned back to the robots. Thick armor, and enhanced servos. His wrist ran down a short diagnostics program and soon enough the monsters lit up on his HUD, telling him infos about them. He put the hat back in the voidBag and in return took out the winchester rifle. A neat lever action rifle that packs some serious punches.

The stupid thwat was already in front of him, slicing the robots like there was no tomorrow. However to the side of teh bridge, there wasa nothe group of K-bots that were heading for the girl. Jay started walking towards them, slowly zeroing the distance with the help of his HUD. When the device indicated a 100%, he began hammering the bots with bulelts. With a furios work on the lever mechanism, Jay unleashed dozens of bullets at the steel monsters. But to his suprise they all bounced off. They seemed dazed when a bullet hit them, but it didn't hurt them at all. They must have a weak spot! Every monster like this has a weak spot. Once again he looked at the steel spiders that were quckly approaching him. He rained down some more shots, with most bouncing off, however one seemed to hit the mark, as one of the bots fell down. "Computer analize trajectory!" In a moment his HUD adjusted to the bots, and started showing their weakspot with red. A small sensory unti at the bottom of the body, that if hit, blew up causing severe damage to the mainframe. With this new info, and the more precise shots, the other few bots went down in no time. As he looked back at the girl it seemed that she has already cleared a good chunk of bots, only to be trapped inside a circle of them. Not that the girl would have noticed, she was way too arrogant to do so. His weapons shifted targets, and a bullet killed a K-bot approaching the lil thwat from behind. The metal screeched and the bot fell on the floor.

His wrist console suddenly beeped as it intercepted a transmission. It seemed that someone has made a call using Jay's identity. He didn't let it bother him, and told the console to filter the name, and send a message in the known 10 thousand different coding messages that would identify a misuse of personality. He just hoped that this weird palce would use one of them.

Moments after the message came in, there was a huge shake that ran throught he bridge, and vibrated the air with the sound of dying metal beams. An artillery piece has hit the skyscraper behind him, bending it slightly towards the bridge. Shrapnel and glass shards flew in the air, making thousands of small holes in his cape. With a loud bang as rubble hit solid surface, the metallic voices stopped and it seemed that the buidling has stabilized itself. Any action could, no, WILL most likely make it collapse.

His attention shifted back to the girl who was fighting with dozens of K-bots that surrounded her, trying to stop her from reaching the artillery bot. She made a valiant effort, but she was only one third the bridge, and it would require some form of teamwork to get over the the other side. Jay materlaized a pair of wireless headphones from his voidbag, one landing on top of the girl's head. "Listen you little thwat, I know you can kill shit, but you are gonna die out there. As much as I'd love to see you bath in your own blood, mixed with the mechanical oil leaking from these things, we have a common objective here."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Casual interest check

The man didn't look pleased by Kirin's rather rash actions and seemed to have an annoyed aura about him. Well she wasn't surprised that he would be annoyed after almost slicing off his head. After glaring at him she continued slicing the robots like there was bo tommorow. There were a lot of them, moving through them was rather bothersome and took a long amount of time. With no doubt the three of them would be able to defeat all these bots but not without a scratch or two.

The hooded man had begun fighting too. It seemed that he was a marksman with a pretty accurate shot. The only problem was that his bullets weren't good enough to do any damage to the bots. It wasn't a surprise however, with such a weak rifle and non piercing bullets it was only logic that he did nothing to the bots. He would have been better off with a 50. Call instead of the sniper mejigger he had now. To her surprise he actually started doing something. He aimed for their weak spots once he had completed his scan of them and knew a few of their weaknesses. At least he wasn't as dumb as she thought he would be.

Kirin was trying to go so fast that she was getting too rash and only immobilised these things. It worked for a few minutes but they got back up and used all their effort to kill Kirin after she had left these bots to die. Kirin clicked her tongue as she glanced behind her. This was getting annoying to get all these robots at once. Just when she was about to turn around to kill the left overs her ears twitched. Her blade was suddenly held by two hands in front of her. Her eyes had widend, she had split one of the bullets Jay had fired at the robots behind her and almost hit Kirin while the bullet left through the robots back. Kirin grit her teeth and gave a blant shout at the man. It wouldn't have hitted her but she still wasn't happy with it.

"Hey moron! Watch out were ya're aiming! I'd like to have all my senses after this."

Just when Kirin didn't pay any attention the robots had noticed. They zeroed in on her from her back and one was ready to attack her full power. It gave her a full thrust towards the side of the bridge. Kirin could barely react and made a quick twist with the blade cutting of its arm. She was too late however and was still hit by the arm rather hard. "Too slow!" Her body flung onto the railing of the bridge with the arm bounching of her. She let the blade fall onto the ground as she reached for her belly and puked out a fair amount of blood. Some of her ribs had broken and there was blood coming out just above her forhead that blocked the sight of her left eye.

"God... damnit!"

She grabbed the blade again and lifted herself up with the help of the blade.


Her eye fired for a moment as she sliced 3 robots surrounding her down in one swing. She positioned herself again and stood in stanch to survive from the upcomming robots. Out of nowhere a pair of headphones fell down from the sky onto her head. She payed little to not attention to it and let the thing sit on her head for the moment. She immediatly could hear Jay talking through the mic and was already annoyed with the tone he had against her.

"Urusai!(shut up) I know what I'm doing."

At that point of time a cannon shot was launched at Kirin. She gritted her teeth and braced for impact. With one slice she sliced it in half. Unfortunately her action didn't seem to be helping as it outright exploded in her face. The area around her was covered in smoke as static sounded through the headphones of Jay. The status of Kirin was currently unknown.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

Member Seen 2 mos ago


Location: Casual interest check
Time: apparently 4 hours after all hell broke loose
Interacting With: Lucius

A spot in the air above Guild city shimmered for a split second before a winged girl appeared and began to glide through the sky, her hair the color of molten lava flowing behind her as she flew to a balcony near the top floor of a building in Advanced. Landing gracefully on the wooden planks, she shifted a backpack off her shoulders and dropped it on the floor, leaving it there as she entered her apartment through the sliding glass door that connected it to the balcony.

The apartment was small, but that didn't matter. She liked it that way, less space to let get cluttered with things she's kept from her adventures. Although she'd have to clean up at some point, right now the place was a mess of notebooks and papers on the tables, and random blankets, pillows, and clothing on the floor. About the only "organized" space in the place was the kitchen, and even here dirty plates and dishes piled up in the sink from her attempts to cook something other than pancakes for once.

Speaking of which, she glanced at the clock in the room and turned on her radio to catch whatever news there was, and perhaps the date. She wasn't ever really sure when she was returning to when she came back from another dimension. A sigh of relief escaped her as she found she'd only been gone for about 7 hours, and opened the oven to check the roast she'd put in before she'd left.

It smelled... ok? She really should stop going places when she's cooking things. She'd burned enough meals to know that, but, waiting around for things to cook was boring after the first half hour. She pulled the roast out and started putting it in a plastic tub to put in the fridge for later, but stopped suddenly as she actually heard what was being said on the radio. The city was under attack. People were in real danger.

This is what she gets for dimension-hopping. Robot armageddon.

With a wave of her hand the food disappeared, it probably wasn't any good anyway. She turned everything off and rushed back out onto the balcony, grabbing her sword out of the backpack she'd dropped there earlier before taking off. She had a real door in her apartment, but this was always faster. She wasn't sure where she was going, but she wanted to help. She closed her eyes as she flew, trusting her instincts to lead her where she would be the most useful.

She waited until the sound of fighting surrounded her before opening her eyes. She was hovering a few feet above a bridge where two -no, three- people were fighting against a group of bots. A girl wielding a living sword, a part of another person who was currently under the bridge itself doing, something; and a man who gave the vibe that he was already getting sick of this situation. A haphazard team, if that.

Unsure of who to talk to first -the ones on top of the bridge did seem a little busy at the moment- She decided that introductions were best made when you weren't in the direct line of fire from a giant robot. She flew over the railing and came up underneath the bridge, adjusting to the falling specks of dirt and dust being shaken loose from the fight happening above as she made her way over to the third person.

Now that she could actually see the person, she couldn't help getting a feeling of Deja Vu. Not that she recognised this skeleton, but... He reminded her of someone she could swear she knew at one point or another. "Hello!" She said cheerfully once she was close enough for him to her her. No matter the situation, a Smile was always welcome. "My name's Vesuvius. Any way I can help here at all?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 6 days ago

Lucius Cypher
Location: On a L-variant KBot
Activity: Calling Terminal

The sounds of cannon shots above warned Lucy that he needed to go fast. He started crawling up the side of the bridge, a plan already in mind. But as he got about halfway across, he was stopped by a flying lady. Never one to ignore a woman Lucius chatted with her. [b]"Hey Vesu! Yeah actually, I got a plan. See I just spoke with a bloke a short while ago who could wipe out all these bots on the bridge, probably, but I need to get close to that big one! As you can see I already have some folks topside being a distraction, but I need more! Those N Variants are the ones in my way: if you can somehow get them away from the L Variant, then I can go in and do what I gotta do."[/color] Of course, Lucy could actually handle this himself. But he liked cooperating with others. Making a bony appendage he pointed towards the opposite end of the bridge, where most of the K Bots were. "Cause a big scene over there. Make yourself look vulnerable, but cause a lot of damage! That ought to thin them out enough for me to do my thing."

Regardless if Vesu was going to or not, Lucy turned into a fly and quickly vanished. He figured the Kbots wouldn't notice a bug like him, but he did have to be careful not to get crushed on accident. He zipped between the legs and limbs of the giant robots, making a beeline straight towards the L Variant. The deafening booms of the main cannons were almost enough to kill the little fly from shock alone, but this little bug was no mere insect. Once he got close Lucius looked for anything that resembled a glowing, golden name. Good news: it was easy to see. Bad news: there were many. Lucius's memory wasn't the best so he couldn't remember them all. But if what Terminal said was true, it has to be one of these glowing names, but it'll also be somewhere that isn't obvious and hard to see. Of course one of these names more plainly seen could be one of the real names of the bots, but Lucius didn't have time to parse out which was which. He eventually flew in from behind the K Bot and looked at what appeared to be a glowing name, but hidden underneath the various joints. A great place that was both "open" and "hidden" at the same time, or so Lucius thought.

Crawling on the underside of the L-Variant, Lucius took out the payphone again and called Terminal. "Hey T-man! I think I got a name. Listen carefully, it's six, S, L, Y, B, O, Y, six! All lowercase, no spaces! I saw it on it's back but there were-" Just as he spoke,the L Variant took a seat, crushing Lucius. Fortunately he was an amorphous slime and could survive crushing blows. Unfortunately his phone broke, so now he needed to make a new one and called Terminal again. Crawling to a relatively safer position, Lucius tried to call again.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Terminal
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Terminal Rancorous Narrative Proxy

Member Seen 5 days ago

Location: Roleplaying Discussion, Guild City Limits
Activity: Holding Back the Tide

Having shunted all the debris atop the tower into the zero-void, Terminal briefly considered how much longer the tower would be of use to them. At the current projected frequency of artillery attacks - now that the KBots had the timing for the Modkit down, every shell they did fire was guaranteed to hit - the tower would lose an average of two floors every hit. Assuming each shot was aimed where they were perched on the topmost surviving floor. Assuming the whole tower itself did not simply collapse from cumulative stress to its endoskeleton after the next impact.

Terminal had many powers, but flight was not amongst them, and no gunship or helicopter would be of any better use as an aerial perch - if anything they would be more vulnerable. At some point, they would have to abandon the tower and take the fight to the KBots on foot. Once that happened, without being able to freely target each anchor hub, the number of Kbots in the Roleplaying Discussion Sector would skyrocket. They had already (essentially) secured Roleplaying Discussion, and so would likely send reinforcements to the Free Sector in order to establish a secondary base of operations.

Terminal had no problem with that. On top of simply being a worthless sector in the first place, a large bulk of forces in the form of the Society of the Evening Star, the Bot Killer Squad, and the Guild Future Society had planted themselves squarely in front of the Kbot spearhead mounted from there - the Kbots would encounter heavy resistance and become bottlenecked. Those sectors were already trashed in any case as well; no sense in trying to stem the tide there when the other Sectors could still potentially be salvaged.

The only place the Kbots would have left to go if their advance at the General Interest Check sector was thwarted would be the Casual sector. Terminal did not care much for that particular section of the city either, and wrote it off without a second thought.

They would also send reinforcements to the Off-Topic Discussion Sector though, and Terminal had a definite problem with that. They decided that, once the tower fell, they would head to the sector border between Roleplaying Discussion and Off-Topic Discussion and hold off as many of the KBots as they could, on foot. In all likelihood, innumerable H, M, and N-KBots would slip past them to cause havoc - but they could indefinitely forestall the movements of the L and S variants.

Terminal's contemplation was interrupted by their holographic screen chiming to announce the arrival of two new messages. One of them was an actual call, and the individual on the other end of the line was already speaking - the same person who had contacted Terminal earlier, one 'Jay Kane.'

"Hey T-man! I think I got a name. Listen carefully, it's six, S, L, Y, B, O, Y, six! All lowercase, no spaces! I saw it on it's back but there were-"

Terminal immediately reached out to the holographic screen with one of their vaguely-almost-a-hand shaped extremities to pull up the Remote Superstructure Network access feature. They could use the Modkit at-will as long as the target was within line-of-sight, but if all Terminal had was a name a remote link to the GSN was necessary. As they began entering the registry name, Terminal briefly glanced at the second message they had received - also from Jay Kane apparently, but it was a simple text message. Of interest was the system message declaring that more than a thousand variants of that same message had been received from the same node before the system had automatically added it to the exclusion filter.

Terminal finished entering the registry date and punched the execute button before turning their full attention to the message itself.

This is an automated notification to inform you that I, Jay Kane, have either been impersonated or that my identity has been falsely used by another entity while in contact with you. Disregard any information you may have obtained from them; to be treated as toxic.

Without any fuss or fanfair, Jane Kane vanished into thin air, disappearing from Guild City.

For a brief moment from his perspective, he experienced the Zero-Void in its raw form. A pure absence of potential where constructs such as space and time lost meaning - his senses rendered null, his body rendered transient and the only evidence of his own being within his thoughts. Isolated and without stimulus of any kind, save its own idle and dread machinations as they might attempt to make sense of fractal emptiness beyond the reckoning of mere vacuum.

A brief moment. A brief moment in which time did not exist. For all Jay Kane might have known, he had been gone for a hundred Kalpa. His mind in the interim period had not the presence nor capacity to ascertain or accurately discern the gap.

He reappeared a single instant later within one of the central Sector Hubs for Casual.

His wrist console then beeped, and informed him that its messaging system had just been indefinitely blocked by the Guild Messaging System for spamming.

Terminal, in the meantime, was already bringing up the contact information for the node that had been used by the first 'Jay Kane' to contact them. The call had come from, of all things, a portable, wireless payphone. Not even a payphone registered as being an anachronistic prop, but some kind of construct that had been networked seamlessly with the GSN, as if Mahz himself had made it.

That had its benefits, of course. As inexplicable as its presence was, the K-Bot perpetrator that had just used it in order to fool Terminal into using the Modkit on Jay Kane had, perhaps unwittingly, submitted its own registry data to the GNS. Terminal could not actually ascertain whether or not it was a new K-Bot variant designed for subterfuge - it had demonstrated remarkably heightened autonomy relative to any other variant so far encountered, and the 'payphone' it had conjured was leaps and bounds more sophisticated than anything else they had fielded - or else a tremendous idiot who had substituted somebody else's name for their own for no good reason whatsoever. The circumstances were highly suspect, to say the least, and it was incredibly convenient that the surveillance feeds for the Casual Sector Bridge had gone down just at that moment. There was no way to visually confirm the identity of the payphone's user.

The problem was the cost. On one hand, this whole thing had been some kind of stupid prank, and the Modkit could still be used without issue on the L-Kbot once its actual registry was obtained. On the other hand, this had been a carefully planned and executed probe by the Kbots to test the Guild's defenses - and they had just tricked Terminal into neutralizing a defender - and no future calls from that Sector could be trusted.

It was not a dilemma Terminal spent much time thinking over. The same hub they had just sent Jay Kane to still had functional surveillance feeds, after all. They accessed the override pane on the holographic screen and overclocked the Modkit for immediate reuse.

Without any fuss or fanfair, Lucius Cypher vanished into thin air, disappearing from Guild City. The blade Kirin had been using in place of her own blinked out of existence without warning. The bricks of semtex Lucius Cypher had rendered from their mass on the underside of the bridge ceased to exist. They experienced the exact same thing Jay Kane had, and wound up in the exact same Sector hub afterwards.

"Never do these imbecile children cease to test my patience." Terminal fumed as they watched Lucius Cypher reappear in the Casual Sector Hub via the surveillance feed on the holographic screen.

It was then that the next artillery shell arrived. This time, the tower was unable to take on the full strain of the shock that reverberated through its structure. With the sound of a hundred trains derailing, the central tower of Roleplaying Discussion collapsed, falling in upon its foundation while listing to the side. A tumultuous cloud of debris and ashes was thrown up, starting to spread and blanket the whole of the Sector in a dark shroud.

Now buried under tens of thousands of tons of concrete and steel, Terminal shuddered. Their claylike body was unmarred and unperturbed by the pressure and weight resting upon it. The holographic screen flickered back into existence, and when Terminal reached for the Modkit pane a small pop-up notified them that the Modkit option was not available due to having recently been overclocked.

With a certain sluggishness Terminal began to move - their club-like arms scooping through the wreckage and earth, shifting stone and metal effortlessly while dragging their body forward.

"Make a note." Terminal's heavily synthesized voice uttered in the darkness, largely muffled on account of being surrounded by shattered concrete rubble. "Let it be known, when I get out of here, I am going to use Lucius Cypher's body for paving stones in a public restroom."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Guess Who
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Guess Who The Nameless Writer

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Guess Who | The Casual Interest Checks

Wind, shouting, and gunfire. That was all he could hear. Guess Who looked out the window of a building that stood across from the bridge that seemed to be where the heart of the battle raged. Wrecked shells of K-Bots littered the ground as other residents of Guild City fought off the horde. Unslinging his rifle from his shoulder, he began to fire a hail of pulse fire in their direction. Guess knew he wasn't close enough to really do much damage, but he figured that he could at least distract some of them and take the pressure off his fellow citizens.

What the nameless warrior didn't expect was for him to draw as much attention as he did. Suddenly, several Long-Range Variant K-Bots opened fire on his position, their shots taking out the staircase above and below him and leaving him with only one way out. "Thank God for awnings," were the last words he said, before diving out the window and using the canopies above each window to slow his descent. It still wouldn't have been enough to allow him to survive if not for his armor though, reminding Guess yet again how much he really needed to thank the Irish Tree.

Replacing his gun with his sword, Guess Who pulled out his bastard sword and charged at the nearest enemy he saw, one of the several Long-Range Variants that had forced him to move from his previous position. The tip of the blade slid easily through his targets visual receptors before he pulled out the handgun holstered to his leg and aimed at the now vulnerable internal systems. "Open wide."
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