@BCTheEntity I considered doing that, but then I decided to just make the Reach a mobile Fortress-Homeworld instead. 

Sorry for the inconvenience caused, I think Sevrah will have to be IInd legion'd.
<Snipped quote by @Roosan>
Unless you do actually want to drop out for reasons other than technical difficulties, I think you'll be fine just putting him on hiatus and slithering back into action when everyone least expects it. We may not even have finished getting everyone to Ullanor this time next month.
@BCTheEntityI'm a bit lost on what to do really, considering I need at least someone else on Ullanor to do something/respond to me before I feel like I'm ready to make a decent post.
maybe a million stormboyz landed on you for an airborne jetpack fight before you could get a reply.
I'm around. And also probably the culprit of Clocks woes.