Name: Miss Hudson
Birthplace: DewFoot Valley
Government: Consensus direct democracy
Races: All Hobbit Races (Halfings, Gnomes, Yordles, etc.), Pacifist Humans
Religion: Hobbit Deities, Peace Deities
History: Dewfoot Valley is a minor isolated democracy country created by older hobbit races societies 200 years ago to gather small races (and some chosen humans) in one isolated place supported by natural barriers which make potential conquest coming from aggresors far harder then it should be in normal case.
Most ancestors of current residents come from main 6 fractions: LightFoot Halfings which traveled to the place and decided to stop their nomadic lifestyle and build homes in Dewfoot Valley, Svirneblin which decided to mix living underground and on surface to avoid as much as possible drow and underground orc societies while trying to keep their culture intact and learn surface cultures at the same time, Rock Gnomes which tried to find some sort of peaceful land in which they could cultivate their carefree lifestyle without being harrassed by other races which accuse them or their childish behavior and unpredictible movements and actions, Yordles which decided to take up residance with some similar reasons to Rock Gnomes but forced isolation from many slavers made them far more aggresive and unpredictible which made them 'poor quality' slaves as they rely on constant positive contact with other Hobbit races to keep their sanity intact, Deep Halfings which were invited by other Small Races to work for them as their main blacksmiths and Tallfellow Halfings to work in all kinds of jobs which are connected to forest environments. All other hobbit races also exist here, but they are a minority (but their opinions are still respected).
Dewfoot Valley inhabitants live mostly in small villages up to 1000 residents and gather together in 5 biggest of them once per three months to gather opinions and vote on every single important matter before possibly implementing them (but 'Big Five' gathering only apply to national laws which affect all races and aren't local) with 3-2 or 4-1 majority voting neccesary to apply them (abstaining is possible, in this case they aren't applied). All local-only laws are voted in direct democracy gatherings every single time when new law is presented as long as at least 100 residents gather in place for voting (otherwise voting is postponed on later date). Village leaders and his assistants are voted once per 3 years. Dewfoot Valley prefer to keep their relationships with his neighbours limited to just trading goods in few extremely well protected trading routes (which limits potential aggresive invasion to minimum) and they are the only ways to gain access to their country. Residents of Dewfoot Valley keep professional army under their wings (number is small, but they are extremely well trained), although once in a while conscription is organized (once per year for all adults) to keep people in fighting shape. Local environment mostly consist of farmlands and meadows (35%), Forests (25%), Lakes and Rivers (10%), Swamps (10%), Mountains (10%) and Desert (10%).
Age: 58
Gender: Female
Race: Human

Mistress Hudson is a person which prefer to wear truly simple and yet somewhat stylish and practical clothing. Most of time she carries simple red long sleeved jacket which cover her whole body except and red cone standard mage hat. The only jewelry she carries on herself are two simple gold earrings and the only make-up she carries is delicate eyeliner and light red lipstick. Her figure is truly slim, which proves that even in her older age she's in top form (health lifestyle do wonders :D).
CantripologistIn other words Cantripologist mages are type of casters which mostly specialize in using extremely low level spells and they mostly work in support and distraction roles. Most offensive spells are mostly aimed towards knocking or distracting targets instead of hurting them. Many cantripologist mages are mostly users which want to be true masters of basics, truly understand most basic and primitive magic or are self-proclaimed pacifists or are just good natured people. They are also living proofs that even most simple spells may easily turn the side in the battles of mages.
Techniques: Spells casted by cantrilopogists are called cantrips (in D&D terms they are level-0 spells from all classes, the number is up for discussion) and they memorize them instead of learning or casting them straight up from the book like wizards.
Skills: Miss Hudson is extremely skilled housewive, capable of all kinds of house based works. Also as a traveler she knows how to camp in all kinds of environment and know most possible survival tricks. She's also shockingly skilled in self-defense hand-to-hand moves, which no one expects analyzing her appeareance. She resorts to violence only in most dangerous situations.
Equipment: Only simple house cleaning supplies, standard camping set and several books to read as entertainment (mostly for children, she adores them).
Weakness: Good looking men. Taking into account era and her age, it's considered kind of improper, but she can't help it ! She never married, but also had few strong romances on her road of life. Although she hides it really, really well unless someone manage to figure this one out (and may use it against her).
Personality: Miss Hudson is extremely kind, understanding and affectionate person. Some people may consider her slightly naive (but she isn't) because of her philosophy to always try to find positive traits in all people she meets and always give them a chance. As most cantripologists, she despise conflict (but will fight if needed and ESPECIALLY if someone hurts children, this is something she WON'T forgive) and pacifism is her favorite life philosophy. She pretty much never raise her smooth and gentle voice. Her movement is graceful and full of confidence, which for more observant opponents may betray her experience.
Favorite quotes:
"People tend to underestimate what you can do with a dozen Mage Hands." Dralek Tar, Half-Orc Cantripologist
"In skilled hands basic spells are most impressive of them all as pretty much no one expect them to be truly effective." Miss Hudson
"I started from the basics. And I never moved from them as they never dissapointed me." Corlan Goamin, LightFoot Halfing Cantripologist
Miss Hudson since she remembers she loved every single second of her childhood. Her parents tired of being forced into things which they disliked they managed to escape (unfortunately ilnesses collected from slavery finished them off in the long run) from slavery once one of DewFoot Valley neighbours dealt with massive slave uprising. Most of them died, but some of them managed to escape including her family. Since that day she noticed how cruel and unforgiving the world may be for people, which had to deal with opressors controlling their lifes. After that she declared her life towards helping others, which couldn't defend themselves and were too weak for self-defense. Thankfully after her parents death kind family of Rock Gnomes decided to adopt her and show her the way of magic. It truly fascinated her how such force could exist and how unlimited it truly is. But her foster parents showed her the way of cantripologist - the most effective spells aren't those with massive power, but weaker once used in smart way. Basics, basics and again basics, it was all about them. And she understood and loved that philosophy all her life. In teenager years she became the head of her village orphanage and decided to travel around the world helping and adopting (or finding parents) for all orphaned kids, while also act as support mage for some chosen adventurer groups to collect funds as well. She continued that lifestyle for several years while she decided to retire at the age of 54. She never married, but she enjoyed some romances and she kind of needed to admit that she enjoyed that closure (also physical) although to keep her almost saint image (most people that know of Miss Hudson adore her) she keeps this part quiet. Unfortunately after retirement new dangers started to show around DewFoot Valley and some nasty opponents slowly start to work around the magic rune barriers, which may ruin the peace of DewFoot Valley. Her main concern right now is to find allies and fight those people off.