Name: Kiralla Lima
Race: Breton/Redguard
Family Origins: Born in Jehanna, High Rock. Mother is a Breton Kynareth Priestess named Marie Lima. Her Father is a Redguard Merchant named Anwar Lima. One older brother, Abdul Lima who took to the family business.
Age: 31
Appearance: Kiralla stands back straight at 5'5. Smooth black hair that reaches a length below her shoulders, she often ties it off the side of her head. Small green eyes that can stare down the arrogant and console the lost. A couple scars on the left side of her face, one on her cheekbone while another just under her lip. While her hands are covered in scars and nicks of varying shades. Her calves and legs are well toned with muscle, after years of adventuring and walking through deep snow drifts in Northern Skyrim.

Equipment: Old Staff of Flames, Steel Dagger, Leather Gauntlets, Leather Boots, College Robes, a silver ruby family ring that she wears on her right hand, it is enchanted with restoration buff. A leather book bag - with enough space for a couple books including her thick leafed journal, pencils and a small knife to sharpen. A snow fox fur blanket, belt pouches storing gold and soul gems.
Miscellaneous:X1 Waterskin
X3 Red Apples
Scroll of Detect Dead
x2 Common Soul Gems (Filled)
x1 Greater Soul Gem (Empty)
x1 Grand Soul Gem (empty)
Favoured Skills:Highly ProficientConjurationYears spent learning and exploring her abilities at the College has elevated her abilities to that of an Expert. Her most used spells are Summoning Fire, Frost and Storm Atronachs, Dread Zombie, and Soul Trap.
Moderately ProficientDestructionRelies on Destruction magic to back up her Atronachs attacks using primarily Ice Spike and Lightning Bolt.
AlterationMaking distinct use of spells like Candlelight and Magelight for everyday lighting solutions. However during a fight she retreats allowing her Atronachs to fight she uses Ironflesh as mage armour while relying on on Detect Life to give herself strategic advantage.
Somewhat ProficientRestoration The first school of magic she learned although the least interesting one as far as Kiralla is concerned. Able to perform Fast Healing on herself and Healing Hands, her patients however always complain of her rough hands.
SpeechcraftKiralla had picked up on some minor bargaining skills from her merchant family, mixed with the tutoring she received to control her stutter. Kiralla has the ability to speak clearly and consistently but chooses not to.
EnchantmentExperimentation with soul gems led to her interest in enchantment. She likes to experiment on what soul gems are the most effective for jewellery, weapons, and armour. Often scrounging such items solely to experiment with them.
Crime Committed: Out-dated travel papers.
Character Background:Born to a Breton mother and Redguard father her family and childhood consisted of a decent mix of both cultures. Her father is a successful fish merchant having built a business off generations of Lima Family work. While her mother a deeply spiritual woman being a priestess for the sky goddess Kynareth. Her older brother, Abdul was designated to carry on the family business.
Kiralla was born a few years younger than Abdul. She had been arranged to marry into another merchant family, the Cox, before she was born. As a child she had no patience to speak for despite being tutored and earning early childhood education through her mother. Thanks to her early exposure to magic Marie had tirelessly steered Kiralla toward the school of restoration. Despite Marie's best intentions Kiralla did not inherit her gentle hands and patience for the craft.
At the age of 16 Kiralla was married to a young Breton man named Quyan Cox, the eldest son. Both families were excited for their union while the bride and groom were beset with unease. Kiralla enjoyed spending time with Quyan, he had proven to be strong and had a decent head on his shoulders. Within the first few months Kiralla still waited for butterflies to flutter at the sight of her husband, she wished every night before she went to sleep that she would be blessed with the love bards sang of. Her feelings for Quyan never pushed past fondness. Her hope was a child would fix her feelings, she faced disappointment for every time they tried Kiralla failed to conceive. Six months passed, it strained their relationship heavily, tonics nor healers could help. With no child the Cox's decided to annul the marriage and move on, Kiralla solely shouldered the blame for the failure.
Kiralla convinced her parents to set up another arranged marriage in hopes to prove that she could conceive, having convinced herself it was merely just the wrong time and wrong person. Reluctantly the Lima's sought out another match in the Tobias family. Kaden Tobias was born second in line, charming and handsome to boot. Within weeks Kiralla was married again. The terms of the marriage were shaky at best, leaving loopholes for the Tobias' to take advantage of in case Kiralla still could not conceive. Kiralla still struggled with her lack of attraction but determined to make this second chance work. When the marriage and ceremonies were completed did Kaden show his true colours. Kaden all but forced himself on her every chance he had. He hurt her and shattered what little confidence she had to begin with. The shame stacked on her shoulders growing desperate in hopes that a child would protect her from Kaden's abusive hands. 7 brutal months passed resulting in again no conception. The Tobias' retreated through a loophole to divorce the pair. After the papers were signed did Kiralla finally tell her family what Kaden had done to her. Her family gave up all notions of marriage again while attempting to press charges against Kaden Tobias for the physical and sexual abuse of their daughter. The Tobias family was protected under the vague conditions of the arranged marriage, which brought Kiralla no justice.
No longer able to bear the burdens of failure she felt she brought her family she struck out on her own on a dangerous journey to Skyrim to join the College of Winterhold, with only a little knowledge of survival and enough gold to travel out of High Rock. Her family had all but refused to let her go forcing Kiralla to disappear into the night leaving a note in her absence.
With the gold she saved up she joined the company of strangers heading to Skyrim. The travellers were kind and experienced merchants and adventurers. The following week she travelled out of High Rock had been the best days she had for over a year. They taught her great tips and tricks of survival by day and as they rested by campfires at night they filled her with stories of the world outside of High Rock. They inspired her with hope. Once they hit Skyrim’s border the little group split and went their separate ways the next leg of her trip proved to be harrowing against the harsh elements of northern Skyrim. It took her weeks to reach Winterhold often being trapped by blizzards or slowed substantially by poor footing in deep snow.
One night she found herself trapped in a cave with nothing but her empty rucksack, no food, no light. The fight for survival had withered away as she crawled deeper into the cave, hoping to die away from the howl of the wind. Stumbling upon the bones of a dead adventurer and an old Staff of Flames with only enough charge left for a few small sparks. Gathering as much dry material as she could to build a fire, with enough cursing did it start. The small fire helped her through the long night, fighting off the chill of hypothermia and frostbite. To this day she carries the staff as a good luck charm, despite it’s age, constant need to be fixed, and poor ability to hold a charge she took it everywhere.
Finally arriving to the College of Winterhold she all but collapsed in the road. It took a good week of recovery while she spent it in the local inn. Quietly she cried feeling a cathartic release of the guilt that strangled her heart. Her past was past. When she felt she was ready, Kiralla joined the student body at the College heading straight into destruction lessons. Her first few months were jumping from one school of magic to another but finally she settled on conjuration when the subject of soul gems caught her attention and held it.
While moving up the ranks of expertise Kiralla met another apprentice that made her heart flutter and her words scramble faster within every heartbeat. A willowy Dunmer woman named Nephelle. They grew to become close friends and eventually lovers, Kiralla opening up in ways she never thought she was capable of. There was little Nephelle and Kiralla didn’t share, Nephelle naturally being the first person Kiralla went to with her ideas and discoveries. As they grew older their relationship’s flame burned low and returned to friendship coming to a natural parting of ways. They keep in contact years later while they separately explored the world and their own research.
Kiralla took many trips outside of Winterhold. She explored northern Skyrim ferreting out vampire covens, bandits, and dark mages. She made decent coin working with the Jarl to remove the various threats, the real reward was often finding and filling soul gems with the strong souls. Conducting “field research” trips and taking conjuration apprentices along with her. The danger and thrill of the work being reward enough for the students. It often resulted in bolstering their confidence while testing their mettle.
She researched and pushed the envelope of understanding of soul gems aiming to make gems reusable by mortal means without making deals with the Daedra.
Throughout the 14 years spent mainly at the College and within Skyrim, she did travel back to High Rock twice a year to see her family. Having time to work through her previous guilt over the failures of marriage now understanding it was simply not meant to be. Through her hardships away from home and her family she learned true independence. Her family noting she had returned a completely different person.
Currently, Kiralla has returned home to High Rock In hopes she could publish her current research. Bolstering her contacts across the province and garner support. On her way from Wayrest to Shornhelm, she stopped in Meir Thorvale to restock.
Fighting Style: Always conjures an Fire Atronach first and foremost then puts distance between herself and her enemies. Relies heavily on her Atronachs while she retreats to apply magic armour then returns shortly thereafter to throw destruction spells quickly to end the fight. When caught in a corner she’ll summon a Storm Atronach despite the consequences of it’s Chain Lightning attacks. Often pragmatic while in a fight, though much like all mages who exhaust their magicka she is no stranger to running like hell.
Personality: Once a reserved child meaning to take after her mother, Kiralla was pushed further into reservation when her marriage arrangements failed to conceive children.
Her speech impediment manifested as a stutter, proper speech tutoring helped her control it to a degree but she would stumble over her words when flustered or angry. Self conscious throughout her childhood of the stutter, despite the control it exhausted her to constantly watch her words and speech. It wasn't until well into adulthood did she finally learn to accept it.
Until the moment she was fighting for her survival in Skyrim’s harsh wilderness did she truly start to grow. Emerging from those trials as a different person, shedding her shame and guilt like a snake sheds it’s skin.
Not the friendliest to strangers, Kiralla is often more absorbed with her research writing and sketching in her journal. In her travels through Skyrim she never picked up basic horse riding skills always prefers to walk.
Although her success and failures in love Kiralla is shamelessly quick to develop crushes and just as quick to get over it.
Despite her pragmatic approach to fights she insists on naming her atronachs, i.e Cindy, Snowflake and Furgur Blitzcloud. She would argue it helps her to connect to the spirits to ensure a stronger connection of control when honestly it brings her great amusement.
Can hardly stand to eat red meat, sticks to chicken and fish while she eats her weight in fruit and nuts.
Kiralla is a mixed bag of good intentions, confidence and an insatiable research monster. Wizened considerably by her own past experiences. Humble in her acceptance that life still had so much left in store for her.
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