Jonathan Michael O'Malloray
β 23 β25, Octoberβ 6'1"β Guardian I D E O L O G YMike lives by one rule and one rule only, live life to the absolute fullest and letting the rest fall where it may. Mike looks at everything; war, life, friends, even the Spirits themselves as a means to have the biggest "party" with the last call being death itself. Being the youngest of twenty and the only son of a farmers family, Mike has become a sort of protector of women which is odd since he more often than not tends to be a bit of a womanizer himself. Having to grow up fast has put a lot of stress on Mike to be the man he is supposed to be and so Mike has gained an unnatural love of liquor leading him to be a raging alcholic. While it never impedes his duties as a Guardian it does have a rather nasty effect on his social life. B A C K G R O U N DThe story of Jonathan O'Malloray begins much farther back than even the conception of his birth. It begins with Alan O'Malloray living the life of a farmers son deep in the Anatolia wilderness years before the break out war with the Mordrem, a story that begins with true love and settling down to raise a family. Alan married Lillian and began birthing a litter of darling girls. Life for Alan couldn't be better for Alan, that was until the Mordrem attacked. On the eve of Libra's greatest tragadey came the birth of the one thing that Alan dreamed of for so long, his first born son, a son that he names Johnathan Michael.
Spending the first several years of Jonathan's life tending the land life, the war, everything seemed to pass right over the Anatolia farmlands as Alan's gaggle of children grew up strong and tending the fields. By the time Mike reached the age of ten a Mordrem attack forced the family to leave their home that was deep within the newly designated Dark Zone. As the horde of children and their parents trudged along the cold of Anatolia winter Michael learned the most important song of his life, the song that would later show him his role as a Guardian. The Song of the Misty Mountain. A song that speaks on the loss of a home and promise to one day return to it.
At the tender age of eleven Michael's father sent him and the entire O'Malloray brood off to join the ranks of the Oakridge military acadamy to become stronger and give the "softbloods at Oakridge a taste of true Anatolian might". While his sister's went off to become officers, medics, and other various other important pieces of the war effort, Mike and his newly found Spirits took on special training of a Guardian. It became clear that Mike took to combat early on shunning the more fancy equipment for body armor and a slew of knives and axes, the more stabey the better.
But Jonathan's true prowess came not from his strength but from his voice. Jonathan's spirits began truly manafesting in the songs that he sang when he found that his spirits not only aided himself but gave those around him the same amazing effects. Because of the attention his deep Anatolian baroque and haunting melodies Mike quickly became known around Oakridge as Johnny Charisma and as his fame grew so did his ego.
Now on the day of Operation Downfall is set to take place Mike prepares for the biggest party his life has ever known, taking the mission in Doral to see what trouble he can get in to. W A R F A R EOn the basest level Mike is an all out brawler, wearing nothing but the bare minimum of armor and wading out into combat wielding only a series of knives and axes, one in particular having different attachments for a spear, axe and hammer. While in the field he dawns his heavy duty chest plate bare chested wearing cestes on either hand and heavy steel toed combat boots.
The only thing that is not hand to hand related is the microphone and earpieces locked around his neck. Not only do they tie into his comm system but it also amplifies his spirits by projecting his voice beyond natural limitsβ Bua - Holy ] - [ Empower, Frenzy ] - [ Posion, Curse ] Bua generally manifests itself during time great celebration, or when Mike has been drinking too much. It generally clings to songs of merriment and togetherness and as such tends to gravitate to all of those that Mike is close with. Bua generally revels itself as a glowing radiance that often envelopes Mike and his entire party.
βFios - [ Holy ] - [ Protect, Dispel ] - [ Terror, Imperil ]Fios is perhaps the most fickle of Mike's spirits, being a spirit of knowledge it generally shys away from most combative scenarios. It generally gravitates towards songs that speak of knowledge, and often mimics Bua but not as bright.
βEire - [ Holy ] - [ Empower, Protect, Immune ] [ -Exotic Effect ]Eire was Mike's first Spirit and shows itself only during one song, The Song of the Misty Mountain. This is considered Mike's most powerful spirit in the fact that it grants not only himself but all within earshot immunity to the elements as long as he keeps singing. However this also prevents him from doing anything else so within combat.
β Lancer
β Ravager
β Medic
β Lucky