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Heavenly Empire of Yllendthyr
Menel Ndor en'Yllendthyr

Nation Intro
Menel Ndor en'Yllendthyr (Heavenly Empire of Yllendthyr) is an ancient empire ruled by elves. Used to be an isolationist country which then suddenly grew into a major colonial and marine power. In spite of that Yllendthyr is past their prime and with the new century they were stuck with a number of issues. This might change in the future as currently Yllendthyr is undergoing changes and rapid modernization, attempting to reclaim their old spot in the world.

Aside from the mainland of Yllendthyr (darker blue) the Empire has a number of vassals and colonies. For starters they are in personal union with their neighbors, the Galhonore Commonwealth. The two countries are separate entities but they share ruler.
In addition several island states became Yllendthyr's vassals, technically independent yet under the empire's control. Lastly Yllendthyr also took various colonies in the New Continent, albeit some of these declared independents and are no longer under their rule.

Yllendthyr is an ancient culture with roots that can be dated back to what others describe as the ancient times. Elves were the first sentient creatures of Arda, blessed with grace and capabilities to be apex predators. Unlike humans who were struggling against the forces of nature the elves learned to live with it. Consequently they had little incentive to develop beyond the bare necessities. Thousands of years passed and elves still continued their hunter-gatherer lifestyle while humans made kingdoms and empires. Elven perception of time radically differed from that of humans. They were content to live in their isolated forest communities while entire human nations surrounded them. Yet eventually clashes between humans and elves were inevitable. While elves were viciously effective with the advantage of home ground their isolated tribes were met with superior numbers and weapons. For the first time elfkind learned war which had yet unprecedented effect. In the following centuries the humans murdered and displaced countless elves. Untold number of tribes were lost along with their language thus all their culture and history. Some claim these frightening news forced elfkind to develop writing. The fleeing elven tribes banded together with their neighbors and strengthened their relations, forming the first nations. The precursor of Yllendthyr was one of these.

The ancient times continued being painted with bloodshed as the emerging elvish nations fought no holds barred wars of vengeance with the neighboring races. The Sotoa Peninsula was perhaps the most notable, birthing more than a hundred elvish grand tribes. Their success can be attributed to their numbers as well as taming and breeding a mighty mount, the Gryffhn (Griffon). Conquering the skies with their griffon riders the elvish tribes rapidly grew into a menace. Among them Yllwé was the most warlike by far, growing with each spring. As time went on the wars of revenge transformed into rush for conquest. Elvish territories grew and thus the requirement of manpower. Humans were no longer just slain when opportunity was present but turned into their slaves. By the early middle ages the Wstern Sotoa Penisula was dominated by 27 elvish warlords and their enslaved masses.
(To be continued...)

Yllendthyr's governmental structure is rather complex and maybe even confusing for the outsiders. The mainland of Yllendthyr is a federal semi-presidential constitutional monarchy. Their ruler is technically the Ymheodr but effectively it's lead by the Chymanfa (Parlaiment) where the governors and representatives belonging to the 27 states of Yllendthyr meet. Colonial governors and Galhonore's representatives are normally not present in the Chymanfa but they could be summoned if a certain decision involves them. The Ymheodr's role in politics is minimal and save for rare circumstances his presence in the Chymanfa isn't required. His authority is limited by the constitution and his duties are divided to various Wleidyddion (ministers). The Chymanfa is generally led by the Cyntwleidyddion (Prime Minister) although due to his busy schedule it's often taken over by the Fyswleidyddion (Vice Minister). Also it worths noting that the constitution technically allows the Ymheodr to veto nearly any decision in the Chymanfa, albeit none of them lived with this right yet. Another interesting note is that as a federal system each state of Yllendthyr has its own governor with unusual level of independence. Some states switched to entirely republican management and their "governor" is essentially just another representative.

While effectively a vassal to Yllendthyr the Galhonore Commonwealth is still a politically independent body with its own government. Like Yllendthyr it's a constutional monarchy ruled by the same emperor. On the other hand they have their own pairlament and prime minister with an overall semi-republican government. That being said the Chymanfa's decisions in Yllendthyr can bear weight on Galhonore, too. Even though Galhonore's representatives are invited to any decisions involving them their inferior numbers mean they can be generally overruled by Yllendthyr's majority. Other vassals are in a similar situation where they possess their own government yet ultimately subject to Yllendthyr.

Lastly the colonies are split to smaller bodies and lead by a governor each. While the colonial governor is technically just the representative of Yllendthyr and its emperor these territories effectively end up being small kingdoms lead by an influential noble each. Aside from occasionally reporting back to mainland, providing goods and upholding Yllendthyr's empire-wide laws they're otherwise given full reign.

According to the last year's census the country of Yllendthyr has the population of 110,027,188. Majority of them are humans (47%) and then elves (27%) while the remainder are orcs (19%) other races (11%: dwarves, gnomes, trolls and others). Due to their petite nature and massive fertility the fay are counted on a different scale measuring around 92 million within Yllendthyr's mainland alone while the Kingdom of Setra has close to a billion fay inhabitants. As fellow elvish country the Galhonore Commonwealth has similar demographics to Yllendthyr and the population around 42 million (again, not counting the fay).

The population of colonial territories have yet to be accurately measured. Instead the latest census recorded that there are over 10 million Yllendthyr and Galhonore citizens who asked for permanent residency in off-world colonies.

Yllendthyr has an ancient history and culture which allegedly dates back to the birth of the elvish race. What is certain they have many thousand years of music, art, poetry and literature. Such feat became possible through the uniqueness of the old elvish language which used traditions and constant dynamic evolution to preserve culture and history before writing was even invented. Elves live long thus have a different perception of time. This is a blessing mixed with a curse since elves find it difficult to adopt to the rapidly changing post-industrial world. Elves in general are proud and traditional people who often look down on younger races like they would be only children. For over 2000 years now elves are the rulers of the Sotoa Peninsula and for the longest time they forced the other races into subservience and even slavery. This changed after the revolution of 1648 with humans and other races gradually attaining more rights yet overall elves are the only first rate citizens. Yllendthyr also have long feudal traditions with nobles holding most power but with the industrial revolution there's a rapidly growing group of wealthy citizens with increasing influence.

Yllendthyr has a thriving fluid economy based on their domestic products, trade and the resources of the colonies. While still a shadow of their former empire joining the industrial revolution helped Yllendthyr to regain its status as one of the major powers.Physical money is still technically the chief currency in the Empire. Elen are small coins made of mithril, they are the smallest currency. Ithil are made of silver and worth 10 Elen. Anor are made of gold and as the most expensive coin they're worth 10 Ithil. Yet effectively precious metals are almost never used and instead they rely on banknotes which signify a prescribed amount. The biggest is currently the 100 Anor note. Signature of the current Ymheodr and various alchemical procedures are employed to make these banknotes almost impossible to copy.Yllendthyr is gifted with great forests abundant lands thus their agriculture is rather decent. Albeit the growing need for industry and arable lands also lead to rapid deforestation.

Yllendthyr joined late to the industrial revolution yet caught up quick. Ignoring the early and intermediary developments they could import the latest machines to revolutionize their production at breakneck speed. This change can be partially attributed to the rising human influence. Elves live long and less urgent to change. As such in the accelerated world of airships and steam engines humans steadily gain importance. Yet not even human innovations could overcome the traditions. Yllendthyr and its millennia of partnership with alchemists didn't cease. If anything with alchemists chased off by the waves of industrial revolution they appear to have made the empire their last bastion. Alchemy is a precursor to modern science. Instead of rational thinking and free sharing of information the alchemists are a secretive guild-like organization with practices closer to rituals than anything concrete. Alchemists have great influence on Yllendthyr's industry and technology with practically all facilities controlled by them.

Thanks to their efforts Yllendthyr is currently one of the more technologically developed nations in the world. As it turns out elven physiology allows them to understand motion on the instinctual level which in turn makes elves one of the best engineers. This combined with their natural longevity allowed scientists of Yllendthyr to come up with several new inventions in the recent centuries. Flash boilers which scaled down steam engines is one of these, as well as steam cars. The latter is so popular in Yllendthyr that most nobles already own at least one. The age of steam also lead to a rising demand of coal and oil yet Yllendthyr chose an unique approach. Using their agricultural benefits they rely mostly on vegetable oil to power their machines, which overall makes them cleaner. Yllendthyr is also among the pioneers in researching aircrafts, including the utilization of Aetherite. Due to their long standing relationship with alchemy Yllendthyr also have a number of unique developments. These are often hard or even impossible to replicate by foreign nations and have various advantages. Yet the reliance on alchemy also have its drawbacks. Mithril is the best example as it's a light metal with other convenient properties yet it isn't an excuse for Yllendthyr's stubbornness to never utilize the cheaper and in some cases more advantageous iron and steel which ultimately sets back their industry.

Yllendthyr military is nowadays a mixture of many different organizations. Each state and province is allowed to possess their own defense force referred as Drefgiad (Home Guard). Their numbers are limited by law and varies per state. Colonial Drefgiad are generally less numerous while influential states sport the largest armies. While considered self-defense armies their purpose is closer to a military police. When the situation turns dire they can request aid from other states or get support from the Brascad (Common Army). The common army is Yllendthyr's main fighting unit under the Cyngorgad's (War Council) direct control who answer only to the Emperor, the Ministry of Warfare and the Parlaiment. Brascad makes up the majority of Yllendthyr's military and they're armed by the money of taxpayers. Lastly, nobles are mandated to participate in battle and allowed to field their own small armies colloquially referred as Aramegyr (Noble Sword Wielders). These are typically pure-elven fighting forces and unless sufficiently large they focus on only one kind of combat. The quality of noble armies can vary widely depending on the owner's wealth and tastes but they managed to build up the image as elite units.

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