What about Zulu time, Grainy?
AmongHeroes said
What about Zulu time, Grainy?
Dead Cruiser said
Oh, incidentally, Derren, Sethan's Russian amounts to something like "I pleasure myself meeting you."
fantasyfan28 said
@Dot I used google myself so I could make sure that it was authentic. I know that sounds a little absurd considering the content matter but I enjoyed it.I will save you time for future posts, I will always try and make sure that the creatures I use/mention are true to form lol.
Igraine said
It took me waaaaaaaaaay too long to figure out, if you meant ten to four in the morning or at night, four to twelve the same and... If I'm going to be completely honest *mumbles under breath* Wordsmith, I beg of thee. I'm way too easy to confuse of late, so have mercy! XD