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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Haru Nyan
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Haru Nyan T H I C C

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Excusez-moi, @Savonata, I hope you don't mind Harubuki noticing but...Is that...the taste of...

SALT?! Wait, what's that? Shh...Do you hear it?

It's the sound of getting gud, m8. I bet you play on Gentle, scrub. Your scrubbiness is a testament on why you weren't accepted by our despair-inducing GM. I mean seriously, Matchmaker? What kind of stupid talent is that, at least Hagakure was somewhat useful.

Jokes aside, Harubuki hopes we don't meet an untimely demise. We've barely passed the baby phase! At this rate, Harubuki might have to create another OC. And I'm down with that!

Of course, there's the problem with using a talent that you're familiar with but also something that isn't cliched...Also, I see a new member!

@Aquaknight Grab a sprite! (or not!) And jump aboard the Despair Train!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MechonRaptor
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MechonRaptor Recuperated!

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I suppose I'm a bit late to this, aren't I?

But I have to say, I have high hopes for this bunch. After all, the last one I was in, we didn't even make it to full introductions. Though, I suppose I also lost some interest in that as well, and it was a long time ago.

But hey, now I have this place, right? As of this moment, I've only played the first game, and practically watched everything else. As for Dangan Ronpa 3, it looks pretty interesting from the brief glimpse I read about it.
Also, nice Keaton avatar Aquaknight.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Haru Nyan
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Haru Nyan T H I C C

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@MechonRaptormaeda, is...is it wrong that Harubuki totally read that in Bryce Papenbrook's voice?! But seriously, Harubuki totally can't take Nagito serious nowadays because of what the fandom has reduced him to. Also because, Harubuki doesn't really like him that much. Too pretty.
Also why are we only using SDR2 sprites?
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Aquaknight
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Aquaknight Back from the dead!

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Thank you, @MechonRaptor~

And don't mind if I do @Haru Nyan, Choo choo! All aboard the train of dispair!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Haru Nyan
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Haru Nyan T H I C C

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Kyaa! We even have two Junko's! This is Ama-ZING! Out of curiosity @Aquaknight, what Ultimate are you going to be making?
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by MechonRaptor
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MechonRaptor Recuperated!

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Now, don't blame me for what the fans have done to my image @Haru Nyan

Though, looking for sprites wasn't exactly the most enjoyable task with how much... weird things I encountered. Some things were not meant to be seen while on google images.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Aquaknight
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Aquaknight Back from the dead!

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Junko is always amazing. And I'm planning on making an Ultimate (Faint Hearted) Samurai~ Who is almost done as we speak, I just have to give some trivia facts
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Haru Nyan
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Haru Nyan T H I C C

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Harubuki knows what you mean @MechonRaptormaeda. It reminds Harubuki of that one time where they joined an RP with Anthro's (Long story), now if you know the internet and anthro's...

N-Needless to say, Harubuki did not like some of the imagery that they happened across. It certainly was not a good time.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Aquaknight
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Aquaknight Back from the dead!

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Haru Nyan
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Haru Nyan T H I C C

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It's someone you get when Mikan and Peko have an intense passionate night together!
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by MechonRaptor
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MechonRaptor Recuperated!

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That's understandable @Haru Nyan. After all, just searching myself already enters unwanted territory. While it's mainly just simple pictures of me, the surface hides the unpleasant images.

I could just imagine what searching for anthro's would reveal. Such is fate, I suppose...

But hey, at least we have someone who'll hate babies now. It almost fills me with hope...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Haru Nyan
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Haru Nyan T H I C C

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Bu-Bu-Bu-Bu! Such horrors were not meant to be feast on by eyes! At least H.P. Lovecraft just took the easy route and said it was too horrible and terrifying to describe! Such images still haunt my eyes and brain to this day...

Harubuki can understand hating babies...But it's usually the crying. Harubuki is going off on a limb here but, methinks it might just be connected to a plot point later on...

Or I might just be playing paranoid with myself again! Haha! I'm so morose I might as well switch to a Fukawa sprite!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Savo
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Savo Time to go to Hell

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And then I disappeared for a bit to find @Haru Nyanbuki saying my character was trash, as well as I being bad... well...

The only thing I hear are wails of despair; telling me to git gud when you can't even get past the first trial on gentle? Did that strategy guide you look up help you Harubiki?! Can't figure out the cases yourself without something holding your hand, pah! And you have the audacity to claim MY character is useless, pah! Your character makes clothes! What is she gonna do, prick us to death with her needles? Oooh, I know, she's going to randomly accuse people who don't fit her fashion statement! Seriously, at least Joseph can match other things besides people.

Anyways, on the topic of things, I can't exactly choose between either talking about the samurai or speak about the pictures...

I think I'll go with the former, considering what I know about those pictures... ugh...

Anyways, the trivia might actually point towards his dark secret... heck, even the likes and dislikes, along with personality could hint at it...
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Haru Nyan
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Haru Nyan T H I C C

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Jeez, I can taste the salt from over here, @Savonata. I can't believe you're the type of person who goes around picking on little kids just to satisfy their deranged perverted fantasies. I bet you're the kind of guy who gets salty because he wasn't as popular as the other kids back in elementary school. Did Mama not love you enough? Or is it just because you're a Reserve Course student with no talent at all?

Seriously, I don't get paid enough to trashtalk these losers! Also, bitch I might just do that. Thnx for the suggestions.
Call it a little cliche', but isn't that what Dangan RuPaul's Drag Race is all about? Thinly-veiled anime cliche's as characters that's it's almost entertaining to watch them die because of how horribly cliche'd some of them are? Like Hagakure for example! Also, I didn't know we had another newbie join our ranks.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by MechonRaptor
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MechonRaptor Recuperated!

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Wow, this got kinda rude real fast. For the both of you too... Don't get me wrong, I see Savo's point fairly well, but I mean, each character technically has a way to kill each other, or at the very least benefit them if they are the murderer. Lets look at the bigger picture here.

Rio could probably slice someone's throat, or stitch up wounds to confuse where the real death blow is. Rose could easily act like she isn't the killer. Kiragi knows how to repair people and knows where a deadly strike would need to take place. Cynthia probably could poison food. Joseph and Acute...

Idk, maybe kill them with love and language? You got me there... More Acute than Joseph. I'm sorry Slimerz!
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Haru Nyan
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Haru Nyan T H I C C

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While I am tempted to go all goo-goo-ga-ga because Mahiru and for the sake of being in-character, I won't do that.

Just 'cuz. Also, I like the way you think, I didn't really think about it that way, now you've got me thinking about hypothetical scenario's where each OC is the killer. Fufufu...

I'm also tempted to call Savonata out again because even you couldn't think up of a way of how he'd cover-up his crime. Although, words are pretty strong, I'll admit.

Maybe guilt-trip them into submission? Ha!

Submission! What an innocently-dirty word!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by aeuternus
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aeuternus 𝓛𝓋𝓇𝓀𝑒𝓇

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I'm not too late to the party am I? I joined just for this, seems to have a lot of potential. If it's okay I'll try and make a CS within a couple hours? (Side note but the way y'all talk with the sprites made my day oops).
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Haru Nyan
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Haru Nyan T H I C C

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Sure @aeuternus! We're always happy to have more people join in on the despair!

Maybe later we can...

Mock Savonata for how boring and plain he is. Just kidding, Savo pls don't kill me, I'm too young.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zenphilvian
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@UnknownScarlet4 Excuse me, I should have clarified in the rules, but you do need to post the character in the OOC first so that I can approve it. I'm glad for your interest, though.

@Savo You are approved,and @Aquaknight You are approved. Sorry that took me so long.
Please no serious fights, everyone can murder someone, I mean, Yamada the fanfic writer killed someone. Leon the baseball player killed someone. Get my drift?

@aeuternus You are not too late.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Haru Nyan
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Haru Nyan T H I C C

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Oh don't worry, @Zenphilvian. Many of the stuff I say is just for shits and giggles, but I won't deny your statement about Mr. Ham Hands v.1.0 and Flaming Hot Cheeto.
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