Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by shagranoz


Member Seen 4 mos ago

Ah, Philadelphia. One of the world's greatest cities. A place where blue-collar workers just go about their days, with no idea of what goes on right under their noses.

The Red and White Courts are having their usual turf skirmishes, as they have for ages past. Ditto the Summer and Winter Courts, though right now, the city is fairly well held by Winter. Minor practitioners are just trying to keep their heads down, hoping to avoid the crossfire, while the White Council is keeping an increasingly nervous eye on the situation. Though it all, a new name has arisen, a name that is starting to strike fear in the hearts of the supernatural community: Black Jenny.

So, this is going to be a Dresden Files roleplay. We will be playing in an AU around the same time frame as Storm Front. That way, there's no need to be concerned about canon. Since it's here, it's pretty obvious we will indeed be using the tabletop system. Here's the link.


For more info on mechanics and character creation, please see my mechanics co-GM, @Blue Demon. @KiltmanBagz will be my story co-GM, helping build the world. I will be overall GM, making sure the two sides cooperate properly and that we all have a blast.

What I expect from you guys is simple:

No fighting in the OOC.
No godmodding, metagaming, yadda yadda yadda.
GM and co-GMs are the holy trinity. What we sez, goes.
Last, and by far the most important, HAVE FUN!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Meiyuki
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Meiyuki I eat cute things

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What's the procedure for CS? Would you prefer them PM'd to you and the CO-GMs or should I drop my application here?
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Blue Demon
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Blue Demon

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There are these links to downloadable pdf versions of the character sheets. (For easier reference)
City and Character Sheets
Shapeshifter Character Sheet
Hunger Stress Character Sheet (For you vampires)
Spellcasting Record Sheet

If you follow this link there are more links (I know right?) that give you the run down on some things in the Fate systems work. Such as combat, spell casting, character creation, and a Q&A. Of course if you don't feel like reading lots, you can direct some of your questions towards me.

Also, If you need resources to help you with your magic, here are a bunch more links.
A Wiki on Magic in the Books
Magic in DFRPG, Part One; Two; Three; Four; Five; and Six
Supernatural Powers Ideas

And you'll probably want the Reference Sheets. They are very, very handy. I can't live without them for a Dresden Files game.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Meiyuki
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Meiyuki I eat cute things

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@Blue Demon What's our starting refresh/skills?
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Blue Demon
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Blue Demon

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Blue Demon What's our starting refresh/skills?

I'm currently in talks with the GM about that at the moment. I'd say until she/he gets back to me leave off that and work on everything else in the meantime. (The concept, trouble, phases, etc)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Meiyuki
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Meiyuki I eat cute things

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<Snipped quote by Meiyuki>
I'm currently in talks with the GM about that at the moment. I'd say until she/he gets back to me leave off that and work on everything else in the meantime. (The concept, trouble, phases, etc)

-Salutes- Sure thing boss.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Blue Demon
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Blue Demon

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@MeiyukiAlright. The GM got back to me and characters are at the "Feet-in-the-Water". This is minor talent level. Refer to page 53 for how many refresh and skill points you'll receive for this level.

@Everyone, If you need help working the character sheets don't be afraid to PM me. I'll work on throwing up one of my old ones you can use as an example/guideline.
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Blue Demon
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Blue Demon

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Whew. Got all those done. *wipes brow*
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Meiyuki
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Meiyuki I eat cute things

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

How's that look?

Edited: Traded Thaumaturgy for Ritual, and selected tracking and locating spells as the focus.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Blue Demon
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Blue Demon

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@MeiyukiSo far everything looks like it's coming together. Just a few items.

The Sorcerer build isn't available until you hit "Up to Your Waist". You only have the minor talent option at "Feet in the Water". You'd have to hit up our lovely GM if you want to build a Sorcerer at this point. If not, you'll have to work up to it. I cannot make that call.

Your "Skill Points Spent" is 20. (My example sheet probably made that less than clear because it was a mid-campaign sheet. I've bumped it back down to what you'd see at the start. I apologize for any confusion I caused.)

I'd advise you to use the Spell Casting Template when you get there for sake of convenience since you don't already have it added on.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Meiyuki
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Meiyuki I eat cute things

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@Blue Demon Ah! Glazed over the part where it mentioned not going below 1. Maybe I'll kick Thaumaturgy down to Ritual, and go for the minor talent.

Either way, editing.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Blue Demon
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Blue Demon

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It didn't actually mention that you cannot use the build when you're only "Feet in the Water" where the builds are but earlier when it was talking about power levels (talk about confusing.) So I'm not surprised you tried.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by malmshodes
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I'm really looking forward to doing this, but to be honest I've never actually done something like this. I'm looking at the link to the manual as we speak, but there's so much. Could someone maybe give me a hint on where to start? Please?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by malmshodes
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Member Seen 17 days ago

I'm really looking forward to doing this, but to be honest I've never actually done something like this. I'm looking at the link to the manual as we speak, but there's so much. Could someone maybe give me a hint on where to start? Please?
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Blue Demon
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Blue Demon

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@malmshodesWell, you could probably skip over all the city building information. But you'll probably have to read quite a bit of the character creation info in order to know what you're doing. Sorry that there're no quick short cuts.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by malmshodes
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@malmshodesWell, you could probably skip over all the city building information. But you'll probably have to read quite a bit of the character creation info in order to know what you're doing. Sorry that there're no quick short cuts.

No worries! Actually, that's where I decided to start. So its a good thing to know my instincts aren't too far off track ^.^
Though, I probably won't be able to get a CS up till at least tomorrow as I'm learning all this for the first time! ^.^;
Still, really excited about the rp. So its the books for me :)
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Bourgeoisie
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Blue Demon
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Blue Demon

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@BourgeoisieTime for the nit-picky Co-GM to take over. Yay.

Base Refresh Level: 6
Adjusted Refresh: 1

This is what this area should look like. 1 is your adjusted refresh after all your points have been spent. This determines your fate points (or your free will). You took 5 points worth of Skills, not 4.

Phase Four: (Guest Star: Whose Path Have You Crossed?)
Phase Aspect:
Phase Five: (Guest Star Redux: Who Else’s Path Have You Crossed?)
Phase Aspect:

Typically I'd be all over this, but since we don't have anyone for you to collaborate with (at the moment) I'm willing to let this slide as long as something appears here before the game starts. Because Aspects can literally save your life mid campaign.

Superb (+5): (Skills here)
Number of Slots: (Feet in the Water have 0)

Just to be picky. (Because I can) You can make it look like:

Superb (+5):
Number of Slots: 0

Human Form: You’re a shapeshifter, but when you haven’t shapeshifted, you’re just a normal person.
Cost: +1

I don't see the second half of the requirements for this one. In order to gain the +1 you have to do the following:
Regular Joe/Regular Jane. Specify which of your supernatural abilities (usually most or all of them) are unavailable to you when you’re not shapeshifted into your “powered” form. As long as you specify at least 2 points worth of supernatural powers, you gain back 1 point of refresh for making this choice. If you only have 1 point of supernatural powers affected by this, Human Form is not worth any refresh.
The Rule Book

Physical (Endurance): 3 (6)
Mental (Conviction): 4 (3)
Social (Presence): 3 (4)
Armour (Ect):

You've calculated wrong (Hooray for being the guinea pig). It never explicitly says so, but everyone gets a minimum of 2 in every category. (Don't ask why, it just how it works. And I don't know really. But just go with it) That means unless you put the skill at Good or Great or have other factors such as stunts or powers, nothing changes. Ergo your Stresses should look like this:
Physical (Endurance): 2 (5)
Mental (Conviction): 3 (2)
Social (Presence): 2 (3)
Armour (Ect):

Alright. So. This is probably my error when building the sheets. It's not exactly clear what those numbers mean to most people. Having two sets is probably leaving them scratching their heads. And the GM too, probably. (Because I'm a mechanics master I only know right off hand because I've spent literal hours pouring over Dresden Files character sheets learning all this crap.)

Physical Human (Endurance):
Mental Human(Conviction):
Social Human(Presence):
Armour (Ect):

Your changed code, because I'm nice like that. Just C&P:
Physical Human (Endurance): 2[indent]Changed: 5[/indent]Mental Human(Conviction): 3[indent]Changed: 2[/indent]Social Human(Presence): 2[indent]Changed: 3[/indent]Armour (Ect):

I've now changed the layout on the standard code template also. Also, Just an FYI, damage carries over. If you've been injured as a human you're still injured as a bear. And vice versa. I'd advise you keep track of that to make sure you don't have to take a consequence when you shift (in either direction).

Other than those things it passes what I look at. It's now up to @shagranoz and @KiltmanBagz to give you the final okay.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by shagranoz


Member Seen 4 mos ago

@Bourgeoisie Digging those unbearable puns. He's accepted.

Alright, for those who as aren't familiar with Philly as I am, here's a list of notable places, historical figures, and current people who might be showing up.

Independence Hall, the Liberty Bell, etc.- These should need no introduction.

Valley Forge- George Washington's winter camp of 1777-1778. Famous as the symbol of suffering Colonial soldiers, though truth be told, the Continentals actually endured a worse winter the following year at Morristown, New Jersey.

Veterans Stadium- Dilapidated home of the Phillies and Eagles, scheduled for demolition in a couple of years. Notable for a Nevernever crossing into an ogre camp... and the ogres might be more hospitable than the mortals on the other side!

The Big Five universities: Temple, Villanova, St. Joseph's, Penn, and Drexel. Quality institutions all, but the economics and locales vary vastly between them, from the upper-crust grounds of 'Nova and Penn, to Temple, which is an admittedly well-manicured island in a sea of urban blight.

The Mutter Museum: A small, out of the way collection of medical oddities, often known for being THE creepiest spot in town. Who knows what sort of stuff lurks in their back rooms?

The Camden Aquarium: Actually located across the Delaware River in Camden, New Jersey, this is pretty much one of only two reasons to visit Camden, which is mostly ghetto on the level of Compton or Cabrini Green, with a deserved reputation to match.

The U.S.S. New Jersey- An Iowa Class battleship, The "Big J" is the other main attraction in Camden. In reality, she amazingly managed to serve throughout WWII without a single combat fatality. In this universe, though, she was badly battered at the Battle of the Philippine Sea in '43, and rumors persist of among the supernatural community of many ghosts still wandering her decks, protected from the sea and sun by layers and layers of steel...

Historical Personages: William Penn, founder of Philadelphia and Pennsylvania. Known for his all-around good treatment of the local Delaware Indians, and might have run into some spooks in his days with them.

Benjamin Franklin- Inventor, scientist, statesman, writer, and probably the greatest mind America has ever produced. No way he wasn't in the know.

George Meade and Winfield Scott Hancock- Both Civil War generals, famous for stopping Lee at Gettysburg. Maybe one of them came across something in the travels through the war?

Current Day personages: Mayor Juan Martinez: Philly's first Hispanic Mayor, Martinez is known for his success in turning around the city's poor schools. Unfortunately, the money for that had to come from somewhere, and the police department took some heavy cuts in the process.

Wilhelm Schmidt: The Red Court's top man in town, Schmidt is better-regarded than most vampires due to his somewhat less ruthless ways, though make no mistake, the bat's still dangerous. Just more refined about it.

Michael Skavis: Running local operations for the Whites, Skavis is top dog in the poorer parts of the city. He operates on the typical Skavis theory of "urban decay= free meals".

Antonio "Tiny Tony" Petrucci- in reality, the FBI and local cops teamed up to run the Mob out of Philly throughout the eighties, and barely a peep's been heard out of them in the quarter-century since. In our universe, federal focus on targets in New York, New Jersey and Vegas allowed the Philly branch of the Mafia to survive, though not without a few lumps. Antonio's the current kingpin, having inherited the position when his old man had a heart attack a couple of months ago, but a couple of jackals are looking hungrily at the new lion and all he commands. Some say he's a straight, others that he's clued in, and others still that he has a tiny amount of kinetomancy himself, but nobody's really sure.

Black Jenny: The most mysterious of Philly's power players, Black Jenny's name started showing up a year ago, as the go-to girl for all sorts of nasty ritual implements. Rumors about her true identity abound, but whether she's Black Court, a power-hungry sorceress, or something from the Nevernever, all agree on one thing: those who cross her have a tendency to never be seen again.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by shagranoz


Member Seen 4 mos ago

@Bourgeoisie I can't bear all these puns! Accepted.

working on some background info in a google doc. will be up tonight.
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