Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rin
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Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Probably when I get around to posting a character sheet. ^^;
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Regendorf

Regendorf Unstable

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Sigh...sorry for asking but I'm getting a little anxious...
Signed up for three RP, from which none have the IC post yet.
I just wanna RP already
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Rin has it right, yeah, eh-heh.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rin
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Member Seen 7 hrs ago

• Race Name: Vampire
• Race Description: "Race" is a bit of a misnomer really, as there is no one definition for the various types of vampire. There are many, wildly varied types out there, all with different origins, innate abilities and weaknesses; really, the only thing most vampires have in common is that they need to feed on blood to survive.
• Name: Countess Ysabelle Hajna
• Age: Around 300. Only looks about 12, though.
• Gender: Female
• Race: Vampire
• Appearance: Something like this.
• Profession: Aristocrat. Specifically, she owns the Karstberg bank.

• Personality: Ysabelle can come off as rather smug and arrogant; whilst she isn't the kind of vampire that sees humans as little more than cattle, she still has something of an ego formed from being in a position of nobility for so long. However, she also has a playful, mischievous streak; she can't help but try to mess with people, especially if she thinks it will teach them a valuable lesson in the long run. She tries to act mature and cultured so that people take her seriously, but... She is also easily excitable, quick to annoyance (never really anger, though) and actually almost as childish as her appearance suggests despite her attempts to hide it.

• Equipment/Weapons: Ysabelle does not carry any weapons; her strength and speed are usually enough to handle anyone foolish enough to pick a fight with her, and even then she's more likely just to bribe them with her immense wealth than anything else. She does carry a parasol about, though, and whilst she will occasionally whack annoying people upside the head with it, she primarily uses it to protect herself from the sun's harmful rays.

• Abilities: First and foremost, Countess Hajna is quite possibly one of the richest people in Karstberg, if not the richest. To her, money is no obstacle. She is also rather well read and knowledgable in various subjects, most notably accounting, history and classical literature.
...Oh right, and she's also an immortal creature of the night. Ysabelle is a form of undead vampire, and thus has no heartbeat or pulse, does not need to breath (although she is able to simulate it if needed) and will never physically age past twelve years old; in fact her body regenerates by somehow reversing her personal temporal existence to revert itself back to an uninjured state. Her agility is beyond that of mortal humans, allowing her to move almost quicker than their eyes can follow if she so wishes. She is also much stronger than her appearance would suggest, although she's actually still within human limits (even if she's almost at the peak of them); nothing will ever make up for the fact that she still has the body of a child, after all. Whilst some vampires have associations with bats or wolves, Ysabelle is... Different, having an association with spiders instead. She is able to telepathically communicate with and control spiders, and if she really needs to she can transform into a giant, monstrous spider; she tends to not do this much, as she dislikes the form and no-one seems to be dumb enough to force her to use it as of late.
Of course, all of this power does not come without a price; obviously she needs to feed on blood to live. However, no-one ever said it had to be human blood. She most often drinks the blood of freshly butchered animals, as she has an arrangement with several Karstbergian butchers to provide blood for her; whilst human blood is rather tempting, her personal favourite is actually otter. Whilst sunlight is not fatal to her, exposure to it will cause her to quickly become exhausted and nauseous, and thus she usually prefers to operate either at night or in the shade. She cannot cross running water, may only enter a private residence if invited, and is warded off by faith (specifically not holy symbols; whilst they can be used as a focus for one's faith, she will not be warded off by a faithless person weilding one) and the smell of garlic. Fire, decapitation and a stake through the heart all prove fatal to her, but then again you'd be surpised how many things those are fatal to.

• Brief Backstory: Ysabelle was born not long after Karstberg was originall founded, and her parents were in fact nobility who owned a sizable chunk of land that the city was built on. Unfortunately, when she was twelve years old they were attacked and killed by a feral vampire. This would have been the end of her story (making it tragically and pointlessly short), were it not for the fact that since she was only twelve years old Ysabelle was understandably still a virgin, and thus soon after the vampire had left she rose as one herself. As the only survivor of her family, naturally she inherited their lands, wealth and title, and... Well, here she is, roughly two centuries later and the owner of the Bank of Karstberg. Her life up to this point hasn't been uneventful, but to list everything that happened to her during the many years since she was sired would take up far too much time. She tries her best not to bring too much attention to herself, and thanks to the help of local butchers she is able to keep her, shall we say, dietary needs under control. All in all, her existence and the fact that the owner of the bank is a vampire is common knowledge; the knowledge that said vampire has the body of a twelve year old girl is far less common, and often comes as a surprise to those who have only heard of her.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Accepted! OOC going up shortly!

And here it is!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Grey
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

Just puttin' the finishing touches on this CS draft... Would I post it here or in the OOC?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Post it here. The OOC, for this RP, is being used strictly for OOC discussion. I think it gets confusing if signups are held there too. ^^;
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Grey
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

Alrighty then, here you go:

Name: Thane Cress
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Race: Human

Profession: Courier, though he takes up the occasional odd job
Personality: Despite having only adopted this particular philosophy relatively recently in his life, Thane values personal freedom and holds steadfast in the belief that one should pursue their desires, whatever they may be. The only things not worth it are those you regret, and if you're doing what you truly want, how can you be wrong? As such, Thane's rather quick to forgive and forget, which has caused him grief more times than one. The young redhead's more or less a pleasant young man (or tries his best to be at the very least), willing to listen and give advice while being generally tolerant of others' quirks, though he can be a bit blunt and and abrasive at times. He's also quite bashful, never one to go out of his way to make friends, though he won't brush someone off if they want to talk to him.
  • Messenger Bag: A bag that he uses to carry packages, among other things, around with him. There's also usually an apple in there for snacking.
  • 'The' Hat: A cap that seems to hold some kind of sentimental value due to his insistence on having it on his person at all times... Or maybe he just likes wearing it a lot.
  • Dagger: A 'just-in-case' precaution. Though it's used less (read: almost never) as a weapon and more as a utility item.
  • Abilities:
  • Spatial Distortion Magic
  • Parkour: Thane is extremely proficient in the art of parkour, a skill which is greatly amplified by his choice in magic. His competence in the skill allows him to use his above-average natural agility for a variety of means that all tend to boil down to 'get from A to B as soon as possible'. He mostly uses it to run around the rooftops of Karstberg, usually for leisure or his choice in occupation
  • Close Quarters Combat: Thane possesses general knowledge of basic close quarters combat techniques for the sake of self-defense. Couriers tend to carry valuables after all, and there's definitely more than one person who would choose to exploit that knowledge. However, given the fact his skill set is more or less perfect for getting out of bad situations, this is rarely used. Even less than that previously mentioned dagger, even.
  • Brief Backstory: Throughout many generations, the Cress lineage, an affluent family based in a continent north of Karstberg, has pursued the goal of reaching a magic that can bend space-time to their whims. Jumping between parallel worlds, turning back time, wiping enemies from existence... a rather impossible goal to achieve, but probability be damned! They were gonna get this magic made one way or another, or die trying! Which they did, several times through the generations from ways such as the acceleration of aging turning a bloke into dust, to bisecting oneself while attempting to make a portal to a parallel world, to just plain vanishing, and everything in between.

    Fortunately, Thane's particular branch of the family tree was the one designated with researching the 'space' part of their ancestral thaumaturgy, which was much safer... More or less. Eventually, through his great-grandfather's research, the family was able to create a ritual that could temporarily distort space without some kind of side-effect like explosive decompression or stretching a practitioner's body out like spaghetti. Though it was quite inefficient at first, what with being a ritual and all, after investigating it thoroughly Thane's mother was able to bring about the present, much more practical version of Spatial Distortion.

    And then roughly nine months after a huge celebration dedicated to that achievement, Thane was born. Sure, he never actually got to know his father's identity (there was also a nagging feeling that his mother didn't either...) and his mother pretended he didn't exist by virtue of him being a bastard child, but he managed to live a comfortably ordinary existence. He was content with spending his days staying out of his mother's way, learning life skills and the family magic from his grandfather. Eventually though, Thane would grow to the point where his mother just couldn't ignore that he was there anymore, so she dealt with it by sending her 10-year old son off to Karstberg's own Almagest's Academy of Arcane Arts. And while he was quite young, there was a lot you could do by filling the right pockets and pulling the right strings. The fact that he was technically a specialist in a unique form of magic also helped.

    Academy life was... okay, he supposed. Given the fact that he was a preteen, he wasn't really able to use his free time going out and about the city like he would've wanted to. Rather, he was sent to run errands for the teachers, which was where he discovered the art of parkour and his magic's affinity towards supporting it. Soon enough, he fell into the groove of going to classes and helping out around campus afterwards. Although, one day he asked himself a question that more or less changed the direction he was going in life: 'Why am I doing this?' At first, he was able to answer it with 'Because my family told me to', but at the age of roughly 15, he realized that, 'Hey, I don't want to do this for the rest of my life'. And so, he stupidly told his mother he had no interest in continuing the family research. She, as well as the rest of the family, replied by cutting off the allowance of money allotted to him for tuition and personal use, as well as their support. Unfortunately, despite the fact it seemed a huge weight was taken off his shoulders, Thane still wanted to get through Academy life - didn't want those years already spent there to be a waste after all - so he looked out for ways to make coin. Eventually someone suggested putting his magic and agility to use as a courier. He had always been good with running errands after all, and the rooftops of the city did make for speedy travel. Plus, it's not often you get paid to do what you love.
    And there it is. Hope the image isn't too anachronistic. Looks more like 1900s than 1800s, but at least it isn't jeans and a T-shirt or anything. *shrug*

    ...Now as I look back on the CS, my 'Brief Backstory' isn't as brief as it seemed in the Word doc.
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Yog Sothoth

    Yog Sothoth

    Member Seen 5 yrs ago

    i edited my bio, so is Malkor accepted?
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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    VitaVitaAR King of Knights

    Member Seen 7 hrs ago

    Rin and I will look over all characters tomorrow, she's asleep at the moment.
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sam12435
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    Sam12435 Triggering triggers me

    Member Seen 5 mos ago

    The ooc is up :D
    I am pumped for this
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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    VitaVitaAR King of Knights

    Member Seen 7 hrs ago

    Posting this here as well.
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tatsua Aiisen
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    Tatsua Aiisen The Lewd Maid

    Member Seen 4 yrs ago

    You know, this is really cool.
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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    VitaVitaAR King of Knights

    Member Seen 7 hrs ago

    Thank you, eh-heh.
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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    VitaVitaAR King of Knights

    Member Seen 7 hrs ago

    Here's the IC!

    All bios that haven't gotten a full ruling will get one shortly, once I talk to Rin about them.
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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    VitaVitaAR King of Knights

    Member Seen 7 hrs ago

    @Grey: Accepted.

    @Yog Sothoth: How did he learn such powerful magic as a street thug? Also, um, he seems more like the muscle for hire type then a thief.
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Yog Sothoth

    Yog Sothoth

    Member Seen 5 yrs ago

    VitaVitaAR said
    @Grey: Accepted.@Yog Sothoth: How did he learn such powerful magic as a street thug? Also, um, he seems more like the muscle for hire type then a thief.

    i was thinking that he learned the magic when he became a part of the gang, and the magic is what makes him a good thief. i can add that part to his bio if that is acceptable?
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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    VitaVitaAR King of Knights

    Member Seen 7 hrs ago

    You need to learn spells, how would a street gang know them?
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tatsua Aiisen
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    Tatsua Aiisen The Lewd Maid

    Member Seen 4 yrs ago

    VitaVitaAR said
    You need to learn spells, how would a street gang know them?

    I'm literally lurking your every post to find a moment to make a nani sore joke. I have no life.
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Yog Sothoth

    Yog Sothoth

    Member Seen 5 yrs ago

    VitaVitaAR said
    You need to learn spells, how would a street gang know them?

    the leaders of the gangs know the magic so they teach the members who can learn the magic to make them able to pull off complicated heists. The magic is an aspect of the gang that they have been teaching their members for a long time. Does that make more sense of how he knows the magic.
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